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Dynamic smile analysis in young adults

Christopher Maulika and Ravindra Nandab
San Diego, Calif and Farmington, Conn

Introduction: Current trends in orthodontics place greater emphasis on smile esthetics, yet few studies
provide averages and norms for the smile. The purposes of this study were to provide averages for various
components of the smile and to compare some of these in orthodontically treated and untreated groups.
Also, smiles of patients with and without rapid maxillary expansion (RME) were compared. Methods: Video
equipment was used to capture smiles in 230 subjects. Results: The majority of subjects showed on smile
flat smile arc, back to the second maxillary premolar, and an 11% buccal corridor. The orthodontically treated
group showed a statistically significant more parallel smile arc compared with the untreated group. The RME
group had statistically significant less buccal corridor compared with the nonexpanded subjects.
Conclusions: This study helps to establish dynamic norms for the smile and shows that orthodontic
treatment might not flatten the smile arc as previously suggested, and, furthermore, that RME appears to be
associated with a decreased buccal corridor. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:307-15)

he value of an attractive smile is undeniable. A light on a standard of normalcy to serve as a guideline
smile is considered the universal friendly greet- for the creation of an esthetic smile.7
ing in all cultures. An attractive smile in mod- The first aim of this study was to establish dynamic
ern society is often considered an asset in interviews, (produced by video) norms for the following smile
work settings, social interactions, and even the quest to measurements: anterior smile height, smile arc, and
attract a mate.1-3 Despite the importance we assign to most posterior maxillary tooth visible. The second aim
the smile and our society’s increasing emphasis on was to introduce norms for 2 additional smile measure-
esthetics, a perusal of the dental and orthodontic liter- ments—posterior smile height and buccal corridor. We
ature shows that, although there is much conjecture also sought to analyze and quantify the differences in
about “smile design” and treatment for smile esthetics, the smile components between the sexes. Furthermore,
sound scientific data are actually quite sparse. we examined the influence of orthodontic treatment and
Most scientific studies examining smile esthetics rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on some dynamic
used static photographs.4-7 However, recent articles smile measurements.
described a new method of capturing and analyzing the
smile with videography and computer software.8-12 MATERIAL AND METHODS
Ackerman et al,8 Ackerman and Ackerman,9 and
Sarver and Ackerman,10,11 are pioneers in the use of Our sample consisted of 230 subjects and was
videography to analyze smiles. With video (about 30 divided into 3 groups: nonorthodontically treated (n ⫽
frames per second) rather than static photographs, it can 73), orthodontically treated with RME (n ⫽ 70), and
be argued that one can attain a much more predictable, orthodontically treated without RME (n ⫽ 87).
standardized smile,13 and the use of computer software The subjects were retention patients at the Univer-
to extract the frame of the widest smile can reduce sity of Connecticut orthodontic clinic, and students,
measurement error and allow for relative ease in employees, and residents of the Schools of Dental
analysis and measurements. Analyzing the smile and Medicine and Medicine; retention patients from local
obtaining averages for various components can shed orthodontic offices were also included.
The inclusion criteria were age 14 to 35 years of
any race and either sex. The orthodontically treated
Private practice, San Diego, CA.
Orthodontic Alumni Endowed Chair, Professor and head, Department of group consisted of extraction and nonextraction pa-
Craniofacial Sciences; Chair, Division of Orthodontics, University of Connect- tients. In addition, the nontreated subjects were not
icut School of Dental Medicine, Farmington, CT. limited to only Class I normal occlusion patients.
Reprint requests to: Ravindra Nanda, Department of Orthodontics, OMFS,
Pediatric Dentistry and Advanced General Dentistry, University of Connecti- Exclusion criteria were gross asymmetries, craniofacial
cut, Farmington, CT 06030-1725; e-mail, syndromes, and active orthodontic treatment.
Submitted, August 2005; revised and accepted, November 2005. A mini DV video camera (GL-2, Canon, Tokyo,
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists. Japan) was placed on a tripod approximately 4 feet
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2005.11.037 from the standing subjects, who were instructed to hold
308 Maulik and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2007

