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EE340A Electromagnetic Theory

A.R. Harish
Office: ACES 225; Phone: 7569
Class Schedule
• LEC: MW 08:00-08:50 Venue: L1;
Th 10:00-10:50 Venue: L1;

• TUT: F 14:00-14:50 Venue: T203 – 207

RADAR and Naviation • Instrument landing, target location, weather prediction

Communication • Mobile; WiFi; Satellite

Non-invasive Diagnostics • Fault detection, material testing, cancer diagnostics

Radio Astronomy • Understanding our universe

Consumer Electronics • RFID; Photocopier; Laser Printer

EMI/EMC • Making the devices safe and secure

Transmission Line • Coax; Two-wire; Waveguide

Course Contents

Time Varying Propagation in
Electromagnetic Free Space and
Fields, Maxwell's in Matter;
Overview of Conditions;
Static Electric
and Magnetic
Fields, Steady
Electric Currents;
Course Contents
Reflection and Refraction of Waves at
Conducting and Dielectric Boundary;
Course Contents

Reflection and Refraction of

Waves at Conducting and
Dielectric Boundary;

Wikipedia and google
Course Contents
Reflection and Refraction of Waves at Conducting and Dielectric
Course Contents
Reflection and Refraction of Waves at Conducting and Dielectric
Course Contents
Transmission Lines: TEM waves, Transmission Line Equations, Wave
Propagation along Finite Transmission Lines, Transients on Lines, The
Smith Chart;
Course Contents
Transmission Lines: TEM waves, Transmission Line Equations, Wave
Propagation along Finite Transmission Lines, Transients on Lines, The
Smith Chart;

By LuckyLouie - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Course Contents
Transmission Lines: TEM waves, Transmission Line Equations, Wave
Propagation along Finite Transmission Lines, Transients on Lines, The
Smith Chart;
Course Contents
Waveguides, Waves in Guided Media, Parallel Plate Waveguide,
Rectangular Waveguide, Cavity Resonators;
Course Contents
Waveguides, Waves in Guided Media, Parallel Plate Waveguide,
Rectangular Waveguide, Cavity Resonators;
Course Contents
Basic Theory of Antennas and Radiation Characteristics, Elementary
Types of Antennas.
Course Contents
Basic Theory of Antennas and Radiation Characteristics, Elementary
Types of Antennas.
Course Contents
1. Overview of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields, Steady Electric
2. Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields, Maxwell's Equations,
Boundary Conditions;
3. Plane Electromagnetic Waves, Propagation in Free Space and in
4. Reflection and Refraction of Waves at Conducting and Dielectric
5. Transmission Lines: TEM waves, Transmission Line Equations,
Wave Propagation along Finite Transmission Lines, Transients on
Lines, The Smith Chart;
6. Waveguides, Waves in Guided Media, Parallel Plate Waveguide,
Rectangular Waveguide, Cavity Resonators;
7. Basic Theory of Antennas and Radiation Characteristics,
Elementary Types of Antennas.
• Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Second Edition,
David K. Cheng, Pearson Education, 2008.

• Engineering Electromagnetics, Seventh Edition, Tata

W A Haytt & J A Buck McGraw Hill, 2006.

E. C. Jordan and K. G. • Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems,

Balmain Second Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., Tata McGraw Hill

• Principles of Electromagnetics, Fourth Edition, Oxford

Mathhew N.O. Sadiku University Press.

• Electromagnetics with Applications, Fifth Edition,

Kraus and Fleisch McGraw Hill,1999.

Component %Marks
Tutorial mini quizzes 20
Mid-semester Examination 35
End semester Examination 45
Attendance, Examinations,
• Missing a quiz or an examination:
– Missing a mini quiz or the mid-semester examination and leave
is granted by the competent authority:
• mini quiz or mid-semester examination marks will be pro-rated based on the
overall marks obtained including the marks of the end-semester
– Missing the end-semester examination:
• will be allowed to appear in the Make-up examination, if permitted by the
competent authority.
• Attendance will be recorded during the lectures using biometric
attendance system, if it does not disturb the class.
– Please see the guidelines at:
After completing the course

Able to visualize EM fields

Apply EM principles to explain the working

of RF devices and phenomena

Understand the meaning and significance of

performance specifications of RF components
RF Frequency Bands
Wavelength (m) Frequency Band Applications
100 km to 10 km 3 kHz to 30 kHz VLF Navigation
10 km to 1 km 30 kHz to 300 kHz LF Radio Beacon
1 km to 100 m 300 kHz to 3 MHz MF AM Broadcast, Direction
Finding, Amateur Radio
100 m to 10 m 3 MHz to 30 MHz HF Shortwave Radio
Aircraft Communication
10 m to 1 m 30 MHz to 300 MHz VHF Television, FM Broadcast, Air
Traffic Control
1 m to 10 cm 300 MHz to 3 GHz UHF Television, Radar, Mobile
Phone, Satellite
10 cm to 1 cm 3 GHz to 30 GHz SHF Radar, Microwave Link,
Satellite Communication
1 cm to 1 mm 30 GHz to 300 GHz EHF Radar, Experimental Studies

Microwave Bands k: 103

L: 1 to 2 GHz; S: 2 to 4 GHz; C: 4 to 8 GHz; X: 8 to 12.4 GHz; M: 106
Ku: 12.4 to 18 GHz; K: 18 to 26.5 GHz; Ka: 26.5 to 40 GHz; G: 109

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