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This chapter discusses the research background, research problem, research

objective, research significance, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Research Background

English has become the lingua franca all over the world even thought it is

not the most spoken language concerning the number of its native speaker. English

is generally taught and assessed in Indonesia as the foreign language and it is should

be given tothe students of junior school up to university. In educational system in

Indonesia, English is included in curriculum for elementary school, junior high

school, senior high school level, vocational school or university. Based Competence

Curriculum, the teaching learning of English has the purpose to develop four

language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

For most of the students, writing is a difficult skill to master, the difficulties

be both in the skill needed and rocess of writing itself. Writing not just a way

communication to other people but also as mean of ideas , arguments and emotional

expression. The process and organize in writing make the students find any

difficulties to organizing what is or what the want to write into paper.

In this section, the researcher focuses on Writing skill. Writing is one of the

language skills that should be taught besides the other skills. Writing is regarded as

a productive skill it aims at assisting students in expressing their idea written.

Writing is a one of the important skill in English that the students must master, In

fact when the researcher teach short functional text there are still many mistakes

made by students.

Based on the reseacher observation during teaching practice at school, the

students felt not interested and look bored when learning English in the classroom,

it makes students becomes passive during the learning process. This condition make

the researcher think about how to create active and fun class through a learning

technique. The researcher looking for the learning technique on internet and found

that the Running Dictation can be using to teach writing, and how increase student

writing skill with that technique.

There are many problem in school to develop the students writing skills

especially the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya when the

researcher observe in this school. The students feel difficulty to write because they

confused about what they will write. Beside that, students feel bored with the

learning method given by the teacher who‟s always monotone.

Mentari ( 2018 ) mentioned that The technique of teaching needed by the

teacher in teaching learning process in order to make the students interested in the

material given. By using an appropriate technique, the teacher is able to perform

well so that the result of teaching learning is satisfactory. One of the offered

techniques is running dictation. Based on her statement the researcher tried to

dictate when learning process and the student and the result the students more

focused heard what the teacher read. According to Haemata (2010), “Running

Dictation is a fun activity that can be useful for re-energising a “flat” or tired class,

introducing a new theme or topic, or to focus on particular grammatical point.

The teacher apply Running Dictation Game to teaching writing skill. In

applying Running Dictation Game most of student like to study something that they

can imagine immediately and it makes them more interested and stimulated to

explore and develop their ideas with own word in writing the text.

In short, the current research will be conducted by taking the running

dictation as a technique in teaching writing activity class for eighth grade students

of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya. The main purpose of this research is to find there

is any improvement by using running dictation for their writing ability. The research

entitle “ The Use of Running Dictation Technique to improve student Writing

Skill In Greeting Cards Text At Eighth Grade Student of SMP Negeri 14

Palangka Raya”.

1.2 Research Problem

How can The English Writing skill of eight grade students of SMP Negeri

14 Palangka Raya be improved though used Running Dictation technique?

1.3 Research Objective

The objective of this research are:

1) To find out the students’ ability at writing greeting cards before using Running

Dictation technique of eight grade Students of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya.

2) To find out significant improvement Student’s ability in writing Greeting cards

after using Running dictation technique of eight grade Students of SMP Negeri 14

Palangka Raya.

1.4 Research Significance

The result of the research are to be significant as follows :

1. Theoretically

The findings of the Research will give information of a new knowledge

about the use of Running Dictation technique to improve students’ skill

in writing Greting Card text.

2. Practically :

a. For students:

The application of Running Dictation technique will make students

interested in teaching learning process. Moreover, it helps them

improve their skill in writing Greeting Cards..

b. For English teachers:

The Research is hoped to give information about the appropriate

Technique to improve the teaching learning.

c. For the researcher:

The result of the Research will answer the curiosity about the use of

Running Dictation technique to teach writing Greeting Cards text.

d. Pedagogically

The result of the Research will give information of knowledge about an

alternative teaching Technique that can be used for improving the

students’ achievement in writing Greeting cards.

1.5 Defenition of Key Terms

To avoid missunderstanding it is important to give explanation about the

terms which are used in this research the terms are as follows :

1. Writing. Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their

feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing

argument, and to convey meaning through well-consructed text.

2. Running Dictation. Running Dictation is a technique of dictation method that

can be used to teaching writing cooperatively.



