The Ant and The Grasshopper (Grade 1)

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1: The Dog , The Cock and the fox

The dog, the Cock and the Fox is an interesting moral based fable that teaches its readers to
be wise enough to judge others and not to trust them blindly. One who tries to trap others is
often caught by his own snare.
A cock and a dog go on a journey together. At night, the cock roosts in a tree while the dog curls
up at its roots. When the cock crowed in the morning, it attracted a fox that made friendly
overtures and tried to lure the bird down. The cock agrees, telling it to ask the gatekeeper to
open the door at the foot of the tree so that it can come out. The fox stumbles on the sleeping
dog and is killed.

The story shows that people are the same way: if you are wise, you take up arms to save
yourself whenever you run into trouble. It also tells the importance of friends. A loyal friend
will always be there to rescue you in any adverse situation.

The story suggests the following important morals:

“Cunning often outwits itself”

“Those who try to deceive may expect to be paid in their own coin.”

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