Lesson Plan Biology 2 SHS Department

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Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. define pedigree analysis
b. identify the mode of inheritance of a particular trait given the pedigree
c. predict the genotypes of parents
d. predict the probability of having an affected offspring


Reference: Klug WS, Cummings MR, Spencer CA, Palladino MA. 2012.Essentials of
genetics. 8th ed. Benjamin Cummings: 2012. 624p
Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB.
2012. Campbell Biology, 9th ed. The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co.,
Inc: 2012. 1464p
Benneth RL, Steinhaus KA, Uhrich SB, O’ Sullivan CK, Resta RG,
Lochner Doyle D, Markel DS, Vincent V, Hamanishi J. Recommendations
for standardized human pedigree nomenclature. Am J Human Genet
1995; 56:745-752

Instructional Materials Needed:

Pen/ White board marker
Cartolina Paper

A. Preparation
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
e. Review
Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment

B. Motivation

C. Presentation
Learning Content Aids and Device Strategies and Evaluation

1. Definition of Pedigree Power point Lecture and What is pedigree

Analysis presentation Discussion analysis?

Pedigree Analysis is a chart to

show genetic disorders are
inherited in a family. They can
use this to work out the
probability (chance) that
someone in a family will inherit
a condition. All the family
members are mapped onto a
family tree.

Establish symbols for creating Power point Lecture and How to construct a
a pedigree example. presentation, discussion pedigree analysis?
a. Male (square) vs Female cartolina
b. Affected (shaded) vs
unaffected (unshaded)
c. Marriage / mating line (line
connecting mates) vs
sibship line (line connecting
d. Fraternal twins (one birth
line branching out into the
individual twin) vs identical
twins ( same as fraternal
twin but with a horizontal
bar conncting the branches
e. Generation (Roman
numerals) vs individual in
the same generation,
counting left to right
(designated by Hindu
Arabic Numerals)
f. Proband (arrow)

2. The mode of inheritance, the Power point Lecture and What are the law of
Mendelian Laws of inheritance presentation discussion inheritance or mode
a. Law of Segregation for of inheritance?
every trait governed by a pair
of alleles, these alleles
segregate or separate during
gamete formation in miosis.
b. Law of Independent
A pair of alleles for one trait
will segregate or separate
independently of another pair
of alleles for another trait
during miosis.

3. Genotype Cartolina paper Lecture and What are the types

The gene pair an individual discussion of genotypes?
carries foe a particular trait
symbolized with a pair of letters.
By convention, uppercase letter
(eg. A ) for a dominant allele and
lowercase letter (eg. a) for the
recessive allele. Any letter of the
alphabet may be used
A. For a diploid organism with
two alleles in the given gene
pair, genotype may be
written as:
1. Homozygous dominant
with two dominant alleles
2. Heterozygous with a
dominant and a recessive
allele (Bb). The individual
show the dominant
3. Homozygous recessive
with two recessive alleles

.4. Expectation in Human Pedigree When in the family

Analysis have a affected
I. For autosomal dominant trait: offspring?
two affected individuals can
have a normal offspring.
II. For autosomal recessive trait:
two affected individuals can
NEVER have a normal

D. Application
With a teacher guidance, the students must be able to identify when have a affected
offspring and also to define some vocabulary words.
1. Pedigree
2. Proband
3. Genotype
4. Law of inheritance

E. Summary
In this topic the students know to identify when have a affected offspring and what
are the traits of the parents that are possible to have a affected offspring.

F. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the word or groups of words being referred by the following.
1. It is a chart used to determine the affected offspring in the family.
(Answer: Pedigree Analysis)
2. It is a genotypes which have a two dominant alleles.
(Answer: Homozygous Dominant)
3. What do you call for the offspring that will be the affected of genetic disorder?
(Answer: Proband)
4. When have a normal offspring?
(Answer: If autosomal dominant trait)
5. When never have a normal offspring?
(Answer: If autosomal recessive trait)

A. Direction: Construct a pedigree analysis of an authentic family using any of the
following traits.
1. With (dominant) or without finger hair (recessive)
2. Normal (dominant) or hitchhikers thumb (recessive)
B. Identify the following
1. Sex linkages
2. Illustrate the transmission of an X- linked and Y-linked character
Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. define sex linked traits
b. illustrated the transmission of an X- linked and Y- linked character
c. compute the probability of the occurrence of sex linked traits and
d. give example of the sex relate traits


