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A thesis submitted by

Jokhio Muhammad Hayat

In fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology

Jamshoro, Pakistan

March 2010


A thesis submitted by

Jokhio Muhammad Hayat

In fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology

Jamshoro, Pakistan

March 2010


This thesis written by Jokhio Muhammad Hayat under the direction of his supervisors,

and approved by all the members of the thesis committee, has been presented to and

accepted by the Dean Faculty of Engineering, in fulfillment of the requirement of the

degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Manufacturing Engineering.

__________ _____________ _______________ _______________

Supervisor Co-supervisors Internal Examiner External Examiner

____________________ _________________________
(Director Post Graduate Studies) (Dean Faculty of Engineering)



I am grateful to Almighty Allah who gave me courage and enthusiasm to complete

this research work. I am deeply indebted to my supervisors Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim

Panhwar and Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Ali Unar for their patient advice, guidance, valuable

suggestions and encouragement throughout the research work. I am highly thankful to the

competent authority of Mehran University and Directorate of Post Graduate Studies,

especially Prof. Dr. G.B. Khaskali for providing the necessary funding for this project

and allowing me the study leave for carrying out such huge experimental work including

the material development and characterizations for data generation for modeling. I am

also thankful to the PGS directorate staff in general and Mr. Mehboob Abassi in

particular for their support. I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to Prof.

Nazimuddin Shaikh Chairman Mechanical Engineering and Mr. Sarwar Siddiqi who had

provided foundry and workshop facility for initial alloy development and sample

preparation. Thanks are also extended to the Chairman Metallurgy, Chairman Mining, in

charge high-tech lab, including Dr. M.M Baloch and Dr. M.I.Abro for their co-operation

in conducting experimental work on alloy developments and characterizations using

SEM. I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to the former Principle Dawood

College of Engineering & Technology Karachi, Prof. Dr. Naseem who had provided Lab

facilities such as UTM, for tensile test, Spectrometer for chemical analysis of samples.

I must thank to Mr. Sámi Memon Manager Central Testing laboratories of

Pakistan steel Mills, to provide facilities for metallographic studies. I must acknowledge

to my family members who have sacrificed their evenings throughout my research work.


Description Page

Title page (i)

Certificate page (ii)

Acknowledgements (iii)

Table of contents (iv)

Notations (viii)

Abbreviations (ix)

List of Tables (x)

List of Figures (xiii)

Abstract (xix)


1.1 Theoretical Background 1

1.2 Scope of the Study 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study 7

1.4 Structure of the Thesis 8


2.1 Introduction 10

2.2 Aluminium Métal Matrix Composites (AMMCS) 10

2.2.1 Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites 15

2.2.2 Processing of Aluminum Particulate Composites 16

2.2.3 Liquid Phase Processing 17
2.2.4 Stir Casting: 17

2.3 Properties of Stir Casting of Aluminum Composites 19

2.3.1 Strength 21
2.3.2 Ductility 29
2.3.3 Hardness 31
2.3.4 Abrasive Wear Resistance 33

2.4 Factors Affecting the Strength and Abrasive Wear 37

2.4.1 Effect of Matrix Composition 37

2.4.2 Effect of Heat Treatment 40
2.4.3 Effect of AL2O3 Particles 45
2.4.4 Effect of Microstructure 48
2.4.5 Effect of Interfacing (Wetting) and Porosity 51

2.5 Modeling 53

2.5.1 Introduction 53
2.5.2 Artificial Neural Network Modeling 54 Background of Artificial Neural Network 55 Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network 60 Multilayer Perceptron Network 61 Back Propagation Neural Network Algorithm 62

2.6 Neural Network in Materials Science and Engineering 63



3.1 Introduction 65

3.2 Design and Fabrication of Experimental Rig 65

3.3 Alloys Development Strategy 66

3.3.1 Development and Casting of Composites Samples 68

3.4 Samples Preparation 69

3.5 Precipitation Treatment Processes 70

3.6 Tensile Tests 70

3.7 Chemical Analysis 71

3.8 Hardness Tests 72

3.9 Abrasive Wear Tests 73

3.10 Measurement of Density and Porosity 74

3.11 Metallography 75

3.12 Modeling Methodology 75

3.12.1 Architecture of the Model 76

3.12.2 Training of Neural Network Model 77
3.12.3 Validation of Model 78
3.12.4 Modeling (Optimization) of Composition for High 79
Strength and Wear


4.1 Introduction 80

4.2 Chemical Composition 80

4.3 Tensile Strength and Ductility (Elongation) 89

4.3.1 Comparison of the Strength and Ductility (Elongation) 97

4.4 Hardness 98

4.5 Abrasive wear Resistance 101

4.6 Density and Porosity 105

4.7 Microstructure 111

4.8 Modeling and Training 118

4.8.1 Validation 123

4.8.2 Optimization For High Strength and Wear 127
4.8.3 Modeling for High Strength & Wear Resistance 130
Aluminum Alloy Based Casting Composites


5.1 Material Development 141
5.2 Modeling 143
5.3 Suggestions for Future Work 145



Appendix-A 156

Appendix-B 159

Appendix-C 161

Appendix-D 176

Appendix-E 179

Appendix-F 181

Appendix-G 184

Appendix-H 187

Appendix- I 191


= Logistic sigmoid function
1 + e−x
σ cy & σ m = Yield strength of composite and matrix material
σ0 = Friction of crystal lattice
σg = Y.S of extruded composite contributed by grain size,
(f) = Activation function
∑WiXi = Summations of inputs and weights
Yi = a tanh b(Ui) = Hyperbolic tangent function
∆ wij = Change in the weight between unit i and unit j at time (t).
∆σ = Change in stress
∆ε = Change in strain
µm = Micron
C = Degree centigrade
A0 = Original area
B = Bias
b = Burger vector
cmr = Super script representing composite, matrix and reinforcements
d = Average size of Al2O3 particles
dp = Desired or actual output
E = Modulus of Elasticity
Ec = Modulus of elasticity of cast aluminum particulate composite
f = Volume fraction of oxide.
F max = Load
G = Shear modulus,
K = Constant
Op = Predicted output for the pth pattern.
S = Aspect ratio
t = Average size of the grains.
V = Volume fraction
Voxide = Volume fraction of Al2O3 particles
wij = Weight form the input unit Xi to the hidden unit yj.
E oxide = Elastic modulus of Al2O3
Wi = Input weights
Xi = Input
Y = Output
α = Momentum factor,
δ = Sigma stress
ε = Strain
η = Learning value
σp = Yield strength


Al = Aluminum
Al2O3 = Aluminum Oxide
AMCs =Aluminum matrix composites
AMCs =Aluminum matrix composites
AMMCC =Aluminum metal matrix cast composites
ANN =Artificial neural network
ASTM =Americans society of testing materials
CFAMCs = Continuous fibre-reinforced
C-Mn = Carbon Manganese
Cu-Mg-Zn = Copper, Magnesium and Zinc
DCET = Dawood College of Engineering & Technology
Fe = Iron
gm = Grams
GPa = Gaga Pascal
HT = Heat treated
HV = Hardness Vickers
Kg = Kilogram
KN = Kilo Newton
Li = Lithium
LM = Light metal
MFAMCs = Mono filament-reinforced
MLP = Multilayer perceptron
MMC = Metal matrix composites
MPa = Mega Pascal
MUET = Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
N = Newton
PAMCs = Particulates-reinforced
PM = Powder metallurgy
rpm = Revolutions per minutes
SFAMCs = Wisker-or short fibre-reinforced AMCs
Si = Silicon
SiC = Silicon carbide
SiCp = Silicon carbide particles
T = Temper
T.S = Tensile strength
Ti, = Titanium
TiB2 = Titanium boride
TTT = Time temperature transformation diagrams
Y.S = Yield strength


Table 3.1 Theoretically selected alloy compositions in gm for development of alloys 67

Table 3.2 Parameters of tensile testing machine. 71
Table 3.3 Average compositions used for calculation of theoretical density of alloy 74
Table.3.4 Theoretical density of metals in gm/cm3 74
Table 4.1 Theoretical composition & actual average composition in weight percent 88
Table 4.2 Tensile test results of alloy group 1 93
Table 4.3 Tensile test results of alloy group 2 93
Table 4.4 Tensile test results of alloy group 3 93
Table 4.5 Tensile test results of alloy group 4 94
Table 4.6 Tensile test results of alloy group 5 94
Table 4.7 Tensile test results of alloy group 6 94
Table 4.8 Comparison of tensile strength and elongation results 97
Table 4.9 Comparison of properties of as cast as heat treated composite 124
Table 4.10Table used for plotting actual vs optimized properties 128
Table A 1 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 1 156
Table A.2 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 2 156
Table A.3 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 3 157
Table A.4 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 4 157
Table A.5 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 5 158
Table A.6 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 6 158
Table B.1 Aluminum oxide particle size analysis report 159
Table D.1 Hardness of samples alloy 1 176
Table D.2 Hardness of samples alloy 2 176
Table D.3 Hardness of samples alloy 3 176
Table D.4 Hardness of samples alloy 4 177
Table D.5 Hardness of samples alloy 5 177
Table D.6 Hardness of samples alloy 6 178
Table E.1 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 1 179
Table E.2 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 2 179
Table E.3 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 3 179
Table E.4 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 4 180
Table E.5 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 5 180
Table E.6 Abrasive wear test of alloy 6 180
Table F.1 Density and porosity of as cast samples alloy1-6 181
Table.F.2 Density and porosity of as heat treated alloys used for validation 181
Table F.3 Density and porosity of as heat treated samples alloy 1-6 182
Table F.4 Density and porosity of as heat treated alloys used for validation 183
Table G.1As cast alloys 184
Table G.2 Heat treated Alloys 185
Table G.3 Data used for validation of model 186
Table H.1 Experimental and trained data 187
Table H.2 Weight and biases values of the trained model 189

Modeling results (Tables) of high strength and abrasive wear resistance of cast
aluminum composites

Table I.1 Effect of Si on tensile strength of cast composites 191

Table I.2 Effect of Si on elongation of cast composites 191
Table I.3 Effect of Si on hardness of cast composites 191
Table I.4 Effect of Si on abrasive wear of cast composites 191
Table I.5 Effect of Fe on tensile strength of cast composites 192
Table I.6 Effect of Fe on elongation of cast composites 192
Table I.7 Effect of Fe on hardness cast composites 192
Table I.8 Effect of Fe on abrasive wear of cast composites 192
Table I.9 Effect of Cu on tensile strength of cast composites 192
Table I.10 Effect of Cu on elongation of cast composites 193
Table I.11 Effect of Cu on hardness of cast composites 193
Table I.12 Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of cast composites 193
Table I.13 Effect of Mg on tensile strength of cast composites 194
Table I.14 Effect of Mg on elongation of cast composites 194
Table I.15 Effect of Mg on hardness of cast composites 194
Table I.16 Effect of Mg on abrasive wear of cast composites 195
Table.I.17 Effect of Zn on tensile strength of cast composites 195
Table I.18 Effect of Zn on elongation of cast composites 195
Table I.19 Effect of Zn on hardness of cast composites 196
Table I.20 Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of cast composites 196

Modeling results (Tables) for high strength and abrasive wear of cast aluminum composite
after heat treatment

Table I.21 Effect of Si on tensile strength of cast composites 196

Table I.22 Effect of Si on elongation of cast composites 197
Table I.23 Effect of Si on hardness of cast composites 197
Table I.24 Effect of Si on abrasive wear of cast composites 197
Table I.25 Effect of Fe on tensile strength of cast composites 197
Table I.26 Effect of Fe on elongation of cast composites 198
Table I.27 Effect of Fe on hardness cast composites 198
Table I.28 Effect of Fe on abrasive wear of cast composites 198
Table I.29 Effect of Cu on tensile strength of cast composites 199
Table I.30 Effect of Cu on elongation of cast composites 199
Table I.31 Effect of Cu on hardness of cast composites 199
Table I.32 Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of cast composites 200
Table I.33 Effect of Mg on tensile strength of cast composites 200
Table I.34 Effect of Mg on elongation of cast composites 200
Table I.35 Effect of Mg on hardness of cast composites 201
Table I.36 Effect of Mg on abrasive wear of cast composites 201
Table I.37 Effect of Zn on tensile strength of cast composites 201

Table I.38 Effect of Zn on elongation of cast composites 202
Table I.39 Effect of Zn on hardness of cast composites 202
Table I.40 Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of cast composites 202
Table I.41 Effect of density on tensile strength of cast composites 203
Table I.42 Effect of density on elongation of cast composites 203
Table I.43 Effect of density on hardness of cast composites 203
Table I.44 Effect of density on abrasive wear of cast composites 204


Fig: 2.1 Flow chart highlighting a typical liquid blending fabrication technique 19
Fig: 2.2 Determine of strength properties using tensile test method. 22
Fig: 2.3 Stress-strain diagram 22
Fig: 2.4 Ductile and non ductile behavior of metallic materials 23
Fig: 2.5 Section of the Al-Copper eutectic phase diagram.(Polmear 1981) 41
Fig: 2.6 Biological neuron (Ziliochain 2001) 56
Fig: 2.7 Working principle of a biological neuron (Jasmin 2003) 56
Fig: 2.8 Various activation functions (Jasmin 2003) 58
Fig: 2.9 Architecture of a simple neural network [Unar 1999] 59
Fig: 3.1 Experimental rig for mixing unit 66
Fig: 3.2 Gas fire pit furnace 67
Fig: 3.3 Casting of aluminum alloys 68
Fig: 3.4 Developed master alloys 68
Fig: 3.5 Electrically heated furnace 69
Fig: 3.6 Melting of master alloy 69
Fig: 3.7 Arrangement of mixer 69
Fig: 3.8 Purging N2 gas cylinder 69
Fig: 3.9 Casting of samples in a prepared metal mold 69
Fig: 3.10 Preparation of samples on lath. 70
Fig: 3.11 Prepared standard specimens for tensile test. 70
Fig: 3.12 Universal tensile testing machine used at DCET Karachi for tensile test 71
Fig: 3.13 SEM used for analysis. 72
Fig: 3.14 Horiba particle size analyzer 72
Fig: 3.15 Vickers hardness test 73
Fig: 3.16 Electronic balances 74
Fig: 3.17 Abrasive wear test 74
Fig: 3.18 Abrasive wear tests Machine 74
Fig: 3.19 Design of neural network model 77
Fig: 4.1 Analysis of aluminum ingot 82
Fig: 4.2 Analysis of copper ingot 82
Fig: 4.3 Analysis of Mg ingot 83
Fig: 4.4 Analysis of Al2O3 powder 83
Fig: 4.5 Analysis of zinc ingot 83
Fig: 4.6 Analysis of sample 1 83
Fig: 4.7 Analysis of sample 1 84
Fig: 4.8 Analysis of sample 1 84
Fig: 4.9 Analysis of sample 2 84
Fig: 4.10 Analysis of sample 2 84
Fig: 4.11 Analysis of sample 2 85
Fig: 4.12 Analysis of sample 2 85
Fig: 4.13 Analysis of sample 3 85
Fig: 4.14 Analysis of sample 3 85

Fig: 4.15 Analysis of sample 4 86
Fig: 4.16 Analysis of sample 4 86
Fig: 4.17 Analysis of sample 4 86
Fig: 4.18 Analysis of sample 4 86
Fig: 4.19 Analysis of alloy 1 87
Fig: 4.20 Analysis of alloy 2 87
Fig: 4.21 Analysis of alloy 3 87
Fig: 4.22 Analysis of alloy 4 87
Fig: 4.23 Analysis of alloy 5 88
Fig: 4.24 Analysis of alloy 6 88
Fig: 4.25 Theoretical composition Vs the actual composition of alloys 89
Fig: 4.26 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 1 95
Fig: 4.27 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 2 95
Fig: 4.28 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 3 95
Fig: 4.29 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 4` 95
Fig: 4.30 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 5 96
Fig: 4.31 Tensile strength and elongation of alloy 6 96
Fig: 4.32 Comparisons of tensile strength of alloys 96
Fig: 4.33 Comparisons of elongations in %age of alloys 96
Fig: 4.34 Hardness of alloy 1 100
Fig: 4.35 Hardness of alloy 2 100
Fig: 4.36 Hardness of alloy 3 100
Fig: 4.37 Hardness of alloy 4 100
Fig: 4.38 Hardness of alloy 5 101
Fig: 4.39 Hardness of alloy 6 101
Fig: 4 40 Comparisons of the hardness of alloys 101
Fig: 4.41 Abrasive wear of alloy 1 103
Fig: 4.42 Abrasive wear of alloy 2 103
Fig: 4.43 Abrasive wear of alloy 3 104
Fig: 4.44 Abrasive wear of alloy 4 104
Fig: 4.45 Abrasive wear of alloy 5 104
Fig: 4.46 Abrasive wear of alloy 6 104
Fig: 4.47 Abrasive wear of alloys average weight loss 105
Fig: 4.48 Abrasive wear of alloy total weight loss 105
Fig: 4.49 Density & porosity of alloy 1 107
Fig: 4.50 Density & porosity of alloy 2 107
Fig: 4.51 Density & porosity of alloy 3 108
Fig: 4.52 Density & porosity of alloy 4 108
Fig: 4.53 Density & porosity of alloy 5 109
Fig: 4.54 Density & porosity of alloy 6 109
Fig: 4.55 Density of alloys 110
Fig: 4.56 Porosity of alloys 110
Fig: 4.57 Microstructure of alloy 1 HT X 100 112
Fig: 4.58 Microstructure alloy 1 2.5 Al2O3 HT X 100 112

Fig: 4.59 Microstructure alloy 1 5 Al2O3 HT X 100 112
Fig: 4.60 Microstructure alloy 1 10 Al2O3HT X 100 112
Fig: 4.61 Microstructure alloy 2 HT X 100 113
Fig: 4.62 Microstructure alloy 2 2.5 Al2O3 HT X 100 113
Fig: 4.63 Microstructure of alloy 2 5 % Al2O3. X 100 113
Fig: 4.64 Microstructure of alloy 2 10 % Al2O3. X 100 113
Fig: 4.65 Microstructure of alloy 2 15% Al2O3. X 100 113
Fig: 4.66 Microstructure alloy 3 HT X 100 114
Fig: 4.67 Microstructure alloy 3 2.5 HT X 100 114
Fig: 4.68 Microstructure alloy 3 5 HT X100 114
Fig: 4.69 Microstructure alloy 310 HT X 100 114
Fig: 4.70 Microstructure of alloy 3 15 HT X 100 114
Fig: 4.71 Microstructure of alloy 4 cast X 100 115
Fig: 4.72 Microstructure of alloy 4 5 C X 100 115
Fig: 4.73 Microstructure of alloy 4 10 C X 100 115
Fig: 4.74 Microstructure of alloy 4 15 C X 100 115
Fig: 4.75 Microstructure of alloy 5 X 100 115
Fig: 4.76 Microstructure of alloy 5 2.5 X 100 115
Fig: 4.77 Microstructure of alloy 5 5 X 100 116
Fig: 4.78 Microstructure of alloy 5 10 X 100 116
Fig: 4.79 Microstructure of alloy 5 15. X 100 116
Fig: 4.80 Microstructure of alloy 6C X 100 116
Fig: 4.81 Microstructure of alloy 6 5HT X 100 116
Fig: 4.82 Microstructure of alloy 610 HT X 100 116
Fig: 4.83 Microstructure of alloy 1HT showing some precipitation 117
Fig: 4.84 Microstructure of alloy 2HT showing some precipitation 117
Fig: 4.85 Microstructure of alloy 5 10 HT showing some precipitation 117
Fig: 4.86 Microstructure of sample 3C showing porosity 117
Fig: 4.87 Microstructure of sample 4HT showing precipitation of cu 118
Fig: 4.88 Microstructure of sample 4C. X 100 118
Fig: 4.89 Shows the training results of aluminum composites 121
Fig: 4.90 The trained data of tensile strength superimposed on experimental data 122
Fig: 4.91 The trained data of elongations superimposed on the experimental data 122
Fig: 4.92 The trained data of hardness superimposed on the experimental data. 122
Fig: 4.93 The train data of abrasive wear superimposed on the experimental data. 122
Fig: 4.94 Shows the SSE, SSW and effective parameter results 123
Fig: 4.95 Tensile strength of alloy 125
Fig: 4.96 Elongation of alloy 125
Fig: 4.97 Hardness of alloys 125
Fig: 4.98 Abrasive wears of alloy 125
Fig: 4.99 Testing of training and validation of model 126
Fig: 4.100 Testing of training and validation of model 126
Fig: 4.101 Optimized tensile strength 129
Fig: 4.102 Optimized elongation 129

Fig: 4.103 Optimized hardness 129
Fig: 4.104 Optimized abrasive wear 129

Modeling results (Figures) of high strength and abrasive wear resistance of

cast aluminum composites

Fig: 4.105 Modeling effect of Cu on strength 130

Fig: 4.106 Modeling effect of Cu on elongation 130
Fig: 4.107 Modeling effect of Cu on hardness 131
Fig: 4.108 Modeling effect of Cu on abrasive wear 131
Fig: 4.109 Modeling effect of Si on strength 132
Fig: 4.110 Modeling effect of Si on elongation 132
Fig: 4.111 Modeling effect of Si on hardness 132
Fig: 4.112 Modeling effect of Si on abrasive wear 132
Fig: 4.113 Modeling effect of Fe on strength 133
Fig: 4.114 Modeling effect of Fe on elongation 133
Fig: 4.115 Modeling effect of Fe on hardness 133
Fig: 4.116 Modeling effect of Fe on abrasive wear 133
Fig: 4.117 Modeling effect of Mg on strength 134
Fig: 4.118 Modeling effect of Mg on elongation 134
Fig: 4.119 Modeling effect of Mg on hardness 134
Fig: 4.120 Modeling effect of Mg on abrasive wear 134
Fig: 4.121 Modeling effect of Zn on strength 135
Fig: 4.122 Modeling effect of Zn on elongation 135
Fig: 4.123 Modeling effect of Zn on hardness 135
Fig: 4.124 Modeling effect of Zn on abrasive wear 135

Modeling results (Figures) of high strength and abrasive wear resistance of

heat treated aluminum composites

Fig: 4.125 Modeling effect of Si on strength 136

Fig: 4.126 Modeling effect of Si on elongation 136
Fig: 4.127 Modeling effect of Si on hardness 136
Fig: 4.128 Modeling effect of Si on abrasive wear 136
Fig: 4.129 Modeling effect of Cu on strength 138
Fig: 4.130 Modeling effect of Cu on elongation 138
Fig: 4.131 Modeling effect of Cu on hardness 138
Fig: 4.132 Modeling effect of Cu on abrasive wear 138
Fig: 4.133 Modeling effect of Zn on strength 138
Fig: 4.134 Modeling effect of Zn on hardness 138
Fig: 4.135 Modeling effect of Zn on elongation 139
Fig: 4.136 Modeling effect of Zn on abrasive wear 139
Fig: 4.137 Modeling effect of density on strength 140
Fig: 4.138 Modeling effect of density on elongation 140

Fig: 4.139 Modeling effect of density on hardness 140
Fig: 4.140 Modeling effect of density on abrasive wear 140
Fig: C.1 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 C 161
Fig: C.2 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 2.5 C 161
Fig: C.3 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 5 C 162
Fig: C.4 Stress strain diagram of alloy 10 C 162
Fig: C.5 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 HT 162
Fig: C.6 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 2.5 HTR 162
Fig: C.7 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 5 HT 163
Fig: C.8 Stress strain diagram of alloy 110 HT 163
Fig: C.9 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2 C 163
Fig: C.10 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.5C HT 163
Fig: C.11 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2 5 C 164
Fig: C.12 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2 10 C 164
Fig: C.13 Stress strain diagram of alloy 210 C 164
Fig: C.14 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2 HT 164
Fig: C.15 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2 2.5 HT 165
Fig: C.16 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.5 HT 165
Fig: C.17 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.10 HT 165
Fig: C18 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.15 HT 165
Fig: C.19 Stress strain diagram of alloy 3 C 166
Fig: C.20 Stress strain diagram of alloy 32.5 C 166
Fig: C.21 Stress strain diagram of alloy 35 C 166
Fig: C.22 Stress strain diagram of alloy 310 C 166
Fig: C.23 Stress strain diagram of alloy 315 C 167
Fig: C.24 Stress strain diagram of alloy 3 HT 167
Fig: C.25 Stress strain diagram of alloy 3 2.5 HT 167
Fig: C.26 Stress strain diagram of alloy 3 .5 HT 167
Fig: C.27 Stress strain diagram of alloy 310 HT 168
Fig: C.28 Stress strain diagram of alloy 3 15 HT 168
Fig: C.29 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4 C 168
Fig: C.30 Stress strain diagram of alloy 42.5 C 168
Fig: C.31 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4.10 C 169
Fig: C.32 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4.15 C 169
Fig: C.33 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4 HT 169
Fig: C.34 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4 2.5 HT 169
Fig: C.35 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4.5 HT 170
Fig: C.36 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4.10 HT 170
Fig: C.37 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 C 170
Fig: C38 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.5 C 170
Fig: C.39 Stress strain diagram of alloy 2.5 C 171
Fig: C.40 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 C 171
Fig: C.41 Stress strain diagram of alloy 510 C 171
Fig: C.42 Stress strain diagram of alloy 515 C 171

Fig: C.43 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 0 HT 172
Fig: C.44 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 2.5 HT 172
Fig: C.45 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 5 HT 172
Fig: C 46 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 10 HT 172
Fig: C.47 Stress strain diagram of alloy 5 15 HT 173
Fig: C.48 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 C 173
Fig: C.49 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 2.5 C 173
Fig: C.50 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 5 C 173
Fig: C.51 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 5 C 174
Fig: C.52 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 10 C 174
Fig: C.53 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 15 C 174
Fig: C.54 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 5 HT 174
Fig: C.55 Stress strain diagram of alloy 610 HT 175
Fig: C.56 Stress strain diagram of alloy 6 15 HT 175

Modeling of high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting of

composite material developed via conventional foundry method which is one of the

most economical versatile and active research area and so for has not been thoroughly


Due to complex nature of the composite materials and their related problems such

as the nonlinear relationship between composition, processing parameters, heat

treatment with the strength and abrasive wear, resistance can more efficiently be

modeled by artificial neural networks. The artificial neural networks modeling requires

sufficient data concerned with chemical composition , processing parameters and the

resulting mechanical properties which were not available for such type of modeling.

Therefore, a wide range of experimental work was conducted for the development

of aluminum composites using conventional foundry method. Alloy containing Cu-Mg-

Zn as matrix and reinforced with 1- 15 % Al2O3 particles were prepared using stir casting

method. The molten alloys composites were cast in metal mold. More than eighty

standard samples were prepared for tensile tests and sixty samples were given solution

treatment at 580 0C for ½ hour and tempered at 120 0C for 24 hours.

Various characterization techniques apparatus such as X-ray Spectrometer,

Scanning Electron Microscope, Optical Metallurgical Microscope, Universal Tensile

Testing Machine, Vickers Hardness and Abrasive Wear Testing Machine were used to

investigate the chemical composition, microstructural features, density, tensile strength,

ductility (elongation), hardness and abrasive wear resistance.

These investigations including the material development and characterization

were used for data generations as needed for modeling of high strength and abrasive wear

résistance aluminum cast composites.

For modeling purpose a multilayer perceptron (MLP) feedforward was developed

and back propagation learning algorithm was used for training, testing and validation of

the model.

The modeling results shows that an architecture of 14 inputs with 9 hidden

neurons and 4 outputs which include the tensile strength, elongation, hardness and

abrasive wear resistance gives reasonably accurate results with an error within the range

of 2-7 % in training, testing and validation. The modeling results shows that an alloy

contents 2-3 % Cu, 2-3 % Mg, 3-5 % Zn reinforced with 10 % Al2O3 can successfully be

developed for highest strength (297 MPa) and highest abrasive wear résistance (0.4 gm

weight loss /15 minutes using stir casting method. The modeling results also suggest that

it is possible to develop the highest strength 466 MPa tensile strength and highest

abrasive wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting composite materials having the

matrix composition of 6 % Si, 2 % Mg with 3 % Zn reinforced with 2-5 % Al2O3






Modeling of high strength and abrasive wear resistance aluminum alloy based

casting composite materials using conventional casting (foundry method) for engineering

applications require the availability of a wide rang of data for optimum design and

developments of cast aluminum composite materials. Material designers must use

modeling techniques for efficient alloy design, due to the complex nature of the materials

related chemistry, microstructures and processing parameters which influence the desired

mechanical properties.

In an alloy design, the main problem is to control the mechanical properties and

microstructural constituents via an optimization for a given processing method using

various modeling techniques [Deschamp and Brechet, 1999].

Generally, modeling is defined as an art or science by which a real system can be

represented in simplified form of a model. Using modeling technique the imaginary or

real problem of any complex system can be solved. Based upon the nature and

complexity of the problem, modeling can be classified as physical modeling,

mathematical modeling and computational modeling. Physical modeling is the process

by which any object is to be modeled at the scale and this provides the visual aid for

checking desirability of potential of design. The mathematical modeling requires the use

of mathematical set of equations or logical relationship that to be developed to describe


the real system for solutions of the actual problem [Xiaoshu et al, 2009]. The

mathematical modeling differs from physical modeling in its use of decision variables.

Mathematical modeling can be descriptive (simulation) or prescriptive (such as linear

programming) in nature based on the outputs [Askin and Charles, 1993, Warke Shanker

and Makhlouf 2005]. A more efficient modeling can be done with the help of computers

systems. The computational modeling requires the use of computers to develop models

and logical programming required for solving the various complex problems. Now a

days, the computational modeling technique is widely used in research and development

work and be considered as a powerful tool for increasing reliability and efficiency in

research work as well as saving time and energy and also reduces the fatigue of large

experimental work [Askin and Charles 1993, Anu Maria 1997, Patenker 2002, Jokhio,

Panhawar and Unar 2009]. A new modeling technique for solving the complex nonlinear

problem using computational modeling technique is an artificial neural network (ANNS)

[Patterson, 1996].

The artificial neural network technique is relatively new field of artificial

intelligence which tries to mimic the structure and operation of biological neural systems

such as the human brain by creating an artificial neural network (ANN) on a computer

[Talpur, 2003]. One of the most popular neural networks model is the back propagation

network. Currently the back propagation is the most popular, effective and easy to learn

model for complex systems [Siddiqui and Toki, 2001]. The artificial neural network

modeling technique has been used in various disciplines but now days; it is most

extensively used in the field of Materials Science and Engineering for the designing,

predicting, optimization and controlling the processes or products parameters [Ohdar and

Pasha, 2003]. Liu, et al (1996) conducted research for Prediction of the mechanical

properties of hot-rolled C-Mn steel using artificial neural networks modeling.

Shah Iqbal, (2002) worked for predicting the tensile properties of austenitic

stainless steels.

Bhadesia, (1999) conducted the investigations mostly concerned with the

applications of neural networks for controlling the welding robots, predicting the

solidification cracking of welds; strength of steel welds, hot cracking of the weld;

predicting fatigue properties, fatigue threshold; martensite start temperature, and most

importantly prediction of continuous cooling transformation or time temperature

transformation (TTT) diagram are few examples of the application of ANN models in

materials engineering.

