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SECTION 1: Vocabulary

Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que

1 to 5 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 1. Ted promised to meet me after school, but he didn't come. And
he did the same thing last week. He's not very ... .
A. moody B. reliable C. sociable

QUESTION 2. My boss likes everyone to get along with each other. She doesn't
like it when people are ... .
A. patient B. easygoing C. upset

QUESTION 3. My father likes being the school counselor because he can help
many children. It's a ... job.
A. rewarding B. boring C. dangerous

QUESTION 4. Being a doctor is a ... job. You have to work long hours, face a lot
of pressure, and make very difficult decisions.
A. part-time B. challenging C. fascinating

QUESTION 5. Monica is a very ... person. She plans to have her own business
and buy a house and a new car by the time she is 25.
A. ambitious B. generous C. modest

Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que

6 to 9 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 6. My phone didn't work for a week. The phone company ... an
apology and took $100 off my bill.
A. accepted B. declined C. offered
QUESTION 7. Margaret told the police that Robert had stolen her car, but Robert
totally ... the accusation.
A. denied B. refused C. returned

QUESTION 8. I forgot to go to Mariana's party. When I told her I was sorry, she
angrily ... my apology. What more could I do?
A. denied B. received C. rejected

QUESTION 9. I told the teacher that I couldn't go to the class party because I
was sick. She ... my excuse.
A. accepted B. offered C. returned

Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que

10 to 13 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 10. The thing I like most about being a dog trainer is giving dogs
a ... when they follow commands.
A. relaxation B. relief C. reward

QUESTION 11. A difficult thing about being a songwriter is making sure your
songs are a ... .
A. failure B. punishment C. success

QUESTION 12. Some people get really scared about flying. As a flight attendant,
you have to deal with passengers' ... .
A. anxiety B. aspects C. joy

QUESTION 13. A great thing about working at OM Personal is getting lots

of ... . People are always telling us how well we do our work.
A. criticism B. praise C. sadness
SECTION 2: Grammar
Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que
14 to 19 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 14. Germany was divided into East Germany and West Germany
from 1945 ... 1990.
A. at B. for C. until

QUESTION 15. Tunisia has been independent ... 1956.

A. during B. for C. since

QUESTION 16. Punk rock was a popular type of music in many countries ... the
A. at B. during C. for

QUESTION 17. Television has been a popular form of home

entertainment ... more than 40 years.
A. for B. from C. since

QUESTION 18. Beethoven died nearly 200 years ... .

A. ago B. since C. till

QUESTION 19. Three American presidents have been shot in the United
States ... the twentieth century.
A. since B. during C. until

Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que

20 to 24 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 20. Some people don't like traveling by air ... .

A. because of they are afraid of flying
B. because they are afraid of flying
C. so they are afraid of flying

QUESTION 21. For a new coffee bar ... , it needs clever advertising.
A. to succeed in Buenos Aires
B. succeeding in Buenos Aires
C. by succeed in Buenos Aires

QUESTION 22. The reason many people go to health clubs is ... .

A. for work out
B. to work out
C. because of work out

QUESTION 23. To keep up with the "in" crowd, a boutique ... .

A. it's not a good idea to have the latest styles
B. was to have the latest styles
C. has to have the latest styles

QUESTION 24. Discount clothing stores don't have to come up with

gimmicks ... customers.
A. to be attracted
B. in order to attract
C. by attracting

Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que

25 to 28 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 25. Could you ask Lorenzo ...

A. when does the party start?
B. when is the party start?
C. when the party starts?

QUESTION 26. Would you ask the teacher ...

A. what we should bring tomorrow?
B. what should we bring tomorrow?
C. if we should bring tomorrow?

QUESTION 27. Would you ask Emanuel ...

A. please call me at five o'clock?
B. to call me at five o'clock, please?
C. please to call me at five o'clock?

QUESTION 28. Could you ask Maribel ...

A. does she have Maria's telephone number?
B. that she has Maria's telephone number?
C. if she has Maria's telephone number?

SECTION 2: Grammar
Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que
29 to 33 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 29. There isn't any good health care in this area, ... ?
A. are there? B. is there? C. isn't there?

QUESTION 30. They should build more high-rise apartments downtown, ... ?
A. shouldn't they? B. should they? C. shan't they?

QUESTION 31. They don't allow handguns to be sold through telemarketing or

the Internet, ... ?
A. do they? B. don't they? C. aren't they?

QUESTION 32. This child-care center has affordable rates, ... ?

A. hasn't it? B. doesn't it? C. has it?

QUESTION 33. Illiteracy won't be abolished soon, ... ?

A. won't it? B. shan't it? C. will it?
SECTION 3: Verbs
Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que
34 to 39 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 34. She ... business instead of medicine.

A. should majored
B. had majored
C. should have majored

QUESTION 35. If I ... more ambitious, I would have gone back to school for a
second degree.
A. been
B. had been
C. have been

QUESTION 36. If Mike ... harder. he would have gotten a promotion.

