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No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any

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The accuracy and completeness of information provided herein, and opinions

stated herein, are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular results, and the

advice and strategies, contained herein, may not be suitable for every individual. The

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This publication is designed to provide accuracy in regard to the subject matter

covered. In addition, the author has used his efforts in preparing this eBook. It is sold with

the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering advice on the application of

violence or other professional services. If medical or legal advice or expert assistance is

required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


It is truly unfortunate we live in an age when eBooks such as this are necessary. I live

near a major city in Texas and half of the nightly news every night is devoted to reporting

attacks on people, many of whom have put themselves into a position where they have made

victimization likely. Quite often, I see stories where someone is assaulted in a parking lot just

after leaving a shop or supermarket. In this book, the author describes how to avoid these

situations, but also how you can use your hands and feet to defend effectively defend

yourself when necessary. The part I consider most important is that he stresses avoidance is

the best technique. In flight or fight, flight is best. He emphasizes that you should try to leave

a situation but never allow yourself to be taken to another location. The attacker wanting to

transport you, can have nothing good in mind. Once in a while, a story is broadcast where

the victim fights back and wins, usually because they are taken by surprise. Often these

stories have very sad endings. If you read this eBook, one thing is for sure. They will never

broadcast a story like that about you!

Andrew, 56
Plano, TX

With this eBook, a martial artist expert shares his expertise with readers. This eBook

might literally save your life someday. It is a great straightforward guide to surviving any

encounter with a stranger especially when it concerns a possible violent attack. With the

world going to hell in a hand basket around us, I firmly believe that everybody needs a

guide that can help you survive any attack. This is a resource that should be in every family's

home library, it is smart, informative and well organized and fortified by instructions which

are clear and simple to follow. What I really liked about the eBook is the way the author

concisely explains the principles and tactics behind self-defense. His writing style is

comfortable and honest which keeps you engaged to the end of the eBook. It is absolutely

chocked full of important information. The author aptly delves into the emotional and
physical effects of a confrontation, and how to handle those effects, the use of tactics to avoid

getting hit ever, the use of everyday objects for self-defense, identifying a threat before it

happens and he even explains choosing an appropriate level of self-defense against your

attacker. Overall, this was a good read and I highly recommend this eBook. It is well worth

adding to your library.

Sampson, 47
Bedford, VA

As anyone reading this knows, there are a lot of self-defense books out there and

many are eBooks. Many of them are good, some are very good. But most of them share a

basic flaw: you can be trained to the hilt in a martial arts class and still find that your brain

goes into reboot mode when you're actually attacked. I have been studying martial arts since

I was 10 years old but that couldn't, or at least didn't save me from being knifed in the back

and nearly dying 2 years ago. This book approaches self-defense from the standpoint of a

clear understanding of our own human nature and our own instinctive responses to danger.

It is very detailed for a short book and offers very simple, very easily followed directions on

how to change your attitude toward aggressive encounters and how to develop a nearly

instinctive, safe, effective response to attack. I'm not saying don't try to improve yourself in

the martial arts. I've been doing that for nearly forty years. But this wonderful book should

be the very first thing you read if you have any concerns about defending yourself in the real

world where the knives are not made out of rubber and the swords aren't made out of wood.

Chances are you're going to stumble into something someday. And that fight or attack will

be over very quickly. This book can show you how to respond in a fraction of a second with

an effective and devastating defense. I cannot think of another eBook that is as practically

useful as this gem.

Graham, 49
San Francisco, CA

First off, this eBook is NOT a complete dictionary of martial arts moves. It only

showcases the most effective, and easy to learn techniques. That said, I would recommend

this eBook to anyone interested in self-defense, because it encompasses the psychological

aspects of a fight, and the effects of adrenaline on the body. These are two subjects that are

largely left out of a lot of self-defense instruction. It also helps you to think your way out of a

situation than using your intelligence and problem solving skills. Even if you know (or think

you know) everything about self-defense, this is a good resource to read because it sums up

most of the important topics in a quick and easy to understand way. It serves as a great

reminder to bring things back to basics, because after all, it's the basics that count the most in

most situations.

Rodrick, 53
Lee, MA

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Preparation and Prevention ........................................................................................................................ 11
Psychology for Self-Defense ........................................................................................................................ 18
Solutions That Are Ineffective..................................................................................................................... 22
The Moment of Confrontation .................................................................................................................... 26
Strategies and Techniques ........................................................................................................................... 33
The Forbidden Kill Strike Protocol ............................................................................................................. 45
What Happens Afterward ........................................................................................................................... 48
Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................................................................... 54
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 56


The most common reason most people pick up an eBook like this is to learn how to

defend themselves just in case the need arises. Self-defense is considered by a lot of people to

be a very necessary and valuable skill in a society where violence and attacks on innocent

people are becoming the norm. All you have to do is pick up a newspaper or watch the

nightly news. We are bombarded by violent stories about people being attacked on the street

or in their homes. Often these things happen for no other reason that the person happened to

be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I am certainly not suggesting that you will be attacked every time you step out of your

front door. However, you cannot know that an incident such as this will never happen to

you. Surely, it is better to be prepared for such an incident so that you are able to respond in

an effective way that saves you from harm as opposed to not being able to respond at all.

This eBook will give you those skills.

For many people, the temptation is to jump straight to the protocol laid out later in

this book in order to figure out how to beat the living crap out of the next person who gives

you any trouble. Yeah, you can do that and the physical techniques provided later in this

eBook will provide you with a distinct advantage over an attacker who doesn’t know what’s

coming at them. However, if you don’t read the rest of this guide, you will only be getting

half of the wisdom I have to offer. It’s important to understand that being prepared

psychologically as well as physically is incredibly important for an effective self-defense. In

fact, looking back I have come to understand that most of the incidents I have witnessed and

even most of those that I have been involved in could have easily been avoided before any

punches were even thrown. By jumping right to the techniques, you can easily miss some

very important information and, in doing so, deprive yourself that might make all the

difference when it comes time to throw down and kick ass.

However, just in case you decide to ignore my advice, let me tell you something very

important right off the bat. The fighting techniques that I present in this eBook are not only

powerful, they can actually be lethal. Put it in your head right now that there is a very fine

line between engaging in self-defense and becoming an attacker yourself. As I discuss later in

this guide, the power of adrenaline can cloud your judgement when things get hairy. It is

when things get to this point when you are at the greatest risk of making a stupid decision.

The bottom line is that self-defense should always be just that – defense!

What Is Self-Defense?
People tend to have different opinions about what constitutes self-defense. Most

people consider self-defense to be the act of defending yourself against a violent attack from

another person or a group of people. While this is true to a very simple extent, there is more

to it than that. As a concept, self-defense is about much more than just physical violence. To a

larger extent, it is about taking measures to prevent such violence from occurring in the first

place. In fact, I would say that prevention is 80% of what self-defense is all about.

You should NEVER use these techniques on another person unless you are doing so to

ensure the safety of yourself or someone else. Though the laws around the world are

different in every country, and they even differ from state to state, the rule of thumb is

‘reasonable force.’ This is what you need to use to assess every situation. Your physical

actions to defend yourself need to be appropriate to the threat you face. Moreover, if you

have the chance to escape and run away, you should always take it. That may seem like a

strange thing for a self-defense eBook to be telling you right off the bat but keep in mind that

it is not just good advice, it is also often a legal requirement. In a court of law, it is almost

always legally permissible to defend a person or property against a threat. However, sticking

around to inflict further damage is not and can land you in prison.

In terms of true self-defense, removing yourself from a potentially violent situation

should always be your first option instead of willingly entering it. This can actually pose a

problem for people who are trained in martial arts and other forms of self-defense. People

like this often refuse to run or avoid confrontation because they take pride in their skills and

they want to put these skills on display. Therefore, they end up fighting rather than

defending themselves. Sure this can lead to a glorious moment but it can just as easily lead to

more trouble. This is especially true if the law gets involved.

If you do not do anything to remove yourself from the situation, the law will assume

you had motivation to stay and escalate the situation. In fact, as far as the law is concerned,

these are not the actions of a person who is only interested in defending themselves, but

rather they are the actions of someone who is seeking out conflict. This is a legal minefield

and something you want to avoid.

What is the Best Approach to Self-Defense?

In the heat of the moment, it can be difficult to stop and consider the long-term

ramifications of engaging in violence against an aggressor. Therefore, it’s best to have a very

simple code to live by. I do, in fact, have such a code and it is comprised of 2 simple rules:

1. Don’t be the aggressor. Never do anything to provoke an attack. This includes

verbal provocation.

2. Never over-react. Whenever possible, you should only do what is necessary to

stop an attack. Anything beyond this can be seen as unnecessary force and you

might be viewed as the aggressor and judged guilty of fighting rather than

defending yourself.

If you follow these 2 simple rules, you will stay on the right side of the law. However,

the flip side of that is that if you are worried about consequences, this might lead to

indecision and ultimate defeat. In the end, you have to do what it takes to stop an attack,

even if it means stepping over legal boundaries, especially if your life is at risk. And as you

will learn in the next chapter, I have definitely stepped over those boundaries myself. Some

of those instances I regret. Some of them, I don’t. What has been most important is that I

have the skills to defend myself. I was always willing to sort out the rest later.

Preparation and Prevention

Prevention is probably the most important thing to know and learn when it comes to

self-defense. If you are able to prevent an attack from happening in the first place, you won’t

have to worry about being injured or getting caught up in the legal system.

