Ipc QB

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1. The president of First Indian Law Commission was

(a. Lord Curzon, b. Pt, Jawaharlal Nehru c. Lord Macaulay d. Dr.
Rajendra Prasad)

2. Indian Penal Code came in to opération on

(a.1st Jan 1948 b. 15th Aug 1947 c.1st Jan 1842 d. 1st Jan 1862)

3. The territorial jurisdiction of criminal courts will extend in to the sea as

far as:-
( a. 12 miles b. 12 nautical miles c. 10 kms d. 10 nautical miles)

4. The jurisdiction to try offences committed on the high seas is known as

( a. Vicarious liability b. Admiralty jurisdiction c. Extra legal
jurisdiction d. Extradition)

5. For an act done by several person for the furtherance of common

(a. None is liable b. The person committing is liable c. All are liable d.
None of these)

6. The maximum period of imprisonment is

(a.12 years b. 14 years c. Life long d. 7 years)

7. Which of the following is not a mental element of crime

(a. Intention b. Motive c. mens rea d. Guilty)

8. According to IPC a body or class of persons living in a particular locality

(a. Public b. Assembly c. Man d. Person)

9. Find the odd man out

(a. Municipal Commissioner b. AC of CISF c. Sarpanch of a
panchayath d. MLA)

10. Gain of property illegally is a
(a. Wrongful gain b. wrongful loss c. Abetment d. Affray )

11. A deed of divorce is a

(a. Sketch b. Plan c. Valuable security d. Forged document)

12. The minimum number of persons to constitute an unlawful

assembly is
(a .2 b. 5 c.10 d. 50 )

13. In every wrongful confinement there is a/an

(a. Assault b Hurt c. Wrongful Restraint d. Injury. )

14. __________is not a public servant.

(a. Member of panchayat b. Public prosecutor c. Judge d. Advocate.)

15. There is no Right of private Defence against
(a. An sound mind b. A child under seven years of age c. Public
servant under
colour of office d. None )
16. Causing bodily pain , disease or infirmity is called_____
(a. Injury b. Hurt c. Rioting d. Assault)

17. The punishment for house breaking by night is_____ imprisonment

(a.3years b.7years c. 10years d.14years )

18. While exercising Right of private Defence , Death can be caused if

a Assault results in
(a. Simple Hurt b. Injury c. Rape d. Simple theft.)

19. If force is used by an Unlawful Assembly , then it turns into

(a. Rioting b. Affray c. Criminal force d. Assault.)

20. Theft can be committed only on

(a. Movable property b. Immovable property c. Own property d.
Valuable security)

21. When five or more persons jointly commit Robbery, it is called as

( a Theft b) Extortion c) Dacoity d. Criminal breach of Trust )

22. Causing illegal harm to reputation is

( a Hurt b) Extortion c) Force d. Injury )

23. Entering a house through the window amounts to

( a. House trespass b) Theft c) House breaking d. Robbery)

24. Causing permanent blindness of one eye amounts to

(a. Grievous Hurt b. Criminal force c. Assault d. Wrongful loss)

25. Indian Penal Code is a

(a. Substantive Law b. Procedural Law c. Special law d. Both a and b)

26. Indian Penal Code extends to

( a, Whole of India b. India and Nepal c. Whole of India except J&K

d. Whole of India except J&K and Nagaland)

27. Act done with the intention of causing wrongful gain is

(a. Good faith. b. Dishonestly c. Fraudulently d. Both a & b)

28. A demand draft is a

( a. Document b. Valuable security c. Map d. Both a & b)

29. A traveler’s cheque is not a

( a. Document. b. Valuable security c. Negotiable Instrument d. Plan)

30. Insulting a person is

(a. Injury b. Hurt c. Grievous Hurt d. Affray )

31. How many types of punishment are there according to IPC?

( a. Five b. Six c. Four d. Seven )

32. Which among the following is not a punishment under IPC?

(a. Forfeiture of property b. Exile c. Death sentence d. Imprisonment)

33. Right of Private Defence is not available for

(a. Public servants b. Aggressor c. Police d. MLA)

34. Minimum number of persons are required for a Criminal

Conspiracy is
( a. Five b. Two c. Six d. One)

35. The person aiding in committing an offence is called as an

(a. Trespasser b. Thief c. Public servant d. Abettor)

