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A Dissertation


Ali Khalili

Submitted to the School of Petroleum Engineering of

University of New south Wales

In Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


July 2005

Major Subject: Petroleum Engineering

Ali Khalili July 2005



‘I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my
knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by
another person, or substantial proportions of material which have been
accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at UNSW or any
other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement is made
in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom I
have worked at UNSW or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis.
I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my
own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s
design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Ali Khalili July 2005



I would like to acknowledge my supervisor, Prof. W. Val Pinczewski, for his

guidance and support during this study.

I also wish to extend my special thanks to Petroleum University of

Technology (PUT) which provided financial support for this study.

Ali Khalili July 2005



The study of coning in oil production is important because of huge

water production associated with oil production around the world each year.
Estimation of critical coning rate has been the subject of numerous studies
and a number of correlations have been reported. This study presents a
review of the current available methods for estimating critical coning rate
for both vertical and horizontal wells. The various methods and correlations
are compared and the assumptions on which they are based evaluated.
Following comparison made between the correlations, the most reliable
theories are identified for both vertical and horizontal wells separately.
Among the correlations for vertical wells, this study recommends two
implicit methods presented by Wheatley and Azar Nejad et al. They
determined the oil potential distribution influenced by water cone with a
remarkable accuracy. For horizontal wells, two methods, Joshi’s equation
and Rechem et al formula, are considered to be the most reliable. Joshi’s
equation provides lower estimates than Chaperon’s correlation in which the
water cone effect on oil potential was neglected. The Recham et al formula
also gives a similar result. On the whole, the Rechem et al method is

Ali Khalili July 2005



ORIGINALITY STATEMENT ..........................................................II

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................. III
ABSTRACT ........................................................................... IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................V
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................... VII
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................. VIII
NOMENCLATURE .....................................................................X

1 Chapter One: Introduction ............................... 1

1.1. What is Coning? ................................................................ 1
1.2. Problems resulted from coning ............................................. 1
1.3. Water coning mechanisms ................................................... 2
1.4. Stable and unstable cone .................................................... 3
1.5. Evaluation of coning phenomena ........................................... 4
1.5.1. Few concepts in coning................................................... 4
1.5.2. Critical cone rate.......................................................... 4
1.5.3. Breakthrough time ........................................................ 5
1.5.4. Well Performance after breakthrough ................................. 6
1.5.5. Optimization of completion interval ................................... 6
1.6 Scope of This Study ............................................................ 7

2 Chapter Two: Critical coning rate at vertical oil wells8

2.1. Critical coning rate at vertical oil wells (single coning) ................ 8
2.1.1. Meyer and Garder Method ............................................... 8
2.1.2. Chaperon’s Approach ................................................... 11
2.1.3. The Abass and Bass Method ............................................ 14
2.1.4. The Guo-Lee Method.................................................... 18
2.1.5 The Hoyland et al Method............................................... 23
2.1.6 Wheatley’s procedure ................................................... 26
2.1.7 The Azar Nejad-Tortike Procedure .................................... 31

Ali Khalili July 2005


2.2. Simultaneous coning of gas and water................................... 38

2.2.1. The Meyer and Garder method........................................ 39
2.2.2. The Chierici-Ciucci Approach.......................................... 43
2.3. Comparison ................................................................... 54

3 Chapter Three: Coning at Horizontal oil wells ....... 57

3.1. Coning behaviour at horizontal wells .................................... 57
3.2. Correlations used to calculate the critical coning rate in horizontal oil
wells................................................................................. 58
3.2.1. Chaperon’s approach ................................................... 58
3.2.2. The Giger Approach ..................................................... 62
3.2.3. Joshi’s Method ........................................................... 66
3.2.4. The Yang-Wattenbarger Correlation for Horizontal wells ........ 68
3.3 Comparison .................................................................. 76

4 Chapter Four: Summary ................................. 80

4.1 Summary and conclusion for correlations presented for vertical wells80
4.2 Summary and conclusion for correlations presented for horizontal
wells................................................................................. 80
4.3. Further studies............................................................... 81

5 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................ 82
REFERENCES........................................................................ 82

6 APPENDICES ............................................... 85
Appendix A ......................................................................... 85
Appendix B: ........................................................................ 89
Appendix C: ........................................................................ 93
Appendix D: ........................................................................ 96

Ali Khalili July 2005


Table 2.1 Example data used to plot Meyer and Garder method ............. 10
Table 2.2 Example data for Chaperon’s approach............................... 13
Table 2.3 An example data for Abass-Bass method............................. 16
Table 2.4 An example of reservoir and fluid properties for Guo’s method.. 22
Table 2.5 Data for The Hoyland methods ......................................... 24
Table 2.6 An example data for Wheatley's method............................. 30
Table 2.7 Reservoir and fluids properties for the Chierici and Meyer and
Garder method ................................................................... 46
Table 2.8 Data for the Chierici method .......................................... 46
Table 2.9 A Comparison between different correlations and Chaperon’s
method ............................................................................ 56
Table 3.1 Typical data for chaperon’s method................................... 62
Table 3.2 An example data for Giger’s theory (Bottom Water drive
mechanism)....................................................................... 65
Table 3.3 An Example data for Joshi’s correlation ............................. 67
Table 3.4 An sample data for the Weiping-Wattenbarger correlation....... 74
Table 3.5 The Critical oil rates obtained by different approaches........... 77

Ali Khalili July 2005



Figure 1.1 A Schematic of a reservoir at static conditions .......................3

Figure 1.2 A schematic draw of water and gas coning ............................3
Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of a reservoir with Stationary cone .........9
Figure 2.2 The Meyer-Garder equation to determine critical coning flow rate
..................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.3 A schematic draw of Chaperon’s method ........................... 11
Figure 2.4 the Cone height at different Critical coning rate.................. 13
Figure 2.5 A modification for Chaperon's method by Joshi (1991). ........... 14
Figure 2.6 Critical coning rate against dimensionless well penetration at
different distance from top of reservoir, steady state .................... 16
Figure 2.7 Critical coning rate versus dimensionless well penetration,
unsteady-state ................................................................... 17
Figure 2.8 Low-pressure-gradient case, no unstable cone exists.
(Qt1<Qt2<Qt3) ................................................................... 19
Figure 2.9 High-pressure-gradient case, unstable cone exists (Qt3>Qt2>Qt1)
..................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.10 RSC flow pattern ...................................................... 21
Figure 2.11 A plot of critical coning rate versus dimensionless well
penetration ....................................................................... 22
Figure 2.12 Dimensionless critical coning rate against fractional well
penetration (Cited, Ahmad, 2000) ............................................ 25
Figure 2.13 Comparison between the Hoyland methods........................ 26
Figure 2.14 Critical coning rate versus well penetration for different
equations.......................................................................... 31
Figure 2.15 The Location of elements according to the Azar Nejad method 33
Figure 2.16 A comparison between the Azar Nejad-Tortike and the Wheatley
procedure to calculate the value of critical rate. ......................... 37

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 2.17 A comparison between different studies to determine the critical

coning rate........................................................................ 37
Figure 2.18 A Schematic profile of a simultaneous coning of gas and water 40
Figure 2.19 A comparison between the water coning and simultaneous
coning of gas and water according to the Meyer and Garder Method... 42
Figure 2.20 Diagrammatic Representation of a water and gas coning system
in a Homogenous Formation. .................................................. 44
Figure 2.21 Comparison between the Chierici and Meyer Method at
simultaneous coning............................................................. 47
Figure 2.22 Dimensionless function for rDe=5 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)....... 48
Figure 2.23 Dimensionless function for rDe=10 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) .... 49
Figure 2.24 Dimensionless function for rDe=20 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) ..... 50
Figure 2.25 Dimensionless function for rDe=30 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) .... 51
Figure 2.26 Dimensionless function for rDe=40 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) .... 52
Figure 2.27 Dimensionless function for rDe=60 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) .... 53
Figure 2.28 Dimensionless function for rDe=80 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000) .... 54
Figure 2.29 A schematic comparison between correlations developed to
calculate the critical oil rate for vertical oil well.......................... 57
Figure 3.1 A draw of water cresting below a horizontal well.................. 58
Figure 3.2 Immobile water crest below a horizontal well. .................... 59
Figure 3.3 A relation between XA and Distance between cone apex and well
..................................................................................... 62
Figure 3.4 Non-dimensional WOC curves. ......................................... 64
Figure 3.5 Schematics of a horizontal well drainage volume ................. 67
Figure 3.6 The critical coning rate against the distance between horizontal
well and WOC .................................................................... 68
Figure 3.7 A very simple sketch of y-z profile for a horizontal well ......... 73
Figure 3.8 The Yang-Wattenbarger correlation ................................. 75
Figure 3.9 The Rechem-Touami Correlation ..................................... 75

Ali Khalili July 2005



A=Well space (ft2)

a = Normalizing factor (=2h)

aT = Transformation factor

Bo= Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)

bopt = Dimensionless optimum well bore location

D= Drainage width or half distance between two horizontal well lines (ft)

Db = Distance between WOC and horizontal well (ft)

g = Gravity Constant, 9.8121 m/s2

h = Reservoir thickness (ft)

hc = Cone Height (ft)

h p = Perforated interval (ft)

Ko= Bessel Function of the order zero

K= Reservoir Permeability (md)

Ko= Reservoir Permeability related to oil (md)

Kw= Reservoir Permeability related to water (md)

Kro= Oil Relative Permeability (Dimensionless)

Krw= Water Relative Permeability (Dimensionless)

L= Horizontal well length (ft)

Lp= Length of perforation (ft)

M = Mobility ratio

N p = Cumulative oil production (STB)

Ali Khalili July 2005


Po = Oil Pressure (psi)

Pw = Water Pressure (psi)

q o = Oil flow rate (STB/day)

q oc = Critical Coning rate (STB/day)

q cD = Dimensionless critical coning flow rate

q och = Critical Coning rate for horizontal well (STB/day)

q ocv = Critical Coning rate for vertical well (STB/day)

rw = Well radius (ft)

rwe = Effective well radius (ft)

re = Drainage radius (ft)

rDe = Dimensionless drainage radius

s = Skin factor

S o = Average oil saturation

S wc = Connate Water Saturation

S or = Residual oil saturation

x a = Drainage width (ft)

X D = Dimensionless Drainage Width

Greek symbols
ρ o = Oil density (lb/ft )
ρ w = Water Density (lb/ft )
ρ g = Gas Density (lb/ft )

µ o = Oil viscosity (cp)

µ g = Gas viscosity (cp)

µ w = Water viscosity (cp)

ϕ o = Oil potential (psi)

Ali Khalili July 2005


ϕ w = Water potential (psi)

ϕ De = Dimensionless potential at outer boundary

φ = Porosity (fraction)

Ψ= Stream Line function

Ali Khalili July 2005

1 Chapter One: Introduction

1.1. What is Coning?

Petroleum reservoirs usually comprise three segments, a gas cap, oil

zone and an aquifer. As oil production begins, due to pressure drawdown

around the well bore, the fluid interfaces move toward the perforated

interval causing the water-oil or gas-oil interface to deform from its initial

shape to a cone shape. That is why this phenomenon is referred to coning. If

the well is produced at more than a critical coning rate the unwanted fluids

eventually will break into the well. Because of producing a huge amount of

the reservoir water associated with oil every year, numerous studies have

been conducted on water and gas coning mechanism in the vertical and

horizontal oil wells. Most of studies are concerned with prediction of the

critical coning rate.

1.2. Problems resulted from coning

There are several problems caused by water or gas coning. Oil

reservoirs can seriously be impacted by coning in terms of well productivity,

depletion degree and the overall recovery efficiency (Sobocinski, 1965).