The modern development in the field of Science and Technology demands the

developments of advanced engineering materials having light weight and low cost. They

should be competitive materials for various engineering applications, especially in the

field of transportations, aerospace and military engineering related areas. These areas

demand light weight, high strength having good corrosion and wear resistance

(tribological) properties [Kaufman, 1999].

The literature reveals that the aluminum and its alloy can meet the demand but

the major problem associated with the applications of aluminum and its alloy is that it has

high strength to weight ratio but offers poor wear resistance. This problem can be solved

with the addition of hard ceramics particles in various aluminum alloy matrix material.

This requires the development of wide range of aluminum alloy matrixes to be

investigated for strength and wear. The selective matrix is to be reinforced with various

percentages of ceramic particles for meeting the optimum requirements for strength and

abrasive wear resistance [Kaufman 1999, and Kuntz, 2002].

The aluminum metal matrix composite material is a cost competitive material and

widely used as advanced engineering materials for automobile and aerospace industries

[Srivatsan et al 1991, Warren and Hunft, 2004].

An increase in speed efficiency of fast moving vehicles and machines requires the

use of light metals for reduction in fuel consumptions and also need to reduce the energy

crises for the sustainable development of the modern world [Jokhio2007]. The

development and processing of engineering materials is to control the microstructure and

mechanical properties through optimizing the chemical composition, processing method

including the complex heat treatment operation. This requires the sound theoretical and

practical knowledge concerned with materials and processing as well as the modeling

knowledge is required for development of such materials for critical applications.


The aluminum metal matrix composite materials is the combination of two or

more constituents in which one is matrix and other is filler material (reinforcement).

Aluminum metal matrix may be laminated, fiber or particulates composites. These

materials are usually processed through powder metallurgy route, liquid cast metal

technology or by using special manufacturing process. The processing of discontinuous


particulate metal matrix material involves two major processes, such as powder

metallurgy route and liquid cast metal technology. The powder metallurgy process has its

own limitations such as processing cost and size of the components. Therefore, only the

casting method is to be considered as the most optimum and economical route for

processing of aluminum composite material [Srivatsan et al 1991], and [Taha, 2001].

The performance of aluminum alloy based casting composites materials depends

upon the chemistry of the matrix alloys, type of the reinforcements, its size, amount,

volume fraction and processing method [Hashim, Loony and Hashmi. 2003]

The literature reveals that most of the previous work was done to reinforce silicon

carbide particles (SiCp) in various aluminum matrix composites [Dash 2004], [Gupta and

Surappa, 1995], [Herling 2001], and [Rupa and Meenia, 2005]. However, some

information is available regarding AL2O3 particulates reinforced in various aluminum

matrixes [Kok 2003], [Yilmaz and Buytes, 2001], [Azim et al, 1995], [Redsten et al,

1995]. Literature also reveals that some previous work was conducted to investigate the

effect of Cu-Zn- Mg in aluminum matrix alloy reinforced with AL2O3 particulate using

conventional foundry casting method.

The main problem in conventional foundry sand casting of aluminum alloy based

casting composite materials involves the porosity and nonmetallic inclusions which affect

the mechanical properties of cast composites as reported by Hashim, Looney and Hashmi

(1999), and Nguyen, (2005).

As discussed earlier, the main challenge in matrix alloy design seems to control

the mechanical properties via optimization of composition and processing method. For

optimization a possible and more refined version is the analysis of wide range of data

using neural network modeling [Decamp et al 1999]. Artificial neural networks are

modeling techniques that are specially used in addressing problems for which the solution

is not formulated or for which the relationship between inputs and output is not

sufficiently known. The ANNs have the ability to learn by examples. Patterns in series of

input and output values of example cases are recognized. The acquired knowledge can

than be used by ANN to predict unknown output values for a given set of input values

[Talpur, 2003].

Most of the previous work is only concerned with the investigations of the

individual mechanical properties or individual alloy matrix. It is noted that for critical

applications strength and wear, are very much important for high performance of the

components which must be investigated simultaneously during the developments of

composite materials.

It has been noted that no previous work has been conducted to optimize the effect

of composition for high strength and abrasive wear. This requires the huge experimental

and analytical work.

Literature also reveals that no work was conducted to the study concerned with

the application of ANN modeling for the development of aluminum alloy based casting

composites for high strength and abrasive wear resistance. Aluminum metal matrix cast

composites have been widely used for automotive and aerospace industries such as

engine valve piston linners and air fuel system in aerospace etc., which reflects its scope

and importance in the modern developments especially in the field of transportation


engineering. Therefore, based on these facts the present project was planned to achieve

the objectives as described in subsequent section..


Following are the main objectives of this project:

l. To develop aluminum alloy based casting composite material for engineering

applications for high strength and abrasive wear resistance.

2. To study the chemical composition of aluminum alloy by addition of alloying elements

such as Cu, Zn, and Mg with ceramics particles (AL2 O3) in different compositions.

3. To study the mechanical properties using tensile tests and abrasive wear resistance test

of aluminum alloy based casting composites.

4. To study the microstructural constituents of developed materials using optical

metallurgical microscope and scanning electron microscope for evaluation of different


5. To study the casting and heat treatment processes and investigate its effect of

processing methods on strength and wear properties of aluminum alloy based casting

composite material.

6. To study neural network modeling for nonlinear mapping and develop ANN model

that can be applied for aluminum alloy based casting composite material as a tool for

development of composite materials.

7. Optimizing the composition, strength and abrasive wear resistance.



The overview of the project is described in chapter1.

Chapter 2 deals with the literature survey, and consists of aluminum composite

materials, their types, processing method using stir casting technique and its effects on

strength and abrasive wear resistance. The chapter 2 also presents modeling details

which include artificial neural network modeling, back propagation algorithm and neural

network applications in Materials Science and Engineering.

The details of the research work using various experimental techniques and

modeling methodology are given in Chapter 3.

The experimental results and discussions are presented in Chapter 4.

The experimental results indicate that the artificial neural networks are well suited to

modeling highly nonlinear functions from scattered data and are between in comparison

to the conventional statistical models. Due to increasing the accuracy of practiced

processes and properties of aluminum cast composite material artificial neural networks

model was used to investigate the effect of composition on strength and wear resistance.

The ANN based model shows good agreement with the experimental results.

Experimental results indicate that increasing the alloy contents such as Si , Mg, Cu, and

Zn will increase the tensile strength and abrasive wear resistance. Results also indicate

that addition of Al2O3 particles reinforced in various aluminum alloy matrix shows

improvements in tensile strength, hardness and abrasive wear resistance. The best results

are obtained with low contents of alloying element up to 2.5 % Cu, 4 % Zn, and 2.5 %

Mg with 10 % addition of Al2O3 particles.


Modeling results for high strength and wear resistance through optimization technique

show significant improvements in strength and abrasive wear resistance of aluminum

alloy based casting composites which would help the researcher for development of high

strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting composite for engineering


Chapter 5 contains conclusions and suggestions for future work.

The main conclusion of this project is that artificial neural networks are very successful

in modeling of the problem under consideration. The multiple perceptron architecture has

been used with 14 inputs, 9 hidden layer neurons and 4 outputs.

The main suggestions is that aluminum silicon alloy with 3 % Zn and 2 % Mg reinforced

with Al2O3 particles be experimentally investigated for highest strength, toughness and

abrasive wear resistance whereas Al-Mg-Zn, Al – 1.2 % Cu -3 % Zn and 3 % Mg alloy

reinforced with Al2O3 particles to be further investigated using squeeze casting technique.




Modeling of high strength and abrasive wear resistance aluminium alloy based

casting composite material and its development via conventional casting (foundry

method) require a wide rang of experimental data concerned with composition and

mechanical properties (specially the strength and abrasive wear) data be available for

optimum design and development of cast aluminium composite material. Therefore, the

literature reviewed consist the following two main aspects:

i. Development of aluminum composite materials using stir casting method,

its chemical composition and the major factors which affect the strength

and wear.

ii. The other major part is concerned with artificial neural network modeling

and its applications in the area of Materials Science and Engineering

especially in cast composite material.


Different authors have defined the composite materials in different ways; some

famous definitions include the following:


™ Composite materials are combinations of two or more materials consist the

matrix as the major phase in which the reinforcement is added called the

reinforcement phase [Elgum 1999].

™ Composite materials are heterogeneous mixture of two or more phases

which have been bonded together [Rohatgi 1991].

™ A composite material may be called, as a materials system of mixture of

two or more micro or macro constituents that differ in the form of

composition essentially is insoluble in each other. In composite each

materials retains its original properties but when composited (combined) a

superior properties of materials are obtained which could not have been

obtained separately [Surappa 2003].

The aluminum metal matrix composites consists of the combinations of two or

more elements in which one must be aluminum or aluminum alloy present in large

volume in the form of matrix material. The other elements usually non-metallic and

commonly ceramics such as SiC, Al2O3 and TiB2 are added in the continuous or

discontinuous form usually referred as reinforcements [Surappa 2003].

Literature reveals that most of the engineering applications demand high strength

light weight, high corrosion and wear resistance. Therefore, the philosophy behind the

developments of aluminum metal matrix composite material is that aluminum and its

alloys have good strength to weight ratio and also have good corrosion resistance but

offers very poor wear resistance which can be improved by addition of various ceramic

particles in aluminum metal matrix materials [Suganuma 1989, Rohatgi 2001 and 1991,

Chawla 1988, and Kunze and Bampton 2001].

The aluminum metal matrix composites possess the wide range of physical and

mechanical properties such as high strength, stiffness, low density, high corrosion, wear

resistance, good thermal properties and good damping capability as compared to the

unreinforced aluminum matrix materials. These properties of AMCs depend upon many

factors such as aluminum alloy matrix composition, processing method, and types of

reinforcements, their nature, distribution and volume fractions [Surappa 2003 and Das


Surappa (2003) had explained the major advantages of AMCs compared to

unreinforced materials. For example, by addition of 60 volume percent of reinforcement

of fibers in aluminum matrix can enhance the modulus of elasticity from 70GPa to

240GPa and decrease in the coefficient of expansion from 24 ppm / 0C to 7 ppm/ 0C. The

abrasive wear resistance of aluminum matrix composite contained 9 % Si and 20 volume

% SiCp having better wear resistance than grey cast iron. Therefore it is possible to attain

wide range of physical and mechanical properties in aluminum metal matrix composites

which could not be obtained in monolithic material.

Jokhio et al (2007) had also reported the similar advantages of using aluminum

metal matrix for various structural, non-structural and functional purposes in different

engineering sectors due to their good performance, economic and environmental benefits.

The key benefits in transportation sectors are lower fuel consumption, less noise and

lower airborne emissions and cost competitive as compared to other engineering


materials in weight and volume savings as reported by Hunft and Waren (2004), Surappa

(2003), Das (2004) and Rohatgi (2001).

The aluminum alloy composites are becoming potential engineering materials and

offering excellent combination of properties such as high specific strength, high specific

stiffness, and good electrical and thermal conductivities, low coefficient of thermal

expansion and wear resistance [Das, 2004].

Aluminum matrix composites permit the achievements of new properties and

controlled characteristics by addition of special materials (reinforcements) that are not

soluble and do not react with aluminum and its alloys [Pollak, 1994].

Each phase of aluminum matrix and reinforcements, maintains its own characteristics,

wheras the composites characteristics are unique, representing a combination of both


According to the composite theory, the physical and mechanical properties of

aluminum matrix composites can be tailored by changing the reinforcement type, shape

and volume fraction [Gallister, 1997].

Due to their excellent combinations of properties, the aluminum metal matrix

composites are being used in verities of applications in automobile, mixing and mineral,

aerospace, defense and other related sectors due to their excellent combinations of


In automobile sector, aluminum composites are used in making various

components such as brake drum, cylinder linners, pistons, drive shafts etc. In aerospace

industries, composites are used essentially in structural applications such as helicopter


parts (parts of the body, support for rotor plate’s drive shafts) rotor vanes in compressors

and in aero engine light weight body armor plate, track shoes of vehicles are also carried

out for defense [Dos 2004].

The aluminum composites are classified to two major groups depending upon the

aspect ratio of the reinforcements. In the first category, the aspect ratio (L/d L = length, d

= diameter) varies in the range (100 -10,000) in which fibers are reinforced for structural


In the second category, the aspect ratio of the reinforcements is in the range of (1-5)

in which the reinforcements are equiaxed in shape (particles / viskers). Such types of

aluminum composites are important for tribological applications [Dos 2004, and Rohatgi


Classification of aluminum metal matrix composites depends on the type of

reinforcements as reported by large numbers of investigators [Surappa 2003, Dos 2004,

Rohatgi 2001, Lloyd 1999, Surappa and Rohatgi 1981, and Srivatsan et al 1991].

On the basis of types of reinforcements, the aluminum composites are classified as:

™ Whisker-or short fibre-reinforced AMCs (SFAMCs)

™ Continuous fibre-reinforced AMCs (CFAMCs)

™ Mono filament-reinforced AMCs (MFAMCs)

™ Hybrid AMCs

™ Particulates-reinforced AMCs (PAMCs)

Due to processing difficulties and economic factors consideration in design and

development and applications of aluminum composites, it is well known that particulate


aluminum composite is competitive material meeting almost all objectives for

engineering applications. Therefore, this type of aluminum metal matrix composites will

be discussed in the subsequent sections.

2.2.1 Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites (PAMCS)

Particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites generally contain equiaxed

ceramic particles reinforcements. The aspect ratio of these particles should be less than 5.

The various ceramics reinforcements such as Al2O3 SiC and TiB2 are generally used for

structural and wear resistance applications. The volume fraction of these particles are less

than 30 % for structural application and as high as 70 % reinforcement are used for

packaging industries [ Surappa 2003]. Particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites

(PAMCs) are usually manufactured either by solid state (PM processing) or liquid state

(stir casting, infiltration and in-situ) processes [Strivatsan, et al 1991].

The major advantage of the use of PAMCs is that it is less expensive as compared

with other types of composites. PAMCs possesses inferior mechanical properties as

compared to whisker, short fibre, continuous fibre reinforced aluminum matrix

composites. PAMC possesses the superior mechanical properties as compared to

unreinforced aluminum alloys. Another major advantage of the PAMCs composites is

that they are isotropic in nature. These PAMCs can be subject to a variety of further

secondary forming operations such as rolling, forging and extrusion process [Surappa


The literature reveals that the performance of particulate aluminum composites

depend upon the selection of matrix composition, selection of type of reinforcements,

their size distributions, volume fractions and selection of processing methods. These

factors will be discussed in the subsequent sections:

2.2.2 Processing of Aluminum Particulate Composites

Many methods have been used for development and processing of aluminum

metal matrix particulate composites to optimize the microstructure and mechanical

properties of particulate reinforced metal-matrix composites [Ibrahim, Mohamed, and

Lavernia 1991, and Strivatsan et al 1991]. For examples Rohatgi (2001) reported that

aluminum metal matrix could be classified in to two major categories on the basis of the

state of the processing materials such as solid state processing and liquid state processing.

Other investigators reported that aluminum metal matrix could be classified in to

the following three major categories on the basis of processing temperatures [Surappa,

and Rohatgi 1981, Srivatsan et al 1991, Ejiofor and Reddy 1997, Elaisson, and

Sandstorms1995, Hoover 1994, and Surappa 2003]:

i. Solid state processing (such as powder metallurgy) and diffusion bonding

ii. Two phase processing (such as spray and rehocasting and compocasting)

iii. Liquid phase processing casting (such as mixing particles into liquid melt

(stir casting), infiltration of liquid matrix in to the reinforcements and in

situ processes)

o Choice of the primary manufacturing process for the fabrication of any MMC

is dictated by many factors, the most important of which are:

o Preservation of reinforcement strength

o Minimization of reinforcement damage

o Promotion of wetting and bonding between the matrix and reinforcement

o Flexibility that allows proper backing, spacing and orientation of the

reinforcements within the matrix

2.2.2 Liquid Phase Processing

Liquid phase processing includes various processing technique such as

infiltration, spray casting, in situ (reactive) processing and stir casting or compocasting

process. However the selection of the processing route depends on many factors which

include the types of reinforcements, volume fraction of reinforcement, the type of loading

and the degree of microstructural integrity desired in the final product [Surappa 2003]. In

liquid state processing the stir casting is the simplest and most commercially used

technique also known as vortex technique for production of aluminum metal matrix

composites. Stir Casting

Stir casting involves incorporation of ceramic particulates by mixing into liquid

aluminum melt and allowing the mixture to solidify in to the required size and shape. The

most important step in this process is to create good wetting between the particulate

reinforcement and the liquid aluminum alloy matrix.

The vortex technique involves the introduction of pre-treated ceramic particles into the

vortex of molten alloy created by the rotating impeller made of steel or refractory


Lloyd (1999) reports that vortex-mixing technique for the preparation of ceramic

particle dispersed aluminum matrix composites was originally developed by Surappa and

Rohatgi (1981) at the Indian Institute of Science. Later on several aluminum companies

further refined and modified the process which is currently used for production of variety

of aluminum composites on commercial scale. The particles agglomeration and

sedimentation in the melt and as well as during the solidification were also reported in

stir casting. This problem may arise due to microstructural inhomogeneties.

Inhomogeneity in reinforcement distribution in these cast composites are the main

problem as a result of interaction between suspended ceramic particles and moving solid

liquid interface during solidification process.

Surappa (2003) reported that it is possible to incorporate upto 30% ceramic

particles in the size ranging from 5 to 100 µm in a variety of molten aluminum alloys.

The melt–ceramic particle slurry may be transferred directly to a shaped mould prior to

complete solidification or it may be allowed to solidify in the form of billets. The cast

billet can be further reheated to the slurry form for further processing such as die casting,

and investment casting. Compocasting have the small variation as compared to stir

casting process. In compocasting the ceramic particles are incorporated into the alloy in

the semi solid state. The stir casing method is shown in Fig: 2.1.

Fig: 2.1. Flow chart highlights typical liquid blending

and fabrication techniques [Srivatsan et al 1991].


The early research on the development of highest strength performance material

was based on aluminum and titanium matrix composites using continuous fibers. These

materials were hindered due to high cost processing difficulties such as production of

near shape, size and volume of production [Srivatsan et al 1991, and Azim et al 1995].

Therefore, aluminum particulate composite material using stir casting method was

developed which possesses the wide range of physical, mechanical properties, processing

requirements and considered as most economical route for production of aluminum

composites. The development of high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based

casting composite materials for engineering applications requires the consideration of


various design factors which affect the performance of the aluminum composites. The

performance of aluminum alloy based casting composites materials depends upon

mechanical and metallurgical factors. However the cost factors are also to be considered

in the design and development stages.

The literature reveals that the main objectives for development of particulate

aluminum cast composite materials using stir casting method were aimed to meet the

combination of properties such as strength, abrasive wear, ductility, hardness, and low

cost materials are the requirements of the most automobile and are space applications as

reported by numbers of investigators [Jokhio et al 2007, Taha 2001, Eijofor and Reddy

1997 Rohatgi 2001, 1991, Herling et al 2001].

Jokhio et al (2007), had reported that the performance of any materials depends

upon both metallurgical factors such as composition, processing method and presence of

microstructural constituents, their type and distribution etc. The mechanical factors

include the type of loadings, stresses and their magnitudes. These factors are interrelated

with each other and must be considered and controlled at all stages during designing and

development of any alloy systems.

Taha (2001) had explained various issues concerned with industrialization of cast

aluminum composites which would help in the designing of cast composite material at

large scale. Rohatgi (1991) reviewed the historical perspective of cast composites and

discussed the possible effects of matrix and reinforcement on the property motivation of

using cast composites and also explained past present and future states of cast metal

matrix composites in consideration of performance as well as cost factors.


Literature also revealed that the development of high strength and abrasive wear

resistance aluminum alloy based casting composite material and its over all performance

depend upon the selection of matrix composition, reinforcements, their interfacings

(wetting ability), controlling of porosity, heat treatment and many other metallurgical

factors which effect the performance. The metallurgical factors largely control the

mechanical properties of aluminum cast composites.

The response of the material under loading conditions determines its mechanical

properties. The aluminum cast composite material possesses the wide range of

mechanical properties such as strength, ductility, hardness and wear. The strength and

ductility are much related with each other and wear is largely depending upon the

hardness [Jokhio et al 2006].

In structural applications, strength is the most important property. For bending

and torsional loading, ductility of the material plays important role in aluminum

composite, whereas for high abrasive wear, hardness is the most important property of

aluminum composites. These properties are discussed in detail in subsequent sections:

2.3.1 Strength

The strength has prime importance in engineering design such as yield strength,

ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. The most of these properties are

determined by using ASTM standardized testing method which includes the procedure

and sample geometries as shown in Fig: 2.2. The various strength properties of a metallic

material can be calculated using stress strain diagram as shown in Fig: 2.2-2.4.

Force Grip
ASTM Standard

Gauge Length

Moving Cross


Fig: 2.2. Determine of strength properties using tensile test method.

S δ T.S Non
Strain Hardening

Plastic Strain after Fracture

δ Y.S

E = Modulus of

Plastic Region

Elastic Region Strain ε

Fig: 2.3 Stress-strain diagram


The possible behavior of ductile and non ductile metals is shown in Fig 2.4.

Non Ductile




Fig: 2.4 Ductile and non ductile behavior of metallic materials

The aluminum and its composites show both behaviors but in case of cast

aluminum in composites the yield strength is not so visible. The strength properties of

metallic materials are usually computed from the following formula.

The elastic modulus or young’s modulus E or stiffness is the most important strength

parameter in engineering design and determined from the slope of elastic region

E= (2.1)

Where ∆σ is change in stress and ∆ε is change in strain.

F max
The tensile strength σT = (2.2)

The tensile yield strength σy = (2.3)

The young’s modulus of aluminum cast composites depend upon matrix and

ceramic particulate volume fractions. Therefore, the rule of mixture is used for

calculation of modulus of elasticity E

EmVm + Er (Vr + 1)
Ec = (2.4)
ErVm + Em(Vr + 1)

Where Ec is modulus of elasticity of cast aluminum particulate composite

V is volume fraction. The subscripts c m r represents composite, matrix and

reinforcements [Gupta and Surappa 1995].

Another equation known as Halpin Tsai equation which can also be used to compute the

modulus of elasticity

Em (1 + 2 sqvr )
Ec =
1 − qvr

Where q can be represented as:

Er / Em − 1
q = (2.6)
Er / Em + 2 S

Whereas “s” is the aspect ratio of the reinforcing phase. The value of Er for SiC or Al2O3

particles can be identified from the literature. However the value of Er = 450 GPa and

Em = 68.9GPa for SiC and 68.9GPa for 6061 aluminum alloy has been reported by Gupta

and Surappa (1995). They had used the rule of mixture equation and Halpin–Tasi

equation for calculations, but Halpin Tasi equation gives best result.

The plastic properties such as yield strength (Y.S) can be calculated using theoretical

computation of 0.2 % Y.S value as follow:


σcy = Vrσm + Vm∂m (2.7)

⎡1 ⎤ (2.8)
σ cy = σ m ⎢ Vr ( S + 2 ) + Vm ⎥
⎣2 ⎦

Where σ cy & σ m represent the yield strength of composite and matrix material

respectively. Above investigators further reported that the former equation (2.7) fails to

predict the strengthening due to disposed of ceramic particles (SiC). However the latter

equation (2.8) underestimates 0.2% Y.S value.

It is generally accepted that the strength properties of aluminum metal matrix

composite is largely controlled by matrix composition. Therefore, most of the researchers

used 2xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx aluminum matrix for high strength properties [Taha 2001,

Ibrahim et al 1991, and Baifeng et al 2007].

Recently Baifeng al (2007) investigated the microstructure and mechanical

properties of high strength Al 6061 reinforced with Al2O3 particle. They used extrusion

techniques and concluded that the tensile strength, yield strength and elongation

properties were improved in aluminum composites after hot extrusion. The increase in

strength properties were due to dispersion strengthening, subgrain boundary

strengthening, precipitation induced by heat treatment both after casting and after

extrusion. However they did not develop the high strength material using conventional

stir casting method. They also suggested that the strength contribution of composite

material can be calculated using the following equations.


The yield strength contribution of Al2O3 particles are obtained from the following


σP = (2.9)

Where σ P is the Y.S of the extruded composites, G is the shear modulus, b is

the burger vector which is equal to 0.286 E-9, and D is the particle spacing. The value of

D can be calculated from

D=d (2.10)

Where d is average size of Al2O3 particles and f is the volume fraction of the oxide. For

G value it can be obtained approximately from the following equation:

E = Voxide Eoxide + VAl . EAl (2.11)

Where Eoxide is the elastic modulus of Al2O3 which is 345 GPa and EAl is elastic

modulus of aluminum matrix which is 68.9 G.Pa.

The given boundary strengthening is achieved by fine grains or sub grains and can be

calculated using Halpetch equation:

σg = σ 0 + K .t −1 / 2 (2.12)

Where σg is the Y.S of extruded composite contributed by grain size, σ 0 is the friction

of crystal lattice which is equal to 50 Mpa, K is a constant which is equal to 40 MPa and t

is the average size of the grains.


Baifeng et al (2007) further suggested that the analysis of Y.S of extruded a composite

which is contributed by the matrix (nearly 56 Mpa) dislocation, grain size oxide particles

and precipitates as follow:

σextruded=σmatrix+σdislocate+σgrain+σparticles+σPrecipitatte (2.13)

The effect of heat treatment which increases the strength is estimated from the

literature as 150 (= 270-120) MPa. They reported that using these equations for

calculation show good agreements between the experimental and calculated results.

Literature reveals that the strength properties depend upon type of reinforcement,

volume fractions, particle size and their distribution in matrix. Literature also reveals that

the interface bonding between matrix and ceramics such as wetting of ceramics particles

with matrix is essential for development of high strength cast composite material.

Another factor which has strong influence on the strength properties is the

response of the matrix to the heat treatment. Strength of aluminum cast composite

materials can be increased with the artificial age hardening process such as solution

treatment and aging treatment. However the mechanical working operation such as

rolling, forging, extruding or other strain hardening operations also increase the strength

properties of aluminum cast composites [Srivatsan and Lewanowski 2006].

Taha (2001) reported that the selection of matrix composition is important issue

for achieving the high strength in those aluminum cast composites which are capable to

give response to heat treatment. Post processing influence of the matrix provides the

additional improvements in mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and yield


strength. Tensile strength seems to be important when designing materials for structural

applications for strength and wear purpose.

Srivatsan et al (1991) and Ibrahim et al (1991) had reported that using 2xxx and

7xxx series of aluminum alloy would increase 50 % elastic modulus and reduced 10 %

weight saving in structural application for strength. The high strength of aluminum cast

composite can be produced by using strong matrix [Gupta and Meenai 2005]

Chen and Chao (2000) studied the effect of particle size distribution on strength

properties of high volume fraction of SiCp–Al-Based composite using squeeze casting

method. They concluded that the young’s modulus increases with increasing SiCp

volume fraction but is independent of particle size distribution and squeeze pressure

where as the bonding strength increases with increasing the particle size and squeeze


The yield strength and tensile strength can be improved by reducing the porosity

contents. Increasing the porosity will be detrimental for high strength properties of

aluminum composites [Pai et al 1993, Hashim, Loony, and Hashmi 1999]

Srivatsan (1996) had reported that 15-40 % increase in strength and 30 to 50%

increase in stiffness is achieved in particulate reinforced aluminum metal matrix

composites but he did not specify the processing method.

Rupa (2005) investigated the mechanical behavior of Al-Cu alloy based

composite using stir casting method and concluded that the strength properties of

composite reinforced with SiC particle had negative effect as compared to matrix alloy.

Redsten et al (1995) investigated mechanical properties of cast oxide dispersion

strengthened aluminum and reported that tensile strength increases with increase in Al2O3

particle contents upto 25 volume percent. They used infiltration and extrusion technique.

Kok (2005) reported that the strength properties of aluminum cast composites

increase with decrease in particles size and with increasing weight fraction of particles.

The strengthening of particulate aluminum metal matrix composite were due to different

mechanism such as Orwan strengthening , grain and sub grain strengthening, quenching

and work hardening mechanism [Talat 1994, Redster et al 1995, Ibrahim et al 1991].

From the above review of the literature it is concluded that the modulus of

elasticity, yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of aluminum cast composite

materials is largely controlled by the selection of strong matrix composition, smaller

particles size, increasing volume friction of particles and tempered (Heat treatment

conditions). Further improvements in mechanical properties in aluminum alloy based

casting composite can be achieved by modifying the process parameters metal treatment,

the bonding between the dispersiods and matrix and also reducing micro porosities in the

casting [Pai et al 1993].

2.3.2 Ductility

Ductility refers to the ability of material to accept plastic deformation or strain.

Strain is the elongation per unit length

Ε= (2.14)

Ductile material shows considerable elongation while the brittle materials do not show

considerable elongation. The ductility is measured in percent elongation and reduction in

area as follow

L f − L0
% El = x100 (2.15)

Where as Lf is the fracture length and L0 is the original gauge length of last specimen

A0 − A f
RA = × 100 (2.16)

Where Af is the area after fracture and A0 is the original cross sectional area of the test

sample. The measure of the ductility in stress strain diagram also represents the materials

toughness which is important property needed for composite materials [Lindbergh 2005].

Literature reveals that as the strength of the composite material increases the

ductility (toughness) decreases [Gupta and Surappa 1995]. Park et al (2001) reported that

both ductility and toughness decrease with an increase in volume fraction of particles in

aluminum matrix composites in as cast and extruded T6 conditions.

Stefanas and Skolianos (1996) investigated the mechanical behavior of cast SiCp

reinforced in Al-4.5% Cu and 1.5Mg alloy and concluded that the ductility of composite

material decreases with increase in volume fraction of particle using squeeze casting

technique. Rupa (2005) reported that Al-Cu alloy based composite does not decrease the

ductility and depends upon matrix composition. Ductility of 2024 aluminum cast

composite reinforced with Al2O3 particle decreases with increase in volume fraction as

investigated by Azim et al (1995). Similarly Taha (2001) reported that the ductility of

cast aluminium matrix composite is generally lower than aluminum matrix material.

However, the ductility can be improved upon suitable heat treatment process. Ejifore and

Reddy (1997) reported that Cu increases strength but reduce ductility of the matrix

materials. The improvements in the ductility can be achieved through the control of

porosity, mechanical working deformation processes, reducing the particle size and

increasing the uniformly distribution of particle in aluminum composites. The ductility of

composite in simple tension loading is dependent on strength of metal matrix and the

microstructural constituents [Srivatsan and Lewandowski 2006]. Aqida, Ghazali and

Hashim (2004) had reported that the ductility of discontinuously reinforced metal matrix

composites relies on the strain rate at which the damage nucleate and growth to cause the

failure. This can be improved by minimizing the porosity content in MMC. Because

fracture takes place at matrix particles interface. The presence of porosity facilitates the

voids coalescence which results in reduction of ductility of composites. Das (2004)

investigated light metal (LM) series of aluminum cast composites and reported that

aluminum cast composites exhibits better combinations of ductility (toughness) and

strength. Rupa and Meenai (2005) investigated high stress 7xxx series aluminum

composite these authers were of the viewed that the good ductility can be achieved in

7xxx alloys through uniformly distributed fine particles by an aging process.