36. An assembly of three persons with a common object is an

Unlawful Assembly.
( a. Rioting b. Unlawful assembly c. Affray d. None of these)

37. Quarrelling between two persons in a public place disturbing

public peace is
( a. Unlawful assembly b. Affray c. Rioting d. Both a & b)

38. Using force by an Unlawful Assembly is

( a. Affray b. Rioting c. Assault d. Hurt)

39. Causing emasculation is

(a. Simple Hurt b. Assault c. Grievous Hurt d. Affray)

40. Obstructing a person from proceeding to a particular direction is

(a. Wrongful Confinement b. Wrongful Restraint c. Extortion d. Public

41. Using force intentionally against a person is

(a. Assault b. Hurt c. Criminal Trespass d. Criminal Force)

42. Criminal Force can be used by

( a. Inducing an animal b. Throwing a stone c. Waving hand d. Both a
and b)

43. Forceful compulsion to leave a place is

(a. Kidnapping. b. Abduction c. Extortion d. Robbery)

44. Kidnapping is of
( a. Three types b. Five types c. Two types d. Four types)

45. Movement of property then and there is not necessary in

(a. Theft b. Extortion c. Robbery d. Trespass)

46. The offence of Extortion requires

(a. fear of injury b. movement of property c. Assault d. None of these

47. Extortion can be committed in
(a. Movable properties only b. Both movable and immovable
c. Immovable only d. None of these)

48. Theft can be committed only on

(a . movable properties. b. Both movable and immovable properties
c. Immovable only d. None of these)

49. Minimum number of persons required for robbery is

( a. five b. Six c. Two d. No limit )

50. Robbery is an aggravated form of

( a. Dacoity b. Theft c. Criminal Trespass d. Assault)

51. Property obtained by Criminal breach of trust is called as

(a. Stolen property b. Movable property c. Valuable security d.
None of these)

52. Criminal misappropriation of property can only be

(a. Movable properties b. Both movable and immovable properties
c. Immovable only d. None of these)

53. Deceiving a person and causing loss is

(a . cheating b. Theft c. Extortion d. Mischief)

54. Intentional destruction of a property and causing loss is

(a. Theft b. Extortion c. Mischief d. House breaking)

55. Entering in to a tent meant for human dwelling with criminal

intention is
( a. Housebreaking b. House trespass c. Criminal Breach of Trust d.

56. All house trespasses are

(a. Criminal trespass b. House breaking c. Robbery d. Mischief)

57. Entering a building through a passage made by the offender
( a. House breaking b. Dacoity c. Abduction c. Rioting)

58. A thing made punishable by I.P.C is called

( a. Offence b. Abetment c. Common Intention c. None of these)

59. Any harm illegally caused to a person in body or mind is called

( a. Hurt b. Restraint c. Injury d. Affray)

60. Imprisonment can be of two descriptions namely

( a. Life sentence and Death B. Simple and Rigorous c. Simple and Bail
d. None of these )

61. Nothing is an offence which is done by a

( a. Public Servant b. Person of Unsound mind c. Child under 7 years
of age
d. Both b and c)
62. Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the
(a.. Lawful duty b. Right of private defence c. Both a and b d. None of

63. Which of the following is a Grievous Hurt

( a. Dislocation of bone b. Disfiguration of Face c. Emascullation d. All
of these)

64. Theft is defined under IPC section

( a.378 b.379 c.376 c.381)

65. Robbery is either

( a. Theft or Mischief b. Mischief or Dacoity c. Extortion or Theft d.
Rioting or Theft)

66. Minimum number of persons required for the offence of Robbery

( a. One b. Two c. Five d. Three)

67. If a person commits House Trespass by breaking a lock, he
(a. House Breaking b. Lurking House Trespass c. Robbery d.

68. Property obtained by theft is called

( a. Movable property b. Immovable Property c. Stolen Property d.
Valuable Security)

69. Gain by unlawful means of property to which the person gaining is

not legally entitled is called
( a. Wrongful Loss b. Dishonestly c. Cheating d. Wrongful Gain)

70. Ram obstructs a path in which Shyam has a right to pass. Ram has
(a. Wrongful Confinement b. Wrongful restraint c. Criminal force d.

