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• Causative organism: protozoan Toxoplasma • Formerly referred to as nonspecific vaginitis or
gondii Gardnerella vaginalis
• May contract organism by eating raw or • Causative organism: Gardnerella, mycoplasmas,
undercooked meat, drinking unpasteurized anaerobes
goat’s milk, contact w/ feces of infected cats • Contributing factors: tissue trauma, sexual
Fetal-Neonatal Risks intercourse
 inflammation of the retina, blindness, Symptoms:
deafness, severe retardation  excessive amount of thin, watery, white or
 severe disorders = convulsions, coma, gray vaginal discharge with a foul odor (“fishy”),
microcephaly, hydrocephalus vaginal pH is usually >4.5
Diagnostic Test:  wet-mount preparation reveals “clue cells”,
1. IgG and IgM fluorescent antibody tests (IFA) application of potassium hydroxide (KOH) to a
2. Indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) specimen of vaginal secretions produces a
3. Sabin-Feldman dye test pronounced fishy odor
4. Ultrasound to detect fetal infection Treatment: oral Metronidazole or oral Clindamycin
Treatment (mother):
 combination of antiparasitic drugs Sulfadiazine
 Spiramycin in Europe • Also called moniliasis or yeast infection
• Causative organism: Candida albicans
Treatment (newborn): • Contributing factors: oral contraceptives,
 combination of Sulfadiazine, Pyrimethmine, immunosuppressants, antibiotics, frequent
Leucovorin for 1yr douching, pregnancy, DM
II. SYPHILIS  thick, curdy vaginal discharge, severe itching,
• Causative organism: spirochete Treponema dysuria, dyspareunia
pallidum  On Physical Exam: labia may be swollen,
• Acquired through transpacental inoculation speculum exam reveals thick, white tenacious
(fetus); results from maternal exposure to cheeselike patches adhering to the vaginal
infected exudate during sexual contact mucosa
Signs and symptoms: Treatment (pregnant):
 Stage I – Primary: chancre appears (lasts about 4  intravaginal insertion of Miconazole,
weeks then disappears), w/ slight fever, weight Butoconazole or other topical azole
loss, malaise preparations for 7days
 Stage II – Secondary: condylomata lata (wartlike  Clotrimazole suppositories at bedtime for 1
plaques), acute arthritis, enlargement of liver week
and spleen, nontender enlarged lymph nodes,  Cream may be prescribed for topical application
chronic sore throat with hoarseness to the vulva if necessary
Diagnostic Tests: Fetal-Neonatal Risks: thrush if delivered vaginally
1. Blood tests – VDRL, RPR, FTA, ABS
2. Dark-field examination of spirochetes V. TRICHOMONIASIS
Treatment: • Causative organism: Trichomonas vaginalis
 for pregnant and nonpregnant w/ Syphilis of • Most infections are acquired through sexual
less than 1yr: 2.4 million units of Benzathine intimacy
penicillin G IM in single dose Symptoms:
 for Syphilis of more than 1 year duration: 2.4  yellow-green frothy, odorous discharge
million units of Benzathine penicillin G IM once a wk frequently accompanied by inflammation of the
for 3wks vagina and cervix, vulvar itching, dysuria,
Fetal-Neonatal Risks:  strawberry patches may be visible on vaginal
 Can be passed transplacentally to the fetus. walls or cervix
If untreated, one of the following can occur: 2nd Treatment: single 2g dose of Metronidazole orally
trimester abortion, stillborn infant at term, Implications for Pregnancy:
congenitally infected infant, uninfected live infant  Increased risk for PROM, preterm birth, and


• Causative organism: Neisseria gonorrhoeae • Best Therapy is PREVENTION
• Majority of women are asymptomatic • Prenatal laboratory screening --
Symptoms: Hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test (the
 purulent, greenish yellow vaginal discharge, presence of positive titer 1:16 or greater is
dysuria, urinary frequency, inflammation and evidence of immunity while a negative titer less
swelling of the vulva than 1:8 indicates susceptibility to rubella)
Treatment : Clinical Therapy:
1. Nonpregnant women –Cefixime orally or  Women of childbearing age should be tested for
Ceftriaxone IM plus Doxycycline immunity and vaccinated if susceptible once it is