2.3.3 Hardness

Hardness may be defined as resistance to penetration, scratching and abrasion

[Askin and Charles 1993]. Hardness of aluminum alloy based casting composite material

depends upon matrix composition, reinforcements, their types, distribution and volume

fraction. Heat treatment also has a significant effect on hardness of those aluminum

composite which give response to the solution treated and aging [Park et al 2001, Gupta

and Surappa 1995]

The strong matrix such as 2xxx 7xxx 6xxx has high hardness which further

improves upon addition of ceramic particles and applying heat treatment [Taha 2001].

The work hardening is the another factor which increase hardness as a result

deformation process which reduces the porosity in increase the bonding strength between

matrix and ceramic particles [Hashim et al 1991, Srivatsan and Lewandowski 2006]

Increasing the Cu and Si content in aluminum matrix increases the hardness of the

composite material [Muzafar and Zeren 2005].

Surappa, (2003), Rohatgi (1981) have reported that hardness of aluminum matrix

reinforced with Al2O3 particles increases with addition of such particles.

Huseyin Sevikcan and Kurnaz (2006) investigated properties of alumina particles

reinforced in aluminum produced by pressure die casting. They had reported that the

hardness of alloy was improved by 43% due to reinforcement of Al2O3 particles and this

increase in hardness was due to the attributes that small particles had more surface area in

the matrix.

Rupa and Dasgupta (2005) conducted a comparative study of Al-Cu alloy base

casting composite using stir casting method and concluded that composite after age

hardening and as in cast condition have high hardness.


2.3.4 Abrasive Wear Resistance

The abrasive wear resistance is one of the most important property of the material

needed to resist the damage or progressively loss of surfaces or sub surface of material

working under gritty environmental conditions. [Jokhio et al 2006]. However, the wear is

considered as “system” property rather than a material property [Talat 1994.]

The abrasive wear of metal matrix materials depends upon the wearing conditions

where as the tribological properties of aluminum alloy based casting composite increase

with increases in particle size, volume fraction and also depend upon the type of matrix

material [Shen and Lin 1996], [Nesarikar, Tewani and Graham, 1991].

Literature reveals that as the hardness increases the abrasive wear resistance is

also increases and depends upon the morphology of the microstructural constituents

[Jokhio 1996].

The high abrasive wear resistance of aluminum metal matrix cast composites

(AMMCC) also depends upon proper interfacing, bonding between matrix phase and

reinforcements. Proper wetting is necessary for high abrasive wear resistance. The

interfacial reaction between matrix and reinforcement and formation of brittle phase be

avoided that will decrease the abrasive wear resistance. Several other factors such as

porosity, matrix composition, and heat treatment have strong influence on abrasive wear

resistance. The abrasive wear of resistance aluminum matrix composite is excellent as

compared to monolithic metals due to presence of hard particles.

The abrasive wear resistance of 2024 aluminum composites at the load of 1Kg is

6 time greater than the abrasive wear of the same alloy containing upto 20 % SiC. A

Toyota Piston made from aluminum 2024 composite had greater advantage and

impressing abrasive wear even better than cast iron [Gibbon 1988].

Much research work has been conducted to investigate the abrasive wear behavior

of aluminum cast composite materials using different matrix and mostly SiC and AL2O3

particles were used.

For example Shen and Lin (1996) investigate the particle size effects on the

abrasive wear containing 20% SiC reinforced in 7075 aluminum composites using

powder metallurgical process. They concluded that abrasive wear resistance is much

better than matrix materials.

The room temperature wear characteristic of aluminum matrix reinforced with

Al2O3 particles was investigated by Nesarikar, Tewani and Graham (1991). They were of

the view that wear is caused by abrasion of softer surface matrix material.

A dry sliding wear test under the load 5-20 N, was conducted on aluminum

composite. Composites were prepared using Vortex and squeeze casting method and

reinforced with Al2O3 particles by Huseyin et al (2006). They concluded that wear rate of

composite and unreinforced alloy decreased with increasing load. Wear rate decreased

with increase in volume fraction and particle size 125 µm. The wear surface appearance

showed plastic deformation at matrix alloy when the composites wear was caused by

abrasion. They further conclude that the abrasive wear of Al2O3 particles reinforced in

2024 aluminum alloy composite fabricated by vortex method was increased.

Kok (2006) conducted the abrasive wear using pin on disc method. The

experimental result reported that wear properties of 2024 alloy wear were considerably

improved with addition of Al2O3 particles and the wear resistance of composite was

much higher than matrix alloy. The wear rate of composite increased with increase of

particle size and volume friction.

The abrasive wear properties of Al-Cu base composite materials have been

evaluated by a large number of investigators [Rupa 2005; Kok 2005]. In most of the cases

the abrasive wear resistance of aluminum composites increased due to control of alloy

and the degree of improvement in abrasive wear resistance depend upon the large extend

on experimental conditions and testing pressure of microstructural constituents. Improper

formations of composite leads to decrease the abrasive wear by diluted heat of

dispersiods particles by the matrix material. This means that wear resistance of

composites depends both on reinforced size, and distribution volume friction. The matrix

strengthening has significant effect on wear properties.

Rupa (2005) concluded that Al-Cu composite have high abrasive wear resistance

due to it high hardness. However, he pointed out the adverse effect on tensile strength.

The similar matrix alloy 2024 reinforced with Al2O3 using vortex method was

investigated by Kok and Ozdin (2007). He found that abrasive wear resistance of

aluminum cast composite was increased as compared to alloy matrix. The abrasive wear

resistance increases with increase in volume friction (Upto 20%) and particle (Al2O3)

size. However, they have reported that the abrasive wear resistance decreases with

increasing the sliding distance, wear load and abrasive grit size. They also concluded that

the effect of excellent abrasive wear resistance was mainly dependent on the effective

resistance of Al2O3 particles to penetration; cutting and grinding by SiC emery papers.

Yilnaz and Buytoz (2001) investigated abrasive wear of Al2O3 particulate

reinforce in aluminum based MMCs. They used compocasting technique for

manufacturing of composites. The abrasive wear was conducted using pin on disc with

different grade of SiC emery papers. They concluded that has increasing porosity,

decreasing particle size and increasing grit size of emery paper decreases the abrasive

wear resistance. However the aluminum cast composite shows high abrasive wear

resistance upto 15 % Al2O3 as compared to matrix alloy.

The abrasive wear resistance of A357, A339 and A6061 aluminum matrixes

reinforced with Al2O3 particles, were investigated using compositing techniques by

Garcia et al (1996). They used different particle size and volume friction. The abrasive

results were compared with casting of grey cast iron. They concluded that SiC in

aluminum composite is more effective than Al2O3 particles. This might be due to

different shape of SiC. They reported that abrasive wear increase with increasing particle

volume friction and size. They also found that abrasive wear resistance depends upon the

matrix bonding with ceramic particles. The strength is relevant property as for as the

wear performance is concerned but not toughness as suggested by other authors.

Suresh et al (2003) investigated the effect of various oxide based ceramics particle

on abrasive wear of gravity cast and squeeze cast aluminum composite. They were of the

view that abrasive wear resistance increases with oxide ceramic particles content but

better wear resistance is achieved in case of squeeze casting or the gravity casting of

aluminum composites.

Al 5Mg alloy matrix reinforced with different % age of Al2O3 (60µm) particulate

composite was prepared using vertex method by Daud, et al (2003). The composites were

cold rolled (deformation) with different reduction rates. They concluded that Al2O3 after

deformation increases abrasive wear resistance of Al 5 Mg composites. From the above

literature review it is clear that abrasive wear resistance depend upon matrix composition,

type of reinforcements, their size, distribution as well as micro structural characteristics,

porosity, wetting and interfacing bonding between the matrix and ceramics. Presence of

Cu, Zn, Si along with Mg contents has beneficial effect which increase wear abrasive

resistance of aluminum cast composites.



Various major factors which affect the strength and abrasive wear resistance of

aluminum cast composites includes the matrix composition, type of reinforcements, heat

treatments, microstructural constituents, interfacing (wetting and bonding) density,

porosity in aluminum casting composites. Theses major factors include the matrix

composition, heat treatment, Al2O3 particles, microstructure, interfacing (wetting) and

porosity. Theses factors will be discussed in the subsequent sections

2.4.1 Effect of Matrix Composition

As discussed above, that mechanical properties such as strength, ductility

(toughness) hardness and abrasive wear resistance of aluminum alloy base casting

composite materials depend up various factors such as reinforcements type, distribution,


size, shape and volume fraction, heat treatment, porosity, wetting and bonding between

ceramic particles and chemical composition of matrix material.

From the above literature one thing is clear that matrix composition plays an

important role in controlling the strength and wear resistance of aluminum cast

composites. Composite material refers to both matrix alloy and ceramics. Some research

in aluminum cast composite is based upon the investigation of the effect of various

matrix composition and particles. For example, the effect of eight different matrix

compositions in mechanical properties was investigated by Maxim et al (1998). They

conducted research on Al 4.5% Cu and used advanced infiltration casting technique. The

effect of Si and Mg content in matrix alloy on tensile strength and toughness was

investigated. They concluded that Si and Mg addition has positive effect on tensile

strength of the aluminum composites. The Mg is a much more effective addition since in

the presence of Cu it take part in formation of ‘S’ phase (Al2 Cu Mg which is very potent

to age hardening precipitates. Presence of Mg makes aluminum Al2O3 particle stronger

interfacing. They further concluded that Mg content 1.5% increases tensile strength by

10% without decreasing the toughness. Both Si and Mg combined effect increases 25%

tensile strength, whereas the Si content decreases toughness of the composites.

Zn has greater solubility in aluminum depending upon the matrix phase

composition and has strong influence on the tensile strength [Frindlyender 2003, Elmas

2002]. Increasing Zn content will also increase fracture toughness (ductility) and abrasive

wear resistance of the composite material [Rupa and Meenia 2005].


The addition of Mg and Zr upto 1 in aluminum cast composites increases strength

and toughness by increasing the wetting ability between ceramics and matrix [Gupta and

Surrappa 1995].

The presence of Al2O3 particles in aluminum matrix has the major advantage that

it has high chemical inertness as compared to SiC. Moreover high strength and modulus

of about twice that of aluminum can be obtained [Taha 2001].

Literature reveals various matrixes compositions but the popular matrix

composition is based on age hardenable alloy such as 2xxx 6xxx and 7xxx series

[Srivatsan and Vasudevan 2006].

Mostly the pervious matrixes investigated for strength were 2xxx and 6xxx series

aluminum alloys [Baifeng 2007, Ejifor and Reddy 1997]. However, some information is

available in case of 7xxx aluminum matrix composite [Daud et al 2004,, 2005].

The effect of Si and Mg on casting properties of 7xxx series of alloy was

investigated by Dailibor et al (2004) who reported that Mg and Si improved the casting

properties of aluminum alloy.

Clinch et al (2004) had optimized the composition of 7xxx aluminum alloy with

Zn and Mg ratio 3:1 and 4:1 respectively. They concluded that low Mg Zn ratio exhibits

better strength and toughness. They further concluded that Cu in matrix composition

strengthens the alloy by precipitation of Al Cu2 or modification of brittle Al-Fe-Si phase

and improves the corrosion resistance.


Haizhi (2003) reported that Fe in aluminum casting alloy be restricted to less than

2%. Cu modifies Si phase and prevent die sticking in die casting.

The presence of Si in aluminum matrix improve fluidity and feeding characteristics,

improves corrosion resistance, hardness and abrasive wear resistance [Lee 1998].

2.4.2 Effect of Heat Treatment

The mechanical properties of as cast aluminum composite are inferior due to

inhomogeneties in composition, segregations, microstructural non uniformities and

presence of internal stresses and porosity. In order to optimize the composition,

properties and microstructural uniformity various heat treatment processes such as

annealing, solution treatment and age hardening treatments are applied to the cast

composite. Therefore, heat treatment is to be considered as an integral part of alloy

development and further manufacturing process [Srivatsan and Vasudevan 2006, Jokhio

et al 2006].

The main objective, of the thermal treatment is to modify or improve the physical,

mechanical and structural properties to the required level for optimum performance of the

material in service conditions [Jokhio 1996]. The most important heat treatment process

for aluminum cast composites is age hardening or precipitation hardening. Heat treatment

is more effectively applied to those aluminum alloys which are capable to be hardening.

Their equilibrium diagram in Fig: 2.5 shows high solubility at high temperature lower

solubility at low temperature. The selection of heat treatment process and its parameter

depends upon alloys composition, size and shape and the required physical and

mechanical properties. The process of age hardening or precipitation hardening is carried

out into three steps.

o Solution treatment

o Quenching

o Aging

Solution treatment involves the heating of alloy to a pre determined temperature and

time depending upon the composition, geometry, size and shape of the parts. Heating

allows the solute atoms to diffuse in the matrix phase and homogenizes the composition.

After solution treatment alloy is rapidly cooled into a particular quenching media usually

water at room temperature that will freeze (trap the solute atoms) in the matrix phase.

This is the super saturated solid solution and lattice is overly stressed by the solute atoms

and is in matastable conditions. With the passage of time at room temperature or upon

heating solute atoms tend to precipitate within the matrix phase in a given form of

particles (Clusters) which impede the motion of dislocation. This strengthens the matrix

phase called age hardening or precipitation hardening [Yilmaz 2004]. The process of age

hardening in Al-Cu alloy is shown in Fig: 2.5.

Fig: 2.5 Section of the aluminum–copper eutectic phase diagram (Polmear 1981)

The strengthening by precipitation mechanism is complicated. In the early theory

of age hardening it was thought that hardening occurs due to precipitate of fine particles

which impede the motion of dislocation. Later on, the subsequent study led to more

complete understanding of age hardening. It was thought that the strengthening is not due

to precipitations of particles alone but also due to their uniform distributions of sub

microscopic precipitates and distortion of lattice structure of matrix material. The most

useful theory is coherent lattice theory of age hardening in which the cluster embryos of

the precipitate occurs during aging and form intermediate or transition lattice which

maintains registry (Coherency) with the lattice structure of matrix. This excess phase has

different lattice parameters [Yilmaz 2004]

When there is absence of transition lattice and distortion in alloy matrix will not

be strengthened by precipitation hardening. Therefore, in case of aluminum cast

composites 7xxx 6xxx and 7xxx series wrought alloy matrix and 2xx.0, 3xx.0 and 7xxx.0

cast alloy matrix give good response to the heat treatment [Taha 2001].

Most of the heat treatable alloys contain Mg with Cu, Si and Zn. The

strengthening in these alloys are due to formation of Cu Al2 in aluminum copper alloy

system, MgZn2 in aluminum zinc and magnesium system or AlMg2Si in aluminum

magnesium silicon system and Cu Mg Al2 Phase in Al-Zn-Mg system.

The precipitation treatment is generally carried out at low temperature ranging

from 1150C to 1900C. Time varies from 5 to 48 hrs depending upon the alloy matrix

usually referred by letter T6 temper. [, 2005]. T6 temper generally


has the highest strength practically without sacrifice of other properties and

characteristics. The T is found by experience to be satisfactory and useful for engineering

applications. It is followed by number 1 to 10. The specific sequence of basic treatments

as described below.

T1= Cooled form elevated temperature shaping process and naturally aged (not cold work)

T2= Cooled from elevated temperature shaping process cold work and naturally aged

T3= Solution treated cold work and naturally aged

T4 =Solution treated naturally aged

T5 =Cooled from elevated temperature, shaping process and artificially aged.

T6 Solution heat treated and artificially aged.

T7 =Solution heat treated and over aged or stabilized

T8= Solution heat treated, cold work and artificially aged

T9 =Solution treated, artificially aged, cold worked.

T10 =Cooled from elevated temperature shaping process, cold worked and artificially aged

[Yilmaz 2004, Srivatsan and Vasudevan 2006].

Literature reveals that heat treatment has significant effect on mechanical

properties and microstructure of aluminum cast composite. Process parameters depend

upon the chemical composition hence less information is available to investigate the

effect of heat treatment on properties of aluminum cast composites.

Rupa and Meenai (2005) applied T6 treatment on 7075 aluminum cast composites

reinforced with SiC particles. The composites were heated at 4950C for 8 hours water

quench and then tempered at 1200C for 24 hours. The aged samples were then

retrogressed at 2000C for duration of 45 minutes to allow only dissolution of precipitate.

In the second stage, the retrogressed samples were re-aged at 1200C for 2 hours to fully

restore the peak aged condition of T6 temper. They concluded that T6 tempered has

improved the strength as compared to double stage process (retrogressed) over the cast

alloy composites. However, wear is improved as a result of retrogression and re-aging

treatment. A similar matrix reinforced with Al2O3 particles using stir casting method was

investigated by Daud et al (2004). They heated samples at 4900C for 2 hours for solution

treatment and quenched in water and tempered at 120 0C for 8 hours only. They conclude

better sliding wear resistance, strength and hardness are achieved as compared to the

matrix materials.

The aging behavior of spray cast 7075 aluminum alloy was investigated by Elmas

(2002). The solution treatment was carried out at 4700C for ½ hour followed by water

quenched and then tempered (aged) at aging temperature 120, 140, 175 0C for selected

time. They observed that aging increases with increase in temperature but better aging

effect on properties were achieved at lower temperature.

Maxim et al (1998) reported that homogenizing and artificial aging T6 and T7

increases 20 % strength of aluminum composite as compared to the natural aging. They

reported that fine ceramics particles exhibit strong relationship between tensile strength

and heat treatment.

Karnezis et al (1998) reported that cast aluminum composite contain Al-7Si alloy

matrix reinforced with SiC particles shows better ductility in alloy matrix and

composites, after solution treatment at 5400C for 12 hours and then quenched in water.

6061 aluminum alloy reinforced with SiC particles was investigated by Gupta and

Surappa (1995). The alloy was solution treated at 5300C for one hour and than quenched

in cold water. The alloy was aged isothermally at 1770C for various intervals. The time

aging results well defined peaks. They reported that aging rate is fast in 2 hours in

aluminum stir cast composite and then 8 hours in matrix alloy and resulted high hardness

of the composites as compared to alloy matrix.

A comparative behavior of 2014 Al-Cu alloy and its composites after aging

treatment was investigated by Rupa (2005). The alloys and composites were solution

treated in a muffle furnace at 4950C for 8 hours then quenched in cold water. The

samples were aged at different temperatures (150, 210, 2400C for 1& 2 hours) to optimize

the properties. They concluded that aging treatment improved the over all condition for

all properties in both alloys and composites in cast conditions.

A wear behavior of 7075 aluminum alloys and 7075 Al composites reinforced

with SiC particles was investigated after solution treatment and aging by Venkataraman,

and Sundararajan (2004). They prepared the alloy composite using powder metallurgy

route and applied T6 treatment. They found that wear behaviour of composites increases

with additions of ceramic particles in aluminum matrix.

2.4.3 Effect of AL2O3 Particles

Strength and abrasive wear resistance of aluminum metal matrix cast composites

(AMMCC) depends upon the type of reinforcements, their size and distribution and

interfacing with matrix materials. However, the most of the research was conducted to

investigate the influence of Al2O3 particles individually on strength or on wear. Some

investigations were conducted to study the effect of Al2O3 particles on both properties

strength and wear. The inherent properties of Al2O3 particles are attractive because they

have good resistance to oxidation as compared to SiC. Its density is 3.98g / cm3, the

modulus of elasticity E= 372 GPa and tensile strength of Al2O3 particles is 262 MPa

[Altinkok 2006].

The addition of Al2O3 in aluminum matrix using stir casting method has

advantage that it is inert at high mixing (processing) temperature as compared to SiC

[Taha 2001].

The presence of α - Al2O3 particles have the tendency to refine the structure of

matrix which leads to improve the yield strength, wear resistance and co-efficient of

fraction .However, the tensile strength and ductility decreases as reported by Azim et al


The effect of Al2O3 particles content and their size on the properties such as

hardness strength and porosity was investigated by Kok (2005). They concluded that

hardness and tensile strength of aluminum cast composite increases with decrease in

particles size. However, the porosity increases with fine particles size due to

agglomeration of particles size. The similar effect of fine particles size (nano matrix

particle reinforced in aluminum matrix composite) and increase in volume fraction was

reported by Kang and Chan (2004).


The beneficial effect of increasing particles size and volume fraction on sliding

wear resistance in 2024 Aluminum matrix cast composites was reported by Kok, and

Ozdin (2007).

The effect of Al2O3 particles aluminum cast composite on tensile strength and

wear after rolling was investigated by Daud Bitar and Azim (2003). They reported

beneficial effect on abrasive wear and yield strength but tensile strength decreased with

an increase in volume fraction of Al2O3 particles in reinforced in Al 15 Mg matrix.

However they reported beneficial effect of Al2O3 particles on strength, wear, and

hardness in 7075 aluminum matrix [Daud et al 2004].

The influence of Al2O3 particles reinforced in aluminum matrix composites

developed by using stir casting method was investigated by (Kok 2006), Yidmaz and

Buytoz (2001). They also conclude that abrasive wear resistance of aluminum cast

composite increases with increase in volume fraction and particles size. The similar effect

of Al2O3 particles on abrasive wear resistance was reported by Stevircan and Kurnaz


The beneficial effect of high Al2O3 particles upto 55 volume percent on strength

and toughness was reported by Maxim et al (1998) but they used using advanced

infiltration casting technique for development of cast composites.

The beneficial effect of Al2O3 particles on hardness, strength, and wear resistance

in Al-Si alloys was also reported by Surappa and Rohatgi (1981).

Fang et al (1999) suggested that addition of Al2O3 particles would increase the dry wear

or wear corrosion resistance of 6061 aluminum composites.


6061 aluminum alloy reinforced with Al2O3 particles was investigated by

Massardier et al (1993) and Baifeng et al (2007). They had concluded that the there was

increase in modulus of elasticity, tensile strength hardness but degrease in ductility.

However both investigators did not use stir casting method.

Generally it is summarized that Al2O3 particles increases the over all performance

of aluminum cast composites except the ductility which decreases.

2.4.4 Effect of Microstructure

The morphology of the microstructural constituents, their orientation, bonding,

distribution, presence of porosity and impurities have strong influence on strength and

wear. Their appearance of the microstructural features depends upon the composition and

processing method and heat treatment operations [Brusethaug, and langsrud 2001]

Literature reveals that microstructure of aluminum cast alloy influences the

properties of aluminum alloy based casting composites materials.

The microstructure of aluminum alloy based casting composite material consists of

matrix phase and particles, their distribution, defects and precipitation of particles, grains

and subgrains [Baifeng et al 2007 and Srivatsan 1996, Daud et al 2004 Redsten et al

1995,, 2005].

In recent year increasing the need of high performance aluminum alloy based

casting composites materials for automobile and aerospace industries need to understand

the relationship between microstructure-mechanical properties and processing method

[Srivatsan et al 1991].

The main microstructural requirement for aluminum cast composites is the

uniform distribution of ceramics and their interfacing. In stir casting porosity and

interfacing are the major issues which affect the properties of aluminum alloy based

casting composites Taha (2001). These problems have been well documented by Ibrahim

et al (1991), and Hashim, et al (2003).

The interfacing or wetting between the ceramics and particles can be improved by

preheating the ceramics at 9000C, addition of Mg upto 3 %, applying presence during

mixing , casting as reported by Taha (2001), Ibrahim et al (1991), Hashim et al (2003).

The uniform distribution, good interfacing, fine grain matrix and precipitation of

particles increase the strength and abrasive wear resistance as discussed by numbers of

investigators [Chawala et al 2000, Karnezis et al 1998, Lai and Yap 1997].

The microstructural characterization studied in stir casting route was conducted

by Gupta and Surappa (1995). They observed the precipitation behavior and segregations

of alloying elements in the interfacial region between Al alloy matrix and ceramic

particles. This will cause the variation in mechanical properties of cast aluminum


In stir casting of aluminum alloy matrix uniformity of distributions of ceramics

particles and good bonding between ceramics and matrix is essential that minimizes

porosity and improves the strength and wear as reported by Pai et al (1993).

Azim et al (1995) has observed that Al2O3 in stir casting help in formation of

equiaxed grains and acts as sites for nucleation’s which increases the strength properties.

The particle clustering and agglomerations of porosity were observed in cast

aluminum composites Kok (2005).

Kang and Chan (2004) investigated tensile properties of nanometric Al2O3

particles enforced in aluminum matrix. They observed that agglomeration increases with

increase in volume fraction but if the agglomeration is well bonded with matrix, it can

contribute to strengthen of composites.

The study of microstructural evaluation of 6061 MMC reinforced with Al2O3

particles indicates high dislocation density around Al2O3 particles. The formation of

reinforced precipitates constituting sites for dislocation pilling up phenomena will

improve the strength of composites [Bonollo 1997].

The aluminum particles in aluminum cast composites are located at higher

frequency at grain boundaries than in the grain interior. The clustering of alumina

particles and increasing dislocation density around aluminum rich region were observed

in microstructures of cast oxide dispersion strengthening aluminum composites by

Redsten et al (1995).

Daud et al (2004) observed particles agglomeration and porosity in squeeze cast

7075 aluminum composite reinforced with Al2O3 particles. They reported that presence

of alumina particles in 7075 aluminum alloys affects dendrite structure which is

reinforced as compared to aluminum cast alloy. This reinforcing of microstructure in

aluminum cast composites improves hardness and abrasive wear resistance.


2.4.5 Effect of Interfacing (wetting) and Porosity

The interfacing compatibility between ceramics, matrix and porosity are the major

factors which affect the overall performance of aluminum cast composites as reported by

large numbers of investigators [Ibrahim Mohammad and Levernia 1991, Hashim et al

1999, 2002, Surappa 1981, Kok 2005, Aquida, Ghazali and Hashim 2004, Taha 2001].

One of the important limitations in fabrication of aluminum metal matrix

composite is the compatibility of reinforcement in matrix. In case of aluminum

composites, Al is covered with a thin layer of oxide. Thin layer blocks the surface

wetting and reacts with some ceramics to form intermetallic phases which affect the final

properties of aluminum composites [Suresh et al 2003]. A Good bonding between

reinforcement and matrix is required for effective load transfer through the matrix to the

reinforcement. This interfacing can be improved through surface oxidation, cooling,

preheating of ceramics particles, melt treatment addition of Mg and apply pressure during

mixing [Taha 2001, Hashim et al 1991].

The wettings extend the intimate contact between the liquid matrix and solid

ceramics. Successful incorporation of solid ceramics particles in casting requires that

melt should wet the solid particles. The problem of wetting is due to surface chemistry of

solid and surface tension of the liquid. The surface modification of ceramic particles with

Mg, Li, Ti, Cu and P by breaking surface tension by rapid mixing will improve the

wettingablity or by reducing the contact angle θ ‹ 90 degree as reported by Hashim et al


Ibrahim et al (1991), reported that 3% Mg decreases surface tension of pure

aluminum and in the presence of Al2O3 particles a chemical reaction takes place between

Al2O3 and divalent transition metal oxides, resulting in formation of aluminum spinals

such as MgO. Al2O3 promotes interfacial bonding and form strong bonding between both

matrix and ceramics that would result in improvements in the properties of cast


Hashim et al, (1999, 2002) reported that as the particle size decreases wetting

become very difficult due to increase in surface area of particles and increasing the

tendency of agglomeration. Porosity in stir casting is also the major problem which has

adverse effect on mechanical properties of cast composites [Aquida et al 2004, Hashim et

al 1999 and 2002, Yilmaz, and Buytoz 2001]

Porosity is a defect formed by interfacial reaction occurred in the form of rod or

long fissured pores. Porosity result due to entrapment of gases during stirring, water

vapour content in mould, ceramics particles, hydrogen evolution or shrinkage during

solidification [Aqida 2004]. Porosity content increases with increasing the processing

temperature, prolong mixing increasing volume friction and size [Hashim et al 1991]

In aluminum casting hydrogen is responsible for gas porosity which penetrates the

liquid alloy by following reaction

H2O(v) 1/3 Al2O3 + 2H(in Al)

Upon solidification the hydrogen trapped in solid metal form bubbles that produce

gas porosity [Aqida et al 2004]. porosity is measured by quantitative metallographic

method or through the density using arch median method [Kok 2005] but in case of cast

aluminum composites reinforced with Al2O3 particles quantitative method can not

accurately predict the porosity because many pores are filled with ceramic particles.

Therefore theoretical density and experimentally determined density will give

accurate measurement of porosity [Hassan et al 2009]. Porosity depends upon matrix

composition and particle size. However porosity reduces strength, fatigue, ductility and

wear resistance and density of the cast composites [Yilmaz and Buytoz, 2001, Aqida et al

2004, Suresh et al 2003, Hashim 2002]. However, the damping capacity increases with

increasing the porosity content [Aqida et al 2004]


2.5.1 Introduction

Modeling is an art. Now a day’s it is considered as an active branch of

scientific study, mostly used for solving complex problems. Based on the nature of the

problem, various modeling techniques have been reported in the literature for solving the

materials engineering related problems. Theses modeling techniques include physical

modeling, mathematical modeling and computational modeling [Askin and Standridge


The physical models are the processes by which any object is to be modeled on

scale and provides the visual aids for checking the desired potential of design [Anu

1997].The mathematical modeling requires the use of mathematical set of equations or

logical relationships to describe the real system for solution of problems [Xiaos et al


Mathematical modeling differs from physical modeling in their use of decision

variables. Mathematical modeling can be descriptive (simulation) or prescriptive (such as

linear programming) in nature [Warke, Shanker, and Makhlouf 2005].

A more efficient modeling can be done with the help of computer systems using

computational modeling. The computational modeling requires the use of computers for

development of models. Also logical programming is required for solving complex

problems. Now day’s computational modeling techniques are widely used for research

and development work; especially in the field of materials science and engineering due to

increased accuracy, reliability, efficiency and reduced fatigue of experimental work,

saving time as well as energy as well [Patanker, 2002, Jokhio et al 2009].

Literature reveals that a comparatively new modeling technique which has been

widely used for solving such complex non-linear materials related problems using

computational modeling is artificial neural network models [Houche 2004, Rajagopal

andRajagopalan 1996].

2.5.2 Artificial Neural Networks Modeling

Artificial neural network is a computational modeling technique and relatively

considered as a new field of artificial intelligence because it can simulate intelligence

activities [Talpur 2003]

An Artificial neural network tries to mimic the structure and operations of the

human brain [Jokhio et al 2004].


By creating an artificial neural network on computers, complex problems can be

solved such as intelligent control of power plants [Talpur 2003], speech recognition,

prediction of protein, classification of cancer [kough 2008] etc.

The development of intelligent machine began in the 19th century as a combined

effort of many researches was aimed to understand the functionality of brain; such as its

ability to receive input, stored in memory, the logical operations of manipulations, sense

of thinking, learning, recocnizing the activities and finally giving the response in term of

outputs [Talpur 2003, Unar 1999].