If you don’t learn anything else from this eBook except what I explain in this section,

then you will have learned the most important part. The prevention of violence requires

having the right mentality and using your common sense. These are two very simple

concepts that many people simply do not use. I have come to the conclusion that we

construct our own reality (bear with me, this has nothing to do with secret knowledge or any

similar garbage).

The Victim Mentality and How to Avoid It

Victims are what predators seek out when they are looking for prey. A victim is

someone who looks like easy prey, someone who does not pose a threat and someone who

can be easily dominated and controlled. Victims never fight back and predators know this.

Essentially your average street thug wants to feel good about themselves by aggressively

dominating someone weaker than they are. The last thing a street thug wants is someone

who is going to stand up to them or try to defend themselves in any way. When dealing with

someone like this, the thug loses control of the situation. Ultimately, a situation like this is all

about control and power. Thugs crave that sense of power more than anything else. The

more they are able to dominate over their victims the greater sense of power they will feel.

Therefore, it makes sense that the less like a victim you come across, the more likely it

is that thugs will let you be. If you do not change your way of thinking and rid yourself of

your victim mentality, then you will be plagued your whole life by bullies who think they

have a right to walk all over you whenever they want. This applies to other areas of your life

too, including at work and home. There are plenty of ways to victimize someone without

inflicting violence on them.

In any case, don’t give bullies the chance. You have to learn to give of the ‘vibe’ that

you are not a push over and that you aren’t someone that anybody wants to mess with. This

begs the question: How do I stop being a victim? Taking up 52 Blocks is a good way to quash

the victim mentality because this training is very empowering in that way. Just like it did for

me, it can give you mental and physical toughness that will shine through when you walk

down the street.

Before we get to that however, there is also a process of preliminary self- defense that

you can learn and that will help you to any kind of violence for the rest of your life. There are

three simple steps that will give you the tools you need to help you avoid any future

confrontations out there on the street.

Having the correct attitude is the biggest attribute you have to possess in order to

keep yourself out of unnecessary trouble. To put it simply, don’t think like a victim. If you

think like a victim, this will show in your body language. Remember that body language is

very important in a dangerous environment. If you want to avoid trouble, you cannot look

timid in any way. In other words, don’t walk down the street with your head down and your

shoulders slumped with hands dug deep into your pockets. Someone looking for a fight will

often go for the person who isn’t going to fight back, the person who looks the least

threatening. Thugs prey on the timid and the weak.

If you are the kind of person who has a body language that screams victim, then you

will find yourself getting picked on a lot. Thugs are very good at finding potential prey to

have some fun with. Do you really want to allow yourself to be some jerk’s plaything that

gets discarded afterwards and left in a bloody mess? Hell no you don’t want to do that! So

how can you stop that from happening? The surest way to avoid violent conflict is to change

the message you give out when you walk down the street or when you walk into a bar. You

have to change your way of thinking and carrying yourself. For starters, you have to stop

feeling intimidated by people who are aggressive toward you, no matter how big they are or

how many of them there are.

In order to accomplish this, you have to change the way you think about yourself. It’s

important to start developing your confidence. If you do 52 Blocks, then you should really be

taking a lot of confidence from your training. Because you know a bit about how to handle

yourself, this should be enough to boost your confidence and change your victim mentality.

The biggest change that 52 Blocks had on me was the way it changed how I thought about

myself and the way I presented myself to the world. It gave me enough inner-strength

from my training to allow me to walk into a crowded bar and put out the vibe that I

shouldn’t be messed with. You should do the same.

You need to decide right now that you will never be messed with by anyone ever

again. And if they do, then God help them because you are a serious bad-ass yourself. This is

the way you have to think. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to walk down the street

like a complete jerk, eye-balling everyone around and daring them to have a go if they are

hard enough. What I am suggesting is more subtle than that. I’m telling you to cultivate a

state of mind that will eventually build into a quiet confidence as opposed to any kind of

arrogance or, worse yet, aggressiveness. It’s important to give off just enough of a vibe so

that predators will quickly dismiss you as being a suitable prey. In other words they will

pass you by because you don’t fit their victim profile. This change in attitude will do

wonders for you in the long run. You’ll feel safer within yourself because you will know that

you are no longer a victim and you are not anyone’s idea of easy prey. Moreover, you will be

able to carry yourself with your head held high and give off quiet confidence.

You need to be as confident and as self-assured as you can be. However, none of it is

any good if you are going to keep walking into dangerous situations like a fool. A good sense

of awareness is therefore very important for avoiding any potentially violent altercations. I

would describe awareness as having the ability to spot any potentially dangerous situations.

Walking alone in areas that are well-known to be dangerous is a good example of not being

fully aware. If you are aware of the dangers involved in walking down dangerous streets

then you probably wouldn’t do this. And even if you did, you would at least understand the

possibility that you might be in danger. Always be sure to have some working knowledge of

the places that you go to frequently. Be sure to be aware of the possibility that you could run

into trouble. That way, if something bad does happen, then at least it won’t come as a

complete surprise.

Please understand that any violent altercation is shocking enough without coming

totally from out of left-field. If somewhere in the back of your head, you are ready to deal

with something like that, you stand a much better chance of actually surviving it. And it is a

lot more than you would if you were not expecting it. And let me add a note of caution here.

While it is important to know what is happening around you, there is a fine line between

awareness and full-blown paranoia. It is important that you realize this. Your level of

awareness has to be low enough that it is almost unconscious and high enough that you are

fully aware of your surroundings.

Keep in mind that it’s all about balance. If you just focus on the fact that you might

run into trouble, then there is a better than average chance that you will eventually do just

that. And if you allow yourself to cross over into paranoia, eventually you will literally see

trouble around every corner. This kind of outlook is not good for your mental well-being as

you will be in a constant state of tension, walking around wound up as tight as a coiled

spring all the time.

You have to train your awareness to become subconscious so that it is always there,

turned on, but not so conscious that it doesn’t allow you to think of anything else. After a

while, you will get better at sizing up people and situations. You will know how to quickly

and accurately assess the threat level in any situation. Your intuition will guide you in this

respect if you allow it. Your intuition will let you know what awareness level you have to be

at any particular time. It will rise and fall accordingly. It will stay low when you are just

walking down the street, rise if a drunk guy with an angry look on his face starts coming

towards you, lowers when he passes by, rise yet again when you realize someone is walking

behind you, lower again when you look behind you and see that it is just an old lady. And so

forth. Don’t forget that common sense is important here. Don’t be stupid enough to go

willingly into known trouble spots. Don’t hang around clubs or bars after closing unless you

like drunken fights. Try not to needlessly antagonize people. It’s called common sense. Get

some, it’s great, it’s free and it will save you lots of trouble. So be aware, but don’t let

yourself become a paranoid wreck. Just be naturally aware.

Even if your awareness level is through the roof, there still might be some instances

when you run into some trouble, there’s really no getting away from it. And you have to ask

yourself what are you going to do. Having an awareness is nothing if you don’t have the

ability to act on it quickly and decisively. If you’re not going to make some kind of proactive

response to the situation, you might as well have not even noticed the situation in the first

place. All your carefully cultivated awareness will have all been for nothing. You have to

have a plan for handling the situation if it does arise. Obviously the type of action you take

will depend on the situation. If you suddenly come upon a gang of goons hanging round a

street corner, then your action can be as simple as crossing the street to avoid them or just
strolling past them confidently, giving off the vibe that you are not what they are looking for.

On the other hand you might find yourself being provoked and threatened to the point that

you have no choice but to stand and face your aggressor. Despite all of your best efforts, you

might be forced into a full blown confrontation. What type of action do you now take? There

are actually a lot of actions you can take at this stage of the game, depending on the exact

circumstances you find yourself in. Let’s look at some of your options.

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Psychology for Self-Defense

If it is your aim to avoid dangerous confrontations (and I assume it is) then it will help

to know a little bit about the psychology behind it. If you know why, where and how an

attack is going to happen then it is obviously much easier to avoid these kinds of situations

in the first place. Before you can do that though, you have to understand what to look for

and the warning signs that signal a potential threat.

Understanding Your Attacker’s Techniques

There are four techniques that are often used by attackers to prepare their victims for

an assault. Despite the fact that these techniques are extremely common precepts to violent

assault, most people don’t know about them. If you are serious about turning yourself into a

difficult target for potential attackers however, then you have to familiarize yourself with

these techniques. Thugs, thieves, and the like often use dialogue as a means to distract and

disarm potential victims. They often approach their chosen victim to engage them in some

innocuous conversation, like asking for a cigarette, seeking directions or just asking if you

have the time.

They will get your attention so you do not see the weapon they produce or their

partner coming around behind you to attack. Simply by understanding the purpose of this

ritual you can stay switched on and alert. This will give you a much better chance at pre-

empting the ritual before it escalates into assault.

Deception is an attacker’s best weapon and they will often use it to make themselves

appear harmless. They will often come across as being relatively unassuming in appearance

(just like a normal person) and they will often be polite in the way they talk to you. All of this

is to sucker you in so you let down your guard and give them the window of opportunity

they are looking for so they can victimize you.

Distraction is usually done by simply talking to you. An attacker may ask you a

question in order to engage your brain for a second, at which point they will attack. Such

distraction will also switch of any instinctive physical response that you may have, creating a

‘blind second’, a second of time when you have no awareness. You won’t be thinking about a

physical response while you are thinking about what directions to give or what the time is.

