STP-Pressure Vs Suction

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Pressurized systems vs Suction Systems


There is basically two fuel delivery systems in existence. Fuel is either

delivered to the customer by a pressure delivery system of by a suction
delivery system.
Much of Europe and North Asia use suction delivery, while most of the
Americas, the Middle East and the South East Asia prefer to use
pressure delivery. The choice is partly historic as oil companies have
tended to stay with systems that they have previously used. The
exception to this may be where climate dictates or where economics
have an influence on the decision.

Suction Systems
The system operates via a suction pump or several suction pumps
installed at each customer re-fueling dispenser causing the pipe-work
system to operate under vacuum.
*Performance and design limitations of suction systems will vary
dependant upon climate (vaporized will cause vapor lock, elevations
and site layout.

Pressurized Systems
The system operates via submersible turbine pump (STP) installed in
the UST (Underground Storage Tank) causing the pipe-work system to
be pressurized.
Suction Systems Characters
• 4-8 pumps are required for each product type.
• If the leak in the line, the non-return valve located under
dispenser will ensure that the products drains back into tank with
little or no loss to environment.
• More pipe work is necessary as each pump generally needs a
dedicated suction line from the tank. It is possible to split suction
lines but this is not good practice, as it results in slow delivery to
customer at busy times.
• A separate pumping unit is required for each grade at each
dispenser. Failure of pump puts only that grade at that dispenser
out of action.

Typical Site Layout for Suction Installation





Tank Sump

Fuel Pump with


UST with STP

Pressurized Systems Characters
• For pressurized systems only required 1-2 pumps for each
product type. Normally 1 pump for each UST.
• Leak in line product will be forced out under pressure resulting in
considerable loss in a short time. For this reason lines need to be
secondarily contained and closely monitored.
• Less pipe work is necessary as lines can be spurred off a single
“ main” feed for each grade.
• Fewer pumping units are required as pump in the UST can supply
a number of dispensers. Failure of that pump isolates that
storage tank and puts that grade out of action at every dispenser
drawing from it.

Typical Site Layout for Pressure Installation





Tank Sump

Fuel dispenser
with sump

UST with STP

Why Pressurized System
• Typically maintenance costs associated with submersible pumps
lower than multiple suction pumps.
• Lower utility costs.
*Lower overall operation cost and improve margin.*
• Lower equipment and installation costs for large locations. It is
business trend to have large location for new gas station to
contain conventional store, maintenance shop, restaurants and
bank to increase net income.
• Higher flow rate more reliably to the customer. More product
sales during peak time with less customer complaints.
* Increase sales income and speed up return of investment*

FE Petro Product Overview
4” submersible turbine pump
•Fix speed 0.75 hp, 1.5 hp and 2 hp
•Variable speed 2 hp and 4 hp

6” high capacity submersible turbine

•3 hp and 5 hp

Mechanical line leak detector

•STP-MLD for gasoline
•STP-MLD-D for diesel & kerosene

Smart controller

Variable Speed – Best Choice for New
Dispenser Technology

▪ Today’s newest dispensers incorporate digital flow

control valves
▪ FE Petro field experience indicates these digital
valves cannot endure the constant stress of fixed
speed pumps that operate over 40 PSI (2.76 bar)
▪ 2HP fixed speed pump – it operates at over 40 PSI
(2.76 bar)
▪ Variable speed remains the best solution for high
volume sites – running pressure is optimized –
ensuring no over-pressurization and the HIGHEST
Horsepower of STP vs Number of Nozzle

< 2hp Pump Flow Rate > 2 hp Pump Flow Rate

# of Nozzles 2HP 2HP 4HP

Open 3/4 HP 1-1/2 HP Fixed Variable Variable

8 6.0 GPM 7.7 GPM 8.7 GPM 9.6 GPM 10.0 GPM

10 5.1 GPM 6.5 GPM 7.6 GPM 8 GPM 9.5 GPM

Improve profits by increasing throughput…

Return on Investment
1.5hp Fixed Speed vs. 2.0hp Variable Speed

For a typical 6 dispenser site layout >

Comparison Item STP 150B VL2 STPVS2 –VL2
List price (Submersible & Controller) $ 1,658.00 $ 2,252.00
Flow per nozzle w/ 10 of 12 nozzles open 6.5 gpm (24.7 lpm) 8.0 gpm (30.4 lpm)
Maximum profit per hour ($.03/L)* $ 444.60 $ 547.20

ROI = ($2,252 - $1,658) / ($547.20 – $444.60) = 5.8 Hrs

* Source: Malaysia (97 unleaded fuel) @ 6% dealer gross margin

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