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Special Abilities 3.

If a Unit with this ability loses a Health Point (HP) from an attack Any Non-Skarrd Units or non-friendly Skarrd Units within 8”
within 2”, Acid Blood spurts out automatically hitting the Unit that of the Fetish Bearer suffer -1 TN to any PS checks. Non-Living
caused the loss of HP. Immediately resolve a PW 4 attack before any Units, or Units with Never Fear are Immune to this effect. This
other actions are resolved. This effect occurs for every HP lost. If 2 HP
effect is not cumulative with any other like effects.
are lost on the same attack then 2 acid blood checks are made. A Unit
with this ability is immune to the effects of Acid, Acid Blood, and the
Cauterize effects of acid based attacks. BECKON
Units with this Ability may use 1 AP to Beckon other Squads or
Individuals from the same Force, causing them to Activate outside of
ACROBATICS the normal Initiative sequence. Once AP are spent to Beckon another
Units with this Ability may jump up to 2” high when Jumping. They
Unit the Activation ends and it may do nothing else that Turn. A
also subtract 2 from the PW of any falling damage (PW cannot go
number after Beckon indicates the amount of times per Game that
below 1).
Beckon can be used by that Unit e.g. If a Unit has Beckon (2) then they
may spend their last 2 AP in one Turn to Beckon two separate Squads
ADAPTABILITY or Individuals, or spend 1 AP on one Turn, and 1 AP in another Turn.
A Unit with this SA may mimic any WA from a Unit it is in Beckon does not need line-of-sight, and may activate a Unit/Squad
Base-to-Base with, friendly or enemy. Only one WA once per anywhere on the board, regardless of distance. A Unit with this Ability
activation may be mimicked. may not Beckon a Unit with a higher PS. Units in Close Assault may
not use this ability until they are unengaged
AEROBATICS NOTE: If the Beckoned Unit also has Beckon they may not use it that
Intimate familiarity with the Elemental forces of Air combines with Turn.
phenomenal grace allowing these Units to perform unnatural feats of
agility. Units with Aerobatics may Climb and Jump without MV BERSERK
penalty. Furthermore, Aerobatic Units may make Vertical Jumps It costs 1 AP for a Unit to enter a ‘Berserk’ state. While Berserk, the
allowing them to move both vertically as well as horizontally up to their Unit must always Charge or move with all its AP towards the closest
MV in inches. enemy Unit, gains +1 to TN when attacking with any weapon that has
range CA or RE, gains +1to PW when attacking with any weapon with
ANIMOSITY (X) range CA or RE and becomes immune to all Fear and Panic effects
throughout the duration of the Berserk state. Additionally, all attacks
A Bounty Hunter will not work for any force that has a named
with a range CA or RE made by the affected unit acquire an additional
Unit (x) in that force.
power multiplier i.e. PW 4 becomes 4X2, Power 4X2 become 4X3 etc.
A Unit that is Berserk may end the Berserk state at the beginning of any
ASSASSINATION Activation after they've gone
After the first turn, during any lingering effect stage, you may place a
Unit with the Assassination ability anywhere on the Battlefield. Berserk by spending all of their AP to calm themselves. A Berserk Unit
Abilities that change other aspects of infiltrate do not affect may NOT use any Ranged Assaults.
Assassination. If more than one Force contains Units with this Ability,
all players roll for Initiative and resolve placement of Units following Over Exertion - During each Lingering Effects Stage roll 1 d20 for each
the result of the dice rolls, highest to lowest, placing 1 assassination Unit in a Berserk state. On a roll of 11 or more that
Squad or Individual each, in order, until all Units have been deployed. Unit loses 1 AP. This is cumulative and lasts until the Berserk state is
Deploying a Unit in BtB with an enemy Unit does not result in a ended. A unit that has lost all AP due to the effects of exertion, ends the
charge. berserk state, collapses, and cannot activate for 1 turn.

Units with this Ability have already been heavily modified All of the Brood is made up of a singular genetic material, and because
through Grafting technology. These Units may not be given of this, have the ability to enhance themselves with very specific
additional Graftings due to the Followers of the Heretic Grafting mutations to aid them in battle. These mutations are referred to as Bio-
Gens, interred as symbiotic creatures within their larger Brood hosts. A
Unit with this ability has a number in parentheses after the Bio-Gens
ability. E.g. Bio-Gen (2) This number represents exactly how many Bio-
BACKSTAB Gens this Unit can take. If the Unit has Bio-Gen (2) they may take two
A Unit with this Ability gains +2 AS +2PW to Attacks that originate separate Bio-Gens, or one Bio-Gen that specifically takes up two Bio-
from a Unit’s Rear arc with a range of CA or RE, instead of the normal Gen slots. NOTE: Bio-Gens are resolved per the normal rules for
+1 AS and +1 PW. attacks.
Special Abilities 3.4
BITE REFLEX CA or RE, gains +1 to PW when attacking with any weapon with range
The Attack Group (AG) in parentheses after it is used with Bite Reflex. CA or RE. Additionally, all attacks with a range CA or RE made by the
e.g. Bite Reflex (AG #2) This Ability may be used when a Bite Reflex affected Unit acquire an additional power multiplier i.e. PW 4 becomes
Unit moves into BtB with an enemy Unit OR if an enemy Unit moves 4X2, Power 4X2 become 4X3 etc. A Blood Frenzied Unit may NOT
into BtB with a Bite Reflex Unit. When an enemy Unit moves into BtB use any Ranged Assaults
with a Unit with this Ability, resolve Bite Reflex Attacks before the
normal bonus AP attacks. When a Unit with this Ability moves into Over Exertion - During each Lingering Effects Stage roll 1 d20 for each
BtB with more than one enemy Unit, Bite Reflex attack(s) may be split Unit in a Blood Frenzy state. On a roll of 11 or more that Unit loses 1
between the Units. Bite Reflex attack(s) may only target Units that are AP, this is cumulative. A Unit that has lost all AP due to the effects of
in BtB. Bite Reflex Attacks do not gain bonuses that would come from exertion, collapses and is considered KP, and cannot activate for 1 turn.
