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HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML,

XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, Second Edition

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An extremely wonderful publication with lucid and perfect reasons. It typically will not expense too
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(Pr of. Ma ya Ha nd)

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To read HTML 5 B la ck B ook, Cover s CSS 3, Ja va Scr ipt, X ML, X HTML, AJAX , PHP a nd jQ uer y,
Second Edition PDF, remember to click the button listed below and save the file or have accessibility to
additional information that are in conjuction with HTML 5 BLACK BOOK, COVERS CSS 3, JAVASCRIPT, XML,

Dreamtech Press/Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2016. So cover. Book Condition: New. 2nd edition. HTML5 Black Book is
the one-time reference book, written from the Web professional?s point of view, containing hundreds of
examples and covering nearly every aspect of HTML5. It will help you to master various Web technologies, other
than HTML5, including CSS3, JavaScript, XML and AJAX. If you are a Web designer or developer, then this book
is your introduction to new features and elements of HTML5, including audio and video media elements, the
canvas element for drawing, and many others. Contents: Chapter 1: Overview of HTML5 and Other Web
Technologies Section I ? Internet and Web Technologies Internet and Web Introduction to Web Technologies
Section II ? HTML5 and its Essentials Exploring New Features of HTML5 HTML5- Next Generation of Web
Development Structuring an HTML Document Exploring Editors and Browsers Supported by HTML5 Creating
and Saving an HTML Document Validating an HTML Document Viewing an HTML Document Hosting Web Pages
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of HTML In Depth Understanding Elements Describing Data Types Describing
Character Entities Understanding Horizontal Rules Understanding Line Breaks Understanding a Paragraph
Understanding Citations, Quotations and Definitions Understanding Comments Immediate Solutions Working
with Root and Metadata Elements Working with SCRIPT and NOSCRIPT Elements Working with Section Elements
Working with HEADER and FOOTER Elements Working with Headings Working with Character Entities Working
with Horizontal Rules Working with Line Breaks Working with a Paragraph Working with Citations, Quotations
and Definitions Working with Comments Chapter 3: Working with Text In-Depth Formatting Text with HTML
Elements Defining the MARK Element Defining the STRONG Element Defining the CODE Element Defining the
SMALL Element Immediate Solutions Displaying Plain Text Displaying Bold Text Displaying Italic Text Displaying
Small Text Displaying Subscripted Text Displaying Superscripted Text Displaying Abbreviations Displaying
Program Code Displaying Sample Program...

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a nd jQ uer y, Second Edition
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