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I will like to give honour and Glory to the Father, Son and Spirit for granting me such
grace to be able to visit and interact with the spiritual world. In the year 2010, the Lord
took me to Heaven for the very first time, He told me, I will visit again and again, for the
purpose of teaching and training men and women of God to operate in the supernatural.
Since then I have had numerous visitations to Heaven, hell and the spiritual world, these
are covered in my first and second books that are available online.

PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
A Glimpse into Eternity .............................................................................................................................. 4
An Angel with Ripe Fruits .......................................................................................................................... 5
See Through Visions ................................................................................................................................... 5
Jesus appeared to me ................................................................................................................................ 5
Spiritual Warfare ......................................................................................................................................... 5
I saw Heaven ............................................................................................................................................. 12
The Spirit World and Warring in the heavenly places ......................................................................... 16
Mansions in Heaven ................................................................................................................................. 19
Captured in the Spirit ............................................................................................................................... 21
I saw the Lord ............................................................................................................................................ 22
A Place called Heaven .............................................................................................................................. 24
HOW YOU CAN HAVE SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTERS! ..................................................................... 27
ACTIVATION PRAYER ........................................................................................................................... 27
CONFESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 28
EXPECTATION........................................................................................................................................ 28
ACTION .................................................................................................................................................. 29
NOW WHAT .......................................................................................................................................... 29
CLOSING WORD ....................................................................................................................................... 30

A Glimpse into Eternity
July 23 at 8:54 AM • 2018

This Morning the Lord took me into a vision, The rapture was taking place, Jesus
appeared on the eastern skies, saints were transformed and raptured, lifted up into the
skies and vanished from the earth!, the world plunged into darkness, troubles
everywhere, people were running, accidents, missing persons, natural disasters,
tsunamis, the whole world was in chaos. The Lord said, I must remind you that he is
coming back and the great tribulation will follow! Its going to be time of great distress
on the earth!

In the other vision, I was entering a church, it full was full of God's presence, I looked at
the altar, I saw an angel there. He was made of light, purest white and the glory of God
shone on the altar, the holy fear of God came upon me, I was thrown against the wall
and I was shaking on the ground! I got a revelation, that angels are always present in
church services and we ought to have a holy reverence for God and divine things, we
must take Sunday service as an encounter with God, not a social gathering!

As I was there in my bed, my body was under the power of God, I could feel my spirit
separating from body, my spiritual eyes opened, I saw three angels walking towards me,
they were in purest white and almost transparent, the third angel had massive white
wings, they said to me, "We are messengers of the Most High God". I said, "Why have
you come?" they said, “We have come to escort you to your eternal home, heaven".
There are other things the angels talked to me about, they took me in the spirit, we first
walked on a valley, seeing trees and grass, then before us stood the kingdom of heaven.
Since I have been visiting heaven, I discovered it’s a place full of light, beauty, the flower
sing, change colours, light shines through everything, the water is clear as crystal,
animals are harmless, people wear white and youthful, angels are always joyous, singing
and busy, the mansions are made of precious stones, the music is perfect and comes
from everywhere. You do not want to miss Heaven!

Receive Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour, Live for him in truth and holiness, read the bible
daily, Pray without ceasing, evangelize, attend church regularly, tithe and give offerings,
walk in love, forgive all who wronged you, fulfil your destiny, stay ready for the rapture.

An Angel with Ripe Fruits

July 20 at 8:33 Pm 2018

This Morning the angel of the Lord took me into the most beautiful garden, he showed
me bright and ripe fruits, he told me, that’s how our lives are supposed to look like as

See Through Visions

July 13 at 1:54 PM 2018

This morning I had an encounter with the Lord, His Spirit took me into out of body
experiences and see through, I was able to see the future and destinies of people, their
names, spouses, businesses, cars, what the Lord has in store for them, I asked the Lord
to have this level on the weekend, he told me "Granted". In the see through, your life
becomes transparent, your information, your names, numbers, problems, future is as
clear as day.

Jesus appeared to me
July 12 at 5:13 PM 2018

•This week on Tuesday Morning, Jesus appeared to me, He gave me a new mantle for
the prophetic, He said" From this day onwards, not only will you hear their thoughts and
prayers, You shall know their Names even Numbers, Secret details about their lives and
bring solution to their Problems by My Spirit".

Spiritual Warfare
Tuesday, July 03, 2018

As I was in my bedroom, My spiritual eyes opened, I was able to see the bedroom
clearly, as if I was in the natural, the walls, the wardrobes, the door. Not only did, I see
them, but I began to sense a presence of an evil spirit present in the room. That's

something people who do not understand the spiritual realm needs to understand,
when your spiritual eyes are opened, You will be able to see the spiritual and the natural
simultaneously as clear as if with your natural.

My spirit jumped out of my body, I was now floating about the walls of the bedroom, I
began to say, “Every evil spirit, show yourself now in the name of Jesus". Then I saw a
spirit, an old man, very short, size of half meter, at the corner of the room!, I moved in
the air, towards him and tried hand to hand combat with him, my hands just went
through him, as if through the air!

It felt like I was beating the air, no matter how much i tried, Then the Spirit of God
ministered to me, to call the blood of Jesus, As I obeyed the instruction, I called "the
blood of Jesus". That old man spirit exploded and disappeared. I began to float about
speaking in tongues and speaking protection over my family and the house!

These are some of the things I learnt while I was in that experience, spirits can hide
themselves not only from the natural but even in the spirit, it takes a higher authority to
cause those spirits to reveal themselves, that is why even in church services during
deliverance, some demons do NOT manifest or show themselves. Unless the Spirit of
God sheds light on how to minister deliverance, demons will hide themselves in lives of
people and continue their work.

Philippians:2:9: "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name
which is above every name:10: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things
in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;11: And that every tongue
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

There are masculine spirits and feminine spirits, wizards are masculine spirits, witches
are feminine spirits, these serve the purposes of satan in inflicting pain, distress and
oppression on men. Some demons are only sent by specific witches probably someone
in the family who is part of the occult. In some cases, demons do not just attack people,
there must be a reason, a person, a legal door behind the attack, and to deal effectively
with them, you will need to close every door!