Ganging Up. Bite Reflex does not count towards Rate of Fire. A Unit
with this ability does not use Bite Reflex if Dying. Bite Reflex is not BOUNTY HUNTER
triggered when moving into BtB with a Dying Unit. Bite Reflex may be This Unit is hired and may not be affected by the Command
used when Prone. A Unit with this ability may not Hold an Action.
Ability unless the Unit with Command has as PS that is higher
than the Bounty Unit. Units with the Bounty SA may work
Example: A Warwind moves into BtB with Scion, Scion resolves the Bite
Reflex attack(s) against the Warwind before the Warwind resolves its charge with either Forsaken or Outcast Forces. In addition before the
attack. game starts the player may nominate an Individual from the
opposing force as their Bounty, if the opposing force does not
Example: Scion moves into BtB with two Bane Units. Scion resolves Bite have any Individuals they may select the highest pt Unit. They
Reflex attacks before the normal bonus AP received from the charge. Scion gain a +2 TN bonus towards any attacks against this target. If
splits the 4 attacks from Attack Group #2 between Bane #1 and Bane #2. they removed the Bounty from play they are Removed from Play
Scion now resolves the charge attack. as well but do not count towards victory points. Matched Sets
may nominate one target or separate targets at their discretion.
This models carry large items that can be used to obscure there
progression across the Battle Field. This ability increases the level BROODMERE
of cover the model is behind. If the ability has a (X) then All of the Brood are created in the Blackmire Spawning Pool. The
increase the cover by that many levels. Brood Mere has mastered the art of replication, hence all Brood
Example: A model with Carried cover that is shot out of cover is understand that death is the next natural step in evolution.
considered in partial cover. If the model is in partial cover it is
Game Effect: All Brood Units are immune to the effects of Panic, Fear,
considered in cover. If the model is in cover it is considered
and Lack of Support.
completely obscured.
BLOOD CULT For 1 AP a Drillhead may burrow into the ground. While
All units with this ability have the following abilities:
“Burrowed” the Drillhead still remains on the table top but give
it a Burrowed counter. The counter gives it a – 4 DF and +2
When a living Unit is removed from the game place either a Blood
marker or blood splatter on the table where the Unit was. During each AR. All movement while burrowed is reduced by half. For 1 AP
Lingering Effects phase each Unit/Squad must check to see how many the Drillhead may resurface, simply take the counter away.
blood markers/splatters are within 8”. For Squads the player must select Units with Enhanced Optics ignore the -4 DF bonus, the +2 AR
one Unit from the squad to check the measurement. All effects are still applies. Units that are burrowed may not charge, they must
cumaltive and are not optional. resurface first.

1 - 4 Blood Markers - +1 TN to all CA CABAL

5 - 8 Blood Markers - Unit is immune to Panic
Whenever a Unit with Cabal is within 8” of Johann they may
9 - 12 Blood Markers - Unit Causes Fear
re-roll one d20 roll per activation. Units with Cabal may not be
13+ Blood Markers - Unit Gains Blood Frenzy Ability
activated through use of the Command
A unit with this ability has the power over the blood that flows in all CANNIBAL
living beings. Any Living Unit in base-to-base with this Unit suffers -2 The Buzz-blades known not only for their ferocity are also
TN to any CA or PS checks. known to bite and rend at their opponents during combat. To
this effect any non-Skarrd unit suffers -1 TN to their AS when in
BLOOD FRENZY CA with Buzz-blades. Units with Never Fear are immune to this
While under the effects of Blood Frenzy, the Unit must always Charge effect.
or move with all its AP towards the non Blood Cult Unit (friendly or
enemy) , gains +1 to AS when attacking with any weapon that has range
Special Abilities 3.4
CASTER command 2 separate Squads or Individuals, or spend 1 AP on one
A caster may once per activation choose to cast a foci from any Turn, and 1 AP in another Turn. If the target is a Squad then the
Squad’s Leader must be within 8” of the Unit Commanding it. If the
of the applicable Foci of their Caste. There are no restrictions
Squad does not have a Leader any member of the Squad must be within
on the Casters chance to cast a Foci.
8”. A Unit with this Ability may not Command a Unit with a higher
PS. Units in Close Assault may not use this ability until they are
CAUSE FEAR unengaged
Fear affects all enemy Units within a 8” radius centered on the Unit
with Cause Fear. Units that Activate within the 8” radius of a Fear- NOTE: If the Commanded Unit also has Command they may not use it
Causing Unit, or Units that move into the Fear radius must that Turn.
immediately make a Fear Test. A Squad makes the test the instant a
member of the Squad moves into the Fear radius. The player must roll CRACK SHOT
equal to or under the Unit’s PS on 1D20 or the target Unit is affected Units with this ability may ignore normal Targeting priority rules and
by Fear. Cause Fear does not work if the Unit with the ability is shoot at any Unit within range and line of sight.
CHARITY’S GIFT You may have the Unit with this ability perform an “auto kill” for 1 AP
One Unit of Buzzblades may be upgraded to either Might or Zeal. This on a Slave to add +2 to that Slave Squad’s AS stats. This bonus only
upgrade is free and remains in play even if the Sister of Chaity is lasts until the Slave Squad’s next Activation ends. The Unit must be in
Removed From Play. BtB contact with a Slave to perform this “auto kill”, does not have to
roll to hit or to wound the Slave and the targeted Slave gets no save. A
COMBAT REFLEXES Unit may only use this Ability once per Turn.