Fig 1. Examples of data collected: A, low, average, and high anterior and posterior smile heights;
B, parallel, flat, and reverse smile arcs; C, large (18%), medium (12%), and small (2%) buccal

their heads naturally by looking forward as if they were lars), or low smile (less than 75% of the maxillary
looking at their eyes in the mirror.14 The camera lens first premolars visible).
was adjusted to be parallel to the apparent occlusal 3. The parallelism of the smile arc in relation to the
plane. Each subject was instructed to say, “Chester eats lower lip line (Fig 1) was entered as parallel
cheesecake by the Chesapeake” and then smile.9 Re- (maxillary incisal edges, canine and premolar cusp
cording began approximately 1 second before each tips, from mesial to distal, followed the curvature of
subject began speaking and ended after the smile. the lower lip), flat (maxillary incisal edges, canine
(Video) The subjects’ ages and sexes were recorded, and premolar cusp tips had no curvature relative the
and they were also asked whether they had had orth- lower lip line), or reverse (incisal edges, canine and
odontic treatment, including RME. premolar cusp tips had a reverse curve relative the
The video clip was then downloaded by using Scena- lower lip line).
lyzer (Scenalyzer, Vienna, Austria), a video-editing soft- 4. The most posterior maxillary tooth visible (Fig 2),
ware program. With it, each frame of the video could be entered as either canine, first premolar, second
visualized, 1 frame at a time. The frame with the widest premolar, or first molar. In case of a discrepancy
commissure-to-commissure smile was captured. The between the 2 sides, the most posterior tooth was
smile frame was converted into a JPEG file by Scenalyzer. entered.
Each JPEG image was then opened in Photoshop 5. The buccal corridor percentage (Fig 1). For this
(Adobe, San Jose, Calif). The following data were measurement, the ruler tool in Adobe Photoshop
recorded: was drawn from the widest point of the most
1. The anterior height of the smile (Fig 1), entered as posterior tooth on 1 side to the same point on the
either high smile (a contiguous band of gingiva contralateral side (maxillary interdental width). The
above the maxillary central incisor), average smile ruler tool was then drawn from the narrowest point
(showing 75% to 100% of the maxillary central visible in the inner commissure of the buccal
incisors), or low smile (showing less than 75% of mucosa to the same point on the opposite side. This
the maxillary central incisors). measurement was divided by the visible maxillary
2. The posterior height of the smile (Fig 1), entered as interdental width. The result was a ratio of the
either high smile (a contiguous band of gingiva maxillary teeth in the smile minus the buccal
above the maxillary first premolar), average smile corridor. For example, 0.88 meant that the maxil-
(showing 75% to 100% the maxillary first premo- lary dentition occupied 88% of the inner intercom-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Maulik and Nanda 309
Volume 132, Number 3

Fig 2. Examples of most posterior maxillary tooth visible on smiling: A, canine; B, first premolar;
C, second premolar; D, first molar.

