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10. Man: So we met with our study group during the break and we each took one part of the
book to outline.
Woman: Wait a minute. Dr. Peterson actuaJly gave you a break?
Third Voice: What had the woman assumed about Dr. Peterson?
(C) Since the woman was surprised that Dr. Peterson gave them a break, it must be concluded that she
assumed Dr. Peterson would not give them a break. The meeting, the outline, and the book in Choices
(A), (B), and (D) are activities of the study group, not Dr. Peterson.

EXERCISE 9: Dialogues-Predictions
l. Man: I' II have hot tea and a large glass of orange juice.
Woman: We only have one size orange juice. It's pretty big, though. About like that.
Third Voice: What will the man probably do?
(B) Since the man has ordered a large orange juice, he will most probably accept the size orange juice
they have. Choice (A) is less probable because they have the drink that he wants. Choice (C) is less pro-
bable because there is no reason for him to change his order because of the size glass available. Choice
(0) is less probable because the hot tea was ordered in addition to the orange juice, not instead of it.

2. Woman: Have you seen my chemistry book?
Man: It was on the kitchen table yesterday. Did you have it with you when you went to the
library last night? Maybe you left it there.
Third Voice: What will the woman probably do?
(C) Since the woman went to the library last night, and the man suggests that she might have left her
book there, the woman will most probably go to the library to look for her book. Choices (A) and (D)
are less probable because the kitchen and the table refer to the place where the book was yesterday, not
to places where the woman will go to study or eat instead of looking for the lost book. Choice (B) is
less probable because in the conversation chemistry refers to the book, not a class.

3. Man: You have a long distance call from London. Will you accept the charges?
Woman: I don't know anyone in London.
Third Voice: What will the woman probably do?
(C) Since the woman does not know anyone in London, she will most probably refuse the collect call.
Choice (B) is less probable because she will probably not accept the charges. Choices (A) and (D) are
less probable because she does not know anyone in London.

4. Man: Is there a copy machine in this building?
Woman: No. But there is one in the building across the street.
Third Voice: What will the man probably do?
(B) Since the man is looking for a copy machine, and the woman directs him to a building across the
street, he will most probably go across the street to make a copy. Choice (A) is less probable because
she does not have access to a copy machine. Choice (C) is less probable because the building is right
across the street. Choice (D) is less probable because the man wants to make copies, but he does not
have them now.

5. Man: Tuesdays you can rent two videos for the price of one. Wednesdays you can rent any
video you want for ninety-nine cents. And every time you have rented a total of ten,
you get one free. But you have to join the club, and that costs five dollars.
Woman: Okay. That sounds good to me.
Third Voice: What wi!J the woman probably do?
(A) Since the woman says that the offer sounds good to her, she will most probably join the club. Choice
(B) is less probable because the $5.00 refers to the cost of joining the club, not the price of a video.
Choice (C) is less probable because the offer of one free video after renting ten is available after joining
the club. Choice (D) is less probable because she is already in the video store.

6. Woman: How may I direct your call?
Man: Reservations, please.
Third Voice: What does the man probably want to do?
(C) Since the man asks for his caJJ to be directed to reservations, he will most probably make a reser-
vation. Choice (A) is less probable because his caJI, not he, is being directed. Choice (B) is less prob-
able because he is already on the phone, making a call. Choice (D) is less probable because the woman
is directing his caJl to someone else.

7. Woman: ls this where the bus to the mall stops?
Man: No. It's on the other side of the street.
Third Voice: What will the woman probably do?
(C) Since the woman asks where the bus will stop, she will most probably cross the street to wait for
the bus. Choices (A) and (D) are less probable because she wants to take a bus. Choice (B) is less prob-
able because the bus stop is on the other side of the street.

8. Woman : Did you drive in on I- 17?
Man: Yes, and it was already starting to get slick. By now it should be really bad. You'd
better caJI the highway patrol before you leave to make sure it's still open.
Third Voice: What wi!J the woman probably do?
(B) Since the man suggests that the woman call the highway patrol, she will most probably call them.
Choice (A) is less probable because the man suggests that she check with the highway patrol before
leaving. Choices (C) and (D) are not mentioned and may not be concluded from the information.

9. Woman: Do you deliver?
Man: That depends. We do if you are within three miles of the university.
Third Voice: What will the man do?
(C) Since the man delivers within three miles of the university, he will most probably make the deliv-
ery to the woman if she is close to the university. Choice (A) is less probable because the woman has
not indicated that she is at the university. Choice (B) is less probable because the woman may be within
the delivery area. Choice (D) is not mentioned and may not be concluded from information in the

10. Woman: It will be about a twenty-minute wait if you want to sit in the non-smoking section.
We can seat you in smoking in five minutes.
Man: Okay. I don't have twenty minutes to wait.
Third Voice: What will the man probably do?
(B) Since the man does not have twenty minutes to wait, he will most probably wait five minutes to be
seated in the smoking section. Choice (A) is less probable because the man says he does not have twenty
minutes to wait. Choice (C) is less probable because both sections have a waiting list. Choice (D) is
not mentioned and may not be concluded from the information in the conversation.

EXERCISE 10: Dialogues-Implications

I. Woman: That book is on reserve, so you can ' t take it out of the library. You can use it here
for two hours, though. Or, you can wait until an hour before closing and check it out
until the library opens at eight in the morning.
Man : Okay. I'll come back tonight.
Third Voice: What does the man imply?
(C) Since the man says that he will come back tonight, he implies that he will check the book out before
closing. Choice (A) is less likely because he plans to return to the library. Choice (B) is less likely
because he leaves the library. Choice (D) is less likely because the book is already on reserve.

2. Woman: Do you know where I can get a soda?
Man: Isn ' t there a machine downstairs?
Third Voice: What does the man imply?
(C) Since the man says that there is a machine downstairs, he implies that the woman should go down-
stairs to get a soda. Choice (A) is less likely because there is a soda machine downstairs. Choice (B) is
less likely because he gives directions to the woman. Choice (D) is not correct because he gives direc-
tions to a soda machine.

3. Man: Why do you have to take the TOEFL? I thought if you graduated from an American
high school you didn't have to take it.
Woman: I thought so, too. But the universities where I applied required a core even with an
American diploma.
Third Voice: What do we know about the woman?
(D) Since the man expresses surprise that the woman will have to take the TOEFL, and mentions that
he thought those who graduated from an American high school were exempted from taking it, we know
that the woman graduated from an American high school. Choice (B) is less likely because she is making
application to American universities now. Choice (C) is not correct because she thought she would NOT
be required to take the TOEFL, but has been required to do so by the universities to which she applied.
Choice (A) is not mentioned and may not be concluded from information in the conversation.

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