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Sales and Receivables

Test of Controls:

Assertion Controls Test of Controls

 Existence 1. Recording of sales is 1. Examine for approved
supported by customer customer order, sales order,
orders, sales orders approved shipping document and copy
by the credit department and of sales invoice for a sample
approved and executed of entries in the sales journal.
shipping documents.
2. A clerk independent of 2. Observe whether a clerk
accounts receivable prepares independent of the accounts
and mails monthly statements receivable bookkeeper
to customers for all trade prepares and mails monthly
accounts receivable and statements and follows up
follows up on any complaints. any complaints. Examine files
on complaints received in
prior months.
 Completeness 3. Prenumbered shipping 3. Observe the client
documents are accounted for performing the procedure or
to determine that a sales select a sample of shipping
invoice is prepared for all orders and examine the
shipments. invoice that bills the sale.
4. Prenumbered sales invoices 4. Observe the clerk recording
are accounted for to sales if they account for the
determine that all sales are numerical sequence of
recorded. invoices.
5. Procedures to ensure timely 5. Inquire how procedures are
recording if sales and proper followed, observe these
cut-off are established. procedures and inspect prior
shipment reports sent by the
shipping clerk to the billing
clerk. Also provides evidence
as to existence.
 Rights and 6. Clerk should check sales 6. Observe the control being
Obligations orders and sales invoices for performed.
terms to determine that
transaction is a sale rather
than a consignment
 Valuation or 7. Goods are counted and 7. Observe the performance of
Allocation descriptions and quantities the control and examine a
are compared to the sample of shipping orders for
descriptions and quantities on the signature on the shipping
documents that indicates
the sales orders and shipping that the counting and
documents prior to shipping. comparison occurred.
8. Examine a sample of sales
8. Customer credit is approved order for credit approval
by a responsible official prior prior to shipment.
to merchandise shipment. 9. Perform the following:
9. Sales invoices are checked for a. Inquiry about the updating
a. proper pricing and use of price lists.
b. arithmetic accuracy b. Examine a sample of
c. terms invoice copies to determine
that they contain a signature
indicating that the price,
mathematical accuracy and
terms have been checked.
10. Observe that the controls are
10. The accounts receivable being performed. Foot the
subsidiary ledger is balanced accounts receivable
to the general ledger control subsidiary ledger and
account regularly. compare the total with the
balance appearing in the
general ledger control

 Presentation 11. Sales must be properly 11. Verify that the invoice copy
and Disclosure classified to generate accurate contains the signature that
segment reporting. indicates approval of account
classifications used.
Audit Program for Test of Controls
WP Done
Audit Procedures Ref By Date
1. For a sample of entries in the sales journal,
A. Compare date in the sales journal to approved
customer order, sales order, shipping
document, and copy of sales invoice for
a. Customer order number
b. Invoice number
c. Customer name
d. Date
e. Description of goods
f. Quantity
g. Price
h. Invoice amount
i. Terms
B. Determine credit approval
C. Determine that signatures are on invoices
indicating independent checking for
a. Proper pricing
b. Mathematical accuracy
c. Terms
D. Examine signature evidencing recheck of
account coding.
2. For a sample of shipping documents, examine
signatures indicating that for goods shipped, goods
are counted, quantities and descriptions of the
goods shipped are compared to quantities and
descriptions on sales orders and shipping
documents prior to shopping, and the transactions
are recorded in the sales journal.
3. Discuss the procedures with the person who mails
to customers monthly billings for all trade accounts
receivable and follows up on any complaints.
Review the client’s correspondence files reflecting
resolution of these items.
4. Observe the procedures followed to ensure a
proper cutoff of sales at year-end.
5. Observe that the accounts receivable subsidiary
ledger is balanced to the general ledger control
account regularly.
6. Examine evidence of accounting for the sequence
of sales orders, shipping documents, and sales
Substantive Tests
Audit Objectives Audit Procedures Specific Procedures
 To determine 1. Review the sales journal, general  The client accumulates the
that recorded ledger and accounts receivable. sales invoice, customer’s
sales are 2. Trace sales journal entries to copies order, the sales order bearing
authorized and of sales orders, sales invoices and credit approval and the
are for shipping documents. shipping documents. Request
shipments 3. Trace shipping documents to entry access to these files to pick a
actually made to of shipments perpetual inventory sample.
nonfictitious records.  Trace from the entry
customer. 4. Compare prices on sales invoices removing the goods from
 To determine with unauthorized price lists or inventory to the perpetual
that existing properly executed contracts inventory record
sales 5. Trace shipping documents to  Examine the cash receipts in
transactions are resultant sales invoices and entry payment for the sale.
recorded on a into sales journal and accounts  Confirm the existence of
timely basis. receivable master file. individual transactions with
 To determine 6. Compare dates of recorded sales  For a sample of shipping
that existing transactions with dates on shipping documents and examine that
sales records or perform sales cutoff entries were made in the
transactions are tests. sales journal and account
recorded on a receivable subsidiary ledger.
timely basis.  For a sample of sales
invoices, investigate the
procedure from recording
movements of merchandise.
 To determine 7. Recompute information on sales  For a sample of entries in the
that recorded invoices. sales journal, examine:
sales are for the 8. Trace entries in sales journal to sales a. Sales invoice, shipping
amount of invoices document, and customer
goods shipped 9. Trace details on sales invoices to order for consistency of
and are shipping documents, price tests and descriptions.
correctly billed customers’ orders. b. Sales orders for credit
and recorded approval.
c. Check prices and
 Compare the date of each
invoice with:
a. The date on the related
shipping document
b. The date of entry in the
accounts receivable
subsidiary ledger.
 To determine 10. Examine document supporting sales  Review a sample of entries in
that sales transactions for proper the sales journal and the
transactions are classification. supporting sales invoice to
properly determine whether the sales
classified. invoice was coded correctly
and whether it results in
proper presentation and
disclosure of the transaction
in the financial statement.