A simple hardware and software based on the hypothesis of brain thinking system

developed by Mc Culloch and Pitts in 1943 was considered as an initial systematic study

of artificial neural network. Later on investigators developed networks for pattern

recognition using single layer preceptron.

First artificial neural network was developed in the period of 1950 to 1960 and

was initially implemented as electronic circuits. In the period of 1970 to 1980 the

artificial neural network was utilized in the field of computer science and electronics.

Later on, after the development of various learning algorithms (especially back

propagation learning) in the period of 1982 to 1986 it gained popularity in applications in

almost all disciplines [Ziliochain 2001, Anil et al 1996]. Background of Artificial Neural Network

An artificial neural network consists of an architectural network of neurons

organized in a certain pattern. The basic element of artificial neural network is neuron

(Fig 2.6) whose structure and working principle is derived from the concept of biological

neuron. For efficient uses of an artificial neural network one must understand the

structure and working principle of biological neuron. Fig: 2.7. This aspect has not been so

clearly defined in most of the research articles.

Fig: 2.6 Biological neuron (Ziliochain 2001)

Fig: 2.7 Working principle of a biological neuron (Jasmin 2003)

A biological neuron (Fig 2.6) consists of the cell body (Soma) as a central part of

neuron which consists of neuclus and protein. All logical functions take place within this

part of the neuron and acts as an information processing unit. Neuron is connected with

axon and multitude of dendrite (Tree like structures). Dendrites are connected with cell

body through axon and act to receive information’s. A neuron receives information from

other neurons through large number of dendrites and transmits information through axon

(output channel). The axon is further divided into strand and substrand. The neurons are

connected through synapses (joints), which are the functional units between two neurons.

Upon receiving impulses or information at synapses neuron releases chemicals to

enhance or inhabits the received tendency and emits electrical pulses. The strength of

synaptic can be chemically altered by the brain in response to favorable and unfavorable

stimuli. The synapses act as junctions between axon and dendrite of other neurons. A

neuron fires when collective influence of all impulses reaches to the threshold value and

proceeds to soma through axon structure and gives the output results [Unar 1999, and

Talpur 2003].

A simple artificial neuron is modeled as a device (usually nonlinear) whose

architecture is divided into three parts: input part, processing part and output part. The

input of the neuron may be the input of network of which the neuron is a part, the output

of other neuron or its own neuron. The functionality (Simulation) of output artificial

neuron is achieved upon receiving one or more input Xi (i =1, 2---Xn) to the neuron and

then multiplying by weight Wi (i =1, 2, ---- Wn). Each neuron connection has the weight

value which represents the memory of the network and indicates the strength of synapses

and analogy with neuro-biological synapses (Fig: 2.7). The weighted signals are summed

(Linear combination of value) to produce over all activation value which is compared to

the threshold value called activation function of the neuron. In most cases, the bias is

added to the weighted sum. The bias is generally used to speed up the learning process.

When the overall value exceeds the threshold value, a neuron passes data in the form of

simple electrical pulses.

The selection of the activation functions of a neuron depends upon the desired

functionality of neuron and may be linear or nonlinear function. The purpose of

activation function is to confine the neuron’s output to a pre-specified range. The various

activation functions are shown in Fig 2.8.

Fig: 2.8 Various activation functions (Jasmin 2003)

Mathematically, an artificial neuron is expressed as:

y = f [∑WiXi - b] (2.1),

Where, Xn is the total number of n inputs. In most cases, threshold contribution “b” is

treated as an extra input X0 to the neuron X0 = -1 and W0 = b. Equation (2.1) Simplifies



y = f [∑Wi Xi] (2.2).


A neuron has two modes of operation training and testing mode [Talpur 2003]. In

the training mode, a neuron trains to fire or not to fire for a particular input pattern. In the

testing mode, if the input pattern does not belong to the list of the trained pattern of inputs

the firing rule is used to decide whether the shared neuron fire or not fire. The simple

neuron can solve simple problem however, complex problems require the use multiple

neurons working together.his is called neural network which is usually arranged in the

form of input layer, hidden layer and output layer as shown in Fig: 2.9.

Hidden layer

Out put layer

Input layer

Fig: 2.9 Architecture of a simple neural network [Unar 1999]

The input neuron or input layer receives information from environment. The

output neurons of layers send signals out of the system. The hidden neurons or layers are

those which have information within the system [Altinkok and Koker 2005]. The neural

networks are generally classified based on thier architecture (topology and learning

method). The most widely used topology is the feedforward network and most common

learning method is the ever back propagation rule [Talpur 2003]. Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network

The multilayer feedforward neural network is one of the most popular architecture

due to its easeness in applications [Badeshah 1999]. Another reason of its popularity is

that it allows supervised learning. In this type of learning a network is required to give

some desired output for a certain class of input patterns [Unar 1999]. The feedforward

name is given to this network, because signals always propagate in forward direction

from layer to layer and do not pass from other neurons in the same layer or the previous


Since the development of feedforward network technique in the late eighties,

theses networks have been applied by large number of investigators. Based upon the

applications, these can be divided into two major groups: For function approximation and

classification. If the output values are continuous, then this network is performing

function approximation. However, if it restricts the output to a finite set of value then it is

performing classification task. Furthermore, multilayer feedforward neural network can

be divided into two major categories: The multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial Bias

function (RBF). However, in the present work, MLP has been used therefore; this

network is described as under.

61 Multilayer Perceptron Network

The Multilayer Perceptron network has been successfully applied in almost every

discipline perhaps it is the best known type of feedforward neural network [Unar1999,

and Anil, 1996, Jokhio 2009].

Recently, the Multilayer Perceptron has been used in the field of materials science and

engineering by a large number of investigators [Ozerdem 2007, Jokhio et al 2004, and

Hassan et al 2008]. The topology of multilayer perceptron is similar to multilayer

feedforward as discussed previously. it consists of input layer, hidden layer and output

layer. The number of hidden layers and number of neurons in each layer is not fixed.

Each layer may have different number of neurons depending upon the applications.

Generally MLP network has a different number of neurons and different synaptic weights

for different layers. All neurons in hidden layers have a sigmoidal nonlinearity such as a

logistic function Yi = or hyperbolic tangent function Yi = a tanh b(Ui )
1 + exp( −Ui )

Where Ui is the net internal activity of neuron i, Yi is the output of the same neuron and

a,b are the constants. MLP network learn faster with hyperbolic tangent function than

logistic function [Hyken 1999]. Each unit performs a weighted sum of its inputs and pass

this activation level through a transfer function to produce its output. The output layer

neurons may have the same activation as the hidden neurons. However, many

applications use a linear function as the activation function of the outputs neurons.

An important point to emphasis here is that the non linearity is smooth (i.e differentiable

every where). A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is usually trained by using the error back

propagation rule. The development of the back propagation learning algorithm for

determining weights in a multilayer perceptron has made these networks the most popular

among the researchers and users of neural networks. The back propagation algorithm is

discussed in the next section. Back Propagation Neural Network Algorithm

The back propagation neural algorithm was developed in the 1980.
The back propagation algorithm works in three steps.
o Forward sweep
o Error calculation
o Back propagation
In forward sweep, each neuron receives information in the form of inputs; calculated

and passed to the neurons of the next layers which receive information and passes it to

the neurons of final layer.

In the next step the error is calculated by comparing the value of the neurons of

output layers to the desired output. If the differences between the actual output and the

teacher(desired output) is within acceptable rang then learning is successful other wise

the error is calculated and learning is called unsuccessful.

In the third step; if the learning is unsuccessful then the error value is propagated

backward through the network to minimize the error between the actual and desired

outputs by adjusting the weighted value. In learning process, these three steps are

repeated until the learning becomes successful by minimizing the error between actual

and desired output within the acceptable range [Hassan et al 2008]. The derivation of the

back propagation algorithm can be found elsewhere [Haykin, 1999; Unar 1999].

2.5.3 Neural Networks in Materials Science and Engineering

The neural networks have been applied in almost every discipline for solving

problems such as design, development, processing and controlling of materials,

equipment, and products. In the field of materials science and engineering this technique

has also be effectively applied by a large number of investigators.

For example, Badeshah (1999) had well documented the applications of neural

networks in materials science concerned with the processing, properties and

microstructural evaluation of steels and ductile cast iron. Sha and Edwards (2007) had

brought the researchers attention for towards the use of neural network in materials

science based research work.

The microstructural constitutions such as amount of retained austenite in

austempered ductile cast iron was estimated by using artificial neural networks by

Yascas, Bhdeshia, and Mackay (2006). Martin and William (2003), reported that neural

network modeling, using back propagation algorithm can effectively be used for feature

classification of steel alloy microstructural constitutions (ferrite + pearlite) Maly, Harck

and Novotny (2001) have also reported that neural network approach can be used in

image analysis of complex systems.

Jokhio et al (2004), Sudhakar and Haque (2001), Cherian ,Smith, and Midha

(2000), Ohdar, and Pasha (2003), are the few examples of applications of neural

networks in the field of Materials Science and Engineering concerned with the field of

powder metallurgy.

Steel processing and its performance, characterization involving the complex

analysis of problems has been solved by applying neural networks by a large number of

investigators such as Dobrzanski, Sitech (2003), Dobranski , Kowalski, and Maejski

(2005), and Lujie et al (2007). The materials performance depends upon the complex

interrelated materials factors such as chemistry and processing method. Therefore,

experimental observations can not capture all aspects of materials. The material

development and processing and characterizations are difficult and time consuming tasks.

However neural networks have the capability in capturing the experimentally observed

behavior through a learning process.






Modeling of high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting

composites for engineering applications require sufficient data. However very little

information is available on development of high strength and wear resistance of

aluminum cast composite using stir casting method. The available information is not

sufficient for neural network modeling. Therefore, wide range of experimental work was

conducted for the development of aluminum matrix alloys and aluminum alloy based

casting composite for high strength and abrasive wear résistance. The details of the

experimental work for data generation and methodology adopted for modeling of high

strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting composite materials are as



The experimental rig consists of the mixing unit (Fig: 3.1) The rig consist of an

electric motor and mechanical stirrer made of mild steel for mixing the particles in liquid

metal. A rectangular housing made of asbestos and steel frame in which the motor is

fixed. The operating principle of this unit is simple like the conventional mixers used in

chemical processing industries. A graphite crucible is used for melting and mixing of

aluminum alloy composites. The molten metal and ceramics (Al2O3) particles were mixed

by using mechanical stirrer which rotates with the help of electric motor and mixes the

particles in a molten aluminum alloy.

Fig: 3.1 Experimental rig for mixing unit


For alloy development pure aluminum, copper, zinc, magnesium metals and Al2O3

powder were purchased from market in the form of ingots.

Six different master alloys were developed to investigate the matrix alloys and its

composites by taking the following composition in weight percentage in grams as shown

in Table 3.1.

Table - 3.1 Theoretically selected alloy compositions in grams for development of

master alloy.

Alloy No: Cu Mg Zn Al
1 0.00 gm 122 gm 150 gm 4728 gm
2 100 gm 140 gm 300 gm 4460 gm
3 400 gm 50 gm 300 gm 4250 gm
4 250 gm 50 gm 0.00 gm 4700 gm
5 150 gm 120gm 300 gm 4430 gm

6 200 gm 125gm 300 gm 4375 gm

For alloy development pure aluminum ingot was melted in gas fire pit furnace in a

graphite crucible at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET) Workshop

as shown in Fig: 3.2.

Fig: 3.2 Gas fire pit furnace

Alloying element Cu was added first in required quantity after obtaining the liquid

phase of aluminum. The other alloying elements Zn and Mg were added in last and

mixed manually for 10 minutes and cast in sand molds in size of 2 inch dia and 1 feet

length as shown in Fig: 3.3 and 3.4.


Fig: 3.3 Casting of aluminum alloys Fig: 3.4 Developed master alloys

3.3.1 Development and Casting of Composites Samples

For further development of aluminum cast composite material, each alloy was

melted using electrically heated and electronically temperature controlled bath furnace as

shown in Fig: 3.5. Weighted quantity 500 gm of aluminum alloys were melted in crucible

using electrically heated two bath furnaces. Temperature was held at 850 0C for 30

minutes (Fig: 3.6). The required quantity of aluminum oxide powder was preheated at

900 0C for one hour using same electrically heated furnace. Al2O3 particles in weight

percentage of 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 15% were mixed for 10 minutes as shown in (Fig:

3.7). The melt were purged with nitrogen gas for few seconds (Fig: 3.8). After purging of

samples they were cast in steel mold in size of 1/2 inch dia and 8 inches length as shown

in Fig: 3.9. The steel molds were drilled on opposite sides for evolutions of gases in order

to minimize the porosity contents.


Fig: 3.5 Electrically heated furnace. Fig: 3.6 Melting of master alloy

Fig: 3.7 Arrangement of mixer. Fig: 3.8 Purging N2 gas cylinder

Fig: 3.9 Casting of samples in a prepared metal mold


100 standard specimens were prepared using lath machine at MUET workshop for

tensile tests as shown in Fig: 3.10 and Fig: 3.11. The coolant was used during the

machining of the samples to avoid heating of samples. The specimen size consists of

11.28 mm diameter and 56 gauge length, radius r = 6 mm and 130 mm total length.

Fig: 3.10 Preparation of samples Fig: 3.11 Prepared standard specimens for
on lath. tensile test.


Sixty (60) samples were heat treated at Metallurgical Engineering Department

using electrically heated muffle furnace. Samples were heated at 580 0C for 1/2 hour

water quench (solution heat treatment). After solution treatment all were tempered at 120
C for 24 hours and air cooled.


The tensile tests of all samples were conducted at the Department of

Metallurgical Engineering Dawood College of Engineering & Technology (DCET)

Karachi using Universal Tensile Testing Machine (Fig: 3.12). The tensile test parameters

are given in Table 3.2.


Fig: 3.12 Universal tensile testing machine used at DCET Karachi for tensile tests

Table 3.2 Parameters of tensile testing machine.

Order number 1 2.5 CAST SAMPLE

Charge Rs 300
Test standard ASTM
Customer M. H JOKHIO
Load cell MAX: 250 KN
Pre-load 2 N/mm²
Pre-load speed 10 mm/min
Test speed 50 mm/min


The chemical analysis of raw material and developed alloys were conformed.

For this purpose 15 mm dia and 15 mm length samples were prepared for chemical

analysis. The analysis was carried out using Spectrometer available at DCET Karachi and

Scanning electron microscope available at Mining Engineering Department MUET

Jamshoro (Fig: 3.13) was used for analysis. The particle size of aluminum oxide particles

were also analyzed using Horiba particle analyzer (Fig: 3.14).

Fig: 3.13 SEM used for analysis. Fig: 3.14. Horiba particle size analyzer


Hardness of all samples was determined using Vickers hardness Testing Machine

at 1 kg load (Fig: 3.15). Samples surfaces were smoothed by grinding at 120 -500 mesh

emery papers and were polished using 600-1200 mesh emery papers. Four readings of

each sample were taken and mean diagonal area was calculated for recording the Vickers

hardness value.

Fig: 3.15 Vickers hardness test


The abrasive wear tests of all samples were carried out using sample (pin) on disc

method (weight loss in gram method). All samples were weighted using electronic

balance (Fig: 3.16). The samples were fixed in machine attachment for wear test as

shown in Fig: 3.17. The abrasive wear set up is shown at Fig: 3.16-3.18. The 150 mesh

emery paper was fixed on disc with steel frame and used for abrasive wear test.

The emery paper was removed after each 15 minutes and four readings of each

sample were taken for wear test. The machine speed was fixed at 1500 rpm; and a load of

1 kg was fixed though out the test. Lubricants water flow rate, emery papers were kept

constant except the samples chemistry which vary from sample to sample for each test.

Four readings were taken for every sample and total weight loss in grams and average

weight loss in grams were calculated.


Fig:. 3.16 Electronic balance. Fig: 3.17 Abrasive wear test Fig: 3.18 Abrasive wear
tests Machine.


The density of all samples was measured by weight in air divided by volume

method at Department of Civil Engineering MUET Jamshoro. The theoretical density of

all samples was calculated from the average composition from the elemental density of

metals as given in Table 3.3 and Table 3.4.

Table 3.3 Average compositions used for calculation of theoretical density of alloys

Alloy No % Si % Fe % Cu % Mg % Zn % Al Theoretical density gm/cm3

1 1.1 0.92 0.066 2.21 3.0 92 2.85 gm/cm3
2 2.8 0.72 2.45 2.15 5.0 84 2.99 gm/cm3
3 3.8 0.78 7.0 1.28 5.16 75 3.17 gm/cm3
4 2.6 1.0 4.7 0.6 0.6 89 3.0 gm/cm3
5 3.2 0.46 2.7 1.8 4.4 85 2.98 gm/cm3
6 4.3 0.62 3.0 2.0 5.16 81 2.99 gm/cm3

Table 3.4 Theoretical density of metals in gm/cm3

Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
2.329 gm/cm 7.6 gm/cm 8.69 gm/cm 1.738 gm/cm 7.1338 gm/cm 2.7 gm/cm3
3 3 3 3 3


The metallographic studies were mostly conducted using Optical Metallurgical

Microscope at MUET Jamshoro and Pakistan Steel Mills Laboratories. Scanning Electron

Microscope (Fig: 3.13) was also used at MUET for metallographic study for few

samples. The samples were prepared after grinding using 120-1200 mesh emery papers.

After grinding the samples were polished using alfa aluminum oxide powder, and then

they were etched in prepared Keller’s solution. Keller’s etchant consist distilled water

190 ml, nitric acid 5 ml, hydrochloric acid 3 ml, hydrofluoric acid 2 ml


The modeling methodology depends upon the nature of problem. The present

research involves the modeling for high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy

base casting composite materials whose performance depends upon composition,

processing parameters and heat treatment conditions. These variables have strong

influence on strength and wear. Obviously complicated nonlinear relationship exists

between composition, processing parameters and their resulting mechanical properties.

To search for optimum composition for high strength and wear a nonlinear relationship is

to be established for best results which include the selection of input and output

parameters as well as the architecture and learning algorithm.

As discussed in literature review that the complexity of this nonlinear behavior of

materials related performance can more efficiently be modeled using artificial neural. The

artificial neural network is a comparatively new field of artificial intelligence which tries

to mimic the structure and operation based on biological neural systems such as human

brain by creating an artificial neural network on computers [Unar 1999, Talpur 2003,

Jokhio, et al 2004].

Therefore, artificial neural network modeling methodology is used for modeling

of high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting composite material.

The efficient neural network modeling requires the design of neural network architecture

which includes the selection of inputs layer, hidden layer, outputs layer as well as the

selection of learning algorithm , training and testing ( validations) of model as described


3.12.1 Architecture of the Model

The type of artificial neural network used in this study is multilayer preceptron

(MLP) network. It is a feedforward type of ANN model consisting of input layer, hidden

layer and output layer. Each neuron in layer receives inputs from all of the neurons of

preceding layer. The design architecture of the developed model is shown at Fig: 3.19.

Compositions such as Fe, Si, Cu, Mg, Zn, Al2O3 and Al in weight % age were

selected as input parameters of the model. The processing parameters such as melting

temperature in 0C, melting time in minutes, tempering temperature in 0C, tempering times

in minutes and density of the materials in g/cm3 were also chosen as input parameters of

the model. The experimentally determined mechanical properties such as tensile strength

in MPa, elongation in % age, hardness in HV and abrasive wear resistance (average

weight loss in grams) were selected as output parameters of the model.


The tangent hyperbolic and linear activation functions were selected as transfer functions

in hidden layer and output layer neurons respectively. The model consists of fourteen

input neurons, nine hidden neurons and four output neurons.

Fig: 3. 19 Design of neural network model.

3.12.2 Training of Neural Network Model

MLP Networks are trained by using the well known error–back propagation

training algorithm. The description and derivation of this algorithm can be found in any

standared text on artificial neural networks [e.g Hayken 1999]. The network runs

repeatedly with different neurons, until the output is satisfactorily accurate.


For training of neural network pack propagation algorithm was programmed in


The model consisted of 14 inputs which include Si, Fe, Cu, Mg, Zn, Al2O3, AL

matrix, density, melting temperature, holding and mixing time, solution treatment

temperature, solution treatment time, tempering temperature, and tempering time. All

data were normalized before training .Training is the act of continuously adjusting their

connection weights until they reach unique values that allow the network to produce

outputs that are close enough to the desired outputs.

The accuracy of developed model therefore, depends upon these weights. Once

optimum weights are reached, the weights and biases value encode the networks state of

knowledge. Therefore, using network on new case is merely a matter of simple

mathematical manipulation of these values.

3.12.3 Validation of Model

For validation of the model ten alloys from experimental data base were used for

measuring the validity of the trained model. For these purpose five (5) alloys as in cast

condition and five (5) alloys in as heat treated conditions were used for validation of the

trained models for both conditions. The experimentally determined mechanical properties

were compared with the mechanical properties as determined by artificial neural network

model. The further detailed of the experimental results such as composition properties

and modeling are given in chapter 4.


3.12.4 Modeling (Optimization) of Composition for High Strength and Wear

Modeling for high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy based casting

composite materials need to model alloy compositions and searching a wide range of

data. For this purpose the trained models knowledge was used for optimization for high

strength and wear resistance. More than 500 alloy compositions were modeled and

searched for high strength, ductility (elongation), hardness and abrasive wear resistance.

The sensitivity analysis of each input parameter within the minimum and maximum

limits were investigated for best optimum results.





This chapter presents both the experimental and simulated results. The chemical

analysis of raw materials and other details for data generation have been presented. A

neural network model has been developed with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. It

has been demonstrated that the developed model is reasonably accurate and suitable for

the application.


The chemical analysis of raw materials was carried out by using the Scanning

Electron Microscope (EDS) system. The EDS analysis report as shown in Fig: 4.1-4.5

confirms that the raw materials Al, Cu, Zn, Mg and Al2O3 purchased from the local

market are 95 -99 % pure form except the Mg ingot which contains 5-10 % Al which do

not affect the desired mechanical properties. The EDS analysis reports of the initially

developed alloy groups 1-4 (Fig: 4.6-4.18) indicate some variations in chemical

composition within the same alloy. This variation in chemical composition is observed in

those alloys which contain Cu which have higher melting temperature. The Spectrometer

analyses for chemical composition presented in Appendix- A and Table A 1- 6 indicates

small variation as compared to EDS analysis. Spectrometer analysis reports of chemical


composition of alloy group 1-6 shown in Fig: 4.19-4.24 indicates the presence of Si in

most of alloys above 1 % and higher % ages of Si in some of the alloys were due to

melting and initially sand casting of master alloys. The presence of Si in aluminum

casting alloys is usually considered as an impurity in aluminum casting alloys. However,

the presence of Si has encountered beneficial effect on strength and wear resistance as

reported by large numbers of investigators [Maxim et al 1998, Dailibor et al 2003, Lee

1998 and Haizhi 2003]. The analysis report shows that the presence of Fe is less than 1%

in most of the alloys. The presence of Fe in most of the developed alloys was due to use

of mild steel stirrer and mixing of Al2O3 particles at high temperature (8500C). Generally,

Fe is also present as an impurity in aluminum casting alloys and form intermetallic

compound which may have beneficial effect on strength and wear when present in small

quantity. Haizhi (2003) reported that Fe must be present in aluminum casting alloy less

than 1 %. The exceeding in % age of Fe in aluminum casting alloy along with Si reduces

the strength properties by forming AlFeSi intermetllic compound. Theoretical

composition of alloys means composition of the initial material containing; Cu, Mg, and

Zn were selected for developments of master alloys Vs, the actual experimental

composition as determined by spectrometer analysis of the same elements in the master

alloys shows small variation as given in Table 4.1 and Fig: 4.25. The analysis report as

shown in Fig: 4.25 indicate that the actual compositions results are matching with the

theoretical composition. Literature reveals that the composition plays important role on

strength and wear resistance as reported by large numbers of investigators [Maxim et al

1998, Haizhi 2003, Ejofor and Reddy 1997]. Increasing % age of these alloying elements

up to 5 % will increase mechanical properties of cast aluminum composites. Further

increasing alloying elements would decrease the strength properties due to formation of

intermetallic compounds as reported by [Ibrahim, Mohemed, and Levrnia1991,

Fridlyander 2003]. Horiba particle analyzer result indicates that the average particle size

is 41.8 micron which is automatically determined by machine with high accuracy

(Appendix B and Table B-1). The particles size of aluminum oxide is another factor

which also affects the strength and abrasive wear. As the particle size decreases the

tensile strength increases and abrasive wear decreases [Shen and Lin 1996].

Fig: 4.1 Analysis of aluminum ingot Fig: 4.2 Analysis of copper ingot

Fig: 4.3 Analysis of Mg ingot Fig: 4.4 Analysis of Al2O3 powder

Fig: 4.5 Analysis of zinc ingot Fig: 4.6 Analysis of sample 1


Fig: 4.7 Analysis of sample 1 Fig: 4.8 Analysis of sample 1

Fig: 4.9 Analysis of sample 2 Fig: 4.10 Analysis of sample 2


Fig: 4.11 Analysis of sample 2 Fig: 4.12 Analysis of sample 2

Fig: 4.13 Analysis of sample 3 Fig: 4.14 Analysis of sample 3


Fig: 4.15 Analysis of sample 4 Fig: 4.16 Analysis of sample 4

Fig: 4.17 Analysis of sample 4 Fig: 4.18 Analysis of sample 4


Alloying elements in weight % Analysis report of alloy 1 Analysis report of alloy 2

Composition in weight % age

4 6
3.5 5
3 Si Si
2.5 Fe 4 Fe

2 Cu 3 Cu
1.5 Mg
2 Mg
1 Zn
0.5 Zn
C 0 C 25 TR .5A 0HT 15B
11 1. 5H 1





11 1






Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.19 Analysis of alloy 1 Fig: 4.20 Analysis of alloy 2

Analysis report of alloy 3 Analysis report of alloy 4

A llo i n g e le m e n t s in w e ig h t %
A llo y in g e l e m e n ts i n

8 6
5 Si
w e ig h t % a g e

6 4 Fe

4 3 Cu
Fe 2 Mg
Cu 1 Zn
0 0

31 C

31 HT

32 A

31 H T

32 T

4 C
3.5 HT

41 5H T

4 H.T

41 T

4. H T
4. T
3. 5








Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.21 Analysis of alloy 3 Fig: 4.22 Analysis of alloy 4


Analysis report of alloy 5 Analysis report of alloy 6

A llo y in g e le m e n ts in w e ig h t

A llo y in g e le m e n ts in w e ig h t %
6 6
5 Si 5 Si
4 Fe 4 Fe
% age

Cu 3 Cu
2 Mg Mg
1 Zn Zn

610HT 1

610HT 2
6 10HT
6 2 .5 H T

6 5HT

6 15HT
6 C7
6 0 C
6 5C
6 10C
6 15C
3.5 T

51 T
5 HT

5 C2
5 1 .T

5 C1
5 HT



6 .5


Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.23 Analysis of alloy 5 Fig: 4.24 Analysis of alloy 6

Table 4.1 Theoretical composition & actual average composition in weight percent
as determined by X-ray and Spectrometer test results.

Alloy Theoretical Actual Theoretical Actual Theoretical Actual

Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition
of Cu of Cu of Mg of Mg of Zn of Zn
in wt % age in wt % age in wt % age in wt % age in wt % age in wt % age
1 0.0 0.066 2.5 2.20 3.1 3.0

2 2.0 2.45 2.77 2.15 5.5 5.0

3 8.0 7.0 1.0 1.28 6.0 5.16

4 5.0 4.7 0.5 0.6 0.0 .0.6
5 3.0 2.7 2.0 1.8 5.0 4.4
6 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 6.0 5.16

Theoritical Vs Actual composition of master

Alloing elements in

Th Com of Cu
w eight % age

Ac Comp of Cu
Th Com of Mg
Ac Com of Mg
Th l Com of Zn
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ac Com of Zn

Numbers of master alloys

Fig: 4.25 Theoretical composition Vs the actual composition of alloys


The detailed tensile test results including the results of stress and strain diagrams

of as cast and as heat treated samples are given in Appendix C. The tensile strength

results of alloy group 1-6 as determined from tensile test and the ductility measured in

term of elongations are given in Table 4.2-4.7 and Fig: 4.26-4.33. The tensile test results

as shown in Fig: 4.26-4.33 indicates that alloy 1, 2 and 5 exhibits good tensile strength

and ductility. Alloy 5 shows highest tensile strength as compared to other alloys.

However the alloy 3 shows poor tensile strength as compared with alloy 5.

The tensile test results of alloy group 1(Fig: 4.26) show high tensile strength (214

MPa) and ductility maximum up to 22 % as compared to alloy group 3 and 4. This alloy

group shows the higher ductility than to alloy group 2. This highest ductility was present

due to absence of Si and Cu contents. The similar effect of Si content in aluminum matrix

was reported by [Haizhi 2003]. However, the presence of Cu alloy is treated at higher

temperature and longer holding time in order to obtain uniformity in chemical

composition. The melting and treating alloys at lower temperature and time will reduce

the porosity content in this alloy group. Aqida Ghazali and Hussain (2004) reported that

treated alloy at lower temperature will reduce hydrogen content in cast composite which

will reduce porosity content and results to enhance strength and toughness.

The tensile test results of alloy group 2 (Fig: 4.27) shows higher tensile strength

(maximum 225 MPa) as compared to alloy group 3, 4 and 6. This higher tensile to

strength along with good ductility up to maximum 16.6 %, mostly in case of heat treated

conditions was achieved due to presence of Cu-Mg-Zn content. Literature reveals that

this group yields highest strength as also reported by large number of investigators

[Fridlyander 2003, Dalibor, Serak and Ekrt 2003, Senkov et al 2005, Srivatsan and

Vasudevan 2006].

Ibrahim et al (1991), Hashim et al (1999), Taha (2001) and Maxim et al (1998)

reported that the presence of Mg along with Cu and Zn enhances wetting ability of the

ceramic particles, reduces porosity and precipitate the fine particles after heat treatment

and hence increases strength properties. The literature reveals that as the strength

increases, the ductility will decrease [Srivatsan and Vasudevan 2006, Srivatsan

Lewandowski 2006, 2005]. The similar results were found in

alloy group 2.

Considering the tensile test results of alloy group 3 (Fig: 4.28) indicate poor

tensile strength (165 MPa) and ductility maximum 14 %. This decrease in tensile strength

and ductility (elongation) was achieved due to presence of highest % age of Cu content

upto 7 %, Si content upto 4 % and high Zn content upto 6 %.

The higher Cu Content needs high melting temperature and longer holding time.

The higher melting temperature increases the porosity content and results in the

formation of intermetallic compound when Cu is above 5 % in aluminum alloy. The

maximum solubility of Cu in aluminum matrix is upto 5 %, further increase in Cu content

will reduce the strength and ductility in aluminum cast composites as also reported by

Strivatsan and Vasudevan (2006), Strivatsan and Leandowski (2006), Fridlyander (2003),

and Haizhi (2003).