"The blood of Jesus" is a tremendous weapon against the enemy, we must plead the
blood of Christ over our families, trips, finances. The Blood is legitimate protection of
the believer against the assaults of satan or evil spirits. The Blood doesn't just cleanse us
from all wrong doing but also is an agent of protection. God told the Israelites to put

blood on their doorposts, so that when the angel of death comes, he may pass over

1 John 1:7: "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

As I was in my room, my spiritual eyes opened again, I was able to look and see the
physical and spiritual world, my door was slightly closed, As I turned to look at the
ceiling, It wasn't there. I saw four major demons in the skies, they were in a meeting,
discussing how to bring more destructions, wars and death, particularly in the middle
east and Syria! they were sharing ideas and strategies, when suddenly one looked at me,
he said, "what are we going to do about him? since he sees and knows our plan?".

I saw a big demon, his face was big as our bedroom, It had a cat face, he flew from the
skies towards me, as he came near, I began to pray and confess the word of God, "I
belong to Jesus, No harm can touch me, Jesus is My Savior and Lord, he guides and
protects me" Suddenly the demon, couldn't touch me. He had come at great speed,
noise and sound!

My spirit was able to pick the following things in that experience, this world will always
be bad and grow in wickedness, wars and rumors of war will increase as predicted in the
bible! Nethertheless, satan is behind all this! The devil and his demons are always
planning, strategizing, from there influence world leaders, to implement their plans!

John 10:10: "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

When the devil tempted Jesus, he only responded through the word, he said "It is
WRITTEN". We will overcome the enemy, through confession of the word of God that is
in our hearts and that we live. The words we speak, empowers the demonic hosts or the
angelic hosts around us. We must continually speak the word of God concerning our
lives and as we do that, we put an embargo on every demon sent to attack our exploits!

Psalms:107:20: "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their

I was taken into a vision. I saw a sister in Christ I know. She was walking in a wilderness.
She looked expectant, she wore those ancient garments, like in Bible Days. The scene
was like Revelation 12 Woman. Then I saw a demon, like a monkey, it appeared, it began

to harass the woman, I saw a large sword appearing in my hand and I knew what I
needed to do, I ran towards the demon, attacked it, and cut it into two.

After that, I was teaching her, how to use the sword and I knew it was the sword of the
spirit. I was able to swing it, flip it, turn it all directions, spin in the air, all kinds of
demonstrations. I received a revelation that every person with a future and destiny, the
enemy will send a demon to cause an abortion of destiny, we must be alert and be
vigilant and protect our pregnancy of destiny!

Also God has ordained teachers in his body, to help us mature in the things of God, two
methods we have to grow spiritually, private study and meditation on the word of God,
two. The ministry of teachers in the body of Christ, these are those who are called,
anointed and sent to teach the word of God. We need the ministry of a teacher; Paul
lists him third in 1 Corinthians 12:29.

I was taken into another vision, I was with about five brethren, we were walking on a
path, there were greens on every side, we continued walking for a while, suddenly five
agents attacked us, they just appeared in the air, we had to do battle with them, we
managed to overcome.

We continued on our way, I then saw a spirit, sunken eyes, robed in black, it came and
held a brother with a hand, through the gift of the word of knowledge I knew what issue
of health he was going through. I asked people, if they saw the "spirit of death" , none
of them could. I was the only one, it was a see through vision. I rebuked the spirit, it left
and went to another person.

In that vision i learnt, On our way to destiny as children of God, individually and
collectively, the enemy will send his agents to distract us, mostly they attack people
spiritually, through dreams, so many bad dreams, late people, sex in dreams, being
chased, if they fail, they can attack a person physically, sickness or even pre mature

We also need the gift of discerning of Spirits, to discern the works of the enemy. When
God calls men, he equips them and anoints them, the gift of discerning of Spirits works
hand in hand with deliverance, unless you are able to see, hear, sense and be led by the
Lord, do NOT attempt to deliver someone, these spirits can also enter the one who
delivers people. Let’s be trained and equipped!

I was taken into another vision; I was at the foot of a very high mountain in heaven. I
was completely weightless and almost transparent, I was climbing the mountain, I was
able to float in the air, glide, run on the air, dart to and fro like lightning, I was able to
increase my speed, appear and disappear, that was very fascinating. When I reached the
top of the high mountain, I saw a powerful, white, majestic horse. So beautiful and
powerful horse, this horse could speak and praise God, that’s another fascinating thing!

In heaven we have the same privileges as angels, we are complete spirit beings, not
limited by time, distance or space. We will be able to fly as birds or move at the speed of
thought, what we think become objects!

The Lord Jesus appeared before me, His robe was glistening white, his face shone with
light, I was unable to distinguish his facial features because of the Light, from his hands
came from white light and wind. He began to speak to me about several things, he told
me, about war in the heavenly places, he told me that the devil has some power and he
can do somethings, we are NOT supposed to be ignorant of the enemy, we must stay
awake, alert and be sober, nethertheless his Power is greater than the powers of the
enemy, if we remain and abide in Him, He will keep us safe! I am just summarising the
whole conversation.

We rode the white horse, it could fly with us, I looked from the atmosphere, I was able
to see mountains, hills, vast valleys and jungles of heaven, I was able to see lakes, bodies
of water, the whole creation of heaven was perfect, alive and full of light! They were all
kinds of animals.

I heard the voice of God thundering in the atmosphere, suddenly the skies were full of
angels, flying like birds, these angels were all in absolute, purest white, they had flaming
swords in their hands, their wings were flapping in the air. There were millions upon
millions, from one horizon of the sky to another. They flew in unison and in perfect
order, facing the same direction.

The Lord and I flew above them, At the front, I saw warring angels, these were much
taller and bigger, they had shields of gold and silver, they carried armour such as spears,
swords etc They were well built, powerful, their bodies looked like an alloy, metals,
shining silver, shining gold, shining bronze, the marched from the breadth of heaven to

Our horse flew to the front, three angels appeared beside us, One was holding a very
large scroll, and recording, We now were walking on what seemed like a neutral zone, I
was able to see the kingdom of Heaven on one side and the kingdom of the devil on
one side. It’s very difficult to explain, but I will try.