Environmental impact of huge volumes of the reservoir water produced to

the surface is also a serious problem, which has different properties from

surface water or even seawater, flows on the ground. As a result, an

extensive part of the ground located around the well is damaged. Also,

flowing water through casing and surface facilities may result in corrosion.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Moreover, in terms of cost, there have to be some extra surface facilities to

separate the produced water from oil.

1.3. Water coning mechanisms

Consider Figure (1.1) to be a well partially penetrated in a reservoir at

static conditions. In fact, there are three essential forces playing key role in

the coning mechanism. They are capillary, gravity and viscous forces

(Ahmad, 2000). For simplicity, the process is assumed to be dominated by

viscous forces and capillary forces are therefore neglected. Before

production, the gravity force, which is a consequence of the density

difference between the fluids, is dominant. Once a well is allowed to

produce oil, the viscous forces which result from pressure drawdown

increase. In order to counterbalance the system, water oil contact (WOC)

deforms and moves up until viscous force is balanced by the gravitational

force at a certain elevation, that is, at a certain flow rate, there is a point at

which a balance can be achieved between the viscous force and the gravity

force. If such a balance is never achieved the cone will be dragged up until it

will break into the wellbore (figure 1.2)(Ozkan and Raghavan, 1990). The

shape and the nature of the cone depend on several factors such as

production rate, mobility ratio, horizontal and vertical permeability, well

penetration and viscous forces (Inikori, 2002).

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 1.1 A Schematic of a reservoir at static conditions

Figure 1.2 A schematic draw of water and gas coning

1.4. Stable and unstable cone

Stable cone refers to a static cone formed below the perforation for

which the viscous gradient is balanced by the gravitational force resulting

the deformation of interface. This is the only problem of the well flowing

below a critical coning rate. If the well flows above the critical coning rate,

the viscous force dominates and the cone is dragged into the wellbore. It is

important to note that a stable cone can only be maintained for a period.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Because of the upward movement of the fluids contact during production

and pressure depletion, the oil potential distribution changes around the


1.5. Evaluation of coning phenomena

1.5.1. Few concepts in coning

A survey of the literatures shows that a tremendous amount of

research has been conducted on coning. This ranges from experimental

coning studies to analytical and numerical simulation studies aimed at

understanding and predicting water coning in vertical and horizontal wells

(Kuo and DesBrisay, 1983). In order to evaluate water and gas coning, there

are three essential concepts, which are called critical coning rate,

breakthrough time and post breakthrough. The critical coning rate refers to

a maximum oil flow rate from a well at which the well will not cone water or

gas. However, due to economic necessity, oil companies often produce at a

rate of higher than critical coning rate. This causes water or gas coning or

simultaneous coning of water and gas. Therefore, if the oil flow rate of a

well exceeds the critical coning rate calculated for this well the cone

becomes unstable and will break into the wellbore after a certain time. This

period is called the breakthrough time (Ahmed, 2000).

1.5.2. Critical cone rate

Several studies have been conducted to estimate the critical cone

rate. In general, the solutions provided can be classified in three categories;

Ali Khalili July 2005


(i) Analytical solutions, (ii) Experimental studies and (iii) correlations

obtained using numerical reservoir simulation (Kuo and DesBrisay, 1983).

1.5.3. Breakthrough time

As noted earlier, in practical cases, a stable cone exists only for a

limited time and once the production rate exceeds the critical coning rate

the cone moves toward the well and subsequently breaks into the wellbore.

At this stage, having knowledge of breakthrough time may help to improve

well management and extend well life without production of water or free

gas (Wagenhofer and Hatzignatiou, 1996). When the unwanted fluid breaks

into a wellbore, the fluid distributions and the relative permeability change.

Therefore, by estimating the breakthrough time one can optimize the

production plan to maximize the delay of water or gas breakthrough time.

Thus, prediction of the breakthrough time is crucial for oil wells subject to

water coning (Ozkan and Raghavan, 1990). The breakthrough time has been

the subject of various studies. For instance, Sobocinski and Cornelius (1965)

and Bournazel and Jeanson (1971) proposed empirical correlations for

breakthrough time prediction. As another example, Ozkan and Raghavan

(1990) developed an analytical method to investigate the behavior of a

water/gas cone and also to predict the breakthrough time and concluded

that a horizontal well may improve the breakthrough time compared to a

vertical well.

Ali Khalili July 2005


1.5.4. Well Performance after breakthrough

Due to economic necessity most oil wells flow at a rate higher than the

critical coning rate. Once water breaks into a wellbore, the well

performance becomes important and merits careful attention. This

prediction might help a reservoir engineer to plan the future production to

achieve an optimum cumulative oil production. Another advantage of water

cut prediction is that the well life or abandonment time of a well can be

anticipated. A few studies have been conducted on water cut performance

after breakthrough. For example, Bournazel and Jeanson (1971) proposed an

empirical correlation to predict the water cut. Alternatively, the commercial

numerical simulators can be used to evaluate the water cut for both vertical

and horizontal wells.

1.5.5. Optimization of completion interval

Optimization of the location of the perforated interval for a well subject

to possible coning has been a subject of investigations. Traditionally, oil

companies used to perforate wells at the centre of oil zone to optimize the

distance between well and fluids interface (WOC, GOC). However, the gas

and water due to significant difference in density and mobility ratio reach

the wellbore at different times. For this reason, the perforated interval

should be located within the oil zone so that where both gas and water break

into the well simultaneously and therefore a maximum breakthrough time

Ali Khalili July 2005


and cumulative oil production can be achieved (Wagenhofer and

Hatzignatiou, 1996).

1.6 Scope of This Study

In this study, several correlations developed for determining the critical

coning rate will be discussed. Specifically, in chapter two the approaches

related to critical coning rate in vertical wells are considered. It is assumed

that the reservoir contains only water and oil. As a result, only those

correlations dealing with the water coning are considered with the

exemption of two studies conducted on simultaneous coning of water and gas

in vertical wells. In chapter three, the current available methods for

horizontal wells are described. Like chapter two, the system which is

considered is water-oil system. At the end of chapters two and three, a

comparison is presented between all correlations to identify the most

suitable method to calculate the critical coning rate for each of the vertical

and horizontal wells. Finally, the last chapter presents the conclusions.

Ali Khalili July 2005


2 Chapter Two: Critical coning rate at vertical oil wells

2.1. Critical coning rate at vertical oil wells (single coning)

2.1.1. Meyer and Garder Method

Meyer and Garder (1954) developed an equation to determine the

value of the critical coning flow rate for a static cone at the base of the

perforation. A well with depth penetration of D into a reservoir with

thickness of h, which is underlain by an aquifer, is depicted in figure (2.1).

Let Ho and Hw be the flow potential of oil and water, respectively, defined as


H o = z + ( Po − P' ) /( gρ o ) (2.1)

H w = z + ( Pw − P ' ) /( gρ w ) (2.2)

Where z is the cone height above an arbitrary reference level and P’ is

reference pressure, Po and Pw represent pressure at the oil and water phase

respectively. Since the water cone was assumed to be static, Hw is a

constant. Neglecting capillary pressure we can write,

ρw z
Ho = Hw + (ρ o − ρ w )
ρo ρo (2.3)

Darcy’s law is applied as follows:

K o dH o
q o = −2πgρ o (h − z )r
µ o dr (2.4)

Ho is substituted from equation (2.1), giving

Ali Khalili July 2005


K o dz
q o = −2πg ( ρ o − ρ w )(h − z )r
µ o dr (2.5)

Arranging variables and integrating,

re 0
dr K
qo ∫ = −2πg ( ρ o − ρ w ) o ∫ (h − z )dz
r µo
rw h− D

Therefore, the critical coning rate in field unit is written as

ρ w − ρo Ko
q oc = 2.46 × 10 −5 (h 2 − D 2 )
Bo ln(re / rw ) µ o (2.7)


ρ ,ρ r ,r ,h K µ
qoc: STB/day, w o : lb/ft3, e w : ft, o :md, o :cp, Bo=bbl/STB

Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of a reservoir with Stationary cone

Ali Khalili July 2005


Below, the critical coning rate against the fractional well penetration has

been plotted by using data shown in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Example data used to plot Meyer and Garder method

Parameter H Re K ∆ρ Μ rw

Value 70 2000 100 0.3 1 0.25

Units ft Ft md g/cm3 Cp ft


Critical flow rate(STB/day)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless depth penetration( well penetration/reservoir thickness)

Figure 2.2 The Meyer-Garder equation to determine critical coning flow rate

As expected, figure 2.2 shows that the value of the critical coning rate

increases with decreasing fractional well penetration.

Ali Khalili July 2005


2.1.2. Chaperon’s Approach

Chaperon (1986) developed a method to determine the Critical coning

rate for gas coning (figure 2.3). The method is also directly applicable to the

case of water coning.

Figure 2.3 A schematic draw of Chaperon’s method

The author assumed that the well has a low penetration so that it could be

considered as a point source for estimating the flow potential which

corresponds to hemispherical flow (see Appendix A.1). In order to achieve a

static equilibrium, the flow potential is equated to the gravity potential

(Eq.A.3). The method of images is applied to determine the flow potential

difference between points A and S (Figure 2.3). The well is considered to be

a point source located at the origin of a semi-infinite porous medium. A no

flow plan is placed at z=0 and a no flow boundary at z=h. The equation for

calculating the gravity potential is written as,

Ali Khalili July 2005


Φ A − Φ B = ∆ρg (h − Z s ) (2.8)

Thus, by equating the flow potential difference to the gravity potential

difference (Equation 2.8), the critical coning rate in field units is written as,

kh h ∗
q oc = 4.886 × 10 − 4 (∆ρh)q c
Bo µ o (2.9)


qoc is the value of the critical coning rate (STB/day) and q* is dimensionless

flow rate (See Appendix A.1).

All variables are in field units as follows:

Kh and Kv: horizontal and vertical permeability, respectively; md

h: Reservoir thickness ; ft

rA: Drainage radius for steady-state(where interface elevation is h or in the

case pseudo-steady-state rA=0.607re

qc*: dimensionless flow rate

Bo: oil formation volume factor; RB/STB

rA k v 1 / 2
)( )(
In equation 2.9, q*c is a function of h k h . This accounts for anisotropy.

As an example, the critical coning rate against different cone heights has

been plotted in figure 2.4.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Table 2.2 Example data for Chaperon’s approach

Parameter H rA Kv Kh Bo ∆ρ µ rW

Value 70 2000 10 100 1 0.3 1 0.25

Unit Ft ft Md md RB/STB g/cm3 cp ft


Critical oil rate(STB/day)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless cone height
Figure 2.4 the Cone height at different Critical coning rate

As shown, the cone height increases with increasing critical coning rate until

the critical coning rate reaches to a peak, which is somewhat around 33% of

the reservoir thickness. Afterwards, the value of the critical coning rate

declines because the gravity forces cannot prevail over the viscous forces


from higher flow rate. Consequently, to achieve a stable cone, the well

should be produced at a lower rate.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Alternatively, Joshi (1991) extended the Chaperon method so that it

could be applied for different fractional well penetration (Cited in Ahmad,


k h (h − h p ) 1.943 (2.10)
q oc = 7.83 × 10 −6 ∆ρ (0.7311 + )
µ o Bo rDe

As shown in figure 2.5, the Joshi modification gives a maximal value of about

68 STB/day at low well penetration. This can be compared to the maximum

critical coning rate obtained from the figure 2.4, which is 54 STB/day.


Critical Oil Rate(STB/day)







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fractional Well Penetration

Figure 2.5 A modification for Chaperon's method by Joshi (1991).

2.1.3. The Abass and Bass Method

Abass and Bass (1988) derived two equations to determine the critical

coning rate for both the steady state and unsteady-state conditions. He

Ali Khalili July 2005


considered that the flow was radial around the wellbore. In addition, He

pointed out that three parameters controlled the value of the critical coning

rate.(i) The Radius of the cone (r1). (ii) The Well penetration (z). (iii) The

cone height (hc). Several computer runs were made to find a relationship

between r1 and hc (equation 2.11).

r1 k
≈ h
hwc k v (2.11)

For steady state flow system the critical coning rate was determined by the

following equation in field units (see Appendix B.1).