NOTE: A Unit may not therefore use a weapons RE ability to perform
If a unit with this ability is hit by an attack and fails his armor
this ‘auto kill’ or use a RA weapon.
save he can roll a PS test to try and roll with the force of the
attack. If the PS save succeeds he does not take damage from the
weapon but is still affected by any special abilities on the attack. DANCE OF DEATH
Once per game a Squad with this ability acquires +2 to TN, PW, and an
The model is now prone. This ability can not be used if the
additional power multiplier i.e. PW 3 becomes 4X2; PW 5x2 becomes
model is unit is already prone.
6x3; for all attacks with range CA or RE, until the end of the current
activation. All Units in the Squad use this ability during the same turn.
Greater Elementals are incarnate representations of their archetypical
sphere, summoned by the combination of several smaller elementals.
A Unit with this ability adds +4 to the PS stat for all tests against the
Combined Elementals do not cost any points during Force creation,
Unit when testing against Casting Psyche Effects, and is immune to the
and are summoned during gameplay from an elemental Squad. A full
effects of the Command special ability.
Squad of elementals, all in coherency with the Target of a combining
effect are required to create a Combined Elemental. When combined,
replace the Target elemental Unit with a Greater Elemental, and remove DRUGGED
the remainder of the target elemental’s Squad from play. There must be Before the battle, the Johann player may nominate one
room for the Greater Elemental’s base. Any Counters and damage on Unit/Squad per Heretic Sister of Charity to be Drugged. Each
any of the elementals carry over to the Greater Elemental; identical non- Unit in the Squad receives a Drugged counter. Drugged Units
Wound Counters are not cumulative, place only one of each type on the deploy with the Heretic Sister of Charity responsible for their
Greater Elemental. When separated, replace the Combine Elemental
Drugged counter, as if they were a single Squad -- for
with one Squad member exactly where the Greater Elemental was
deployment only. While possessing a Drugged Counter, all TN’s
located. Place the other Squad members within 2” of the first one.
Squad members may be placed in Base-to-Base with other Units, but receive a -2 penalty, except for AR checks. When a Drugged
does not constitute a Charge. Any wounds on the Greater Elemental Unit receives a wound, remove the Drugged counter instead of
transfer to the separated Squad members. Likewise, any Counters on the suffering the first wound, this is not optional. Drugged counters
Greater Elemental carry over to each Squad member. Combined only prevent the first wound received from Extreme Damage
Elementals count as Elementals. (ED) or other multiple wound sources. After the counter is
removed, the Unit no longer suffers the -2 TN penalty from
COMMAND being Drugged. Units may not receive multiple Drugged
Units with this Ability may use 1 AP to Command other Squads or counters.
Individuals on the same Force, causing them to Activate outside of the
normal Initiative sequence. Once you use your AP to Command
another Unit your Activation ends and you may do nothing else that ELEMENTAL
Turn. A number after Command indicates the amount of times per Units with this ability are affected by the Soul Link Ability.
Game that Command can be used by that Unit e.g. If a Unit has
Command (2) then they may spend their last 2 AP in one Turn to
Special Abilities 3.4
Ranged Assaults against this Unit that originate from Units 8” away, or FLOAT
more, away suffer double the normal range modifiers (i.e. for every full Buoyant on the very air, floating Units never touch the ground. This
4” –2 to the TN To Hit). Elusive Units automatically pass the PS check Unit ignores terrain movement penalties and floats to whatever position
to ‘Evade’ template attacks. on the board it has the Movement to reach. Floating Units may not
move over enemy Units, and may not end their movement overlapping
A Unit with this Ability has some form of enhanced optical abilities,
whether through natural or technological means. A Unit with Enhanced FURIOUS CHARGE
Optics may ignore any modifiers for making a Ranged Assault through Furious Charge allows Units with the Ability to gain +2 TN and +2 PW
Smoke Clouds. when making a Charge, instead of the normal +1 TN and +1 PW.


Units with Enshroud exhibit a preternatural ability to disappear into A Unit with this ability deploys during any Lingering Effects stage after
their surroundings even on an open plain. When a Unit with this ability the first turn of a game. You must announce the use of Gliding
is on hold, it cannot be targeted by RA weapons, psychogenics/foci that Deployment the turn before it’s use. Choose a deployment point
act as RA weapons, or have a POI drawn within 8” of its base. If a anywhere on the battlefield. A scatter roll is made for each Unit in the
Unit with Enshroud is on hold, it does not block line of sight to other Squad to determine the final deployment point. If a Unit’s final
Units. deployment point is off of the table edge, they will deploy at the point
on the battlefield nearest to the table edge. If the Unit’s final
ENVIRO FILTERS deployment point is on another Unit or in hazardous terrain, the
Units with this Ability are immune to most environmental effects and Gliding Deployment Unit is placed with their base touching the
do not receive the CA penalties when making Close Assaults in Smoke Unit/terrain closest to the final deployment point. A Gliding
Clouds. Deployment Unit placed with their base touching another Unit is not
considered a charge. If more than one Force contains Units/Squads with
ESSENCE POOL this Ability, all players roll for Initiative and resolve placement of
The members of this Squad have a shared pool of HP. members of this Units/Squads following the result of the dice rolls, highest to lowest,
Squad have a shared pool of HP. The HP Statistic in the Units’ profiles placing 1 Unit/Squad each, in order, until all Unit/Squads have been
show the total HP for the entire Squad. Damage is recorded for the deployed.
entire Squad not individually. For simplicity, only place Wound
Counters on a single Squad member. If one member is Dying or Example: During turn two’s Lingering Effects stage, Mike announces
Removed from Play, all members of the Squad are. he will be deploying his 3 Harpies. During Mike’s Turn three
Lingering Effects stage, Mike chooses a deployment point under a Unit
FEROCIOUS ASSUALT in Scott’s Clergy Ann Squad. Mike makes a scatter roll for Harpy #1,
he rolls a 1 and it’s final deployment point is under a Clergy Ann Unit.
