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Question Bank


1. A man invests a certain sum in 4% stock at Rs. 96 . He sells it when its market value rises to
Rs. 99 20. In this transaction he gains Rs. 135. What sum did he invest and how much stock did
he buy? (Brokerage = 1/10) (Rs. 5820)
2. A dishonest merchant professes to lose 4% on tea but uses false weight equal to 900 grams
instead of 1 kg. Find his loss or gain %. (6 3
3. Sandeep purchased 150 quintals of wheat. One fourth of the total quantity he sold at a loss of
10%.At what gain % should he sell the remaining wheat to gain 10% on the whole transaction?
(16 3
4. Pinaki had a car to sell. Pankaj offered her a sum of money for the car which she refused as it was
13% below its value. Pankaj then offered Rs. 450 more and the second offer was 5% more than
the estimated value. What was the value of the car? (Rs. 2500)
5. A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a purchaser to obtain 8 kg more for Rs. 160.
What is the reduced price per kg? What was the price per kg before reduction? (Rs. 4, Rs. 5)
6. A shopkeeper buys two varieties of tea, one variety costs him Rs. 26 per kg and the other Rs.
30.50 per kg. He mixes them in the ratio of 3:4 and sells the blended variety of tea at the rate of
Rs. 36 per kg. Find his gain percent. (26%)
7. Mahesh sold two scooters for Rs. 9900 each. On one scooter he gained 10% and on the other he
lost 10%. Find his gain or loss in the transaction. (Gain= 42 7
8. A fruit seller buys oranges at the rate of 15 for Rs. 12 and sells them at the rate of Rs. 12 per
dozen. Find his percentage gain. (25%)
9. Rajinder loses 15% by selling a radio for Rs. 510. For how much should he sell the radio to gain
15% on it ? (Rs.
10. By selling a scooter for Rs. 7200, Surinder loses 10%. Find his cost price. (Rs. 8000)
11. Veer sold a colour T.V. for Rs. 10500 at a gain of 5%. Find the cost price of the T.V. (Rs. 10000)
12. Mohan purchased a car for Rs. 25000. He spent Rs. 5000 on its repair, then sold it for Rs. 33000.
Find his gain percent. (10%)
13. A man sells a horse for Rs. 600 gaining thereby 5
of selling price, at what price would he have
sold it to lose 4 of the selling price ? (Rs. 384)
14. By selling 20 meters of cloth a man gains the selling price of 4 meters of cloth. Find his gain %?
15. Leena sells her car for Rs. 5000 and loses something. Had she sold it for Rs. 5600, her gain would
have been double the former loss. Find the cost price. (Rs. 5200)
16. A dealer sells a table for Rs. 400, making a profit of 25%. He sells a second table at a loss of 10%
and on the whole makes neither profit nor loss. What did the second table cost him? (Rs.800)
17. A grocer mixes 26 kg of sugar which costs Rs. 2 per kg with 30 kg of sugar which costs Rs. 3 per
kg, and sells the mixture at Rs. 3 per kg. What is his profit percent? (18 71%)
18. Sonu sells a bicycle to Rohan at a profit of 20% and Rohan sells it to Mahesh at a profit of 25%.
If Mahesh pays Rs. 225 for it, what did Sonu pay for it? (Rs.
19. If an article is sold at a gain of 6% instead of being sold at loss of 6%, one gets Rs. 6 more. Find
the cost price of the article. (Rs. 50)
20. A radio dealer marks a radio with a price which is 20% more than the cost price and allows a
discount of 10% on cash. Find his gain percent. (8%)

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