71. Hari places men with firearms at the outlet of a building and tells
Mohan that they will fire at Mohan if he attempts to leave the building.
Hari committed
(a. Kidnapping b. Wrongful confinement c. Abduction d. Affray)t

72. Sohan incites a dog to pounce (jumps) upon Mohan without his
consent and with intention to annoy him. Sohan commits:
( a. Assault b. Kidnapping c. Abduction d. Grievous Hurt)

73. Ram dishonestly removes a ring belonging to Shyam from a table

in the house which Shyam occupies. Here Ram commits
( a. Theft b. Dishonest misappropriation of property c. Extortion d.

74. ‘A’ takes an article belonging to ‘Z’ out of ‘Z’s possession without
‘Z’s consent, with the intention of keeping it until obtains money from ‘Z’
as a reward for its restoration. Here ‘A’ commits
(a. Theft b. Extortion c. No Offence d. Criminal Misappropriation)

75. ‘A’ threatens to publish a defamatory note concerning ‘Z’, unless
‘Z’ gives him money. Here ‘A’ has committed
( a. Criminal Force b. Extortion c. Cheating d. Affray)

76. ‘A’ shows a pistol to ‘z’ and demands his purse. ‘Z’ hands over his
purse to ‘A’. Here ‘A’ has
( a. Theft b. Extortion c. Robbery d. Dacoity)

77. Hari commits house trespass by making a hole through the wall of
Kair’s house. Here Hari commits:
(a. Theft b. Criminal Tresspass c. House breaking d. House Trespass)

78. ‘A’ enters inside the premises of a protected plant through Main
gate without pass to commit an offence. ‘A’ commits
( a. Criminal Trespass b. House Trespass c. House breaking d.

79. ‘A’ Voluntarily burns a valuable security belonging to ‘Z’ so as to

cause wrongful loss to ‘Z’. Here ‘A’ commits
( a. Extortion b. Mischief c. Dishonest misappropriation d. None of

80. Gain of property illegally is

(a. Injury b. Wrongful loss c. Wrongful gain d. None of these)

81. Apprehension of use Criminal Force is

(a. Assault b. Abduction c. Affray d. Kidnapping )

82. Causing infirmity to a person amounts to

( a. Murder b. Hurt c. Injury d. None of these)

83. Minimum number of persons required to commit the offence of

rioting is
(a. Five b. Four c. Two d. One)

84. Minimum number of persons required to commit the offence of

Dacoity is
(a. Five b. Four c. Two d. One)

85. If robbery is committed by five or more persons the offence
amounts to
(a.Extortion b. Dacoity c. Lurking house trespass d. Unlawful

86. Criminal force defined in IPC Section:

(a.349 b. 350 c. 351 d. None of these)

87. Causing harm illegally to a persons reputation is

(a. Injury b. Hurt c. Voluntarily d. Wrongful restraint)

88. Which of the following is not a Culpable homicide

( a. Murder b. Suicide c. Death in result of exercising Right of Private
d. None of these)
89. Which of the following is not Homicide
( a. Dowry Death d. Murder c. Causing death of a child in the mother’s
d. Suicide)

90. Ram compels Shyam by force to leave a place. Ram has

(a. Kidnapping b. Abduction c. Abetment d. Affray)

91. Doing an act causing common injury to public is:

(a. Unlawful assembly b. Public Nuisance c. Sedition d. Defamation)

92. Surrender of a person by one state to another state for trial of a

offence committed in the other state is
(a. Surrender b. Deporting c. Extradition d. Harboring)

93. According to IPC India means Territory of India

(a. Including Jammu & Kashmir b. Excluding Jammu and Kashmir c.
Including Nepal
d. None of these.)

94. Person empowered to give Judgment in a legal proceeding is

( a. Advocate c. Judge c. Public prosecutor d. None of these)

95. Which among the following is not a valuable security
(a. Demand Draft b. Copy of a Demand Draft c. Cheque d. Partnership

96. According to IPC A Law applicable only to a particular part of

India is
( a. Basic Law b. Local Law c. Special Law d. Procedure Law)

97. A law applicable to a particular Subject is

(a. Local Law b. Substantive Law c. Special Law d. State law)

98. Death can be caused while exercising Right of private defence

against assault with
intention to cause:-
(a. Rape b. Hurt c. Wrongful Restraint d. None of these )

99. Killing of a human being by other human being is

(a. Homicide d. Murder c. Suicide d. None of these)

100. An effect caused by a person causes it by means whereby he intended to

cause it is
( a. Good faith b. Dishonestly c. Voluntarily d. Fraudulently )

101. The maximum limit of solitary confinement is :-

(a. Four months b. Six months c. One Year d. Three months)

102. Among the following acts which is exempted from criminal liability
( a. Act of Judge acting judicially b. Act of a person of unsound mind
c. Act done private defence d. All of these.)