2. Pregnant women -- Ceftriaxone IM or Cefixime established that they are not pregnant.
orally combined w/ Erythromycin or  All women of childbearing age who receive the
Azithromycin to address risk of co-infection rubella vaccine should carefully avoid pregnancy for
w/ chlamydia at least 3 months following vaccination.
Fetal-Neonatal Risks: Infection at time of birth may  Vaccine is made with attenuated virus thus
cause ophthalmia neonatorum in the newborn pregnant women are NOT vaccinated.
Fetal-Neonatal Risks: period of greatest risk for the
VII. CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION teratogenic effects of rubella on the fetus is the
• Causative organism: Chlamydia trachomatis First Trimester
• Symptoms: thin, purulent discharge, burning  Most common clinical signs of congenital
and frequency of urination, and lower infection: congenital cataracts, sensorineural
abdominal pain deafness, congenital heart defects particularly PDA,
• Laboratory detection: antigen detection, DNA mental retardation, cerebral palsy
probe assays, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)  Expanded Rubella Syndrome – relates to the
tests effects that may develop for years after the
• TREATMENT: Erythromycin or Amoxicillin infection (increased incidence of insulin-dependent
followed by repeat culture in 3 weeks diabetes mellitus, sudden hearing loss, glaucoma,
• Implications for pregnancy: if untreated, infant slow and progressive form of encephalitis)
may develop newborn conjunctivitis which is
treated with Erythromycin ointment, chlamydial XI. CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV)
pneumonia, fetal death  CMV belongs to the herpes virus group and
causes both congenital and acquired infections
referred to as cytomegalic inclusion disease
• Condylomata acuminata is a relatively common (CID)
sexually trasmitted condition Transmission: placenta, cervical route during birth,
• Also called venereal warts through body fluids; between human by any close
Signs and symptoms: contact e.g. kissing, breastfeeding, and sexual
 Soft, grayish pink lesions on the vulva, vagina, intercourse
cervix, or anus • Accurate Dx in pregnant women: depends on
Treatment: based on client preference, available presence of CMV in the urine, rise in IgM levels
resources, and experience of healthcare provider and identification of the CMV antibodies w/in
Client-applied therapies: Podofilox solution or gel or the serum IgM fraction
Imiquimod cream (not used during pregnancy)
 Provider-administered therapies: Cryotherapy w/
liquid nitrogen or cryoprobe, topical
Fetal-Neonatal Risks:
podophyllin, trichloroacetic acid (TCA),
 Primary infection – spontaneous abortion, LBW,
bichloroacetic acid (BCA), intralesional
preterm birth
interferon, surgical removal by tangential scissor
 If antiviral therapy is not used, SEVERE infection
excision, shave excision, curettage,
– microcephaly, mental retardation, seizures,
electrosurgery, laser surgery
retinal dysplasia, apnea, coma
 Implications for pregnancy: Large doses of
 Infected infant is often asymptomatic at birth but
Podophyllin have been associated with fetal
develops – fever (or hypothermia), jaundice,
seizures, poor feeding after an incubation
period of 2-12 days
IX. HEPATITIS B Treatment: Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir
• Causative organism: Hepa B virus (Acyclovir has been shown to be effective and safe
• Predisposing factors: illegal IV drug users, during pregnancy, but NOT well absorbed as the
homosexuals, prostitutes, multiple sex partners, other two drugs)
occupational exposure to blood Mode of Delivery: NSD (if no evidence of genital
Treatment: Hepa B immune globulin soon after birth infection), CS (active genital lesions or presence of
(newborn) prodromal symptoms of infection

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