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Purpose: A. Carbohydrates: Food Nutrient Label Lab 1. To calculate the number of carbohydrate, protein and fat calories. 2. To calculate the percentage of calories coming from carbohydrates, proteins and fats compared to the total calories in each serving. 1. Choose at least 4 food labels found around the room, and study each food label. 2. Start by subtracting the number of fiber grams from the carbohydrate gram number. This jone because we can't digest fiber (fiber is cellulose, which is a carbohydrate). 3. Take the new carbohydrate number (digestible carbohydrates), and multiply by 4 because each gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories. This number tells us how many calories in the food are from carbohydrates. 4. Take the number from step 3 (calories from carbs), and divide it by the total number of calories in the food. Next, change the decimal number to a percent number by multiplying by 100 or by moving the decimal point to the right and adding a % sign. Now you have the percent of calories of the food coming from carbohydrates. Example: 27 grams of carbohydrates +_2 grams of fiber “25 grams of digestible carbohydrates 25g X 4 Calories per gram = 100 Calories of carbohydrates Total calories (counting carbs, fats, proteins) = 200 Calories ‘% of Calories from carbohydrates: 100 / 200 = .50 X 100 = 50% Carbohydrate Data Table Carbohydrate | Carbohydrate Product Name Cree Catone Total Calories | % of Carbohydrate Calories Toine's as, 34g x4 7 View 4, . a, [Beocar 8550 = BB% Pop tarts O%e, 6 Boxes | 420 Tas ; By Son2 tal Cal AA20¢01* G5%. | va \ ui ee 4 lax UC loc mae \6c Goe foe 2 21% Rate Bite |20 2iq-ue= “ues \ BUC, " 4 a ae 806 Agoc* U7, Toast TasMe a atu P Tears | 379 i ae Poe Sivas * MH a7 Tt 1. Record the number of fat grams in each serving. ; 2. Multiply the fat grams by 9 because each gram of fat contains si alae ie oe 3. Divide the fat calories by the total calories in each serving 20 iply by 100. This gives you the percentage of calories coming from fat. Fat Data Table F at Gre Fat Calories | Total Calories % of Fat Calories _ toa Name ™ i Grams = tal ve - [accel TAGVagocate UB% Pirze Pop tars Toy Mo 4¢al= | Uzocar 2 ree = 30% t2qcer Velvet Bq-QC2 Goce ACh sUusH | a ie ene ae c [fe Bitz Dy Ble Ret BI axe 46% Tooskew vey > Be i Treats | 5a 456 Zoo 2906 . Proteins: 1. Write down your product name. ~2--Again, find the number of protein grams in your product. 3. Multiply the protein grams by 4 because each gram of protein contains 4 calories. 4. Divide the protein calories by the total calories in each serving and multiple by 100 to fine the percentage of calories coming from protein. { ar ae Protein Grams Protein Calories | Total Calories % of Protein Calories Tang | aa, Ing tcers 48a} 360c05 | AB°"Atotats 18% Pe teh |, rear | roe | *¢Zyzoe = 5% Neeete | Bq ae foc rye 83% hi Bie | Bq, Ize Wor fi26p,. = 70% [ree 40, (2c Zor [!2Yrag¢2 0% | Analysis & Conclusion: 1. What purpose do carbohydrates serve in the body? Corbihugrates Stor enertsy, 2. Which food item had the highest number of calories from carbohydrates? Toast ur sprees witty “TU %Yo. 3. What purpose does fat have in the foods you eat? Lona, heen enurauy Storaus ond ca)\ muyiotoncd 4. How many calories are in each gram of fat? © EoNories 5, Which product had the highest number of ft calories? “Votwwed Pizxa with II Caleries 6. Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from fat? Torine's Piera wits UBS! 7. Which 4 elements (atoms) make up protein molecules? Corton Hudtoagn Nikeottn ond Oxuers 8. Prot are polymers of Omine_oci&§ ; 9. Why do you need protein in your diet? So ugue lpody vtboins sbeuchues 10. How many calories are in each gram of protein? U Caloric: 11. Which product had the highest number of grams of protein? Tohine's Pizrs with We 12. Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from proteins? Naluteke Mille wikis 384s ve og ee 5 Food Nutrient Label Lab in Purpose: 1. To calculate the number of carbohydrate, protein and fat calories. 