Reference: Klug WS, Cummings MR, Spencer CA, Palladino MA. 2012.Essentials of
genetics. 8th ed. Benjamin Cummings
Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB.
2012. Campbell Biology, 9th ed. The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co.,
Inc: 2012. 1464p
Sheridan, M. 1999. Instructor’s guide for Biology, 5th ed. By Campbell,
Reece, Mitchell. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Instructional Materials Needed:

Pen/ White board marker
Cartolina Paper

A. Preparation
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
e. Review
Pedigree Analysis
What is the pedigree analysis?
Pedigree Analysis is a chart to show genetic disorders are inherited in a family. They can
use this to work out the probability (chance) that someone in a family will inherit a
condition. All the family members are mapped onto a family tree.
Proband is a term used to define an offspring that is affected.
When have an affected offspring?
For autosomal dominant trait: two affected individuals can have a normal offspring.
For autosomal recessive trait: two affected individuals can NEVER have a normal offspring.

B. Motivation
A teacher show a three different pictures in the class and ask learners in every
picture what students can see in the picture. Like in the first picture the teacher ask the
learners if they could see a figure in the picture and ask the class to recite aloud the
figure/ number. Second picture ask the learners if baldness occurs more in men or
women. Third picture ask the learners who among the men and women are able to
lactate or breastfeed their young.

Learning Content Aids and Strategies and Evaluation
Device Methods

1. Definition of sex linked traits. Power point Lecture and What is a sex linked
Sex linked traits. The gene presentation Discussion traits?
(pair) that determines a with cartolina
character (e.g. hemophilia) is
located on the sex

2. Illustration of transmission of What is X-linked

x-linked and y-liked character traits and Y-linked
In humans, males and females traits?
are presented by different sex
chromosomes. Female have two
X chromosomes in the nucleus
of their cells while the male have
one X chromosome and one Y
chromosome in their nucleus of
their cells.
Depending on whether the traits
is dominant or recessive, the
expression pattern of the traits
differs in males and females.
Color blindness is example of
sex linked traits.
The alleles responsible for
colorblindness is found on the X
chromosomes only.
The dominant allele is the
normal allele and the recessive
allele causes colorblindness.
3. Occurrence on sex linked When sex linked
traits occur?
Female need two copies of the
recessive allele, one from each
of the two chromosomes, for the
traits to be manifested. If they
have only one copy of the
recessive allele, they have
normal color vision. However,
they are carriers for the traits in
that they may pass it on their
Males only need one recessive
allele in their sole X
chromosomes for the trait to be
Since the allele is found only in
the Y-chromosomes, and since
only males have Y-
chromosomes male have Y-
chromosomes, they only males
will express the trait. (Female
cannot express Y-linked traits)
4. There are example of sex What are those sex
related traits. related traits?
Sex influence traits –

Sex limited traits.

D. Application
With a teacher guidance, the students must be able to identify when X-linked traits
occur and to determine the chromosomes and male and female.

E. Summary
In this topic the students know to identify the important of sex linked traits when
have a x chromosomes.

F. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the word or groups of words being referred by the following.
1. It is a traits in a diploid organisms whose expression by an individual biological sex.
(Answer: Sex influenced traits)
2. Any trait in a diploid organism whose expression is limited to just one biological sex.
(Answer: Sex limited traits)
3. An X linked recessive trait where an affected individual suffer from delayed blood
clothing during injuries because of the nascence of certain blood clothing factors.
(Answer: Hemophilia)
4. A sex linked trait where the gene or allele for the traits is found on the Y
(Answer: Y-linked traits)
5. An X –linked recessive traits where affected individual could not distinguish red from
green color.
(Answer: colorblindness)

Provide this narrative to the class:
The last emperor of Russia, Nicolas II was married To Empress Alexandra.
 Research on this medical condition and determine the mode of inheritance.
 If only prince Alexis was afflicted with the disease, determine his genotype.
 What could be the genotypes of the Emperor and Empess?
 It is a possible that each daughter could have been a carrier?
Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. distinguish Mendelian from non-Mendelian mode of inheritance
b. describe some cases of non-mendelian generic traits


Reference: Klug WS, Cummings MR, Spencer CA, Palladino MA. 2012.Essentials of
genetics. 8th ed. Benjamin Cummings:
Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB.
2012. Campbell Biology, 9th ed. The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co.,
Inc: 2012. 1464p
Sheridan, M. 1999. Instructor’s guide for Biology, 5th ed. By Campbell,
Reece, Mitchell. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Instructional Materials Needed:

Pen/ White board marker
Cartolina Paper

A. Preparation
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
e. Review
Sex Linked and Recombination
What is the sex linked traits?
Sex linked traits. The gene (pair) that determines a character (e.g. hemophilia) is located on
the sex chromosomes.
What are those examples of sex related traits?
Sex influence traits
Sex limited traits.
B. Motivation
The teachers provide a narrative to the class.
A local hospital has sent word to a family of a possible mix up of some of the children
with other families when they are born. To rule out any possible mix up, the hospital
obtained the blood types of every individual in the family, including the surviving maternal
grandfather and paternal grandmother. The results were as follows:
Father: Type O Maternal grandfather: Type AB
Mother : Type A Paternal grandmother Type B
1 child: Type O
2nd child: Type A
3rd child: Type B

Based on the results, is there a possibility that any one of the children is not a biological
offspring of the couple? To answer this question, we must first understand how blood
types, a non-mendelian traits is inherited.

C. Presentation
Learning Contents Aids and Strategies and Evaluation
Device Method

1. Differentiation of Mendelian to Power point Lecture and What is the different

non-Mendelian presentation Discussion of Mendelian to non-
Mendelian Mendelian?


2. Different cases of non-

Mendelian genetic traits.
 Incomplete Dominance - When
two contrasting alleles are present
in the same locus or traits
(heterozygote genotype), then
both alleles are expressed in the
same phenotype ( a blend of two
extreme phenotypes). In this case,
the phenotypic ratio is the same
as the genotypic ratio.
Use snapdragon
plants(Antirrhinum majus) as
A. RR – red flowers
B. Rr – pink flowers
C. Rr – white flowers
 Co-dominance – When two
contrasting alleles are present in
the same locus or trait
(heterozygote genotype), then the
phenotype expressed is a blend of
the two extreme phenotypes. The
two genes interact and the
offspring shows the effects of both
The heterozygote genotype is
expressed as a distinct phenotype
(both extreme phenotypes are
expressed at the same time).
Similar to incomplete dominance,
the phenotypic ratio is the same
as the genotypic ratio.
Use human MN blood typing as
an example.
A. MM – type M
B. MN – type MN
C. NN – type N
 Multiple alleles – When there are
more than two types of alleles for
a given locus or trait, this will
result in more than two kinds of
phenotypes that may be
expressed for that traits.
Use coat color in rabbits as
A. There are four different types of
alleles in rabbit: C ( Agouti),
Cch(chinchilla), Ch(Himalayan) and
c (Albino) with the following
dominace hierchy: C> Cch> Ch>c
B. The following genotypes will have
a corresponding phenotypes in
coat color.
i. CC – Agouti
ii. C Cch – Agouti
iii. C Ch – Agouti
iv. Cc – Agouti
v. Cch Cch – Chinchilla
vi. Cch Ch – Chinchilla
vii. Cchc – Chinchilla
viii. Ch Ch – Himalayan
ix. Chc – Himalayan
x. Cc – Albino
C. Use ABO blood typing in human
as example.
i. There are three different
types of alleles A (or IA), B
(or IB) and O (or i)
ii. The following genotypes
will have the following
blood types (phenotypes)
iii. AA (or IA IA) – type A
iv. AO (or IAi) – type A
v. BB (or IB IB) – type B
vi. BO (or IBi) – type B
vii. AB (or IA IB ) – type AB
viii. OO (ii) – type O

Go back to the Motivation Narrative.

The learners answer the question

provided during motivation part.

D. Application
With a teacher guidance, the students must be able to identify the important of non-
Mendelian mode of inheritance and also to used the function of this ideas in formulating a
blood types of human being.

E. Summary
In this topic the students know to apply the knowledge about non Mendelian genetic
traits to blood typing.

F. Evaluation
In cattle, coat color is inherited in a co-dominant fashion. Homozygous B1B1 produce
black coat, Homozygous B2B2 produce white coat, and the heterozygous B1B2 produce
roan coat. Give the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of the following crosses.
1. B1B1 x B1B1
2. B1B1 x B2B2
3. B1B2 x B1B2
4. B1B1 x B1B2

5. B1B2 x B2B2

Define the following terminology
1. DNA
2. RNA
3. Protein
Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. identify the dates and sequence of the periods in the geologic time scale
b. identify the major events in each major period
c. describe the characteristics of the major groups of organisms present during a time
d. identify the fossils and
e. describe causes of mass extinctions