2πk h g∆ρxh(h − N − hx)

q oc = 2
r1 r1
µBo (−1 / 2 + ln( ))
r1 − rw
2 2

And for Unsteady State flow conditions (see Appendix B.1)

2πk h g∆ρxh(h − N − hx)

q oc =
r +r
2 2 2
r1 r 1
µBo ( ln( 1 ) − 1 2 w − )
r1 − rw
2 2
rw 4re 2


g : Gravitational constant=9.81213 m/sec2

x: Dimensionless well penetration

N: distance between the top of an oil zone and where a well is completed


h : Reservoir thickness (ft)

Ali Khalili July 2005


As an example, the critical coning rate is plotted against well penetration for

both steady state and unsteady state conditions in figures 2.6 and 2.7

Table 2.3 An example data for Abass-Bass method

Parameter H re Kv kh ∆ρ Μ Bo

Value 70 2000 10 100 0.3 1.00 1.00

Unit Ft Ft Md md g/cm3 Cp RB/STB

Critical oil flow rate(STB/day)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless Depth Penetration

Figure 2.6 Critical coning rate against dimensionless well penetration at different distance
from top of reservoir, steady state

Ali Khalili July 2005


Critical oil Rate(STB/day)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless depth penetration
Figure 2.7 Critical coning rate versus dimensionless well penetration, unsteady-state

Not surprisingly, figures (2.6) and (2.7) reveal that as the perforated interval

moves down from top of the reservoir the critical coning flow rate decreases

so that once penetrated interval touches the WOC, the critical coning rate

becomes zero. The critical coning rate difference between Steady-state and

unsteady-state conditions depends on the term (-r12-rw2)/4re which is close to


Comparing figures (2.7) and (2.2) reveals some differences. For

example, Abass and Bass considered that the perforated interval could be

located at any distance from top of the reservoir whereas Meyer and Garder

assumed that the perforated interval started from top of the reservoir. In

addition, figure (2.7) shows that the maximum critical coning flow rate

occurs at 50% well penetration; however, it is achieved at too low

penetration for figure (2.2). The maximum critical coning rates are 16.836

Ali Khalili July 2005


STB/day and 25 STB/day for the Abass-Bass and the Meyer-Garder method,


2.1.4. The Guo-Lee Method

Guo and Lee (1993) stated that the existence of an unstable water cone

depended on the vertical pressure gradient beneath the wellbore. When the

vertical pressure gradient is higher than the hydrostatic pressure gradient of

water, an unstable water cone can form. In addition, he pointed out that the

critical coning rate had to be defined as a rate at which a stable cone rose

toward a wellbore and was the maximum water-free rate of the well.

The analysis is limited to steady state condition. There is a similarity

between his method and the Abass-Bass method. In both methods the critical

coning rate is zero when the fractional well penetration is zero and one.

However, Abass and Bass assumed flow system to be 2D radial flow whilst

Boyun considered radial/spherical/combined (RSC) 3D flow system.

The Guo and Lee view of the water coning mechanism

He stated that the upward dynamic forces resulting from wellbore

drawdown pressure caused water to rise to a height where the viscous force

was balanced by the weight of water beneath this point. In order to explain

the mechanism he classified coning phenomena in two categories; (i) low-

pressure gradient case, where there was no unstable cone (fig 2.8) ,(ii) high-

pressure gradient, where there was an unstable cone (fig 2.9).

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 2.8 Low-pressure-gradient case, no unstable cone exists. (Qt1<Qt2<Qt3)

Figure 2.9 High-pressure-gradient case, unstable cone exists (Qt3>Qt2>Qt1)

Figures 2.8 and 2.9 illustrate two cases in which the pressure distribution

along the vertical direction has been drawn. Line A-B represents the pressure

distribution in the oil zone when the flow rate is zero (Stationary Oil

Pressure) and Line B-C shows the pressure distribution curve in the water

zone. As can be seen in these figures, when the flow rate increases from zero

the oil pressure distribution is shifted toward left.

Ali Khalili July 2005


For the low-pressure-gradient case, the rock conductivity, which is

defined as the permeability of a reservoir rock divided by flowing fluid

viscosity, is high enough so that the well bore pressure does not fall below

the hydrostatic water pressure before water breakthrough. Therefore, the oil

pressure distribution curve intersects the line B-C at only one point. As a

result, the height of the intersection is the height of the stable cone if the

capillary pressure is assumed to be negligible.

In contrast, for the hight-pressure gradient case the rock conductivity

is low which results in a wellbore pressure below the hydrostatic water

pressure. The oil pressure distribution curve can intersect the water pressure

distribution line at two points. The lower height is the stable cone height. As

the oil flow rate increases the two points move toward each other until they

meet at one point. This point is highest point at which a cone can be stable.

Mathematical Derivation

In order to derive an equation to approximate the critical coning rate,

the flow system for completion interval was considered radial about the well

and a spherical flow-pattern pattern dominated non-penetrated oil-zone. In

other words, the radial spherical combined (RSC) flow system was a

combination of a uniform line-sink radial flow at upper part and a point-sink

semi-spherical-flow field at lower part. Thus, the total flow rate was

determined by summing both of two flow rates. The maximum water-free oil

flow rate was approximated by the equation (2.14).

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 2.10 RSC flow pattern(cited in Guo and Lee(1993)

1 1
xh( − )
7.08 × 10 k v ∆ρg
kv rw re
q oc = (re − re − re h(1 − x) ) 2 × ( +
µ kh + kv
2 2 re
ln( )



Kv: vertical permeability (md)

Kh: horizontal permeability (md)

g: gravitational constant(9.8112m/sec2)

re: drainage radius(ft)

h: reservoir thickness(ft)

∆ρ: density difference (g/cm3)

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure (2.11) depicts a typical comparison between the Abass-Bass method

and the Guo-Lee method.

Table 2.4 An example of reservoir and fluid properties for Guo’s method
Reservoir and
H re Kv kh ∆ρ Μ rw
fluid properties

Value 70 2000 10 100 0.3 1 .25

Units Ft Ft Md Md g/cm3 Cp ft

Abass & Bass
Critical oil Flow rate(STB/day)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimesionless well penetration

Figure 2.11 A plot of critical coning rate versus dimensionless well penetration

The figure (2.11) shows a typical comparison between two similar

approaches. As shown, the value of the critical coning rate is zero for both

correlations at zero dimensionless well penetration. In regions where the

value of dimensionless penetration is between zero and one, both curves

follow different paths. However as they approach unit dimensionless

Ali Khalili July 2005


penetration, the value of the critical coning rate for both the curves is again

zero. Meanwhile, there is a significant difference in the value of maximum

critical coning rate. For instance, in this case the value of the maximum

critical coning rate is 17 STB/day for the Abass-Bass equation whereas Guo-

Lee’s correlation gives 53 STB/day. This difference might be a consequence

of the fact that Abass and Bass considered only radial flow while Guo and Lee

considered radial flow at perforated interval and also semi-spherical flow

(RSC) beneath the well. In other words, in the Guo-Lee method the total

critical coning rate is sum of both flow rates related to radial flow and semi-

spherical flow subsequently it gives higher result than the Abass-Bass


2.1.5 The Hoyland et al Method

Hoyland et al (1989) presented two methods to predict the value of

the critical coning rate. The first approach was based on the results of a

large number of a three-phase black oil simulator runs. In other words,

sensitivity analysis runs were made on those parameters having effect on the

value of the critical coning rate so that for each set of parameters, the

critical coning rate was determined and then they used a regression analysis

to come up with an equation. This equation can be applied for isotropic


ko (ρ w − ρo ) Lp (2.15)
q oc = (1 − ( ) 2 )1.325 h 2.238 ln(re ) −1.99
10822 Bo µ o h

Ali Khalili July 2005


The second method was a procedure, which was an extension of the Muskat-

Wyckoff theory. Following the Muskat and Wyckoff theory, the cone

influence on oil potential was neglected. As a result, it is expected to

provide an optimistic evaluation of critical coning rate. One advantage of

this procedure is that it can be used to determine the value of the critical

coning rate for an anisotropic reservoir. The following procedure is used to

calculate the critical coning rate.

1-Calculate the dimensionless radius by using equation (2.16).

re kv (2.16)
rDe =
h kh

2-Determine dimensionless critical coning rate for several fractional well

penetrations from figure (2.12) for a dimensionless radius obtained at step


3- Plot dimensionless critical coning rate against the well penetration.

4- Estimate the dimensionless critical coning rate at given fractional well


5-Use equation (2.17) to find the critical coning rate.

h 2 ( ρ w − ρ o )k h (2.17)
qc =
40667.25Bo µ o

Table 2.5 Data for The Hoyland methods

Reservoir &
H re Kv kh ∆ρ Μ rw
fluid properties

100 18.7
Value 70 ft 2000ft 10 md 1cp .25 ft
md lb/ft3

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 2.12 Dimensionless critical coning rate against fractional well penetration (Cited, Ahmad,

Ali Khalili July 2005


second method
first method

Critical oil rate(STB/day)






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fractional well penetration

Figure 2.13 Comparison between the Hoyland methods

As depicted in figure (2.13), the result obtained by the second correlation is

the higher rate. This result is expected because the cone shape effect on

the oil potential distribution has not been taken into account in their study.

2.1.6 Wheatley’s procedure

The previous methods allowed the critical coning rate to be calculated

explicitly. We now consider a number of procedures when the coning rate is

calculated implicitly.

Wheatley (1985) presented a new theory based on potential

distribution for two-phase flow to calculate the value of critical coning rate.

The reservoir was considered to be homogenous, bounded above by a

horizontal impermeable barrier and below by WOC which was dragged

Ali Khalili July 2005


upward. In addition, the oil influx at the investigation radius was assumed to

be steady and radially symmetric.

He expressed the fluid potential in oil phase as follows:

Φ = q( A1 + aA2 + bA3 − A4 ) /(ax − b) (2.18)


A1 (r , z ) = 2 ln(r ) − g (r , z − y ) + g (r , z + y ) (2.19)

A2 (r , z ) = g (r , z − x) − g (r , z + x) (2.20)

A3 (r , z ) = 1 / f (r , z − x) + 1 / f (r , z + x) (2.21)

A4 = A1 (re , z ) + aA2 (re , z ) + bA3 (re ,1) (2.22)

In which

f (r , z ) = r 2 + z 2 (2.23)

g (r , z ) = ln( z + f (r , z )) (2.24)

The unknown parameters q, qDC, a, b and Y are line source strength,

dimensionless critical coning rate, relative line source and point sources

strength, respectively. When a, b, Y, qD are determined the line source

strength can be calculated by:

q = q D ∆ρgh(ax − b) (2.25)

The WOC was considered to be a streamline because of no flow across the

WOC, thus by applying (C-11, see appendix C) the stream line could be

expressed as a function of q, a and b.

