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The management of consist of providing the means whereby the women can reap operate physically

and emotionally and gain supervisor experience in the care of a infant. This consists of the following

1. To restore the health status of the mother

2. To prevent infection
3. To take care of breast including promotion of breastfeeding
4. To provide for care of the baby
5. Motivate and guide for family planning
6. To give need based health education

Immediate care

The first hour after delivery does not end the recovery process. The clinical face of recovery continues
throughout hospitalization and weeks after discharge.during this time accurate observations nursing
history and physical assessment allow formation of appropriate nursing diagnosis and effective plan of
care. This may be as follows

 Initial observations; first impression of women provide an overview of how she is recovering of
childbirth. Har general appearance and presence of pain her colour reflects circulation and
perfusion. Observer for parallel clustering of cyanosis.note whether she is very fat teek quite
excited or anxious. Is she looking comfortable or in distress.
 Physical assessment
It should be provided in the following order
1. Vital sign take pulse respiration and blood pressure. Temperature is taken to ensure that
woman is not there hydrated and to rule out infection. Postpartum checks include vital
signs every 15 minutes from one hour then 30 minutes in the second hour and then
every 4 hours for 24 hours.
2. Uterus. For vaginal delivery check the fundus for consistency height and decent.
Measurement of abdominal girth after lscs
3. Lscs. Check the dressing for presence of bleeding
4. Perineal area.check the perineal pad for amount of colour of Nokia Voda clouds Intex
sutures edema pain and anus for any repaired lacerations for hemorrhoids.
5. Rest and ambulation. For most of the women 8 to 12 hours of rest is enough following
delivery.she is able to feed the baby move out of the bed and go to toilet.
6. Diet.the woman should be given light diet on the first day and normal diet from the
second day.the lactating mother should be given high calories adequate proteins fats
minerals vitamins and plenty of fluids and green leafy vegetables. The mother must
consume iron folic acid and calcium also.
7. Care of bladder.the woman is encouraged to pass urine within 6 to 8 hours following
delivery and then after 4 to 6 hours interval. Many times women do not pass urine
because of the following reasons-lack of privacy and unaccustomed position, reflex from
perineal injuries.privacy to be provided patient may be allowed to use the toilet if fails
to pass urine catheterization should be done. Continuous drainage is kept until the
bladder stone is region to prevent infection and cystitis
8. Care to bowel.abdomen should be visually inspected for distension palpated for form
was or rigidity and auscultated for the presence of bubble sound specially after surgical
9. Care of breast.breast and nipples to be washed and cleaned with water and soap to be
applied while taking bath. Supporting procedure of right size to be worn for proper
support.if proper care has not been taken during the antenatal period write skills
formed by the breast secretion may become formulae other and closing the duct
10. Need for roaming in. In this system baby remain at the mother's best that side for most
of the time of the day and treated as a unit.provide psychological and physical
advantage to both mother and baby and minimises the cross infection when the baby is
in nursery. It helps to feed the baby on demand and relieves workload for nursery staff.
11. of the foetus and placenta increases the chances of fetal blood
entering maternal circulation for RH negative mother with RH positive infant
predisposes to the formulation of antibodies that can endanger future
pregnancies.prevention of isoimmunization is possible if RH immunoglobulin is
administered within 72 hours after delivery.
12. Sleep.the amount of energy spent during labour and birth leaves the mother in need of
rest both physical and mental. She should be protected against worries and fatigue.if
there is some discomfort such as afterpains and ghost breast should be dealt with
adequate analgesics as necessary.child care should be planned so that mother can rest
while other members of the family to be encouraged helping her rest.
13. Care of the vulva and episiotomy wound.after delivery vulva and buttocks are washed
with saline lotion for soap and water. This should be done at least three to four times a
day with the age act of micturition and defecation. This will also relieve pain.cold
compress are applied for the first 24 hours to prevent and decrease edema and
diminished local sensation. Some women feel more comfortable with warm water sitz

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