The tensile test results of alloy group 4 (shown in Fig: 4.29) indicate good tensile

properties in cast condition but show decrease in properties after heat treatment. This

decrease in strength properties was due to absence of Mg and Zn content within this alloy

group. The presence of Mg and Zn enhances the strength properties after heat treatment.

The presence of Mg will reduce porosity content and precipitate fine particles along with

Zn that will increase the strength properties. The effect of Mg and Zn in aluminum alloy

matrix composites was reported by Ibrahim et al (1991), Maxim et al (1998), Fridlyander


The tensile test results of alloy group 5 are given in Fig: 4.30, and show highest

tensile strength upto 300 MPa as compared to all alloy groups 1- 4 and 6 (Fig: 4.32). This

alloy also shows good ductility up to 17 %. These tensile test results give us information

that it is possible to develop high strength aluminum alloy base casting composite

materials reinforced with 10-15 % Al2O3 particles using stir casting method. The highest

tensile strength 297 MPa was achieved in case of aluminum composite material

containing 10 % Al2O3 particles with 2.5 % Cu and 4 % Zn and 2.77 % Mg.

The Similar effect of Cu-Mg-Zn in aluminum alloy matrix was reported by

Fridlyander (2003). He further reported that Cu content upto 2.5 to 3 % in presence of 4

% Zn content does not decrease elongation but show high tensile strength in 7000 series

of aluminum alloy containing Cu-Mg-Zn. However he did not investigate the composite

materials. Ibrahim, et al (1991), Srivatsan et al (1999), Hashim (1999) reported that Mg

content upto 3 % will exhibit better effect to enhance the strength properties by

increasing wetting ability , interfacing and bonding of ceramic with aluminum matrix

composites. The further increase in Mg content may reduce the properties of aluminum

cast composites. The Zn content in this group is less than 4.5 % and slows better strength

as compared to alloy group 2 which contain 3 % Zn. Experimental tensile strength result

of alloy group 6 (Fig 4.31) do not shows to enhance the strength properties this decrease

in strength properties were due to presence of high % age of Cu and Zn, this group show

similar behavior of alloy group 3. The tensile test results and elongation in % age of all

alloys groups are given in Table 4.2-4.7.


Table 4.2 Tensile test results of alloy group 1

S No Samples T. S (MPa) Elongation in % age

1 1 C 152.57 13.7
2 1 2.5 C 168.0 19.54
3 15 C 155.21 15.61
4 1 10 C 154.0 15.73
5 1 15 C 117.382 6.96
6 1HT (Heat treated) 167.23 20.0
7 1 2.5 HT 214.60 22.69
8 1 5 HT 199.30 18.55
9 1 10 HT 177.82 18.88
10 1 15 HT 156.74 14.84

Table 4.3 Tensile test results of alloy group 2

S No Samples T.S (MPa) Elongation in %age

1 2 C 146.10 15.25
2 2 2.5 C 169.68 5.61
3 2 5 C 152.86 5.29
4 2 10 C 139.11 10.91
5 2 15 C 138.19 11.15
6 2 HT 181.13 16.59
7 2 2.5 HT 225.38 15.51
8 2 5 HT 220.00 16.61
9 2 10 HT 194.14 15.73
10 2 15 HT 165.19 11.20

Table 4.4 Tensile test results of alloy group 3

S No Samples T. S (MPa) Elongation in % age

1 3 C 96.0 13.84
2 3 2.5 C 130 10.14
3 3 5C 113.55 14.16
4 3 10 C 98.35 7.19
5 3 15 C 85.69 7.97
6 3 HT 148.49 12.13
7 3 2.5 HT 165.95 14.05
8 3 5 HT 165.6 11.48
9 3 10 HT 135.30 10.31
10 3 15 HT 128.25 10.27

Table 4.5. Tensile test results of alloy group 4

S No Samples T. S (MPa) Elongation in % age

1 4 C 160.16 15.0
2 4 2.5 C 166.16 16.38
3 4 5 C 130.3 12.98
4 4 10 C 126.46 14.11
5 4 15 C 124.60 16.46
6 4 HT 167.75 16.40
7 4 2.5 HT 164.88 16.40
8 4 5 HT 151.12 14.38
9 4 10 HT 144.05 14.70
10 4 15 HT 112.0 11.16

Table 4.6. Tensile test results of alloy group 5

S No Sample No T.S (MPa) Elongation in % age

1 50 C 159.97 12.89
2 5 25 C1 148.99 10.48
3 5 5 C2 125.34 5.21
4 5 10 C 115.37 4.97
5 5 15 C 111.5 4.91
6 5 0 HT 181.2 9.78
7 5 2.5HT 222 12.37
8 5 5 HT 257 13.79
9 5 10 HT 297 16.98
10 5 15 HT 227 15.97

Table 4.7. Tensile test results of alloy group 6

S No Sample No T.S (MPa) Elongation in % age

1 6 0 C 142 2.06
2 6 2.5 C 115 6.83
3 6 5 C 115.5 4.91
4 6 10 C 105.68 6.06
5 6 15 C 114 7.26
6 6 0 HT 167 8.56
7 6 2.5 HT 166 7.5
8 6 5 HT 161 7.5
9 6 10 HT2 164 8.0
10 6 15 HT 158 7.0

T.S & Elongation of alloy 1 T.S & Elongation of alloy 2

T . S . in M P a & E lo n g a t io n in

T . S . in M P a & E lo n g a t io n
250 250
200 200

in % a g e
% age

150 T.S MPa 150 T. S MPa

100 El % age 100 El %age
50 50
0 0
1 HT
1 2 .5 H T
1 5 HT
1 10 HT
1 15 HT
1 C
1 2.5 C
1 5 C
1 10 C
1 15 C

2 HT
2 2 .5 H T
2 5 HT
2 10 HT
2 15 HT
2 C
2 .5 C
2 2 .5 C
210 C
2 15 C
Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.26 Tensile strength & elongation Fig: 4.27. Tensile strength & elongation
of alloy 1 of alloy 2

T.S & Elongation of alloy 3 T.S & Elongation of alloy 4

180 180
160 160
140 140
T .S . in M P a

T .S in M P a

120 120
100 T. S MPa 100 T. S MPa
80 80 El % age
El % age
60 60
40 40
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
C C 5 C C C H T HT HT HT HT C 2.5 5 10 15 HT 2.5 5 10 15
3 2.5 0 5 .5 0 5
3 3 1 3 1 3 32 3 5 31 31 C C C C HT HT HT HT
Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.28. Tensile strength and elongation Fig: 4.29. Tensile strength and elongation
of alloy 3. of alloy 4.

T.S & Elongation of alloy 5 T.S & Elongation of alloy 6

T . S in M P a & E lo n g a t i o n
T .S . in M P a & E lo n g a tio n in %

350 200
300 150

in % a g e
250 T.S T.S
200 100

150 50

6 1 .5 C

6 101 0C
6 1 10 0 5C

6 1 1 0H T
6 20 C

6 1 5C

0 HT

0 1 T2
6 1 10 5 T
0 H

6 2.5H
6 01
52 C

5 HT

5 HT
51 C
51 2

5 C

55 T

5 0 HT
5 1




2 .5


Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.30. Tensile strength & elongation Fig: 4.31. Tensile strength & elongation
of alloy 5. of alloy 6.

T.S. of alloy 1,2,3,4,5,6 Elongation of alloy 1,2,3,4,5,6

350 25
E lo n g a t io n I in % a g e

300 Alloy 1 Alloy 1

T . S . in M P a

250 Alloy 2 Alloy 2

200 Alloy 3 15
Alloy 3
Alloy 4 10 Alloy 4
Alloy 5 5 Alloy 5
0 Alloy 6 0 Alloy 6

C T H 5
HT 0 C 2 5C 10 C HT T HT HT

10 T




25 15


10 15



Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.32. Comparisons of tensile Fig: 4.33. Comparisons of elongations in%

strength of alloys age of alloys

4.3.1 Comparison of the Strength and Ductility (elongation)

Comparison of the strength and ductility (elongation) properties with the previous

work conducted by other investigators are given in Table 4.8. They have used various

aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with Al2O3 particles using stir casting method.

Table 4.8 Comparison of tensile strength and elongation results with the results of
other investigators.

Author Location Period Matrix Reinforcement Process Strength El

Name Composition Used
Jokhio Pakistan 2009 Al-Cu-Zn-Mg Particulate Stir 279MPa 17 %
Al2O3 48µm casting
Kok, Ozdin Turkey 2007 Al-Cu 2024 10% Al2O3 Vortex 112 MPa Not
Max determined
Yilmaz Turkey 2001 Si.46 MM .17 Al2O3 20µm 15 Stir 195 MPa Not
Val% casting determined
Daud, et al Egypt 2003 Al 5 Mg Al2O3 60µm Stir 200 Mpa 3%
7% Al2O3 casting
Surapppa & India 1981 Al- 11.8% Al2O3 53-63µm Vertex 157Mpa 6%
Rohatgi Si 1-4% Al2O3 with 1%
Al2O3 2.5%
118 Mp
with 4%
Stefanos Greece 1996 4.5% Cu, Al2O3 50µm 20 Stir 194 Mpa Not
Skolianos 1.5% Mg 24 .2% casting determined
Azim, et all Egypt 1995 2024 4.12 Cu Al2O3 50-150 Vertex 132 MPa 3.2%
and 1.94 Mg µm 10% Al2O3
Rupa India 2005 7075 Al-Cu- Si Cp 40 µm Stir As cast 1.5-5%
DasGupta Mg-Zn Cu 15 wt% casting alloy
& 1.6, Mg 2.5, 63 MPa
Humaira Zn 5.6 T61
Meenai 00MPa
Jokhio Pakistan 2009 Appox: same 48 um Al2O3 Stir Jokhio 10-17%
as above casting 297 MPa Jokhio

The above Table 4.8 clearly indicates that the research conducted by Jokhio at MUET

Jamshoro shows superior strength and ductility. This also reveals that present research

conducted to investigate Al-Cu – Mg –Zn Matrix reinforced with Al2O3 particles using

stir casting method is most economical method.



Hardness of all samples was determined using Vickers Hardness Testing Machine

at 1 kg load. The detailed results of the tests are given in Appendix-D and Tables D1-6.

The hardness of all samples was determined using Vickers Hardness Testing Machine at

the low load (1Kg).

The Vickers test at low load give, more accurate readings in case of aluminum

alloy as reported by Yilmaz (2004), Gupta and Surappa (1995). They use 0.5 to 10 Kg

load using Vickers test. The hardness test results, of alloy group 1 to 6 are depicted in

Fig: 4.34-4.40. The alloy group 1 shows the lowest hardness values (HV50) as compared

to all alloys as shown in Fig: 4.34 and 4.40. This was due to absence of Cu and Si in most

of the alloys. Cu along with the presence of Si increases the hardness value of the

aluminum alloys as reported by Muzafar and Zereen (2005). The alloy group 2 (Fig:

4.35) shows better hardness as compared to alloy group 1. This may increase due to

increase of Cu and Si content within this group. The similar effect of Cu in aluminum

alloy matrix was reported by Rupa and Dasgupta (2005). He reported that in Cu –Al alloy

hardness is improved not only due to age hardening but also increase in a cast condition.

The increase in hardness HV upto 250 was achieved due to heat treatment process within

this alloy group.

Alloy group 3 (Fig: 4.36 and 4.40) shows the highest hardness value (HV 500) as

compared to all alloy groups. This increase in hardness in cast and heat treated conditions

is due to presence of highest Cu and Zn content which form intermetallic compounds

with ceramics particles. The similar effects of Cu and Zn are reported by Taha (2001),

Muzafar and Zereen (2005), Surappa (2003), and Rohatgi (1991). They found that the

increase in hardness in aluminum matrix containing Cu-Zn increases with increase in

ceramic (Al2O3) content. The lowest hardness test results in as cast and heat treated

condition were found in alloy 4 (Fig 4.37). These were due to absence of Zn and Mg

content within this group. The absence of Zn and Mg do not strengthens the alloy matrix

with ceramic particles. Similar effect of Mg and Zn was reported by Ibrahim, et al (1991),

Hashim, et al (1999). They reported that Mg increases the wetting ability and strength of

the alloy matrix.

The hardness test result of alloy group 5 (Fig: 4.38) shows high hardness but

generally less then alloy 3. This increase in hardness in as cast and heat treated was the

function of Cu, and Mg contents with Zn content upto 5%. The Mg content upto 3% in

aluminum cast composite increase the wetting and bonding which also increase hardness

in aluminum cast composites as already reported by Ibrahim, et al (1991), Rohatgi

(1981), and Maxim et al (1998). Similarly the alloy 6 (Fig: 4.39) shows good hardness

but lower tensile strength due to high content of Cu Zn and Si as already discussed.

Hardness of alloy 1 Hardness of alloy 2

150 400

H a rd n e s s in H V
H a rd n e s s in H V

100 250
200 HV
HV 150
50 100

22 2H T



22 H T
25 H T

21 H T
21 H T











Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.34 Hardness of alloy 1 Fig: 4.35 Hardness of alloy 2

Hardness of alloy 3 Hardness of alloy 4

600 120

H ardnes s in H V

H a r d n e s s in H V

60 H.V
300 H.V
100 0
4H .T

4 .5
425A C

4 2.5R
4 2.5B

0 4.5B
3C 325C 35C 310C 315C 3H.T 325 325B 35B 310B 315A

Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.36 Hardness of alloy 3 Fig: 4.37 Hardness of alloy 4


Hardness of alloy 5
Hardness of alloy 6

H a r d n e s s in H V
Hardness in HV

200 H.V H.V



61 T


6 1

61 2


5 HT



2 .5






2 .5









Alloy number
Alloy number

Fig: 4.38 Hardness of alloy 5 Fig: 4.39 Hardness of alloy 6

Hardnes of alloy 1,2,3,4,5,6.

H a rd n e s s in H V

400 Series2
300 Series3
200 Series4
100 Series5
0 Series6
0 HT
0 C


Alloy number

Fig: 4.40 Comparisons of the hardness of alloys


The abrasive wear test results of all samples are given in Appendix- E and Tables.

E 1-6. The total weight loss in grams and average weight loss in grams of each alloy is

shown in Fig: 4.41-4.48.


The abrasive wear test results of alloys indicate that the alloy group 1 and 4 (Fig:

4.41 and Fig: 4.44) shows larger weight loss in grams resulting very poor wear resistance.

However the alloy group 3 (Fig: 4.43) shows lowest weight loss in grams resulting the

highest abrasive wear resistance as compared to all alloy group (Fig: 4.47 and Fig: 4.48).

The alloy groups 5 (Fig: 4.45) shows higher abrasive wear resistance as compared to

alloy group 2 (Fig: 4.42). The experimental results indicate that the abrasive wear largely

depends upon the hardness value. The highest abrasive wear resistance in alloy 3 was due

to their highest hardness as compared to other alloy groups. The abrasive wear resistance

increases with increasing of Al2O3 particles content. The abrasive wear resistance not

only depends upon the hardness but also depend upon interfacing, and bonding of the

ceramics particles. The interfacing and bonding depends upon the matrix composition

and heat treatment operations. This phenomenon was noted in alloy group 2 and 5 which

shows the high hardness, wear and strength. Shen and Lin (1996), Nesarikar, Tewani and

Graham (1991) also observed that the abrasive wear resistance increases with increase in

Al2O3 particles content in aluminum matrix cast composites.

Rupa and Gupta (2005), and Kok (2005) observed that the abrasive wear

resistance depends upon test conditions, matrix composition, and particles size. The most

of the previous work was conducted on specific topics such as effect of ceramic particles

on wear or hardness or porosity individually. No comprehensive investigations were

conducted to correlate the strength and wear which are the most important properties for

structural machine components which have been only investigated in the present work.

Experimental results of alloy group 5 indicate the best combination of strength,

hardness and abrasive wear resist with 10% Al2O3 particles. This sample shows 297 MPa

strength and average weight loss approximately 0.4 gm (Fig: 4.45) which indicates high

abrasive wear resistance.

The comparision of the abrasive wear resistance results of the present

investigation with the results of the research conducted by other investigators is difficult

task. Because every investigation were carried out at different test parameters such as

speed of machine , type and grade of emery papers used and testing time etc. However

the present investigation shows the higher tensile strength values as compared to same

work done by other investigators. The corelation of strength with the abrasive wear

resistance of cast aluminum composite is a unique type of research which has not been

conducted yet by other investigators.

Abrasive wear of alloy 1 Abrasive wear of alloy 2

A b ra s iv e w e a r re s is t a n c e

A bra s iv e w ea r re s is tan c e

5 5
( w t : lo s s in g m )

Total Total
(w t: lo s s in g m )

4 wt 4 wt
3 loss 3 loss
2 2
Avera Avera
1 ge wt ge wt
loss 0 loss
1 H .T
12 5 H T
1 5HT
11 0 H T
1 1 5H .T
1 25C
1 5C
1 10C
1 15C

2 C

2 C
2 5C
2 C

2 H .T

15 T
2 H.T
2 5 H .T


2 0 H.




Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.41 Abrasive wear of alloy 1 Fig: 4.42 Abrasive wear of alloy 2

Abrasive wear of alloy 3 Abrasive wear of alloy 4

A b ra s iv e w e a r re s is t a n c e

A b ra s iv e w e a r re s is t a n c e
5 7
4 6
(w t : lo s s in g m )

Total Total

(w t : lo s s in g m )
3 wt wtlos
loss s
2 3
Avera 2 Avera
ge wt 1 ge wt
0 loss 0 loss
32 C

42 C
31 C

3 2 H.T

41 C

4 2 H.T
31 C
3 C

3 0 .T
3 1 H.T

41 C
.5 C

4 1 H .T
3 5H . T


4 1 H .T
4 5 .T






Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.43 Abrasive wear of alloy 3. Fig: 4.44 Abrasive wear of alloy 4

Abrasive wear of alloy 5 Abrasive wear of alloy 6

5 5
A b ra s iv e w e a r re s i s t a n c e

Total 4
A b ra s i v e w e a r re s i s t a n c e

3 wt 3 wt
(w t : lo s s in g m )
(w t : lo s s in g m )

loss loss
2 2

1 Avera 1 Avera
ge wt 0 ge wt
0 loss loss
1 T T T C . 5C 5 C 0C 5C H T T T 1 H T T 2
0 C 5C C 2 0 C 5 C 0H H T 5H H H T 0 0 6 2 6 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 .5 H 1 0 H 1 0 5 1 0 H
5 52 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 2.5 5 5 10 15 6 1 6 6 6 0 10 6 10
5 5 61 6 6
Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.45 Abrasive wear of alloy 5 Fig: 4.46 Abrasive wear of alloys 6

Wear of alloy1,2,3,4,5,6. Wear of alloy1,2,3,4,5,6.

re s is t a n c e (a v e ra g e l w t : lo s s

re s i s t a n c e ( t o t a l w t : l o s s in
1.6 7
Alloy 1 Alloy 1
1.4 6

A b ra s iv e w e a r
Alloy 2
A b ra s iv e w e a r

1.2 Alloy 2 5
1 Alloy 3 4 Alloy 3
in g m )

gm )
0.8 3
Alloy 4 Alloy 4
2 Alloy 5
0.4 Alloy 5
0.2 Alloy 6 Alloy 6
0 0 HT 0
25H T
10H T
15H T
0 C




25 T

10 T


15 T


Alloy number Alloy number

Fig: 4.47 Abrasive wear of alloys. Fig: 4.48 Abrasive wear of alloy
average weight loss total weight loss


The details of the bulk density, theoretical density and calculated porosity are

given in Appendix –F and Table F 1-4. The density and porosity of all alloys are shown

in Fig: 4.49-4.56.

The density of aluminum cast composites materials depends upon the porosity

and chemistry of the materials. The density results of alloy group 1, 2 and 5 (Fig: 4.49

4.50 and 4.53) shows the density value 2.4 to 2.8 gm /Cm3 and also shows very small

porosity contents as compared to alloy 3 and 4. Porosity increases with increase in Cu

content in alloy 3 and 4 because these alloys were heated to higher temperature as

compared to alloy 1, 2, and 5. Higher heating and longer holding time trapes the

hydrogen gas during melting and pouring which results in the evolvation of gases during

solidification and cause to create porosity in aluminum cast composites. The porosity

content in alloy 3 and 4 is clearly visible in photomicrograph shown in Fig: 4.66-4.74 and

Fig: 4.86, using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopic investigations. Another

factor is the addition and increasing the volume fraction of Al2O3 particles in aluminum

matrix. The porosity can be minimized by purging with nitrogen gas during melting as

well as the heat treatment will also reduce the porosity content in aluminum cast

composites. The addition of low melting materials such as Mg and Zn content also

reduces the porosity content in aluminum cast composites.

The experimental results (Fig: 4.56) indicate that alloy group1, 2 and 5 contents

lowers the porosity. Therefore, this alloy group possesses high tensile strength as

compared to alloy 3, 4 and 6. The experimental results show that density and porosity are

related with each other and have strong influence on the strength properties. However it

has no significat effect on abrasive wear resistance. The similar results were found by

Hashim, et al (2003), and Aqida et al (2004). They observed that the porosity is common

factor in stir casting and reduce strength properties.

Ibrahim et al (1991), and Hashim, et al (1999) reported that the addition of Mg

content aluminum and aluminum alloy based casting composites reinforced with Al2O3

particles reduce porosity content by formation of MgO.Al2O3, which promotes strong

bonding. Interfacing with ceramic particles will enhance the strength properties.

Density & porosity of alloy 1

Density in gm/cm3 &


porosity in % age
density D
2 /cm3
1 Porosity
0.5 percentage

1 HT

1 10HT
1 C

1 5C
1 10C
1 15C
1 25

1 15
1 5B
Alloy number

Fig: 4.49 Density & porosity of alloy 1.

Density & porosity of alloy 2

Density in gm/cm3 & porosity

3 dens
2.5 ity D
in % age

2 /cm3
1 sity
0.5 perc
0 t
T 5
2C 2 5C 5C 1 0C 15C 2H 2 5A .5B 1 0B 21
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Alloy number

Fig: 4.50 Density & porosity of alloy 2


Density & porosity of alloy 3

Density in gm/cm3 & porosity

2.5 dens
2 ity D
in % age /cm3
1 Poro
0 t

31 C

3 T









Alloy number

Fig: 4.51 Density & porosity of alloy 3.

Density & porosity of alloy 4

Density in gm/cm3 & porosity

2.5 dens
2 ity D
in % age

1 Poro
0 t

4 .T








Alloy number

Fig: 4.52 Density & porosity of alloy 4


Density & porosity of alloy 5

Density in gm/cm3 & porosity

3 dens
2.5 ity D
in % age 2 /cm3
0 t

2. T


5 HT

5 C







Alloy number

Fig: 4.53 Density & porosity of alloy 5

Density & porosity of alloy 6

Density in gm/cm3 & porosity

2.5 dens
in % age

2 ity D
1.5 /cm3
1 Poro
0.5 sity
0 perc
01 1

61 H T
6 C

01 T


61 H T
61 5 H








Alloy number

Fig: 4.54 Density & porosity of alloy 6.


Density of alloys 1,2,3,4,5,6

Dens it y in g m /c m 3 3 Alloy 1
2.5 Alloy 2
2 Alloy 3
1.5 Alloy 4
Alloy 5
0 Alloy 6



0 10 H HT 5 H

1 0 10 15
Alloy number

Fig: 4.55 Density of alloys

Porosity of alloy 1,2,3,4,5,6

P oro s ity in % a g e

0.8 Series2
0.6 Series3
0.4 Series4
0.2 Series5

25 T








Alloy number

Fig: 4.56 Porosity of alloys



The metallographic studies were conducted using Optical Metallurgical

Microscope at MUET and Pakistan Steel Mills laboratories. Scanning Electron

Microscope was also used at MUET for some investigations. The results of the

photomicrographs are shown in Fig: 4.57-4.88.

The experimental results of metallographic investigation reveal that alloy 1, 2 and

5 show good distributions of ceramic particles as compared to alloy 4 and 3 which do not

show distribution of Al2O3 particles. This may be due to presence of high Cu content and

zinc content which form intermetallic compound with Zn and Al2O3. These alloys 3 and 4

microstructures (Fig: 4.66-4.74 and 4.86) clearly shows large number of porosities at

different magnifications and many ceramic (Al2O3) particles are imbedded into the pores.

Therefore qualitative metallographic investigation is impossible. Kok (2005) and

Ibrahim, et al (1991) also observed the similar microstructural behavior in aluminum cast

composites using stir casing method. The uniform distribution of the particles also

depends upon chemistry of the aluminum matrix. For example Ibrahim , et al (1991),

Hashim et al (2003), and Maxim et al (1998), observed that Mg content in aluminum cast

composite will increase interfacing, bonding of ceramic particles would help in bringing

uniformity in microstructure distribution in aluminum matrix. The photomicrograph of

alloy 1,2 and 5 content 10 % Al2O3 shows excellent microstructural appearance which is

due to presence of higher Mg content which creates the interfacing and bonding with

Al2O3 particles. Therefore, alloy 5 sample shows highest tensile strength and wears

resistance. The experimental result indicates that the strength not only depends upon

matrix composite but also depends upon uniformly distributions of ceramic particles

(Al2O3) in aluminum matrix and precipitation of fine particles after precipitation

hardening. The precipitate particles were observed in samples 1-5 by using Optical and

Scanning Electron Microscope as shown in photomicrographs Fig:4.83-85 and Fig: 4.87.

The similar results were found by a large number of investigators [Taha 2001, Kok 2005,

Ibrahim Muhammad and Strivatsan 1991, Rohatgi 1991, Ozdin 2007].

Fig: 4.57 Microstructure of alloy 1 HT X 100. Fig: 4.58 Microstructure alloy 1 2.5
HT X 100

Fig: 4.59 Microstructure of alloy 1 5 HT X 100. Fig: 4.60 Microstructure alloy 1

10 HT X 100

Fig: 4.61 Microstructure of alloy 2 HT X 100 Fig: 4.62 Microstructure of alloy

2 2 5% Al2O3

Fig: 4.63 Microstructure of alloy 2 Fig: 4.64 Microstructure of alloy 2

5% Al2O3. 10% Al2O3

Fig: 4.65 Microstructure of alloy 2

15 % Al2O3

Fig: 4.66 Microstructure of alloy 3HT Fig: 4.67 Microstructure of alloy 3 2.5
HT X 100

Fig: 4.68 Microstructure of alloy 3 5 HT Fig: 4.69 Microstructure alloy 310

HT X 100

Fig: 4.70 Microstructure of alloy 3 15 HT


Fig: 4.71 Microstructure of alloy 4 cast Fig: 4.72 Microstructure of alloy 4 5 C

Fig: 4.73 Microstructure of alloy 4 10 C Fig: 4.74 Microstructure of alloy 4 15 C

Fig: 4.75 Microstructure of alloy 5 Fig: 4.76 Microstructure of alloy 5 2.5


Fig: 4.77 Microstructure of alloy 5 5. Fig: 4.78 Microstructure of alloy 5 10

Fig: 4.79 Microstructure of alloy 5 15. Fig: 4.80 Microstructure of alloy 6C

Fig: 4.81 Microstructure of alloy 6 5HT. Fig: 4.82 Microstructure of alloy 610 HT

Fig: 4.83 Microstructure of alloy 1HT Fig: 4.84 Microstructure of alloy 2HT
showing some precipitation showing some precipitation

Fig: 4.85 Microstructure of alloy 5 10 HT. Fig: 4.86 Microstructure of sample 3C

showing some precipitation showing porosity

Fig: 4.87 Microstructure of sample 4HT Fig: 4.88 Microstructure of sample 4C.
showing precipitation of cu


The modeling for high strength and abrasive wear resistance aluminum alloy

based casting composite material for engineering application requires the learning

knowledge of the huge data base considering nonlinear behavior of various metallurgical

factors, such as composition and processing parameters including the heat treatment

processes with the desired properties. The modeling results consist of the training, testing

(validation) and optimizing results for optimum compositions for high strength and wear


Literature review indicates that the artificial neural network modeling is powerful

tool for modeling, prediction and optimization of such problems [Bhadesha, et al 1999, Li

et al 2004, and Dobrzanski, et al 2005]. The performance of artificial neural network

modeling depends upon model, its database and training algorithm [Sha and Edwards


Actually the neural network modeling is, in general a method of regression

analysis in which a very flexible nonlinear function such as heat treatment process

parameters are to be fitted to the experimental data due to presence of hidden neurons

between input and output.

The results indicate that a neuro model containing one hidden neuron is not sufficient to

capture the non-linear information from the database [Shah, 2003]. Increasing the number

of hidden neurons can improve the performance of the network. The number of hidden

layer is also a crucial decision. However, it has been proved mathematically that a single

hidden layer feedforward neural network is sufficient for successful results, provided that

a sufficient number of neurons have been used. The selection of input parameter which

affects the output (mechanical properties) is also an important aspect of modeling.

Moreover, the selection of a good learning algorithm is also important.

As mentioned earlier, this work uses the multilayer perception (MLP) architecture

of feed forward neural networks. MLP networks were introduced in the 1980s. These

networks have been used extensively in almost every branch of science and engineering.

These networks are trained by using the well known error back- propagation algorithm.

The derivation of this algorithm is available in almost every test book of neural network

or soft computing [e.g Haykin, 1999].


This algorithm is more than twenty years old but its usefulness has never gone

down. This algorithm dominates the literature in research of the applied neural networks.

Besides other applications, the MLP networks have been popular in metallurgical

applications. Hassan et al (2009) have investigated density, porosity and hardness of

aluminum composite by using an MLP network. They used 10 neurons in the hidden

layer. There were two inputs and three outputs of the network. Similarly the effect of heat

treatment and abrasive wear resistance was modeled and investigated by Xluji et at

(2007). A model structure with 4:10:5, topology was used by Ozerdum and Kotukish

(2007) to predict mechanical properties of hot rolled carbon steel bar.

Looking at the success of MLP network in other application, we decided to use

this architecture of neural networks for the application under investigation. The inputs,

outputs of the proposed model are already depicted in Fig: 3.24. 80 data sets were

prepared for training as given in Appendix-G Table G 1-2. After extensive simulation

results, it was found that nine neurons in the hidden layer are sufficient for this

application. The sum of square error (SSE) various numbers of epochs is plotted in Fig:

4.89. The SSE of 0.0001 was achieved only in 70 epochs. This performance was achieved

by using the error back propagation algorithm with adaptive learning rate and


Performance is 9.92021e-005, Goal is 0.00010101

Training-Blue Goal-Black




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
70 Epochs

Fig:. 4.89 Shows the training results of aluminum composites

Considering the training results of tensile strength, elongation, hardness and

abrasive wear as given in Appendix H Table H 1 and shown in Fig: 4.90 to 4.93 The

training results indicate that tensile strength and hardness data were well trained as

compared to elongation and abrasive wear data. However trained data is within

acceptable range of the variation 2-10 %. The data is given in the Appendix-H Table H 1

and plotted in Fig: 4.90-93.