This is a really simple ploy but highly effective. Even if you are able to block their initial

attack, a cunning attacker may feign submissiveness or do anything to get you to drop your

guard so they can come at you again. Whatever you do, never give into their pleading and

never show mercy. No matter how experience you are in your self-defense, if you allow

yourself to be suckered in by an attacker, the attack will be inevitable at that point.

Eye Contact
You will need to do this in order to assert your dominance over the other person so

that they know they are in for a scrap if they mess with you. It is a very common way to

display overt aggression from a distance. If you happen to make eye contact with an

aggressive person, do not get into a staring match unless you are prepared to throw down

and fight. They may use this strategy to draw you in. Simply look away and put as much

distance between you and them as possible. Challengers want you to hold their stare so they

can initiate aggressive dialogue. They are likely to ask you what you are looking at or what

your problem is. If it gets to this point, they have initiated their pre-aggression dialogue. It is

my experience that by retaliating with aggressive dialogue of your own, you will worsen the

situation. Usually the best thing to do is to say nothing and walk away. Your challengers will

most likely see this as an act of submission and drop the situation with self-satisfaction. Let

them have their little victory and keep in mind that it is not worth it to settle the problem

with violence.

Keep in mind, trouble usually only gets started when you can’t resist the urge to

square off to these people and fight back. Again, you’ve got to check your ego and keep it

from leading you into trouble. You have to control it if you don’t want to be find yourself in

a violent situation. If you do retaliate to a potential attacker’s verbal challenge, then you can

expect to be engaged physically. Once you’ve been approached, your challenger will then

often repeat their question. ‚I said, what the fuck are you looking at, bitch?‛ From here, they

will usually throw down an actual challenge. ‚You want to go then, do you?‛ At this point

your challenger will begin to talk in single syllables as they move closer to you, preparing to

attack you. Quick statements such as ‚yeah‚, ‚so‛ and ‚and‛ are often used, which is a sure

sign that the verbal assault is coming to an end and violence is imminent. Additionally, you

need to look out for signs of adrenaline on your challenger’s face, such as eye bulging, arm

splaying, finger beckoning, neck pecking, and distance closing as they move steadily

towards you.

Distance closing, in my experience is usually a guarantee that things are going to get

violent almost immediately. This is where you have to make a decision about how to protect

your personal space. Depending on your response to any of these things, parts of this

situation may be overlooked as your challenger hastens their attack. Like I’ve already said,

try not to let things get that far. Carry yourself with a confidence, even if you don’t feel

confident, and most would-be attackers will leave you alone. Confident people are not

normally chosen for attack unless there are other factors such as personal animosity.

However, at some point you need to make a decision as to whether or not to take the

violence into your own hands. I suggest that this is a decision that you need to make. Do not
let your attacker make this decision for you. After all, they are not expecting you to initiate

the violence. That is why you should always be the one to initiate the violence. This gives

you the advantage of surprise.

Relax, It’s Not About You

From my experience, most unprovoked violence boils down to displaced aggression

on the part of the attacker. If the kind of person who goes out an attacks people were happy

in themselves, they wouldn’t be so quick to do what they do. When they attack other people,

they are really attacking themselves and expressing their unhappiness with whatever is

wrong in their life. Obviously this displaced aggression is very often made worse by alcohol

or drugs, both of which make it easy for attackers to tap into their violent streak. So if you

find yourself on the receiving end of such violent aggression, don’t look for a reason for it or

take it personally in any way. People who are attacked often agonize over why someone

would do that to them, trying to find some sort of logic behind it when really there is none.

In actuality, people who are victimized are just another target for someone to take their

frustrations out on. So don’t take it personally. It isn’t you. It’s them.

Make Yourself A Hard Target

Most of the advice I’ve given you up until now is just common sense. If you do

nothing more than stay switched on enough as you go about your business, then you will

most likely have no problems spotting the various attack techniques that attackers often use

to get around people. If you find yourself being approached by a stranger, make sure you

‚stance up‛ before giving the time or directions. That way you won’t be caught off guard if

that person decides to attack you. Similarly, stay away from places that have are known for

trouble. Avoid walking alone down secluded areas at night. Remember to use your common

sense and carry yourself in a confident manner at all times so you are less likely to be chosen

as a victim by potential attackers. The fact is that it almost always comes down to awareness.

Attacks usually only happen to people who are switched off and haven’t made themselves a

hard target. Don’t be one of those people.

Solutions That Are Ineffective

I’d be the first to acknowledge that there is no shortage of solutions out there that are

designed to make you feel safe with your surroundings. It’s big business really because we

are constantly being lulled into believing that we don’t live in a violent world even though

there are dangerous situations all over the place. Intuitively, we are all aware that we have to

find some way to protect our families and ourselves from attackers, thieves, burglars, bullies,

terrorists, gangs, even the government.

But how do you decide which direction to go? You really have to make choices about

how you are going to mount this protection. You really have to decide which solution is

going to be most effective for your lifestyle and for the situations you are likely to find

yourself in. I would argue that the solution I spell out in this book is really the most

adaptable, easy to learn, and effective that is out there. That is not to say it is the best one for

everyone. I just happen to believe that it is the best and most effective for the most people.

You might find yourself in one of the worst situations imaginable, a street fight. This is

actually a very common situation. After all, the only thing it takes for you to end up like this

is to do the wrong thing to the wrong person. You need to know how to handle yourself.

Whether you’re being mugged, or maybe your crazy girlfriend has just shot off her mouth to

a tough guy, you need to know what to do to get out of the situation.

Martial arts classes

I found out the hard way that taking martial arts classes is not the most effective way

to prepare yourself for hand-to-hand combat. They are expensive and the only way to really

gain mastery on them, you have to practice these techniques over and over again for a long

period of time (years typically). You also have to pay for the class, then you have to go every

single week to get your money’s worth. This means time away from family, having to go and

learn all this stuff. And here is the big secret about it. Martial arts classes as they exist in most

places today is strictly a form of exercise and not a practical method for self-defense. That is

because the guys who run those classes really don’t have any incentive to teach you to apply

those techniques in a way that will do you any good. Most teachers only know poses and do

not have themselves any deep understanding of how they translate to real fighting. The

result is that you learn just enough to get your ass kicked.

Alarm system/locks
A home alarm system is one of the most popular ways to deter bad guys from

targeting your home. Several different systems and extras are available, from a basic alarm

siren to a fortress. But here is the problem: How much protection you can afford? This

solution is a very expensive on and it only protects you when you are locked away inside

your house. Moreover, the response times for these alarm companies tends to vary quite a bit

and if you want the police automatically notified of an alarm event, that costs more and it

increases the chances that the police are going to show up at your doorstep and start asking

questions. On top of that, the alarm companies put signs in your front yard which gives

burglars information about your alarm company, information any good hacker can use to

bypass your system.

Get a dog

I have heard that houses that have a dog are much less likely to be broken into. This

may be true but I have to say that self-protection is just about the worst reason I have ever

heard for getting a dog. If you like big, ferocious dogs, good for you. Go get a dog. However,

not everyone wants to have this big animal hanging around their house all day, barking at

everyone who comes to their door, and taking a dump on the kitchen floor. Thanks but no


Buy a gun/weapon
Getting a gun is an expensive and statistically dangerous solution. Guns are

dangerous to have in the house with your kids and grandkids playing hide and seek and

getting into things all the time. On top of that, safety protocols say that you should keep the

gun unloaded, which makes it a bad solution for situations that happen and evolve quickly.

You can accidentally shoot yourself or get your gun taken away during a threatening

situation. On top of that, there is the law to consider. You can’t really shoot someone for

getting up in your grill and shoving your loudmouthed girlfriend. In those situations, you

really have to know how to kick someone’s ass.

Call the police

This is a good option but, let’s face it, the police are slow to arrive and are only good

for giving statements to. During those precious minutes when the situation is developing,

you and your whole family could be butchered and left for dead by the time the 5-0 get there

after the bad guy gets away. You need something that you can use to disable the bad guy


Like guns, this is something that is impractical because they are only useful in very

specific situations. You’re not going to attach a taser to your hip and walk around with it all

day long. Moreover, they can be costly and dangerous around kids.

Pepper spray

Here’s the deal. Pepper spray is for girls. If some big guy comes up to you in a bar, do

you really think your date is going to stick around after you blast the guy in the face with

some bad perfume? Talk about a pussy move. Besides, this is only useful if you can see the

attacker coming from more than 21 feet away. But if they sneak up behind you, you’re totally

screwed. Plus, even if you do get the pepper spray out, it could be old and not work. The

attacker could also take it from you and use it on you. Just think about how you would look

sitting there on the floor after that happened. You’d look like a little bitch.

By far, the most agile, easy-to-use, affordable, and effective method for self-defense

that I know of is the set of techniques I will spell out in this eBook. Keep reading to fully

understand just how powerful these techniques really are.

The Moment of Confrontation

There are times that, despite all your best efforts to avoid any kind of violent

confrontation, you find yourself face to face with a jerk who is intent on making your life hell

at that moment. This does not mean you absolutely have to get yourself into a fight straight

away. As we have already discussed this might be a big mistake. Allowing yourself to get

into a fight means you will end up with trouble that you may not be ready for. Fortunately

there are other options that you can take before it gets to that stage, which we will now


Swallow Your Pride And Get the Heck Out of There!

