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Lucilla ball said love yourself first and everything falls into line,

you have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. To me, self-love
means having a deep appreciation for who you are.

very good morning I bid to honorable judges, accurate timekeeper, and of

course, my wonderful audiences. On this pleasant day, I would like to enlighten
every one of you here about SELF LOVE.

what happens if you do not love yourself? Ladies and gentlemen, if you cannot
love yourself it can cause depression because you’re not pleased with how you
look and it can really take a toll on you emotionally and secondly it can cause
lack of confidence, you don’t feel good about yourself and therefore you never
say good things about yourself
Loving yourself is a solution to many problems. But how to do that? Worry not!
Do you know the secret to success, satisfaction, and happy life? Self-love is the
secret to all of this! It is the best gift you can give yourself. People who love
themselves live a satisfied and happy life. Have you heard people say you can’t
love others until you love yourself? Or don’t expect others to love you until you
love yourself. Either way, you have to love yourself and that is the secret to a
happy and satisfying life!

But how can we do that? Love our self? Like a parent loves its child? Like we
love our most prized possessions? How? We all know that our parents think we
are the nicest children on earth, but their thinking is sugar-coated with a heavy
layer of parental love! It’s very difficult to think like that about us. When you
feel hard to think good things about yourself it means you don’t believe in
yourself and its time to build a positive self imagine and love yourself. Here’s
how you can do that!

First, Change your thoughts, change your world!

Self-perception is the way we think of ourselves. It includes the way we look,
walk, talk and do anything! Unfortunately, a big problem with teens is that their
self-perception is very poor. In other words, they often underestimate
themselves! They don’t know their true potential. So if you think your problem
is that you need to change it! For that make a list of all your habits or attributes
that people appreciate. It can be your smile, your warm personality, your good
looks, your ability to make friends easily, your special talent or anything else.
Once you have the list in front of yourself, read it and try to realize that there is
something special in you for which people appreciate and applaud you!
Everyone has something special and so do you! All you need to do is realize
that and change your weakened self-perception! Once you do that, the world
will seem a better place to live!
Ladies and gentlemen, Forget your flaws for a while!

The key here is to love yourself so much that you will not even have enough
time to think of the negative things. But the reality is that not everyone is
perfect. We all have our flaws and the solution is to be acceptance of our flaws.
When you love yourself of all the strong points that you have and be acceptable
to your flaws, you will have a sense of gratitude towards life. Not only will you
only love yourself, but you will also start to love other people too and be
accepting of their flaws too.

Secondly, Struggle to improve.

If there is something in you, which you don’t like and can't bear try to remove
that. Try to improve yourself. It could be anything. For example, the way you
talk and your communication skills. If that is the problem then practice talking.
Practice makes a man perfect and in this case a woman too! So practice and you
will improve. Likewise, if you don’t like the way you look because you are fat
and then try to get rid of those few extra pounds to love yourself. If may take in
a little effort but you will gain a lot of satisfaction. And that is what you need to
love yourself and live a satisfying life!

Third, Appreciate yourself.

Appreciate yourself at every achievement of yours. No matter how small it is,
its an achievement nonetheless and hence deserves to applaud and appreciation!
Make sure that you give yourself a special treatment at success and even small
achievements. Be proud of them so that the world knows you have done
something important and special!

And lastly, Pamper yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen, Life truly is very hectic and we hardly get time for
ourselves. But that doesn’t mean you keep neglecting yourself. So take out time
from your hectic schedule and listen to your heart. Do something special for
yourself and pamper yourself. It can be anything; drinking hot coffee at
midnight, listening to soft music, getting a massage, going to a spa or simply
sitting outside while it's raining! Just make sure you do pamper yourself once in
a while!

So go ahead. Love yourself. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself well. Replenish

yourself. You will discover, that the more you love yourself, the more you will
be able to give love to others – and the more others will want to be around you
and give love back to you. As Robert Morely said, "To fall in love with yourself
is the first secret to happiness."

Thank you.

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