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ANARCHIST SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR UNDERSTANDING GESTAPO SWINE INTBRROGATION MIND GAMES Subtitle: STAYING FREE BY SHUTTING THE FUCK UP! ONER HAROLD H. THOMPSON 1 ‘The primary thought you must have firmly in your rind, keep in your mind's foreroni, when questoned by palce is if they, your police interogalars, possessed a sold, aifight, open and shut case against you they would nat be bothering to question you at al. When you are approached reuse to be questioned end immediately demand an atomey be present to advise you of your consitaiona ight belore any questioning iakes pace. In an ideal wold, ane by ol estabizhed fa, this point al quostoring is supposed to stop but that does not always happen aa “clever” plays ate sed by paleo to got yous voluntoar fot questioning or be fortheoming with information that rarely benefts you, a Suspect bU furthers the goal of thar investigation, Never answer any questions, no matter haw innocent they sound, aller you have invoked your right to an attomey. Do not respord to any "question no matter how fucking tomped oF how harmless. you think it to bel Whan read the, Miranda rights you was told anything you say ean and wil be used agains} you in a court of law and thal is pracisaly what i means! Anything you might say of even a microscepic incriminating nalute will be rterpreted as a malor admission by creative minds which can end wil be used agains! you ‘You can take that fac othe bank Police interrogators arerit your fiends! Der't provide thom with anything to use against you, only provide your basic statistical personal information auch as name, Age, ‘address, birtay and social socurty! They're your enemy i ‘questioning youl Volunteer nothing! Ether you area suspect, fronds or comrades are suspects or they are attempting to gather information to be used against you or ‘your associatas inthe future. Your best inerbats, You as & ‘parson, is the last thing on their minds. Theyte merely performing thoir goverment job. Dont allow yourself to become fighiened or worse stil to be lled into a false ‘sense of securiy. If they assaut you can practice the popular American martial art of Sue" Polly ison to their “4 what you went but | dt do it!" is, in all proba, guilty. THERE ARE AS MANY VARIATIONS _ OF INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES AS THERE ARE COPS! THOSE PREVIOUSLY LISTED ARE MERELY A FEW OF ‘THE MOST POPULAR, THE MOST OFTEN USED ONES. THE BEST ADVICE | CAN GIVE REGARDING POLICE INTERROGATION, IF THE ENEMY PERSIST IN QUESTIONING YOU IN SPiTE OF YOUR REQUEST FOR AN ATTORNEY, IS TO REMAIN SILENT DURING ALL ‘QUESTIONING AND ANSWER NOTHING ASKED! DO NOT OFFER INFORMATION, NO MATTER HOW UNIMPORTANT OR TRIVIAL YOU DEEM IT TO BE, BECAUSE YOU MAY UNBEKNOWNST BE OFFERING UP "THE TIDBIT OF INFORMATION WHICH 1S THE PIECE THAT COMPLETES THE PUZZLE FOR THEM TO. PROSECUTE YOU OR OTHERS! NEVER TRY TO FISH FOR INFORMATION AS POLICE WILL ALWAYS OBTAIN MORE INFORMATION THAN THEY GIVE! ALWAYS! NEVER FORGET IT! PLAIN AND SIMPLE, STAY QUIET, MUTE, AND FREE OR GIVE YOURSELF THE BEST CHANCE TO WIN YOUR CASE IF BROUGHT TO TRIAL BY USING YOUR, RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT | APOLOGIZE TO ALL PIGS EVERYWHERE FOR DEFAMING YOUR SPECIES BUT I AM A PRODUCT OF THE SIXTIES WHEN JACK BOOTED. GESTAPO SNOUTS WITH BADGES WAS CALLED "PIGS? TO, POLICE EVERYWHERE | “APOLOGIZE FOR NOT LEAVING MONEY ON YOUR MOTHER'S NIGHTSTAND WHEN ILEFT BUT | WAS SHORT ON CASH THAT DAY SO GOT AFREEBIE! YOU MAD? WHY? SHE LIKED IT! | WISH ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN STRUGGLE THE BEST OF LUCK! | HOPE | NEVER Si YOU IN HERE WITH ME! CONFUSION TO OUR ENEMIES! STAY SILENT! STAY FREE! THEY WiLL NEVER GET US ALL! 13 finaly got to the point where during one of your weakest momenis, when you was under the extreme pressure, you ‘gave in? ean understand that so tel me about?” Duh! 24,_ With vandalsin, proverty destruction or thett ceases the inierrogator wil alter to coeroe a suspect into {an offer of restiuion which isa clear indalor of uit, The Formal response of an innocent suspect when restitution is ‘mentionad is aloud and clear statement from them they ere rot goina to pay for something they didnot do or steal. The response being fshed for fram a gully person is agreement the agareved individual, party or business should be reimbursed for their loss followed by a. proclamation the Suspect dd not have anything to do with whatever it was Gelaced, destroyed or stolen, The suspect has placed himselfn the postion of appeating tobe a guity dunca! 