Tutorial-2 EE AC, 1-Phase Part

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Tutotial-2 : Basic Electrical Engineering

IOE/Thapathali Campus/Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

1. A parallel-plate capacitor has plates 0.15 mm apart and dielectric with relative permittivity of 3. Find the electric
field intensity and the voltage between plates if the surface charge is 5 × 10-4 μC/cm2 (ans:2.82 V)
2. A parallel-plate capacitor consists of two square metal plates 500 mm on a side separated by 10 mm. A slab of
Teflon (εr = 2.0) 6 mm thick is placed on the lower plate leaving an air gap 4 mm thick between it and the upper
plate. If 100 V is applied across the capacitor, find the electric field (E0) in the air, electric field Et in Teflon, flux
density Da in air, flux density Dt in Teflon and potential difference Vt across Teflon slab (Ans: 42.8 V)
3. A voltage of V is applied to the inner sphere of a spherical capacitor, whereas the outer sphere is earthed. The
inner sphere has a radius of a and the outer one of b. If b is fixed and a may be varied, prove that the maximum
stress in the dielectric cannot be reduced below a value of 4 V/b. (ans: 4V/b)
4. A capacitor consists of two similar square aluminium plates, each 10 cm × 10 cm mounted parallel and opposite
to each other. What is their capacitance in F when distance between them is 1 cm and the dielectric is air ? If
the capacitor is given a charge of 500  C, what will be the difference of potential between plates ? How will
this be affected if the space between the plates is filled with wax which has a relative permittivity of 4 ? (ans: 14.1
5. An air capacitor has two parallel plates 10 cm2 in area and 0.5 cm apart. When a dielectric slab of area 10 cm2
and thickness 0.4 cm was inserted between the plates, one of the plates has to be moved by 0.4 cm to restore the
capacitance. What is the dielectric constant of the slab ? (ans: 5 )
6. Two capacitors of a capacitance 4F and 2F respectively, are joined in series with a battery of e.m.f. 100 V. The
connections are broken and the like terminals of the capacitors are then joined. Find the final charge on each
capacitor. (Ans: 178 C and 89 C)
7. A parallel-plate capacitor is charged to 50 C at 150 V. It is then connected to another capacitor of capacitance 4
times the capacitance of the first capacitor. Find the loss of energy. (Ans: 37.5 × 10-4 J , 3 × 10-2 J )
8. Two coils with a coefficient of coupling of 0.5 between them, are connected in series so as to magnetise (a) in the
same direction (b) in the opposite direction. The corresponding values of total inductances are for (a) 1.9 H and
for (b) 0.7 H. Find the self-inductances of the two coils and the mutual inductance between them. (Ans: 0.9 H and
0.4 H)
9. Two coils of inductances 4 and 6 henry are connected in parallel. If their mutual inductance is 3 henry, calculate
the equivalent inductance of the combination if (i) mutualinductance assists the self-inductance (ii) mutual
inductance opposes the self-inductance. (Ans: 3.75H and 0.9H)
10. What is the significance of the r.m.s and average values of a wave? Determine the r.m.s. and average value of
the waveform shown in Fig. 10 (Ans : 15 V and 15.2 V)
11. A full-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage is shown in Fig. 11. Calculate the average and RMS values.
12. Calculate the average and RMS values as shown in Fig. 12 (Ans: rms= 1.15 )

Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12

13. In a series circuit containing pure resistance and a pure inductance, the current and the voltage are expressed as:
i (t) = 5 sin (314 t + 2 π/3) and v (t) = 15 sin (314 t + 5 π/6) (a) What is the impedance of the circuit ? (b) What

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Tutotial-2 : Basic Electrical Engineering
IOE/Thapathali Campus/Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