Honestly, most of the time the best option is to run. There is really no good reason

why you would want to hang around long enough for something to bad happen. If you see a

chance at escape, you should probably take it. Don’t think about it, just do it because you

won’t have to fight and run the risk of getting seriously injured or even worse. A lot of

people, especially those with martial arts training, will feel like they need to stand their

ground and take on whatever comes their way. Their pride gets in the way. They think,

‛What kind of man will I be if I run away?‛ This a common question people often ask
themselves when someone wants to fight them or tries to verbally humiliate them. That is

your ego talking, not your survival instinct. Believe me, you’ll be more of a man if you get

yourself out of harm’s way instead of foolishly putting yourself directly in it.

You might think that you have something to prove. If you’re a 52 Blocks master and

you have all those moves to back you up, you then will probably think to yourself that

there’s no point of all that training if you can’t put it to the test. I can destroy this guy. Why

should I let him get away with provoking me? Again, that’s your ego talking. The fact that

you feel like you have to prove yourself by staying to fight proves that it’s you that has

insecurity issues. If you do have such issues, then I suggest you consider them and find a

way to work them out. Otherwise these issues will get you in needless trouble someday.

How stupid would you feel if one day you got carted off in an ambulance because you were

too full of pride or you let your ego get the best of you? I guarantee you that you’ll be riding

along in the back of that ambulance, perhaps with a close friend or family member lying hurt

beside you, hating yourself for not getting away when you had the chance. Even if you do

manage to come out of the situation unscathed, you will still, as I have already shown, have

to deal with the law. Why would you want that? Okay, you dropped the guy in one shot. Big

deal. How full of pride will you be when he tries to sue your ass for breaking his jaw? Once

you know the 52 Blocks techniques, you will have to think all the time because you will

literally be a deadly weapon. You have to keep your wits about you and decide on a course

of action that is going to cause you the least amount of legal trouble. You can run in one

direction and have no hassle other than people making fun of you or you can face the other

direction and potentially kill someone, which will open a can of worms that may come back

to haunt you. It’s up to you.

How to Manage Your Fear

Fear is a constant companion for most people, especially when they’re stuck in today’s

urban environment where violence and confrontation with urban people is the norm. Out of

all the emotions you can have, most people understand the effects of fear the best, simply

because it has such a powerful influence on us. To live your life without fear is almost
impossible for most people to imagine and indeed it is not really something you should try

to achieve.

During "normal" daily activities, the heart of a healthy person usually beats at sixty to

eighty beats per minute as everything in your sympathetic nervous system is performing

normally. This is known as your resting heart rate. However, when you become frightened,

your heart rate will generally increase to around 115 beats per minute. In such situations,

your fine motor skills deteriorate instantly. The ability to put a key into a car door, dial your

cell phone or even tie your shoes rapidly goes out the window. In situations that are

seriously dire, your heart rate increases even further to from 115 to 145 beats per minute.

Curiously, this is the optimal survival mode that allows you to conduct higher performance

levels for complex motor skills, visual reaction time, and cognitive thinking. That means that

even though you might have little butterflies in your stomach, you can still use your small

and large muscle groups together to do things as found in all forms of martial arts such as

punching, kicking, wrist lock, arm bar, hitting, throwing, and so on. This is the reason why it

is so important for you to practice. Because when you enter fight or flight mode, you need to

already know how your body is going to react.

Therefore, you should train your body to respond appropriately to fear induced stress

under combative conditions. This will allow you to be better able to perform during real life

situations. Moreover, to some degree you must be able to control your body’s response to

such situations because above 145 beats per minute your complex motor skills immediately

begin to deteriorate. At 175 beats per minute adrenaline in your body is so high you can't

think straight, you lose peripheral vision, your hearing diminishes and vascular constriction

sets in as a natural way to reduce bleeding from any wounds you're about to suffer. This

means all those fancy, practiced, complex motor martial arts skills disappear.

Fear is a constant of the human condition for anyone living in our dangerous world.

It’s as much a part of us as any other emotion. To try and rid yourself permanently of fear is

a fruitless endeavor. That’s the thing about fear . . . you can’t get rid of it! But rather than let

this fact get you down, you should simply start to see fear as a necessary emotion. It is an

emotion that you should learn to use to your own advantage rather than let it impact your

life in a negative way. Fear can actually be a powerful tool that will aid you in your

response to confrontation and as a 52 Block expert, you should make the effort to get to

know it so you can better channel its energy into positive action because you are a lethal

weapon. That’s what this part of the eBook aims to show you, how to turn an emotion that

most people see as negative into something that is positive and useful to us as 52 Block

experts and people in general. Before we do that however, let us first figure out what exactly

fear is and the impact it can have on us. Understanding Your Fear

Fear is a strong, unpleasant emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.

When your brain senses danger, it triggers a release of adrenalin which then triggers what is

known as the fight or flight response. This is a massive release of adrenaline that can be felt

in the pit of the stomach and it urges you to react either way to the perceived danger- you

either stay and confront the danger (this is the fight response) or you run away from it

(obviously the flight response). The problem with this reaction is that it often leads to a

feeling of terror and immobilization or what I like to call the ‘freeze syndrome’ in people. In

this syndrome, you literally end up frozen in the same spot, unable to move or make any

clear decisions as to what to do next. This is why a lot of people think of fear as a negative

response, because of the debilitating effect it has on them. The effect is only debilitating if

you let it be, though.

By releasing excessive amounts of adrenaline from the adrenal gland into the system

your body is actually trying to help you. Fora short time your whole body actually

becomes turbo charged and ready for action. You will feel faster, stronger and your body

will be partially anesthetized from pain, making you better able to handle a violent

confrontation. So if the fight or flight reaction is helpful to you in certain situations, why do

so many of us view it as being bad? The reason for that is because people who feel this way

have not trained themselves to react positively to the response and they end up falling into a

state of panic. This happens when the reasoning process mistakes adrenalin for fear. This
will leave you drained of all that good energy and often frozen in fear in the face of the

ensuing danger.

Adrenalin is often released into the body in different ways, depending on the

circumstances. The two most important of which for our purposes are slow release and

immediate release. A slow release of adrenalin occurs when you know confrontation is

coming and the adrenaline is released very slowly. This can actually happen over the course

of months, with the result that you end up feeling constant anxiety and what you perceive to

be as fear over the anticipated event that can be an upcoming test, for example, or a fight

with a bully. An instantaneous or fast release of adrenalin occurs when anticipation is not

present or a situation escalates unexpectedly fast, causing an adrenal dump, as psychologists

like to call it. This feeling is often so intense that a person will actually freeze in the face of

the confrontation because they mistake this feeling for sheer terror. Within that there are also

second occurrences of adrenalin that happen in a situation when things are not going

according to plan or you start to anticipate the consequences of your situation. Again, your

body is only trying to help you along by doing this. The goal is not to immobilize you with

fear. The sooner you start to recognize this and acknowledge the adrenal response for what it

is (a means to help you) the sooner you can start to deal with your fear. We have all been

conditioned over the years, both by ourselves and by other people, to accept fear as a

reaction that is there to hold us back and stop us from doing the things we want to do.

However, the fact is that fear exists to help us do the things we want to do because it readies

our bodies and minds to take action.

Bodyguards don’t call the adrenal dump the ‘wow factor’ for no reason. They

understand that it’s just the juice they need to carry them successfully through a dangerous

situation. The best thing to do is to look at fear in the same way. Condition yourself to

recognize the signs, to know that they are coming and then to use them in the proper way

that they are supposed to be used. Don’t think of fear as fear. Instead, think of it as super-fuel

that turbo-charges you into action. It’s there for a reason and there isn’t another substance on

the planet that will so effectively help you in this way. There is no reason to be afraid when
you have such powerful resources at your disposal. Therefore, bearing all that in mind, let’s

now look at a technique that will allow you to control a potentially violent situation

before it gets out of hand.

The Wall
Okay, you’ve considered all avenues of escape and it’s just not going to happen.

There’s nowhere to run. What now? Even at this stage of the game you don’t absolutely have

to get violent just yet. You still have options, and the wall is one of them. The wall is a self-

defense technique made famous by self-defense expert Gregory Hammerboneand it is

basically a means for you to subtly control your opponent without them hardly even

knowing they are being controlled. In one sense, the wall is a very simple technique to use.

All you do is take a small 45 degree stance that is as low-profile as possible. Your palms are

open and your arms are out in front of you as you control that all important gap between

you and your opponent. Try not to make physical contact at this stage because this might

antagonize an opponent and make them do something aggressive. The whole time that you

do this, you have to try and talk your opponent down while being careful not to antagonize

them into getting nuts. This means that you need to avoid getting into staring matches or

using provocative language. You are trying to calm things down while also placing yourself

in an ideal position to strike first if they try to attack you. By controlling them in this way,

you are also taking control of the distance between you and them and making it hard for

them to suddenly lunge at you or kick you. That’s the simple explanation of the wall. The

reality of actually using it is slightly different. It takes a lot of practice to get it just right.