In this chapter the researcher discusses about Relevant theories, running dictation

technique, previous study, research hypothesis.

2.1 Relevant Theories

2.1.1 Definition of Writing

Writing skill is a one of skill that must be studied in junior high

school. Writing skill is one of human way to communicate with others,

According to Alsaawi (2015:5) writing is a pivotal system that transfers

spoken utterances from being heard to being seen and read. In last century,

writing is still using symbol or special picture which has a meaning. Too

many components and rules in writing make students feel difficult to deliver

their ideas in written form. Rida (2011:1) said that there are three factors

that make students not capable in writing. First is a cultural factor from

Indonesian such as, passiveness, shyness, etc. Second is a linguistic factor.

It is about grammatical, punctuation, spelling, or etc. The last factor is social

factor in which students have very small group to communicate using

English Language in written form. In here, linguistic factor is more complex

and confusing.

2.1.2 The Process of Writing

Mentari ( 2018 : 10) states that writing process are planning,

drafting, editing, and final version.

1) Planning

Experienced writers plan what they are going to write. Before

starting to write or type, they try, and decide what it is they are going

to say. For some writers, this may involve making details notes.

When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. In the

first place, they have to consider the purpose of their writing, the

audience they are writing for, and the content structure of the piece.

2). Drafting

We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. As

the writing process into editing, a number of drafts produced on the

way the final version.

3). Editing ( Reflecting and Revising)

Once the writer has edited their draft, usually, they read the text to

know whether there is something that must add and removed or not.

After that, they make a new paragraph.

4). Final Version

Once the students have edited their draft, making the changes they

consider to necessary, they produce their final version.

2.1.3 Short Functional Text Definition of short funcitional text

Amelia ( 2014 : 13 ) states that Short functional text is a text

to give information or warning to the listener or reader that

something is important to be known. Short functional text is a short

text containing the command, direction, something tobe done which

may be prohibition, announcement, invitations, greeting

cards,messaging, shopping list, warning (notice) and others that

contain the meaning that are used in daily communication. Function of Short Functional Text

Short functional text has a specific information that make it

has different funcition. Based on Amelia ( 2014 : 14 ) The function

of short functional text is to provide complete and clear information

about certain events or occasion.

Some characteristics of short functional texts are

straightforward and ease the readers to get information quickly, keep

it short, inviting, and to the point, clear and complete, make a direct

and no nonsense statement. Greeting Cards

Greting cards is a one of type short functional text, in general

greeting cards are congratulations to a person or group writing on a

card. Greting cards are usually associated with certain event or

certain days that are special or solemn. Greting cards are given when

Birthday,Graduation, Anniversary, Holiday and Special occasion.

2.2 Running Dictation

2.2.1 Definition of Running Dictation

As like the name that is running dictation, the group consists the

writer and runner to spell the words .Running dictation is usually

conducted in group. The researcher implement strategies of running

dictation combined with Short Functional Text According to Zakiyah &

Husniah ( 2017 : 23 ) Dictation is still a general strategy, so the researcher

chooses running dictation to implement in classroom. Running dictation is

a type of dictation. According to Wan Chai ( 2011 : 6) , running dictation

is an activity for pupils who enjoy moving around and working in teams.

They have to read and memorize a short text, tell the phrases/sentences to

the other group member who will write down the text.

2.2.2 Concept of Running Dictation

Running dictation is one type of technique to teach writing

correctly. In running dictation, students work in a group. According to

Riyanti ( 2017 ) the procedure to use running dictation into seven stage,

there are:

1) Put students into pairs all small group, one students in each roup is

the writer, the students take turns at being the „runner‟.

2) Put the copies of the text up around the walls of the classroom.

3) A runner from each group goes up to their sheet of paper andtries to

memorize as much of the text as possible, before running back to their

group and dictating the text to the writer.

4) For the activity to work, it is important that the runner des not

writer r read the text out loud.

5) When the writer has finished writing that sentence for the text

that the runner could remember, it is the next runner turn, or the

runner and writer could swap roles.

6) Once the whole text has been dictated, each group discusses

and composes a final version of their text, checking for

accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

7) The winner can be either the first group finished or the most

accurate group, depending on the purpose of the activity.