25. A suspect is often asked if they are wiling to take a ‘polygraph Test? Innocent pooplo almost always age to lake practically any tost immadiaoly to provo thir inpacence. "gully person Is prone to rotuse alle detactor test Immadataly or fd excuses to back out of taking it after ageesing, The truth is few commariias have tis service avalablo as an investigative tool and are using the only resource avaiable, a. skilad, common sense interrogation without aid of electric instiument assistance in their quest to pin the tal on he donkey. Should you agree to take a polvaraph examination 99.9% of th time the ctler to provide the test proves nohing but a smoke screen, abit o ploy to delermine. your willingness to prove your innocence. A ‘savvy person wil press the issue and demand such atestin these Groumslaneas, The back pedaling of the euthosty Figure might even prove amusing to watch fr comic rei in a stressful situation? 25, Pole investigators know, beyond any doubt, the suspect who slates something like “Al righ, | wiltell you 2 games. Remain slant no maiter how long questioning lasts and, dont alow yourself to be wore down wih time, a favoce tactic employed by skiled quesioners. Recogrize ther games and realze thet societal job function isto lock you up to clear a case fle that may result in destucton of your life, making you, your famiy'and loved ones suler, Somelimes for months ard in the worse scenario for years Remain silent. Sooner or later they wil give up questing you altogether. They wil to move on to a weak viled person ‘to manipulate ino prolonged imprisonment ‘There are two logical outcomes to interrogations When questioning is dane you ae free to leave to join amily, fonds or comrades within the movernen, a wiser, songer wiled soldier tested by fre, or you are locked up.'If locked up, and you kept your mouth shut, as soon as possible and ‘he opportunity prosentsitslfaffer you roquast your one allowed pone call han call a bal ering compariy of Your lawyer. Your atomey willbe pleased he'she has a cient who Femained silo and did not give no statement Because of your wise sience your afloriey may be able to perio the ‘magic taught inlaw universiies and coleges of law. Your atiomey may be abla to have the case dismissed in court later due fo the lack of evidence at preliminary heating Ifyou ‘are charged with a crime! If you have fet the need of confession other than to a priest hen forget about tack of evidence dsmissa's. You voluniered so endeavor to enioy ‘your unique incarceration experience, dummy! Should there be other evidence against you (Opps! Forgot my glaves! Fingerprints are Hollywood bull sit ight") by choosing fo remain sient you have expanded your lawyers defense strategy choices which may win your case in cout in tron ‘of a [ury made up of people of average igiorance. Those of you who immediately thought ofthe O.- jury, shame on you! Give up nothing! Give up nobody! Dont let your ‘mouth put ourass in all Relan your rghlst Remember 3 ‘you have the right not to incriminate yourself! Say rating ‘you or your fends wil rogret later in court wale facing ‘Sern faced judge and anal retentve, ‘rale government prosecutor! It you stayed with me fo this int, the folowing wil bbe some shallow, laughable mind games they may Py to play on you with al the intensity of a child examining the fret Insect they oncountor! Remomber the cops talking to you, capling you to bear your soul, cloar your conscionce, ‘make ‘yourselt foo bottor” by toling thom what happaned because they “understand” after you do wil laugh in your face, later in thai locker room how! wit laughter wth each oiher about how uttery naive and gulite you ae, call you an ignoramus and various other things, pat each other and themselves on the back and then pleased wih thelr day's work go hore to screw ther wile, bayfnend or gifiand and kick their dog, or vice versa. [ter the interrogation is over as a just reward for your cooperation with these hardworking publc sorvants ‘who seive and protect the public, you vil be led away to a fity barren call reeking with combined odors of sweat, body waste in quid and sold fom, siale tobacco smoke and hopelessness with dubious characters as your cell males. ‘You may have to fight to. Keep a food tray, a place lo sit or sleep it you aren’ immediately baled o.t, you may discover ‘yoursal in a struggle to retain your shoes, shit or jacket from predatory social prisoners. Remember how you fo your privacy was violated when a bathroom door was Accidentally oponed by another pereon on you at home, fice, workplace, or elsonhere? Wel, prepare yoursell to feral! al privacy expectation when Nature calls and you ‘must answor tho cal in tho sight, prosanco or wihin arm's reach of other hapless people!” You may be forced to leam ‘what it means to iteally and figuratively stand your ground forthe fist ime in your Ife in jal rin prison, You may be 12 ‘contess fo anyting to elfectvely volunter fo become a jal ‘or prison population statist. 