When you apply the wall in a real-life situation, you have to do it as naturally as possible so

that your opponent is not really aware that you are setting them up if things should go

south. On an unconscious level, you are trying to control them. You don’t want them to

figure out in the back of their minds that this is what you are doing because you don’t want

them to be able to do anything about it, providing you are doing the technique correctly. You

have to constantly move your hands around his arms and in front of his body, continually

controlling the distance between you and preventing him from making any surprise

aggressive moves. If the moment comes when he does attack, say with a punch to the balls,

you are in the right position to block his attack and counter with an attack to the balls of your

own. A punch to the jaw or stomach is also a good counter move because it will daze if not

drop him right there, giving you time to get away in the confusion. But overall, I recommend

the balls.

The wall is a skill that must be practiced in order to master it. It is not something that

can be mastered overnight. It takes at least 2 weeks. The real skill lies in making your

controlling movements seem natural and unforced. If your opponent becomes aware that

you are trying to control them or that you are targeting their balls, then they will react

against you by becoming more violent. The wall is essential because it can put you in a

position where you are in full control of the situation and are therefore not at the mercy of

your opponents violent temper. This fact alone will give you a lot of confidence to deal with

your attacker because you know you have the means to control and contain them and also

react quickly if you have to. Having this knowledge will do wonders for your overall

confidence and serve to reinforce your attitude as well, making sure you never sink into the

victim mentality we talked about earlier.

Okay, If you have tried to escape and couldn’t, if you have used the wall and your

opponent is still aggressive, then it is time to unleash the violent force that is 52 Blocks and

no court in the land can hold it against you. Keep reading to learn how to do this.

Strategies and Techniques

In this chapter, I will introduce you 20 of the most basic 52 Blocks moves. They are

fairly simple techniques that the average person can master in a couple of weeks, if one is

dedicated. However, in order to truly have the ability to use these techniques in combat, one

must also prepare one’s self mentally by understanding the true secret of self-defense.

In prison, knowing 52 Blocks means learning how to defend yourself. Unfortunately,

these methods of defense that were originally developed to kill your enemy before they

killed you have been watered down into cumbersome martial arts styles for the purpose of

using them for being a tough guy. Don't get me wrong. I love marital arts. But most martial

arts do not address the key elements of proper self-defense. In real life there are simply no

rules, regulations, or referees to make sure that everyone is fighting fairly. Those elements

are not going to be there when someone is trying to kill you in a dark alley or even your own


Bear in mind that speed is key in a fight. If you're stuck fumbling with your moves,

you're going to get knocked in the head. Practice often, practice safely. Practice as if you were

in a real fight. Start slow, and get the movements down. Then, use all the intensity and speed

that you can. Visualize what you are doing to your opponent’s face and body, visualize how

you are maiming them. You fight how you practice, so if you're practicing slow or sloppy,

that's how you'll fight, and you probably won't last long.

Always work on breathing normally but keep in mind that there is a balance to be

struck here. Your arms can move faster than your lungs. While controlled breathing may

provide power, it sacrifices the speed of your arms. Practice on yourself and with a friend.

Everybody is different and has different levels of pain tolerance. The more you practice, the

better you can be at approximating where the 52 Blocks moves will be most devastating.

When practicing with a friend, have them shout loudly to show that you are doing it

properly and need to stop. However, they should only tap if it hurts. Giving you false

confidence will only hurt you if you find yourself in a real fight. Also, practice your focus.

Always look directly at your target. If your eyes aren't there, your focus isn't either.

When you're in a confrontation, you only have a few seconds and a few moves to try

before the fight will be decided. Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must

do everything you can—conserving as much energy as possible—to inflict an injury or two

to immobilize them so you can get away. Keep in mind that this is no time to be civilized. In

a physical confrontation that calls for self-defense, it's hurt or be hurt. So remember to aim

for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage with the least amount of effort:

the eyes, nose, ears, stomach, neck, groin, knee, and legs. The following 20 moves are easy to

learn and, if mastered properly, may save your life someday.

Neck Crush Disabling Technique

In this technique, you strike the spot located at the back of the neck and at the base of

the skull. If done with enough precision or force, this will lead to a disruption in the occipital

nerves, in turn leading to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Some people have

actually died after being attacked in this way. This is an extremely practical technique

because it allows you to gain the leverage to hit someone no matter if you are standing or

sitting, and no matter if the one you are attacking is standing or siting. The best way to

execute this move is to keep your fingers is within a fist with your index finger up. Press the

base of your opponent’s skull with your index with a perpendicular motion.

The Jaw Breaker

When done properly, this move will shut down your attacker’s organs, and very

likely he will need urgent medical treatment in order to survive. When performing this

move, it’s critical to get your targeting down. One of the best targets for a knockout is

surprisingly the jaw. In fact, you may have heard of boxers having a ‘glass jaw.’ This is

because the actual jaw, which moves sideways as well as forwards and backwards, is

actually attached to nerves exactly where the jaw connects to the skull, just beneath the base

of the ear. These nerves send out signals to the body’s nervous system, making them perfect

target in order to induce an instantaneous shock and awe when struck properly. Here’s how

you can strike this particular target in order to accomplish a knockout. As the first move, I

recommend not using the jaw attack because often people think of it as a way of

demonstrating their power over opponent without having established whether actually

represents peril. Instead, grab your opponent’s neck on the front and reach under the jaw.

Your thumb and index fingers should be placed right below the jaw. While you are

squeezing, surge your strength violently in an upward motion and strike across the jaw with

the palm of your hand and as much force as you can muster.

The Shin Snap

Your ultimate goal when fighting should always be to break the spirit of your

opponent. When you knock someone out, they have no choice in the matter. Their spirit is

momentarily turned off. However, you cannot always count on your opponent leaving

themselves open to such an attack. Therefore, you need to find effective secondary targets on

your opponent’s body. The leg can serve as an effective secondary target. This is because,

when you take someone out by disabling their leg, they will generally remain conscious and

aware. They can continue to fight if you have not properly broken their spirit. Strike your

opponent in on the calf, right below the knee with your toes. You don’t have to apply a lot of
pressure but you must make sure that your strike is concentrated in a single point only. As a

result, your aggressor will suffer a broken shin. If you can achieve this, your opponent will

surely be unable to stand or to continue the fight. That is when you move in to inflict the real


The Agonizer
In this technique, you attack your opponent’s solar plexus or abdomen. When done

effectively, this is more than a painful experience, it can cause organ shutdown and even

induce death. Strike your aggressor on the diaphragm, right in the center of the chest, bellow

the ribs. It is not necessary to push very hard, as long as you concentrate your pressure on a

single point. I have found that the most effective way to deliver such an attack is by surprise,

before they have had a chance to clench up their muscles. Therefore, this attack is an effective

first strike. If you keep your eyes on your opponent, they will usually expect you to swing at

their face because this is the most common first move. You can drop a solar plexus strike in

without much range and under their eye line so they won't see it coming. If you get it right,

this move is extremely painful and stops the opponent right in their tracks. Even if you do it

badly, in the very least, your opponent won't be able to breathe. And if you can get them

doubled over, you can either hit them a few more times to finish them off, run like the wind,

or do both. The move has an added benefit because you are not likely to cause any lasting

damage to yourself, which is very important. If you are an inexperienced fighter and you

start with a punch, you may let the adrenalin get the best of you and injure you hands,

fingers, or knuckles. The solar plexus strike won't damage your hand. Another nice thing

about hitting the solar plexus is that there a lot of nerves there as well as the diaphragm.

When you hit it, the diaphragm spasms. Even muscular guys can get taken down easily with

this strike. To hit effectively, you must transfer your weight through the target. If you just

hit your opponent without a weight transfer, you may surprise them a bit, but nothing more.

The best way to practice weight transfer is to practice the strike against a bag or against

someone, ideally a willing training partner. The solar plexus is located at the top of the abs

just below the center point of your nipples. If you poke your finger onto your sternum (the

breastbone) then go down a bit, you'll find there is an area there that's extremely unpleasant

to poke. That's where you want to hit. The idea is that your bodyweight is transferred

through the opponent, so keep your arm relaxed and push through as if you're pushing

through to their spine. Be careful when you practice. Once you get the technique right, then

work at building up your speed. You don't want to be staring at the target, just do that while

you're getting your aim right, then see if you can start hitting the target while you keep your

eyes locked on to your opponent. If you don’t concentrate and your eyes drop to the target,

they'll see where you're going to hit them. In an ideal world, your opponent will be coming

forward as you move forward at them, so when you hit them the two forces make one

mighty blow. The thing is, you don't need to hit particularly hard, it is better to practice

transferring your weight and hitting with a relaxed arm than trying to muscle through. If

you try and hit with a flexed arm, then you won’t transfer your weight as effectively. Being

relaxed also makes you faster. This is an innocent looking technique, but it can be very

devastating if your opponent isn't expecting it.

The Pelvis Crusher

If someone who is stronger and faster attacks, you have to know how to get out of the

situation safely. You must choose a smart and effective counter attack that is likely to disable

your opponent, regardless of size or strength. The heel to the pelvis (or crotch kick) is an

effective go-to move in those situations. This move is especially painful for men. Simply raise

your foot and force your heel into the central front side of your opponent’s pelvis. While the

knee to the crotch also works, you generally want to keep an attacker as far away from you

as possible. Before they get that close, raise your knee and straighten your leg in the air. If

you find your target effectively, the aggressor will be unable to stand and may suffer

permanent crippling injuries. He could have crushed testicles, a broken pelvis and internal

damage to groin area. However, your movements need to be quick so that they are difficult

for the eye to perceive, thus making them difficult to defend against. Going after the groin is

a practical way to fight your way out of a dangerous situation. This move is effective, fast,

hard to see, and it can do some seriously painful damage! Often, you can use this move to

buy yourself enough time to run away if that is best way to get out of the situation safely.