A. would worked
B. had worked
C. is worked

QUESTION 37. Susana ... enough money to buy a new laptop.

A. should has saved
B. would save
C. should have saved

QUESTION 38. If their son ... so immature, he would have appreciated the
importance of friends.
A. hadn't been
B. had been
C. has been

QUESTION 39. His father ... better care of himself.

A. should taken
B. should have took
C. should have taken
Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que
40 to 45 consideres correcta para completar cada oración. Transcribe luego tus
respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 40. Unless global warming is prevented, the polar ice caps ... by the end
of the twenty-first century.
A. will have melted
B. will be melted
C. will have melt

QUESTION 41. Many workers ... by robots in the future.

A. are replaced
B. will be replacing
C. are going to be replaced

QUESTION 42. In the twenty-first century, people ... cars that run on gas.
A. won't be driving
B. won't have be driving
C. won't have drive

QUESTION 43. ... a cheap way of getting drinking water from sea water by the
twenty-first century.
A. They will found
B. They will be found
C. They will have found

QUESTION 44. Unless we do something now, all the world's oceans ... polluted
within 10 or 20 years.
A. are becoming
B. will have become
C. will became

QUESTION 45. Within the next 5 years, many people ... computers with huge monitor
A. will be using
B. will be used
C. will using
SECTION 3: Verbs
Questions Lee atentamente estas oraciones y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) que
46 to 49 consideres correcta para completar cada mini-conversación. Transcribe luego
tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 46. PAUL: Did you remember to invite Martha's boyfriend to the
engagement party?
ANN: Oh, no, I didn't. You ... .
A. shouldn't remind me
B. should have reminded me
C. would have reminded me

QUESTION 47. MATT: I didn't enjoy staying at that hotel last weekend. There
was a big party downstairs, and I couldn't sleep at all.
LIZA: Really? I ... to the manager.
A. needed to complain
B. would have complained
C. must have complained

QUESTION 48. ROLF: My new radio isn't working right.

CECY: Well, I ... it back to the store, then.
A. will have taken
B. would take
C. would have taken

QUESTION 49. MAIA: Marcelo was supposed to be here at eight o'clock. He's
an hour late!!
ROB. He ... stuck in a traffic jam.
A. could get
B. might have gotten
C. should have gotten

50 to 57
Lee estos cuatro textos y selecciona la alternativa (A, B, o C) más adecuada
para completarlos. Transcribe luego tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

A month after an art show (50) in QUESTION 50. A. opened

New York, it was discovered that B. was opening
C. had opened
someone (51) a famous painting by
the French painter Henri Matisse QUESTION 51. A. hung
upside-down. B. was hanging
C. had hung

In 1960, a Turkish diver (52) the QUESTION 52. A. discovered

remains of a very old shipwreck B. was discovering
C. had discovered
while he (53) for sponges off the
coast of southwest Turkey. QUESTION 53. A. dived
B. was diving
C. had dived

Two construction workers became QUESTION 54. A. found

famous when they (54) the ruins of B. were finding
C. had found
Shakespeare's Rose Theatre in
London while they (55) the site for a QUESTION 55. A. prepared
new office building. B. were preparing
C. had prepared

In 1995, an earthquake (56) Kobe QUESTION 56. A. struck

in Japan. An earthquake (57) this B. was striking
C. had struck
japanese city for a very long time.
QUESTION 57. A. did not strike
B. was not striking
C. had not struck

58 to 70
Lee atentamente esta redacción y selecciona a la derecha la alternativa
verbal (A, B, o C) que consideres correcta para completar cada espacio en
blanco. Transcribe luego tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

QUESTION 58. A. just got

Michael and I (58) engaged, B. had just gotten
C. was getting
so we went to a jewelry store QUESTION 59. A. were just choosing
B. just chose
to choose a wedding ring. C. had just chosen
QUESTION 60. A. were coming in
I (59) a really nice diamond B. came in
C. had come in
ring when a man with a mask QUESTION 61. A. took
B. had taken
and a gun (60). After the C. was taking
QUESTION 62. A. was demanding
robber (61) Michael's wallet, B. demanded
C. had demanded
he (62) the ring. I (63) it to QUESTION 63. A. just handed
B. had just handed
him when the alarm (64) to C. were just handing
QUESTION 64. A. was starting
go off, and the robber (65). B. started
C. had started
We were so relieved! But then QUESTION 65. A. was running off
B. ran off
the sales assistant (66) us C. had run off
QUESTION 66. A. told
we had to pay for the ring B. had told
C. was telling
because I (67) it to the QUESTION 67. A. was giving
B. gave
robber! We (68) the sales C. had given
QUESTION 68. A. just told
assistant that we wouldn't B. had just told
C. was just telling
pay for it when the QUESTION 69. A. was arriving
B. arrived
police (69) and (70) us!! To C. had arrived
QUESTION 70. A. were arresting
tell you the truth, I've never B. arrested
C. had arrested
had such a terrible