21. An interrogator during a questioning session wait sometimes at intervals ask a suspect questions about oer people in_a manner implying correct answers are already known. One such question would be asking how tong you have known John Smith rather than if you knew Jabn Sih, ‘Avoiher ploy consists of prefacing a quastion thal does nt bear diecily an gull or innocence wih an admonishyent 10, think carey belore you answer the next question. I is most commeriy used whle the Interrogator shuffs through papers or while holdng papers, a question is posed and followed by an express of doubt aller you give an answer to whatever queston was asked. This type of questioning is a probe for a siicaion response trom you. Offer nothing ‘whether you think itis already krown or rot and ignore this ‘category of question entirely 22. An interrogator might reler to some nonexistent pioce of incriminating "evidence" fo seo if tho cuspoct wil Attempt to oxplan it away. Ifa suspact doos it suggosts gui fas the guily are concerned about covering their racks and worry about tho police decoverng incriminating avidence inadvertonly overlooked at the erme scene. An Innocent Suspact has no tacks to cover So obviously dees not have {a spacuiate about the discovery of incriminating evidence. 23. A skilled quostioner may ask if a person being ‘questoned has ever “thought” about commiting the offense boing investigated or one similar to It you are clue less. enough to answer such an inquiry your questioner s tkely to ‘show Up in cout to testy about how you bragged or boasted about thinking of commiting the crime! A resounding reply Of "Nol is characteristic response of imocent people. It you allowed yours to sip and answer in the afrmative the hex logical question wil be something ike “Thinking tke that " attempt to place thomeolves at tho scene elthor before or ater a crime has been commited or in close proximity to whore the crime occurred thoroby diving alls into thoit own Cofn at future prosecition. 20. Whan facts of a exime are already known by pole interrogators they wil offen ask about tese known facts in a casual manner as though the facts was not aready known by the authors to ratle a suspect's nerves. and ‘make them more vulnerable to aggressive interogation| techniques. Ths is done in order to create suspicion in suspect others involved have alteady made a conlession, ‘The volatile emotonal mixture of fea, distrust and suspicion has tumed friends, lovers, partners. and family members. against each other. Il injerrogators can it one against ‘anothe fo achieve a confession they will doit wih immense pleasure, wrecking fendships, causing betrayed trust and ‘destroying familes! Your famly, fiends and you are about as impocars to ther as discarded tlel tissue! If you realize is you are Intyeas ahead o fla for presse taco mind games! 'N. demonstrations where there is even the slightest ‘hance of a cop riot try to always to siay close to trusted {ends in case you get swooped up by the cops! Trust them if you ar arrested of you al are rickod! If you are atostod inthe chaos and contusion ofa cop rit, thy wil krow what happened and can got you a ball bondsman or atomey while ‘you aro trucked oft fall It you areal busted then there is ‘morale strength in numbers, you can foo resaureas and all {gt aut of tha can. The old concept oa for one and ono for all Go Io demonstrations and other direct action activities ‘with your trustee tends, “Take only those tiad and true tends you ttustcn all act action eparations! When your ‘2851s om th line thon tis the wrong time to test thelr loyally. Fiaalze the strength of your comrades during questionng, shutthe fuck up, ste any urge to tak, and defintely dont 4 ‘forced to defend your sexually, defend yourself against sential predators of some peopl ara lorcad to ternporarly switch ‘hair sexual preferences becoming bisexual by circumstance to survive incarceraton intact. Yel for help? None is fohcoming except n cases of extreme brutally oF rmuial combative situalons as those who swore to serve and protect usually ium a bind eye to prisaners. II you Confessed 10 police interrogators, aided with the crime investigation efforts, in an ivited effort to prove you'sel intellectually superior to