Every situation is different and often the best plan of action is to make your strongest/fastest

move so that you can assess your surroundings and any imminent threats and make your

next decision from there.

Cross Strike
This may be your most effective move if you don’t have a lot of time to react and you

need to attack a person standing next to you. This move should surprise him. There are a

couple of options here. One effective method is to strike him with your elbow right on the

last rib. This move doesn’t require a lot of power, but it’s a rather sudden and aggressive

one. Your opponent could suffer broken ribs and maybe lung damage. As a result, he will

not be able to breath for a several minutes. A strike to the rib cage with your fingers folded at

the second knuckle can also be rather painful and if done hard enough causes severe pain

and breakage. Only use your fingers folded at the second knuckle since that hurts the most.

Yet another option is to attack the floating ribs are the lower ribs located at the front and

sides of the enemy's body. Use the knife edge of your hand or the heel or toe of your shoe.

The blow will cause pain and will stun the enemy. The kidneys make another effective target

since they have two large nerves that are close to the skin surface. If you strike the kidneys

hard it will cause death. You can use a fist or the knife edge of your hand to hit the kidneys.

Or a kick with the heel of your shoe will work too.

Double Trouble Throat Strike

The neck is vulnerable — plain and simple. Compared to the rest of the human body,

it is remarkably weak despite the fact that it houses some of the body’s most vital pathways

for circulation, respiration, and chi energy, not to mention outright support of the skull.

Therefore, neck attacks emerge as a no-brainer for incorporation into anyone’s self-defense

moves. One solid smash to the throat will cut off a person’s air supply, essentially cutting off

the power supply their body with oxygen. You can survive for only a few minutes without

oxygen — once you don’t have air coming in, nothing else matters. If you have the chance to

get a hold of your attacker’s neck, pressing your thumbs into his esophagus (located below
the Adam's Apple) can be quite an effective move. Pushing hard will be very painful and it

will block the oxygen flow to his lungs and he will die fairly quickly. However, the enemy

will usually try to defend this part of his body well. Hold your fist tight and attack your

aggressor directly into the Adam’s apple. Press firmly with as much power as you can

muster. By crushing your enemy’s throat, he will die rather quickly unless given medical

attention. However, if further force is required, give his throat a sharp hit with the knife edge

of your hand. If you hit it hard enough you will bust his windpipe and he will die. Squeezing

the Adam's Apple between your fingers is also quite effective. Also, if you give a very strong

blow to the base of the neck with the knife edge of your hand, you can usually break the

neck. However, if it is not hard enough, the enemy might just be knocked unconscious.

Therefore, be sure to hit him in the temple or twist his neck around to be sure he is dead. The

neck is the best place to hit someone if you want to dispatch with them in a fast and quiet


Knee Strike
If you are a less experienced fighter and you aren’t confident in your ability to deliver

true 52 Blocks strikes, my best advice to you is to do your best to keep as much distance

between you and your opponent as possible. This makes it important for you to have an

effective kick move. As your opponent comes closer, their knee represents the nearest weak

spot and therefore a great target. Leg kicks represent an effective techniques for slowing

down an opponent’s movement and causing a gruesome injury. The reason that the knee is

such an ideal self-defense target is because it is vulnerable from every angle and easily

kicked without risk of your foot being grabbed. When you practice your knee strike,

concentrate on quick movements and keep your foot low. When you kick, use your entire

body including arms to increase your leverage. Kick the side of the knee with your foot to

cause injury or partial incapacitate your attacker. Kicking the front of the knee may cause

more injury. Use your exterior side of your foot to hit. The knee supports the entire body

and you need both of them if you want to stay upright. Therefore, this is a quick way to end

a fight. Most people lose their fighting spirit when their opponent possesses the unfair

advantage of being able to stand.

The Leg Trip

If your opponent tries to get you in a body lock, when he is close enough to secure his

arm, grab his arm and place your other hand on his shoulder. Use a powerful swing-back

kick to the back of his legs while simultaneously forcing him backward by shoving against

his shoulder. This will throw him violently to the ground. Keep hold of his elbow for further


Palm to Heel
This is a variation of a straight punch but instead of a fist, you use the heel of your

hand. This move is very devastating and bone crushing. This is because you are eliminating

the weakest parts of a regular punch – your knuckles and your wrist. This means more

energy is transmitted to the victim. This means that all of the energy that you drive forward

from your hips and your legs goes directly through your arm and right into the target you

are making contact with. As you drive forward, rotate your hand inward so that your thumb

moves toward the floor. This will give you a good angle to drive forward. Bend the wrist and

fingers to expose the palm of the hand. The striking surface is located on the lower area of

the palm. This helps you to protect your fingers, knuckles or wrist from unnecessary

damage. The attack is linear, directly into your opponent’s nose. When the powerful strike

hits the alar cartilage, this creates a chain reaction in which the upper cartilage hits the nasal

bone and pushes it into the skull. If you do this effectively, you might kill your opponent on

the spot.

Fist to the Kidneys

This may come as a surprise to non-fighters, but among those who know about these

things, the strike to the kidney is known as the punch of terror. Even if done badly, a punch

to the kidney is going to cause your opponent to urinate blood for a long time after he sees

you. The kidneys are generally well protected by muscles of the back and rib cage but blunt

or penetrating trauma can do serious damage to the body. This can be done with the bottom
fist, which gives more power than the regular ridge hand. What you have to do is to hit, with

some force, the area on the back corresponding to the kidneys, on one side of the spine area.

You can crack the spine and bruise the kidneys quite easy using this technique. Done

effectively, you can disable your opponent and cause kidney damage, extreme pain, and

slow death.

The Switch
This move is applicable when your opponent is rushing, grasping, striking, pushing,

or attempting to body lock legs. It can generally be used against any crouched attack as well.

Grasp your opponent’s wrist, inserting your other arm into their crotch. Placing a foot

between his legs, lean backward. Exert pressure against his upper arm. This will force him

face down to the ground. The hold should be retained until your balance is recovered so you

can get on his back for further attack.

The Eye Gouger

A torn eyelid, in most cases the upper eyelid, is the minimum damage you should

expect from this attack. Use your fingernail and the tip of your finger to pierce the eyelid that

has closed as you jabbed at your opponent’s face. Aside from temporary blindness and eye

trauma, this strike is also psychologically traumatic. Another eye strike is called the twin eye

gouger. This is when you grasp the opponent behind the head with your weaker hand. With

your strike hand, execute an upward motion with your fingertips and drive your fingers into

both of your opponent’s eyes, repeating this motion until they succumb. Be prepared. The

result of this attack is often that the eyeball ruptures and the gelatinous contents pour out.

The thumb gouge is a variation of this technique. To accomplish this, grasp the opponent’s

head with both hands, palms covering the ears, and simultaneously gouge the thumbs into

the eye sockets. This will wither rupture the eye or force it from the socket.

Sleeper Hold
Wrap your left arm around the opponent’s neck, striking him on the throat with the

inside edge of your wrist or hand. This action will cause him to inhale sharply. Continue the

action until the crook of the left elbow/forearm lies around his trachea. Your left bicep will
press on the left side of his neck, your right forearm will press on the right. His windpipe

will be cradled in the hollow of your elbow. Place the right palm behind the base of his skull

with the fingertips behind his left ear. This will be used to push his neck forward into the

hold. The target area lies at the underside of the chin to the ‘jugular notch" between the

clavicles. Striking the neck from the front, back, or side, can set an attacker off balance and

breathless. The weapon to use in this attack this target is the "hand-sword", which is created

by extending the fingers, knuckles together and tensing them upward to "harden" the edge of

the hand. For self-defense, we want to inflict as much damage as possible. So, keep

hammering the attacker until he is down. Never stop until he is stopped . . . permanently.

Body Blow
Either as an initial attack (usually without a grab) or after grabbing and dragging you

in close, if the attacker swings a large uppercut (a ‘shovel hook’) into your stomach region. If

he has a good grip on you, he will usually keep hold and hit again and again. Breaking his

hold will allow you to move out of reach. The only viable alternative is to smother the blow,

get in close, then hurt him and drive him back so that he’s too busy to hit you.

The Hip Lock

This move is effective when your opponent rushes, strangles, pushes, or tries to grasp

you. The ability to tie up your opponent’s arms is very important. Apply a single elbow lock

tightly on their arm, bringing your hand up between his chest. Secure his other arm at the

elbow. Step across the front of his body shoving your hip completely through him. Keep the

arm hold and bend forward, quickly snapping him over your hip with his arms secured

tightly. As your opponent strikes the ground heavily on their back, land on top of them.

Remember to keep ahold of his arms. If you can land with sufficient force on his chest, you

can either knock him unconscious or even kill him.

The Wrist Lock

This move is applicable when your opponent rushes you. Grasp his wrist as he

stretches out his hand toward you, passing the near hand over the thumb side and your far

hand over his little finger side. Place your fingers inside his wrist. As he tries to twist away,
counter his movement by twisting with his effort and pull his arm forward across the front of

your body. This will cause him to step forward. Now give his wrist a sudden reverse twist.