Experimental tensile strength vs the tensile Experimental elongation vs the elongation

strength determined by neural network model determined by neural network model

T ens ile s trength in M P a

E lo n g a t io n in % a g e
200 Series1 15 Series1
150 Series2 10 Series2
100 5
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78
Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.90 Trained data of tensile strength Fig: 4.91 Trained data of elongations
superimposed on the experimental data superimposed on the experimental data

Experimental hardness vs the hardness Experimental abrasive wear vs the abrasive wear
determined by neural network model determined by neural network model

A bra s i v e w ear (weight

Hardnes s in HV

lo s s in gm )

Series1 Series1
300 1
Series2 Series2
0 0
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73
Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.92 Trained data of hardness Fig:4.93 Trained data of abrasive wear
superimposed on the experimental data. superimposed on the experimental data.

The SSE, SSW and effective number of parameters of the model were determined

to be 0.24, 124.7 and 12.19 respectively as shown in Fig: 4.94.


Squared Training Error = 0.246441


Squared Weights = 124.735


Effective Number of Parameters = 12.197
# P aram ete rs


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
344 Epochs

Fig: 4.94 Shows the SSE, SSW and effective parameter results

The values of the weights and biases are given as in Appendix H (Table H 2). It may be

noted that tangent hyperbolic function and linear transfer function were used in the

hidden layer neurons and output neurons respectively.

Therefore, using trained models knowledge on new case is merely a matter of

simple mathematically manipulation of these values will also be used to determine the

validity of the model as discuss in next section.

4.8.1 Validation

To test the generalization performance of the present trained model with the

actual experimental results of the unseen data feed to the model is essential for validation

of the model. For this purpose 10 datasets, five from as cast and 5 from as heat treated

conditions were used. These 10 datasets were fed to the network as input (Table G 3,

Appendix G 3). The inherent knowledge spectrum of the trained network give results

which were compared with the experimental results are given in Table 4.9 and shown in

Fig: 4.95 4.98. The mechanical properties such as tensile strength elongation, hardness

and abrasive wear resistance as determined by the model are very close to the

experimentally determined mechanical properties which indicate the validity of model.

Table 4.9 Comparison of properties of as cast as heat treated composite determined

by lab tests & ANNs model for validation

Sn Alloy Ex: NN Ex: NN Ex: NN Ex: NN

No: T.S T.S Elong Elong HV HV Wt: Wt:
MPa MPa %age %age loss loss
1 1 25C 160 155.9 16 13 130 139.9 0.9 1
2 3.5 C 100 96.9 12 9.3 240 250 0.858 0.8
3 315 CB 106.25 110 9.77 9.4 270 264 0.6 0.8
4 5 2.5C 156.22 165 10.66 13 123 106 1 0.9
5 610C 105.68 115 6.06 10 200 191 0.6 0.8
6 1 2.5HT 186.57 195.3 15.49 19 140 157 0.89 0.9
7 32.5EHT 165 166.9 14 11.7 430 457 0.63 0.7
8 4 2.5B 161.97 160.8 16.18 17 80 79.2 0.92 1.2
9 410HT 144.5 145.8 14.7 17 115 124 1.02 1
10 5 3.5 HT 222 229.8 10.75 13.5 340 377 0.6 0.5

Experimental tensile strength vs the E xperimental elongation vs the elongation

tensile strength determined by neural determined by neural net work model
network model

E lon gatio n i n %
T e n sile str e n g t h

300 15
in M Pa

200 Series1 10
100 Series2 5
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9
Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.95 Tensile strength alloy Fig: 4.96 Elongation of alloy

Experimental Hardness vs the hardness Experimental abrasive wear vs the abrasive

determined by neural network model wear determined by neural net work model

500 1.5
Hardness in HV

Hardnes s in HV

300 Series1 1 Series1
200 Series2 0.5 Series2
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9
Numbers of alloys Numbers of alloys

Fig: 4.97 Hardness of alloys Fig: 4. 98 Abrasive wears of alloy

The similar work was conducted by Hassan et al (2007). They investigated

mechanical properties of compocast aluminum composite reinforced with SiC. They

selected 46 data for training and 8 data for validation. Altinkok and Koker (2005) and

Altinkok (2006) predicted tensile and density properties in practice reinforced in metal

matrix composite using neural network modeling. They only used 15 datasets for training

and 5 samples for validation.


Lujie et al (2007) used 25 datasets for training and only five for validation in

determining heat treatment, hardness and abrasive wear of (HVHSS) steels. Similarly

Ozerdam and Kolukisa (2007) used 33 samples for training and 11 samples for validation

process in predicting the mechanical properties of carbon steel bar.

From above discussions it is clear that the present investigation which involves 80

datasets for training and 10 datasets for validation is an optimum approach for training as

well as validation of the model. The training, testing and validation results of model are

shown in Fig: 4.99-4.100 which approaches the close relation between training and

validation. The training and validation error is 0.7. This error was due to scattering of the

database such as minimum and maximum variation in Si and Fe content in samples.

Performance is 0.708938, Goal is 0
0.7 Training
T raining- B l ue V alidat i on-G reen

0.5 10
S quared E rro r




0 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 5 10 15
Epoch 15 Epochs

Fig: 4.99 Testing of training and validation Fig: 4.100 Testing of training and
of model validation of model

4.8.2 Optimization for High Strength and Wear

Optimization is an important aspect in research and development work. The

optimization in case of material development involves maximizing the desired properties

or target by minimization of the unnecessary costly input variables [Jokhio, et al 2006].

The neural network modeling is on effective tool for optimization of the composition,

processing parameters and the required mechanical properties for efficient design [Jokhio

et al (2005), Kowassaki and Maejski (2005]. For optimization purpose 10 alloys (5 from

as cast and 5 from as heat treatment condition) were selected. The compositions of alloys

were optimized between minimum and maximum value of the all input parameters within

the specified range. The effects of the composition on mechanical properties were

investigated for high strength, wear and toughness. The optimizations results presented in

Table 4.10 and shown in Fig: 4.101-4.104 indicates that the tensile strength, elongation,

hardness and abrasive wear can further be improved in both conditions. But in case of

heat treatment alloys, model shows remarkable improvement in all properties as

compared to casting. Dutta et al (1998) had also reported that the strength and toughness

of particulate reinforced aluminum composite could be optimized over a wide range of

composition through heat treatment. The aluminum alloy group 1, 2 and 5 are further

optimized for maximum strength and wear. The experimental results indicate that the

aluminum alloy based casting composites materials properties can be optimized to the

maximum tensile strength of 320 MPa and abrasive wear 0.8gm/ 15 mints having the

matrix composition containing 0.1% Si, 0 % Fe, 0.1% Cu, 1%, Mg. Where as in case of

heat treatment, alloy 5 shows highest strength and abrasive wear. Its strength and

ductility can further be improved through optimization of the composition to 390 MPa

tensile strength and having the highest ductility (i.e 20.8 %) containing 15 % Al2O3

particles in aluminum matrix. The matrix composition is 0.1% Si, 0 % Fe, 0.1% Cu, and

1% Mg .This alloy composition after precipitation hardening shows best combinations of

highest strength, toughness and abrasive wear resistance. The similar effect of low Cu,

Mg and Zn content in modeling of mechanical properties of commercial alloy was

reported by Zender (2007).

It has been observed that Cu increases strength in aluminum cast composites but in case

of age hardening increasing Cu content will decrease the strength and ductility in absence

of the Mg contents. The similar effect of Cu in aluminum cast composite was reported by

number of investigators [Taha 2001, Muzafar and Zereen 2005, Surappa 2003, and

Rohatgi 1991].

Table 4.10. Table used for plotting actual vs optimized properties

Alloy T.S T.S Elong Elong: HV HV W Val W OP
Name Val OP Val OP Val 0P
1 5C 0155.9 0182.7 0013.0 0014.5 0139.6 0019.6 0001.0 0000.9
3 5C 0096.9 0128.4 0009.3 0009.9 0250.1 0273.2 0000.8 0000.7
315 CB 0110.6 0130.6 0009.4 0008.3 0264.0 0411.1 0000.8 0000.6
5 2.5C 0165.3 0165.3 0013.2 0013.2 0106.3 0106.3 0000.9 0000.9
610C 0115.6 0135.8 0010.4 0011.2 0191.4 0137.6 0000.8 0000.8
125 HT 0195.3 0193.8 0019.1 0019.4 0157.4 0134.8 0000.9 0000.9
32.5EHT 0166.9 0413.5 0011.7 0024.3 0457.3 0173.0 0000.7 0000.7
4 2.5B 0160.8 0187.5 0017.0 0019.2 0079.2 0012.7 0001.2 0001.1
410HT 0145.8 0230.7 0017.3 0021.5 0124.4 0144.4 0001.0 0000.9
5 3.5 HT 0229.8 0255.8 0013.5 0014.1 0377.0 0429.2 0000.5 0000.4

Actual vs optimized tensile strength of alloys Actual vs optimized elongation of alloys

450 30
T e n s il e s t re n g t h in M P a


E lo n g a t io n i n % a g e
300 20
250 T.S Val Elong Val
200 T.S OP Elong: OP
150 10
0 0
5 C 3 5 C C B .5 C 1 0 C H T H T .5 B 0 H T H T


42 T

53 T

32 T


2 6 2 5 .5 E 4 2 4 1




5 .5

31 5
.5 E

.5 1 32


Alloy name Alloy name

Fig: 4.101 Optimized tensile strength Fig: 4.102 Optimized elongations

Actual vs optimized hardness of alloys Actual vs optimized abrasive wear of alloys

A b r a s iv e w e a r ( w e i g h t

500 1.4
H a rd n e s s in H V

lo s s in g m )

300 0.8
HV Val W Val
200 0.6
100 HV 0P 0.4 W OP
0 0.2


41 B
42 T

53 T
32 H T






31 C

12 0C

4 2H T
41 5B
61 C

5 3 0H T
5 2 CB

32 H T






Alloy name

Alloy name

Fig: 4.103 Optimized hardness Fig: 4.104 Optimized abrasive wear


4.8.3 Modeling for High strength and Abrasive Wear Resistance Aluminum Alloy

Base Casting Composites

Modeling for high strength and abrasive wear resistance aluminum alloy base

casting composites material needed large comprehensive data for analysis and modeling.

More than 500 alloy compositions were searched (as mentioned in Appendix –I and

Table 1-45) from the trained model. Modeling results for high strength and abrasive

wear resistance are very interesting in case of casting and heat treated conditions as

shown in Fig: 4.105 to Fig: 4.140. Model shows that increasing Cu content up to 5 % will

increase the tensile strength, hardness, elongation and abrasive wear resistance. Further

increase of the Cu content will reduce ductility and abrasive wear resistance of 3 % Zn

2.5 % Mg in aluminum matrix in case of cast condition as shown in Fig: 4.105-4.108.

Effect of Cu on tensile strength cast aluminium Effect of Cu on elongation of as cast aluminium

composites composites
T e n s ile s t re n g t h in M P a

E lo n g a tio n i n % a g e

300 16
250 14
2.5%Al2O3 12 2.5%Al2O3
200 10
5% Al2O3 5% Al2O3
150 8
10 % Al2O3 6 10 % Al2O3
15% Al2O3 4 15% Al2O3
50 2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu

Cu % age Cu % age

Fig: 4.105 Modeling effect of Cu on Fig: 4 106 Modeling effect of Cu on

strength. elongation

Effect of Cu on hardness cast aluminium Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of cast aluminium

composites composites

A b ra s iv e w e a r (w e ig h t
700 1.2
H ardnes s in H V

600 1
2.5%Al2O3 2.5%Al2O3

lo s s in g m )
5% Al2O3 0.8
400 5% Al2O3
300 0.6
10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
200 0.4
15% Al2O3 15% Al2O3
100 0.2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu

Cu % age Cu % age

Fig: 4.107 Modeling effect of Cu Fig: 4. 108 Modeling effect of Cu

on hardness on abrasive wear

The increase of Si also shows positive effect on strength and elongation when it

is less than 3 % in aluminum matrix containing 3 % Zn and 2.5 % Mg contents in case of

casting condition. (Fig; 4.109 and Fig: :4.110) Maxim et al (1998) also reported that Si &

Mg addition has positive effect on strength. Baifeng et al (2007) reported high strength (i-

e 6061) aluminum matrix containing Si reinforced with Al2O3. They reported beneficial

effect of Al2O3 p up to 30%. They used hot extrusion process.


Effect of Si on tensile strength of as cast Effect of Si on elongation of as cast aluminium

T ens ile s trength in M P a aluminium composites composites

300 16

E longation in % age
2.5%Al2O3 12 2.5%Al2O3
200 10
5% Al2O3 5% Al2O3
150 8
10 % Al2O3 6 10 % Al2O3
15% Al2O3 4 15% Al2O3
50 2
0 0
.9Si 1Si 2Si 3Si 4Si 5Si .9Si 1Si 2Si 3Si 4Si 5Si

Si % age Si % age

Fig: 4. 109 Modeling effect of Si on Fig: 4.110 Modeling effect of Si

strength elongation
Effect of Si on hardness of as cast aluminium Effect of Si on abrasive wear of as cast aluminium
composites composites

A b ra s iv e w e a r ( w e ig h t

H a rd n e s s in H V

400 2.5%Al2O3 1.2 2.5%Al2O3

lo s s in g m )

300 5% Al2O3 1 5% Al2O3

200 10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
15% Al2O3 0.4 15% Al2O3
0 0
.9Si 1Si 2Si 3Si 4Si 5Si .9Si 1Si 2Si 3Si 4Si 5Si

Si % age Si % age

Fig: 4.111 Modeling effect of Si on Fig: 4. 112 Modeling effect of Si on

hardness abrasive wear

The modeling effect of Fe shows negative effect on properties in cast aluminum

composites as shown in Fig: 4.113-4-4.116. Increasing Fe contents have adverse effect on

mechanical properties. Haizhi (2003) reported that Fe in aluminum casting alloy should

be less than 1%. The exceeding in % age of Fe in aluminum casting alloy along with Si

will reduce the strength properties by forming AlFeSi intermetallic compound.


Effect of Fe on Tensile Strength of cast aluminium Effect of Fe on elongation of as cast aluminium

composites composites

E lo n g a tio n i n % a g e
250 16
T en s i l e S tr e n g th in

200 12 2.5%Al2O3
10 5% Al2O3
150 5% Al2O3

6 10 % Al2O3
100 10 % Al2O3
4 15% Al2O3
50 15% Al2O3 2
0 0 1 2 3
0 Fe 1 Fe 2 Fe 3 Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe

% age of Fe Fe % age

Fig: 4.113 Modeling effect of Fe on Fig: 4.114 Modeling effect of Fe on

strength elongation

Effect of Fe on hardness of as cast aluminium Effect of Fe on abrasive wear of as cast aluminium

reinforced with Al2O3composites reinforced with Al2O3composites
los s i n gm )E lo ngation in

250 1.6
A br as iv e w e ar (w eight

2.5%Al2O3 1.4 2.5%Al2O3

Ha rdne s s i n HV

5% Al2O3 5% Al2O3
% age

150 1
100 10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
15% Al2O3 0.4 15% Al2O3
0 0
0 Fe 1 Fe 2 Fe 3 Fe 0 Fe 1 Fe 2 Fe 3 Fe

Effect of iron (Fe) Effect of iron (Fe)

Fig: 4.115. Modeling effect of Fe on Fig: 4. 116 Modeling effect of Fe on

hardness abrasive wear.

Mg has beneficial modeling effect on mechanical properties when the Mg is

above 2 %, There is positive effect on strength, ductility, hardness and wear as shown in

Fig: 4.117-4.120. Similar beneficial effect of Mg contents in cast composites was

reported by Maxim et al (1998). Ibrahim et al (1991) reported that 3% Mg, decreases


surface tension of pure aluminum and in the presence of Al2O3 particles a chemical

reaction between Al2O3 and divalent transition metal oxides takes place, resulting in

formation of aluminum spinals such as MgO and Al2O3, which promote interfacial

bonding and form strong bonding between both matrix and ceramics that would result in

improvements in the properties of cast composites.

Effect of Mg on tensile strength of cast Effect of Mg on elongation of cast aluminium

aluminium composites composites
T ens ile s trength in M P a


E l ongation in % age
2.5%Al2O3 14
150 12 2.5%Al2O3
5% Al2O3 10 5% Al2O3
100 8
10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
50 15% Al2O3 4 15% Al2O3
0 0
0 .5 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4 0 .5 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4
Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg

Mg % age Mg % age

Fig: 4. 117 Modeling effect of Mg on Fig: 4.118 Modeling effect of Mg on

tensile strength . elongation.

Effect of Mg on hardness of cast aluminium

Effect of Mg on abrasive wear of cast aluminium
Abrasive wear ( weight

Hardnes s in HV

250 2.5%Al2O3 1.4

loss in gm )

200 1.2
5% Al2O3 1 5% Al2O3
150 0.8
10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
100 0.6
15% Al2O3 0.4 15% Al2O3
0 0
0 .5 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4 0 .5 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4
Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg

Mg % age Mg % age

Fig: 4.119 Modeling effect of Mg on Fig: 4.120 Modeling effect of Mg on

hardness abrasive wear

On the other hand, Zn content up to 5 % improves the strength. Further increase

in Zn content decreases the strength but improves hardness and wear resistance in

aluminum cast composite materials, as shown in Fig: 4.121-4.124.

Effect of Zn on tensile strength of cast aluminium

Effect of Zn on elongation of cast aluminium
T ens ile s tr ength i n

250 20

E longation in % age
200 2.5%Al2O3
15 2.5%Al2O3

150 5% Al2O3
5% Al2O3
100 10 % Al2O3 10
10 % Al2O3
50 15% Al2O3
5 15% Al2O3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn 0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn

Zn % age % age of Zn

Fig: 4.121 Modeling effect of Zn on Fig: 4.122 Modeling effect of Zn on

strength elongation

Effect of Zn on hardness of cast aluminium Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of cast aluminium

composites composites
A bras iv e w ear ( w eight

1000 1.6
H a rd n e s s in H V

los s in g m )

800 1.2 2.5%Al2O3

1 5% Al2O3
600 5% Al2O3 0.8
10 % Al2O3 0.6 10 % Al2O3
0.4 15% Al2O3
200 15% Al2O3 0.2
0 Zn
1 Zn
3 Zn
4 Zn
5 Zn
6 Zn
7 Zn
8Z n


Zn % age Zn % age

Fig: 4.123 Modeling effect of Zn on Fig: 4.124 Modeling effect of Zn on

hardness abrasive wear

Other important modeling results were also achieved as discussed below:

The modeling results show the highest strength and abrasive wear resistance in

case of heat treated aluminum alloy based casting composites. The modeling result shows

that alloy content 2.3 % Mg, 3 % Zn with increasing the Si content will continuously

improve the tensile strength, hardness, elongation and abrasive wear resistance up to

maximum 6 % Si contents. The tensile strength reached maximum 466 MPa with 20 %

elongation having highest hardness and abrasive wear resistance. The AL2O3 content up

to 2-5 % have beneficial effect on strength hardness and wear as shown in Fig: 4.125-


Effect of Si on tensile strength of as heat treated Effect of Si on elongation of as heat treated

aluminium reinforced with Al2O3composites aluminium reinforced with Al2O3composites
Tens ile strengt h in M P a

500 25

El ongation in % age 20
l2O3 l2O3
300 5% 15 5%
Al2O3 Al2O3
200 10 % 10 10 %
Al2O3 Al2O3
100 15% 5 15%
Al2O3 Al2O3
0 0
1 Si 2 Si 3 Si 4 Si 5 Si 6 Si 1 Si 2 Si 3 Si 4 Si 5 Si 6 Si
Si % age Si % age

Fig: 4. 125 Modeling effect of Si on Fig: 4.126 Modeling effect of Si on

strength HT elongation HT

Effect of Si on hardness of as heat treated Effect of Si on abrasive wear of asheat treated

aluminium reinforced with Al2O3composites aluminium composites

Abrasive wear ( weight

Hardness in HV

l2O3 1
los s in g m )

5% 2.5%Al2O3
600 0.8
Al2O3 5% Al2O3
400 10 % 0.6
Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
15% 0.4
200 15% Al2O3
Al2O3 0.2
1 Si 2 Si 3 Si 4 Si 5 Si 6 Si
1 Si 2 Si 3 Si 4 Si 5 Si 6 Si 7 Si 8 Si
Si % age
Si % age

Fig: 4.127 Modeling effect of Si on Fig: 4.128 Modeling effect of Si on

hardness HT abrasive wear HT

Lee (1998) developed the high strength aluminum casting alloy for high

temperature application. He has reported that increasing the Si content in aluminum will

improve the strength, and wear. The beneficial effect of Si in aluminum cast composite

material was reported by Ejifor and Reddy (1997). They reported that addition of ceramic

particles Si C and Al2 O3 in Al Si alloy will improve the strength and wear properties.

They further reported that aluminum Si alloy containing Mg produces the hardening by

forming Mg2 Si precipitates in sand cast alloys. They also reported that wetting, and

bonding strength is achieved in Al-Si system reinforced with Al2 O3 particles in the

presence of Mg content.

Maxim et al (1998) reported that Si & Mg addition has positive effect on strength

Baifeng et al (2007) also reported high strength 6061 aluminum matrix containing Si

reinforced with Al2O3. They reported beneficial effect of Al2O3P up to 30 %. They used

hot extrusion process.

The model suggests that increasing Cu contents and Zn content will increase the

hardness and abrasive wear resistance but will decrease the strength and ductility in case

of heat treated aluminum cast composites. Therefore model suggests that low Cu content

less than 1 % and Zn content up to 3-5 % in the presence of Mg contents 2-3 % will

improve mechanical properties of aluminum cast composite after heat treatment as shown

in Fig: 4.129-4.136.

Effect of Cu on tensile strength ofas heat Effect of Cu on Elongation of as heat treated

treated aluminium composites aluminium composites
Tensile strength in MPa

200 20

Elongation in % age
180 18
160 16
140 2.5%Al2O3 14 2.5%Al2O3
120 12 5% Al2O3
5% Al2O3
100 10
10 % Al2O3 8 10 % Al2O3
60 15% Al2O3 6 15% Al2O3
40 4
20 2
0 0




Cu % age Cu % age

Fig: 4.129 Modeling effect of Cu on Fig: 130 Modeling effect of Cu on

strength elongation
Effect of Cu on hardness of as heat treated Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of as heat treated
aluminium composites aluminium composites
Abrasive wear ( weight loss
900 1.2
Hardness in HV

2.5%Al2O3 2.5%Al2O3
600 0.8
in gm)

500 5% Al2O3 5% Al2O3

400 10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
300 0.4
15% Al2O3 15% Al2O3
0 0
u u u u u


0 1 3 5 7

Cu % age Cu % age

Fig: 4.131 Modeling effect of Cu on Fig: 4.132 Modeling effect of Cu on

hardness abrasive wear

Effect of Zn on tensile strength of as heat treted Effect of Zn on hardness of as heat treted

aluminium composites aluminium composites
T ens ile strengt h in

300 500
Hardness in HV

250 2.5%Al2O3 400 2.5%Al2O3


5% Al2O3 300 5% Al2O3

100 10 % Al2O3 200 10 % Al2O3
50 15% Al2O3 100 15% Al2O3
0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn

Zn % age Zn % age

Fig: 4.133 Modeling effect of Zn on Fig: 4.134 Modeling effect of Zn on

strength hardnes

Effect of Zn on elongation of as heat treted Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of as heat treted

aluminium composites aluminium composites
E longation in % age

25 1.2

A bras iv e wear
20 2.5%Al2O3 1 2.5%Al2O3
15 5% Al2O3 0.8
5% Al2O3
10 10 % Al2O3 10 % Al2O3
5 15% Al2O3 0.2 15% Al2O3
0 0
0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn

Zn % age Zn % age

Fig: 4.135 Modeling effect of Zn on Fig: 4.136 Modeling effect of Zn on

elongation abrasive wear

Similarly it is reported in ( ) that Al-Cu-Si alloys with

more than 3 to 4 % Cu are heat treatable, but usually heat treatment is used only with

those alloys that contain magnesium, which enhances their response to heat treatment.

Without magnesium, response is too slow for heat treatment to be economical.

However, the model suggests that as density increases, the strength, elongation

and hardness is increased upto the actual density of aluminum (2.7 g/cm3). The density is

related with porosity therefore, as the density increases, the porosity will decrease

resulting to enhance the strength and, elongation. Further increase in density will reduce

the properties. Modeling results suggest that density (porosity) has little effect on

abrasive wear as shown in Fig: 4.137-140, which means that porosity, has no relation

with abrasive wear.


Effect of density on tensile strength of as heat

Effect of density on Elongation of as heat treted
treted aluminium composites aluminium composites
T en s ile s tr eng th in M P a

250 25

E l o n g a t io n in % a g e
200 2.5%Al2O3 20 2.5%Al2O3
150 5% Al2O3 15 5% Al2O3
100 10 % Al2O3 10 10 % Al2O3
15% Al2O3 15% Al2O3
50 5
0 0
2 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7
Density Density

Fig: 4.137 Modeling effect of density Fig: 4.138 Modeling effect of density
on strength on elongation

Effect of density on hardness of as heat treted

aluminium composites Effect of density on abrasive wear
A bras iv e w ea r (w e ig h t lo s s

140 2.5%Al2O3
H a rd ne s s in H V

120 2.5%Al2O3 0.8

in g m )

100 5% Al2O3
5% Al2O3 0.6
80 10 % Al2O3
60 10 % Al2O3 0.4
15% Al2O3
40 15% Al2O3 0.2
2 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8





Density Density in g/cm3

Fig: 4.139 Modeling effect of density on Fig: 4.140 Modeling effect of density
on hardness on abrasive wear



The main objective of this work was the modeling for high strength and wear

resistance aluminum alloy based casting of composite material using artificial neural net

works. The main conclusion of this project is that artificial neural networks are very

successful in modeling of the problem under consideration. The multiple perceptron

architecture has been used with 14 inputs, 9 hidden layer neurons and 4 outputs.

The specific conclusions are divided in to two parts one is materials development and

other is modeling is given as under:


1) Approximately 100 datasets were experimentally developed using stir casting method

for the purpose of neural network modeling. Data consists of composition of alloys

process parameters, heat treatment and mechanical properties such as strength and

abrasive wear.

2) The aluminum matrix containing up to 2.0 % Cu, 2.5 % Mg and 5 % Zn reinforced

with 10 % Al2O3 particles yields highest tensile strength up to 300 MPa and highest

abrasive wear resistance as predicated during the experimental work.

3) Al- Zn-Mg alloy matrix reinforced with Al2O3 has highest ductility (20%) as

compared to Al-Cu-Zn-Mg matrix.


4) Al-Cu-Zn matrix containing 7 % Cu and 5.16 % Zn shows highest hardness and

abrasive wear resistance but shows very poor tensile strength in cast and heat treated


5) The presence of Mg in the range of 2 to 3 % shows beneficial effect on strength in

aluminum cast composites by increasing the wetting, bonding strength and produce

more uniform distribution of Al2O3 particles in micro structural appearance .

6) The solution treatment at 580 0C for ½ hour and temperature at 120 0C for 24 hours

increases the tensile strength and abrasive wear resistance.

7) The strength of aluminum alloy base casting composites depends upon matrix

composition and heat treatment. The strength increases with increase the Al2O3

content up to maximum 10 % addition of Al2O3 particles in case of heat treated

conditions where as in case casting condition up to 2.5 % addition of Al2O3 particles

increases strength.

8) Strength and abrasive wear can further be improved through the optimization of

composition. The remarkable improvement in tensile strength and abrasive wear

resistance is noted in case of heat treated alloy composites.



1) Modeling of high strength and abrasive wear resistance of aluminum alloy based

casting composite material is an initial attempt because no comprehensive database is

available for such type of modeling.

2) The nonlinear relationship of the composition, processing parameters, and heat

treatment with tensile strength, elongation, hardness and abrasive wear resistance has

been developed by using multilayer perceptron network. Result shows that a well trained

model with 9 hidden neurons has smaller training error and has better performance as

compared to lesser number of neurons. The proposed neural network model with 14

inputs, 9 hidden neurons with 4 outputs trained within 30 second having good

generalization ability to predict accurately the output of the unseen test data.

3) The multilayer perceptron (MLP) architecture with back propagation learning

algorithm after successful training can more effectively be used for prediction of tensile

strength, ductility (Elongation), hardness and abrasive wear resistance of aluminum alloy

based cast composites reinforced with Al2O3 particles.

4) The ANN based model shows good agreement with the experimental results in

training, testing (validation) and further modeling. The application of trained ANN model

for material design, development, analysis as well as testing can reduce huge

experimental work which otherwise takes longer hours of a tedious and complex

materials development and testing procedure. The applications of ANN model also

reduce the overall material cost by optimizing the composition and process parameters.

5) The modeling for high strength and wear resistance aluminum alloy base casting

composites results suggest the increasing the Cu content up to 6 % in aluminum matrix

with 0.8 % Si, 0.8 % Fe and 3 % Zn in case of casting condition have highest strength

and abrasive wear.

6) Model suggests that increasing Fe content will reduce the strength in casting


7) A very interesting result was obtained during the modeling of high strength and

wear resistance aluminum cast composites that increasing “Si” up to 6 % along with 2 %

Mg 3 % Zn content will shows the highest tensile strength up to 500 MPa highest

toughness (20% elongation) and abrasive wear resistance 0.2grm / hr in heat treated

condition using stir casting method.

8) The knowledge spectrum of the model suggests very useful information that

increasing Mg content and density will improve the strength and wear. The model also

suggests that decreasing the processing temperature from 900 0C to 700 0C will enhance

the strength properties.

9) Investigating the desired mechanical properties and abrasive wear of aluminum

cast composite material need the development of alloy is a time and energy consuming

task. The present neural network model can more effectively be used for development of

aluminum alloy base casting composite materials for various engineering applications at

most economical level within a very short time due to use of the present train model.

10) The heat treatment process has also significant influence of properties of

aluminum alloy cast composite materials for engineering applications.



1. The aluminum silicon alloy with 3 % Zn and 2 % Mg reinforced with Al2O3

particles be experimentally investigated for highest strength, toughness and abrasive wear


2. Al-Mg-Zn, Al – 1.2 % Cu -3 % Zn and 3 % Mg alloy reinforced with Al2O3

particles to be further investigated using squeeze casting technique.

3. Al – Ti matrix reinforced with Al2O3 be also investigated for high strength and


4. Effect of various heat treatment process parameters (temperature and time) on

microstructural constitutes and mechanical properties are to be investigated for such

aluminum cast composites.



