Mother and Teacher

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Sign of the Time: The encyclical of Pope John XXIII mainly tackles about the issues regarding

the relationship of an individual, the society and the economy. These problems are: First, the social
and economic progress don't work and lack harmony with each other, hence, the absence of
development in the area, as a whole. Second is the wages of the workers, working individuals are
not compensated in a way that they deserve, the wage they receive is not sufficient for their daily
needs, living and family obligations. Third is in regards with the ownership of properties or goods,
such are not distributed evenly with the people. Individuals who possess such are focused more on
business gains than personal gains, others are ignorant of sharing these with people who needs
charity and some are deprived of the right of ownership of properties or goods. Lastly is the
problem with agriculture, agricultural sectors are being abandoned because more opportunities are
present in cities. The living standards of people inclined with agriculture are far from those who
live in the cities. Further, some agricultural workers think that their field is limiting and that it
cannot pursue development in their own ways.

Solution: In order to achieve progress, various essential facilities must be provided by the state
such as those for transportation, communication, health, education, etc. Also, the state and
individuals must work together harmoniously to progress. Government is suggested to secure
individuals’ material needs to fully function and become economically rich. Individuals must be
given the right for freedom to participate in association, equitable and just wages enough not only
for personal and family expenses, compensation based on service given and not by marketplace.
Economic entity must have the objective to assist society and not only for personal gain. Efficient
utilization and effective distribution of property with benefits shared by many. Agricultural areas
must use the same type and method of production like those in the city and receive assistance from
the government such as, financial literacy, proportioned tax and considered farming as business.
Countries must provide assistance to those who need it the most, individuals and /or state.

Prevalence: It is said that wages before are not properly distributed and workers are not receiving
the wages they deserve. Up until now, there are places in the Philippines that workers are abused
and they are not paid properly. There are also properties today that are owned by one and used for
personal used, in relation to this, some are deprived of property and in some cases, agricultural
lands are subject to this type of acquisition and they are converted and developed for other purpose,
leading to negative effects.

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