103. Among the following which is not a movable property

( a. Soil severed from Earth b. A tree in a farmhouse c. Salt produced
in a swamp
d. All of these)

104. Person causes a thing to resemble another to practice deception is

called as
( a. Defrauding b. Reason to believe c. Counterfeit d. Cheat)

105. According to IPC a person entrusted with a any public duty is
( a. Public prosecutor b. Public Servant c. Judge d. District

106. Which of the following is an essential ingredient of theft?

( a. Fear of injury b. Fear of loss c. Dishonestly d. Voluntarily)

107. Wrongful gain or Wrongful loss is an essential ingredient of:-

( a. Rape b. Hurt c. Dishonestly d. Fraudulently)

108. A writing containing directions or instructions is

( a. a Valuable security b. a Document c. a News paper c. a Sketch )

109. A writes his name on the back of a bill of exchange as endorsement to

transfer the rights. This endorsement is a
( a. Document b. Valuable Security c. Cheque d. Draft)

110. Supplying a person with food ,shelter etc to evade apprehension is

( a. Help b. Thug c. Harbour c. Abetment)

111. A instigates B to murder C .B refuses to do so A is guilty of

( a. Conspiracy b. Cheating c. Abetting d. None of these)

112. A in India instigates B, Foreigner in Goa to Commit Murder. A is Guilty of

( a. Murder b. Assault c. Extortion d. Abetting Murder)

113. Five person Jointly obstructs the execution of a legal process . Under IPC
they can be
termed as
( a. Crowd b. Mob c. Unlawful assembly d. None of these)

114. Which among the following is not an ingredient for Rioting?

( a. Five Persons b. Show of Violence c. Common Intention d.
Mistake of Fact)

115. Which among the following is not an essential ingredient of Affray?

( a. Fight between persons b. Public place c. Breach of Public Peace d.
Common Intention)

116. Which among the following is not an offence against public tranquility?
( a. Affray b. Rioting c. Unlawful assembly d. Wrongful Restraint)

117. “A” digs a pit in a public place intending that another may fall .B falls and
broken leg . A committed:-
( a. Hurt b. Assault c. Wrongful Restraint d. None of these)

118. “A” branded a girl’s cheeks with red- hot iron which left scars of a
permanent character. “A”
(a. Hurt b. Assault c. Grievous Hurt d. Public Nuisance)

119. “A” shakes his fist at ‘Z’ ,intending it to be likely that he may thereby
cause ‘Z’ to believe that ‘A’ is about to strike ‘Z’. ‘A’ has committed
( a. Hurt b. Grievous Hurt c. Assault d. Abduction)

120. ‘A’ being ‘Z’s servant entrusted with ‘Z’s bag dishonestly run away with
the bag. ‘A’ has committed:-
( a. Extortion b. Criminal conspiracy c. Theft d. Robbery)
121. Which among the following is not a movable property as per IPC.
( a. Human body b. Idol c. Timber d. None of these)

122. The punishment for robbery committed on the highway between

sunrise and sunset is
( a. 10 years imprisonment b. 14 years imprisonment c. 12 years
d. Life imprisonment )

123. A finds a valuable ring , not knowing to whom it belongs, sells it with out
attempting to discover the owner. A has committed
( a. Theft b. Robbery c. Extortion d. Criminal Misappropriation)

124. A’ a shop keeper by mistake paid excess money to a customer.

Customer discovers the mistake and keeps the money for his own use.
The customer has committed:-
( a. Mischief b. Extortion c. Criminal misappropriation d. Theft)

125. A’ is entrusted to execute a will. Disobeying the law he dishonestly
appropriates the assets for his own use. A’ has committed:-
(a. Criminal misappropriation b. Criminal Breach of Trust c.
Cheating d. Mischief)

126. A pretending as a Govt. servant dishonestly induces B to credit some

goods which he does not mean to pay. A is guilty of
( a. Mischief b. Criminal misappropriation c. Cheating d. Criminal
Breach of Trust)

