Hybridpowergenerationbyandsolarwind 150415052152 Conversion Gate01

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College of Engineering
It is possible that the world will face a global energy crisis
due to a decline in the availability of cheap oil and
recommendations to a decreasing dependency on fossil fuel.
This has led to increasing interest in alternate power/fuel
research such as fuel cell technology, hydrogen fuel, biodiesel,
solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy and wind. Today,
solar energy and wind energy have significantly alternated fossil
fuel with big ecological problems.
 Renewable
 Available in wide spread
 Free from pollution
 Clean and pure energy
Solar Energy
 Sun rays converted into electrical energy
 Unlimited supply
 No negative impact
 Free of cost
 Free from pollution
Wind Energy
 Converts wind energy into electrical energy
 No fuel cost
 Free from pollution
Geographical Region

 Solar
 Average solar radiation 5kwh/sq m
 2300-3200 sun shine hours available per year
 Available most part of country

 Southern and Western coastal areas are ideal location
 Annual average wind speed 5-6 m/s
 Attractive option to supplement the energy supply
 The thing made by combining two or more different element.

•Need of Hybridization

 For increasing output

 For fulfilling demand of consumer
 Providing uninterrupted power supply
 System can design for both off grid and on grid
 Solar-Wind Hybrid Power
 Solar-Diesel Hybrid Power
 Wind-Hydro Hybrid Power
 Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power
Solar-Wind Hybrid Power

 Ideal alternative in areas where wind velocity 5.6 m/s is available

 Power clear and non polluting
 Complement to each other
 Stable power supply
 Solar panel
 Controller
Monitors the system starting and stopping engine as need
Why we use MPPT Charger Controller

•Consider solar panel Kyocera KC 130. It is rated at 7.39 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 at 17.6

It’s power output is 130 Watts .

•Panel puts out 7.39 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 & battery charges under 12V

• 7.39 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 * 12V =88.8 Watts

• We lost over 41 Watts. But we paid for 130 Watts.

• To overcome this loss, we use MPPT Charger Controller.

Working of MPPT Charger Controller

•Controller compares voltages of PV panel & Battery

•Figure out best voltage to charge Battery

• Example: Controller takes 17.6 Volts at 7.4 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 & gives output to
10.8 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 at 12Volts .

10.8 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠 * 12Volts = 129.6 Watts

• Now we still have almost 130 Watts.

 Batteries

Stored the energy

 Inverter
Converts stored DC power to AC
 Solar & Wind turbine produced DC power
 Inverter convert DC to AC
 Controller monitors the system
 Choice of components For 1000 Watt Load

Solar Panel:
• Total load = 1000W
•Period of operation or duration = 12 Hours
•Then, Total Watt-Hour = 1000×12= 12000W-hr
•The period of the solar panel exposed to the sun = 8 Hours
(Averagely between 9am and 3PM)
•Therefore solar panel wattage = 12000𝑊ℎ/8ℎ=1,500𝑊.
•Hence solar panel of 1,500W will be needed for this design.
•If solar panel of 150W is to be use the number of panels to arrange in
parallel to achieve 1,500 Watt will be:
No of panel =1500W/150𝑊=10
This shows 10 of 150 Watt solar panel will be required for this design
Charging Controllers:

 For this design of 1000W solar power supply P=IV

 I is the expected charging current and
 V is the voltage of the battery and V= 12 V
 P is the power supply rating= 1000W
 Hence I =𝑃/𝑣=1000/12=83𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑠.
 Since the value 83.3 A Charging controllers is not readily
available in the market then 1000A charging controller will be
Battery capacity:
 Given that the total load P= 1000W and
 Operational period = 12 Hours
 Watt-hour capacity = 12,000 W-hr
 To make the chosen battery to last long it is assumed that only a
quarter (¼) of the battery capacity will be made used of so that it
will not be over discharged therefore hence the required batter
capacity will be
 12, 000 × 4 = 48,000 W-hr
 Now the choice of battery hour depends on A-H rating of the
storage battery.
 For example 1500AH, 12V batteries the number of batteries that
will be needed is 48000/1500 = 32 batteries. Hence, for this
design , 1500AH 12V battery should be used, Therefore the total
number of storage battery required for 1000W solar power supply
system = 32
 Since the total load is 1000W it is advisable to size the required
inverter to be 1500W as designed for solar panel ratings. Hence
1500W pure sign wave inverter is recommended in other to
prolong the lifespan of the inverter.
 Hotels
 Business (Institutions and Government)
 Large Estate Houses
 Factories and manufacturing facilities
 Commercial Power generation
 Street lighting
 Very high reliability (combines wind power, and solar
 Long term Sustainability
 High energy output (since both are complimentary to each
 Cost saving (only one time investment)
 Low maintenance cost (there is nothing to replace)
 Long term warranty
 No pollution
 Clean and pure energy
 Provides un-interrupted power supply to the equipment
 The system gives quality power out-put DC to charge
directly the storage battery or provide AC.
 The system can be designed for both off-grid and on grid
 Efficient and easy installation, longer life
 Large number of harmonics is produced.
 Initial investment is more.
 Large space is required for larger generations
 Wind energy systems are noisy in operation; a large unit can be
heard many kilometers away.
 Efficiency is less than conventional power plants.
 By this project many villages can be lighted. For villages which
are much away from the construction site of large power
generating stations such as hydro and nuclear can be provided
 Also to satisfied the increasing demand of electricity with clean
hybrid power station by solar –wind can be used.
 www.solarserver.com
 www.windpower.org
 http//:www.scientific.net
 W.W.S. Charters. “Solar and Wind Power
Technologies”. CSC Technical Publication Services No
187, Commonwealth Science Council. (1985).

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