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Customer service related FAQ

Error and solution

1. Move –in doc not created during TMD

Identification not maintained during BP creation.

End date is less than start date in temp. Connection

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

2. Error of payment in TMD creation

Payment not done

Payment not cleared

Order status- DNPD, SPAY, PPAY not updated

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

3. CON

5 checks

Id not maintained in new BP

Schedule record should be available. Check in EL01 with MRU.

Check Billing documents- Adjustment doc should not be there- send to billing

Open MRO should not be there, if exists reverse using EL37

Check installation for billing periods- it should not have any problem

Name :-Er. Harjeet Kaur AM/IT
Ph No :-9646119557
4. CON Government case (new CA will not be created in such cases)

While order creation click + symbol below PMActivity (Address)

Fill detail in order address tab

While order completion BP will be displayed then enter the details as pequired.

Old CA final bill not done

Name :-Er. Harjeet Kaur AM/IT
Ph No :-9646119557
5. Concession operands

NFT_EMP06(100 units), NFT_EMP07(125 units), NFT_EMP08(155 units) (for board employee no of units)
value-1,2 says how many times to apply concession

NFG_EMPCON (flag yes or no)

NFG_OBCST (flag yes or no, for SC also)

NFG_BPL (flag yes or no)

NDE_CPLED (for peak load excemption)

Name :-Er. Harjeet Kaur AM/IT
Ph No :-9646119557

6. To set PLEC

First create operand NDE_CPLED using miscellaneous order,

Set plec using T-code ZPLV01

Name :-Er. Harjeet Kaur AM/IT
Ph No :-9646119557

7. Error while disconnection completion

Already disconnected

consumer locked (check in installation) resolve as manual to unlock check ppt

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

8. Migrated consumer has BP, CA need to move-in

Get Premise from table Temksv ( in SE16) using legacy no

Then create move-in EC50E using premise and ca then enter (or press move-in)

Contract class, Act Det ID, Dunning Proc, Business Area

Device installation will be done by subdiv

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

9. Meter rent issue

Meter provided by consumer but getting bill with rent

Open meter in "IQ02" open "class overview" set meter owner – customer

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

10. Meter status unavailable

Make it available in "IQ02"

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

11. Error in load change order creation

Error in updating of Installation fact – grid to be maintained correctly

Name :-Er. Gurpreet Singh AE
Ph No :-9646118149

12. PDCO cases

In case of defaulting consumer Disconnection order should be created, connection will remain
In case of surrender of supply Device removal order should be created, consumer will be
moved-out while order completion automatically

Name :-Er. Harjeet Kaur AM/IT
Ph No :-9646119557
SBM, Metering, billing Related FAQ

Incorrect tariff or due date on SBM bills

SBM tariff and holiday file need to be copy and Replace in the “analogics1” folder on C drive for
each system used to download the SBM data time to time.

Date and time need to be checked on each SBM before the start of billing.

Name :-Er. Baljeet AE
Ph No :-9646119089

SBM upload and Download

SBM need to uploaded regularly on local PC, once the file is uploaded at local PC immediately
same need to be uploaded at “” otherwise upload data will not be available In
SAP system.

Latest version of SBM /PC should be installed on SBM/PC, Presently 6.02 is SBM version and 2.00
PC version.

Name :-Er Balwinder Singh AEE
Ph No :-9646111579

Meter reading of SP,MS,GC and Temp

Meter reading of SP,MS,GC and Temp need to be taken through SBM only, Bill generated
through SBM need not to be given consumer. Meter reading of these category need to be
uploaded on local PC(same process for GSC/GT). Uploaded file need to be uploaded on link immediately after PC upload. Screenshot given bellow
Name :-Er. Baljeet AE
Ph No :-9646119089

Meter digit error cases

In some cases billing is not done in SAP system due to meter digit difference(i.e reading
available is 5 digit but digit maintained in SAP system is 4 meter digit need to be corrected in SAP
with verification from meter site.

Name :-Er Balwinder Singh AEE
Ph No :-9646111579

Non Billing cases

Implausible ( t code EL70), Out sort cases(EA05) need to be checked/released/corrected on

regularly basis .
Name :-Er Balwinder Singh AEE
Ph No :-9646111579

1 to 3 Register for Meters

In case of meter registers are incorrect in Sap system same need to be correct in SAP through
EG42 as billing of above 50Kw(DS/NRS is KVAH based)


Ratio of Meter/CT PT/LT CT, Primarily/Secondary voltage need to be checked and correction
need to be done in SAP

Over All Multiplier = Meter multiplier * ( Line CT ratio/Meter CT ratio )*(Line PT ratio/Meter PT
ratio )

Change of name(Non billing)

In case of change of name billing of previous CA no need to be completed before Change of


Non TOD to TOD conversion and TOD to Non TOD

User manual available at EVERYONE folder under Updated user manual

Name :-Mr. Randhir Passwan AM/IT ,
Ph No :-9646119376
1. Unbilled consumer Report

T code – ZUNBLD

2. Consumers with KVA consumption higher than Contract demand


3 Consumption variation report of Consumers


4. Status of seasonal consumers


5. Open service orders in a billing period

T code – ZDM_SO_OPEN

6. Meter note wise report

T code – ZMRN

7 Billing template report


8. Billed consumer repot user wise


Name :-Mr. Randhir Passwan AM/IT ,
Ph No :-9646119376
Payments Related Points:

1. Amount Credited to wrong Account:

Use T-Code “/OFP-40” to transfer the amount from wrong account number to correct
account number. User Manual uploaded to PSPCL website under IT Newsletter link
“Manual FI-1”.

2. What are Dunning levels while extracting Defaulting Report?

Defaulting report extracted through T-Code “/OZFPM3_NEW” has 4 dunning levels as
Dunning Level Bimonthly Consumers Monthly Consumers RT/AP
1 7 days* 7 days* 7 days*
2 21 days* 14 days* 21 days*
3 66 days* 45 days* 66 days*
4 365 days† 365 days† 365 days†
(* - after due date) († - after bill issue date)

3. What is the procedure to extract Defaulting report?

The procedure for the same is available in User Manual uploaded to PSPCL website under
IT Newsletter link “Manual - 2”.

4. How to clear non-energy amount not accepted through Bar-Code?

The procedure for the same is available in User Manual uploaded to PSPCL website under
IT Newsletter link “Manual FI-2”.

5. How to extract report for 3rd party (Forbes, BPM & Internet) payments from SAP?
The procedure for the same is available in User Manual uploaded to PSPCL website under
IT Newsletter link “Manual FI-4”.

6. How to post missed transactions due to any technical failure?

The missed transactions reconciled at sub-division level can be posted as dummy payment
using the following T-Codes:
/OFP05 – For posting of cash payments.
/OFP25 – For posting of cheque/DD payments.
Procedure for the same is available in User Manual uploaded to PSPCL website under IT
Newsletter link “Manual FI-3”.

7. How to extract Sundry Charges/allowances report from SAP?

Sundry allowances and charges report can be extracted using T-Code “ZFI_SUNDRY_DET”.

Name :-Er. Prikshit Bhanot AEE
Ph No :-9646112846

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