SECTION 4: Reading Comprehension

Questions Lee atentamente este pasaje y selecciona la alternativa (A o B) que
71 to 76 consideres correcta de acuerdo con los contenidos del texto. Transcribe luego
tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

Being a Pilot
Have you ever thought about being a commercial airline pilot? Being a commercial
airline pilot is a challenging job. However, some aspects of a pilot's job can be
boring, and pilots often have to work at inconvenient hours. This can be a problem
both for the pilot and the pilot's family.
Did you know that a pilot's work begins before the plane takes off? Two or three
hours before the flight, the pilot sits down with the flight dispatcher to plan the flight.
They plan the exact route the aircraft will take from the information they gather
about the weather, the passengers, and the amount of cargo. The pilot also checks
the plane for technical or mechanical problems by "warming it up" before the flight.
Pilots often say that the worst thing about flying is sitting in the cockpit, where there
is hardly any room to move. Once the plane is in the air, the pilot puts the controls
on autopilot for much of the flight. On very long flights, a pilot may take a break for
three or four hours, leaving the co-pilot to fly the aircraft.
Pilots aren't wealthy, but with some airlines they can earn up to $100,000 a year. If
you want to become a pilot, you need excellent health and a good sense of
coordination. You also have to have the ability to lead a crew and to remain calm
under pressure. Being a pilot would be difficult for someone who does not respond
well to stress because the lives of the passengers depend on a pilot's self-control
and skill.
QUESTION 71. A. True B. False Not all aspects of a pilot's job are interesting.
QUESTION 72. A. True B. False The flight dispatcher's main job is to help fly the
QUESTION 73. A. True B. False The autopilot is only used when the plane has
taken off.
QUESTION 74. A. True B. False Once the plane is in the air, the co-pilot has
nothing to do.
QUESTION 75. A. True B. False One of the worst things for the pilot is the lack of
space in the cockpit.
QUESTION 76. A. True B. False Anyone can become a pilot if he or she is healthy.

Questions Lee atentamente este pasaje y selecciona la alternativa (A o B) que

77 to 82 consideres correcta de acuerdo con los contenidos del texto. Transcribe luego
tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

Book clubs
More and more people are discovering that sharing and talking about their favorite
books with others can be as rewarding as the act of reading itself. For people who
feel that they are too busy to sit down with a book, a book club helps them schedule
time to read. Others have gained self-confidence by participating in or leading a
discussion. And most people enjoy the chance to make new friends.
A successful book club should have a group that is small enough so even the quiet
people can be heard but also big enough for many different opinions. The best
arrangement is a mixture of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety
and livelier discussions.
The book club could specialize in one subject or type of book, like mysteries,
science fiction, or biographies. Or the members could read books of all types, as
long as the book is highly recommended by someone who thinks it would be worth
Some book clubs meet in places like bookstores, public libraries, or restaurants, but
most have their meetings in members' homes. This approach simply offers more
privacy and time for longer meetings.
To make the meeting go smoothly, a leader should be appointed. The leader will
usually start the discussion by asking what the author's main idea was. Book club
members should never be afraid to offer their opinions, even if they don't like a
book. They just need to be prepared to explain why they didn't like something.

QUESTION 77. A. True B. False A book club can help people find time to read.
QUESTION 78. A. True B. False A successful book club only has members who
are the same age.
QUESTION 79. A. True B. False Most book clubs have their meetings at the library.
QUESTION 80. A. True B. False A book club should read many different types of
QUESTION 81. A. True B. False A good discussion leader can make a meeting
more successful.
QUESTION 82. A. True B. False It's OK not to like the book being discussed.

Questions Lee atentamente este pasaje y selecciona la alternativa (A o B) que

83 to 86 consideres correcta de acuerdo con los contenidos del texto. Transcribe luego
tus respuestas a tu answer sheet.

The Movie Camera

Moving pictures depend on illusion, not only in the acting but also in our eyes. A
movie film consists of a series of still pictures seen in a rapid sequence. After an
image leaves the screen, it stays in the eye until the next image arrives. Our eyes
merge the separate images together to give the appearance of motion.
You can study this effect without a movie camera. Just take a pad of paper and
draw a simple image on the first page, then draw the same image with a small
change on the next page. Keep doing this until you have at least 30 drawings. If you
hold one edge of the pad and flip the pages quickly, the image will look like it is
A movie camera photographs a sequence of still images or pictures on a strip of
film, just like the sequence of drawings on the pad. The camera normally takes 24
pictures or "frames" every second. The film is still when each picture is taken and
moves between exposures. However, the movie projector works the opposite way.
The film moves through the projector frame by frame, allowing the lens to show the
still image on the screen for a fraction of a second.
Two French brothers invented the first practical movie camera and projector. When
they showed their first films, people in the audience fainted because a train
appeared to be coming straight out of the screen!

QUESTION 83. A. True B. False Movie film is a series of still pictures.

QUESTION 84. A. True B. False The film creates the appearance of motion.
QUESTION 85. A. True B. False A movie camera takes one picture every 24
QUESTION 86. A. True B. False A movie projector works the same way as a movie

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