is the value of the resistance ? (c) What is the inductance in henrys ? (d) What is the average power drawn by
the circuit ? (e) What is the power factor? (Ans: 3ohm, 2.6 ohm, 4.78mH, 32.5 W, 0.86 (lag))
14. A 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage v = 141 sin ωt is applied to a series R-L circuit. The values of the resistance and the
inductance are 3 Ω and 0.0106 H respectively.
(i) Compute the r.m.s. value of the current in the circuit and its phase angle with respect to the voltage. (Ans 20
∠ - 53.1°)
(ii) Write the expression for the instantaneous current in the circuit. (Ans i = 28.28 sin (ω t - 53.1°))
(iii) Compute the r.m.s. value and the phase of the voltages appearing across the resistance and the inductance.
(80 ∠36.9°)
(iv) Find the average power dissipated by the circuit. (Ans: 1200 W)
(v) Calculate the p.f. of the circuit. (0.6 lag)
15. A Resistance of 20 ohm, inductance of 0.2 H and capacitance of 150 μF are connected in series and are fed by
a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. Find XL, XC, Z, Y, p.f., active power and reactive power.
16. Two coils A and B are connected in series across a 240-V, 50-Hz supply. The resistance of A is 5 Ω and the
inductance of B is 0.015 H. If the input from the supply is 3 kW and 2 kVAR, find the inductance of A and the
resistance of B. Calculate the voltage across each coil
17. A single phase, 7.46 kW motor is supplied from a 400-V, 50-Hz a.c. mains. If its efficiency is 85% and power
factor 0.8 lagging, calculate (a) the kVA input (b) the reactive components of input current and (c) kVAR
(10.97 kVA, 6.58 kVAr)
18. Two impedances consist of (resistance of 15 ohms and series-connected inductance of 0.04 H) and (resistance
of 10 ohms, inductance of 0.1 H and a capacitance of 100 μF, all in series) are connectd in series and are
connected to a 230 V, 50 Hz a.c. source. Find : (i) Current drawn, (ii) Voltage across each impedance, (iii)
Individual and total power factor. Draw the phasor diagram.
19. An a.c. voltage (80 + j 60) volts is applied to a circuit and the current flowing is (-4 + j 10) amperes. Find (i)
impedance of the circuit (ii) power consumed and (iii) phase angle. (Ans: 2.81 W)
20. A pure resistance of 50 ohms is in series with a pure capacitance of 100microfarads. The series combination is
connected across 100-V, 50-Hz supply. Find (a) the impedance (b) current (c) power factor (d) phase angle (e)
voltage across resistor (f) voltage across capacitor. Draw the vector diagram.
21. A resistance of 20 Ω, an inductance of 0.2 H and a capacitance of 100 μF are connected in series across 220-V,
50-Hz mains. Determine the following (a) impedance (b) current (c) voltage across R, L and C (d) power in
watts and VA (e) p.f. and angle of lag. (Ans: 37 ohm, 6A, 120V, 713W, 0.54 )
22. A voltage e(t) = 100 sin 314 t is applied to series circuit consisting of 10 ohm resistance, 0.0318 henry
inductance and a capacitor of 63.6 μF. Calculate (i) expression for i (t) (ii) phase angle between voltage and
current (iii) power factor (iv) active power consumed (v) peak value of pulsating energy. (Ans: 0.24 lead,
23. Two impedances Z1 and Z2 when connected separately across a 230-V, 50-Hz supply consumed 100 W and 60
W at power factors of 0.5 lagging and 0.6 leading respectively. If these impedances are now connected in series
across the same supply, find : (i) total power absorbed and overall p.f. (ii) the value of the impedance to be
added in series
so as to raise the overall p.f. to unity. (Ans: 99W, 195 Ohm)
24. In Fig. 24, calculate (i) current (ii) voltage drops V1, V2, and V3 and (iii) power absorbed by each impedance
and total power absorbed by the circuit. Take voltage vector along the reference axis. 9Ans: Ptotal=34W)

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Tutotial-2 : Basic Electrical Engineering
IOE/Thapathali Campus/Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

Fig. 24 Fig. 32 Fig. 33

25. For a series R.L.C circuit the inductor is variable. Source voltage is 200√ 2sin 100πt. Maximum current
obtainable by varying the inductance is 0.314 A and the voltage across the capacitor then is 300 V. Find the
circuit element values. (Ans: 3.03H)
26. A coil having an inductance of 50 mH and resistance 10 ohm is connected in series with a 25 μF capacitor
across a 200 V ac supply. Calculate (a) resonance frequency of the circuit (b) current flowing at resonance and
(c) value of Q0 by using different data. (Ans: Q0=4.47)
27. An R-L-C series circuit consists of a resistance of 1000ohm , an inductance of 100mH an a capacitance of 10 μμ
F. If a voltage of 100 V is applied across the combination, find (i) the resonance frequency (ii) Q-factor of the
circuit and (iii) the half-power points. (Ans: 159 kHz, 100, 152.2 kHz, 159.8kHz)
28. A series R-L-C circuit consists of R = 1000 Ω, L = 100 mH and C = 10 picofarads. The applied voltage across
the circuit is 100 V.
(i) Find the resonant frequency of the circuit.
(ii) Find the quality factor of the circuit at the resonant frequency.
(iii) At what angular frequencies do the half power points occur ?
(iv) Calculate the bandwidth of the circuit
29. Two circuits, the impedance of which are given by Z1 = 10 + j 15 and Z2 = 6 -j8 ohm are connected in parallel.
If the total current supplied is 15 A, what is the power taken by each branch ? Find also the p.f. of individual
circuits and of combination. Draw vector diagram. (Ans: Combine pf=0.937, lead)
30. Two impedance Z1 = (8 + j6) and Z2 = (3 -j4) are in parallel. If the total current of the combination is 25 A,
find the current taken and power consumed by each impedance (Ans 990W and 1499W)
31. A total current of 10 A flows through the parallel combination of three impedance: (2 -j5) ohm, (6 + j3)ohm
and (3 + j4)ohm. Calculate the current flowing through each branch. Find also the p.f. of the combination. (Ans:
0.986 lagg)
32. Determine the current drawn by the following circuit Fig. 32 when a voltage of 200 V is applied across the
same. Draw the phasor diagram.
33. For the circuit shown in Fig. 33 (a), find (i) total impedance (ii) total current (iii) total power absorbed and
power-factor. Draw a vector diagram.

*** Best of Luck***

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