College Students/Intermediate 50 Minutes: Who Are You? Grade/English Level: Time Frame

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Who Are You?

Grade/English Level: Time Frame:

College Students/Intermediate 50 minutes

-SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of Indian, Mexican, and Canadian cultural

aspects by presenting a well-organized report to their jigsaw group members.
-If time permits, Ss will be able to talk about Korean culture by brainstorming about
how they would explain their culture to foreign friends based on food, holidays,
tradition, and historic site.

Vocabulary: SWBAT understand the meaning and use appropriately some

Language vocabulary according to the story that they are given.
Objectives Grammar: SWBAT use simple present and past tenses appropriately when
introducing their story to their jigsaw members.

Classroom Preparation

Desks are organized in rows. Teacher has put a map of the world on a PPT.
Classroom Preparation

Time Sequencing of Activities Interaction Focus Materials

4 min 1. Present a map of the world by eliciting Class L, S World map
and discussing questions with Ss: What
are the names of the continents? What
countries belong to each continent? Have
you ever met any foreign friends from
those countries? Pictures from text
3 min 2. Introduce the topic of the lesson (Who L, S
Are You) by showing pictures from the
text and discussing Ss’ prediction.

7 min 3. Ask Ss to watch a video tutorial for Individual L, R Video tutorial &
vocabulary lesson and do Hotpot activity. Hotpot
4. First reading: Skimming for the countries’ Individual,
5 min names. Ss read the text quickly to match pairs R Pictures of flags
the text with the country’s name and flag. and glue
Ss compare the answer with their partner.
5. Second reading: Ask Ss to read the text Individual,
8 min again to find the answers for detailed pairs R, W Worksheet #1
comprehension questions and compare
the answers with their partner.
6. Jigsaw activity “Time to become an
12 ambassador”: Teacher puts Ss are into 3 Individual, R, S Worksheet #2
min groups and assigns one country to each groups of 3 (thinking
group. Ask Ss to prepare a well- organizer)
organized report using the thinking
organizer which guides students to
organize their speech to present to jigsaw
group members. Students can help each Groups of 5
other while preparing their report. S
7. Time to introduce Korea: Teacher asks Ss
6 min what cultural aspects of Korea could be -
introduced to foreign friends. And discuss
with group members according to
categories such as food, holidays, and
etiquette manners. Ss share in small
Closure S
8. Casually discuss the topic of the lesson.
5 min Ask if they have had any chances to -
introduce Korean culture to foreign
friends or exchange students in school. -
9. Introduce the homework assignment.

For homework, students are to interview any foreign friends about their country’s culture. It could be
anything such as (1) tradition, (2) holidays, (3) food, or (4) people in the country. If students do not have
foreign friends, they can go to Youtube and explore videos that other people made to introduce their own
culture. The interview results are to be written and submitted to the teacher in one week. (The written
interview results should be minimum 1 page with 600 words and if they want to include any kinds of
pictures or visual aids then they can attach in additional page.)

Description of the lesson

During the introduction to the lesson, which is teacher-centered, the class discusses some
general questions about the names of continents and countries. This is intended to check
students’ prior knowledge and activate schema (choose another word instead of ‘schema’
such as ‘past experiences’) for the lesson. Also the questions could draw students’ attention
and their interest is generated. Since the topic is presented with the pictures from the text,
students are set up for successful reading by being introduced to the topic.

Step 3 introduces key vocabulary to students using a video tutorial. Students will listen to the
video tutorial individually. In the video lesson, target vocabulary will be presented with
pictures and it is good for visual learners. Students might practice their listening and reading
skills and this can make students ready before they speak or write. Also the Hotpot activity
will give students immediate feedback on their understanding of the target vocabulary so that
students are active in their learning process.

The first reading (Step 4) can build on students’ reading techniques (skimming), which is to
match the text with its flag and country’s name. By focusing on one aspect (figure out the
country’s name), reading is active and processing demands are reduced. Students might
feel confident in checking the answers.

For the second reading (Step 5), students need to focus on more specific and detailed
information. The tasks become more difficult but students have a clear reason to read which
is to find the correct answers on Worksheet #1. It is to provide students with another chance
to interact with the text. In order to check the answers, competition game could be used to
make the lesson more fun and motivate students.

In Step 6, the teacher will introduce a jigsaw activity to students. The class will be divided
into 3 groups of 5 and one story will be assigned to each group (India, Canada, Mexico).
Students will demonstrate their comprehension of the text and present it to their jigsaw group
members using target vocabulary and guiding questions which teacher provides. In order to
make the lesson more integrative and productive, students will have chances to practice
their speaking and writing skills. Besides, students can help each other to prepare their
speech for collaborative learning. Teacher will be able to assess whether SLO (Students
Learning Objective) has been achieved or not.

Step 7 is a post activity. In order to personalize what students have learned, students have a
chance to think about our own culture and share with group members. It gives students a
chance to think creatively. This activity will be connected to the next lesson which is
‘advertising Korea’.

In the closure of the lesson, the class simply discusses the lesson in a casual way, and the
teacher also introduces the homework assignment.
Description of materials

A map of the world and pictures from the text will be used to elicit students’ prior knowledge
and help them guess today’s topic. The video tutorial is almost 4 minutes long. It’s a
narrative, spoken by their teacher. Even though it is designed for educational purposes,
authentic pictures and example sentences will be provided to help student understand the
meaning of vocabulary more easily in context. There are two worksheets in this lesson
(attached below). Big, colorful pictures are contained in Worksheet #1 and text is easy to
read and answer. I will distribute these worksheets one-by-one as needed. Otherwise, if I
give all worksheets at once, students might “read ahead” and complete all of the work
individually rather than working as a class. Worksheet #2 contains only essential information
such as guiding questions or prompts to help students make their own report.

 Reading text, worksheets, flash cards, print out of PPT(all slides), and a
screenshot of video file are in Lesson Resources Box.

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