2.2.3 Teacher Instruction

According Haemata (2010) devided the procedure to use running

dictation into seven stage, there are :

1. This is a group activity

2. Work in small group for pairs. One the group is the „writer‟. Others of

you are the „runner‟.

3. On the walls there is a piece of text. When I say to start, one of your

runners goes up to your sheet of paper and tries to memories as much

of the text as possible, before going back to the group and dictating the

text to the writer.

4.Try to memorize the punctuation too. You may not read the text aloud

from the wall, or write it down.

5) When the writer has finished writing that sentence (or the part of the text

that you could remember), another runner from the group runs to the

text, and reads and remembers the next chunk of text to bring back to

the writer.

6) Once the whole text has been dictated, your group should discuss and

compose a final version of the text. Check the accuracy of grammar,

spelling and punctuation.

7) The winners will be the first group finished (or most accurate).

2.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Writing by Using

Running Dictation

According to Riyanti ( 2017 : 17 ) state that There are some

advantages of using running dictation in teaching writing, they are:

1) It can measure general proficiency in English, including many of

the integrative skills use in writing.

2) It is easy to prepare

3) It can be scored with good consistency

4) It is much harder to cheat on than multiple-choice, completion, or close


Besides the advantages, running dictation has disadvantages, they are :

1) It is difficult to use for diagnostic purposes. It combine listening

and writing.

2) It is not usually helpful in measuring short-term progress.

3) It is not as easy to correct as multiple-choice, completin, or else


2.3 Previous Research

There are some previous research that relevant with this research as


1. Increasing writing skills of descriptive text faced By Mts Amin

Darulsalam By Ade Mentari (2018) conducted a research

about Increasing Students‟ Writing skill at descriptive text through

Running Dictation. She used both qualitative and quantitative data. The

analysis of the qualitative data used in her study was the observation of

the students‟ activity during the learning process ,Qualitative data

consisted of interview and observation. The researcher took class VIII 3

consisting of 40 students as the sample of the research.

2. Increasing students writing skill thought Running Dictaion Game and

Rapid Writing Strategies faced By MTs N Susukan By Eka Widi Riyanti

113-13-089 ( 2017) conducted a research about Increasing students

writing skill thought Running Dictaion Game and Rapid Writing

Strategies . The researcher took students of VIII A class that consist of

28 students in the academic year of 2017/2018.

They used pretest and posttest , the data collection use observational

technique and used qualitative research to analisys data.

2.4 Research Hypothesis

The hypotheses of this research are :

Ho : There is no Significant effect use of Running Dictation Technique

on writing Skill of Greeting Cards Text of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka

Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020.

Ha : There is a Significant effect use of Running Dictation Technique

on writing Skill of Greeting Cards Text of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka

Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020.



This chapter explains the method used in this research. It explain how the

data were collected based on the method choosen and several procedures. The

explanation is as follows:

3.1 Kind of research

In this research , the Researcher use quantitative approach to find out the

use of running dictation on students writing skills of greeting card text of SMP

Negeri 14 Palangka Raya in Academic year 2019/2020.

This research use Running Dictation to help the students to write greeting

card text. Running Dictation use to the characteristic a technique of teaching on a

scientific approach that focused on students centered. According to Mentari (2018)

Dictation is an activity that helps learners develop phonological awareness and

phonics skills. It means that, dictation as a good activity for the teaching learning

process, especially in writing. For the students, dictation can be improved their

skills such as listening and writing, because dictation is an activity to write down

after someone says or read something.

3.2 Design of Research

3.2.1 Research Method

In this research , the writer use pre-experimental method. It means

the researcher deal with phenomenon of cause and effect.

3.2.2 Research Design

`As the research used pre – experimental method , the design is One-

Group pretest-posttest Design. The diagram of the research design is drawn

in the following :

O1 X 02

Where :

X : Treatment

O1 : Pretest before receiving treatment.

O2 :Posttest after receiving treatment.

figure 1.1 Research Design

( Toendan, 2018 : 207 )

Based on the figure above , the research was emphasized only on one group.

This research conducted pretest for the subject of the study , in order to see previous

students’ writing skill of greeting card before the treatment.