The angel said to me, "Look", I looked towards where he pointed, Behold, the most
amazing scene. I saw the atmosphere was like a golden sunrise, very beautiful and
brilliant, fresh. I saw Mansions and Houses, these mansions were of different sizes,
shapes and forms, some like castles, some like palaces, some like large transparent
skyscrapers, there is no design like that on earth, they were made of pure gold, they
seemed transparent, sparkling and living. They were from one part of heaven to the
another, I couldn't see their beginning or their end. The angel said, "Tell people on the
earth, the mansions in heaven are made of pure gold, "

He pointed at another place, I saw large buildings and centres, like big gold super
'malls', they were lots of activities happening there. He pointed at another place, I saw a
large lake, its water was still, like glass, very pure and inviting. The angel explained to
me, why the water was like that.

He pointed again, I saw roads, paths and streets, they were perfect and made of
transparent gold, the most beautiful thing you could ever see. He pointed, I saw
gardens, flowers, nature, the leaves of trees were beyond beautiful. I saw the saints, they
wore shining white, Kids, men and women, all happy, smiles, some into what seemed
like picnics, some mountain climbing, heavenly activities, I saw a river moving with clear,
shining water, everything was beyond beautiful.

Everything was full of light, other parts I saw gold dust and smoke in the atmosphere,
the light from God's throne filled everything and the joy I felt I couldn't contain!

We travelled for a long time, I was meeting different things on the way! Then they took
me to the far end, We turned to the right and they showed me, the second heaven. It
was a place of utter darkness, The first thing I saw was the man, satan, Lucifer. He was a
man of great stature, perfect body structure, exceedingly handsome, great power and
influence. I just knew who he was!

The angels showed me, In the second heaven, were buildings, structures, palace, trees,
rivers, hills, mountains, but all of them were in darkness, it seemed like it was the exact
opposite of the third heaven. Other places it was red and black. The second heaven

joined into outer darkness, there was great shaft, going down continuously, the
bottomless pit and there were the gates of hell down, below, very far from where we

This place was the darkest place in the universe, very ugly, dirty, every evil thing you can
imagine it was there, the smell, was unbelievable. I saw all manner of demons, short, and
tall ones, some like shadows, some like large animals, reptiles, some
combination/hybrid, some like large giants, many of them their eyes were red like a
blood moon, all sizes, shapes and forms, they were assembling into an army of some

Suddenly there was battle in the atmosphere, angels fighting with demons, It was
intense, frightening battle, spirits fighting against spirits, with armour and spiritual
powers, I could see, an angel cuts a demon into two with a flaming sword, the demon
will grow back into full body and run away, demons also had weapons, like group fights,
just chaos, other areas, many demons attack an angel, another scene, many angels
attack a demon, other areas, demons seems to be winning, other areas, angels seemed
to be winning!

The Lord Jesus, said to me, to go and proclaim to people on the earth that there is a real
heaven, that He is the only way there, Those who accept Him and live for Him, that’s
where they will spend eternity, he also told me to proclaim, there is a real hell, for those
who reject his sacrifice on the cross, they will spend eternity there. He was stressing and
emphasizing this, a need for each soul to make a decision for their eternity.

He told me, he brought me there to show me these things, he said, there is war in the
heavenly places, for the souls and destinies of mankind! He said other things, but these
were key things in his conversation with me.

I could feel like, the more prayerful, the more we evangelized, the more we lived in
holiness, the more we had faith in God, the more we meditated on God's word, We
empowered the angels to fight and overcome.

I had thought, The Lord took me there, to fight in the heavenly realms, but He said to
me,"Go and tell them what I have showed you". The battle was still raging hot in the
atmosphere, suddenly in speed of lightning, I was back into my body! My body was hot
with God's mighty presence.

Final Message!

Psalms :9:17: "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

1 Corinthians 15:48: "As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the
heavenly, such are they also that are heaven"

Ephesians 6:12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places."

We need to stand in Prayer, in the word of God, there is battle happening in the spiritual
world. Those who endure to the END shall be SAVED!

There is a prepared heaven, a world of absolute peace, joy, so beautiful and God wants
everyone to go there. There is terrible hell, for all those who do NOT accept Jesus and
live for Him, and He definitely do not want anyone, to end there. I plead with you today,
Make JESUS the Lord and Savior of your life!

"Father, I come before you, I am a sinner, save me from my sins and horrors of
hell, I repent and turn away, write my name in the Book of Life, I accept Jesus as
my Lord and personal savior right now, I believe he died for me at the cross and
rose again, I proclaim him now as my Lord, I pray to the father, in the name of
Jesus, I am now saved and a child of God. Thank you Lord"

You have been born again, If you prayed this prayer and meant it with your whole heart,
Now get yourself a bible, start reading from the new testament and find a living church.

I saw Heaven
Monday, 25th June, 2018

Yesterday the Lord took me into a vision, I was with certain brethren I know and many
others. We were supposed to cross over to the other side, but there was a strong man,
tall, giant black man, I knew immediately that it was an evil spirit to prevent us from
crossing over, many people had tried, to cross over, but the strong man had defeated
them, preventing them. I knew in that vision, that the bridge I saw symbolized a change
of season, every time God changes the seasons of people, the enemy sends an
embargo, a strong man, a demon to prevent them from accessing the fullness that God
has for them.

When Moses and Israelites were to cross over, they had the red sea and Pharaoh’s
armies to deal with, when Jesus and the disciples were to cross over to another country,
the devil sent the storm in the midst of the sea!

I saw a man, who took off running to cross at great speed, the strong man hit him,
broke his ribs and he laid helpless on the bridge! This put so much fear on people, I
thought to myself, "If I fear, I won't cross"

Everyone was looking at me, to see my next move! I said" Now let me show this strong
man, how the major will do it" I took off running towards the bridge, my speed began to
increase, like a super-man, by the time I was approaching the bridge, I was now racing
on the air and flew over the bridge and strong man, the power of God came upon me,
lifted me up towards the skies, I heard the sound "Whosssssssshhhhhh".

I looked down, I could see the land remaining behind, i could see people remaining
behind, I flew through the clouds, outside the earth sphere. I was praising God, these are
the words, I remember speaking; “Father, I love you, Lord Jesus, I love you, Holy Spirit I
love" As I said these words, I was speaking to God and I knew that I know him, I have
relationship with Him, he knows me by my name! It was like a son talking to his father!

