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LED Photon Facial Mask Review

Is there anything we won't do to preserve a youthful complexion and healthy looking skin? If the
millions of facial creams and products on the market are any indication, this is a very important
part of life for many people. Along with creams, there are also targeted treatments such as light
therapy, or as we will discuss here LED photon facial masks.

What is it?

For individuals not interested in keeping up with the Kardashians, LED light therapy may be an
entirely foreign concept. An LED facial mask uses light emitting diodes (LED) to treat the skin for
multiple issues including severe acne and fine lines.

How would shining a few lights on your face achieve any of these goals? You have to understand
how UV lights affect the skin. You see, different color lights have different wavelengths, which
means they penetrate your skin at different depths.

Masks and spa treatments can utilize multiple colors

Cyan- Acne

Blue- calms inflammation

Red- fine lines

Green- skin tone

Yellow- Reduce oil

Purple- shrinks pores

Laser- smooth and calm

Does it Work?:
Does this process actually work or is it just the latest “magic” treatment to hit the market? The proof is in the
pudding so to speak. Multiple high profile clients swear by these types of light treatment and pay top dollar for
as little as 20 minutes in a mask!

Krasr Photon Mask

Could this be the next best thing in your beauty regimen? If you are not ready to fork out $350 for an in-house
treatment but would love to address your skin issues with an LED photon facial mask, you are in luck! Krasr
offers a high end LED facial mask at a price point far below the expensive salons and spas.

Rather than having to set up appointments and shell out big money, you can now treat troublesome acne,
fine lines, dull skin tones and much more with this facial mask.

When it comes to UV light, many people are concerned about the long-term effects, particularly since they
equate this with public enemy number one - the tanning bed. You will be happy to learn these LED Photon
facial mask treatments are utilized to stimulate collagen production and destroy bacteria on the skin while
tanning beds are designed to stimulate melanin production, which darkens the skin.

Final thoughts?

LED facial mask therapy is safe and thanks to products from Krasr, they are now available to the general public
at an affordable price point.

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