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Table A .1 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 1

Sample No Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al

1C 0.80 0.9 .0038 2.15 3.10 93.0

12.5C 0.80 0.9 0.0071 2.25 3.15 93.3
110C 0.80 1.15 0.0041 2.36 3.05 93.2
115C 0.80 0.90 0.0053 2.37 3.00 93.4
1 2.5 0.80 0.97 0.0038 2.29 3.04 93.4
1 2.5 0.80 1.01 0.0036 2.28 3.00 93.5
1 2.5HTR 3.51 0.92 0.019 2.16 3.15 88.4
1 5B 0.80 0.78 0.0054 2.15 2.90 93.9
1 5A 0.80 0.91 0.0063 2.20 2.98 93.6
1 10H.T 0.80 0.98 0.003 2.24 2.93 93.6
1 10HT 3.59 0.91 0.79 1.94 3.06 87.7
1 15 0.80 1.09 0.0050 2.29 2.98 93.3
1 15B 0.80 0.66 0.003 2.13 2.86 93.3
Average 1 0.92 0.066 2.21 3.0 92.58

Table A.2 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 2

Sample No Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al

2C 3.86 .84 1.91 2.35 5.16 83.1

2 2.5C 4.04 1.18 2.52 2.4 5.16 80.0
2 2.5C 2.21 0.74 1.97 2.4 5.16 84.7
2 5C 3.71 .51 3.49 1.9 4.95 83.5
2 10C 3.95 0.96 3.33 2.17 5.16 81.1
2 15C 2.95 .123 2.61 1.65 4.32 84.32
2 HT 0.80 0.73 1.58 2.40 5.16 89.3
2 2.5A 0.80 0.96 1.87 2.4 5.16 88.6
2 2.5B 3.62 0.77 2.75 2.13 5.16 82.5
2 5B 2.23 0.79 1.91 2.4 5.16 84.8
2 10C 3.95 0.96 3.33 2.17 5.16 81.1
2 10B 0.80 0.72 1.91 2.23 5.16 88.8

2 10A 4.08 0.78 2.69 1.92 5.16 82.1

2 15C 2.95 .123 2.61 1.65 4.32 84.32
Average 2.8 0.72 2.45 2.15 5.0 84

Table A.3 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 3

Sample No Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
3C 3.71 0.64 5.23 1.24 5.16 78.4
3 2.5C 3.84 0.84 7.20 1.16 5.16 71.2
3.5C 3.71 0.76 6.70 1.23 5.16 76.8
3 5CA 3.77 0.70 5.9 1.33 5.16 76.7
3 10C 4.03 0.72 6.90 1.38 5.16 74.0
3 15CB 3.61 0.68 7.2 1.23 5.16 70.0
3 15CA 3.70 0.71 7.2 .92 5.16 73.9
3 H.T 3.64 0.80 7.16 0.99 5.16 74.6
3 2.5EHT 3.92 0.83 7.20 1.09 5.16 71.1
3 2.5BHT 3.93 0.89 7.20 0.98 5.16 74.7
3. 5AHT 3.96 1.17 7.22 2.39 5.16 81.6
3 5BHT 3.84 0.75 7.5 1.34 5.16 73.5
3 10BHT 3.55 0.81 7.2 1.19 5.16 70.9
3 10HT 3.92 0.72 7.07 1.28 5.16 74.8
3 15AHT 3.78 0.82 6.35 1.16 5.16 77.0
3 15HT 3.90 0.8 6.81 1.24 5.16 75.4
3 2.5HT 3.93 0.67 5.81 1.61 5.16 76.5
Average 3.8 0.78 7 1.28 5.16 75

Table A.4 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 4

Sample No Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
4C 3.36 0.90 5.17 0.51 0.58 87.6
4C 3.28 0.84 4.13 0.90 0.68 88.1
4 2.5C 0.80 1.06 4.80 0.386 0.83 91.5
4 5C 3.54 1.00 4.40 0.75 0.84 87.2
4 10C 3.14 0.98 4.02 0.86 0.74 88.7
4 15C 0.80 0.95 5.11 0.329 0.342 92.9
4 H.T .0.80 1.11 5.38 0.47 0.386 92.3
4 2.5AHT 3.52 1.00 4.38 0.87 0.90 87.3
4 2.5RHT 0.80 1.0 4.99 0.417 0.378 92.8
4 2.5BHT 0.80 0.98 4.80 0.385 0.420 93.0
4.5HT 3.48 0.80 4.16 0.80 0.72 88.0
4 5BHT 3.59 1.09 4.55 0.57 0.65 87.6
4 10BHT 3.05 1.05 4.61 0.318 0.61 88.7
A 410HT 3.90 1.58 5.17 0.61 0.61 86.2

4.10HT 3.50 1.22 4.41 0.461 0.53 87.8

4 15 3.04 1.09 5.22 0.473 0.68 87.6
4 15B 1.07 1.02 4.77 0.394 0.94 90.9
Average 2.6 1 4.7 0.559 0.63 89

Table A.5 Chemical analysis of samples alloy 5

Sample Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
5 HT 3.61 0.5 2.63 2.00 4.03 85.3
5 2.5HT 2.87 .083 2.61 2.13 4.31 86.5
5 3.5HT 2.41 .274 2.05 1.79 5.61 85.9
5 5HT 3.91 .78 1.87 2.17 4.61 84.5
5 6.5H.T 1.39 .33 2.56 1.48 5.61 87.1
5 8.5H.T 1.39 .334 2.77 1.82 2.81 87.2
5 10HT 3.09 .58 2.82 1.95 4.04 85.5
5 13.5HT 2.80 .310 3.18 1.67 4.17 86.0
5 15 HT 3.33 .52 1.85 1.64 4.55 86.3
5 C 4.21 .67 2.74 1.66 5.09 83.4
5 25C1 3.89 .59 3.32 1.84 4.09 84.3
5 2.5 C2 3.92 .56 2.67 1.87 3.44 85.6
5 5 C2 3.71 .51 3.49 1.9 4.95 83.5
5 10 C 4.07 .59 3.4 1.89 4.29 83.8
5 10 C 2 3.86 .63 2.59 2.03 4.41 84.4
5 15 C 2.95 .123 2.61 1.65 4.32 84.32
Average 3.2 0.46 2.7 1.8 4.4 85.

Table A.6. Chemical analysis of samples alloy 6

Sample Si Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
6 0C 4.10 .79 3.30 1.86 5.16 80.7
6 5C 4.22 .59 2.97 1.85 5.16 82.9
6 10C 3.87 .57 3.17 1.65 5.16 81.7
6 15C 4.27 .75 4.08 1.88 5.16 80.4
6 C7 4.25 .67 2.54 2.40 5.16 80.7
6 10HT 3.81 .59 2.20 2.40 5.16 80.4
6 2.5HT 3.46 .464 2.80 2.40 5.16 82.1
610HT1 3.84 .56 4.02 1.90 5.16 79.8
6 5HT 3.71 .67 3.55 2.40 5.16 81.4
610HT2 4.04 .65 1.88 2.40 5.16 79.2
6 15HT 8.0 .55 3.13 2.30 5.16 84.1
Average 4.3 0.62 3. 2. 5.16 81


Table B.1. Aluminum oxide particle size analysis report

Filename Aluminum Oxide1_Average<C>

Circulation Speed 10
Ultra sonic 02:00
Laser T% 92.2(%)
R.R.Index 1.60-0.10i
S.P. Area 3398.3(cm2/cm3)
Median 40.2319(µm)
Diameter on % (1)5.000 (%)- 4.4719(µm)
(2)10.00 (%)- 7.1923(µm)
(3)20.00 (%)- 18.3840(µm)
(4)30.00 (%)- 28.0643(µm)
(5)40.00 (%)- 34.6674(µm)
(6)60.00 (%)- 45.8200(µm)
(7)70.00 (%)- 52.0440(µm)
(8)80.00 (%)- 60.1099(µm)
(9)90.00 (%)- 73.7177(µm)
(10)95.00 (%)- 87.5124(µm)
% on Diameter 80.00 (µm) - 92.740(%)
70.00 (µm)- 87.963(%)
60.00 (µm)- 79.897(%)
50.00 (µm)- 66.913(%)
40.00 (µm)- 49.558(%)
30.00 (µm)- 32.506(%)
20.00 (µm)- 21.249(%)
10.00 (µm)- 13.420(%)
5.000 (µm)- 6.059(%)
1.000 (µm)- 0.109(%)
Mean 41.7326(µm)
0.115 0.000 0.000
0.131 0.000 0.000
0.150 0.000 0.000
0.172 0.000 0.000
0.197 0.000 0.000
0.226 0.000 0.000
0.259 0.000 0.000
0.296 0.000 0.000
0.339 0.000 0.000
0.389 0.000 0.000
0.445 0.000 0.000
0.510 0.000 0.000
0.584 0.000 0.000
0.669 0.000 0.000
0.766 0.000 0.000
0.877 0.051 0.051

1.005 0.060 0.111

1.151 0.123 0.235
1.318 0.149 0.383
1.510 0.182 0.565
1.729 0.215 0.780
1.981 0.265 1.045
2.269 0.321 1.366
2.599 0.396 1.762
2.976 0.519 2.281
3.409 0.686 2.968
3.905 0.897 3.865
4.472 1.136 5.001
5.122 1.288 6.288
5.867 1.438 7.726
6.720 1.516 9.243
7.697 1.513 10.755
8.816 1.406 12.161
10.097 1.356 13.517
11.565 1.319 14.836
13.246 1.327 16.163
15.172 1.410 17.572
17.377 1.608 19.180
19.904 1.976 21.156
22.797 2.599 23.755
26.111 3.581 27.336
29.907 5.013 32.349
34.255 6.869 39.218
39.234 8.862 48.080
44.938 10.381 58.461
51.471 10.748 69.209
58.953 9.698 78.907
67.523 7.638 86.545
77.339 5.343 91.888
88.583 3.418 95.306
101.460 2.074 97.380
116.210 1.239 98.620
133.103 0.685 99.304
152.453 0.447 99.752
174.616 0.248 100.000
200.000 0.000 100.000
229.075 0.000 100.000
262.376 0.000 100.000
300.518 0.000 100.000
344.206 0.000 100.000
394.244 0.000 100.000
451.556 0.000 100.000
517.200 0.000 100.000
592.387 0.000 100.000

APPENDEX – C, Stress Strain diagrams



Stress in N/mm²
Strain in %





0 5 10 15 20
Strain in %
Stress in N/mm ²

Diamet L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F
er d0 max d0 k max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 152.57 152.57 13.71 13.71 1 11.28 56 168.97 168.55 19.60 19.54

Fig:C.1 Stress strain diagram of alloy 1 C Fig: C.2. Stress strain diagram of
alloy1 2.5C


Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Series Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % n=1 mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 154.74 152.74 14.84 14.84 X 11.28 56 160 160. 15.78 15.73

Fig: C.3 Stress strain diagram of alloy1 5 C. Fig: C.4 Stress strain diagram alloy10C



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Strain in % Strain in %

Series Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
n=1 mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
X 11.28 56 167.79 166.58 20.16 20.10 1 11.28 56 214.61 214.12 22.75 22.69

Fig: C.5 Stress strain diagram alloy 1 HT. Fig: C.6 Stress strain diagram alloy1



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 180.88 180.88 16.73 16.73 1 11.28 56 177.05 177.05 20.67 20.67

Fig: C.7 Stress strain diagram alloy 1 5HT Fig: C.8 Stress strain diagram alloy
110 HT



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



40 50


0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F
d0 d0 k max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 146.10 146.10 15.26 15.26 1 11.28 56 169.68 169.68 15.61 15.61

Fig:C.9 Stress strain diagram alloy 2 C Fig:C.10 Stress strain diagram alloy
2.5C HT



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²


50 40


0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 141.11 139.17 10.97 10.91
1 11.28 56 152.86 152.86 15.79 15.79

Fig: C.11.Stress strain diagram alloy 2 5 Fig: C.12 Stress strain diagram alloy 2
10 C

140 200


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²




0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak
d0 d0 max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 138.19 138.19 11.15 11.15 1 11.28 56 181.13 173.95 16.65 16.59

Fig: C.13. Stress strain diagram alloy 210C Fig: C.14 Stress strain diagram alloy



Stress in N/mm²


Stress in N/mm²
100 100

50 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 225.38 223.13 15.57 15.51 1 11.28 56 220.02 220.02 16.61 16.61

Fig: C.15 Stress strain diagram alloy 2 2.5HT. Fig: C.16 Stress strain diagram alloy
2.5 HT



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²




0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 194.14 194.14 15.73 15.73 1 11.28 56 165.19 165.19 11.20 11.20

Fig: C.17 Stress strain diagram alloy 2.10HT. Fig: C18 Stress strain diagram


80 120

Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²

40 60


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F max Series Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 k d0
Nr mm mm N/mm N/mm % % n=1 mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
² ²
x 11.28 56 130. 130.33 10.14 12.18
2 11.28 56 96.16 96.16 13.84 13.84

Fig: C.19 Stress strain diagram alloy 3C Fig: C.20 Stress strain diagram alloy 32.5C



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²

60 40


0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F
d0 d0 k max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm % %
1 11.28 56 113.5 113.5 14.36 14.36
1 11.28 56 98.35 98.35 7.69 7.69
5 5

Fig: C.21 Stress strain diagram alloy 35C Fig: C.22 Stress strain diagram alloy


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²


20 40


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 85.69 85.69 7.97 7.97 1 11.28 56 148.49 148.49 12.17 12.17

Fig: C.23 Stress strain diagram alloy 315C Fig: C.24 Stress strain diagram alloy

Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F
d0 d0 max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 166.95 166.95 14.05 14.05 1 11.28 56 165.06 165.06 11.48 11.48

Fig:C.25 Stress strain diagram alloy 3 2.5HT Fig:C.26 Stress strain diagram alloy
3 .5HT



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 135.30 135.30 10.31 10.31 1 11.28 56 128.25 122.85 10.80 10.74

Fig:C.27 Stress strain diagram alloy 310 HT Fig:C.28 Stress strain diagram alloy
3 15HT

Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F
d0 d0 k max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm Mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 160.35 153.73 18.41 18.35 1 11.28 56 161.97 161.97 16.18 16.18

Fig:C.29 Stress strain diagram of alloy 4C Fig:C.30 Stress strain diagram of alloy
42.5 C


120 100


Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²





0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter d0 L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diamete L0 Fmax FBreak εBrea ε-F
r d0 k max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 132.87 126.71 14.54 14.48
1 11.28 56 124.11 123.82 16.46 16.41

Fig:C.31 Stress strain diagram alloy 4.10C Fig:C.32 Stress strain diagram alloy
4.15 C

150 150
Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 167.7 167.7 16.46 16.46 1 11.28 56 164.3 164.3 16.40 16.40
5 5 8 8

Fig: C.33 Stress strain diagram alloy 4HT Fig: C.34 Stress strain diagram alloy
4 2.5HT



Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²


40 40

20 20

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 144.05 143.90 14.76 14.70 1 11.28 56 143.22 143.22 18.59 18.59

Fig: C.35 Stress strain diagram alloy 4.5HT Fig: C.36 Stress strain diagram alloy
4.10 HT


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²





0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5 10 15
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 159.97 78.23 12.66 10.40 1 11.28 56 148.99 148.58 16.48 16.42

Fig:C.37 Stress strain diagram alloy 5 C. Fig: C38 Stress strain diagram alloy
2.5 C




² m m/ N n i s s e r t S
Stress in N/mm²

80 80

60 60

40 40

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter d0 L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm N/mm % %
1 11.28 56 148.99 148.58 16.48 16.42 1 11.28 56 125.34 125.34 5.21 5.21

Fig:C.39 Stress strain diagram alloy 2.5 C. Fig: C.40 Stress strain diagram alloy



Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²



20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diamete L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
r d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 115.16 115.16 6.83 6.83 1 11.28 56 111.45 109.89 4.97 4.91

Fig: C41 Stress strain diagram alloy 510 C. Fig: C.42 Stress strain diagram alloy
515 C


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter d0 L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 287.8 287.8 5.46 5.46
1 11.28 56 181.20 181.20 9.78 9.78 3 3

Fig: C.43 Stress strain diagram alloy 5 0 HT. Fig: C.44 Stress strain diagram alloy
5 2.5 HT
250 300


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5 10 15 20
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter d0 L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 257.09 255.46 13.92 13.87 1 11.28 56 296.6 291.4 20.78 20.72
8 8

Fig: C.45 Stress strain diagram alloy 5 5 HT. Fig: C 46 Stress strain diagram alloy
5 10 HT


200 120


Stress in N/mm²

²mm/N ni ssertS




0 5 10 15 0 0 2 4 6
Strain in %
Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F
d0 d0 max
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 227.41 225.96 15.97 15.92 1 11.28 56 142.12 142.12 3.87 3.87

Fig: C.47 Stress strain diagram alloy 5 15 HT Fig: C.48 Stress strain diagram alloy



Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²

60 40



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 115.16 115.16 6.83 6.83 1 11.28 56 83.64 83.64 7.05 7.05

Fig: C.49 Stress strain diagram alloy 6 2.5 C. Fig: C.50 Stress strain diagram alloy





Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²



20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
Nr 11.28 56 N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 96.32 96.32 7.82 7.82 1 12.5 30.08 105.68 105.68 6.06 6.06

Fig: C.51 Stress strain diagram alloy 6 5 C. Fig:: C.52 Stress strain diagram alloy
6 10 C


Stress in N/mm²

Stress in N/mm²




0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 114.78 114.78 7.26 7.26 1 11.28 56 161.59 161.02 7.56 7.50

Fig:C.53 Stress strain diagram alloy 6 15C Fig:C.54 Stress strain diagram alloy
6 5 HT


Stress in N/mm²
Stress in N/mm²



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain in % Strain in %

Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max Diameter L0 Fmax FBreak εBreak ε-F max
d0 d0
Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % % Nr mm mm N/mm² N/mm² % %
1 11.28 56 167.52 167.52 8.05 8.05 1 11.28 56 158.65 158.65 7.22 7.22

Fig: C.55 Stress strain diagram alloy 610 HT. Fig: C.56 Stress strain diagram alloy
6 15 HT


Table D.1 Hardness of samples of alloy 1

1C 0.125 0.120 0.1295 0.1275 0.1255 118.65
1.25C 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 111
1 5C 0.112 0.112 0.114 0.114 0.113 140
110C 0.121 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.132 106
115C 0.122 0.123 0.121 0.122 0.122 124
120 0.178 0.192 0.199 0.199 0.192 52
1HT .164 .160 .162 .162 0.162 70
1.25 0.143 0.131 0.131 0.136 0.135 101.7
125A 0.116 0.116 0.114 0.114 0.115 140
125H.TR 0.180 0.180 0.164 0.164 0.172 62.8
1.5B 0.167 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.152 80
1.5A 0.131 0.131 0.131 0.121 0.128 113
110 0.134 0.128 0.132 0.1325 0.132 106
110H.T 0.121 0.121 0.155 0.155 0.138 97.35
115 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.121 125
115B 0.163 0.163 0.142 0.142 0.152 80

Table D.2 Hardness of samples alloy 2

Sample 1 2 3 4 MEAN HV
2C 0.102 0.102 0.126 0.128 0.117 135
225C 0.107 0.107 0.120 0.120 0.113 145
2 5C 0.132 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.1305 108
210C 0.118 0.100 0.109 0.109 0.109 100
215C 0.080 0.080 0.120 0.120 .100 85
2HT .078 .078 .079 .078 .0785 320
225A 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 378
2-5B 0.069 0.070 0.070 0.068 0.069 350
225B 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 378
210A 0.065 0.065 0.08 0.08 0.072 357.6
215 0.098 0.098 0.086 0.086 0.092 219

Table D.3 Hardness of samples alloy 3


3C 0.213 0.140 0.095 0.095 0.135 101.7
325C 0.110 0.110 0.067 0.065 0.95 205
35C 0.074 0.073 0.091 0.105 0.0857 252
310C 0.106 0.070 0.070 0.097 0.084 262.75

315C 0.088 0.086 0.080 0.80 0.083 270

315CB 0.08 0.086 0.083 0.083 0.083 270
3H.T 0.127 0.127 0.077 0.061 0.098 193
325 0.800 0.057 0.07 0.07 0.070 380
325B 0.067 0.067 0.065 0.065 0.066 425
325E 0.08 0.06 0.060 0.060 0.065 430
35A 0.09 0.09 0.086 0.086 0.088 240
35B 0.069 0.069 0.059 0.059 0.0893 232
35CA 0.114 0.94 0.094 0.078 0.100 252
310A 0.082 0.071 0.063 0.062 0.0695 383.8
310B 0.071 0.057 0.111 0.058 0.0742 336.74
315A 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.083 0.070 378
315 0.101 0.080 0.080 0.095 0.089 234

Table D.4 Hardness of samples alloy 4

Sample Test1 T2 T3 T4 Mean H.V

4C 0.130 0.139 0.138 0.147 0.1385 97.35
425A C 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.171 156 76
4.5C 0.147 0.147 0.147 0.147 .147 85.7
410C 0.157 0.130 0.184 0.157 .157 75
415C 0.139 0.139 0.155 0.171 .151 81
4H.T 0.200 0.207 0.172 0.172 187 53
4.2.5A 0.147 0.147 0.147 0.147 .147 85.7
42.5B 0.152 0.150 0.154 0.152 0.152 80
42.5R 0.155 0.155 0.150 0.160 .155 77
4.5B 0.148 0.162 0.157 0.162 .157 75
4.5 0.160 0.155 0.150 0.155 .155 77
410 0.156 0.156 0.152 0.152 .151 80
410B 0.16 0.160 0.160 0.164 .162 60
415 0.147 0.147 0.161 0.161 .166 67.2
415B 0.196 0.196 0.181 0.181 .185 54

Table D.5 Hardness of samples alloy 5

Sample No 1 2 3 4 MEAN H.V

5 0C 0.147 0.147 0.147 0.147 .145 84.6
5 25C1 0.124 0.124 0.122 0.122 0.123 123
5 5 C2 0.129 0.129 0.122 0.122 0.125 125
5 10 C 0.129 0.129 0.126 0.122 0.126 127
5 15 C 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.130 0.129.5 110
5 0 HT 0.87 0.057 0.070 0.074 0.078 300
5 2.5 HT 0.80 0.058 0.070 0.070 0.074 330
5 3.5 H.T 0.076 0.076 0.072 0.072 0.074 340
5 5HT 0.78 0.058 0.070 0.068 0.074 340
5 6.5 H.T 0.075 0.090 0.074 0.096 0.082 275

5 8.5 H.T 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 228

5 10HT 0.061 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.061 500
513.5 H.T 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 256
5 15 HT 0.062 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 490

Table D.6 Hardness of samples lot 6

Sample No 1 2 3 4 MEAN H.V

6C 0.162 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.152 80
6 2.5 C 0.126 0.126 0.076 0.060 0.096 200
6 5C 0.126 0.126 0.074 0.060 0.093 220
6 10C 0.074 0.074 0.091 0.105 0.087 240
6 15C 0.073 0.073 0.090 0.104 0.085 256
6 HT 0.106 0.071 0.071 0.098 0.085 260
6 2.5HT 0.104 0.070 0.072 0.097 0.086 255
6 10HT1 0.102 0.074 0.070 0.098 0.087 250
6 5HT 0.120 0.120 0.070 0.070 0.090 180
6 10HT2 0.100 0.100 0.090 0.094 0.096 200
6 15HT 0.061 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.060.5 289

Table E.1 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 1
Alloy1 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Total Final wt Initial wt f Average
wt loss of sample samples wt loss in
1C 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 5 5.8 10.8 1.25
1 25C 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 4.4 6.0 10.4 1.1
1 5C 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.0 4 6.5 10.5 1.0
1 10C 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 3.9 8.6 12.5 0.979
1 15C 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 3.5 8.8 12.3 0.875
1 H.T 1 1.0 1.0 0.8 3.8 8.0 11.8 0.95
125HT 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 3.6 8.5 12.1 0.9
1 5HT 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 3.3 9.3 12.6 0.825
110HT 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.8 7.7 10.5 0.70
115H.T 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 3.0 9.0 12.0 0.75

Table E.2 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 2

Alloy 2 Test 1 Test 2 Test Test 4 Total wt Final wt Initial wt of Average

3 loss of sample samples wt loss in
2 C 1.4 1.2 1 1.2 4.8 7.4 12.2 1.2
2 2.5C 1.2 1.1 1 1 4.3 9.0 13.3 1.075
2 5C 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 3.4 9.0 12.4 0.85
2 10C 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 2.9 8.6 11.5 0.725
2 15C 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.5 9.2 11.7 0.625
2 H.T 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 2.9 9.3 12.2 0.725
2 2.5H.T 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 3.0 8.7 11.7 0.75
2 5H.T 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 2.7 8.7 11.4 0.675
2 10H.T 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.4 8.3 10.7 0.60
2 15H.T 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 3.4 9.3 12.7 0.85

Table E.3 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 3

Alloy 3 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Total wt Final wt Initial wt of Average

loss of sample samples wt loss in
3 C 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 4.4 7.6 12.0 1.1
3 2.5C 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 4 9.0 13 1.0
3 5C 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 3.3 12.2 15.5 0.825
3 10C 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 2.3 9.7 12.0 0.575
3 15C 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.6 10 12.6 0.65
3 H.T 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 2.5 9.3 11.8 0.625
3 2.5H.T 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 2.0 9.5 11.5 0.50
3 5H.T 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 2.1 9.9 12.0 0.525
3 10H.T .1 .1 .1 0.9 3.9 10.4 14.3 0.975
3 15H.T 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.8 3.6 10.6 14.2 0.90

Table E.4 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 4

Alloy 4 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Total wt Final wt Initial wt of Average

loss of sample samples wt loss in
4 C 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 5.9 7.8 13.7 1.475
4 2.5C 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.3 5.2 8.7 13.9 1.3
4 5C 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 4.4 7.9 12.3 1.1
4 10C 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 4.2 8.8 13.0 1.05
4 15C 1 0.9 1.0 0.9 3.8 9.1 12.9 .95
4 H.T 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 4.3 8.1 12.4 1.075
4 2.5H.T 1 0.9 0.8 1 3.7 8.4 12.1 .925
4 5H.T 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 5.1 8.2 13.23 1.27
4 10H.T 1 1.1 1.0 1.0 4.1 8.9 13.0 1.025
4 15H.T 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.3 4.6 8.3 12.9 1.15

Table E.5 Abrasive wear test of samples alloy 5

Alloy 5 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Total wt Final wt of Initial wt of Average
loss samples sample wt loss in
5 0C 1.2 1.1 1 1.1 4.4 7.16 11.5 1.1
525C1 1.1 0.9 1 1 4 7.93 11.93 1
5 5 C2 0.85 0.83 0.80 0.80 3.28 8.46 11.74 0.82
5 10 C 0.80 0.72 0.75 0.73 3 6.90 119.9 0.75
5 15 C 0.90 0.70 0.65 0.68 2.83 8.18 11.01 0.70
5 0HT 0.9 0,8 0.8 0.7 3.2 8.5 11.7 0.8
5 2.5HT 0.7 0.7 0.68 0.68 2.76 7.95 10.71 0.69
5 5HT 0.7 0.64 0.7 0.68 2.64 8.38 11.0 0.66
5 10HT 0.5 0.5 0.40 0.40 1.8 7.74 9.5 0.45
5 15 HT 0.5 0.4 0.36 0.36 1.62 9.18 10.8 0.405

Table E.6 Abrasive wear test of alloy 6

Alloy 6 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Total Final wt of Initial wt Average

wt loss samples of sample wt loss in
610 0 C 1 0.80 0.80 0.80 4.4 6.34 10.74 1.1
6 2.5C 1 1.0 1.2 0.8 4 6.5 11.5 1.0
610 5C 0.7 0.65 0.68 0.68 2.71 6.59 9.3 0.677
61010C 0.62 0.60 0.60 0.58 2.40 9.23 11.63 0.60
61015C 0.6 0.6 0.55 0.57 2.72 7.72 10.44 0.675
610 0HT 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.6 7.99 10.59 0.65
610 2.5HT 0.7 0.7 0.66 0.60 2.64 8.69 11.35 0.66
61010HT1 0.7 0.66 0.66 0.60 2.62 9.33 12 0.65
610 5HT 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.70 2.8 7.87 10.74 0.70
61010HT2 0.7 0.65 0.65 0.60 2.60 9.0 11.6 0.65
610 15HT 0.70 0.60 0.55 0.55 2.40 8.98 11.36 0.60


Table F.1 Density and porosity of as cast samples alloy1-6

S No Alloy No Bulk density D Theoretical density D Porosity percentage

gm/cm3 gm /cm3
1 1C 2.33 2.85 0.52
2 12.5 2.34 2.85 0.51
3 110C 2.33 2.85 0.52
4 115C 2.30 2.85 0.62
5 120C 2.30 2.85 0.62
6 2C 2.769 2.99 0.22
7 225C 2.79 2.99 0.20
8 2 5C 2.856 2.99 0.134
9 210C 2.80 2.99 0.19
10 2 15C 2.79 2.99 0.20
11 3C 2.52 3.17 0.65
12 3 2.5C 2.525 3.17 0.64
13 3.5CA 2.60 3.17 0.57
14 310C 2.6 3.17 0.5
15 315CA 2.525 3.17 0.65
16 4C 2.147 3.0 0.85
17 4C 2.0 3.0 1.0
18 4 2.5C 2.17 3.0 0.83
19 4 5C 2.2 3.0 0.8
20 415C 2.147 3.0 0.853
21 410 C 2.16 3.0 0.84
22 6C 2.7 2.99 0.29
23 5 0C 2.95 2.98 0.03
24 525C1 2.8 2.98 0.18
25 5 5C 2.82 2.98 0.16
26 5 10 C 2.76 2.98 0.22
27 5 15 C 2.72 2.98 0.26
28 6 2.5HT 2.65 2.99 0.34
29 6 5HT 2.70 2.99 0.29
30 6 15HT 2.75 2.99 0.24

Table. F.2 Density and porosity of as heat treated samples alloys used for validation

S No Alloy No Bulk density D Theoretical density D Porosity percentage

gm /cm3 gm/cm3
3 15C 2.4 2.85 0.45
15 3.5C 2.55 3.17 0.62
18 315CB 2.6 3.17 0.57
30 5 2.5 C2 2.88 2.98 0.10
36 610C 2.75 3.0 0.25

Table F.3 Density and porosity of as heat treated samples alloy 1-6

S No Alloy No Bulk density D Theoretical density D Porosity percentage

gm /cm3 gm/cm3
1 1HT 2.8 2.85 0.05
2 1-2.5 2.8 2.85 0.05
3 12.5HTR 2.84 2.85 0.01
4 1.5B 2.58 2.85 0.27
5 1.5A 2.50 2.85 0.35
6 110H.T 2.57 2.85 0.28
7 110HT 2.4 2.85 0.45
8 115 2.4 2.85 0.45
9 115B 2.58 2.85 0.27
10 2HT 2.88 2.99 0.2
11 225A 2.95 2.99 0.11
12 225B 2.77 2.99 0.04
13 2.5B 2.86 2.99 0.22
14 210B 2.85 2.99 0.13
15 210A 2.88 2.99 0.11
16 215 2.6 2.99 0.39
17 3 H.T 2.75 3.17 0.42
18 32.5B 2.70 3.17 0.47
19 3.5A 2.6 3.17 0.57
20 3.5B 2.6 3.17 0.57
21 310B 2.7 3.17 0.47
22 310 2.75 3.17 0.42
23 315A 2.70 3.17 0.42
24 315 2.70 3.17 0.42
25 32.5 2.54 3.17 0.63
26 4 H.T 2.02 3.0 0.98
27 4 2.5A 2.1 3.0 0.9
28 4 2.5R 2.21 3.0 0.79
29 4.5 2.1 3.0 0.9
30 4.5B 2.1 3.0 0.9
31 410B 2.5 3.0 0.5
32 A410 2.1 3.0 0.9
33 415 2.04 3.0 0.96
34 415B 2.21 3.0 0.79
35 415R 2.66 3.0 0.34
36 5 5H.T 2.7 2.98 0.28
37 5 8.5H.T 2.78 2.98 0.20
38 5 6.5H.T 2.81 2.98 0.17
39 5 10HT 2.60 2.98 0.38
40 5 13.5HT 2.66 2.98 0.32
41 5 0HT 2.7 2.98 0.28

