Simulation Assignment Hammad Hussain

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Simulation Assignment

Hammad Hussain

1-D Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) has applied to
simulate the sound wave propagation in string and in-
vestigated the different scenarios by considering dif-
ferent boundaries conditions at both extremities.

The TLM method had developed in 1970 by P.B.
Johns and applied to electromagnetic wave guide
problems. Later on Saleh and Blanchfield applied this
method to acoustic field problems in 1990.
TLM is innately a time domain approach and does Figure 2:
not require the differential equation solution. In this
assignment 1-D TLM method has implemented in
Matlab , for simulating the sound wave propagation in Comments
string we consider two boundaries condition by taking
two different values of Reflection factor R. I did not include the TLMfig part in this assignment
because the given software (TLMfig) has not properly
worked for me. I did not find the axes and cursor
• R = 1 at both extremities. position on the fig file. I spent lot of time and try to
fix this issue but I didn’t succeed. Screenshot of the
• R = 1 on the left and R = -1 on the right. software is shown in fig.3

If the boundary is fixed, the pulse reflected back into
the string is inverted (multiplied by –1), and for the
free boundary, the reflected pulse is unchanged. Both
conditions are shown in fig.1 and fig.2 respectively.

Figure 3: TLMFig GUI

Figure 1:

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