127. A’ cheats by pretending to be B, a person who is deceased. A’ cheats by

( a. Fraudulently b. Dishonestly c. Personation d. None of these)

128. A, having joint property with Z in a horse, shoots the horse, intending to
cause wrongful loss to Z.A has committed
( a. Mischief b. Cheating c. Criminal breach of Trust d. Extortion )

129. Committing house trespass taking precautions to conceal such house

trespass is
(a. House breaking b. Criminal Trespass c. Lurking house trespass d.
None of these)

130. A commits criminal trespass by entering a ship anchored in a port. A has

( a. House breaking b. Piracy c. House trespass d. Import)

131. A enters a ship by creeping through a port hole between decks. A has
( a. House breaking b. Criminal Trespass c. Cheating d. None of these)

132. Which of the following act is an offence

( a. By negligent accident b. Act by person bound by law c. Act of a
judge acting judicially
d. Act done as per the order of a court)

133. Injury caused by communication made in good faith to a person for his
benefit is
(a. Bail able offence b. Cognizable offence c. No offence d. Both a and

134. Accidents caused without criminal intention or knowledge is
( a. Cognizable offence b. Non bail able offence c. No offence d. None
of these)

135. There is no Right of Private Defence against
( a. an unsound person b. Matured child of 10years c. Public servant
acting under
colour of office d. An aggressor)

136. The burden of proof in Right of Private Defence lies on

(a. Aggressor b. Person exercising the Right of Private Defence c.
Public prosecutor
d. None of these)

137. Right of Private Defence of property extends to causing death in

( a. Simple theft b. Mischief c. Cheating d. Robbery)

138. Which among the following is not a stage of an offence

( a, Intention b. Preparation c. Attempt d. Enemity)

139. Direct movement towards the commission of an act after preparation is

( a. Intention b. Commission c. Attempt d. Preparation)

140. Murder is punishable under section

( a. 302 b. 304 c. 299 d. 307)

141. Which Article of Indian Constitution exempts President from

jurisdiction of the court.
( a. Art.361 b. Art 319 c. Art 311 d. Art.356)

142. A,a citizen of India commits murder in Uganda and found in India He can
be tried
( a. in India b. in Uganda c. in Un d. None of these)

143. If an offence is committed beyond the limits of India and the offender is
with in the limits he may be:-
(a. Tried in India b. Extradited c. Both a and b d. Excused )

144. Imitation of foreign currency is an offence with in the meaning of:-

(a. Cheating b. Mischief c. Criminal Misappropriation d.

145. When act is done in furtherance of common intention of all ,then
( a. Every body is excusable b. The leader is punishable c. All liable
as if it were done alone d. None of these)

146. The government may commute a sentence of death :-

( a . For any other punishment b. Only as life imprisonment c. Only as
forfeiture of property
d. Only as imprisonment for fourteen years)

147. Which of the following statement is true

( a. All murders are culpable homicide b. All culpable homicide are
murder c. All homicides are culpable homicides d. None of these)

148. Which of the following statement is false

( a. Robbery is an aggravated form of Theft b. Robbery is either Theft
or Extortion
c. Dacoity is an aggravated form of Robbery d. All Robberies are
Dacoity )

149. Who among the following is a member of an unlawful assembly

( a. A person willfully withdraws from the assembly knowing the
common object
b. A person willfully joins the assembly knowing the common object
c. A person remains
in the assembly knowing the common object d. Both b and c)

150. Which of the following act is an offence

(a. Act of an unsound person b. Act person bound by law c. Act done
in private defence
d. Act done to take revenge)

151. Which of the following is an offence

( a. Mistake of Fact b. Mistake of Law c. Act caused by accident d. Act
of child under
7 years of age)

152. Death cannot be caused while exercising the right of private defence

( a. An assault to commit Rape b. An assault results in simple hurt c.
An assault results in
death d. An assault to gratify unnatural lust)

153. Which of the following statement is True

( a. Affray can be committed in a private place b. Riot can be
committed in a private place
c. Minimum five persons are required for the commission of Affray
d. Common object is not essential for Riot)

154. Which among the following is a ground for converting death sentence in
to life imprisonment
( a. Abnormal delay in executing death sentence b. The offender is
feared of death
c. Absence of Magistrate d. None of these)

155. Culpable homicide not amounting to murder is punishable under:-

( a. Sec.302 IPC b. Sec.299 IPC c. Sec.304 IPC D. Sec.307 IPC)