Ψ = q ( B1 + aB2 + bB3 ) /(ax − b) (2.26)


B1 (r , z ) = 2 z + f (r , z − y ) − f (r , z + y ) (2.27)

Ali Khalili July 2005


B2 ( r , z ) = f ( r , z + x ) − f ( r , z − x ) (2.28)


B3 (r , z ) = −( z − x) / f (r , z − x) − ( z + x) / f (r , z + x) (2.29)

Now, by considering zero streamline at z=0 and on the well axis for z>x,

equation 2.26 was rewritten as

Ψ = 2q (2.30)

Substituting 2.30 into the 2.26

2ax − 2b = B1 + aB2 + bB3 (2.31)

A relationship between a and b in terms of y was obtained by noting that

equation 2.31 should be satisfied at the point (re,1). Thus for large value of


ax − b = ( r e − Y ) /( r e − 1 ) (2.32)

Equation 2.31 implies that there is a stagnation point at some point z=zs on

the well axis where

∂φ / ∂z = 0

Thus, from equation (2.18)

Y 2 = z s + z s ( z s − x 2 ) /(ax − b − 2bx 2 /( z s − x 2 )
2 2 2 (2.33)

In the case of none-penetrating well, that is, x=0, equations (2.32) and

(2.33) determine b and Y with respect to zs for rw<< x this relation is

simplified to equation (2.34).( see figure C-1)

a ln(rw / x) − b / rw = ln(1 − x 2 / Y 2 ) (2.34)

In order to determine a, b and Y, equations (2.32)-(2.34) were solved easily

by iteration method starting with Y=1.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Now by applying condition (C-9) to substitute potential function, the

equation (2.18) becomes

z = 1 + q D ( A1 + aA2 + bA3 − A4 ) (2.35)

Where qD is dimensionless source strength.

Equation (2.35) at cone height where z=zc and r=0 could be written

q D = (1 − z c ) /( A4 − A1 − aA2 − bA3 ) (2.36)


A1 = ln(Y 2 − z c ) + ln(4)
2 (2.37)

A2 = ln(( z c − x) /( z c + x)) (2.38)

A3 = 2 xc /( z c − x 2 )
2 (2.39)


A4 = 2 ln(re ) + 2(Y − ax + b) / re (2.40)

A good match of the WOC equation and the streamline equation was

obtained by requiring the apex of the cone (zc) to coincide with the

stagnation point (zs). Equation (2.36) with zc=zs and with Y, a and h were

calculated from equations (2.32)-(2.34) to give the dimensionless source

strength qD in terms of the position of the cone apex. Wheatley related the

oil production rate to source strength through equation

Qoc = 4πh 2 k h ∆ρgq D / µ o (2.41)

Or in oil field units

Qoc = 0.006145h 2 k h ∆ρq D / µ o (2.42)

Qoc:RB/day, h:ft , kh:md, ρ:gm/cm3, µo:cp

Wheatley provided the following procedure for calculating the value of the

critical coning flow rate.

1).Assign an initial value of zc=zs slightly less than 1.

Ali Khalili July 2005


2).Calculate Y, a and b iteratively from equations (2.32)-(2.34) starting with


3). Determine qD from equation (2.35)

4).Reduce zc=zs and recalculate a, b, Y and qD.

5).Repeat step (4) until a maximum in qD is obtained

6).Hereinafter, reduce zc and recalculate qD from equation (2.26) remain the

value of zc, Y, a and b unchanged.

7).Repeat the above step until a new maximum in qD is obtained.

8). the value of critical coning rate (Qc) can be calculated by the maximum

amount of qD obtained from step (7).

Since the WOC equation (Eq. 2.35) and bounding streamline (2.32) are

required to be identical, the value of the dimensionless drainage radius is to

be between 2 and 10 to satisfy this condition. Therefore, this procedure

gives more accurate results for the values of the drainage radius between 2

and 10. Due to considering the cone shape effect on the oil potential

distribution, this procedure may give more accurate results than previous

correlations. A typical graph has been plotted according to data given in

table 2.6.

Table 2.6 An example data for Wheatley's method

Parameter H Re K ∆ρ Μ rw

Value 70 2000 100 0.3 1 0.25

Units Ft Ft md g/cm3 Cp Ft

Ali Khalili July 2005


The figure (2.14) shows the behaviour of the critical coning rate value

against the fractional well penetration by different correlations.


Critical Oil flow rate (STB/day)


Boyun Guo

Meyer & Garder

Abass & Bass

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless well penetration

Figure 2.14 Critical coning rate versus well penetration for different equations

As shown, the Wheatley and the Meyer-Garder methods follow a similar

trend. However, as they approach low well penetration the Wheatley

approach gives a higher value for the critical coning rate. In contrast, the

Guo and Abass equations provide zero STB/day for critical coning rate at

zero penetration.

2.1.7 The Azar Nejad-Tortike Procedure

Azar Nejad and Tortike (1995) developed an analytical method to

determine the oil potential in the oil zone, which is a solution of the Laplace

equation, in a rectilinear reservoir for any completion interval. In this

method, once the oil potential distribution in the reservoir is calculated the

Ali Khalili July 2005


production rate and the cone height can be obtained. In addition, the effect

of the cone shape on the potential distribution was taken into account by

applying a transformation rule to transform the deformed domain into a

rectilinear domain.

Potential Distribution

Uniform Flux along the Wellbore:

All the dimensions were normalized by b as follows:

b = 2h, re = Re / b, r = R / b, w = Z / b, hb = l p / b (2.43)

Where h is the reservoir thickness. The form of the Laplace equation for

potential distribution at steady state condition is

1 ∂ ∂ϕ ∂ 2ϕ
(r )+ 2 =0 (2.44)
r ∂r ∂r ∂r


= 0, z = 0, b / 2 (2.45)

ϕ = const., r = re (2.46)

Madelung (1918) determined the potential in a rectilinear domain without

considering constant potential at the wellbore i.e.

ϕ p ( w, r , w p ) = 4q[2∑ ( K 0 (2πnr ) cos(2πnw) cos(2πnw p )) + ln( )] (2.47)

Where wp is the location of a point source in Z axis and K0 is Bessel function

of order zero. The equation for a line source extending from top of a

reservoir with length of x is

Ali Khalili July 2005


1 1 2
ϕ L ( w, r , x) = 4q[
∑(n K 0 (2πnr ) cos( 2πnw) sin( 2πnx ) + x ln( )

Equation (2.48) guarantees a uniform flux along the well bore, however; it

has a singular point on the Z-axis at r=0. It does not satisfy the constant

potential condition at the well bore.

Constant Potential Along the wellbore:

A superposition method was applied to obtain a constant potential along

the wellbore. In this method, six line sources and two point sources were

used so that the line sources were partially penetrating well. In the case of

uniform flux, every two line sources form a flux elements, therefore, there

are five flux elements including two point sources as follows:

Figure 2.15 The Location of elements according to the Azar Nejad method

-Flux Element (I)

This element has the same length as the original wellbore, which extends

from XS to XE.

-Flux Element (II)

Ali Khalili July 2005


It is a line with producing length of one sixth of original wellbore length

restricted between XS1 and XE1.This element is created by superimposing

two partially penetrating well extending from top of the reservoir to XS1 and

XE1 respectively.

-Flux Element (III)

Like the two other elements, it is a combination of two partially penetrating

wells starting from XS2 and extending to XE2.

Flux Element (4 & 5)

As shown in figure (2.15), these two flux elements are two point sources,

which are located at the top and the bottom of the first line source (sink).

Xp1=XS and Xp2=XE

Applying the superposition rule, one can write the potential at any point in

the reservoir as follows:

ϕ ( w, r ) = q1ϕ L1 ( xs, xe, w, r ) + q 2ϕ L 2 ( xs, xe1, w, r ) + q3ϕ L 3 ( xs 2, xe, w, r ) + q 4ϕ p1 ( xs, w, r )

+ q5ϕ p 2 ( xe, w, r )


In order to determine the unknowns a1 to a5, which are elements strength,

the equation (2.49) was applied for five different points on the wellbore

surface and they were forced to be an unique value which was well

potential. Another equation was needed to solve the system of equations.

This equation was called the constrain equation meaning that to make

potential independent of production rate all the potentials were calculated at

unit rate.

Ali Khalili July 2005


i =1
i =1 (2.50)

Once the potential at any point is obtained, one could apply equation (2.51)

to calculate the production rate for any arbitrary cone height and well


16πkh 2 ∆ρg ∑ q n x n hc
q oc = 5
n =1
Bo µ o [(∑ q nφ ( x n , r , w)) − 4(∑ q n x n ) ln( )]
n =1 n =1 r

Transformation rule:

Calculation of production mainly depends on the accuracy of the potentials

appearing at the denominator of the equation (2.51). In fact, considering

the WOC as a no flow boundary, one has to deal with two problems.

The first problem is that the geometry of the WOC is unknown and he

second is that the boundary is irregular. Considering an irregular

geometry in Laplace or diffusivity equation is impossible. Consequently,

in order to consider the cone shape effect on the potential distribution, a

transformation rule was applied to transform the cone boundary to

straight line. In fact, it transforms every point of the WOC to its

conjugate on the straight line, that is, every vertical point must be

increased by a coefficient α T.

αT = 1 + (2.52)
(0.5 − hc )

Ali Khalili July 2005


Where hc is the height of the cone at a particular instant; therefore, the

transformed perforated interval may be calculated by using the following


LPT = LP (1 + ) (2.53)
0.5 − hc

Now, by determining the new well length in the rectilinear domain the exact

potential at cone height (hc) can be calculated. Azar Nejad and Tortike

proposed the following procedure to calculate the oil flow rate.

1. Start with small value of h and apply transformation rule.

2. Calculate potential by equation (2.49) at given cone height.

3. Compute production rate by equation (2.51).

4. Increment h by a small value.

5. Check the cone height with beneath the well bore and go to 1.

6. Repeat stages 1-5 until a maximum production rate, which is critical

coning flow rate, is obtained.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Azar Nejad
Critical Oil Rate (STB/day)







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless well penetration

Figure 2.16 A comparison between the Azar Nejad-Tortike and the Wheatley procedure
to calculate the value of critical coning rate.


Critical Oil flow rate (STB/day)

Hoyland (procedure)
60 Wheatley



Azar Nejad
Hoyland (Simulation)

Meyer & Garder

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless well penetration

Figure 2.17 A comparison between different studies to determine the critical coning

Figure (2.16) shows a comparison between the Azar Nejad-Tortike and

Wheatley methods. The comparison shows that both methods behave

Ali Khalili July 2005


similarly. However, they are different in some cases. Azar Nejad and Tortike

considered the WOC to be a moving no-flow boundary and initial WOC

remained at constant pressure whereas Wheatley assumed that the WOC

could be a streamline. In order to configure the potential function,

Wheatley applied one line source and two point sources while Azar Nejad

and Tortike applied three line sources and two point sources. As a result,

because of adding two extra line sources, the Azar Nejad-Tortike procedure

may be more precise than the Wheatley method.

The value of the critical coning rate against fractional well penetration has

been plotted for several approaches for a specific example in figure (2.17).

Because they display different behaviour, the two correlations, the Abass-

Bass and the Guo-Lee curve, have been removed. It is evident that the

Hoyland et al procedure cannot be reliable as it gives much higher results

than the other correlations considered. Also, the Meyer-Garder result is too

conservative. However, the critical coning rate obtained from the Wheatley

procedure is very close to that of Azar Nejad and Tortike’s solution because

both two methods are based on determination of the oil potential

distribution. The value of the critical coning rate obtained by the Hoyland et

al equation (Simulation) is slightly higher than these two methods. However,

as an alternative correlation, it is recommended because a simple calculator

can be used to calculate the critical coning rate rather than a long


2.2. Simultaneous coning of gas and water

Ali Khalili July 2005


Despite the fact that the vast majority of reservoirs contain all three

phases (Gas, Oil, and Water) together, most studies have been conducted on

the water coning or gas coning. In simultaneous coning, consideration is

taken of both the water and the free gas of the reservoir. The only

significant way to evaluate the water and gas coning is to apply reservoir

simulation (Pinczewski, 2003). However, several procedures have been

proposed to estimate the critical coning rate in the presence of both gas and

water coning.

2.2.1. The Meyer and Garder method

Following the explanation used for the water coning in the Meyer-

Garder method, now we consider a reservoir comprising three zones of gas,

oil and water. The problem is to locate the perforated interval so that the

oil production is maximal and the gas and water production is minimal.

