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Chapter 8

1 Which of the following links voltage, current and resistance?




D R = I/V

2 Which is the unit of resistance?

A amps

B coulombs

C volts

D ohms

3 A radio is supplied with 36 V. The current through the radio is 0.2 A. What is the resistance of the

A 180 Ω

B 76 Ω

C 0.06 Ω

D 76 C

4 An electric shower is connected to the 230 V mains. The resistance of the shower is 120 Ω. What is
the current through the wire for the shower?

A 0.2 A

B 2.0 A

C 0.5 A


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5 Two resistors of resistance 7 Ω and 8 Ω respectively are placed in a series circuit. What is their total


B 15 Ω

C 56 Ω

D 0.9 Ω

6 A 12 V supply is connected to a series circuit containing two resistors which each have a resistance
of 3 Ω. What is the current flowing through the circuit?


B 0.25 A


D 0.5 A

7 Which of the following components follows Ohm’s law when at a constant temperature?

A diode


C resistor

D thermistor

8 Which component does this I–V graph represent?

A diode

B filament bulb

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C wire

D resistor

9 Which component does this I–V graph represent?

A diode

B wire

C filament bulb

D resistor

10 Which of the following represents the gradient of an I–V graph?

A 1/resistance

B resistance

C total charge

D none of the above

11 Which statement is correct about a fixed resistor?

A Their resistance can be varied.

B They are used to control the size of the current through a circuit.

C Resistors cause filament lamps to ‘blow’.

D Resistors are a safety device in a circuit.

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12 Which of the following statements is true about a thermistor?

A As the current increases the voltage across the thermistor remains constant.

B Their resistance remains constant despite the temperature.

C As the light intensity increases their resistance decreases.

D As the temperature increases their resistance decreases.

13 A circuit contains a 12 V cell and a resistor. A current of 2.0 A flows in the circuit. What is the
resistance of the resistor?


B 12 Ω

C 24 Ω

D 0.5 Ω

14 In a series circuit, a voltmeter is placed across resistor 1. It takes a reading of 6 V. The voltmeter is
then placed across resistor 2 and it reads 3 V. Which resistor has the greatest resistance?

A Resistor 1 because it is transferring the least energy.

B Resistor 2 because it is transferring the least energy.

C Resistor 1 because it is transferring the most energy.

D We do not know because we do not have a value for the current.

15 The resistance of a light dependent resistor changes as the light intensity changes. Which of the
following statements is correct?

A As the light intensity increases the resistance in the wire decreases.

B They are used in photosensitive equipment, such as cameras.

C The greater the light intensity the greater the current flow.

D All of the above.

16 A student investigates the I–V characteristics of a wire. Which of the following would help the
student maintain accurate readings?

A using a different piece of wire each time

B turning the switch off when not taking a reading

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C adding insulation around the wire

D none of the above

17 A student placed a diode into a circuit to record its I–V characteristics. The ammeter registered a
reading of 0. What should the student do to get a reading from the diode?

A replace the cell

B reverse the position of the diode

C add in a bulb

D add in a fixed resistor

18 Why does the resistance in a wire increase with temperature?

A The atoms in the wire gain energy as the temperature increases.

B The electrons in the wire lose energy as the temperature increases.

C The atoms in the wire get larger as temperature increases.

D None of the above.

19 Which of the following is a practical application of a thermistor?

A in street lighting

B in a thermostat in a freezer

C to control the current in a radio

D in a doorbell

20 Diodes can be used in rectifier circuits. Which of the following statements is true about a rectifier

A The current can flow both ways in a rectifier circuit.

B It reduces the current in a circuit.

C It converts alternating current to direct current.

D It increases the current in a circuit.

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1 C
2 D – Named after the scientist who defined resistance.
3 A
4 B – V/R = I
5 B – The total resistance of components in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the resistance of
the components.
6 C – Total resistance of components is 6 Ω.
7 C – The resistance in a resistor will remain constant if the temperature is kept constant.
Therefore V ∝ I.
8 A – The diode has high resistance in one direction so prevents current flowing through. When
the bias is reversed, current can pass through as there is very little resistance.
9 C – A filament bulb’s resistance increases as the temperature increases so the current drops.
10 A – 1/R
11 B – Fixed resistors are used to control the current in a circuit so that appliances receive the
correct current.
12 D – As the temperature increases more free electrons are released and so the resistance
13 A
14 C – The resistance through this resistor must be greater as more energy is transferred across this
15 D
16 B – This would prevent the wire from overheating and thus the resistance increasing
17 B
18 A – As the temperature increases the atoms in the wire vibrate more vigorously and so make it
more difficult for the electrons to pass through.
19 B – A thermistor is used to detect temperature changes.
20 C

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