2. To calculate the percentage of calories coming from carbohydrates, proteins and fats compared to the total calories in each serving. Procedure & Results: ‘A. Carbohydrates: 1, Choose at least 4 food labels found around the room, and study each food label. 2. Start by subtracting the number of fiber grams from the carbohydrate gram number. This is done because we can’t digest fiber (fiber is cellulose, which is a carbohydrate), 3. Take the new carbohydrate number (digestible carbohydrates), and multiply by 4 because each gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories. This number tells us how many calories in the food are from carbohydrates. 4. Take the number from step 3 (calories from carbs), and divide it by the total number of calories in the food. Next, change the decimal number to a percent number by multiplying by 100 or by moving the decimal point to the right and adding a % sign. Now you have the percent of calories of the food coming from carbohydrates. Example: 27 grams of carbohydrates +_2 grams of fiber Ca oJ ‘25 grams of digestible carbohydrates ale4 009 25g X 4 Caloties per gram = 100 Calories of carbohydrates S ates e am oF energy Total calories (counting carbs, fats, proteins) = 200 Calories ‘nctease T H20 {[%¢ 8 % of Calories from carbohydrates: 100 / 200 = .50 X 100 = 50% | Carbohydrate Data Table Product Name | Copobvdrate[carpeveate | Tora clones | 9 of Carbohydrate Calories | ; Bgly: 84g | Bg -4p Buel Tot ig? 34g | Hy BUS 00: Sg ale ot ines TRG cot from | BWOCar| Be0<01 BH Pina ce panatat 1 | Towa House ]%g-lg= %3 | Sg-4e = 32 9° $3 sae Pa | | crockers 32zcer_| BOCo\ | t6 0% | [Honey Nut [22g-2g2 [20 -4= | | cheerios 204 gocer_|_!10 co! 13% i hox= ig = Aq A= | Saltinos, a Bec | WOCel LOY i 2 Yog.d= Hag Y= Zebra 3 3 2406 al ° cakes | Hg te cat ii B. Fats: . 2. 3 Fat Data Table Town House lo, sms in each serving: Sci Me each gram of fat contains tee eat gra Y 2 CA ayes eig and muy bY 100, THES cage of calories coming from fat. Total Calories % of Fat Calories Record the number of fat gr Multiply th Divide the fat you the percentai ge of cal [fied Name a Toting’ s wis in | $0 cal 5|% Crackers Honey Nut Cheenios 110 Gol a (o0ca\| 22% | Salt I Zebra BY4O0G\| AZo Cakes C. Proteins: 1. Write down your product name. 2. Again, find the number of protein grams in your product. 3. Multiply the protein grams by 4 because each gram of protein contains 4 calories. 4. Divide the protein calories by the total calories in each serving and multiple by 100 to fine the percentage of calories coming from protein. Protein Data Table Product Name_ Protein Grams Protein Calories | Total Calories % of Protein Calories Tokine’s Vag tah = cs Seek \25 sagen. SL0C 13% Tovon Horse me |_ Cockers '9 4co | OCs! S% Honey Nut 2g4e | cnsenss zg acar_ | HOCal | 7% lg 4 a Soltiags | lo dear | ©0Ce'] Te Zebra inal |_ cares 2g Seal B4acat] 2% 1. What purpose do carbohydrates serveinthe body? They Store energy, 2. Which food item had the highest number of calories from carbohydrates? _2 ciara, coves did W184 Col 3. What purpose does fat have in the foods you eat?_Long berm enera SHoroeey cell Membrane 4. How many calories are in each gram of fat?__ Calories Which product had the highest number of fat calories?__Totino’s Pizza wi th I Calories 6. Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from fat?_Towa House ckers with 51% 7. Which 4 elements (atoms) make up protein molecules?__Cacioan, axugen Hydro gen, Niiroa, = 8. Proteins are polymers of _/\mino acids . 9. Why do you need protein in your diet? __rouniain structure, Cosolue 10. How many calories are in each gram of protein? Calones 11. Which product had the highest number of grams of protein? Totings Pizza with 12 grams. 12, Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from proteins? Toh 3 Pizza with (3 Sere Procedure & Results: A. Carbohydrates: Calories- amount of energy needed 4¢ Iiflor OO WeALsIoPead gemass increase Vg (l(o 1. To calculate the number of carbohydrate, protein and fat calories. 2. To calculate the percentage of calories coming from carbohydrates, proteins and fats compared to the total calories in each serving. 