According to assumptions noted earlier, the oil potential in the gas zone may

be written:

ρG ρ (2.54)
ϕo = ϕG − gz ( G − 1)
ρO ρ0

So that we have

ρG ρ (2.55)
ϕ o (r2 , z ) = ϕ G + g (h − D + h p )(1 − G )
ρo ρO


h − D ≤ z ≤ h − D + hp (2.56)

Ali Khalili July 2005



hp is the perforated height, r2 is the well radius and h is the reservoir


Figure 2.18 A Schematic profile of a simultaneous coning of gas and water

And oil potential in the water zone can be written:

ρw ρ (2.57)
ϕ o (r2 , z ) = ϕ G − g (h − D)( w − 1)
ρo ρo

h − D ≤ z ≤ h − D + hp (2.58)

Meyer and Garder assumed that the oil potential at gas and water zone was

equal. As a result, by equating equation (2.55) and (2.57) the following

equation was obtained.

ρo − ρG (2.59)
D = h − (h − h p )
ρ w − ρG

Similarly the oil potential at well radius at different cases might be

expressed as

Ali Khalili July 2005


⎧ ρw ρ
⎪ϕ w − g (h − z )(1 − G ), h ≥ z ≥ h − D + h p
⎪ ρo ρo
⎪⎪ ρw ρ
ϕ o (r2 , z ) = ⎨ϕ w + g (h − D)(1 − W ), h − D + h p ≥ z ≥ h − D
⎪ ρo ρo (2.60)
⎪ ρw ρ
⎪ϕ w + gz (1 − W ), h − D ≥ z ≥ 0
⎪⎩ ρo ρo

Also by combining the Darcy equation and the Hubbert potential function,

the Oil flow rate was expressed in the form of integral as follows:

2πkρ o h (2.61)
ln(r / r1 ) µ o ∫0
qo = ( ϕ (r , z )dz − hϕ1 ), r2 ≤ r ≤ r1

Where φ1 is the potential value at the drainage radius, r1

Therefore, by substitution the expressions in equation (2.59) and (2.60) in

(2.61) the value of the critical coning flow rate can be determined.

Eventually, the maximum critical coning flow rate can be determined if

perforated interval hp approaches zero. Thus, Meyer and Garder derived the

following equation in field units:

ρo − ρ g 2 ρo − ρ g 2
h 2 K (( ρ o − ρ g )(1 − ) + ( ρ w − ρ o )( )
ρw − ρg ρw − ρg
q oc max = 2.46 × 10 −5
Bo µ o ln( )

Ali Khalili July 2005


Simultaneous coning
water coning
Critical Oil flow rate(STB/day)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless well penetration

Figure 2.19 A comparison between the water coning and simultaneous coning of gas and
water according to the Meyer and Garder Method.

The figure (2.19) illustrates a comparison between the water coning and the

simultaneous coning of gas and water. As shown, the value of the critical

coning rate obtained by this Approach for simultaneous coning of water and

gas is lower than that for the only water coning case.

As can be seen at equation (2.62), the only key parameter is the density

difference between the three phases. Also, the value of the maximum

critical coning flow rate is independent of the length of the perforated

interval. The independence of the critical coning rate on the length of the

perforated interval results from the assumption that the maximum rate

occurs when the water and gas comes first meet.

Ali Khalili July 2005


2.2.2. The Chierici-Ciucci Approach

Chierici-Ciucci (1964) used a potentiometric model technique to study

the water and gas coning in which a systematic study was conducted by

means of an electrical analogy technique. In this study the main assumptions

are: 1. Homogenous reservoir (either isotropic or anisotropic).2. The aquifer

was assumed to be so limited that it did not contribute to the energy of the

reservoir.3. The gas cap expends at a very low rate so that the potential

gradient in the gas cap is negligible. His results were presented in the form

of a set of curves to be used in the following two cases:

a- Determining the value of the critical coning rate at given reservoirs and

fluid properties, as well as the length and position of the perforated


b- Optimizing the position and length of the perforated interval at which the

well is produced at critical coning rate, at given reservoirs and fluid


He came up with the equations (2.63) and (2.64) to determine the value of

the critical coning rate. The critical coning rate is smaller rate obtained

from the following equations.

h 2 (ρ w − ρo ) (2.63)
q ow = 0.492 × 10 −4
k hψ w (rDe , ε , δ w )
Bo µ o

h 2 (ρ o − ρ g ) (2.64)
q og = 0.492 × 10 −4
k hψ g (rDe , ε , δ g )
Bo µ o

Ali Khalili July 2005


Where rDe was defined as

re kv (2.65)
rDe =
h kh

And δw, δg and Є have been defined in figure (2.20)

Figure 2.20 Diagrammatic Representation of a water and gas coning system in a

Homogenous Formation.

For any oil production rate greater than qow or qog , oil-water interface

moves up or the gas-oil interface moves down until it eventually reaches the

well and the unwanted fluid breaks into the wellbore. With this in mind, the

following equations are to be satisfied in order to achieve a maximum oil

rate without water and gas.

q oc ≤ q ow (2.66)

q oc ≤ q og

As can be seen in equations (2.63) and (2.64), the critical coning rate

is related to the fluid characteristics through a dimensionless function, ψ

Ali Khalili July 2005


(rDe, Є, δ). The function ψ was determined by applying a potentiometric

analyser utilizing the analogy existing between the steady state flow in

porous media and the electrical current flow in conductors. The results were

presented by figures (2.22) through (2.28). These results are valid only

within the following ranges.

5 ≤ rDe ≤ 80
0 ≤ ε ≤ 0.75
0.07 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9

It is important to note that the maximum critical coning rate can be

determined at the following condition.

q o = q og = q ow (2.68)

How to solve the problem?

a- Well already perforated:

In this case Є and δg are given. Besides, fluids and the reservoir

characteristics such as rDe, h, kRo, Kvo, ρw and ρo are known. Once the value

of ψ is read off by using the appropriate graph among the figures (2.22)

through (2.28), one can determine the value of the critical coning rate by

equations (2.63) and (2.64). The obtained value can be checked by applying

equation (2.67).

b- Well has not been perforated

In this case, the value of re, h, kRo, kvo and the fluids properties are

assumed to be known. The problem can be solved by applying figures (2.22)

through (2.28) and using the following procedure. A value of ε is speculated

Ali Khalili July 2005


and then the corresponding value of δg and ψ are read off from suitable

(∆ρog/ ∆ρwo) curve. The accuracy of the values depends on the interpolation

method applied. Thus, the perforated interval is located by knowing the

distance of the perforated interval from gas cap which is calculated by

means of the equation given in figure (2.20). Finally, having values of δg and

ψ, one can determine the critical coning rate for this penetration.

Table 2.7 Reservoir and fluids properties for the Chierici and Meyer and Garder method
Parameter H re kv kh ∆ρow ∆ρog Μ rw

Value 70 2000 10 100 0.3 0.66 1 0.25

Unit Ft Ft md md g/cm3 g/cm3 Cp Ft

Table 2.8 Data for the Chierici method

ε 0 .05 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75

δgas 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 .125

Ali Khalili July 2005


Meyer & Garder
Critical Oil Rate(STB/day)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless well penetration

Figure 2.21 Comparison between the Chierici and Meyer Method at simultaneous coning

The figure 2.21 shows a comparison between the Chierici and the Meyer-

Garder method for simultaneous coning of water and gas. As shown, the

Chierici method gives a higher result than the Meyer-Garder equation. As

noted earlier, Meyer and Garder assumed that the water was at rest in the

cone. Also the reservoir permeability was considered uniform throughout the

reservoir. The Chierici method may be criticized on the basis that the cone

shape effect was not taken into account. Another disadvantage of this

method is that the reservoir properties must satisfy the conditions for

equation (2.67). For instance, as shown, the fractional well penetration

must be between zero and 0.75.

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Figure 2.22 Dimensionless function for rDe=5 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.23 Dimensionless function for rDe=10 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.24 Dimensionless function for rDe=20 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.25 Dimensionless function for rDe=30 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.26 Dimensionless function for rDe=40 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.27 Dimensionless function for rDe=60 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

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Figure 2.28 Dimensionless function for rDe=80 (Cited in Ahmad, 2000)

2.3. Comparison

Figure 2.29 shows a comparison between all the correlations considered in

this study. Depending on the assumptions and basic logic considered in

developing the correlations, different results are obtained. The following

conclusions can be drawn from figure (2.29).

The curves are categorised into two groups. The first group consists of

two curves, the Abass-Bass Curve and Guo-Lee curve. As can be seen, there

is a significant difference between these two curves and the other

Ali Khalili July 2005


correlations. Particularly, the value of the critical coning rate for the curves

increases dramatically as the fractional well penetration increases till it

reaches a maximum critical coning rate. It may be explained by stating that

the limited wellbore penetration moves from zero well penetration to most

oil dominant zone. This pseak value occurs at fractional well penetration of

50% and 33% for the Guo-Lee and the Abass curves, respectively. Afterward,

it starts to decline until it reaches zero at fully well penetration. Even

though the behaviour is qualitatively smaller, the Guo-Lee rates are a good

deal higher than the Abass-Bass rates.

The second group consists of all curves except the Abass-Bass and the

Guo-Lee Curves. In this group, generally, the curves begin with zero rate for

full penetration and then as the fractional well penetration approaches zero

the value of the critical coning rate increases. For instance, the outcome

provided by the Hoyland et al procedure rises dramatically as the curve

approaches low penetration. The reason is that this estimation follows the

Muskat-Wyckoff theory in which the cone shape effect on oil potential

distribution was not considered (Hoyland et al, 1989). In contrast, the

Meyer-Garder formula provides the lowest result for the fractional well

penetration of less than 42%. Therefore, the Hoyland et al and the Meyer

curves can be defined as the upper limit and the lower limit respectively.

Evidently, the results of the Wheatley, Azar Nejad-Tortike and Hoyland et

al’s equations are slightly different. To be more precise, the Wheatley and

Azar Nejad-Tortike procedures are almost the same. One of the main

Ali Khalili July 2005


advantages of these studies is that unlike most of the former correlations

the cone shape effect on oil potential distribution was considered.

Apart from the equation developed by Joshi for Chaperon’s theory, it is

desirable to make a comparison between Chaperon’s original method and

the other methods. Since Chaperon developed her theory for only low

penetration case, her result will be compared against the other methods,

provided that the well is perforated at the top of the oil zone. Chaperon’s

equation provides higher results compared to the other methods. For

instance, the Chaperon method gives the critical value of 26% higher than

the most reliable equations such as the Wheatley and Azar Nejad Tortike


Table 2.9 A Comparison between different correlations and Chaperon’s method

Azar Nejad-Tortike
Hoyland et al(1)

Hoyland et al(2)












Ali Khalili July 2005


Critical Oil flowrate (STB/day)

Hoyland (procedure)
60 Wheatley

50 Guo


Azar Nejad
Hoyland (Simulation)

Meyer & Garder
Abass & Bass
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dimensionless fractional well penetration

Figure 2.29 A schematic comparison between correlations developed to calculate the critical coning rate for vertical oil well

Ali Khalili July 2005

3 Chapter Three: Coning at Horizontal oil wells

3.1. Coning behaviour at horizontal wells

Unlike the vertical wells where the upward movement of the water

creates a cone shape, the rising water at horizontal wells forms a crest which

is called the water crest (Fig 3.1). There are some advantages in drilling

horizontal wells over the conventional vertical wells. Firstly, the pressure

drawdown is concentrated in the vicinity of the vertical wells whereas in the

case of a horizontal well it is distributed over the drainage volume of the

horizontal well. Therefore, the pressure drawdown for a horizontal well may

be much smaller than that for a vertical well (Pinczewski, 2003). Secondly,

the value of the critical coning rate for a horizontal well is more than two or

three times that of the critical coning rate estimated for a vertical well at

the same cone height (Karcher and Giger, 1986). Finally, in terms of sweep

efficiency, a horizontal well is more effective because the oil volume

invaded by the water to create a crest below a horizontal well is

considerably greater than the oil volume swept to form a cone below a

vertical well (Karcher and Giger, 1986). Consequently, a higher ultimate oil

recovery is expected from a horizontal well rather than a vertical well.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure 3.1 A draw of water cresting below a horizontal well

3.2. Correlations used to calculate the critical coning rate in

horizontal oil wells

3.2.1. Chaperon’s approach

Chaperon (1986) developed an analytical correlation which was the first

study dealing with the critical coning rate in horizontal wells. The author

provided a simple estimation of the critical coning rate at steady state

condition for both isotropic and anisotropic formations. For simplicity, the

well was assumed to be near the top of the reservoir to decrease the chance

of the water coning.