After that , they received Running Dictation Technique as a treatment to write

greeting card text. Then posttest is conducted and comparison is make afterwards

to see whether the treatment use of improving the student writing skill of greeting


3.3 Population and Sample

3.1.1 Population

The population of this research is The Grade Eight Students of

SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020.

3.3.2 Sample

This research took all of the population of the The Grade Eight class

in SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020 as the

sample of this research by using cluster random sampling. According to

Toendan ( 2018 : 86 ) . “ Cluster Random Sampling is sometimes used

in educational Researchwith the classroom as the unit of the sampling”.

The unit of sampling is not the individual but rather a naturally

occurring group of individuals. The researcher took all of the class and

using cluster random sampling as a procedure to decided the sample, the

researcher use 3 ball that have different colours. Class A as a blue ball ,

Class B as a yellow ball and class C as a red ball. Then, the researcher

put all of the ball into black tottle bag and stirred and took a ball from the

bag. The researcher got a yellow ball , it means the sample of this

research is Class B.

3.4 Assumption

In this Research, the Researcher assumes that using Running

Dictation Technique in teaching English writing skill has never taught at

the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya

3.5 Research Instrument

Research instrument are the devices that use by researcher to require

data. Thererfore , there are two kinds of data in this research . the primary

data and secondary data, the primary data is the result of essay test and the

secondary data is observation results.

3.5.1 Test

The last step use in this research was writing test. The test use in this

research is pre-test and post-test. The pre-test do before using running

dictation technique. It done to measure students‟ writing at first.

Meanwhile, the post-test will done after using running dictation technique.

3.5.2 Observation

Another instrument that used by the researcher is observational

techniques, the observational techniques is to gather comprehensive,

detailed , rich , in depth information without previously indentifiying which

behavior to observe ( Toendan, , 2018 : 139). Observation sheet will do by

the researcher to document the events in the teaching and learning process

which apropos to be the data during the research is conduct. The researcher

do it when the researcher teaching in the class.

3.5.3 Instrument Tryout

The researcher decided to not conduct the instrument try out because

the test held on this research is subjective test, the test that use in this

research only item and instruction that is enough to understand by student

then the researcher teach the instrument try out not necessary to conducted.

3.5.4 Instrumention Validity

Validity of data collection process is really measures what it

is design to measure ( Toendan , 2018 : 119 ). A data collection

process is very important because is needed to provide a true

measure of particular skiil which is intended to measure. Content Validity

Content validity is assured by logically analyzing the domain

of the subject matter or behavior that would be appropriate for

inclusion on a data collection process and examining the items to

make sure that a respresentative sample of possible domain is

included, According to Tendan content validity refers to extent to

which a data collection process measures arespresentative sample of

subject matter or behavior that should be encompassed by the

operational definition.

3.5.5 Intsrument Reliability

According to Toendan ( 2018 : 99 ) Reliability addressed the

question or whether the result of measuring precesses are consistent on

occasion when they should be consistent. Consistent means what the

dictionary means not “ self-contradictory” if a person posseses a certain

degree of knowledge about topic , for example, the estimated of knowledge

that appears as a test score should not be contradicted by the other

administration of the same or similar test.

3.6 Technique of Data Collection

Data collection strategies are effective tools for gathering

information about the degree to which variables are occurring. Data collection

on this research took from SMP Negeri 14 Palangka Raya in which

reseaercher collect the data thought test and observation.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

The purpose of this research were to find out whether there is a

significant effect on students writing ability of greeting cards text with and

without using running dictation technique and also find out how the running

dictation could make that effect. The researcher use normality for different

scores, differences in paired scores should be normal distribute with the

computations of the lilierfors test as formula as follow :

D = Sup [Fn (Xi)-F0(Xi)]

D’ = Sup [Fn (Xi)-F0(Xi)]

With the null hypothesis = H0 : Fn (X) = F0(X) and the Alternative

hypothesis = H0 : Fn (X) ≠ F0(X)

After calculates and get the result , the researcher will do inspection of the table of

critical values for lilierfors for normality appendix. Then the researcher drawing

conclusion of effect on the writing ability by use the independent-sample equal-

variances T-test if the result normality distribution with equal variances with the

following formula :

figure 1.2 the independent-sample equal-variances T-test

Toendan ( 2019 : 127)

` Where :

t* = the obtained t value

p = pooled

Sp = pooled standart deviation


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