NCLEX Practice Questions Test Positioning Patients Nursing Fundamentals

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NCLEX Practice Questions Test Positioning Patients Nursing Fundamentals

1.) What type of patient would benefit from an elevated head of the bed position?

 A. Patient with burns of the face and head

 B. Patient with a broken femur
 C. Patient who had a hemorroidectomy
 D. Patient who had a lumbar puncture

The answer is A. A patient with burns to the face and head needs to be in bed with the head of
the bed elevated to prevent edema in the tracheal area (which could cause a respiratory arrest).

2.) A patient is recovering from a mastectomy. Which answer is incorrect in regards to


 A. Place the patient in semi-Fowler's position

 B. Place the affected arm on a pillow
 C. Place the patient in a side-lying position on the unaffected side to promote
lymphatic drainage
 D. Every 2 hours turn the patient on the prone position on the affected side

The answer is C. You would not place the patient in a side-lying position on the unaffected side
to promote lymphatic drainage. The patient needs to be in semi-Fowler's (head of the bed 30
degrees) with the affected arm on the pillow to promote lymphatic fluid return.

3.) A patient is supine and the head of the bed is elevated to 45 to 60 degrees. What position
is this called?

 A. Semi-Fowler's Position
 B. High Fowler's Position
 C. Sim's Position
 D. Fowler's Position

The answer is D. This describes Fowler's Position.

4.) How would you position the patient during a liver biopsy?

 A. Left lateral side position

 B. Supine with right arm raised and extended behind the head
 C. Sim's Position
 D. High Fowler's

The answer is B. The liver is located on the right side and this position provides the best
exposure of the right intercostal space.

5.) A patient is to be on bed rest for 3-4 hours and the head of the bed is not to be higher
than 30 degrees. The affected extremity is to be kept straight during this time. Which
procedure below would require a patient to do the above?

 A. Cardiac Catheterization
 B. Aterial Vascular Grafting
 C. Amputation of the left leg
 D. Varicose vein surgery

The answer is A. A patient is required to do the above if they had a cardiac cath. This positioning
helps decrease the risk of bleeding or increased pressure at the femoral artery insertion site.

6.) Which statement is true regarding the positioning of patients who's had a stroke?

 A. A patient that has experienced a hemorrhagic stroke, the head of the bed should be
elevated 30 degrees.
 B. It is recommended for the patient to bend the hip and neck while in bed.
 C. Maintain the head in a sideline position to help venous drainage.
 D. Patients who've had an ischemic stroke, the head of the bed should be flat.

The answer is D. The head of the bed with a patient who has had a hemorrhagic stroke should be
at least 30 degree to decrease intracranial pressure. A stroke victim's head should be kept midline
and hip & neck flexion should be avoided because this prohibits venous drainage.

7.) Your patient is getting prepped for a lumbar puncture. What position do you assist the
patient in?

 A. Lateral Side-lying Position

 B. Prone
 C. Head of the bed at 45 degrees
 D. None of the above

The answer is A. Lateral side-lying position is correct because it bows the back allowing easier
access to spine which helps decrease the chance of incorrect puncture.
8.) After which procedure would you position the patient in a supine position for 4-12
hours per MD order?

 A. Myelogram
 B. HIDA scan
 C. Lumbar Puncture
 D. Cardiac Stress Test

The answer is C. After a lumber puncture the patient will need to lay flat because this decreases
the chance of developing a "spinal headache".

9.) Your patient has Congestive Heart Failure with pulmonary edema. The patient states he
is tried of being in bed. What position is best for this patient's condition?

 A. Tripod position with chin down in a chair

 B. Sitting in a chair at 45 degree with legs elevated on a pillow
 C. Upright with legs dangling over the bed
 D. Sims Position in the beside chair

The answer is C. This position decreases venous return and lung congestion which is very crucial
for a patient in fluid overload. The heart is weak and does not pump efficiently.

10.) Which of the following statements made by the patient is true regarding positioning
after cataracts surgery?

 A. I will sleep on the unaffected side.

 B. I will sleep on the affected side to help decrease drainage.
 C. I know I can't lay on my back and be on my side for at least a week.
 D. I will sleep on my stomach to help keep pressure on my eye while I sleep.

The answer is A. The patient should be instructed to sleep on the unaffected side or elevate the
head of the bed at 30-45 degree while on their back when they sleep.

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