I flew around the world, I would fly under the clouds, then above them, then through
them, I was spinning, tumbling, like jet fighter, I was flying over creation, jungles, seas,
oceans, towns, cities, countries, over south America, over Europe, over Africa, seeing
different places, flying at a tremendous speed, It was amazing and unbelievable, I
remember saying " Lord, you took me from ashes, to sit down with princes, I used to be
nothing, now you made me something, I am known around the world, known amongst
the heathens, as One who proclaims your name"

I was then speaking in tongues, praising God, since I was in the spirit world, I was able to
know and understand the words I spoke in tongues and what they meant. The Holy
Spirit inspired me to say:" I receive the mantle of prayer and mantle for supernatural
encounters for my wife" I knew that as it was spoken in the spiritual world, it will come
to pass.

I began singing and praising God, I heard angels playing instruments, all kinds of
instruments, violins, strings, guitars, pianos, keys etc the sound kept on increasing on my
ears and I was singing a song I have never sang in my life. When I came out of the
experience, it was around 2:30am. I kept hearing the song I was singing to God!

Luke:8:22: "Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his
disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they
launched forth.23: But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind
on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.:24: And they came to
him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the
wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.25: And he said
unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another,
What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they
obey him.26: And they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against

Today early in the morning, The Spirit of God came and took me out of my body, I saw
the earth remaining behind, I was flying through the clouds praising God, I thought to
myself, "It is happening again like yesterday"

I was flying into the skies at tremendous speed, through space and galaxies, I was
praising God continuously, I was calling his name and extoling him," Ancient of Days”,
“Omni-Present God", "Alpha and Omega", " Lord God”, “Everlasting God”, “I praise You".
That’s how I was praising God, I discovered that God loves it when his people praise and
worship Him!

I was able to see God's vast creation, millions of stars and galaxies, from one part to the
other, everywhere! Then I saw the world of heaven approaching, A very large bright
planet, so brilliant. I was so happy and expectant!

When I was taken into Heaven, I was taken to 7 different levels of heaven. I will just
mention 4 places that I saw. The first thing that I saw when I entered heaven, It was the
presence of light, it was everywhere, even trees give out light.

The first place I was taken to, the whole place was full of the glory of God in another
dimension, it was a glassy environment, the floor was transparent as glass, in the
atmosphere were cylindrical objects, like well-polished gemstones, transparent as
crystal, they radiated light and shone. Already whole of heaven is full of light, but here
the light took different colours, bright colours, bright white, bright red, bright yellow,
bright gold. The light has emotion, and feeling. All around me were these colours, light,
objects, moving in the atmosphere.

Everything was so beautiful, my eyes were all over, trying to see as much as possible and
understand! Some of these spiritual things are hard to comprehend and understand!

James:1:17: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from
the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

The next place I was taken to, was a place with lots of angelic activities, the place was
huge, surrounded by huge mansions, structures, offices, high raise buildings, pure white,
some had stairways, I saw thousands of angels, moving up and down, these angels put
on purest white, long selves garments, the angels themselves were youthful, they look
like 20- 25year olds, some their hair were white, some blond, brilliant and beautiful
beings, some were moving up, some moving down, some walking in company, some
discussing with others, some entering some leaving the mansions, some talking and
laughing, some carrying books and scrolls, it was just huge angelic activity.

Psalms: 68:17: "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the
Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place."

Next I was flying in the atmosphere of heaven towards a city on a mountain. The city
was bright and beautiful. It was a pure golden city. You have never seen anything like
this, It was like approaching a brilliant, golden sunrise. The City Gates were pure white
pearls, but overlayed around with gold, the streets were gold streets, yet transparent as
glass, there were mansions were of pure gold, different shapes, sizes and forms! The
breadth of the city were mansions and houses without number, the most beautiful
designs, I saw the river of life, the water were like moving, liquid diamonds, very clear
and sparkling. I saw a place, where there was golden oil flowing. Words fail to describe
what I saw, the exterior and interior of the city, were of extra ordinary design, peculiar
and amazing!

Psalms:46:4:" There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the
holy place of the tabernacles of the most High."

The next place I was taken to, was a very large palace, As I was walking inside, the ceiling
was very high, it was beautiful, had things like crystals hanging on it, beautiful interior
decorations, hallways and many special rooms, Kingly and dignified, an angelic being
led me out, we were moving around it, there was the most beautiful garden, flowers,
large petals, bright and colourful, whites, reds, violets, purples, greenery, short trees,
upright fruit trees, loaded with exquisite fruits, there was something falling down,

raining, spiritual substance, i felt it falling on my body too. I looked, towards the east,
there was the glory of God shining from his throne to every part of heaven.

Everything in heaven is so alive and perfect! There are 3 more places i was taken to and
was shown things, too great and I will not be able to share them. My spirit was so
overjoyed and happy.

When I came back, the presence of God was thick over me.

There is a real heaven and You do not want to miss it!

The Spirit World and Warring in the heavenly places

June 20 •2018

In the afternoon yesterday, As I was having some time with the Lord, I received a word
of wisdom that i was going to see something tremendous in the night! The word of
wisdom is an insight into the future purposes and plans of God, knowing what is going
to happen before it does, its one of the revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit, I received this
gift in 2010 when I got filled with the Holy Spirit, anyway thats another topic for another

I slept and in the middle of the night, around 12, I was suddenly awake. When I awoke I
was now standing up, something was strange. I felt very strange. There was a great
sense of weightlessness, as light like a feather. I then knew that I was in the spirit world!
The spirit body is completely weightless!

The second thing was that, I was standing inside church! From my home to the church is
about 5 kilometers, but here I was there suddenly, instantly. In the spirit things move at
speed of thought, that’s another way to travel. In a moment, you are there. You just take
a thought, and suddenly you are there. The bible in the gospels talks about how the
disciples had shut themselves in, for the fear of the Jews, suddenly Jesus stood before
them and they were terrifies thinking its Ghost!

As I stood there, I looked towards the door and made a move towards it, instead of
pedestrian walking, I was moving like a floating cloud, just on the air!, I just went
through closed doors. Learn that the spirit is not limited by time, distance or space. Even

physical barriers couldn’t restrict Jesus after he was resurrected, even angels appearing
inside the garden tomb.

After I came out, I was floating about the church yard and walked towards the toilet
area. As I moved, I looked at them and I somehow knew how to cut the distance. I also
knew exactly how far, the distance between the church and toilets, in exact meters! It
was just supernatural knowledge. In the spirit our minds are super intelligent and able to
know things supernaturally. Even distance can be calculated without use of a natural
measuring instrument!