missure width; the buccal corridor would then The average buccal corridor for the entire sample
occupy 12% (100%-88%) of the smile. This num- was 11.0% (SD, 3.9%; range, 2%-24%).
ber was recorded. Females (n ⫽ 131) had a larger percentage of
subjects with high anterior and high posterior smile
For the first 4 smile components listed (most
heights compared to males (n ⫽ 99). Males had a
posterior tooth visible, anterior and posterior smile
greater percentage of subjects with low anterior and
heights, and smile arc), the frequencies were reported.
posterior smile heights (Fig 4). These difference are
The buccal corridor average and the standard deviation
were obtained. Smile arc was compared between the statistically significant (P ⫽ .000 and P ⫽ .005,
orthodontically treated and the nontreated groups. The respectively). Furthermore, females had a greater per-
most posterior visible tooth and the buccal corridor centage of subjects displaying a parallel smile arc, the
were compared between the RME and nonexpanded maxillary first molar, and less buccal corridor (Fig 4).
groups. Comparisons by sex for all 5 variables were The corresponding P values are .000, .008, and .000,
made. Finally, comparisons were made between the 5 respectively.
variables. For example, posterior smile height was The orthodontically treated group (n ⫽ 157) had
compared with smile arc to determine whether there more subjects with parallel smile arc than the non-
was a relationship between those data. treated group (n ⫽ 73). The percentage of subjects with
reverse smile arc was 3-fold greater in the nontreated
Statistical analysis group compared with the orthodontically treated group
To test the statistical significance of the difference (Fig 5). These differences in smile arcs of the orthodon-
in smile heights, smile arc, and most posterior tooth tically treated and nontreated subjects were statistically
visible between the orthodontically treated and non- significant (P ⫽ .009).
treated subjects, the Pearson chi-square test was used. The average buccal corridor for the RME group
This was also used to test the significance of the (n ⫽ 70) was 9.6% (SD, 3.96%; range, 2%-19%).
difference of the most posterior tooth visible between The average buccal corridor for the nonexpanded
the RME and the nonexpanded subjects, and also for group (n ⫽ 160) was 11.5% (SD, 3.79%; range,
determining the significance of relationships between 4%-24%) (Fig 6). The difference between the 2
smile heights, smile arc, and most posterior tooth groups was statistically significant (P ⫽ .001). Be-
visible. The independent-sample t test was used to test cause 70% of the RME group was female, and
the statistical significance of the difference in buccal females display less buccal corridor than males, a
corridor between the RME and the nonexpanded univariate ANOVA was done to control for this. This
groups. The independent-sample t test was also used analysis showed that the difference in buccal corri-
when comparing the buccal corridor with the other dor between the RME and the nonexpanded groups
variables. ANOVA was used to control for sex differ- was still statistically significant, after controlling for
ences when comparing buccal corridors between the sex differences. The corresponding P value for the
RME and the nonexpanded subjects. The kappa statistic univariate analysis of variance was .000.
was used to evaluate the agreement among the exam- Both the RME and the nonexpanded groups showed
iners of the smile arc measurement. the maxillary second premolar as the most frequently
visible posterior maxillary tooth. No subjects in the
RESULTS RME group had canines as the most posterior visi-
The frequencies for anterior and posterior smile ble tooth, but 2.5% of the nonexpanded group did. The
heights, smile arc, and most posterior maxillary visible nonexpanded group had more subjects showing the
tooth for the entire sample are shown in Figure 3. maxillary first molars on smiling (Fig 6). The differ-
310 Maulik and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2007

A Anterior Smile Height B Posterior Smile Height

60 57 50

Subjects (%)

Subjects (%)

25 23
22 21

21 0
Low Average (75%-100% High Low Average (75% -100% High
Central Incisor) 1st Premolar)

C Smile Arc D Most Posterior Tooth Visible

60 60

49 51


Subjects (%)
Subjects (%)

40 40

20 20

0 0
Reverse Flat Parallel Canine 1st Premolar 2nd Premolar 1st Molar

Fig 3. Frequencies for 4 smile measurements.