1. Choose at least 4 food labels found around the room, and study each food label. 2. Start by subtracting the number of fiber grams from the carbohydrate gram number. This is done because we can't digest fiber (fiber is cellulose, which is a carbohydrate). 3. Take the new carbohydrate number (digestible carbohydrates), and multiply by 4 because ‘each gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories. the food are from carbohydrates. 4, Take the number from step 3 (calories from carbs), and divide it by the total number of calories in the food. Next, change the decimal number to a percent number by multiplying by 100 or by moving the decimal point to the right and adding a % sign. Now you have the percent of calories of the food coming from carbohydrates. This number tells us how many calories in Example: 27 grams of carbohydrates -__2 grams of fiber (25 grams of digestible carbohydrates 25g X 4 Calories per gram = 100 Calories of carbohydrates Total calories (counting carbs, fats, proteins) = 200 Calories ‘% of Calories from carbohydrates: 100 / 200 = .50 X 100 = 50% Carbohydrate Data Table Product Name | Cerbohudrate | Corbehydrate | Total Calories | 96 of Carbohydrate Calories Shae % iisBeea | 300cal ‘| BEES, Co ag, Temes 3%g-\g-34y aeete o Sear OTe Pizza ‘8 Son-de! weal Te ary Sun-deved Ng-24- 299 Bs Meat Yecai} 130 cal Wo oes BY Raisins 3 Moist Deluie 1369-04: 3 Ocal Weal 00: BO/e . s [9°9-5*%9 ! Wes French Vanilla : cal BOcal 190: BOe/e Gheenes 204 lOO cat Socal 100: BO ore os [Aca ick . 259-29: 7 eas | YUO Ce 00: Tle Life 3 3 Real water by °C B Fats: 1. Record the number of fat grams in each serving. 2. Multiply the fat grams by 9 because each gram of fat contains 9 calories! 3. Divide the fat calories by the total calories in each serving and multiply by 100. This gives you the percentage of calories coming from fat. Fat DataTable “'ca'5 Fats Product Name Fat Grams Fat Calories Total Calories ‘ of Fat Calories Totino’s 4 Syxheal tient] 460ca1 | NCA! pioosugen ®; 9 5 30201 Sua-dsied Be es On Oys4eat _ Q¢ai] BO cad Dal 100: Oop aisins mage 30cal Moist Delve 49x40) Deal 002! French voniia | 22 DR aa) Weal FFE Hoot Cheecios | %e WA pai] 100ea1 |B soos teeye | 5 ioe Fe \5, \egrbeal sual l2Ocat BS shoo ve ] 3 a West . Proteins: 1. Write down your product name. 2. Again, find the number of protein grams in your product, 3. Multiply the protein grams by 4 because each 4. Divide the protein calories by the total calori the percentage of calories coming from protei Protein DataTable _Acal=lg of Protein Of protein contains 4 calories. in each serving and multiple by 100 to fine J Product Name_ Protein Grams. Protein Calories |” Total Calories ‘% of Protein Calories Totines | ‘v2, Nrgateateubess [seoca [Be veo yep Piena 3 's = Sun-asier | gress yea |p0c [422 sioo gy, | Raisins : ‘si a Moist Dele | 9. 2g xe Wwocal. [8 po: Yop, French Varia aa i Head oy [Rest sees vere Cheesios |g Pe W2eas Niet ie heels yo sty Life Ba: Bate aaa |Moeat [BEL too 0m salysis & Conclusion: 1, What purpose do carbohydrates serve in the body?_Cacholydeates stoce and Provide energ: ee : “ 2. Which food item had the highest number of calories from carbohydrates?_Mioist Deluve. ceoch Vanilla cake mis 3. What purpose does fat have in the foods you eat? They he\p make up the Lei mnvorane S 4) Wo Splnolinids nde Mi + eferay Stecage 4. How many calories are in each gram of fat?_Q_cq\ 5, Which product had the highest number of fat calories? “Jo*inc's Dinca 6, Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from fat? Totins’s_hiaa 7. Which 4 elements (atoms) make up protein molecules? _cachon, wydeagen oxygen it 8. Proteins are polymers of cron acids 3 9, Why do you need protein in your diet? You, _need protein in yauc | diet because it provide pA in your hady 10. How many calories are in each gram of protein? cq) 11. Which product had the highest number of grams of protein? Tiatino's _pizz. 12, Which product had the highest percentage of calories coming from proteins? Totine’s Pizas.

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