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MA2032 Assignment 1


1. Use algebraic manipulation to show that each of the following functions has a fixed point at
p precisely when f ppq “ 0, where f pxq “ x4 ` 2x2 ´ x ´ 3.
(a) g1 pxq “ p3 ` x ´ 2x2 q 4 .
3x4 ` 2x2 ` 3
(b) g2 pxq “ .
4x3 ` 4x ´ 1
2. Perform four iterations, if possible, on each of the functions g defined above with x0 “ 1.
Which one gives the best approximation?

3. Show that gpxq “ π ` 0.5 sinp x2 q has a unique fixed point on r0, 2πs. Use fixed-point iteration
to find an approximation to the fixed point that is accurate to within 10´2 .

4. For each of the following equations, determine an interval ra, bs on which fixed-point iteration
will converge.
2´ex `x2
(a) x “ 3

(b) x “ 5´x
5. Use a fixed-point iteration method to find an approximation to 25 correct to 10´3 .

6. Let gpxq “ 21 px2 ` cq, where c P R is a fixed constant.

(a) Find the values of c for which g will have a real fixed point
(b) Suppose ξ1 , ξ2 P R are such that gpξi q “ ξi for i “ 1, 2. Are there values of c for which
ξ1 and/or ξ2 are/is stable?

7. Consider the problem of determining the solutions of the equation f pxq “ 0, where f pxq “
ex ´ x ´ 2. Prove that it has exactly one positive solution and exactly one negative solution.
Restate this problem in a fixed point iteration framework and write a programme that will
estimate both the solutions to 5 decimal places.

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