This surprise reverse will throw your foe off balance. Keep twisting to get leverage over his

shoulder and take him to the ground. Drive his elbow into the ground and drive your knee

into his neck.

Scissor Swing
If your assailant thrusts a gun into your face, raise your arms for just a moment to put

them at ease. Then you must act! You have approximately 1/8 of a second to perform this

move. Use your hands to strike the inside of your opponent’s wrist and move outside of the

front of the pistol. Once the pistol is struck, grip your opponent’s hand and scissor swing

with the palms of your hands. This must be executed with great force and speed to knock the

gun to the ground. As your opponent tries to retrieve the weapon, force your knee to their

face or kick hard at their body. Don’t try to retrieve the gun yourself until your opponent has

been knocked away from it.

Inside Turn and Strike

Another move to disarm an opponent is to twist your body inward and sideways,

simultaneously striking the gun with your hand. Grasp the weapon from the side and with

your other palm force the weapon away from your body. Step toward your opponent and

continue to twist until the muzzle points at his chest. Snap the weapon out of his hand

through the opening between his thumb and fingers and step backward, pointing the

weapon ready to fire.

Outside Turn and Elbow Twist

If an assailant thrusts a weapon into your back, step back, turning quickly outward

and strike the weapon with your elbow. Pass your forearm under the weapon and force it up

to throw the assailant off balance. Grab their arm and bend forward with pressure against his

arm using your free hand to twist the barrel away from you. Continue to twist until the

weapon is released into your hand while driving your free palm into their face or groin.

I have now given you 20 fighting moves that are simple and easy to master quickly. If

you find yourself in a situation that actually calls for you to execute any one of these

devastating moves, DO NOT HESITATE. Always remember to attack your enemy without

mercy because it is not a game. If you do not hurt them, they will hurt you. Also, keep in

mind that these methods take a little bit of practice in order to implement them properly.

When you first start out, go slowly and remember that these methods are deadly and do not

require much force to be effective so take it easy on your partner. Always remember what is

at stake and never be afraid to be ruthless and fight dirty.

The Forbidden Kill Strike Protocol

The only way to go further into this and deepen your knowledge is by training with

these moves. Training will teach you about timing, distance, basic strikes and takedowns,

throws, locks, everything you will need to properly defend yourself on the street. For quite a

long time after I first used these techniques, I was under the illusion that simply knowing

them was enough to prepare me to deal with actual violent encounters and combat outside. I

have recently come to the realization that these techniques need to be practiced and

refreshed now and then in order to be good enough to handle anyone who might attack me.

God help anyone who ever tried to lay a finger on me because now I would just react with

one of the great techniques I have shown and that would be it, the show would be over and

I’d stroll on home feeling particularly lethal and pleased with myself.

This is an 8-day protocol and you will see measureable improvements to your ability

to defend yourself in just a few days. The key is to practice the moves with as much intensity

you can muster. Practice fast and practice hard. When you complete a cycle of this protocol,

take a couple of days off and try to clear your mind before starting up again. Be sure to

breathe normally and use smooth, intent movements to disable your opponent.

I suggest that, when you first start out, you practice on a ‘dummy’, and I’m not talking

about your wife’s brother. You can rig up a makeshift dummy using pillows or hay bags or

whatever you can find that can stand in as an opponent. As you get more advanced, you can

transition to practicing on a live partner, though you have to be extremely careful so as not to

inflict any real damage. However, when practicing, it is extremely important to visualize a

real human opponent and try to imagine the damage you are trying to inflict. The reason for

this is to prepare your mind to do the damage so that, if and when the real situation presents

itself, you will not hesitate. You will only act. And above all, enjoy yourself!

Exercise Exercise Exercise 5

Exercise 1 Exercise 3
2 4
The Jaw The Shin The Pelvis
Neck Crush The Agonizer
Day 1 Breaker Snap Crusher
10 reps 10 reps
10 reps 15 reps 15 reps
Cross Strike Knee Strike The Leg Trip Palm to Heel
Day 2 Trouble
15 reps 10 reps 15 reps 10 Reps
15 reps
Fist to Kidney The Switch Eye Gouger Sleeper Hold Body Blow
Day 3
20 reps 15 reps 20 reps 15 reps 10 reps
The Wrist Scissor
The Hip Lock Inside Turn Outside Turn
Day 4 Lock Swing
10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
15 reps 15 reps
The Jaw The Shin The Pelvis
Neck Crush The Agonizer
Day 5 Breaker Snap Crusher
20 reps 20 reps
20 reps 25 reps 25 reps
Cross Strike Knee Strike The Leg Trip Palm to Heel
Day 6 Trouble
25 reps 20 reps 25 reps 20 Reps
25 reps
Fist to Kidney The Switch Eye Gouger Sleeper Hold Body Blow
Day 7
25 reps 25 reps 25 reps 25 reps 20 reps
The Wrist Scissor
The Hip Lock Inside Turn Outside Turn
Day 8 Lock Swing
20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
25 reps 25 reps

Special announcement for
the Forbidden Kill Strikes Community members only!

According to statistics, diabetic persons die 10 years younger than non-diabetic people.
Are you going to let yourself or your loved one be the next victim?
Think about the happy moments you had during the last 10 years: think about the
people you met, the places you have visited, the knowledge you have gained, the smiles
and hugs you have shared. Don’t miss any of those important things to you!
Pharmaceutical companies pump tens of billion of dollars a year into making sure type
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With no strict diets, no impossible exercises, while still eating your favorite foods, you
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What Happens Afterward

If you have been assaulted or if you have successfully defended yourself against an

assault, there will almost always be consequences of some type that you will have deal with.

Violent events are rarely simple affairs that you can just walk away from as if nothing has

happened. It’s important to consider the possible consequences of violence that you may

have to deal with.

Post-Assault Adrenaline
After a violent event you will most likely find yourself suffering from something that

is known as adrenal-induced Tachypsychia. Symptoms of this condition include time loss,

time distortion, memory distortion and memory loss. You may also find yourself trembling

and you will feel much wired as the adrenalin courses through you. In part, this is also due

to your mind experiencing fear and dread over the consequences of what has just happened.

You have to just accept that you can handle whatever consequences come at you and move

on. Don’t let slow release adrenaline cloud up your mind. Get rid of it by going running or

hitting a bag, or doing anything that will release it and stop it from building up in your

When there is violence against innocent people, it is shocking and can make us feel

like the world is becoming an even more dangerous place. Because of this, it is not

uncommon to experience increased anxiety and fear as you go about your daily life. If this

sense of fear is ongoing, it will result in more stress related illnesses, decreased productivity

at work, and poorer quality of life.

But are we actually in greater danger than were in the past? Despite the fact that the

numbers suggest that we are not, if you have been attacked, the fact is that those numbers

are not comforting. They just don’t lesson the pain for anyone whose life has been directly

touched by violence. You are left angry and damaged. It is important to have this

information before something bad happens to you. Putting your individual risk into

perspective – weighing the odds that you personally will be attacked again – is one of the

keys to coping with the fear of a violent attack. I can’t tell you what those odds are. They

differ quite differently, depending on a lot of factors.

Coping with Fear

Let’s consider some steps that you should take when you are feeling increased fear

and anxiety because of having experienced a violent event and you see violence going on all

around you in the media. These suggestions are intended for anyone whose life has been

directly impacted by violence. And for these people whose lives have been directly impacted

may want to consider seeking professional help or support services if the mental strain

becomes too great. The first step, as we mentioned, is to put your individual risk into

perspective. What are the chances that something could happen to you? We are a large

country, with a population of over 310 million. The numbers of violent crimes are small

when considered as a percentage of the population. When narrowed down to attacks

committed by strangers, at random, that number is smaller still. However, if you live in a

bad neighborhood or you hang out in bars where fighting is the norm, it really is incumbent

on you to learn some serious fighting moves so that you can defend yourself.

One of the best ways to manage any kind of fear is to become educated about the

nature of the threat. Accurate information can reduce your sense of fear. And the more we

know about the current danger, the more effective steps you can take to minimize your risk

of becoming a victim. Make sure you are getting your information from a reputable source,

such as people who live in your neighborhood. A lot of times, when information comes from

a government or law enforcement website, that information does not accurately reflect the

reality on the ground.Be aware and prepared, but not fearful. Awareness means paying

attention to your surroundings, and noticing anything unusual about people and their

behavior. Being prepared means knowing how to kick some ass if it comes to it. And in fact,

being constantly fearful is counterproductive and can actually limit your awareness. Fear is a

focus on what could happen, and as such means you are actually less aware of what is

happening. A sudden feeling of fear is an important clue that something may be wrong, but

if you are always fearful, that sudden feeling can’t emerge as a clue. This might make you

freeze when it is time to put somebody’s head through a wall.Maintain a normal routine and

lifestyle as much as possible. That is, unless your normal routine is picking fights with ex-

cons or robbing banks. But that’s just common sense. A balanced and easy-going lifestyle

will encourage you to feel normal by acting normal.

Focus on what you do have control over, not what you don’t. It is very easy to get

carried away with fear by the images you see on the television, the stories we hear about, or

when there are violent crimes happening right outside your window. The average person

may believe there is little he or she can do to prevent an attack, and they will end up feeling

helpless as a result. However, while you can’t control the bigger picture, you can control

some of the things in your own life that might reduce our risk of being victims, such as

parking in a well-lit lot or installing good locks in your home or not leaving the house

wearing an antagonizing T-shirt.