156. A person who has been habitually associated with any other for
committing robbery or child staling is a
(a. Thug b. Thief c. Kidnapper d. None of these)

157. Wrongful confinement is a form of

(a. Wrongful restraint b. Wrongful gain c. Wrongful abduction d.
Wrongful restriction)

158. Which of the following is regarded as an offence against public peace

(a. Assault b. Force c. Affray d. None of these)

159. According to IPC a male person under sixteen years of age is

( a. Major b. Adult c. Minor d. Adolescent)

160. A , causes a cattle to enter a field belonging to Z, intending to cause

damage to Z’s crops. A has committed
( a. Cheating b. Criminal trespass c. Mischief d. Extortion)

161. The Right of Private Defence of body commences

( a. Along with the apprehension of danger to the body b. After
commission of the offence against body c. When the offender retreats
d. None of these

162. Right of Private Defence of body extends to the causing of death of the
offender in
(a. Mischief b. Criminal Breach of Trust c. Cheating d. Robbery)

163. A, is attacked by a mob and attempted to kill him. He fired at the mob
,killed a boy standing nearby . A, has committed
(a. Murder b. Rioting c. Affray d. No offence)

164. A, instigates B to kill C. A is

(a. Principal offender c. Assailant c. Abettor d. Kidnapper)

165. A, puts jewels into a box belonging to B with the intention to cause B to
be convicted for theft . A, is guilty of
( a. Theft b. Extortion c. Fabricating false evidence d. Cheating )

166. Mixing a substance with different or of the same kind but of inferior
quality is
( a. Food poisoning b. Adulteration c. Counterfeit d. None of these)

167. A, subjected a girl to beating to drive out an evil spirit believed to be in

her . The girl dies . A, is guilty of
( a. No offence b. Murder c. Culpable homicide d. None of these)

168. A, gave a blow with a light lathi less than one inch dia to B, suffering
from damaged spleen. B dies. A, is guilty of
( a. Murder b. Grievous hurt c. Hurt d. Culpable homicide)

169. Which of the following statement is false

(a. All murders are culpable homicide b. All culpable homicides are
murders c. All hurts are not grievous hurt d. In every wrongful
confinement there is a wrongful restraint)

170. A, finds a feeble old woman stealing his crops. Beats her violently and
she dies. A is

(a. Not guilty b. Excusable under Right of Private Defence c. Guilty of
d. None of these.)

171. Which of the following is an essential ingredient of extortion

( a. Immovable property b. Fear of injury c. Presence of Offender d.
None of these)

172. Which among the following is an essential ingredient for Theft

( a. Fear of Injury b. Immovable property c. Assault d. Dishonestly)

173. Pulling a woman by the hair is

(a. Hurt b. Wrongful confinement c. Grievous hurt d. None of

174. A, gave a blow to B. B, fractures his tooth . A , is guilty of

(a. Hurt b. Grievous hurt c. Injury d. Assault)

175. Which of the following statement is incorrect

(a. IPC is not applicable in Jammu & Kashmir b. IPC extends to whole of
c. IPC is a basic law d. None of these)

176. Property which are perceived by senses is called
(a. Movable property b. Immovable property c. Corporeal property
d. Stolen property)

177. Legal declaration of the intention of a testator with respect to his

property which he desired to be carried into effect after his death is
(a. A deed b. A will c. Valuable security d. Document)

178. Mens Rea is not an essential ingredient in

(a. Murder b. Hurt c. Public nuisance d. Rioting)

179. A child of nine years stole a necklace and sold it for five rupees . His act
(a. Excusable b. Punishable c. A general exception d. None of these)

180. Causing illegal harm to a person’s mind is

( a. Wrongful gain b. Wrongful loss c. Injury d. Hurt)

181. Causing permanent privation of the sight of an eye of a person is

(a. Simple hurt b. Grievous hurt c. Abduction d. Injury)

182. Enticing a male child under 16 years from guardian with out the
guardian’s permission is
( a. Abduction b. Kidnapping from India c. Kidnapping from lawful
guardian d. Gherao)

183. Abduction is defined under IPC Section

(a. 302 b. 319 c. 362 d. 359)