ence between these groups was statistically significant agreement, and a score of 0.6639 was obtained. This
(P ⫽ .01). correlates to substantial agreement among the examin-
The relationship between anterior smile height and ers.15
smile arc (Fig 7) was not statistically significant (P ⫽
The relationship between posterior smile height and DISCUSSION
smile arc (Fig 7) was statistically significant at P ⫽ The establishment of norms is important in orth-
.000. Of particular note is the coincidence of high odontic diagnoses and treatment planning. This study is
posterior smile height and reverse smile arc; 79% of the first to provide dynamic norms for anterior smile
those with reverse smile arc also had high posterior height, smile arc parallelism, and most posterior max-
smile height. illary teeth visible. Also, this is the first study in which
The orthodontically treated group had more sub- norms have been obtained for the buccal corridor ratio.
jects displaying high anterior smile height (24.8%) Furthermore, a new measurement has been intro-
compared with the nontreated group (13.7%), whereas duced—posterior smile height—and its corresponding
the nontreated group had a much larger percentage dynamic norms. Traditionally, norms established in
exhibiting low anterior smile height (Fig 5). orthodontics have focused heavily on profiles and the
The relationship between anterior smile height and use of the lateral cephalometric radiograph. In this
orthodontic treatment was statistically significant (P ⫽ study, frequencies were reported to help establish
.021). averages for various parameters of the smile. The only
The relationship between posterior smile height and other studies that provide averages for several smile
orthodontic treatment (Fig 5) was not statistically components are those by Tjan et al7 and Dong et al.5
significant (P ⫽ .115). Although these studies were valuable as a springboard
Three examiners scored the smile arc data (Fig 8) for future studies, each has some drawbacks that our
because of the inherent subjectivity of this measure- study sought to address. Both studies used static pho-
ment. The kappa statistic was used to examine their tographs. The use of static photographs rather than a
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Maulik and Nanda 311
Volume 132, Number 3

A dynamic medium to study the smile might not be as

Gender Differences in Anterior Smile Height***
reliable or valid as video capture.13
60 56.6 57.3
Tjan et al7 and Dong et al5 both reported that most
50 patients (68.9% and 56%, respectively) had average
Sujects (%)

(75%-100% of central incisors) anterior smile height.
30 29.0 Our report of 56.9% for anterior smile height is similar
to the finding of Dong et al.5 It can be concluded that
10 our dynamic data for anterior smile height support
low average high
those of both studies.
Anterior Smile Height No comparable study in the literature has ad-
B dressed posterior smile height; therefore, it cannot be
Gender Differerences in Posterior Smile
60 Height** compared to any previous norms. It might not be
49.6 surprising to find that more subjects show high
posterior smile height (42.6%) than average or low.
Subjects (%)

34.3 35.1
32.3 33.3 males
Several reasons can explain this finding. The anat-
omy of the smile could be an explanation. The center
of the lip is often more inferior than the lateral
aspects during a smile because of the thickness and
low average high shape of the philtrum, which is often referred to as
Posterior Smile Height having a cupid’s bow shape (Fig 9). This type of
C smile, in which the lateral aspects of the lips raise
Gender Differerences in Smile Arc***
70 more than the center, has been called a Mona Lisa
59.6 smile.16 Another reason that more subjects displayed
high posterior smile height could be because of smile
Subjects (%)

40 males arc parallelism. There was a strong association be-
30 26.3 tween reverse smile arc and high posterior smile
14.1 height; 79% of the subjects with reverse smile arc
10 7.6
had high posterior smile height. The next highest
reverse flat parallel percentage of those with high posterior smile height
Smile Arc was the flat smile-arc group; 46.9% showed high
D Gender Differences in Most Posterior Tooth
posterior smile height. Thus, from these data, it can
Visible** be deduced that if patients have reverse or flat smile
50.5 51.1
arcs (possibly due to overeruption of the maxillary
posterior teeth or vertical maxillary excess), they
Subjects (%)

32.1 males
will most likely show more posterior gingiva on
30 29.3
smiling. Since 59% of all subjects in this study had
20 17.2
either reverse or flat smile arc, it is not surprising that
more high posterior smile heights vs average or low
canine 1st premolar 2nd premolar 1st molar posterior smile heights were noted.
Most Posterior Maxillary Tooth Visible When looking at the smile arc (parallel, flat, and
reverse), we found that approximately half (49%) of the
E Gender Differences in Buccal Corridor*** total sample had flat smile arc. This disagrees with the
14% findings Tjan et al7 and Dong et al,5 who both found
12% the parallel smile arc to be most frequent in their
subjects. This difference could be due to the smile arc
Buccal Corridor