those questioning you stuck your foot in your mouth, you have condemned yoursall with your ‘own words, then you wlnal Hkelinood, not pay the slightest attention 16 the. foloing word of caution. Once booked, fingerprinted and slammed in a coll you should not talk about your ease with thosa around you who may express interost ih why you are lacked up! Each prisoner ling to liston to Your tale of woo isa potential treat of showing up in cour 10 {eoity against you as a jihouse informant oF @ cop put in the call wth you whose sole purpoco was to gain confidence fand coll a confession! You may bea target so realize this fact and shut the fuck up! A classic exampie ofthis is years ‘ago in tha early 1980s, a Stala prisoner in Tennessee named Gary Hartman confdod to @ cell partner, Raymond Frazier, about a murder in which he was involved. Frazier {got with another prisoner, Kenneth King, and they, wih the ald of prison officials, contacted the atomey generals ofce ard. law enforcemsri, collected a $1,000 reward and Harman was convicted and sertenced to death, After @ decade pus on death row Hartman's death sentence was ‘verlumed on appeal and he was sentenced to if in prison ‘Just ike during WW and Wl, loose lips sik ships! Ityou made a statement you may as wel be pleased with your lousy career, life and heath choices since you hhave volunteered for atin, however prolonged or bit in ‘your chosen hel by “cooperating” with polce? Not exacty a Norman Rockwel picture, ist? rofuse to’sugercoat’ this, 5 ‘ceserigton ofa potential fst confiaent experience hoor to save your sansivty or calor to your squeamishress. | ‘would ralner shock you to serious thought by spoaking tut rmolvatad by love for my sincere activist brothers and ‘tors engaged in struggle against the monsters ofthe earth ‘uided by thai hearts and knowledge of what Is right rather than let you find out the paint hard way and bepn 2 rghtmare which wil rob you of your Ife, of your productive years, andthe progress you cculd have made during those forever lost years tothe singge. GESTAPO STYLE TNTKEROGATION, 101 ‘sonsRcr CHRDE: RIOIATHIN FRE Folowing are some of the mind games the police play onthe unwary to exact "voluntary" confessions. Know ‘your enemy well, recognize their games. and the many erations ofthem, as mary and as vatied es personaites of the accused and their nertogators. Your ably to remain free may someday well depend on your strength of character and knowledge ol the laciics used, techniques employed and. psychological pressures. Each one is ela toa areepone om the przon on whom fy 41. The interrogator displays confidence in the quit of the euspect with an ar of "Convinge me atharie?” 2, The questioner ponte out somo, but by no ‘means all, of tho circumstantial evidence indicative of subject's gull Ths isa vatiaton of “I know more than | am ‘saying and you are fucked if your story does not match what know.” More often than not they know zip, nothing, and so 10 futher explanation as it has been pottayed ad nauseam in cheap B-Grade gangster movies for decades, This isa tied and tue, timewom, method of obtaining confessions which few accused shoud logically fall for but many do in the ctiminal world due to distrust of their assocalos. With poltcaly motivated suspacts divida and conquer ploys have much smalor sueceso rato tu ot somtimes 17. Interrogator wil seek admissions of knowledge of a orimo boing invastgated by asking ta suspect knows, Suy" they -ate being questioned. A grevous error Is commited whan a suspect volunteers informatcn of any knowiedge of a cme providing detals which he/she could only possess if that person commited the cima or was resent when it was committed, Admission of such knowledge aids investigation efforts as the inercogator is aware the subject of questioning is ether the perpetrator 0 ‘he crime, was complest nthe commission of tw. crime or is'a wines. Tha bast advice is volunteer nothing and remain mute except for required personal identity, Ifa, Protas of acane oy cre ope @ joque wih questoners, often proving countorproducive to the interest of he accused. 18. ‘The interrogator begins a questioning session by asking a. subject fo relate al halshe knows about tho vigim and other possible suspects leacng up to questions about the actual” incdendotfonseicrime. It ofan proves, alffcut for most subjects of questioning to stop taking once they have started than to never stat taking in to fst place. Paopleanjoy talking and trying to Impress others with what they know en any subject. 19, Silled intortogators wal attempt to obiain

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