Attacks from this unit are so ferocious and unrelenting it causes
Mike deploys Harpy #1 touching the base of the Clergy Ann, closest to
fear and panic in even the most stalwart troops. If an enemy
the final deployment point. Mike makes a scatter roll for Harpy #2, he
unit is removed from play by an attack of a unit with this ability, rolls a 20 and it’s final deployment point is off the table edge. Mike
the squad it was a member of receives a Panic counter. Units deploys Harpy #2 touching the table edge closest to the final
with Never Panic are immune to this ability deployment point. Mike makes a scatter roll for Harpy #3, he rolls a 12
and it’s final deployment point is a chasm (which Mike and Scott had
FOR SAINT AND GLORY determined was impassible terrain at the beginning of the game) Mike
A Unit with this Ability is immune to the effects of Panic and Fear if deploys Harpy #3 touching the edge of the chasm, closest to the final
they are within their Saint’s PS stat in inches. If the Saint is Dying, deployment point.
Units with this Ability are marked for Panic.
FORTITUDE When a Unit with this ability is reduced to 0 Health Points (HP) it will
Units with this ability are not Removed from Play immediately explode (BL 3; PW 5x2) during the next Lingering Effects Stage.
upon Dying. Instead, Dying Units with Fortitude receive a
Dying counter and remain on the Battlefield until: the end of GRAFT
their next activation, or take twice their original HP in Damage. Each Grafter can add augmentations to Units in the Followers of
While in this state, ignore all Dying rules on the affected Unit. the Heretic force list. Each Grafter provides up to one Grafting
Dying Units with this ability may continue to act normally, and on other a friendly Heretic Unit or the same Grafting on each
other Units react to them normally, unlike other Dying Units. Unit of a squad. Units with the Augmented Ability may not
Abilities such as 'Hang in there Boys' which prevent Dying receive Graftings. Graftings identified as (U) are Unique and
models from being removed after their Activation do not affect may only be given to one unit per force, regardless of force size.
Units with this ability.
Special Abilities 3.4
(X) represents the distance in inches that grapple can effect. I NEVER LOSE!
Models with this ability gain the use of grappling weapons. With This ability allows a player with this Unit in his army to automatically
them they can climb much safer than units without. Also these win Initiative over another player in the case of a tie on the dice roll.
items can be used to help clear distances like moving building to
building. To Represent this when Jumping the unit can move INFILTRATE
there movement -1 per AP rather than ½ movement per normal Units with this Ability are deployed after all non-Infiltrating Units. A
rules. Also units with this ability can scale surfaces as if a ladder Unit with Infiltrate may deploy anywhere on the Battlefield, but may
not be deployed closer to any enemy Unit than that enemy Unit’s PS in
was in place up to the distance of the grapple ability. Falling less
inches. If more than one Force contains Units with this Ability, all
than the range of the grapple results in no damage.
players roll for Initiative and resolve placement of Infiltrating Units
following the result of the dice rolls, highest to lowest, placing 1
GROUP CASTING Infiltrating Squad or Individual each, in order, until all Infiltrating
Group Casting allows all the members of a Squad to cast Foci Units have been deployed.
simultaneously. The ability must be used at the start of a Squads
Activation before any members of the Squad have spent any AP. Each
Squad member selects its target, if necessary, and the controlling Player
rolls 1 d20 and applies the result to every Squad member. This ability This ability improves the Command ability. When Command is
breaks the normal Activation order for a Unit. All members pay the used on a unit they receive an additional bonus of +1 TN to RA,
correct AP for their Focus before the d20 roll is made and, as usual, the CA, or RE attacks. All other rules for command apply.
AP are lost regardless of success or failure.
HANG IN THERE BOYS! Friendly Units within 8” of a Unit with this ability gain +2 TN for fear
Units with this Ability inspire wounded comrades to hold out for & panic checks, and CA attacks. Individuals, Non-Living Units, and
medical attention. Any Dying Unit from the same Force within 8” of Units with a higher PS than the Unit with this ability are not affected
the Unit with this Ability is not removed from play when they are by this ability.
Activated, if the Unit may receive a positive HP balance due to Just a
Flesh Wound and/or Numb. The Dying Units are still removed if they JUST A FLESH WOUND
ever take twice their original HP in damage as per normal. This Ability This ability prevents friendly Units from being Removed from Play
does not affect Nonliving Units. Any Units still classed as Dying when immediately upon Dying. Instead, friendly Dying Units receive a Dying
the Game ends are counted as casualties for purposes of Victory Points counter and remain on the Battlefield until they next activate, or take
or Scenario Conditions. twice their original HP in Damage. Units with ‘Just a Flesh Wound’
NOTE: Dying Units still follow all normal rules for Dying Units such may spend 1 AP while in Base to Base contact with a wounded Unit to
as being Prone, not counting towards Formations etc. restore 1 HP to the wounded Unit. The 1 AP used for this Ability may
not be the free AP granted on a Charge. This Ability may only be used
HATRED on a wounded or Dying Unit and thus may never be used to increase a
Some Units have a particular Hatred for another person or race. Hatred Unit’s HP above it’s original point. A unit may only be affected by this
will have a qualifier following it, in parentheses, which shows just who ability once per game.
the Unit hates e.g. Hatred (Forsaken). Should a Unit make either a NOTE: This Ability does not affect Nonliving Units.
Ranged or Close Assault against a Unit it has Hatred for then the
Attacking Unit receives +1 to Assault TN’s. An attack made with a KAMIKAZE
weapon that has a range of CA or RE also gains a +1 PW bonus. Fanatical loyalty, psychosomatic conditioning, or simply lacking the
concept of self, are just some of the symptoms they lead to the
I’M THE BOSS Kamikaze Unit. Fearless of the consequences, suicidal weapons show up
All Slave Units that have at least 1 Slave within 8” of a Unit with this at those times when the ends justify any means. Successful hits from
ability may use that Unit’s PS stat instead of their own for all checks weapons with this ability damage both the attacking Unit and its
that use the PS stat. Target.


