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A vision is emerging for the New England to become a net

PURPOSE ~ CLEAN, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE exporter of renewable energy. Some $10-20Bn of investment into
commercial renewable energy projects is anticipated in coming
ENERGY & FUEL decades.

Creating a new energy future is arguably the most challenging of

The New Energy Strategy has three core dimensions: the shift to
the technical shifts required for the New England to become a
clean, renewable & sustainable energies & fuels; greatly increasing
sustainable region: transport & energy (stationary electricity, liquid
the efficiency with which energy is used; & reduced energy
& solid fuels) were priority challenges identified in almost every
dependence by reconsidering decisions which have energy
plan, workshop & strategy.
footprints, determining whether or not they are required in the first
Peak oil, peak minerals, affordability, air quality, water security, soil
health, climate change & competing land use are just some of the
Measurement of the Region's energy footprint, and its transition to
challenges driving the shift to new energy from the back.
sustainability, is a strategic initiative in itself since to date so much
of our energy use is not measured, or at least not measured
Energy was ranked as the electorate's second highest priority, with
meaningfully or strategically.
concerns over increasing electricity prices being the single issue
receiving the most number of written responses within the
electorate survey. The linked issue of roads & transport was ranked
the 3rd highest priority ~ 2010 Northern Tablelands Electorate S TRATEGIC Q UESTIONS
Survey – ‘The shape of the future’. • What other current initiatives aren't represented?
• How do we better integrate, collaborate & support across
It's not all challenges though, as the New England also has various initiatives & strategies?
significant natural potential in this regard ~ solar, wind, bio-fuel, • What else do we need to do now?
waste to energy & hydrothermal. NESS is an initiative of

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CURRENT INITIATIVES Council support bulk purchase of
renewable systems for homes,
racks at bus stops, bus service Guyra-
Armidale, reintroduce rail services,
alternative fuels for vehicle fleets, sustainable transport (eg. bikes,
Foster Sustainable & Renewable Public & community transport, regional
renewable stand-alone power, reduce electric), community bike system with
Energy, self-sufficiency in energy & public transport systems, solar cars,
reliance on fossil fuels, racks, plug-in points for electric bikes
water to remain an appealing & invest in walk ways, low to zero
substitute renewable energy & (work, mall), green car spaces for
competitive place, create a solar emission transport corridors,
conserve, bulk purchase of solar hot hybrids, transport infrastructure (rail,
identity by initiating solar panels on commercial fleets to low/zero emission,
water & power by Councils, pilot road, air) to major markets, public
roofs along main street (Bundarra), cycleways to rail & intercity buses,
community wind & solar power transport with regenerative braking,
Farming the Sun, capture methane gas public transport using existing
generators by & for ADC comprehensive bicycle pathway
from landfill to reduce carbon based infrastructure more efficiently walking
system for solar powered & light weight
electricity, Aged care energy paths, bike-trains, intercity buses, air Energy Stakeholder Network,
transport systems & vehicles, increase
efficiency initiatives (Uralla & Guyra), travel competition, better regional Community Citizens Climate Change
use of non carbon fuels in transport,
Uralla Roof Top spaces power initiative, transport & importance of access to Committees, Establish New England
adequate regional transport systems
aged care upgrade with solar energy Sydney/Brisbane, more regional air Renewable Energy Precinct Advisory
to reduce fossil fuel use, sustainable
(Guyra), renewable energy education services (eg Armidale-Brisbane) & Committee, Rural Greenhouse Gas
regional transport – bike, rail, bus,
& information campaign, Sustainability more competition, better coordinate Abatement Research Centre, establish
walkways, better coordinate &
Advantage Program (Armidale), work access to transport services, support an Energy Task Group, establish long-
promote buses, establish cycle ways
on wind industry strategy with SNEVA & inland Melbourne - Brisbane rail, cycle term commitment to local energy,
within & between communities
NEWGA, businesses own solar energy, & pedestrian trails (under highway, eg. carbon & biodiversity trading
generate own electricity, use bio- Queen Street), improve reliability of Efficiency, community education round Going Beyond BASIX, building smart
diesel, bio-diesel production, generate regional air transport services, better energy efficiency, water & energy sustainable housing (water tanks,
power for Council, solar & wind bus transport & taxi service to train building efficiency - low carbon place, skylights, solar panels, awareness of
generation, using carbon markets, (Walcha), consider cost & benefits of community education program on colours for heat), retrofit houses &
promote & support genuine ‘Green longer runway, reopen & develop rail efficiency & climate change, council buildings, improve sustainability
Power’ & expand its availability, lines for both passenger & freight, fuel investigate innovative community requirements for local buildings,
combined heat & power tri-gen for efficient aircraft, coordinate off-track water & energy, demonstrate simple upgrade BASIX energy efficient
Hospital, community owned renewable transport between accommodation & easy sustainable practices to save on standards in new developments &
power company, diversify sources - major access points (eg. Bush Limo), electricity, simple things like putting existing houses, solar hot water & water
solar, wind, geothermal, gas, biomass, car pooling, walkways, bike paths & more clothes on rather than extra tanks in all homes, passive heating & NESS is an initiative of

