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Acknowledgements I would like to thank the school, the teacher and children that participated in this

study. Thank you for being welcoming and giving me the freedom that I needed to do the research. I am
grateful to all you boys and girls who let me be apart of your group. Thank you for inviting me to play
with you, I had a great time. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts with me. To my
supervisor Randi Dyblie Nilsen, thank you for all your help in the last year. You have motivated me so
much. Thank you for all your constructive comments and wise suggestions, I have learnt a lot from you.
Thanks to Iselin and Toini, my faithful friends and room mates. Your prayers, encouragements, your
sincere interest in my study and your friendship means so much to me. This would have been a much
less fun experience without you. And thanks be to Jesus Christ who always hopes, believes and plans
good things for me, I am eternally grateful. My fellow students, especially you that have ‘suffered’ along
side me everyday the past six months. Gro Pernille, Ida, Simi, Matias, Therese, Oketch and Rozita, I am
very grateful for sharing this experience with you, for all the meals, the discussions and laughs we had.
Thank you for cheering for me.

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