Reference: Freeman, S. Biological Science 3rd ed. 2008 California: Pearson Benjamin
Cummings pp. 503525
Reece, JB LA Urry, ML Cain, S Wasserman, PV Minorsky, RB Jackson
Campbell Biology 9th ed. 2014 Illionois: Pearson Education, Inc. pp. 480-
Russell PJ, SL Wolfe, PE Hertz C Starr, B Mc Millan Bilogy The Dynamic
Science 2008 California: Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning pp. 419-439

Instructional Materials Needed:


A. Preparation
a. Prayer
c.Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
The application of recombination of DNA
What are the process of the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology?
DNA ---- RNA ------ Protein

B. Motivation
The teacher ask the learners what is the age of the earth? What was the earth
like millions of years ago and the teacher describe the earth in the use of
different movies like Ice Age and The land before time and finally the teacher ask
learners when did man first appear on Earth?

C. Presentation
1. What a short clip
Geologic Time Scale (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nofyRleo3Vc)
Four ways to Understand the Earth’s Age
2. The teacher ask the following questions to guide the learners as they watch the
What are the four ways mentioned in the film?
Why is it hard to create a timeline of events chronicling Earth history?

What are the divisions of the geologic time scale?

D. Application
With a teacher guidance, the students must be able to answer some questions about
the Earth that has an incredibly long history. How does understanding of geologic time
scale and the significant geologic events of the past impact your understanding of
human’s unique responsibility and place on earth? How does understanding the past
help to understand the present?

E. Summary
In this topic the students know the importance of the history of the earth.

F. Evaluation
My Life History: Create a timeline of events that happened to you since you were
born up to the present time. Choose only 20 events that you think are the most
important. Be ready to present your timeline next meeting.

Make a table in your notebook of the geologic time scale and include the following
1. Major divisions of the GTS
2. Major events and characteristics organisms.
Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. identify the dates and sequence of the periods in the geologic time scale
b. identify the major events in each major period
c. describe the characteristics of the major groups of organisms present during a time
d. identify the fossils and
e. describe causes of mass extinctions


Reference: Freeman, S. Biological Science 3rd ed. 2008 California: Pearson Benjamin
Cummings pp. 503525
Reece, JB LA Urry, ML Cain, S Wasserman, PV Minorsky, RB Jackson
Campbell Biology 9th ed. 2014 Illionois: Pearson Education, Inc. pp. 480-
Russell PJ, SL Wolfe, PE Hertz C Starr, B Mc Millan Bilogy The Dynamic
Science 2008 California: Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning pp. 419-439

Instructional Materials Needed:

Pentel Pen

A. Preparation
a. Prayer
c.Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
B. Motivation
The teacher ask the learners what is the age of the earth? What was the earth
like millions of years ago and the teacher describe the earth in the use of
different movies like Ice Age and The land before time and finally the teacher ask
learners when did man first appear on Earth?
C. Presentation
Lecture of the Geologic Time Scale
1. Present a lecture discussion on the geologic time scale.

2. The following outline can guide in the discussion.

 Four Eras
1. Precambrian
2. Paleozoic
3. Mesozoic
4. Cenozoic
 Period under Paleozoic Era
1. Cambrian
2. Ordovician
3. Silurian
4. Devonian
5. Carboniferous
6. Permian
 Period under the Mesozoic era.
1. Triassic
2. Jurassic
3. Cretaceous
 Period under the Cenozoic era.
1. Tertiary
2. Quaternary
With teacher guidance, the students must be able to present a new proposed Epoch,
the Anthropocene and also the students answer the following questions.
1. What are the evidence that suggest that we are entering/have entered a new epoch?
2. How do scientist decide if a new finding should be validated?
In this lesson the students know what living organism are living in the different eras,
period like Jurassic and different living organisms.
Direction: Read each question carefully and choose your answer on the given choices.

1. Geologically speaking with reference to the entire history of the earth, the dinosaurs went
a. Shortly after the formation of Earth
b. In the first billion years of Earth history
c. In the most recent 2% of the history of earth
d. Before the first fish formed.
2. Relative to the percent of time dominating the surface of earth which organisms have a
longest reign?
a. Dinosaurs
b. Plants
c. Prokaryotes
d. Eukaryotes
e. Human
3. The Earth is ______ years old.
a. 6,000
b. 46,000,000
c. 4,600,000,000
d. There is no way to know
4. 100,000 years in the geologic history of Earth would be considered
a. Immensely long
b. A drop in the bucket
c. Half of Earth’s history
d. An extremely significant amount of time.
5. Understanding geologic time is significant because it helps us
a. Understand human impact on our environment.
b. Understand the evolution of organisms over time.
c. Understand the possibility for life on other planets.
d. understand the process of evolution.
e. All of the above