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heating, turn off fans & computers, cooling for homes, target replacing investigate feasibility of Grid quota & cost levels to energy use,
retrofitting, Walking School Bus, Council electric hot water systems, address connected Solar Panels at incentives for low/zero emission cars,
create a highly visible demonstration trend of building large unaffordable Puddledock, Dangarsleigh & Hillgrove advocate to electricity supply
building, home & school education on houses too costly to run & maintain, Halls companies to develop emergency
power saving, retrofit buildings, new homes to be constructed using response plans, NSW Government
Measure carbon footprint per capita,
education program to encourage sustainable energy efficient practices invest more dividends into upgrading &
transport audit, energy audits, energy
energy efficiency & increased ESD with ‘solar passive’ design being maintaining power infrastructure rather
meters, audit the carbon footprint of
features in building design to reduce mandatory than ‘slugging’ households
Council & the Shire, quarterly Planet
reliance on power supply
Footprint reports on water & electricity
Feasibility Study to establish viable Lobby NSW government to expand usage
renewable energy sources, feasibility solar schools program, Government
study of algae for bio-fuel, ensure wind rebates & incentives for renewable
farms are balanced & assess vs other energy, power saving light bulbs, less
energy forms, test site for technology, electricity use, simplify rebate system
holistic system design all elements for domestic renewable energy
having multi-functions, Interactive Grid, products, lobby for fair returns for feed
support R&D, investigate options for in tariff, higher low income household
alternative energy generation to rebates for electricity in cold climate
essential Council & community areas, lobby to remove fossil fuel
infrastructure, explore feasibility & subsidies, lobby to maintain & improve
interest of community energy rail infrastructure, review Council
cooperatives, audit & create a region- vehicle fleet, policy for fuel efficient 4
wide transport strategy & guide, cylinder vehicles or diesel for utilities &
develop transport strategy – including larger wagons (Walcha), do not build
promoting walking & bike riding, any more coal-fired power stations,
explore & promote opportunities for phase out existing ones over the long-
emerging renewable energy & term, no new coal mines, interest free
recycling sectors, investigate possible loans for purchase & installation,
natural gas pipeline (Armidale), remove GST on approved items, apply NESS is an initiative of

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Climate Change Consensus ~ Waterfall Way Eco-Tourism Initiative


2010 Northern Tablelands Climate Change Adaptation

Energy Consumption - changes in regional, place communities’ Electorate Survey ~ ‘The shape of Action Plan ~ Uralla, Guyra, Walcha
residential & industry sector energy consumption levels (Country the future’ & Armidale Councils

Energy) University of New England Strategic Uralla Creative Village

Energy efficiency measures - uptake Plan (2007 - 2010)

Renewables uptake – solar & wind, biofuels capabilities vs Northern Inland Regional Healthy People ~ Living and
Development Plan (2010‐2015) Learning in a Health Environment
transmission capabilities & line losses
Stationary & transport – use of fossil fuels to bio-fuels, estimates kms Local Government Plans – Walcha Southern New England State of the
Social Plan, Armidale Strategic Environment Report (2008-2009)
travelled, survey changes in travel, nos. registered vehicles
Community Plan, Guyra
Carbon footprint & greenhouse gas emission – changes NSW State Government North West
Management Plan & Uralla
Regional Cluster
Note gaps identified included ‘embodied energy’ Community Management Plan

Catchment Management Action Rural and Regional Taskforce

Other measures identified but not defined included development Plans ~ Namoi, Border-Rivers Report (2008)
& adoption of new technologies (innovation), resource use & Gwydir
footprints – draw-downs on future generations. Hunter New England Health Service NSW Aboriginal Land Council
Strategic Plan & New England Northern Region Regional
Divisions of General Practice Economic Development Strategy &
Implementation Plan
In addition to the 2½ years of work on NESS, the following existing
plans, priorities and strategies have been integrated: NESS is an initiative of

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