I just took a thought and I moved at a super speed and I was now about several meters
from the ground. I landed right through the roof into the toilets. I saw two ladies.
Immediately they fell down, one managed to run away and another fainted. I thought to
myself, "what are these witches doing here?" Something about witches is this, there are
two classes of witches, those who soul travel or astral project and those who can move
in the spirit with a physical body. Witches have mastered the spirit world so much that
they don’t only move in their spirits, they can also change forms and move things in the
physical though they are in the spirit world.

As I came out of the toilets, five more witches had appeared in the yard. As they saw me
they began taking off running away. As they ran off, I could also hear their sounds
running, it was strange cause spirits hover over the ground, then I knew these were
physical witches, however they were afraid of me. I learnt that demons and witches
know us, if we walk with God they know, if we have authority in Christ they also know. I
was absolute fearless, the Holy Spirit within me is more powerful. The bible says "Greater
is he that is in us that he that is in the world"

I looked towards a certain yard, immediately I heard a witch whispering to another,

saying" so he can see us?" she was whispering, but to me I heard it as if she spoke in a
micro phone. My sense of hearing was so magnified many times; even thoughts you just
hear them clearly. The bible talks about how Jesus could perceive hearts and also knew
what was in men. In the spirit world, your thoughts are clear and audible, you are known
by the thoughts that emanates from you. Watch your thoughts! Demons also can trace
you through them and form a negative atmosphere around you!

After that, I moved back towards the church doors. Suddenly the Holy Spirit lifted me
up, I was moving as in slow motion, I could see whole Mogoditshane, night time, the
Holy Spirit highly magnified my spiritual eyes, I was able to see from one horizon of the

skies to another. Remember the spiritual body has eyes and sees. I saw the Atlantic
Ocean. I saw the water and light as if the moon beating against them waves. I saw it as if
very near me. I said" that’s where witches from around the world meet during the night".
The Lord made me know that every night forces of witches and wizards meets inside the
sea. People just see physical ocean or sea but deep inside and in the spirit, are cities and
places, where the devil mobilizes forces on earth. There are meetings, planning to
destroy families, churches and individuals. As a child of God, you must be prayerful and
be able to see into the spirit.

As I continued looking, I saw a sight like a red eclipse on the west, Jesus said the night is
of the power of darkness, that is when they are usually operating. The devil loves
darkness and the night, when he can’t be seen. From 11am to 3am, it’s when the forces
of darkness are active, busy attacking people, destinies, through dreams, spells. They
cause miscarriages, poverty, disappointments, shame, killings, afflictions, addictions etc
You must control your night through prayer and you spirit must be active and alert! You
train your spirit to be alert as you sleep through praying in tongues!

I was rising above the earth, through the clouds, passing into space and then the
celestial realm of darkness. Here were uncountable number of demons of all shapes,
forms, sizes, moving, busy and talking within their ranks. The realm was densely dark yet
my eyes through the power of God was able to see. Ephesians 6 talks about the highest
type of demons called, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places, these are
demons who operate in the heavenly spheres, their duty is to monitor activities on the
earth, to hinder prayer and to wage war against angels who come with answers to the
earth. The second heaven stands between the earth and the third heaven. These spirits
are able to communicate with spirits on earth called principalities, powers and rulers. If
you don't pray right, your prayers will never go through, if you did, and you don’t stay in
prayer, the angels will not arrive with your answers. Read Daniel 10, the angel Gabriel
was hindered from going through the second heaven, until Daniel prayed and fasted.

As I was approaching there, it was filled with spirits, all kinds, and it seemed they were
ready to attack, but I was at peace and calm, the Holy Spirit was completely around me.
As they neared me in attack, there was a great explosion, light exploding from within me
and demons were scattering in all directions. My next memory was; I was back in my

Today, the Holy Spirit took me again into the spiritual realm, I saw a host of witches and
demons coming against me, my whole body was full of God's glory, wearing a radiant
robe, shimmering white. The joy of the Lord filled my heart and the Holy Spirit caused
me to preach and speak the words, scriptures were coming out of me, they came out in
such power and authority.

The host were discomfited, confusion and fled. I discovered the devil doesn’t like people
who see in the spirit, they are a threat to him. HE marks such people.

Jesus said in revelation 3, there is an anointment for the eyes to see.

The Holy Spirit is our teacher and stand by, he empowers us in prayer and spiritual
warfare. I wish i could tell you in detail, what happened. But words fail to adequately
express it.

Read Ephesians 6:12-18, Luke 10:18-20, Revelation 12:11.

The spirit world is real, witches are real, demons are real, but even greater, the Holy
Spirit is real, through him and the word of God we can conquer. Let’s soak in the word
of God, pray in the spirit and be alert!


Mansions in Heaven
Monday, June 4th, 2018!

Yesterday after a heavy prophetic service at church, I went home still covered under the
umbrella of the anointing. I was on my bed and my whole body was on fire and I felt as
if I will pass out!

Suddenly I was in a vision. I saw myself in church, it looked like in the future, for I saw so
many people, a new large place, many new faces, I was dressed in a very nice suit, the
anointing of God was in the place, we were ministering to the masses, the glory of God
showed up, many souls saved, people healed, demons cast out of many, the prophetic
on point, God speaking into lives of his people, in the midst of that revival meeting, the
Spirit of God lifted me up! I was suspended in the air.

Now the gift of the word of wisdom, deals with revelation of the future purposes and
plans of God. The word of wisdom can be transported through a dream, a vision,
tongues & interpretation, a prophecy, inward revelation etc and in the near future, it

shall be as God has revealed, thousands will gather and witness a great revival, God is
going to do signs and wonders, a mighty outpouring of the Spirit.

Then the presence of the Holy Spirit filled the whole house, I felt a mighty pull, my soul
being pulled out of my body, a tingling sensation also, in few moments my spirit was
moving upward towards the ceiling, then through the roof of the house, I was able to
see our house, street from above them, all my senses were so keen and super sensitive, I
was able to see, hear, smell, etc that’s something to learn, when a person leaves his
body at moment of death, he still a whole person with his senses highly magnified, his
mind free to think and clear. My body was so light in weight, a sense of weightlessness,
totally not submitted to gravity!

As soon as I went through the top of the house, I was now accelerating into the
atmosphere at a phenomenal rate of speed, I was now passing the clouds and I looked
back, the ground was remaining far below. Then I came out of the earth's sphere. I was
able to see the earth from the level of spaceships, it was exactly as in those NASA
photos, it was a round huge blue ball!