1. What are fossil? How they are formed?
2. List down the types of fossils and give examples.
3. How do you measured the age of fossils?
4. What are mass extinctions? How many mass extinctions events happened in the GTS?
Senior High School Department

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. explain that genetic variation is the prerequisite and should therefore be present for any
genetic process to cause change in populations from generation to generation;
b. state the Hardy-Weinberg Principle;
c. enumerate the condition that should be present for a gene or in a larger scale, a
population to attain Hardy Weinberg equilibrium; and
d. calculate gene and genotype frequencies and derive the Hardy Weinberg equation.


(PART 1 OF 2)
Reference: Freeman, S. Biological Science 3rd ed. 2008 California: Pearson Benjamin
Cummings pp. 503-525
Reece, JB LA Urry, ML Cain, S Wasserman, PV Minorsky, RB Jackson
Campbell Biology 9th ed. 2014 Illionois: Pearson Education, Inc. pp. 480-
Russell PJ, SL Wolfe, PE Hertz C Starr, B Mc Millan Bilogy The Dynamic
Science 2008 California: Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning pp. 419-439

Instructional Materials Needed:

Pentel Pen

a. Prayer
c.Checking of the cleanliness of the room
d. Checking of the attendance
What is fossils?
Geologic time scale is the table of dates or events happened in our earth
when the different organisms or living organism exist in earth.
What are those eras?
1. Precambrian
2. Paleozoic
3. Mesozoic
4. Cenozoic
B. Motivation
The teacher ask the learners where did a scientist discover the first dinosaurs?
and who coined the term dinosaurs? How did the discovery of dinosaurs make
scientists become more interested in the geologic record? How can fossils be used as
evidence for the evolution of living forms? This are question that the learners answer to
arrive in the lesson.

C. Presentation
Learning Content Aids and Device Strategies and Evaluation

4. Definition of Fossils Power point Lecture and What is fossils?

presentation Discussion
Fossils – are evidences of
organisms that lived in the
past. They can be actual
remains like bones, teeths,
shells, leaves seeds, spores
or traces of past activities
such animal burrow, nests
and dinosaurs footprints or
even the ripples created on
prehistoric shore.

5. Types of Fossils

1. Molds – Impression made in Power point Lecture and What are those
substrate = negative images of presentation, discussion tupes of fossils?
an organism. cartolina

Example: Shells

2. Casts – When a mold is filled


Examples: Bones and Teeths

3. Petrified – Organic materials

is converted into stone.

Examples: Petrified trees and

Coal balls (fossilized plants and
their tissues in round ball

4. Original Remains –
Preserved wholly (frozen ice,
trapped in tar fits, dried
dessicated inside caves in
ragid regions or encased in
amber fossilized resin)

Examples: Woolly mammoth

and Amber from the Baltic
Sea Region

5. Carbon Film – carbon

impression in sedimentary
Example: Leaf on the rock.

6. Trace / Ichnofossils –
record the movements and
behaviours of the organism.

3. The six ways of Fossilization. Power point Lecture and What are the six
1. Unaltered preservation – Small presentation, discussion ways of
organisms or part trapped in cartolina fossilization?
amber, hardened plant sap.
2. Per mineralization/ Petrification
The organic contents content of
bone and wood are replaced with
silica, calcite, or pyrite, forming a
rock like fossils.
3. Replacement – hard parts are
dissolved and replaced by other
minerals, like calcite, silica, pyrite
or iron.
4. Carbonization – the other
elements are removed and the
only carbon remained.
5. Recrystalization – hard parts are
converted to more stable
minerals or small crystals turn
into larger crystals.
6. Authegenic Preservation –
Molds and casts are foremed after
most of the organisms have been
destroyed or dissolved.

D. Application
With a teacher guidance, the students must be able to identify the dirrerents ways to
fossilization of the pats of organisms .

After the lesson the learners learn about the important of fossils in our human
evolution in this earth and also he discussed the different ways to fossilization of organisms
and the types of fossils.

Direction identify the word being refer of the following statements.

1. This are the evidences of organism that lived in the pasts.

Answer: Fossils
2. It is impression made in substrate.
Answer; Molds
3. -6. Give the types of fossils?
7 -12. Give the six ways to fossilization.

Review for longtest.

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