8% measurement process, which can be considered subjec-

tive. Great care was taken to keep the measurement and
data-gathering processes as standardized and objective
as possible. For example, to obtain natural head posi-
males females tion, the subjects were asked to look straight forward as
if they were looking at their eyes in a mirror.14
Fig 4. Sex differences in 5 smile arc measurements. **P Furthermore, to standardize the measurement pro-
⬍.01; ***P ⬍.005. cess during data analysis, 3 uniformly trained examin-
312 Maulik and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2007

Smile Arc Comparison** Anterior Smile Height Comparing
60 70 OrthodonticTreatment*
49.7 47.9 58.0
43.9 Orthodontically

Subjects (%)
Subjects (%)

40 Treated
32.9 Non-Treated
Orthodontically 35
Treated 31.5
Non-Treated 24.8
20 19.2

0 0
Reverse Flat Parallel Low Average High
Anterior Smile Height

Posterior Smile Height Comparing
Orthodontic Treatment
40 38.9
Subjects (%)

30 28.8 Treated


Low Average High
Posterior Smile Height

Fig 5. Comparisons between orthodontically treated and nontreated groups. *P value ⬍.05; **P

Difference in Buccal Corridor* Most Posterior Visible Tooth

A B Comparison*
11.5 63
Buccal Corridor %

46 Non-Expanded
Subjects (%)

35 31

8 0
Non-expanded RME Canine 1st Premolar 2nd Premolar 1st Molar

Fig 6. Comparison between RME and nonexpanded groups. *P ⬍.05.

ers followed specific instructions on how to compare were relatively small; the kappa statistic showed sub-
the parallelism of the smile arc with the lower lip. A stantial agreement among them.17
line was drawn in Adobe Photoshop that connected the Our results for the most posterior maxillary tooth
incisal edges and the cusp tips. This line was then visible showed that 51% of the sample displayed the
compared with the curvature of the upper border of the maxillary second premolars; Dong et al5 found similar
lower lip. Overall, the variations between the examiners results, with 57% of their sample showing maxillary
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Maulik and Nanda 313
Volume 132, Number 3

Smile Arc vs. Anterior Smile Height Smile Arc vs. Posterior Smile Height***
58 58 79

Low Low
Subjects (%)

Subjects (%)
Average 60 Average
High 47 High
35 43
23 34
22 22 29 28
19 30
13 20
0 0
Reverse Flat Parallel Reverse Flat Parallel

Fig 7. Relationship between smile arc measurement and anterior and posterior smile heights for
entire sample. ***P ⬍.001.

Multiple Raters for the Smile Arc smiling. One reason for this could be that, as the
140 maxilla is expanded, the molars are moved transversely
120 117 114
toward the cheeks and are therefore more apt to be
120 113
107 hidden by the cheeks during the smile. Additionally, the
100 93 97 95 93
87 anterior maxilla is also expanded with RME, and this