All MAL stats of friendly units are increased by “1” while a Unit A Unit with this Ability may Latch On to an enemy and make
additional attacks. The Attack Group required to trigger a Latch On
with this Ability is present on the battlefield. If a MAL stat is
attack will be listed first, followed by the Attack Group that is used for
“20” then the Stat is now “-“. the free attack. e.g. LATCH ON (Retractable Claws/Bite) If all weapons
in the first Attack Group listed hit the same Unit using a single AP, the
IMMUNITY TO POISON Unit with the Latch On Ability may make an immediate attack (for no
Units which are Immune to Poison do not receive Poison counters for additional AP cost) against the same Unit with the second Attack Group
any reason. listed with the Latch On Ability. Additional attacks during this
Special Abilities 3.4
activation from the second Attack Group listed automatically hit. Units A Unit with this Ability is considered not to be alive, and as such, may
may not Parry the automatic hit. be immune to certain offensive abilities, such as poison. Any offensive
Abilities that do not affect nonliving Units will be noted in the Ability.
Example: If a Brood Hound spends 1 AP and hits with both its Retractable
Claws it may make an immediate attack with its Bite against the same NOW IS OUR TIME!
Unit. All additional attacks made with the Bite during this activation will Once per game the player with a Unit with this Ability does not need to
automatically hit. roll Initiative. By using this Ability the Initiative is automatically won.
To successfully use this ability the Unit must first roll under its PS. If
LIMITED FLIGHT the Unit fails this check it automatically loses Initiative. If this ability
Once per turn a Unit with this ability can spend 1 AP to make a short works the Unit using the Ability must be the first Unit activated that
flight of 6”. This flight ignores terrain features less than 4” tall and may Turn.
be used to break from Close Assault as normal. When Limited Flight is
used to charge, the Unit gains +2 TN and +2 PW for all attacks with
range CA or RE

Before the beginning of each game the Unit’s controlling Player
Once per game a Unit with this Ability may re-roll any single d20 they
have rolled. The second roll must be accepted even if it is worse than the must select a single unit from the opposing force. The Obsessed
first. Units with Luck also do not suffer the effect of critically failing an Unit then gains +2 AS and +2 PW to any CA attacks directed
AR roll. towards the selected Unit, it may not engage any other units, but
can respond normally if engaged by another enemy unit. While
MATCHING SET the selected Unit is in play the Obsessed Unit gains the Never
Matched sets of Units must be fielded together in a Force. They are Fear and Never Panic abilities. If the selected unit is removed
required to maintain a 4” coherency with each other or suffer from the from play before the Unit can engage the Unit it then goes into a
usual Out of Coherency penalties. Should one of the Units be removed frightful rage and gains the Berserk ability. If the Unit with
from the Battle, the other member(s) of the Matching Set will be subject Obsessed kills the selected unit it may activate as normal.
to the Berserk rule. The Unit(s) will automatically enter the Berserk
state at no AP expenditure. (See the ‘Berserk’ Ability for more details).
NOTE: Matching Sets will have the other(s) of their set written after
Once per activation a Unit with the SA may choose to center a Smoke
the Matching Set ability E.g. ‘Matching Set – Nathaniel’.
Grenade centered directly on them. The player spends 1 AP and must
make a MAL check. If a MAL result is made the Grenade was a dud
MY BLOOD FOR YOUR BLOOD and does not go off. This does not count towards the Unit’s RF.
Units with Take Charge of a Unit that has this ability may transfer any
wounds received to a Unit with this ability. Any attacks that cause ED
counts towards only one wound suffered by a Unit with this SA, any
At the beginning of the game, and during each Lingering Effects stage, a
extra damage is ignored. Units be within Unit Coherency with the
Unit with this Ability may choose to power one Powered item. (Only
Take Charge Unit.
one Powered item may be enabled at a time). If a Powered item
Malfunctions, the Power Generator has overloaded and may not be used
MY PRETTY TOYS to power an item during the next Lingering Effects stage.
A Sister of Charity may upgrade one unit of Buzz Blades into
either Charity’s Might or Zeal. The Sister of Charity must PSYCHOGENIC - INVOKER
deploy with the Squad she upgrades, but is not to be considered An Invoker may cast one Psychogenic per activation. They may
a part of that Squad. If the Sister of Charity is Removed From choose from any of the Psychogenics for the applicable Cult.
Play the Might’s and Zeal automatically enter the Berserk state.
Note, they do not retain the ability, once they are calmed they PSYCHOGENIC - MASTER
may not enter Berserk again. A Master may cast two Psychogenics per activation, if they
remain stationary. Otherwise if they move or engage in CA they
NEVER FEAR may cast one psychogenic. Like the Invoker they may use any
Units with this Ability are immune to Fear. Psychogenic for the applicable Cult.

Units with this Ability are immune to Panic. Squads with this Ability PUD CONTROL
do not suffer the effects of either ‘Lack of Support.’ Brood Units with the Pud Control Special Ability have a telepathic link
to control Puds they are equipped with. Puds may only be fielded if the
NONLIVING UNIT force contains at least one Unit with the Pud control special ability.
Units with the Pud Control Ability come equipped with the number of
Special Abilities 3.4
Puds in parentheses after the “Puds (x)” reference in their Equipment remains in play both him and the Brutes in his Unit have Never
list. Panic.
NOTE: If an AOE weapon hits the Unit, the hibernating Puds are hit
with the PW of the weapon halved (round down).