It was so real and clear like I would be able to see you here on earth, the speed that my
spirit was using was beyond extra ordinary! Also I felt so much comfort, the Holy Spirit
was completely feeling me with peace and I felt his presence around me. Then I was in
the realm of stars, galaxies and seeing God's vast creation. Everywhere I looked I was
seeing galaxies, objects.

I began to think, "Lord, why can't you give people on earth same grace and favour you
have given me, I wish they could see all this and their lives will change". In the spirit
realm I learnt that, we think to communicate, your thoughts are your communication
medium, you can hear your own thoughts as if you spoke them. The Lord didn’t respond
to my thoughts though!

After seeing galaxies, I was approaching a celestial realm of darkness, a darkness so

dense, thick as if you can cut it with a knife, it’s a place inhabited by demons and dark
forces, that’s where angels fly and wage war, that’s where prayers are stopped and
answers stolen, that’s where spiritual hosts of wickedness rule and control events on the
earth from. Since I was under the protection of the Holy Spirit I passed easily without
any resistance.

I flew into a place so full of divine light, it was like a very brilliant sunrise, rays of pure
light everywhere. A place of pure air and thick glass, I said, "Lord, what is this?" he said,
“Its the outer perimeter" everything now shifted from darkness into a complete light, it
was alive, releasing peace, joy and life.

After passing through the thick glass, I saw a very large ocean of water, I was flying
above it, then I saw the most majestic Mansion, it was many floors, pure white, its size
was larger than a shopping mall, it was also high, its design and shape was amazing,
surrounded by a garden of trees, flowers, grass, ponds of water, very alive and green, I
was so happy. I knew I was seeing one of the mansions in heaven.

While in heaven, an urge to praise God was with me all the time, I felt shouting
"Hosannas, Halleluyahs," it is something that comes out of your heart, its a place of
great beauty, peace and language fail me to adequately describe it. You will need to see
it for yourselves. I was reminded on John 14:1-3. There are mansions in heaven. As
believers we need to serve God so that our mansions are built in heaven.

I learnt in heaven that all things we do for God with a pure heart and motives help our
mansions to be built, such things as serving in church e.g. cleaning, our faithful tithes &
offerings, praying, studying the bible, winning souls for the kingdom, helping the poor
& widows, etc. the works we do for God and our spiritual growth affect our mansions
and spiritual exploits.

When I came out of the experience it was now around 5am in the morning!

Heaven it’s a place that no one must miss. We must make sure we make it there and not
only that, we must make sure our mansions are built! Lets invest in our spiritual growth
and good works and conduct before God.

Captured in the Spirit

May 26 •2018

In the night the Lord took my spirit into a vision, I saw myself in the future, it was next
week Saturday at our angelic conference. The worship was pure and heavenly, in that
vision the Lord gave me special grace, as I spoke and ministered to people, the Lord
began to do miracles, the first thing, gold dust began to fill people's hands, faces, it
began to increase, then diamond dust, glittering, the second thing, I saw someone
screaming, miracle money of P5000.00, reported in their bank account, the third thing, I
saw the finger of God writing words, on people's hands, it was incredible, people

shouting, screaming, praising God, the Lord ministered to me that, indeed he is the
creator, He will glorify his name at the conference!

In heaven the streets are made of gold, you can run in the streets, pick up gold dust, in
Haggai he says the silver and gold are his, when God prospered people in the bible such
as Job, Abraham, David, Solomon etc they were rich in gold and silver, these gold dust
manifestation is a sign of the prosperity that God is about to release to believers.
Indeed, the great revival that God is about to release to the earth it will be incredible
display of God's power, majesty and prosperity!

I saw an angel of God in white, who appeared and took me, we flew over the earth, we
flew into churches, we saw the worship, we saw saints in prayer gatherings, he took me
to a high altitude, I was able to see the stars, he spoke to me, this angel is one of the
angels that God uses to display unusual miracles, I learnt that there are angels in heaven
who bring fragrances, gold dusts, miracle money, translocation, debt cancellations etc.
God sends these angels in our meetings, as we believe God, preach him as creator, see
him as thus, he will begin to display these signs and wonders in our midst. The angel
told me lots of things, the world is not ready for what God is about to do.

Then I was taken into this coming Sunday service, I saw lots of souls from everywhere.
As I was ministering, a heavy unction came upon me, as I moved my hands the
anointing of deliverance, hit the church, the fire of God fell, people were tumbling on
top of each other, as evil spirits that hindered their destinies vacated their lives, then a
prophetic unction came upon me, we placed each person in a que, God began to speak
in accuracy and precision.

I came out of the visions, my hands hot because of the anointing! This is a week of the
Holy Spirit!

I saw the Lord

Thursday, May 23rd, 2018- 4.00pm

After meeting with my spiritual son, in the afternoon, I felt an urge to go to my room
like yesterday, when I got there, I was just on my bed meditating about the Lord, his
goodness in my life and family.

After an hour, my spiritual eyes opened, I saw my spirit flying on the earth realm,
looking down, I saw the earth, houses, buildings, forests, seas, activities, people busy
with their daily lives! Just life as usual.

I then saw myself in another realm, where I was, I saw two people there, as if in a court, i
saw the devil standing at my left, something was about happen.

Immediately, Satan the accuser began to speak, words from him was about
condemnation, accusing, he was talking about how these two failed God, they
underserving and unworthy of his forgiveness, he talked about punishment and death,
the Lord allowed me to engage in a dialogue with Satan, I discovered he had pure
hatred for God and humanity, he uses every opportunity to accuse us before God, point
out every weakness, sin and mistake. His words before God is always about something
bad we are doing, reminding the Lord about our past, our weaknesses and flaws, how
we do not deserve his forgiveness, how he should be given permission to punish and
bring death. He hated mercy and forgiveness with a passion. The words in the book of
Job and Zechariah became a reality, I also learnt the moment we stand to accuse and
condemn someone, we assume the position of satan.

On my right ear, the Holy Spirit began ministering to me, he was ministering to me, that
he is drawing men to Christ, he convicts us when we sin, he let us know from within us
when we do wrong and show us how to come before God and obtain forgiveness. Every
time believer falls short, The Holy Spirit convicts him through his conscience, God says
through Peter he is not willing for anyone to perish, God doesn’t want anyone to end in
hell, no matter the case, he always seeks to reconcile and restore men back to himself.

