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What will you do if you want to become more positive?

Based on the theory of chemistry, I would

purposely release electrons.

Well, a very good morning to the honourable judges, gracious timekeepers, teachers and friends.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to ask, have you ever done any self-reflection? What do you actually do when you are
feeling downhearted? You will do nothing, make no change and wait for the right time or on the
contrary, you will try to cheer up yourself, instil more positive vibes and be your own champagne
during your dark and blue moments? I really wonder but I believe that every one of you who are
listening to me now, would always want to make a change and improve yourself. The same thing
goes to me. We can’t deny the fact that we should push ourselves as no one is going to do it for us.
So, apparently, self-motivation is part of every human’s life. But the question is ‘How can we boost
our self-motivation?’

Ladies and gentlemen,

According to Ekaterina Lyapustina the founder and CEO of JetNest once sited that she starts her day
with 15 minutes of meditation, followed by asking herself a series of question like ‘What do I plan to
achieve today? How can I be more successful than yesterday? Which of my various qualities and
abilities will be most useful?’ So, obviously one of the best ways to boost our self-motivation is
through mediation. When you meditate, your brain will produce frequencies that allow you for
relaxation, reflection and rejuvenation. Meditation is not a rocket science. All you have to do is very
simple. You just have to find a quiet spot in your house, sit in a comfortable position and begin a
deep and slow breathing for a few minutes, focusing merely in your breathing and shutting out
everything else. As for Muslim, prayer is one of a way to meditate that brings benefits either
physically or spiritually. Scientists have found that the brains of people who spend untold hours in
prayer and meditation are different. It led to a systematic change in both the brain as well as the
immune system in more positive directions. Through prayer, a believer attains spiritual devotion and
moral elevation. Prayer not only gives a deep connection with God, but in prayer one establishes
patience, humility, sincerity, finds inner peace and fulfilment. It is also a source of courage, hope,
confidence, stability, equality, unity and an expression of thankfulness to God.

Ladies and gentlemen,

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