80 reverse might lead to the anterior teeth blocking the view of the
60 parallel posterior teeth.
Similar to posterior smile height, no norms for
24 23 26
23 buccal corridor exist in the literature. In the study by
Moore et al,18 buccal corridor was represented as a
0 percentage of total smile width, the same definition
Measurer#1 Measurer#2 Measurer#3 Measurer#4 Average
used in our study. By trial and error, those authors
Fig 8. Several raters for smile arc measurements. developed and defined a range of buccal corridors and
described them by the corresponding smile fullness.
They defined buccal corridors of 28% as medium-
narrow, 15% as medium, 10% as medium-broad, and
second premolars. A surprising result, which did not 2% as broad smile fullness.18 What they produced by
agree with either Dong et al5 or Tjan et al,7 was that trial and error was similar to the results we obtained
25% of our sample showed the maxillary first molars on experimentally for buccal corridor. We found an aver-
smiling. Tjan et al7 found that only 4% of their subjects age of 11.0% buccal corridor for the entire sample; this
showed the maxillary first molars on smiling. This is a falls between medium and medium-broad smile full-
notable difference, and one of the largest differences of ness as defined by Moore et al.18 Those authors defined
all variables between our study and the others. An patients with narrow smile fullness as those with 28%
argument could be made that this difference was due to buccal corridor. Similarly, we found the largest buccal
lighting. Neither Tjan et al7 nor Dong et al5 described corridor to be 24%. At the opposite end of the spec-
in detail how they gathered their data or the lighting trum, Moore et al defined patients with broad smile
situation when they photographed the smiles. In our fullness as those who exhibited 2% buccal corridor; 2%
study, however, all video recording took place indoors, is the upper limit that we found; it occurred only in the
with ambient light to emulate everyday natural sur- RME subjects.
roundings in which people’s smiles are viewed. No A main objective of this study was to provide
supplemental light was directed into the mouth; there- scientific data as part of an evidence-based assessment
fore, artificially placed lighting was not a factor in the of whether RME subjects display less buccal corridor
number of teeth visible in the smile. than nonexpanded subjects. We found a statistically
A statistically significant difference was found in significant (P ⫽ .001) difference in the size of the buccal
the most posterior tooth visible between the RME and corridors between the RME (9.6%) and the nonexpanded
the nonexpanded groups. The nonexpanded group had subjects (11.5%). A limitation in the study design was that
more subjects showing the first maxillary molar on it was cross-sectional, and thereby correlative; thus,
314 Maulik and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2007

Fig 9. Examples of curvature of upper lip related to high posterior smile height.

cause and effect could not be clearly established. smiling, most subjects displayed an average anterior
However, our data clearly demonstrate that the RME smile height, a high posterior smile height, a flat smile
group showed less buccal corridor than the nonex- arc, teeth visible to the maxillary second premolar, and
panded group. Therefore, scientific evidence now es- 11% buccal corridor.
tablishes a link between RME and smaller buccal Females showed higher anterior and posterior smile
corridor. Another primary objective of this study was to heights, more parallel smile arc, and less buccal corri-
use video to further examine the work of Ackerman et dor than males.
al8 (n ⫽ 30) on the comparison of smile arcs in The orthodontically treated group demonstrated
orthodontically treated vs nontreated patients. Interest- significantly more parallel smile arcs compared with
ingly, our results differed substantially from theirs. the nontreated group; therefore, it can be argued from
Ackerman et al8 found flatter smile arcs in orthodonti- our sample that orthodontic treatment might not flatten
cally treated vs nontreated patients, whereas we found the smile arc.
that orthodontically treated patients showed a greater The RME group showed significantly less buccal
percentage of parallel smile arcs compared with non- corridor on smiling. This introduces evidence to sup-
treated patients. These differences migth be due to port the long-standing claim that RME decreases the
patient population differences or our dynamic rather buccal corridor.
than static capture of the smiles. The RME group had significantly fewer posterior
Another objective was to compare the smile maxillary teeth visible on smile compared to the non-
components between the sexes. We found a statisti- expanded group.
cally significant difference between them in every The coincidence of high posterior smile height and
smile component analyzed. Peck and Peck19 estab- reverse smile arc is statistically significant. There might
lished that females display higher anterior smile line be a causal relationship between these 2 parameters.
than males. Our dynamic results support theirs.
Furthermore, we found that females have higher We thank Linda Krebs, Sunil Wadwa, Bruce Ha-
posterior smile height than do males. Females also vens, and Carolyn Lucey for critical reading of the
showed a higher percentage of parallel smile arc; manuscript and Jonny Feldman, Jeffery Bert, and Colin
males showed a higher percentage of reverse smile Kong for assistance with data collection.
arc. Moreover, we found that females display less
buccal corridor than males.
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