Sales Adjustments
Test of Controls

WP Done
Audit Procedures Ref By Date
1. Account for credit memoranda.
2. Prove the footings of credit memorandum register.
3. Trace the posting of credit memorandum to the
general ledger.
4. Review credit memoranda for approval.
5. Check credit memoranda concerning returned
goods for:
a. Arithmetic accuracy
b. Quantities returned
c. Unit prices
6. Inspect credit files in support of accounts written
off as uncollectible.

Audit Program for Test of Controls

Substantive Tests
Audit Objectives Audit Procedures
 To determine if the amount of sales 1. Review the use and authorization of
returns and allowances are so credit memoranda.
immaterial, they can be ignored in the 2. Review credits for returned merchandise
audit. if supported by receiving report on the
 To determine that the sales returns and return shipment
allowances are valid and not fictitious. 3. Verify prices, extensions and footings and
trace postings from the sales returns
journal to the customer’s accounts in the
subsidiary receivable ledger.
Cash Receipts Transactions
Test of Controls
Assertion Controls Test of Controls
 Existence or 1. An employee prepares a 1. Observe whether a prelisting
Occurence prelisting of cash receipts is prepared and inquiries of
before further processing. the preparer about the
procedures followed.
2. A validated deposit slip is 2. The auditor tests this control
obtained for daily deposits by obtaining copies of the
and compared to the cash validated deposit slips and
receipts summary. comparing them to the cash
receipts summary.
3. Duties of handling cash 3. Observe the separation of
receipts are segregated from duties and inquiring of client
posting to accounts personnel about their
receivable. These functions responsibilities.
are performed by separate
independent employees.
4. A bank reconciliation is 4. Observe whether the bank
prepared monthly by a person reconciliation have been
not involved in handling cash, prepared by an independent
accounts receivable, or employee.
general ledger records. The
reconciler should receive the
unopened bank statement
and maintain control over it
until the reconciliation is
 Completeness 5. Prelisting and cash register 5. Observe the monitoring of
procedures should be these procedures.
6. Checks should be restrictively 6. Observe the procedures in
endorsed as soon as they are effect.
7. A daily cash summary is 7. Inquire of employees who
prepared and reconciled to carry out the procedure
total of prelisting receipts. The about the regularity and
summary total is compared to consistency of its
the total in the cash receipts performance.
journal and the total on the
validated deposit ticket.
8. The cash receipts journal total 8. Observe the procedure and
is independently reconciled to inquire of personnel
the total posted to accounts performing the procedure.
 Rights and 9. Cash receipts are deposited 9. Observe the procedure and
Obligation intact daily in the company’s compare the cash in the
bank account. prelisting with the validated
deposit slip.
 Valuation or 10. Cash receipts should be 10. Compare entries in the cash
Allocation recorded at the amount receipts journal to
indicated on the remittance remittance advices.
advice prepared by a third
 Presentation 11. The accounting supervisor 11. Determine that the
and Disclosure approves classifications made supervisor’s signature of
in journalizing to reduce the approval is recorded.
likelihood of payments being
posted to the wrong accounts,
resulting in credit balances in
accounts receivable.

Audit Program for Test of Controls

W0P Done
Audit Procedures Ref By Date
1. Compare remittances or other details of cash
receipts with the entries in the receipts book.
2. Compare the recorded receipts with individual
deposits as shown by bank statements.
3. Compare the composition of authenticated
duplicate deposit slips with the recorded receipts.
4. Compare the recorded receipts with an
independent record prepare before receipts are
transmitted to the cashier.
5. Test of cash discounts and other allowances or
6. Test postings to the general ledger to the
customers’ ledger, and to other subsidiary ledger.
7. Review cash receipts for unusual items.
Substantive Tests
Audit Objectives Audit Procedures Specific Procedures
 To determine 1. For a sample of entries in the cash  To test the accounts
that recorded receipts journal, trace to the receivable, trace from the
receipts prelisting of cash receipts and to entry in the accounts
represent actual remittance advice. For a sample of receivable ledger to a cash
collections of entries, reconcile daily deposit to receipts listing to a deposit
cash from validated deposit ticket. ticket listing the payment and
customers. to the customer’s remittance
 To determine 2. For a sample of days, verify that all  To test the recording of cash
that all receipts cash receipts are recorded by receipts, compare the names
of cash and reconciling daily listing(s) of cash and amounts included in the
checks are receipts and validated deposit ticket prelisting for selected days
recorded. to cash receipts journal. with the entries in the cash
receipts journal.
 To test for lapping, identify a
period of several consecutive
days and trace the names
and amounts from the
prelisting of cash receipts to
the validated deposit ticket
to the cash receipts journal,
and to the posting in the
accounts receivable ledger.
 Test the arithmetic accuracy
of cash collections by footing
the cash receipts journal, and
by footing the accounts
receivable subsidiary ledger
reconciling it to the control
 To determine 3. For a sample of entries in cash  To test the credit balances in
that debits to receipts journal, examine the accounts receivable,
cash and credits remittance advice and verify that select transactions from the
to accounts discount taken was appropriate. cash receipts journal and
receivable are Foot accounts receivable subsidiary recomputed the cash
valued at ledger and reconcile to the general discounts allowed to
amounts ledger account. customer who have made
received. payments.
 Reperformance of the
procedures of credit approval
for verification of approvals if
 To determine 4. Review account coding for a sample  To test for errors in coding,
that cash of entries in the cash receipts compare entries in the cash
receipts journal. receipts journal with the
transactions are remittance advices.
recorded to
result in
and disclosure
in accordance
with PAS/PFRS.

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