Creation of a stable crest depends on a balance existing between the

viscous forces and the gravity forces (point A on the interface is away from

the wellbore and point S is on the apex of the crest, figure (3.2)). An

Ali Khalili July 2005


equation for the flow potential was derived based on Houpeurt’s formula and

was expressed as shown in equation (3.1) (Darcy’s unit).

Figure 3.2 Immobile water crest below a horizontal well.

qµ o πx πz (3.1)
ϕ ( x, z ) = Log (ch − cos )
2πLk h h

Equation (3.1) above was developed based on the assumptions that the

flow pattern would be radial around the wellbore, and also that it might

approach linear flow properties as the distance from the well increases.

After equating the viscous forces and gravity forces, an implicit equation was

yielded to calculate the cone height as a function of XA, which is the location

of constant pressure boundary where the interface level is zero (equation


πZ s πX A
1 − cos ch +1
Z h log( h
1− s = )
h πZ s πZ s
2π sin 1 − cos
h h

Ali Khalili July 2005


Chaperon came up with the following equation by equating the viscous

potential difference to the gravity potential difference.

Lkh ∗ X
q oc = 4.886 × 10 −4 ∆ρqlc ( A ) (3.3)
Bo µ o h


πZ sc (3.4)
2(1 − cos )
∗ h
qlc =
πZ sc

qoc:STB/day, h: ft, L: horizontal well length(ft),∆ρ:g/cm3 ,

XA: location of the constant pressure boundary or abscissa where the

interface level is about zero for steady state conditions (ft)

Zs: The distance between the cone apex and the well (ft), i.e. cone height is


Anisotropic formation:

Apart from the end sides of the well, the flow was considered two

dimensional in x-z planes; therefore, only x and z coordinates have to be

changed in conversion from isotropic to anisotropic. For this reason, the

conversion equation can be expressed as:

∂2 p ∂2 p ∂2 p ∂2 p (3.5)
kx + k = k ′( + )
∂x 2 ∂z 2 ∂x ′ 2 ∂z ′ 2

In such cases, the critical coning rate for anisotropic formations is defined as


k h k v 12 ∗ (3.6)
q oc = 4.886 × 10 L∆ρh ( ) qlc

µ kh
Ali Khalili July 2005

In order to use equation (3.6) and (3.3), one has to estimate the value of Zs

from figure (3.3) at given value of (XA/h). Once Zs is determined, q*lc as well

as qoc can be calculated.

As shown in figure (3.3), as XA/h increases the distance between the cone

apex and wellbore decreases. In other words, the system allows the water

crest to rise to a higher level for larger outer boundary radius while the

water crest remains stable. Consequently, the well can produce clean oil at

higher rate when horizontal well drainage increases.

Joshi (1991)(cited in Ahmed, 2000) derived an equation to estimate q*lc

under steady state or pseudo steady-state conditions for an anisotropic

formation (Ahmed, 2000) and proposed equation (3.7).

L (h − (h − Db )) 2 ∗ (3.7)
q oc = 7.827 × 10 −6 ( )∆ρk h q lc
D µ o Bo


q ∗lc = 3.9624955 + 0.0616438( X D ) − 0.000504( X D ) 2 (3.8)

D kv (3.9)
XD =
h kh

Where D and Db represent the distance between two horizontal wells and the

distance between WOC and the horizontal well, respectively. According to

the data shown in table 3.1, the value of the critical cone rate calculated by

Chaperon’s method is slightly more than 138 STB/day compared to value of

241 STB/day provided by Joshi’s extension.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Table 3.1 Typical data for chaperon’s method

Parameter h L Kv Kh ∆ρ µ D Db

Value 70 1500 10 100 0.3 1 2000 70

Units ft Ft Md md g/cm3 Cp Ft Ft









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Zs(Distance between cone apex and well(ft))

Figure 3.3 A relation between XA and Distance between cone apex and well

3.2.2. The Giger Approach

Giger (1989) presented an analytical, two-dimensional method to

determine the deformed WOC shape and the value of the critical coning rate

at three different mechanisms. (i) lateral edge drive. (ii) gas cap- drive, and

(iii) bottom water drive. He considered the following assumptions.

Fluid displacement is assumed to be piston-type

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Capillary effects are negligible

In this study because of focusing on water coning, only the bottom water

drive mechanism is presented.

Bottom Water Drive

In this case, the lateral sides and the top of the reservoir are

impervious and the aquifer is active. The boundary condition used to solve

the problem is the Neumann condition, provided that there is no flow at the

top as well as the lateral sides of the reservoir.

Giger obtained the shape of the water crest for the distance far from

the well as a branch of Dupuit parabola with the following equation.

c + ln 2 2 c + ln 2 π 2 (3.10)
y ( ) − xπ ( )− = c2
h h 12

Where c is a positive parameter and x and y is the abscissa and ordinate of a

moving point describing the boundary of the water crest and h is the

distance between top of the water crest and the top of the reservoir. Also

the volumetric rate of oil production from the well per unit length is:

πk∆ρg h (3.11)
µ o c + ln 2

By combing the equations (3.10) and (3.11) and considering a rough

evaluation, equation (3.12) can be obtained. As shown in equation 3.12,

Ali Khalili July 2005


there is a relationship between the oil flow rate and the water crest shape

below a horizontal well. The shape of the WOC has been plotted in figure

(3.4) for different values of the parameter c where xD=x/h and yD=y/h. c is a

positive parameter relating to the largest angle made by the WOC with the

horizontal axis. Giger concluded that an equation for the critical coning rate

can be obtained by calculating q, oil flow rate, from equation (3.12) for c=0.

The author reached to equation (3.13) by substituting c=0 in equation (3.12);

equation (3.14) is another form of equation (3.13) which can be used to

estimate the critical coning rate (see reference for derivation).

k H ∆ρg 2 k H ∆ρg 1 (3.12)

c 2 = π 2 〈( y ) − x− 〉
µo q µo q 12

-10 -5 0 5 10




c=1 -20
C=100 XD
Figure 3.4 Non-dimensional WOC curves.

Ali Khalili July 2005


3 k h ∆ρgL 16 H 2
qoc = D( 1 + − 1)
2 µo 3 D2

9.498 × 10 −7 k h ∆ρh 2 L
q oc =
16 H 2
µ o DBo ( 1 + + 1)
3 D2


H: Vertical distance of WOC at lateral boundaries from top of the horizontal

well (ft).

D: Lateral dimension of reservoir block or spacing between horizontal wells


L: Horizontal Well length (ft).

q oc : Critical coning rate (STB/day).

As noted earlier, this equation has been developed, provided that the

water crest is located below the horizontal well. It has to be noted that H

decreases as time goes on meaning that the critical coning rate decreases

over time. For data shown in table 3.2, the critical coning rate is 27


Table 3.2 An example data for Giger’s theory (Bottom Water drive mechanism)
Parameter H L Kv Kh ∆ρ µ D

Ali Khalili July 2005


Value 70 1500 10 100 0.3 1 2000

Units Ft Ft Md md g/cm3 Cp Ft

3.2.3. Joshi’s Method

Joshi (1988) suggested that the Meyer-Garder equation could be used

for calculating the critical coning flow rate for horizontal wells, provided

that the horizontal well effective wellbore radius is used instead of the

vertical well radius. For this purpose, he calculated the effective wellbore

radius by equation (3.15).(I have edited the formula with a bigger bracket)

reh ( L / 2) (3.15)
rwe =
{ }
b 1 + 1 − ( L / 2b) 2 {h / 2rw }

Where b is half the major axis of drainage ellipse for a horizontal well and

can be determined by the following equation.(the eq 3.16 was edited )

L ⎧1 1 1 ⎫ (3.16)
b= ⎨ + + ⎬
2 ⎩2 4 (0.5L / reh ) ⎭

Substituting the horizontal-well effective wellbore radius in the Meyer-

Garder equation yields

ρw − ρo kh (3.17)
q oc = 2.46 × 10 −5 (h 2 − (h − lV ) 2 )
ln(reh / rwe ) µ o Bo


L: Horizontal well length (ft)

reh : Horizontal well drainage radius (ft)

lV: Distance between WOC and horizontal well (ft)

qoc: Critical coning rate (STB/day)

h: Reservoir thickness (ft)

Ali Khalili July 2005


kh: Horizontal permeability (md)

Table 3.3 An Example data for Joshi’s correlation

Parameter H L Kv Kh ∆ρ µ D Reh

Value 70 1500 10 100 0.3 1 2000 2431

Units ft Ft Md md g/cm3 Cp ft Ft

Figure 3.5 Schematics of a horizontal well drainage volume

Ali Khalili July 2005



Critical oil rate(STB/day)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
The distance between WOC and Horizontal well(ft)

Figure 3.6 The critical coning rate against the distance between horizontal well and

As shown in figure (3.6), the critical coning rate increases as the distance

between the horizontal well and WOC increases. Also, the Joshi equation

indicates that the value of the critical coning rate is zero when a horizontal

well is drilled at WOC. Joshi’s result can be compared against the Chaperon

and the Giger Methods, provided that the distance between the horizontal

well and WOC is assigned to reservoir thickness which is 70 ft for the

example shown in table 3.3. As figure 3.6 shows, the value of the critical

coning rate determined by Joshi’s equation is about 107 STB/day.

3.2.4. The Yang-Wattenbarger Correlation for Horizontal wells

Ali Khalili July 2005


Yang and Wattenbarger (1991) presented a correlation to determine the

critical coning rate which is based on Addington’s theory (1981) for gas-

coning. In fact, Addington observed that the plot of GOR against the average

oil column height above the perforation is a straight line after gas

breakthrough on a semi-log scale graph. Based on this, he conducted an

extensive sensitivity analysis for parameters to determine the slope and the

intercept of the straight line for various fluid and reservoir properties. Their

correlation can be used to predict the GOR and critical coning rate. Weiping

and Wattenbarger followed the same procedure as Addington did. However,

instead of gas coning they developed an equation for calculating the critical

coning rate in water coning.

Theory and approach to the problem

In order to develop the correlation, it was assumed that the oil phase

was displaced as a piston-like displacement. As a result, the water-oil front

line contact can be imagined. The height of the oil column, which is the

distance between the current water-oil contact and the bottom of the

perforation, was defined as the average oil column height below

perforation, hbp. This parameter was calculated by applying a material

balance as shown later. As depicted in figure (3.7), three regions play a

major rule in this derivation, the aquifer, the region invaded by water and

the oil column located between initial WOC and current WOC. It was

assumed that in the aquifer the oil saturation was zero. In addition, they

assumed oil saturation to be residual in the invaded region. With this in

mind, the oil material balance may be written as,

Ali Khalili July 2005


ht s 0 = (ht − h) × 0.0 + (h − hav )(1 − s wc ) + hav s or (3.18)

Where hav is defined as a roughly estimation for the height of water invaded

zone. Multiplying both sides by the cross sectional area, A, and porosity


ht Aφs 0 = Aφ (h − hav )(1 − s wc ) + hav s or Aφ (3.19)

The left hand site, which is the oil left in the reservoir, can be expressed as

the original oil in place minus the cumulative oil production, NP.

ht Aφs o = ( N i − N p ) B (3.20)

Substituting this equation into equation (3.19) gives

( N i − N p ) B = (h − hav ) Aφ (1 − s wc ) + hav Aφs or (3.21)

hav is determined from the above equation.

