Iran Nuclear Deal

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Most Important Purpose: To make sure that Iran does not develop a nuclear programme in
secret (European Council, 2019)
Other purposes: aims to limit the materials that Iran has to make bombs (European
Council, 2019) and to expand the break-out time to a year or longer in order to make sure
Iran can be stopped if ever they would try to create such bombs (European Council, 2019)

Regardless, Iran continued to develop an extensive nuclear

During the May of 2018, President Trump
fuel cycle along with a sophisticated enrichment capabilities
announced that he would be
which became the reason as to why international
withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal,
negotiations and sanctions were made during the years of
which he did at that year (Landler, 2018).
2002 to 2015 (Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2018)

In the 1950s: The nuclear program of Iran began when The Iran Nuclear Deal which is formally known as the
the Shah of Iran received technical assistance under Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was established in
the year 2015 between the P5+1 also known as China, EU,
the US Atoms for Peace Program but was ended in the
Russia, the United States, Germany, France, and Iran
1979 Iran Revolution (Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2018) (BBC News, 2019).


Limit the centrifuges to only 5,060 and such centrifuges AN ANALYSIS
must already be old and the least efficient (BBC, 2019)
According to President Trump, the deal was a “horrible one-sided deal
Reducing Iran’s Uranium Stockpile to 300kg and it must not that should never, ever have been made. It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t
exceed at that level until the year 2031 (BBC, 2019) bring peace, and it never will.”
Research and development is limited until 2024 (Afary, 2019) Why did the US pull out?
Redesigning of a heavy-water reactor that contains plutonium The Trump administration is applying the same strategy of the
which can be a potential creator of a nuclear bomb to a point North Korea denuclearization: hard economic sanctions were
where it can no longer produce any weapon-grade plutonium imposed
(Afary, 2019)
He believes that this is what brought North Korea to the
Assigning inspectors from the International Atomic Energy negotiating table
Agency to inspect and monitor Iran’s declared nuclear sites as Trump perceives the reimposition of sanctions on Iran as a
well as verifying whether Iran is following the agreement in not message to North Korea that he won't accept terms that will
possessing enough materials that could potentially be an
atomic bomb (Davenport, n.d) allow North Korea to restart a nuclear program.


Consequence of Trump’s actions: 
This puts Iran at a delicate position of two ways to move forward:  Evidence: for radicals prevailing in Iran parliament are events
(1) continue to abide by the deal and try to gain the support of the such as the burning of the US flag as well as a copy of the deal
international community to decrease US pressure, and demands for Rouhanni to resign.
(2) slowly increase its nuclear and missile activities to re-exert its He was central to negotiating the deal with the Obama
own pressure against America. Iran chose the latter administration. 
Implications of US pulling out: 
Why did Iran choose the latter: 
It will be more difficult for other signatories (EU, Germany, etc) to
Radical elements within the govt of Iran could be empowered by
abide by the deal in fear Trump's threat to impose economic
the rhetoric that the US is unable to comply to its own end of the
bargain (thus sidelining the moderates).  sanctions on those willing to cooperate with Iran 
Iran has a potential interest to exploit such diplomatic Sends a message that US is unwilling or unable to comply with its
disruption in order to unleash an attack against the Persian Gulf, commitments
Iraq, or elsewhere in the Middle East. Iranian rhetoric against the US grows stronger


Analysis on why a deal was struck

A deal was struck primarily because these parties were successful It was also a change in Iranian leadership that made the deal possible
in providing both disincentives and incentives for Iran to For the new leader, President Hassan Rouhani, there are many
cooperate benefits to halting its nuclear program
It was only when they creatively worsened Iran's no-deal options
and "upside potential" did Iran finally accepted and complied with First: a signal that policy towards the nuclear program could help
an agreement to significantly reduce its enrichment program prevent a potential preemptive and policy reference
This is because Iran's primary interest is to achieve security within Second:  new leadership represents a natural change in leader
the region (as previously mentioned)  personality and policy preference without negating any former
As the initial motivation of its pursuit of nuclearisation, ensuring administration’s sentiment on nuclear weapons which could
mutual benefit from the deals struck by the P5 is important to Iran otherwise threaten international standing
Conclusion: With Iran's economy crippled by the multiple Third: the new leader will reap the benefits of being credited as
sanctions imposed by the US, EU and UN, along with the promise the leader who brought in military and economic assistance as
brought about by an agreement, Iran saw it fit to eventually well as ending years of economic sanctions and isolation.
comply with the international community in halting its programs


Firstly, the intuitive stance for the Hobbesian "self-help" anarchy of Realist IR Therefore, seek nuclearisation as a form of ensuring security
is that states often pursue arms in order to ensure security.
(Biswas, 2018)
Evidenced from its geopolitical insecurity, Iran is surrounded by a
Why Iran as a nuclear power is dangerous
range of hostile states many of which are connected to the United
States World powers fear that an aggressive and ideological Iran, not
More so, since two of those neighboring countries - Israel and Pakistan able or willing to be contained in unlike other nuclear powers, will
invoke nuclear vengeance on its rivals. also poses the risk of Iran
- have already attained nuclear powers selling nuclear weapons, materials, technology to even more
The presence of its military currently extends all around Iran's borders undeterrable terrorists
from its Sunni rival Saudi Arabia as well territories of two of Iran's Effects of Iranian nuclearization on proliferation outcomes. A
regional rivals: Afghanistan and Iraq → Two of which are subjected to security dilemma is at risk of erupting once Iran establishes its
an aggressive US policy regime-change nuclear power.
Pursuit of nuclear weapons by another signatory of the Nuclear
From a realist perspective, it is logical to argue that Iran has a nonproliferation Treaty might cause other signatories to also
legitimate systematic cause for geopolitical insecurity and -> violate the treaty

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