Minimize your exposure to the television news. A lot of those stories are complete lies

and exaggerations because they are just trying to get higher ratings. Once you have gotten

the facts, don’t keep watching replays of events, and all of the discussion of the ‚what ifs.‛
Television news coverage can be overly dramatic in an attempt to compete for viewers

through sensationalized stories and the use of commentary, editing, sound, scantily clad

women and video clips to arouse emotion.If you notice that you are having strong feelings,

be sure to acknowledge them to yourself. Don’t try to ignore or deny them. Go to the

bathroom mirror, look yourself in the eye, and literally have an honest conversation with

yourself. This is best done when you are alone in the house for obvious reasons.Talk about

your fears or concerns with people who support you. We get emotional support by giving

voice to and sharing our concerns. If you have gotten in a fight, it is easy to have all that

trauma come back at you over the next few days. Be ready to talk about it with someone.

Make sure you get enough rest and eat a healthy diet so that you feel your best. This

can be hard to do after a traumatic event but you really need to make every effort to feel

good.When you feel tense, staying active can help you relieve some of that and get you back

in the saddle. Take a walk or get some exercise or make love like a porn star. Do anything

you have to do to feel better.Avoid destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, isolating

yourself, and shutting down your emotions. This can lead to a buildup of stress and even

more violence.Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. These

can help you maintain control over the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Having To Deal with the Law

It is highly likely, as I have already discussed, that you will be put in a position where

you have to deal with the law after a violent event. If you do, you will most likely have to

give a statement about what happened. Keep in mind that this presents a very dicey

situation. You have to be very careful here because the Tachypsychia that I already

mentioned also leads to the innate urge to run your mouth, if only to explain your actions.

The problem with this is that it makes it difficult to give an objective statement to the police.

Your statement will most likely be inaccurate because of this. This won’t do you any favors

when you have to stand up in court six months down the road and defend your actions.

Keep in mind that, no matter how justified your actions were, the police officer taking your

statement is not there to be your buddy. He is looking for any minor statement he can use to

bring you up on charges. That’s just what his job is, pure and simple.

If you don’t feel like you can make an accurate statement so soon afterward, then you

are well within your rights to hold of until the next day. Don’t let the police officer pressure

you into screwing yourself by giving a statement right then and there. At the very least, you

can insist to have a lawyer beside you while you are giving your statement. Keep in mind

that police being police will usually try and push for a quick conclusion to events just

because they want to get the job done. They will try various tactics to make this happen,

including leaving you alone for long periods of time, perhaps holding you in a cell,

threatening to shove a night stick in some very uncomfortable places, and they may even tell

you that you are going to go to prison for what you have done. Under such pressure it is

very easy to tell them what they want to hear just so you can get out of there and get home.

Don’t give into this. You have to go in with a ‚Fuck you, I want to talk to my lawyer‛

attitude. So be very clear on your rights and insist that you want to see a lawyer before

making any statements.

Revenge Attacks
Even if you do manage to subdue an attacker there is always the chance that that

person will come back to exact their revenge at a later date. If they don’t do the deed

themselves, then they are likely to pay someone else to do it for them. I know of a few cases

where this has happened, where people have been walking home one night and they have

been blind-sided by a waiting attacker. Almost always, there are weapons involved in these

kinds of revenge attacks. Baseball bats are a particularly popular weapon of choice for such

attacks because they do plenty of damage pretty quickly and they are guaranteed to teach

someone a lesson. Therefore, be sure that you are aware that you could spend quite a while

looking over your shoulder after an attack, wondering when (if at all) the revenge is going to

come. I know of one case where a guy quit on his gang and went on with his life only to get

‘jumped out’ by his old buddies more than two decades later. Like I have already said, the

best thing you can do is accept whatever consequences there are and also accept that you can
deal with whatever comes your way. There is simply no point in living in fear and letting

slow release adrenaline poison your system. Just remember that, by doing the protocol laid

out in this eBook, you can handle anything, even revenge attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why doesn’t practicing in the dojo present a realistic fight situation?

There are always rules to abide by and there are many techniques that can’t be used

for either safety reasons or for reasons of style. For example, when sparring, there is no

grappling, only kicking and punching and even these techniques are done in a very stylized

way. Even in MMA, which many would argue (wrongly) is a close representation of street

fighting, there are rules and safety measures. It is therefore wrong to assume that because

you are good at sparring that you will also be good in a street fight.

What if I get a flat tire in a bad neighborhood?

Drive on your rims. New wheels are a small price to pay for avoiding a violent car-

jacking or having your head cracked against the pavement. The only thing you really have to

be careful about is running over innocent people. You really need to know the difference

when your car is being rushed by a bunch of psychos and when you just have a flat tire. You

have every right to run over someone who is coming to try and kill you but you certainly

don’t want to drive your car over someone who is just walking down the street.

I’m 50+, but am worried about keeping my grandchildren safe, is this for me?
You are definitely in the right place. Age is no barrier against developing the sills laid

out in this protocol.. This system is designed to tap into your natural protective instincts, to

access an emotional and psychological mindset that’s critical to the protection of yourself

and your loved ones. Combined with an instinctive physical skill set, the little people in your

life will have never been in safer hands. That and the peace of mind you’ll have knowing that

you can and will be able to protect them, is priceless.

I’m an accomplished marital artist, is this protocol going to make me feel like I’ve been
doing it wrong?
No, absolutely not! I have the utmost respect for the dedication and artistry of

traditional martial artists and the skills you may have learnt. However, I am here to tell you

that you did not have to go through all of that training. All you had to do was 8 days of this

protocol to know all you need to know in order to defend yourself in a real-world situation.


My goal for this eBook was to inform you, encourage you, and empower you. I hope

is that is it has achieved that. Always remember that most street fights take place at close

range, unlike when you are sparring. Real fights often involve multiple opponents and

weapons, neither of which are factored into sparring. Real fights are usually extremely fast,

frantic and sloppy, nothing as controlled as sparring. Real fights are never the skilled

exchange between martial artists that we see in the dojo. In real fights there is no room for

fancy or complicated techniques; things must be kept simple.

A real fight could happen at any time and without prior warning. There is no bowing

or touching of gloves beforehand. Any aggressive dialogue often precedes any real fight.

Real fights are damn scary and extremely violent, no holds barred events. They are therefore

not enjoyable in the slightest (unless violence is your thing). So we can see that sparring is

very different from real fighting and if we are to train for the real thing then we have to

intensify our way of change our methods of training and sparring. I am not of course saying

that traditional dojo sparring doesn’t have a place. People train for different reasons so all

types of sparring have their place in the dojo. If you wish to train for real self-defense

however, then you must make the necessary adjustments to your training methods so you

are better able to deal with the real thing. No matter how real you make your sparring

however, it will never be real enough, simply because you have to incorporate certain

psychological measures into it. Making the training exactly like the real thing intensifies the

object of training. If you went all out, then every sparring session would be a potentially life

threatening encounter.

There still has to be control and this is the fatal flaw when it comes to training for the

real thing. Inevitably you will have to wear protective equipment, perfect the use of certain

techniques like groin strikes and eye gouges and probably train on comfortable mats instead

of concrete. These flaws and limitations don’t present too much of a problem however, as

long as you are aware of them and you factor them into your training. If you happen to be

wearing heavy boxing gloves, for instance, then be aware that in reality you wouldn’t be able

to cover your face with them (because you wouldn’t have them on) and your strikes would

be much more effective without them on as well. You would also be able to grapple without

gloves. These are things you need to be aware of when sparring for the street. So you have to

make these changes in your training to make it more realistic, you get away from the usual

form of dojo sparring and consider the conditions that exist in a real fight scenario. Most


Therefore, it is incumbent on you to prepare yourself for a desperate situation. From

this day on, for the rest of your life, if you ever find yourself in a situation where some guy is

coming to kick your ass, if you are unprepared, you will sit there thinking, ‚GODDAMNIT! I

always though there would be more time to prepare myself for this moment! I had always

meant to learn to defend myself, and now this guy is coming to kick my ass and I’m not

ready for it when I should have just done what it said to do in that eBook and I would be

ready to beat the shit out of this guy! Don’t be that guy. Do the protocol. Prepare yourself.

Special announcement for
The Forbidden Kill Strikes Community members only!

Natural solutions have always been available to us, we didn’t know about it. Medicine
evolved mostly in the 20th century. We have pills that claim you will lose weight. We have
gyms at every street corner, we have magical, yet restrictive, diets. Still, according to the
Food Research and Action Center, two thirds of the Americans are overweight or obsese.
If you are one of the Americans who confronted such weight problems, here is your
solution: The Pound Melter.
I don’t know about you, but I hate going to the gym and I also hate giving up my
favorite foods. This is where the Pound Melter comes in as a perfect solution: this protocol
will help you lose weight, without yo-yo dieting, without going to the gym and without
giving up on the sweet or creamy rich foods we love so much.
Too good to be true?

Give it a try!
Check out this incredible product right here!

This eBook should be read by most people, including parents,
seniors, college students, martial artists (especially females),
employees of midsize to large companies, and teachers. It is
designed to augment your warrior skills so that you are able to
defend yourself if the need should pop up. And I think we all
know that sooner or later, you will find yourself in a situation
where we know that at some point we will need to defend
ourselves and we are all grateful for the information that you will
learn in this eBook


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