184. Committing house trespass by entering a house using force is

(a. Lurking house trespass b. House breaking c. Robbery d. None of

185. Using force intentionally to annoy a person is

(a. Criminal Force b. Assault d. Wrongful restraint e. Wrongful

186. Which among the following is a Valuable security
(a. This question paper b. Service document c. Partnership Deed d.
Both b & c)

187. A visitor enters your plant with a valid pass permissible up to 4pm. He
remains in the premises with a criminal intention. He is guilty of
(a. House breaking b. Criminal Trespass c. Trespass d. Cheating)

188. Which among the following is not an offence

(a. Act of a thug b. Act of an abettor c. Act of a person intoxicated
against his will
d. Act of a foreigner)

189. X, met with an accident and fell unconscious. A doctor operates him for
his benefit. Subsequently X dies. The doctors act is
( a. Punishable b. Excusable under Right of Private Defence c.
Excusable under general exception d. None of these)

190. Which among the following statement is False
(a. Map of India is a document b. Tree in your courtyard is a movable
c. Cheque is a valuable security d. Election commissioner is a public

191. A, administered B, a wrong medicine caused illness to B. A is guilty of

(a. Wrongful loss b. Injury c. Hurt d. Criminal force)

192. A , enters a house with criminal intention breaking a lock . A, is guilty of

( a. Abduction b. Cheating c. House trespass d. House breaking)

193. Y , confronted X in the Road . Pointing a gun Y takes over valuables from
X. Y , is guilty of
(a. Theft b. Dacoity c. Mischief d. Robbery)

194. Doing an act with the knowledge of the consequences of the means used
is called
(a. Dishonestly b. Fraudulently c. Good faith d. Voluntarily)

195. Which of the following is an aggravated form of robbery

(a. Theft b. Extortion c. Dacoity d. Cheating)

196. Which of the following statement is incorrect

(a. All valuable securities are documents b. All documents are valuable
c. Divorce deed is a document d. Traveler’s cheque is a valuable

197. A pledges his watch with B ,for 100 rupees. A, in the absence of B, takes
away his own watch. A is guilty of
(a. Extortion b. Theft c. Criminal Misappropriation d. Cheating)

198. A, abused B, and insults him. A, is guilty of

( a. Criminal intimidation b. Causing injury c. Assault d. None of

199. A locked B in his office room and left the place. A is guilty of
(a. Wrongful restraint b. Affray c. Wrongful confinement d. Cheating)

200. Sabotage is an act comes under

(a. Mischief b. Cheating c. Extortion d. None of these)


1. c 2. d 3. b 4. b 5 c 6. b

7 . d 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. c 12. b

13. c 14. d 15. c 16. b 17. d 18. c
19. a 20. a 21. c 22. d 23. c 24. a
25. a 26. c 27. b 28. b 29. a 30. a
31. a 32. b 33. b 34. b 35. d 36. d
37. b 38. b 39. c 40. b 41. d 42. d
43. b 44. c 45. b 46. a 47. b 48. a
49. d 50. b 51. a 52. a 53. a 54. c
55. b 56. a 57. a 58. a 59. c 60. b
61. d 62. c 63. a 64. a 65. c 66. a
67. a 68. c 69. d 70. b 71. b 72. a
73. a 74. d 75. b 76. c 77. c 78. a
79. b 80. c 81. a 82. b 83. a 84. a
85. b 86. b 87. a 88. d 89. c 90. b
91. b 92. c 93. b 94. b 95. b 96. b
97. c 98. a 99. a 100. c 101. d 102. d
103 b 104 c 105 b 106 c 107. c 108. b
109. b 110. c 111. c 112. d 113. c 114. d
115. d 116. d 117. a 118. c 119. c 120. c
121. a 122. b 123. d 124. c 125. b 126. c
127. c 128. c 129. c 130. c 131. a 132. a
133. c 134. c 135. c 136. b 137. d 138.
139. c 140. a 141. a 142. a 143. c 144. d
145. c 146. b 147. a 148. d 149. d 150. d
151. b 152. b 153. b 154. a 155. c 156. a
157. a 158. c 159. c 160. c 161. a 162. d
163. d 164. c 165. c 166. b 167. b 168. b
169. b 170. c 171. b 172. d 173. a 174. b
175. b 176. c 177. b 178. c 179. b 180. c
181. b 182. c 183. c 184. b 185. a 186. c
187. b 188. c 189. c 190. b 191. c 192. d
193. d 194. d 195. c 196. b 197. b 198. b
199. c 200. a


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