As a preacher, my duty was to let this people, know that what’s hurt inside of them
when they do wrong is their conscience, it was the Holy Spirit convicting them, try to
lead them back to God through repentance, this is a change of heart and mind, I noticed
in that experience many people want God and come back to him, it’s just the don’t
know how. Now God has sent us as Paul said to urge men to reconcile with God, we are
to draw men towards God not away from him! The more men we draw to repentance
and reconciliation, the more we plunder hell and populate heaven. The world is dying, it
needs ministers of the new testament to preach to them solution and the finished work
of the Cross. Jesus has come as a solution to a dying world, and that’s our message. The
Gospel means the glad tidings or goodness!

After this, I saw myself in a chariot of heaven, it was like an elevator with a round nose, it
was clear as crystal, so complex and beautiful. When inside it I was able to see outside, it
was moving at an accelerated speed, tremendous speed upwards towards the third
heaven. Usually I am afraid of heights but here I was so comfortable, the chariot seemed
to be alive and could navigate and move by itself, there was no one driving it. It
travelled upwards and I was able to see the vast creation of God, I remembered how
Elijah had been translated by one of the chariots to heaven.

Suddenly I saw myself flying in the skies of heaven. I saw the tremendous glory of the
Lord, from one horizon to the other, the skies were pure golden, shining, like a brilliant
golden sunrise. The glory of God brought so much joy, peace. It was a sight to behold, I
couldn’t stop praising him. Everything inside me wanted to worship him and extol him!
The Shekinah Glory is so awesome to behold, his majesty!

At the centre of the Glory, the Lord Jesus appeared to me. His head was absolute white
like snow, He was just shimmering white from his head to his toes. His robes were
dazzling white and his face shining brightly, around his person were purest white light
and around the white light was a golden light. When I saw him, I knew him! This is the
man who died for me, who saved me in the year 2010, it’s the man who loved me,
accepted me, who loved me unconditionally, I felt totally accepted in his presence, it’s a
love I have never experienced from any earthly person. It was beyond reason

I was now in this place because of him and his work on the cross. The reality of this was
causing so much stir in my soul.

As he came closer, I saw his feet were bare yet they shone. He was smiling at me, from
his look I saw he was happy at the revelation I received in this experience. That smile
and look from him, made me feel so complete. Nothing in this world is better than that
moment, just that moment, in his presence, where there is fullness of joy!

Suddenly i saw myself back in my body, my body so soaked in the anointing of the Holy
Spirit, his presence and peace in my soul! I started pondering on what just happened.

Oh Jesus, wonderful savior and redeemer!

A Place called Heaven

Tuesday, May 22, 2018: 2:00pm!

So it happened in the afternoon that I felt an urge to go to my bedroom. When I
entered there, I decided to put some sermons on, Listening to the man of God, Pastor
Chris! I was laying on my bed. For about thirty minutes, I was listening!

Suddenly came this anointing of the Holy Spirit upon me, it felt like many pins sticking
to every part of my body. I felt my soul being torn away from my body, I was wondering
"am i dying?", I felt this heat inside my stomach, as if someone is blowing a torch inside
me. I felt pain going through my whole body, My spiritual eyes opened immediately, I
could see the bedroom exactly as it is!

The next thing I felt my spirit floating above my body, I was so light in weight like a
feather, I started to move up from the bed, up through the ceiling. As a spirit, I was so
conscious, my senses all intact and magnified, I was able to see clearly, hear clearly and
feel in a spiritual way! I came out of the house and I was moving at a phenomenal rate
of speed!

I looked I was flying in the spiritual realm, I looked down, I saw the earth, I was flying
over deserts, large caves, forests. I was able to see the earth from the spiritual realm, I
said, “it’s really happening". I saw different parts of the earth from above and I was
moving like a rocket into the atmosphere.

I saw a large tunnel, this tunnel was made of light and going up. I saw my spirit flying
inside it, it was changing colours, gold, blue, white and so peaceful. It kept moving up,
like a passageway through the skies. I thought to myself, “this is a tunnel seen by people
in Near Death Experiences". I travelled for some moments, flying like a bird, I looked at
the walls of the tunnel, the light formed like clouds!

I came out of the tunnel and arrived in the first realm of heaven. I arrived in this large
place, paradise. The place I was at, was extremely beautiful, peaceful. I saw large green
trees, picnic spots, green grass, creation, it was brilliant, light everywhere, no shadows. I
saw saints there, in their spirit bodies, they had forms identical to their images on earth
except they were now in a spiritual substance, immaterial! I saw masculine saints and
feminine saints; I saw even kids playing!

In the midst of these saints, having a heavenly fellowship, I noticed angels, I saw another
angel standing behind a man, another angel sitted on a bench, with five people, I saw
another angel under a tree. These angels were so youthful, their faces radiant, glowing
with joy and beauty, they had blonde hair, wore shining white. The angels were so

beautiful, I exclaimed, "angels". It is here, The Holy Spirit pointed to my right, I saw a
very large angel. He was huge and held a sword, the Spirit said to me, “He is an arch
angel" he told me his name!

The Spirit said to me, "Let’s go to the next level". As he spoke, I was able to hear his
voice clearly as he spoke within me, Very clear in his instructions. In heaven I discovered,
his voice is so clear, it fills you with complete peace, you know his voice and it’s your joy
to hear him and obey him!

We arrived at this place, where I saw houses. The very environment was golden. I saw
what looked like soil but it was pure, golden and glowing. We saw houses which seemed
to be built using gold, everything from foundation level to the roof, it was magnificent.
They were facing a particular direction. I didn’t see anyone outside, maybe they were
inside. I knew by revelation these were house which are for the saved, people who
repented the last moments before their death. They were saved but didn’t prepare well
for the glories of heaven. They didn’t put lot of work in their spiritual growth. This level
was for them.

The Spirit told me, we going to the next level. We arrived in a place full of mansions. The
mansions were so big and glorious. They occupied a large area of land, they stood
majestically, many stories in the skies of heaven, some clear as crystal, some as pure
gold, some seemed to be made of light, the streets were transparent as glass. The trees
there were sparkling, they had gemstones, sapphires, diamonds, rubies hanging on
them, I couldn’t hold on to the instant burst of praise that came from the depth of my
spirit. I knew by revelation this level was for those who served God on the earth such as
preachers, pastors, ushers, missionaries, kingdom financiers etc in heaven you get filled
with information even without asking.

