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*full details here* - Thanks, Lift Vault

5/3/1 Building the Monolith
1RM: 135 95 256 215 Enter Maxes into yellow boxes for First Cycle 1RM: N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bench: Press: Deadlift: Squat: Bench: Press: Deadlift: Squat:
TM: 115 82.5 220 185 TM: 117.5 85 225 190

Week 1
Mon Wed Fri Week 2
Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri Week 3
130 x5 155 x5 130 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri
150 x5 177.5 x5 150 x5 122.5 x5 145 x5 122.5 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat
167.5 x5 200 x5 167.5 x5 140 x5 165 x5 140 x5 140 x5 165 x5 140 x5
167.5 x5 200 x5 85 x20 157.5 x5 187.5 x5 157.5 x5 157.5 x5 187.5 x5 157.5 x5
167.5 x5 200 x5 Press 157.5 x5 187.5 x5 102.5 x20 177.5 x5 210 x5 177.5 x5
167.5 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 60 157.5 x5 187.5 x5 Press 177.5 x5 210 x5 102.5 x20
167.5 x5 82.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 157.5 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 42.5 177.5 x5 210 x5 Press
Press 92.5 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 157.5 x5 75 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 177.5 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 62.5
60 x5 105 x5 100 Shrugs Press 87.5 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 177.5 x5 87.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins
67.5 x5 105 x5 55 x5 100 x5 100 Shrugs Press 100 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
75 x5 105 x5 62.5 x5 100 x5 62.5 x5 110 x5 100 Shrugs
60 x5+ 105 x5 72.5 x5 100 x5 72.5 x5 110 x5
100 Chins 105 x5 55 x5+ 100 x5 80 x5 110 x5
100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 100 x5 62.5 x5+ 110 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 110 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20
100-200 Dips 100 Curls
Week 4
Mon Wed Fri Week 5
Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri Week 6
135 x5 157.5 x5 135 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri
162.5 x5 180 x5 152.5 x5 125 x5 147.5 x5 125 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat
172.5 x5 202.5 x5 172.5 x5 142.5 x5 170 x5 142.5 x5 142.5 x5 170 x5 142.5 x5
172.5 x5 202.5 x5 95 x20 162.5 x5 192.5 x5 162.5 x5 162.5 x5 192.5 x5 162.5 x5
172.5 x5 202.5 x5 Press 162.5 x5 192.5 x5 125 x20 182.5 x5 215 x5 182.5 x5
172.5 x5 Bench Press 12x5@ 52.5 162.5 x5 192.5 x5 Press 182.5 x5 215 x5 135 x20
172.5 x5 82.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 162.5 x5 Bench Press 15x5@ 57.5 182.5 x5 215 x5 Press
Press 95 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 162.5 x5 77.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 182.5 x5 Bench Press 12x5@ 65
60 x5 107.5 x5 100 Shrugs Press 90 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 182.5 x5 90 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins
70 x5 107.5 x5 57.5 x5 100 x5 100 Shrugs Press 100 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
77.5 x5 107.5 x5 65 x5 100 x5 65 x5 112.5 x5 100 Shrugs
60 x5+ 107.5 x5 72.5 x5 100 x5 72.5 x5 112.5 x5
100 Chins 107.5 x5 57.5 x5+ 100 x5 82.5 x5 112.5 x5
100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 100 x5 65 x5+ 112.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 112.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts DB Rows 5x10 - 20
100-200 Dips 100 Curls
5/3/1 Building the Monolith
1RM: 300 220 400 310 Enter Maxes into yellow boxes for First Cycle 1RM: N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bench: Press: Deadlift: Squat: Bench: Press: Deadlift: Squat:
TM: 255 187.5 340 265 TM: 260 192.5 350 275

Week 1
Mon Wed Fri Week 2
Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri Week 3
187.5 x5 240 x5 187.5 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri
212.5 x5 272.5 x5 212.5 x5 172.5 x5 222.5 x5 172.5 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat
240 x5 307.5 x5 240 x5 200 x5 255 x5 200 x5 200 x5 255 x5 200 x5
240 x5 307.5 x5 120 x20 227.5 x5 290 x5 227.5 x5 227.5 x5 290 x5 227.5 x5
240 x5 307.5 x5 Press 227.5 x5 290 x5 147.5 x20 252.5 x5 325 x5 252.5 x5
240 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 132.5 227.5 x5 290 x5 Press 252.5 x5 325 x5 147.5 x20
240 x5 180 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 227.5 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 95 252.5 x5 325 x5 Press
Press 205 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 227.5 x5 167.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 252.5 x5 Bench Press 10x5@ 142.5
132.5 x5 230 x5 100 Shrugs Press 192.5 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 252.5 x5 192.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins
150 x5 230 x5 122.5 x5 217.5 x5 100 Shrugs Press 217.5 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
170 x5 230 x5 142.5 x5 217.5 x5 142.5 x5 242.5 x5 100 Shrugs
132.5 x5+ 230 x5 160 x5 217.5 x5 160 x5 242.5 x5
100 Chins 230 x5 122.5 x5+ 217.5 x5 180 x5 242.5 x5
100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 217.5 x5 142.5 x5+ 242.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 242.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20
100-200 Dips 100 Curls
Week 4
Mon Wed Fri Week 5
Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri Week 6
192.5 x5 245 x5 192.5 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat Mon Wed Fri
235 x5 280 x5 220 x5 180 x5 227.5 x5 180 x5 Squat Deadlift Squat
247.5 x5 315 x5 247.5 x5 207.5 x5 262.5 x5 207.5 x5 207.5 x5 262.5 x5 207.5 x5
247.5 x5 315 x5 137.5 x20 235 x5 297.5 x5 235 x5 235 x5 297.5 x5 235 x5
247.5 x5 315 x5 Press 235 x5 297.5 x5 180 x20 262.5 x5 332.5 x5 262.5 x5
247.5 x5 Bench Press 12x5@ 117.5 235 x5 297.5 x5 Press 262.5 x5 332.5 x5 192.5 x20
247.5 x5 182.5 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 235 x5 Bench Press 15x5@ 127.5 262.5 x5 332.5 x5 Press
Press 210 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 235 x5 170 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins 262.5 x5 Bench Press 12x5@ 145
135 x5 235 x5 100 Shrugs Press 195 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts 262.5 x5 195 x5 5x5 Weighted Chins
155 x5 235 x5 127.5 x5 222.5 x5 100 Shrugs Press 222.5 x5 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
175 x5 235 x5 145 x5 222.5 x5 145 x5 247.5 x5 100 Shrugs
135 x5+ 235 x5 165 x5 222.5 x5 165 x5 247.5 x5
100 Chins 235 x5 127.5 x5+ 222.5 x5 185 x5 247.5 x5
100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 222.5 x5 145 x5+ 247.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20 100 Chins 247.5 x5
100-200 Dips 100 Curls 100 Facepulls/Band Pullaparts
DB Rows 5x10 - 20
100-200 Dips 100 Curls

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