42 5 2.5HT 2.78 2.98 0.2

43 5 5HT 2.81 2.98 0.17
44 5 10HT 2.8 2.98 0.18
45 5 15 HT 2.66 2.98 0.32
46 610 0HT 2.7 2.99 0.29
47 610 .5HT 2.78 2.99 0.21
48 61010HT1 2.81 2.99 0.18
49 610 5HT 2.8 2.99 0.19
50 61015 HT 2.7 2.99 0.28

Table F.4 Density and porosity of as heat treated samples alloys used for validation

S No Alloy No Bulk density D Theoretical density D Porosity percentage

gm/cm3 gm/cm3
3 1-2.5 2.65 2.85 .2
21 3 2.5E 2.7 3.17 .47
31 42.5B 2.2 3.0 .8
37 410 2.4 3.0 .6
48 5 3.5HT 2.8 2.98 .18


Table H.1 Experimental and trained data


MPa MPa Elong % Elong % Wear
age age
0157.0 0152.6 0013.7 0015.6 0113.0 0118.7 0001.3 0001.3
0152.8 0168.0 0019.5 0014.0 0117.6 0111.0 0001.1 0001.1
0137.2 0154.0 0015.7 0012.2 0106.8 0106.0 0000.9 0001
0127.2 0117.0 0015.0 0011.4 0128.8 0124.0 0000.9 0000.9
0114.3 0101.0 0017.0 0011.6 0063.9 0052.0 0000.9 0001
0130.7 0146.0 0015.3 0011.9 0132.3 0135.0 0000.9 0001.2
0171.2 0169.7 0015.6 0014.3 0150.7 0145.0 0001.0 0001.1
0139.3 0152.9 0015.3 0012.6 0112.9 0108.0 0000.9 0000.8
0121.9 0139.1 0011.0 0011.9 0083.2 0100.0 0000.9 0000.7
0115.3 0138.2 0011.5 0011.2 0082.4 0085.0 0000.9 0000.6
0117.6 0096.0 0013.8 0011.4 0100.7 0101.7 0000.9 0001.1
0112.2 0130.0 0010.1 0010.7 0218.5 0205.0 0000.8 000.1
0104.7 0113.0 0014.2 0010.0 0234.1 0252.0 0000.8 0000.8
0099.8 0098.4 0007.7 0009.3 0270.4 0262.7 0000.7 0000.6
0106.2 0085.7 0008.0 0010.3 0261.5 0270.0 0000.8 0000.5
0153.9 0160.2 0015.0 0016.1 0098.9 0100.0 0001.4 0001.5
0151.5 0166.2 0016.4 0015.8 0112.8 0097.4 0001.4 0001.5
0160.5 0162.0 0016.2 0015.6 0078.5 0076.0 0001.3 0001.3
0150.5 0130.3 0013.0 0014.3 0077.8 0085.7 0001.1 0001.1
0147.0 0124.6 0016.4 0013.1 0071.3 0081.0 0001.0 0001.1
0134.7 0126.0 0012.0 0013.4 0070.6 0075.0 0001.1 0001.2
0131.5 0145.0 0015.0 0012.2 0088.1 0080.0 0000.9 0001.1
0157.9 0160.0 0012.9 0012.6 0083.8 0084.6 0001.0 0001.1
0132.2 0149.0 0010.5 0011.9 0123.9 0133.0 0000.9 0001
0115.0 0125.3 0005.2 0010.8 0162.7 0125.0 0000.8 0000.8
0115.7 0115.4 0005.0 0010.8 0136.7 0127.0 0000.8 0000.8
0150.1 0107.6 0008.6 0012.5 0100.1 0110.0 0000.9 0000.7
0127.5 0115.0 0006.8 0011.4 0200.7 0200.0 0000.8 0000.8
0119.7 0111.5 0004.9 0010.7 0196.7 0220.0 0000.8 0000.7

0105.2 0114.0 0007.3 0009.4 0249.9 0256.0 0000.7 0000.6
0193.6 0167.2 0020.0 0017.3 0061.3 0070.0 0000.9 0001
0197.8 0180.9 0016.7 0019.4 0107.1 0101.7 0000.9 0000.9
0231.3 0214.6 0022.7 0021.3 0059.7 0062.8 0001.0 0000.9
0184.2 0190.0 0018.0 0017.8 0069.7 0080.0 0000.9 0000.9
0179.3 0199.3 0018.6 0017.3 0126.4 0113.0 0000.8 0000.8
0163.3 0167.8 0020.1 0016.9 0100.1 0106.0 0000.8 0000.7
0166.5 0177.8 0016.9 0016.2 0096.6 0097.4 0000.9 0000.8
0162.5 0156.7 0014.8 0015.1 0119.3 0125.0 0000.8 0000.7
0179.5 0177.3 0018.9 0016.2 0083.1 0080.0 0000.8 0000.8
0177.7 0181.1 0016.6 0014.2 0323.5 0320.0 0000.6 0000.7
0245.2 0220.0 0016.2 0016.2 0374.5 0378.0 0000.6 0000.8
0211.3 0225.4 0015.5 0013.4 0384.2 0378.0 0000.6 0000.7
0214.8 0220.0 0016.6 0013.8 0362.1 0350.0 0000.7 0000.7
0192.3 0194.0 0015.7 0012.4 0348.6 0357.0 0000.6 0000.7
0201.5 0177.0 0015.2 0012.8 0356.2 0357.0 0000.7 0000.6
0160.9 0165.2 0011.2 0010.6 0226.7 0219.0 0000.8 0000.8
0148.4 0148.5 0012.2 0011.8 0194.1 0193.0 0000.7 0000.6
0166.2 0165.9 0014.1 0011.9 0433.1 0425.6 0000.7 0000.6
0186.3 0165.1 0011.5 0011.3 0523.8 0538.0 0000.6 0000.6
0158.8 0137.4 0010.1 0010.4 0524.3 0532.0 0000.7 0000.9
0130.1 0135.0 0010.0 0010.2 0336.3 0336.0 0001.0 0000.9
0159.2 0135.3 0010.3 0011.0 0391.1 0383.0 0000.8 0000.9
0141.7 0128.0 0010.5 0010.0 0362.7 0378.0 0000.8 0001
0105.4 0128.3 0010.7 0008.8 0255.6 0234.0 0000.9 0001
0153.0 0160.0 0013.0 0010.6 0384.0 0380.0 0000.7 0000.8
0144.2 0167.8 0016.5 0015.5 0062.5 0053.0 0001.2 0001.1
0152.8 0161.2 0015.0 0015.9 0087.0 0085.7 0001.1 0000.9
0164.8 0164.9 0016.4 0017.6 0075.0 0077.0 0001.2 0001
0173.8 0151.1 0014.4 0016.6 0076.0 0077.0 0001.1 0001
0153.7 0143.9 0021.8 0016.5 0071.9 0075.0 0001.1 0001
0134.0 0143.0 0018.0 0016.9 0066.8 0060.5 0001.0 0001
0133.1 0146.0 0014.0 0016.1 0063.9 0060.0 0001.0 0001.2
0115.9 0111.0 0015.0 0014.2 0069.8 0067.0 0001.0 0001.1

0118.9 0112.0 0011.2 0014.9 0048.3 0054.0 0000.9 0001.2
0128.4 0111.6 0015.4 0017.4 0049.7 0051.0 0000.9 0001.2
0273.9 0277.0 0012.3 0018.3 0303.0 0300.0 0000.7 0000.3
0284.5 0275.0 0010.0 0017.2 0230.2 0228.9 0000.6 0000.8
0250.0 0295.0 0020.7 0015.9 0287.1 0275.7 0000.7 0000.8
0214.3 0194.0 0011.6 0013.3 0316.4 0320.0 0000.5 0000.6
0201.8 0177.0 0016.0 0012.0 0276.1 0256.0 0000.5 0000.5
0186.3 0181.2 0009.8 0015.1 0296.9 0300.0 0000.8 0000.8
0215.7 0222.0 0012.4 0014.5 0330.0 0330.0 0000.6 0000.7
0218.4 0257.1 0013.9 0014.8 0358.7 0340.0 0000.6 0000.7
0241.8 0297.0 0017.0 0014.0 0399.3 0400.0 0000.5 0000.4
0229.3 0227.0 0016.0 0012.7 0383.7 0390.0 0000.5 0000.4
0170.2 0167.0 0008.6 0010.0 0260.4 0260.0 0000.6 0000.6
0182.2 0166.0 0007.5 0012.3 0249.6 0255.0 0000.7 0000.7
0169.0 0165.0 0008.0 0011.8 0219.9 0250.0 0000.8 0000.7
0142.0 0161.0 0007.5 0010.9 0187.1 0180.0 0000.8 0000.7
0164.7 0158.0 0007.0 0009.7 0281.1 0289.0 0000.6 0000.6

Table H.2 Weight and biases values of the trained model

The final weights and biases are:

Input weights =
1.0e+003 *
Columns 1 through 7
0.0503 0.5161 -0.0456 -0.2708 0.5392 0.5081 -0.0734
-0.0755 0.6875 -0.0027 -0.2775 -0.1723 0.8480 -0.0229
0.8717 0.7607 -0.7549 -1.0129 -1.3337 -0.0119 -0.3765
-0.0590 1.5585 0.1441 -0.2720 -0.0095 -0.6716 -0.0403
-0.1126 0.0635 0.0548 0.0027 0.1234 -0.8518 -0.0038
0.1359 -0.7177 -0.1923 0.2673 -0.5499 -1.3107 0.0356
-0.0069 -0.1670 0.1172 1.3236 0.0900 0.5691 0.1281
-0.4953 0.7225 0.0055 0.3089 -0.3864 -0.1164 0.0901
-0.6049 0.2744 -0.1527 0.2105 0.0123 0.6510 0.1330
Columns 8 through 14
-0.0068 -0.0007 6.6488 0.0042 -2.2170 0.0128 0.0039
-0.0017 0.0007 1.7879 -0.0009 -3.7450 0.0024 0.0224
0.3554 -0.0135 -2.7945 0.0075 2.7177 -0.0011 -0.0416
-0.0092 -0.0000 4.4472 -0.0015 -2.0910 0.0006 -0.0174
-0.0429 0.0007 0.9550 0.0084 -1.2559 -0.0031 0.0371

-0.0573 0.0033 -1.0972 -0.0051 1.1322 -0.0027 0.0263

-0.0277 0.0027 4.9731 -0.0095 -1.8198 -0.0112 -0.0072
-0.1665 0.0090 2.6891 -0.0042 -0.2101 0.0009 0.0094
-0.3113 0.0134 5.9266 0.0005 -2.7354 0.0067 0.0385
Layer weights =
Columns 1 through 7
0.1352 -0.0150 -0.0824 -0.0404 -0.1946 0.0820 -0.1416
0.0049 0.0111 0.0003 -0.0070 0.0041 0.0053 -0.0023
0.2885 -1.0062 -0.2011 0.5596 -1.2962 -0.1673 -0.4434
-0.0001 0.0007 0.0002 -0.0003 0.0010 0.0001 0.0004
Columns 8 through 9
0.1057 -0.1087
0.0011 -0.0015
0.4230 -0.2619
-0.0002 0.0000
biases_of_hidden_neurons =
-8.2140 -1.5784 -13.8745 0.7907 -0.6189 9.9197 -1.6275 8.3500 11.6280
bias_of_output_neuron =
0.0898 0.0156 -0.3585 0.0014


Table I.1 Effect of Si on tensile strength of cast composites.

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.9Si 126.1 157.9 140.4 121.9
1Si 125.3 159.6 142.9 128.2
2Si 128.2 158.8 180.9 144.6
3Si 130.9 143.1 222.5 182.9
4Si 109.0 124.9 206.3 239.1
5Si 064.8 087.7 146.0 266.6

Table I.2 Effect of Si on elongation of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.9Si 13.8 13.1 12.3 12.1
1Si 13.9 13.1 12.3 12.0
2Si 14.7 14.1 12.7 12.0
3Si 14.9 14.6 13.4 12.3
4Si 14.6 14.6 14.0 12.9
5Si 13.9 14.0 14.0 13.2

Table I.3 Effect of Si on hardness of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.9Si 61 144.9 112.4 62.6
1Si 59.2 149.6 119.6 90.5
2Si 64.0 150.0 221.6 144.5
3Si 57.2 107.3 329.9 251.8
4Si 32.3 40.9 289.6 399.7
5Si 19.92 97.5 123.2 469.1

Table I.4 Effect of Si on abrasive wear of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.9Si 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
1Si 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9
2Si 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.9
3Si 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.8
4Si 1.4 1.4 1.1 0.8
5Si 1.5 1.4 1.3 0.8

Table I.5 Effect of Fe on tensile strength of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Fe 220.2 219.5 184.2 172.7
1 Fe 117.2 149.6 135.6 124.3
2 Fe 032.9 072.8 117.2 113.0
3 Fe 030.3 018.7 084.8 097.1

Table I.6 Effect of Fe on elongation of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Fe 15.2 14.9 14.8 15.0
1 Fe 13.7 13.0 12.3 12.0
2 Fe 13.6 13.1 12.5 12.4
3 Fe 11.9 11.8 11.5 11.8

Table I.7 Effect of Fe on hardness of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Fe 127.2 107.0 025.1 101.2
1 Fe 037.6 122.6 098.8 079.9
2 Fe 168.3 075.2 0276 015.8
3 Fe 207.0 200.2 149 015.5

Table I.8 Effect of Fe on abrasive wear of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Fe 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
1 Fe 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9
2 Fe 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9
3 Fe 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.0

Table I.9 Effect of Cu on tensile strength of cast composites

Cu 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 126.9 155.9 138.0 126.4
1 Cu 194.0 184.8 143.4 126.7
2 Cu 230.0 202.7 150.0 127.7
3 Cu 248.3 217.5 158.0 129.4
4 Cu 259.7 230.7 167.4 132.0
5 Cu 266.9 241.8 177.8 135.3
6 Cu 270.2 249.9 188.5 139.3
7 Cu 269.4 254.3 198.5 143.9
8 Cu 264.7 254.6 206.7 148.8

Table I.10 Effect of Cu on elongation of cast composites

Cu 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 13.7 13.0 12.3 12.0
1 Cu 13.6 12.9 12.1 11.8
2 Cu 13.5 13.0 12.1 11.6
3 Cu 13.5 13.0 12.0 11.4
4 Cu 13.4 12.9 11.9 11.2
5 Cu 13.2 12.8 11.9 11.1
6 Cu 12.8 12.6 11.7 10.9
7 Cu 12.3 12.2 11.5 10.7
8 Cu 11.7 11.7 11.2 10.4

Table I.11 Effect of Cu on hardness of cast composites

Cu 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 063.0 139.6 105.7 083.5
1 Cu 240.3 224.9 136.8 107.8
2 Cu 342.4 282.8 169.1 130.2
3 Cu 403.5 334.6 204.4 152.3
4 Cu 451.4 385.2 244.1 175.6
5 Cu 494.6 435.3 288.8 201.7
6 Cu 535.6 484.6 338.8 232.2
7 Cu 576.0 533.2 393.6 268.6
8 Cu 616.7 581.3 452.5 312.2

Table I.12 Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of cast composites

Cu 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
1 Cu 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
2 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
3 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
4 Cu 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9
5 Cu 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
6 Cu 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
7 Cu 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
8 Cu 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

Table I.13 Effect of Mg on tensile strength of cast composites

Mg 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 081.9 060.0 112.0 125.4
.5 Mg 078.3 066.5 131.7 125.3
1 Mg 077.8 087.0 139.0 125.2
1.5 Mg 085.8 118.9 140.0 125.3
2 Mg 108.0 146.3 138.9 125.8
3 Mg 139.8 159.5 137.5 128.6
3.5 Mg 175.2 160.5 136.5 131.1
4 Mg 143.9 157.8 137.3 134.4
5 Mg 170.2 154.2 142.0 143.4

Table I.14 Effect of Mg on elongation of cast composites

Mg 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 14.9 14.5 13.3 12.8
.5 Mg 14.8 14.3 13.1 12.7
1 Mg 14.6 14.0 12.9 12.5
1.5 Mg 14.4 13.6 12.7 12.4
2 Mg 14.0 13.2 12.4 12.1
3 Mg 13.5 12.8 12.1 11.5
3.5 Mg 12.5 11.9 11.4 11.1
4 Mg 10.7 11.4 10.9 10.6
5 Mg 10.5 10.1 9.6 9.4

Table I.15 Effect of Mg on hardness of cast composites

Mg 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 088.2 137.8 076 024.8
.5 Mg 093.7 118.6 044.6 030.2
1 Mg 088.9 062.3 069.9 038.6
1.5 Mg 060.2 025.3 083.5 051.4
2 Mg 070 105.9 096.2 069.6
3 Mg 101.9 156.5 113.2 125.9
3.5 Mg 239.9 213.0 169.2 165.4
4 Mg 268.6 243.5 210.5 213.1
5 Mg 358.6 332.0 320.1 330.8

Table I.16 Effect of Mg on abrasive wear of cast composites

Mg 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 1.4 1.4 1.1 0.9
.5 Mg 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9
1 Mg 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9
1.5 Mg 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.9
2 Mg 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9
3 Mg 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9
3.5 Mg 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
4 Mg 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
5 Mg 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Table I.17 Effect of Zn on tensile strength of cast composites

Zn 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 50.9 18.0 010.1 094.1
1 Zn 50.1 21.7 071.0 123.6
2 Zn 58.1 67.2 131.7 126.3
3 Zn 126.9 155.9 138.0 126.4
4 Zn 191.5 170.5 135.8 125.2
5 Zn 187.8 160.9 128.6 120.6
6 Zn 165.6 140.2 112.0 108.0
7 Zn 144.3 117.2 087.4 084.0
8 Zn 141.3 112.9 075.9 062.7

Table I.18 Effect of Zn on elongation of cast composites

Zn 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 13.4 13.9 14.5 15.0
1 Zn 13.0 13.4 14.3 14.7
2 Zn 12.6 12.8 13.8 14.4
3 Zn 12.0 12.3 13.0 13.7
4 Zn 11.1 11.5 12.2 12.7
5 Zn 9.8 10.2 10.9 11.4
6 Zn 7.7 8.0 8.7 9.2
7 Zn 4.5 4.9 6.0 6.8
8Zn 0.9 2.1 4.1 5.3

Table I.19 Effect of Zn on hardness of cast composites

Zn 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 194.0 275.1 349.2 106.8
1 Zn 180.7 249.3 130.6 033.0
3 Zn 063.0 139.6 105.7 083.5
4 Zn 276.8 234.4 165.2 152.8
5 Zn 368.3 313.0 252.1 250.3
6 Zn 488.5 438.6 387.2 392.0
7 Zn 666.5 627.9 590.1 598.2
8Zn 857.6 844.8 845.0 866.4

Table I.20 Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of cast composites

Zn 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.1
1 Zn 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.0
3 Zn 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.9
4 Zn 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
5 Zn 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
6 Zn 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
7 Zn 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
8Zn 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6
9Zn 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4

Modeling results for high strength and abrasive wear of cast aluminum composite
after heat treatment

Table I.21 Effect of Si on tensile strength of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

1 Si 193.3 178.5 147.1 152.2
2 Si 248.7 212.8 148.3 98.8
3 Si 321.3 281.6 176.5 76.3
4 Si 377.0 348.2 242.0 93.8
5 Si 414.9 393.3 307.9 153.6
6 Si 443.2 424.3 351.6 217.7
7 Si 466.5 448.4 380.1 259.7
8 Si 486.2 468.3 401.5 285.5

Table I.22 Effect of Si on elongation of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

1 Si 18.0 17.4 15.9 13.6
2 Si 18.4 17.6 15.7 13.4
3 Si 19.1 18.3 15.8 13.1
4 Si 19.6 18.9 16.4 13.1
5 Si 19.8 19.2 17.0 13.6
6 Si 20.0 19.4 17.4 14.2
7 Si 20.0 19.4 17.5 14.5
8 Si 20.1 19.5 17.6 14.6

Table I. 23 Effect of Si on hardness of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

1 Si 152.6 128.8 73.7 76.1
2 Si 284.5 199.9 65.2 39.0
3 Si 480.4 375.5 122.1 106.3
4 Si 649.3 565.3 291.7 074.1
5 Si 779.1 711.8 481.3 83.4
6 Si 885.3 825.5 625.0 268.4
7 Si 976.5 920.3 732.3 406.0
8 Si 1056.1 1002.3 819.9 504.3

Table I.24 Effect of Si on abrasive wear of cast composites

Si 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

1 Si 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2 Si 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0
3 Si 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0
4 Si 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
5 Si 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9
6 Si 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8
7 Si 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8
8 Si 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7

Table I.25 Effect of Fe on tensile strength of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.1 Fe 177.9 145.3 108.8 167.7
.2 Fe 184.9 150.5 115.2 171.1
.3 Fe 182.8 155.6 121.5 173.5
.4 Fe 184.9 160.4 127.5 174.8

.5 Fe 186.5 164.9 133.1 175.0

.6 Fe 187.6 168.8 138.1 174.0
.7 Fe 188.1 172.0 142.3 171.9
.8 Fe 187.9 174.3 145.5 168.5
185.5 176.2 148.5 158.0

Table I.26 Effect of Fe on elongation of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.1 Fe 17.1 15.9 13.8 11.3
.2 Fe 18.0 16.3 14.2 11.7
.3 Fe 17.7 16.7 14.6 12.0
.4 Fe 18.0 17.0 14.9 12.4
.5 Fe 18.2 17.2 15.3 12.7
.6 Fe 18.3 17.4 15.6 13.0
.7 Fe 18.3 17.5 15.8 13.3
.8 Fe 18.2 17.5 15.9 13.5
17.7 17.2 15.9 13.6

Table I.27 Effect of Fe on hardness of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.1 Fe 022.1 066.2 083.8 107.4
.2 Fe 009.2 058.3 071.7 110.4
.3 Fe 017.5 047.9 058.7 110.6
.4 Fe 009.2 033.9 044.4 108.6
.5 Fe 004.7 015.4 028.4 104.9
.6 Fe 025.6 008.7 009.6 100.5
.7 Fe 054.8 039.7 012.9 096.8
.8 Fe 092.9 078.4 040.5 095.1
194.4 179.5 114.6 105.0

Table I.28 Effect of Fe on abrasive wear of cast composites

Fe 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

.1 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
.2 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
.3 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
.4 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
.5 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
.6 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8

.7 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8

.8 Fe 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8

Table I.29 Effect of Cu on tensile strength of cast composites

Cu 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 187.0 175.7 147.6 163.9
0.5 Cu 173.7 159.6 131.6 168.8
1 Cu 160.7 143.6 119.8 165.1
2 Cu 136.3 113.6 118.2 134.8
3 Cu 115.3 91.3 131.9 091.1
4 Cu 100.9 91.1 119.7 45.3
5 Cu 103.6 122.9 87.7 0017
6 Cu 137.7 147.9 52.0 038.0
7 Cu 175.0 144.7 18.8 073.1
8 Cu 181.1 128.9 10.2 034

Table I.30 Effect of Cu on elongation of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 18.0 17.4 16.0 13.6
0.5 Cu 17.1 16.5 15.0 12.7
1 Cu 16.1 15.5 14.0 11.7
2 Cu 14.3 13.6 11.9 9.8
3 Cu 12.7 11.8 9.6 7.8
4 Cu 11.1 10.0 7.5 5.8
5 Cu 9.7 8.2 5.6 3.8
6 Cu 8.4 6.7 3.9 2.1
7 Cu 7.2 5.5 2.4 0.5
8 Cu 6.3 4.5 1.1 0.9

Table I.31 Effect of Cu on hardness of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 139.8 125.2 074.1 097.3
0.5 Cu 165.8 141.1 080.1 141.8
1 Cu 193.2 158.9 098.9 169.0
2 Cu 250.4 200.2 196.3 178.0
3 Cu 308.2 256.2 333.5 164.0
4 Cu 369.6 356.1 404.4 149.7
5 Cu 456.8 520.1 418.8 140.2

6 Cu 603.2 651.0 412.5 135.0

7 Cu 739.7 695.8 398.1 132.3
8 Cu 783.5 692.8 378.9 130.4

Table I.32 Effect of Cu on abrasive wear of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
0.5 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
1 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7
2 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8

3 Cu 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8

4 Cu 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8
5 Cu 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.9
6 Cu 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.9
7 Cu 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0
8 Cu 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0

Table I.33 Effect of Mg on tensile strength of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 158.5 141.7 136.9 153.5
0.5 Mg 163.5 150.5 150.8 168.4
1 Mg 170.4 160.9 163.6 183.2
15 Mg 178.6 171.3 171.7 194.4
2 Mg 185.7 177.7 165.8 185.9
25 Mg 185.1 169.5 126.8 145.0
3 Mg 160.2 125.5 056.4 107.9
35 Mg 092.4 044.9 014.3 096.3

Table I.34 Effect of Mg on elongation of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 19.6 19.4 19.1 18.7
0.5 Mg 19.4 19.2 18.8 18.2
1 Mg 19.2 18.9 18.3 17.5
15 Mg 18.8 18.5 17.7 16.5
2 Mg 18.3 17.9 16.8 14.9
25 Mg 17.7 17.0 15.3 12.7
3 Mg 16.6 15.6 13.2 10.8
35 Mg 14.8 13.6 11.4 9.8

Table I.35 Effect of Mg on hardness of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 017.8 067.4 079.7 22.5
0.5 Mg 001.3 034.1 022.1 45.2
1 Mg 033.0 012.0 040.8 116.7
15 Mg 075.1 65.5 096.0 174.1
2 Mg 119.7 112.9 110.9 161.1
25 Mg 145.3 118.7 022.1 41.8
3 Mg 097.9 013.9 171.0 61.2
35 Mg 83.2 206.3 287.3 78.7

Table I.36 Effect of Mg on abrasive wear of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Mg 1.1 1.1 01.1 01.0
0.5 Mg 1.1 1.1 01.0 0.9
1 Mg 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9
15 Mg 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8
2 Mg 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
25 Mg 0.9 0.9 01.0 0.9
3 Mg 0.9 1.0 01.1 0.9
35 Mg 1.1 1.2 01.2 0.9

Table I.37 Effect of Zn on tensile strength of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 251.6 237.5 210.7 157.3
0.5 Zn 243.2 229.0 201.2 145.4
1 Zn 235.0 220.5 190.9 133.0
2 Zn 217.6 202.7 168.9 116.4
3 Zn 187.0 175.7 147.6 163.9
4 Zn 139.6 132.3 155.5 194.9
5 Zn 094.3 100.5 196.1 163.5
6 Zn 091.6 146.0 160.6 110.1
7 Zn 153.9 156.4 110.7 50.2
8 Zn 151.7 128.1 66.1 3.9

Table I.38 Effect of Zn on hardness of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 097.0 124.8 178.1 304.4
0.5 Zn 076.7 099.0 148.6 279.5
1 Zn 049.4 068.1 117.1 254.0
2 Zn 036.2 018.6 039.1 171.7
3 Zn 139.8 125.2 074.1 097.3
4 Zn 192.9 182.3 253.6 337.2
5 Zn 184.9 194.3 433.0 352.8
6 Zn 204.8 327.2 344.3 211.2
7 Zn 351.2 335.7 177.8 052.
8 Zn 317.7 228.7 007.6 22.38

Table I.39 Effect of Zn on elongation of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 22.6 22.2 21.4 19.9
0.5 Zn 22.0 21.5 20.5 18.9
1 Zn 21.4 20.8 19.7 18.0
2 Zn 20.0 19.3 17.9 16.0
3 Zn 18.0 17.4 16.0 13.6
4 Zn 15.4 15.1 13.9 11.5
5 Zn 13.3 13.1 11.8 10.2
6 Zn 11.9 11.4 10.5 9.3
7 Zn 10.8 10.4 9.7 8.6
8 Zn 10.2 10.0 9.2 8.2

Table I.40 Effect of Zn on abrasive wear of cast composites

2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

0 Zn 1.0 01.0 1.0 1.1
0.5 Zn 1.0 01.0 1.0 1.1
1 Zn 1.0 01.0 1.0 1.1
2 Zn 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1
3 Zn 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
4 Zn 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6
5 Zn 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.7
6 Zn 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.8
7 Zn 0.7 0.6 0.7 .9
8 Zn 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.1

Table I.41 Effect of density on tensile strength as heat treated cast composites

Density 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

2 161.1 142.9 114.8 143.2
2.1 169.3 153.2 125.7 151.0
2.3 176.4 162.2 134.9 157.2
2.4 182.2 169.6 142.2 161.5
2.5 187.0 175.7 147.6 163.9
2.6 190.9 180.6 151.0 164.4
2.6 194.0 184.3 152.9 163.2
2.7 196.7 187.3 153.3 160.6
2.8 199.0 189.6 152.7 157.1
2.9 201.1 191.5 151.4 153.1

Table I.42 Effect of density on elongation as heat treated cast composites

Density 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

2 16.2 15.7 14.6 12.8
2.1 16.6 16.1 14.9 13.1
2.3 17.1 16.6 15.3 13.2
2.4 17.5 17.0 15.6 13.4
2.5 18.0 17.4 16.0 13.6
2.6 18.4 17.9 16.3 13.8
2.6 18.9 18.4 16.7 14.0
2.7 19.5 18.9 17.0 14.2
2.8 20.1 19.4 17.4 14.4
2.9 20.7 20.0 17.9 14.7

Table I.43 Effect of density on hardness as heat treated cast composites

Density 2.5%Al2O3 5% Al2O3 10 % Al2O3 15% Al2O3

2 107.3 66.7 55 24.7
2.1 122.6 88.5 22.5 51.0
2.3 133.8 106.2 45.9 72.6
2.4 139.8 118.8 63.5 88.3
2.5 139.8 125.2 74.1 97.3
2.6 133.3 124.6 77.0 99.0
2.7 120.0 116.8 71.6 92.9
2.8 100.2 101.5 57.7 79.1
2.9 74.3 79.3 35.5 57.7

Table I.44 Effect of density on abrasive wear as heat treated cast composites

Density 2.5%Al2O3
B B B B 5% Al2O3
B B B B 10 % Al2O3
B B B B 15% Al2O3

2 1 1 1 0.9
2.1 1 0.9 1 0.9
2.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.5 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
2.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

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