I’m the Boss Here, Not You! Units with this ability gain +2 PW for any weapon that has range CA or
Puds are not deployed at the beginning of the game. Puds are RE for every wound counter currently on the Unit.
attached to the controlling Unit and are considered to be in a
state of hibernation. RAZOR WIRE
A unit with this ability is covered in scores of razor wire making
A controlling Unit can spend 1 AP to:
it impossible to hit the Unit without getting caught in the wire.
1) Activate a hibernating Pud. Place it in BtB, and resolve
A Unit that hits this Unit with either a CA or RE attack suffers a
its action immediately.
2) Activate any friendly Pud (that has not activated) within PW 2x2 Hit.
4”, and resolve its actions immediately.
3) Call one friendly Pud with 4” back into hibernation. (A REGENERATION
Pud that is placed back into hibernation keeps and The Regeneration ability allows Units to rapidly heal fatal wounds.
resolves normally any counters it currently has, and may During every Lingering Effect phase, a Unit with Regeneration will
regenerate.) automatically attempt to heal if it has a Wound counter(s). The
numbers in parentheses after Regeneration indicates how many D20 are
Rise and shine used for the test. Each roll equal to or less than 10 recovers 1 HP. Units
If a Unit with Pud control is removed from play. Place the with this ability are not Removed from Play immediately upon Dying.
current hibernating Puds within BtB of the removed Unit; Instead, Dying Units with Regenerate receive a Dying counter and
activate them during the next Lingering Effects stage per the remain on the Battlefield until: they next activate, take twice their
Pud Powers rules. original HP in Damage, or if the Unit is unable to Regenerate to at least
1 HP during the Lingering Effects. If that is not possible (i.e., the Unit
has Regeneration (1), and is at -2 HP), the Unit is immediately removed
as a casualty during Lingering Effects.
Units with the Pud Powers Ability use a number of special rules:
NOTE: Cauterized wounds cannot be regenerated. A Dying Unit that
• After all Lingering effects on the Puds have been resolved any
successfully Regenerates is still considered Prone. A Unit may not
Pud not hibernating will activate and attack the closest enemy
regenerate above its starting HP.
Unit. (With equal distance, controller chooses target) If the
closest enemy Unit is Dying, the controller may choose to
Example: Helexa has Regeneration (2). During Lingering Effects, if she has
attack the next target. If the Pud is not in BtB with an enemy
two Wound counters. She rolls two D20’s for her Regeneration roll and gets
Unit it must use all available AP to move towards, and if able
a 3 and a 12. She removes 1 Wound counter. If Helexa had not removed 1
to, charge the next closest enemy Unit. This is an inherent
Wound counter, she would be immediately removed as a casualty.
ability and does not interfere with their normal activation for
Note: A Unit may not regenerate above its starting HP
the turn. The Puds controlling player determines what order
Puds activate in.
• Puds may move while in BtB with an enemy Unit, ignoring REPAIR – Heretic Sisters of Charity work hand in hand with
the normal rules associated with breaking free from a Close the Grafters and have the ability to repair damaged grafted
Assault to be called back to hibernate. beings. While in Base-to-Base a Heretic Sister may spend 1AP to
• Puds in BtB with an enemy Unit are considered to be in CA, repair 1HP of damage to Units with the Augmented Ability, or
but do not gain or count towards Ganging Up bonuses. for whom Graftings have been purchased. This Ability may not
• Puds never take damage from falling or being thrown. This is be used to raise a Unit’s HP above their starting value, or if the
due to gliding membranes that allow them to land softly in an
Unit has a Dying counter. This may only be used once per game
uncontrolled flight.
per grafted Individual. Repair does not prevent Dying Units
• Puds may not be Entangled, go Prone, be Knocked Prone,
Pinned, or Crushed. Puds treat rough and dangerous terrain from being Removed from Play.
as open. Puds may not climb.
• Puds may be ignored for Targeting Priorities RETALIATION
When attacked by any weapon that has the range CA or RE that misses,
PUSH a Unit with the Retaliation ability may immediately make a CA attack
Once per activation the Brute Pusher may inspire/whip himself with one weapon in any attack group against the Unit that initiated the
and fellow Brutes into a frenzy of movement. If all 3 AP of the CA or RE attack, if in BtB contact with the Unit that initiated the
attack. This ability may not be used if dying, and may be used while
Brutes and Brute Pusher are used for movement, other than for a
prone. Dodge and Distraction attempts triggers Retaliation.
Charge, then the Brutes and Brute Pusher may move one extra
AP worth of movement. This movement may not result in a
Charge or lead the Brutes into a charge. While the Brute Pusher A Unit with this ability may target an enemy Unit/Squad to charge and
Special Abilities 3.4
command another friendly Squad that is currently within 8” to follow
them into close assault. The commanded Squad activates immediately SCAVENGE
after the Unit with righteous charge resolves their activation. The Units with this ability have the ability to scavenge weapons and
commanded Squad must attempt to charge the same Unit/Squad that is
armor from the battlefield to improve their own weapons and
the target of Righteous Charge. If the target of Righteous Charge dies,
armor. When any Unit is Removed From Play place a Scavenge
the commanded Squad may activate normally. If the target is a Squad
then the Squad’s Leader must be within 8” of the Unit Commanding it. token where the Unit was last on the tabletop. A Unit with the
If the Squad does not have a Leader any member of the Squad must be Scavenge ability may move adjacent to the token and spend 1AP
within 8”. A Unit with this Ability may not Command a Unit with a to pick up the token. A Unit may have up to 3 Scavenge tokens.
higher PS. Units in Close Assault may not use this ability until they are Each token gives the Unit a +1 bonus to AR and RA PW. When
unengaged. This ability may only be used once per game. a Unit picks up more than one token replace the multiple tokens
with one token that reads +2 or +3 Scavenge as applicable. If a
RITUAL SACRIFICE unit with a +2 or +3 token is Removed from Play place a single
Any Unit that has to spend one wound in order to cast a Scavenge token down instead of the multiple token counters.