NpB (3.22)
hav =
Aφ (1 − s wc − s or )

And the average oil column height below perforation can be determined by

the following equation (see figure 3.7).

hbp = h − hav − hap (3.23)

As production increases, hbp decreases until the water breaks into the

wellbore. At this stage the average oil column height below perforation is

defined as the breakthrough height and donated by hwb. After simulating one

well for different properties, it was found that the plot of WOR plus a

constant value, c, against hbp is a straight line on a semi-log scale after

water breaks into the well. This point can be expressed mathematically as


WOR = 0 hbp > hwb

Log (WOR + c) = m(hbp − hwb ) + log(c)

Ali Khalili July 2005


hbp<=hwb (3.24)

Once the value of m, hwb and c is determined the whole coning behaviour can

be predicted. Thus, in order to determine the parameters described in

equation 3.24, firstly, a large number of simulation runs is made to

investigate the cone performance at different reservoir and fluid properties

and then for each run, the WOR and c are plotted against hbp on semi-log

scale from which m and hbp are determined. When hwb and m are obtained

for all cases, a regression analysis is applied to find a relationship between

the oil reservoir and the fluid properties.

In order to investigate the water coning performance, the following

assumptions are made during simulation.

1. A 2-D x-z numerical model is used.

2. No flow across the boundary.

3. Formation is underlain by a recharged bottom aquifer.

3. Reservoir is homogeneous but anisotropic.

4. No gas cap is in the reservoir.

5. Capillary pressure is neglected.

6. The horizontal well is considered to be long and fully penetrated so that a

2D x-z geometry can be used.

After applying the sensitivity analysis, it was discovered that the best

way to present the WOR against the average oil column height below

perforation (hbp) could be achieved when the value of c was 0.25.

Ali Khalili July 2005


WOR = 0 hbp > hwb

Log (WOR + 0.25) = m(hbp − hwb ) + log(0.25) hbp ≤ hwb (3.25)

As expected, as the production rate and the fluid viscosity increase

the breakthrough height, hwb increases meaning that the water is produced

earlier. However, hwb is limited by the natural constraint.

hwb ≤ h − hap (3.26)


h − hap
≥1 (3.27)

Finally, the following correlations are developed.

h − hap 1 0.65 1 1
[ ] 2 = 1 + 4.7921 × 10 − 4 D 0.32 ( ) ( )( ) (3.28)
hwb XD q cD 1 + M 0.4

D 0.18 1 0.4 1 0.5

m = 0.004[1 + 2.7496 ( ) ( ) (1 + M 0.25 )(1 − λ ) 0.3 ] (3.29)
h XD qD

D kv
xD = (3.30)
h kh

qt µ o
q cD = (3.31)
k v k h k ro Lh∆γ

λ= (3.32)

µ o k rw
M = (3.33)
µ w k ro

The value of the Critical coning flow rate is determined by applying equation

(3.28) for given hwb, this equation can be rewritten as follows:

−4 1 0.65 1 hbp
q cD = 4.7921 × 10 D 0.32
( ) (3.34)
XD 1 + M 0 .4 ( h − hap ) 2 − hbp

Ali Khalili July 2005


k v k h k ro Lh∆ρ
q oc = q cD (3.35)
µ o Bo


q oc = Critical coning flow rate (STB/day)

M= Water oil mobility ratio

L: Horizontal well length (ft)

kro: Oil relative permeability at connate water ( Swc).

D: Drainage width, ft

Figure 3.7 A very simple sketch of y-z profile for a horizontal well

After Weiping and Wattenbarger a few researchers applied this

theory to evaluate the water and gas coning. Since there is no analytical

insight in developing the correlations they have obtained different

equations having different coefficients. As a result, their equations

provide different outcomes. For instance, Recham and Touami (2000)

conducted a reservoir simulation study on Hassi R’mel field in Algeria and

developed the following correlations:

Ali Khalili July 2005


−3 1 1 (hbp − 1) 2
q cD = 1.17 × 10 ( X D ) 0.61
( )( ) 2.77

1 + M 4.45 hap (h − hap ) 2 − (hbp − 1) 2

1− ( )


Lh k v k h ( ρ w − ρ o ) (3.37)
q oc = q cD
325.86 µ o Bo

The critical coning rate against the average oil column height below

perforation, hbp is plotted in figure (3.8). As can been seen, the value of

the critical coning rate decreases with decreasing hbp, that is, as time

goes on the water-oil front line approaches the well beneath. Therefore,

in order to continue clean oil production, the well should flow at a lower


Table 3.4 An sample data for the Weiping-Wattenbarger correlation

Parameter H L Kv Kh ∆ρ µ D hap

Value 70 1500 10 100 0.3 1 2000 1

Unit Ft ft md Md g/cm3 Cp Ft ft

Ali Khalili July 2005




Criticali Oil Rate(STB/day)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Average oil column height below perforation,hbp(ft)

Figure 3.8 The Yang-Wattenbarger correlation


Critical oil rate(STB/day)

Rechem & Touami





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Average Oil Column Height Below Perforation(ft)

Figure 3.9 The Rechem-Touami Correlation

Ali Khalili July 2005


In order to compare the critical coning rate for horizontal and vertical

wells, the horizontal well is assumed to be located at the top of the oil

column. For this reason, the parameter hap is given as 1ft. Figures (3.8)

and (3.9) show a typical comparison between the Yang-Wattenbarger and

the Rechem-Touami method. As shown, both graphs start with a high

value of critical coning rate. They decline sharply as the water-oil

interface moves upward for about 5 ft from initial WOC. However, there

is a dramatic difference between them. For instance, the value of the

critical coning rate for the Rechem-Touami equation is almost 72 STB/day

compared to 4500 STB/day given by the Yang-Wattenbarger correlation.

This difference cannot be justified because Yang-Wattenbarger’s rate is

extremely greater than The Rechem result. Meanwhile, because of

applying regression analysis, an error has presumably occurred in the

equation development. It is remarkable to note that Pietraru and

Cosentino (1993) reached to a similar result.

3.3 Comparison

Table (3.5) shows the value of the critical coning rate obtained from

different studies. In order to discover the most suitable approach for,

understanding the assumptions and basic concepts used in these methods are

inevitable. Thus, the above studies can be classified in two major groups, the

equations developed through the analytical derivations and those obtained by

Ali Khalili July 2005


outcome of the numerical reservoir simulation. First group consists of the

following methods.

- The Chaperon correlation

- The Joshi modification for Chaperon method

- The Giger approach

- The Joshi approximation

The equations categorized in second group are following:

-The Yang-Wattenbarger et al correlation

- The Rechem-Touami method

Table 3.5 The Critical coning rates obtained by different approaches

Joshi’s ( Chaperon)

Critical coning Correlation








Firstly, it is evident that the value given by the Yang-Wattenbarger equation

and the Joshi extension are highly optimistic. As noted earlier, Chaperon

solved the problem by determining the oil potential. In fact, in her solution

Ali Khalili July 2005


because of existence of immobile water in the water crest, the flow

restriction was neglected. This may lead to optimistic evaluation of critical

cone rate. Consequently the critical coning rate is expected to be less than

138 STB/day. Giger stated that the equation derived had to be applied for

around the wellbore. As shown in equation (3.14), the drainage width

parameter is located in denominator; therefore, the Giger correlation may

not be reliable for wells having high drainage width. For this reason, the

critical coning rate value provided by Giger’s theory is too low (27 STB/day)

which is the lowest value among the results obtained. The critical coning

rate value related to Joshi’s equation is 107 STB/day which can be

reasonable since it is lower than that of Chaperon’s result.

The developments of the second group equations are based on the

different assumptions. They assumed that there was no flow across the

boundary (Sealed boundary). Also according to their results, the critical

coning rate decreases with time which is meaningful for a closed boundary

system. Furthermore, unlike the first group, these approaches can be used

only for the finite reservoirs rather than infinite acting reservoir. In this

study the Rechem et al formula provides 72 STB/day which is acceptable.

Since the data given is the same for vertical and horizontal well, the

result can be compared against each other. For example, for the data

provided in this study the maximum critical coning rate calculated by most

reliable study for vertical well is 52 STB/day. This value for horizontal well

can be between 72 and 130 STB/day. As a result, the horizontal well

Ali Khalili July 2005


technology improves the value of the critical coning rate. Also, in horizontal

wells the water has less tendency to move toward wellbore.

Ali Khalili July 2005


4 Chapter Four: Summary

4.1 Summary and Conclusion for Correlations Presented for

Vertical wells

Briefly, several critical coning methods were described in details and

criticised. As explained earlier, the obtained results were different because

the equations have been developed based on different assumptions and

logic. This study mainly focused on water coning except few correlations

which were presented for simultaneous coning of water and gas. Briefly,

Wheatley (1985) and Azar Nejad and Tortike (1995) presented their methods

based on almost similar concepts which were to solve the oil potential

distribution in reservoir. They also considered the cone shape effect on oil

potential distribution. In conclusion, their theories are recommended for

calculation of the critical coning rate.

4.2 Summary and conclusion for correlations presented for

horizontal wells

Correlations for horizontal wells assume that the well is placed at the

tope of the reservoir. Similar to correlations developed for vertical wells,

some methods were presented for horizontal wells. Due to limited number of

correlations, only water coning was focused at this study for horizontal

wells. In other words, simultaneous coning of water and gas was not taken

Ali Khalili July 2005


into consideration. Summing up, The Joshi (1988) and the Rechem-Touami

(2000) correlations provide more reliable results than other correlations

considered. However, the Rechem-Touami equation has the advantage that

well performance after breakthrough may also be predicted. Summing up,

the outcome of comparison between both types of wells shows that

horizontal wells generally allow higher critical coning rates than vertical


4.3. Further studies

In this study I mainly focused on a part of coning problem called Critical

Coning Rate. As this study shows, the value of the critical coning rate is low

and uneconomic according to the current oil demand in the world.

Therefore, most oil wells flow at a rate higher than critical coning rate

subsequently it causes water production. For this reason, flowing a well at a

rate somewhat around the critical coning rate may not be an applicable

solution. Therefore, further investigations on well performance after water

breakthrough should be sought. Also, developing methods by which the water

production can be decreased are highly recommended.

Ali Khalili July 2005




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Ali Khalili July 2005



Appendix A

Analysis of Stable Cones Created By a Vertical Well

In this analysis the well penetration is considered to be low so that it is

assumed to act as a point source.

a. Isotropic formation

The flow potential corresponding to hemispherical flow induced by a

point source located at the origin of a semi-infinite porous medium and

limited by a no flow plane at z=0 is:

Qµ − 1 (A.1)
Ω( M ) = ( )
2Πk r

where r is the distance between the well point and any point M. However, in

the case of limited oil column of thickness, the no-flow boundary (z=h) may

be accounted for by the method of images. The image well locations are

zn=+-2nh,xn=0 (see Figure A.1.1).As a result , the viscous flow potential

toward a point well located at the bottom of the oil layer is ф which is

summation of all ψ’s obtained by the infinite series of images wells. It

applies close the wellbore, where the flow is hemispherical, and far from the

well where the flow system is radial. A point, A is considered far from a well

on gas-oil interface with coordinates of (rA,h), and S the apex of a gas cone

in equilibrium with coordinates(o,zs) above a vertical well producing at rate

Q,the potential difference may be expressed as follows:

Ali Khalili July 2005


Qµ +∞ 1 1 (A-2)
Φ A − ΦS = ∑ | − 2
2Πk −∞ | z S + 2nk | (rA + ( z S + 2nh) 2 )1 / 2

Equation (A-2) does converge rapidly because each term is equivalent to

1/(2n)2.However, in the case of practical it was calculated for 20 images.