I looked up there was a bright light far, it seems like hundreds of kilometres, it was
splendid. I knew we were supposed to go there, but I felt weak in my spirit, the glory of
the Lord was seen all over. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I was brought back.

My whole body was under a powerful anointing, heat and fire inside my stomach, so
overwhelmed with emotions, the Spirit asked me," What can be more important than
making it there? (referring to heaven)"

I said, "Absolutely nothing"

He said, “Go and tell them, there is a real heaven they must prepare themselves, wash
their robes in the blood of the lamb and stay pure, blessed are those who die in the Lord
for they shall find rest for their souls"

My spirit was still burning with the Lord's presence!!


I know you want to also operate in the supernatural. I will just tell you that as a child of God, you
were born to be supernatural. There is nothing common about us, the new birth is supernatural,
the baptism of the Spirit is supernatural, Our God is supernatural. Actually the word supernatural
means transcending the natural, here are few things the Lord revealed to me about how you
also can begin to experience the supernatural in your life, remember the goal is deep intimacy
with Jesus and looking at & influencing natural circumstances from the spiritual standpoint.

First things first, any person who wants to operate in the supernatural needs to first acquire
knowledge concerning the subject matter. The bible in the book of Romans 10:17, declares that
faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So what you hear is what you become.
If you continually feed yourself with the word of God, with supernatural books, with Testimonies
of the spiritual world, faith begins to raise within you.

These are the four practical steps that I have learnt over the period of nine years, that you need
to follow in order to start experiencing the supernatural as in Visions, Dreams, OBE’s, and

The very first thing you need is an activation prayer, this is a prayer made for you by someone
who already operate in the supernatural, the prayer is made to God the Father, that your
spiritual eyes should be open, in the year 2010, the Lord opened my spiritual eyes, watching “Its
Supernatural” Program. When this prayer is received with Faith, your spiritual eyes will be
opened. I am going to pray for you now, I want you to believe that God is going to open your
spiritual eyes, the moment you receive this prayer, you will begin to feel “Heat”,” Electricity”,”
Poking” in the eyes, that’s a sign that the Lord is touching your eyes.

“Heavenly Father, I pray for the readers right now, may you release the anointing upon their
eyes, given them what you have given me, may they begin to see in the spirit and hear your
voice, thank you for answering my prayers with a “YES” It is DONE, in the name of JESUS”

And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of
these men, that they may see. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they
were in the midst of Samaria. 2 Kings:6:20

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the
putting on of my hands. 2 Timothy:1:6

The second step is Confession. The bible declares that death and life is in the power of the
tongue, in other words, your mouth is your lifeline, you are the results of the words you spoke
yesterday, your destiny is controlled by the word which you speak, weather you know this or
not. The Lord revealed to me, that You need to DECLARE with your own mouth, that you too,
will walk in the supernatural, you will have OBE’S, confess that when you dream, you will
remember that you are dreaming, this as you continually speak and announce, will be stored in
your consciousness. Remember you are what you say. So you begin to confess it. You can
confess that money will come to you and it does, why can’t you confess that angels too will visit

“I am born for the supernatural”,

“Angels know my house”

“I am a child of God”

“In my dreams only angels visit me”

“When I dream, I will be aware that I am dreaming”

When you continually feed your spirit with those confessions, it will trigger a memory, when you
are dreaming, or when you are in half awake state, that you are dreaming or that you are in half
sleep. You will suddenly remember and be aware.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he
saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark:11:23

Now you have your eyes being anointed to see, you have confessed. Now you need to start
being expectant. Expectation is a sign of faith, instead of fearing that robbers are hiding
somewhere in the house, start expecting to see angels, there are certain things you need to start
doing in order to demonstrate your faith, make sure you get your diary, write “Tonight I will see
the Lord”,” I will have an OBE”, write the date, also to prepare for encounters, make sure you
leave soft worship songs playing in the background, make sure there are distractions, Lock your

room, let people know you going to spend time with the Lord, make sure you pray in tongues or
in the spirit minutes to an hour every night before you sleep. You may not see anything the first
day, but you must keep doing them, remember the key to the supernatural is patience and

So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a
reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off. Proverbs:24:14

When you have properly followed those steps, your dreams are going to shift, from having
meaningless dreams to lucid dreams, you will start to dream and find yourself being aware that
you are in a dream, the memory you set in motion by your own confession, will begin to play.
When it does, you need to ACT. Begin to ask the Holy Spirit to take you to heaven.

Your memory will begin to play in your waking up state or your sleeping state, you will suddenly
be aware that you are about to fully wake up or full sleep, that you are to repeat the same
words” Holy Spirit take me out of my body to heaven”

Weather in a lucid dream or in trance state, the moment you tell the Holy Spirit that, your spirit
body will begin to sense the spiritual world, we call it OBE sensation. You will feel a breeze,
tingling sensation, an audio sound, sense of weightlessness and floating, the presence of the
Lord etc. these are signs that an OBE is about to take place, remember NOT to be afraid, but to
yield. The Spirit of God is sensitive and the same with the spiritual world. You are to yield.

Yielding means being passive, do not resist, shut your own eyes, don’t be distracted, yield like
when a person floats on water while swimming.

While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.

As you keep yielding, losing fear or fright, you will begin to feel your spirit rising up above your
body, your spiritual eyes will open, it various from a person to a person, some may begin to see
angels or demons, some may float about the room, some may be taken on journey through the
cosmos, or galaxies, some on their first OBE they may see heaven and or hell. Whatever the case
is, do not be afraid. Someone may ask, how can you be sure, that once a person experience this
he will come back, remember this is all about faith, the same God who is able to take you to the
spiritual world is the same God who will be able to bring you back. Jesus when he gave up the
ghost he trusted on him, who is able to raise the dead, that as he goes to hades in death, God
will restore him to life. That’s the same notion. The Last Point, between 3:00am and 6:00am, the
physical realm is highly sensitive to the spiritual realm. So you can begin to wake up, around

that time, use the methods or steps. Pray in the Holy Spirit an hour or minutes and go back to

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee,
and will look up. Psalm:5:3

Your journey to deep intimacy with Jesus has just begun. I believe that when my 4th Book is
released, already you will be operating in the supernatural.


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