Statement of Purpose

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Life has always been a smooth flowing brook with small dashes here and there. It has
certainly reached a critical juncture when I have to decide where to turn and what to do next
and my idea of life can be best quoted by this very famous quotation:

Two roads diverged into the woods; I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all
the difference….
-Robert Frost.
I, ABHIJITH REDDY , an undergraduate student in Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering from Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, affiliated to Kakatiya
University, have applied to graduate program in Electrical Engineering at your esteemed
University. In the following lines I attempt to give a brief portrayal of my interests, aptitude,
education and extracurricular activities.

“The process of learning continues throughout one’s life” says an old adage. As one
goes on learning new things, one realizes that there are many more things which one needs to
learn to quench one’s thirst for knowledge. During the course of my undergraduate study I
have learnt many things but I have also realized that I need to learn more in my field of
interest. A graduate study is the next step in my quest for knowledge and to bring out my
forte to the fore.

Right from my school days, I have always shown a high degree of competence and
interest in mathematics and physical sciences. This keen interest in Mathematics and Physics
enabled me to develop stronger quantitative and analytical skills. I qualified in the National
Talent Search Examination (NTSE) held during my 9th class. These skills have helped me in
securing 99% in Mathematics and 94% in General Science and an overall 88.5%
in S.S.C(10th grade). My association with the National Cadet Corps (NCC) moulded me into
a person of discipline and character and earned me a certificate with an ‘A’ grade. I passed
my Intermediate Examination (10+2) with an aggregate of 88.5% with Mathematics, Physics
and Chemistry as my special subjects. My excellent performance here gave me the
confidence to take Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. I was admitted to the
undergraduate program in Electronics and Instrumentation through a state-wide entrance
examination in mathematics and physical sciences. In my undergraduate study I have shown
great interest in subjects such as semiconductor electronics, VLSI Design, Embedded
Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers and Digital signal processing. I have further
improved my knowledge in these subjects; especially VLSI Design through extensive
reading. I closely follow the latest research through journals and publications of transactions
and proceedings by IEEE and other prominent professional societies. In fact, I feel that this
extensive reading has been influential in shaping my interests and attitude. I have also learnt
C, C++, Matlab and VHDL to get acquainted with the field of computers.
My area of interest is VLSI design. I have been attracted to the subject because, VLSI
design, in its theory and application, is reflective of man’s inherent nature to challenge the
obvious and seek to discover the unreachable. I extensively read and work with the excellent
literature available on this subject to strengthen my theoretical concepts. There has been a
rapid advancement in the field of VLSI in the recent years. Such advanced techniques have
enormously increased the speed and capacity of integrated circuits and decreased the
complexity of the solutions to many problems faced in these fields. I am highly motivated to
work for developing such techniques. As an undergraduate student I am not content with
what I have learnt in this subject and am thirsty for acquiring more knowledge in terms of
both theory and application.

To keep pace with fast growing technology, I attended every workshop and paper
presentation competitions that were held at our college. Through them I could gain and
improve knowledge in areas that were new to me. I visited Vizag Steel Plant as a part of our
industrial visit. There, I had ample opportunity to see how steel was manufactured and the
various control systems involved in it. I also visited Elico, Hyderabad, an industry that deals
with production of basic circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, inductors,
transformers, etc. I could examine some of the automated machines that are used in the
production. Apart from this I have also been the active participant in the sports events such as
Cricket, Badminton and Volley ball at my college. I worked effectively as an executive
member in conducting the National Level Technical Symposium for the past two years
Parikaran-08 and Parikaran-09 successfully. All these activities have given me the confidence
and inspiration to actively participate in the process of acquiring and sharing knowledge.

The essence of university education lies in the success of the symbolic relationship
between the student and his department. It is with this in mind that I am looking forward to a
long and rewarding relationship with your university. From the tremendous research options
available here, I am confident that I will have the opportunity to work professionally with
faculty on research projects and at the same time, I can make my research-work more

Based on my abilities and interests I feel that pursuing a graduate program at your
prestigious university would benefit me greatly in the pursuit of my dreams and goals. I have
surveyed the research going on in your university and I’m very impressed by the work being
done by the excellent faculty at your institution. I feel I am confident enough to do justice to
these aspirations and live up to your expectations. Hoping with a positive attitude, I earnestly
look forward to be a part of your esteemed institution.

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