Psychogenic may instead Remove From Play a Unit with this
SA. The Unit must be in Unit Coherency. SCOUT
After all players have deployed their Units and after all Infiltrate
RITUAL CASTER Units or those with Infiltrate like effects have been deployed the
Ritual Casters call upon ancient powers of their warrior avatar player that has at least one unit with this ability in their force
spirit. Unlike a Foci, these are actions, rhythms, or dances that may redeploy one squad or unit in their force. Normal
imbue the Ritual Caster with the avatar power. Each Ritual Deployment and Infiltrator rules apply.
Casting has a TN that is required for each Unit to cast the
specific Ritual. If the Unit is a member of a Squad increase the SEE THE SOUL
TN for each subsequent Ritual Caster by one, example: A Any Unit with Infiltrate (or an Ability that acts as Infiltrate) may not
Tempest wants to cast her Ritual Casting, normally her TN is a deploy within this Unit’s PS stat in inches.
‘9’, but she has two other sisters in the squad so her TN is now
an ‘11’ as well as her other sisters. SERPENTINE BODY
A Unit with this ability may go prone, or stand for no AP cost, and has
SADIST an Attack Arc of 360°. This Unit may not be entangled, knocked
Whenever Dexus hits in CA he must use the Crush attack as a prone, pinned, or crushed. This Unit treats rough and dangerous terrain
follow-up as applicable. In addition he does not receive Gang- as open. This Unit may not climb or jump.
up bonuses as he prefers to savor his victim’s pain alone. Being
use to giving pain he is quite accustomed to receiving it too. SHADOWSTEP
Dexus does not make a Panic check when he is 50% or below of A Unique ability of the Shadow Walkers this allows the Unit through
great concentration and use of Focus to step between the veil of Life and
his starting HP.
Spirit. Any Unit with Shadowstep counts as if they have the Infiltrate
ability and obeys all rules for Infiltrators. As they do not use regular
methods of travel any Unit with Shadowstep is immune to the effects of
SOUL CASTER the Tracking ability and may be set up as an Infiltrator as per normal.
A Soul caster is more powerful than a regular Dragyri Caster.
They may cast twice per turn if they do not move or once if they SHARD WALK
do move. Like the Caster they may choose any Foci from the Units with this Ability can move through a Shard Field without risk of
applicable Foci Caste List. detonating it (See Scatter Shard weapon Ability). Should they, however,
be in the radius of a Shard Field that detonates due to another Unit they
SOUL LINK will take damage as normal.
The bond between a Soul Warden and the Elementals it
summons to battle is strong. So much that the Warden may SHEER
transfer damage to and from himself and his elementals or vice Units with this ability are not composed of solid matter, and are
versa. If a Soul Warden is within 8” of any Elementals of its difficult to hit. This Unit is immune to all forms of Acid,
force and receives damage may instead transfer the damage from Poison, and Fire. Roll die for any Assault hitting a Sheer Unit
the Elemental to itself. Likewise the Warden may transfer any not originating from Base-to-Base, on a 10 or less the attack
damage he receives to an Elemental within 8”. Damage received automatically misses. The Sheer ability may not be used against a
from either Critical Successes or Critical Failures are immune to Critical Success
this effect. This only applies to the Elementals summoned to
battle by the Soul Warden, friendly Elementals are not affected, SIDESTEP
except by their own Soul Warden.
Special Abilities 3.4
Units with this Ability may elect to Sidestep a Close Assault (CA) If all AP are used for Movement the unit’s gains the Elusive
Attack or a Ranged Attack (RA). To make a Sidestep save the player Special Ability until the start of its next activation.
rolls 1d20, on a roll of 13 or less the Sidestep is successful, and the
attack has not hit. If the Sidestep attempt fails the Unit still gets its
normal Armor (AR) save. You may not attempt to Sidestep a Critical SWARM
Hit. You may Sidestep a Spray or Stream Weapon. A Unit with the Swarm SA takes ED(2) from AoE’s. This Unit
is not affected by Fear and Panic. Swarms do not have a unit
SLAVEMASTER size, they are on a 50mm base. They may move through friendly
This ability allows the Unit to automatically Rally any Slave Squad who troops as if they were equal size to the unit they are moving
is Panicked and has at least one Slave within 4” of the Rallying Unit. through, they may not overlap bases as usual. Swarms do not
receive a free AP from a charge, nor do they receive any bonuses
SLIMY from charges. The number of Attacks is reduced by the number
Coated in a viscous fluid, Units with this ability are immune to the Fire of wounds the Swarm Unit suffers, i.e. the Pud Swarm has five
Weapon Ability. attacks in AG1, if it has suffered 2 wounds the number of attacks
is now 3. If wounds are regenerated the attacks go up to the
SNIFF ‘UM OUT original number.
Any Enemy Unit with Infiltrate (or an Ability that acts as Infiltrate)
may not Deploy within 2 times this Unit’s PS stat in inches.
This Ability represents that an Individual has strong ties to a particular
SPRING LEAP Squad type. They will regularly train with a Squad of such troops in
The Unit may spend 1 AP to make 4” movement ignoring any terrain advance of a mission and lead them into battle personally. The Ability
less than 4” high for that 1 AP. This can only be done once a turn. will have the choice of Units the Individual can lead in parentheses after
When Spring Leap is used to Charge, the Unit gains +2 TN +2 PW. it e.g. Take Charge (Coils). Should an Individual choose to lead a Squad
Spring Leap does not benefit from Gang Up. Spring Leap may not be in this way they are permanently attached to the Unit for the entire
used with a Knock Back weapon. Game. They are considered part of the Squad for all purposes, act as the
Unit’s ‘Leader’ in all ways, and all ‘Leader’ rules apply to them and the
Squad they are leading.
