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Bartolome R.

Luardo National High School

(Formerly Mulig National High School)
Mulig, Toril, Davao City
(School Year 2019 - 2020)
Subject: Physical Science

Queenie Daquio Grade 11 – Einstein January 23, 2020

Teacher Level Date


The learners demonstrate an understanding of Bonding and

A. Content

B. Performance The learners shall be able to determine the similarities and differences
Standards of Polar and Nonpolar Molecules.

C. Learning The learners should be able to describe the electronegativity, polar and
Competencies nonpolar molecules.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a.define how polar and non-polar molecules are formed,
D. Specific b. value the importance of bonding in real-life situations by
Objectives (SO) citing and example.
c. explain how the electronegativity difference is related to the
degree of polarity of bonds.

II. CONTENT Topic: Bonding and Electronegativity


A. Reference Exploring Natural Science: Physical Science Senior High

School by Rocelia M. de Villa, Page 36 – 39.

B. Other Learning

C. Teaching Strategies Discussion, Oral Recitation, Activities, and Written Assessment

D. Values Cooperative, Critical Thinking

E. Materials Laptop, Projector, Chalk, Handouts, Visual Aid

F. Time 60 minutes


1. The teacher will go over daily routine activities:

a.1. Prepare student and classroom
a.2. Prayer
a.3. Greetings
a.4. Checking of attendance
a.5. Recall/Short Review of past lesson
a.6. Motivation : Showing video presentation on the screen.


1. The teacher will show a video presentation in the

2. The teacher will ask the students what is the video
all about.
3. The student will answer based on their
4. The teacher will follow up the answer of the

LEARNING TASKS (This is the preparation for the lesson for today which is
Bonding and Physical Properties of Matter.)

A. ACTIVITY (Mystery 1. The teacher will present a mystery box in front of the
Box!) class. The box contains word/picture of
Teacher’s classroom electronegativity, polar and non-polar molecules.
preparation for the topic 2. The teacher will call out some volunteers to pick up
of the day. some items in the mystery box. The student is expected
to answer the following questions:
(a) What is the electronegativity?
(b) What are polar and non-polar molecules? How are
they formed.
3. The teacher will introduce the topic and the students will
read the lesson objectives.
1. The teacher will ask the students to form a group of three (3).
B. Analysis (Complete 2. All groups will be given five (5) minutes to complete the chart
Me!) below:
Useful and meaningful Name Definition
integration of lesson Electronegativity Is the General tendency of an
atom to attract electrons
toward it.
Polarity Is a Physical property of
Nonpolar The electron is equally shared
Molecules by the two atoms.
Polar Molecules When the electronegativity
values of the two atoms sharing
the electron/s are different,
there is a tendency for more
electronegative atom to pull the
electron toward it.
Dipole There is a slight electric charge
at the ends of the bonds.

1. The teacher will let the students do the following:

C. ABSTRACTION 2. In a ¼ sheet of paper, give some examples of polar and
(Give Me!) nonpolar molecules.
3. The teacher will call out student volunteers to share their
answer to the class.

1. With the same group, the teacher will ask the students to make
D. APPLICATION a Venn Diagram. They will be given Ten (10) minutes to do
(Venn Diagram) this.
2. The students will determine the similarities and differences of
polar and nonpolar molecules.
3. Each representatives of the group will showcase their output.
1. The teacher will ask random students to wrap up the discussion
2. What is electronegativity?
E. GENERALIZATION 3. What are nonpolar and polar molecules? How are they formed?
4. The teacher may add some inputs (if necessary).

Consider the following substances. In the first column labeled
Molecular Polarity, indicate whether the molecule is polar or
F. Assessment
nonpolar. In the second column labeled Bond Polarity, indicate
whether the bonds are polar or nonpolar.

Substance Molecular Bond Polarity

1. CH4 Nonpolar Nonpolar
2. NH3
3. H2O
4. O3
5. PCl3

Prepared by: Checked by:

Marlon C. Antonio Quennie D. Daquio

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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