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Marketing Analytics Assignment

Case Analysis
Case 1 & 2

Submitted by - Group 24

Saswat Kumar Dey- FT201073

Nishan Mohanty - FT201107

Akash Dutta - FT202010

Ankur Bhargava - FT203017

Kaustav Ghosh – FT203042

Data Analytics Case 1 – Segmenting the Smart watch Market

1) Determine the number of distinct segments present in the market as represented in

the current respondent sample.

Ans. 3 distinct segments are present in the market.

2) After determining the number of segments, describe each using the segmentation and
descriptor variables. Based on the characteristics, create a name for each segment that
captures the essence of what makes it unique.

Using pivot table settings we got following centroid values for all variables across 3 clusters
Ans. Cluster 1 - PERSPICACIOUS

Segmentation for the cluster is done based on following variables for which the mean is far more than the
median. Since they are observant and keen sighted hence we have named them Perspicacious.

Timely Information - The ability to receive up-to-the-minute updates

Constant Communication - The ability to receive subtle notifications at all times
Task Management - Ability to automate tasks or perform them instantly, such as placing an online order as
soon as something is running low
Device Sturdiness - The ability not to worry about losing or damaging the device or having to recharge its
Price - Willing to pay the price in exchange for latest technology and features

Important Descriptor Variables: Education, TV.

This is the cluster which consists of individuals who are in education sector and they
check/watch/read/listen to TV

Cluster 2 – SHUTTERBUG

Segmentation for this cluster is done based on following variables for which mean is more than the
median. Since they are inclined towards photography hence they are Shutterbug

Photo - The ability to take a picture when it would be annoying or impossible to have a phone open or with

Important Descriptor Variables: Finc, TV, Comp Buy.

This is the cluster which consists of individuals who are bankers, insurers or accountants and they
check/watch/read to TV

Segmentation for this cluster is done based on following variables for which the mean is far more than the
median. Since they are athletes who focus on wellness and are money conscious, we have named them as
Fit Utilitarian

Athlete - The ability to receive challenging fitness and athletic goals, smart coaching to improve
Wellness - The ability to receive subtle reminders and smart goals to sleep regularly, take enough steps
each day, change position
Innovation - The ability to benefit from the latest and greatest.
Creative Communication - The ability to send and receive creative and fun communications
Saving Money Transaction - The ability to receive smart discounts, such as mobile coupons or mobile
payment rewards points based on location
Saving Money Life - The ability to earn savings on health, life, and car insurance based on living a healthy
and safe lifestyle.
Style - The ability to wear stylish, fashion forward accessories that look great with many outfits.

Important Descriptor Variables: Construction/transportation/manufacturing/logistics., Facebook.

This is the cluster which consists of individuals who are in Construction /transportation /manufacturing/
logistics business and they check/watch/read/listen to Facebook
3) Rate the attractiveness of each smart watch segment on a scale of 1-7. Explain the
factors that went into your rating.


 Customer Segment 1 - 6/7 because people in this segment don’t worry about price and even if they
are a small cluster they can lead to more profitability

 Customer Segment 2 - 2/7 because people in this segment are more inclined towards photography.

 Customer Segment 3 - 4/7 because people in this segment worry about style and are health as well
as wellness conscious and they can provide more revenue as they are the largest cluster.
DATA ANALYTICS CASE 2:- Pursuing the Right Prospects: Fixing Sales
and Bidding at GQS Through Data Analytics

1) Perform a detailed analysis of GQS’s historical bid data from 2012 to 2016 using the dataset provided
in GQS Historical Bid Wins.xls:
• Estimate binary choice model to determine whether customer project type, region, GO score,
and project size affect the probability of winning a bid. For project size, use the classification
provided in the datasheet. Small projects are valued at less than $10 million, medium projects
are between $11 million and $200 million, and large projects are greater than $201 million.
• Assess the fit of the model using fit indices.
• Determine which variables are the key drivers of winning bids.
• Comment on the fitness of the model versus the GET score in predicting performance.

A detailed analysis on GQS’s historical bid data from 2012 to 2016 using the dataset GQS Historical Bid
Wins.xls has been performed through Binary Logistic regression.
For reliability of our data we are coding the independent variables region and business unit as per the
labels given in the case:
Region: Business Unit:
North America – 1 Turnkey - 1
Europe – 2 Traditional - 2
Middle East – 3 Construction - 3
North Africa – 4

As per our analysis, the following table establishes the relationship between the probability of winning a
bid with the variables Customer project type, region, GO score and project size. We have taken Award Yes
as the dependent variable and others as independent variables. The table is given below:

As per the table we can see all the regions, project size as well as the project type are significant to
determine the probability of winning a bid. All this variables inversely impacts the winning probability
heavily. On the other hand the Go score is not at all significant in determining the probability of winning.
The fitness of the model is given below:

As we can see the accuracy of the model is around 73% which is fair enough as per the predictions given in
the table.

We can see our model has a R square of 0.372 which is moderately fair for our predictions.
Let’s see the correlation tables and matrixes given below:

The significant factor between Award (Yes) and Probability of Get is 0.672 which is much greater than 0.05.
Hence the Get score cannot predict the winning of a bid precisely. The model may be fit enough with other
variables but the Get score alone is not enough to predict the winning of the bid.

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