Potential of gravity forces may be expressed as:

Φ A − Φ S = ∆ρg (h − z S ) (A-3)

and meeting equilibrium condition, that is, (A-2)=(A-3)

Thus flow rate corresponding to cone evaluation Zs can be determined by

equation (A-4).

1 k z (A-4)
Q= (∆ρgh)2Π (1 − S )
∑µ h

Qµ +∞ 1 1
Σ= ∑ | − 2
2Πk −∞ | z S + 2nk | (rA + ( z S + 2nh) 2 )1 / 2
| (A-5)

Dimensionless rate, q● is defined:

zS` (A-6)
q ∗ = 2Π (1 −
) /(Σh)
The amount of q* can be determined by reading of the figure A.1 where

dimensionless critical coning rate has been plotted against dimensionless

cone height at different value of a. “a “ can determined by following


rA k v 2 (A-7)
a=( )( )
h kh

Ali Khalili July 2005


a=(rA/h)(vertical perm/hor
Dimensionless critical flow rate

0.8 a=9.42








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

dimensionless cone height(fraction)

Figure A.1.Dimensionless critical rate versus dimensionless cone height at different
value of "a"

Numerical values for critical values can be calculated by using equation (A-7)

kh (A-7)
qc = 4.886 × 10 − 4 (∆ρh)q ∗
Bo µ

With the following units:


b.Anisotropic formation

in the case of anisotropy, if x,y,z are the principles axes of permeability,

as flow takes place in all three dimensions, the following variables should be


a=kh/kv=kx/kz=ky/kz (A-9)

k”=(kxkykz)1/3=kxa-1/3=kha-1/3 (A-10)

x”=x(k”/kx)1/2=a-1/6 (A-11)

Ali Khalili July 2005


y”=y(k”/ky)1/2=ya-1/6 (A-12)

z”=z(k”/kz)1/2=za1/3 (A-13)

(∆ρg)”=( ∆ρg)(z/z˝)∆ρga-1/3 (A-14)

equations (A-10) to (A-13) allow the diffusivity equation to be identical to

the isotropic case, and equation(A-14) is necessary for gravity forces to

remain unchanged. With these changes Q is invariant. Equation (A-8) may be

written for anisotropic as follows:

Q = 4.886 × 10 −4 (k " h " )(∆ρgh) " q ∗ c (rA / h " )

" (A-15)

k "h" = k h h

(∆ρgh) " = ∆ρgh

rA / h " = (rA / h)(k v / k h )1 / 2


so the general equation for critical coning rate in reservoir conditions may be


kh h r k
Qc = 4.886 × 10 − 4 ( )(∆ρh)q ∗c (( A )( v )1/ 2 )
µBo h kh

With the following units:


Ali Khalili July 2005


Appendix B:

Abass’s method to calculate critical flow rate for Vertical oil


B.1: Flow equation and boundary equations

The average pressure within the nearest cell to the wellbore can be

calculated as a volume average:


∫ PdVP
P1 =
rW (B-1)

∫ dVP

and dvp=2∏r∆zфdr, equation (B-1) can be expressed as:

r1 r1

∫ P2Πr∆zΦdr ∫ Pr dr
P= =
rW rW
r1 r1

∫ 2Πr∆zΦdr
∫ 2rdr


2 ∫ Pr dr
P1 =
r1 − r w
2 2

●Pseudo State Boundary Conditions

Under pseudo state condition , the flow equation for a constant rate at the

wellbore is written as:

Qo µ o B o r r2 (B-3)
P = Pw + (ln( ) − 2 )
7.082k h ∆z rw 2re

Substituting equation (B-3) into equation (B-2) gives:

Ali Khalili July 2005


2 1 r
Qo µ o
r r2 (B-4)
2 ∫ w
7.082k h ∆z r∫w rw 2re 2
P= 2 ( P rdr + (ln + )rdr )
r1 − rw rw

and doing the intergration of all the terms involved, one gets

Q µ B r r r +r
2 2 (B-5)
P1 = Pw + o o o ( 2 1 2 ln 1 − 1 2 w − )
7.082k h Z r1 − rw rw 4re 2

●Steady state boundary conditions

The flow equation at steady state condition with constant rate can be

expressed as:

Qo µ o B o r (B-6)
P = Pw + ln
7.082k h z rw

Substituting equation (B-6) into equation (B-2) gives

2 1 r
Qµ B r (B-7)
2 ∫ w
P1 = 2 ( P rdr + o o o ln )
r1 − rw rw 7.082k h z rw

and integrating equation (B-7) gives:

Qµ B r r 1
2 (B-8)
P1 = Pw + o o o ( 2 1 2 ln 1 − )
7.082k h z r1 − rw rw 2

Ali Khalili July 2005


B.2. The calculation of critical coning rate

As derived in Appendix B.1, the pressure drawdown between wellbore and

the nearest cell for unsteady state is:

Q µ B r r r +r 1
2 2 2 (B.2-1)
P1 − Pw = o o o ( 2 1 2 ln 1 − 1 2 w − )
7.082k h Z r1 − rw rw 4re 2

and for steady state is :

Qµ B r r 1
2 (B.2-2)
P1 − Pw = o o o ( 2 1 2 ln 1 − )
7.082k h z r1 − rw rw 2

Gravity forces which are result of density difference between oil and gas

can be expressed mathematically:

∆P = ( ρ w − ρ o ) ghwc (B.2-3)

Theoretically, water breakthrough occurs when the pressure drop

caused the viscous forces exceeds the gravitational forces, so to achieve

maximum viscous force which can be offset by gravity force, these two

forces have to equal, therefore after equaling (B.2-2) and (B.2-3) and

determining for flow rate , the equation for critical coning rate at unsteady

state condition may be written:

2Π k h g∆ρxh(h − N − hx) (B.2-3)

Qc =
r +r
2 2 2
r1 r1 1
µBo ( ln( ) − 1 2w − )
r1 − rw
2 2
rw 4re 2
●Steady state Flow Condition

Similarly, by combining equations (B.2-2) and (B.2-3) result in:

2Π k h zg∆ρhwc (B.2-4)
Qc = 2
r1 r1 1
µ o Bo ( ln − )
r1 − rw
2 2
rw 2
Ali Khalili July 2005

since the maximum value for hwc is ho-N-z ,thus replacing hwc with its value

the equation (B.2-4) may be written:

2Πk h g∆ρxh(h − N − hx) (B.2-5)

Qc = 2
1 r1 r1
µBo (− + ln( ))
r1 − rw
2 2
2 rw

Ali Khalili July 2005


Appendix C:

(Wheatley’s Method)

Governing equation and boundary condition:

The problem is formulated in cylindrical co-ordinates (r*, z*). For

convenience, dimensionless coordinates (r, z) are used throughout the


kv r * (C-1)
kh h


z* (C-2)

It is convenient to introduce the fluid potential, φ which is related to the

pressure in the oil phase, Po, through the equations.

ϕ = Po (r , z ) − Po (re ,1) + ρ o gh(1 − z ) (C-3)

Where the potential is assumed to be zero at the point (re,1). Laplace’s

equation at steady-state condition in the cylindrical system is

∂ 2ϕ 1 ∂ϕ ∂ 2ϕ (C-4)
+ + =0
∂r 2 r ∂r ∂z 2

There must be no flow across the upper impermeable boundary. Thus

∂ϕ / ∂z = 0, z = 0 (C-5)

There must also be no radial flow below the well at r=0, that is,

∂ϕ (C-6)
= 0, r = 0, z > X

Ali Khalili July 2005


Over the surface of the well the potential should be constant

ϕ = const , r = rw , Z ≤ X (C-7)

It is also assumed that the influx of oil at the drainage radius is uniform, i.e.

ϕ = 0@ r = re (C-8)

Capillary pressure is assumed to be zero so that the pressures in two phases

are equal on the WOC. Since the water in cone is static, the drop in pressure

at the deformed WOC must be exactly balanced by the hydrostatic head

above the original WOC. Hence on the WOC

Po = Pw = Pw (re ,1) − ρ w gh(1 − z ) (C-9)

Substituting (C-9) into (C-3) makes a condition on WOC. Thus,

ϕ = −∆ρgh(1 − z ) (C-10)

The stream function can be related to potential function by assuming that

there is no flow across the WOC as it was defined in (C-10).

∂ψ ∂ϕ
∂z ∂r
∂ψ ∂ϕ (C-11)
= −r
∂r ∂z

The condition of no flow boundary across the WOC is equivalent to requiring

the WOC to be a Streamline. Therefore, on the WOC

ψ = const (C-12)

Equations (C-10) and (C-11) represent the boundary condition at the WOC.

Ali Khalili July 2005


Figure C-1 an illustration of water coning at the Wheatley method

Ali Khalili July 2005


Appendix D:

Azar-Nejad et al Method

Cone height and Production Rate

The schematic drawing of reservoir geometry has presented in figure

(D.1). All parameters are made dimensionless with respect to 2ht, where ht is

the reservoir thickness.

a = 2ht (D.1)

Dimensionless potential is given by:

2πka (D.2)
ϕD = ∆ϕ


ϕ = P − γgZ (D.3)

Dimensionless time;

kt (D.4)
tD =
µφct a 2
a (D.5)
a (D.6)
w= (D.7)
Zp (D.8)

Ali Khalili July 2005


Dimensionless potential is defined as:

2πka (D.9)
ϕD = ( P − γgz )

For constant potential outer boundary the potential drop can be written as:

2πka (D.10)
ϕ D′ = ( P − γ O gz − Pt )

Where Pt is the pressure at top of the outer boundary. Potential at the top of

the well bore is:

2πka (D.11)
′ =
ϕ DW ( Pw − γ O gZ W − Pt )

Dimensionless potential drop at the WOC may be written as:

2πka (D.12)
ϕ D′ ( ρ , z ) = ( P( ρ , z ) − γ O gz − Pt )

Where PW is the wellbore pressure at the top of the wellbore, and P(ρ,z) is

the pressure on the cone at horizontal distance ρ from the well and vertical

distance z from top of the reservoir.

ρ = ( x 2 + y 2 )1 / 2 (D.13)

Pressure on the WOC can be written as:

P ( ρ , z ) = Pb − γ W g (t − z ) (D.14)

Static equilibrium states that the pressure on the initial WOC remains

constant. Thus,

Pb = Pbi = Pt + γ o gt (D.15)

Substituting equation (D.14) and (D.15) into Equation (D.12):

Ali Khalili July 2005


2πka (D.16)
ϕ D′ ( ρ , w) = (− ∆γg (t − z ))

The potential drop between a point on the WOC and the wellbore is:

∆ϕ D′ = ϕ D′ ( ρ , z ) − ϕ DW
′ (D.17)

And the pressure drop between the top of the wellbore and top of the outer

reservoir boundary is:

∆P = Pw − γ o gZ w − Pt (D.18)


2πka (D.19)
∆ϕ D′ = (∆P − ∆γg (t − z )

Dimensionless potential drop between the wellbore and the outer reservoir

boundary is:

2πka (D.20)
′ =
∆ϕ De (∆P)


∆ϕ De′ = ϕ De
′ − ϕ DW
′ (D.20)
ϕ De
′ =0

Dividing equation (D.19) by (D.20) and using dimensionless cone height;

hc = (t − z ) / a (D.22)

Qµ (D.23)
hc = (ϕ D ( ρ , z ) − ϕ De )
2πka 2 ∆γg

Now by substitution the value for a and considering anisotropic reservoir with

oil formation volume factor of B, one can write:

Ali Khalili July 2005


hc = (ϕ D ( ρ , z ) − ϕ De ) 2
8π h t 2 ∆γg (D.24)

Rearranging the equation D.24 with respect to flow rate, gives,

q oc = 8π∆ρg h t 2 (ϕ D ( ρ , z ) − ϕ De )
µk v

Ali Khalili July 2005

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