SQUAD ATTACHMENT They still retain their ‘Individual’ status and related abilities such as
A unit with this ability is a close member of a squad. This Unit Rallying Troops however, and all their personal Special Abilities apply
eats, sleeps, trains, lives and dies with the Squad. To this affect as normal. Should an Individual ‘Take Charge’ of a Squad they do not
count towards a Squad size, nor do they stop a Squad having a Leader of
any Special Abilities owned by the Squad Attachment Unit pass
it’s own. If a Squad also has a Leader of it’s own that Leader also retains
on to units in its parent squad. This is permanent for purposes
full use of all of it’s Leader rules.
of the game even if the Squad Attachment Unit is Removed NOTE: Should the Individual taking charge have an Ability that their
From Play. A Squad may only have one Squad Attachment. Squad lacks, such as Never Fear or Never Panic,
their Squad does not gain the benefits this may lead to situations such as
SUPERIOR GANGING UP the Squad panicking while the Individual does not.
Units with this Ability are well practiced in mass melees. When a Unit
with Superior Ganging Up makes a CA or RE attack they gain a +2 TN Example: Fred is playing Saint Mark and decides to have the Saint lead a
and PW bonus, instead of +1, for every friendly Unit in BtB with the Squad of Coils. He wants the Squad to be at full strength so purchases the
defending Unit. maximum Squad of 6 and upgrades one to be a Coil Leader. The Squad
now consists of Saint Mark, a Coil Leader and 5 Coils. The whole Squad
must be deployed as one and will be considered as one Squad throughout the
A Unit with this Ability is allotted 3 ‘Superior Maintenance’ counters
before the Game begins. The player with this Unit in his Force may give
Example: During the game the Coil Squad, led by Mark, finds itself
one of these counters to each of 3 Squads or Individuals before they are
separated into two groups of 3, the first consisting of Mark and 2 Coils and
Deployed (Once a Squad or Individual is Deployed they can no longer
the other consisting of the Coil Leader and 2 Coils. The distance between the
be given a Superior Maintenance counter). During the game a Unit two groups is 8”. As both halves of the Squad have a Leader, neither is
with one of these counters may use it to ignore the effects of a single considered Out of Coherency. If Mark or the Coil Leader is killed their
Malfunction (any other effects of the roll are handled as normal). The group would then be considered Out of Coherency until they rejoined the
counter must be used immediately after the MAL is rolled and before other group.
any effects of the Malfunction come into play. Once a Unit has ignored
a Malfunction the counter is removed from play. A Unit with Superior
Maintenance may keep one counter for itself if so TANDEM FIGHTING
wanted. No Squad or Individual may have more than 1 Superior Units with this Ability will also be linked by ‘Matching Set’ to the
Maintenance counter and any not used are wasted. Unit(s) they can fight in Tandem with. This special style of combat
relies on fighting in unison in order to capitalize on each other’s attacks
to bring down opponents. Alternate using AP between the Units linked.
Special Abilities 3.4
Every Unit must spend an AP before any other Unit may spend a 2nd 1. Make an Aimed Ranged Assault.
AP, and so on, until all AP are spent.
2. Move in any direction up to their Movement (MV) and make
a Ranged Assault.
Example: Chris chooses Nathaniel and Orchid for his Force. Once in play
they are Activated together, like a Squad, and
must alternately spend AP i.e. Nathaniel spends his 1st AP then Orchid UNNATURAL CLIMB
spends her 1st AP, then Nathaniel is allowed his This ability allows a Unit to climb vertical surfaces at its full movement
2nd AP and so on (Of course Orchid may go first instead if the player value.
THIS WILL MAKE IT ALL BETTER Father Curwen’s secretions create a sphere of virulent fumes around
Units with this Ability may spend 1 AP when in base to base contact him. Any Unit moving into BtB contact, or activating while in BtB
with a Unit to remove all Poison or Numb counters. The 1 AP spent contact immediately resolve a PW 4 attack before any other actions are
may not be the free AP gained for Charging. You will remove all resolved. Does not effect nonliving Units.
counters of the same type for each 1 AP spent. A friendly Unit may only
be affected by this ability once per game.

Units with this Ability do not take an additional HP of damage on a
critical Armor Save failure (A roll of a 20). Any special effects, like
Knock Prone, still automatically affect the Unit. Tough as Nails also
gives a +2 modifier to Poison Tests.

A Unit with this ability is covered in Toxic Waste and fumes
partially covering the unit in a distinct sickly haze. Any RA
towards this unit suffer from Partial Cover, any Unit in CA with
a Unit with this ability suffers -2 TN to their attacks. This cover
bonus and TN penalty does not stack with any other cover
bonuses or Smoke Cloud Effects. In Addition any Unit that
begins its activation in Base-to-Base with a Unit with this ability
receives a Poison (16) counter. Units with Envirofilters or Non-
Living Units are immune to the effects of Toxic Miasma; Units
with Enviro Filters ignore the Partial Cover bonus.

Units with this ability are immune to the effects of Fear Toxin and

Tracking forces all enemy Units with Infiltrate to be announced before
the Deployment phase of Game setup. The player with the Tracking
Unit may choose any one of the Infiltrating Squads or Individuals in the
other Force to be Tracked. A Tracked Unit must deploy first before any
other Unit in their Force if they want to use their Infiltrate Ability. A
Player may decide to not use the Unit’s Infiltrate Ability, and deploy it
with the rest of his Units during normal deployment, in this case the
Unit must deploy in it’s own Deployment Zone as normal.
NOTE: If both Players have Tracking Units then a roll-off should be
used to indicate which player gets to use it first
(lowest roll wins as per usual). If one player has more than one Tracking
Unit they can all be used before Game set-up as above.

A Squad with this Ability may spend 1 AP to either:

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