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Eur Respir J

1992, 5 , 1021-1022 CASE FOR DIAGNOSIS

Upper lobe infiltrate with cough, fever, fatigue

A. Biglino, G. De Rosa, F. Lipani

Case history A 5 IU purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test was

negative. Serological tests for Hi stoplasma- and
A 41 yr old housewife, orig ina lly from Sicily, Aspergillus-specific antibodies (immunodiffusion) and
presented in June 1990 with a fever of five months circulating antigens (counter-immune-electrophoresis),
duration, dry cough and fatigue. She denied present as well as indirect immmunofluorescence for
or previous occupational risks as we.ll as travel outside Legioneffa pneumophila antibodies were negative.
ftaly during the previous J 0 yrs. Chest roentgenograms confirmed previous findings
The patient appeared in good condition; physical (fig. 1 a and b).
examination was negative for superficial lymph - Bronchoscopy performed through an Olympus BF 20
adenopathy. hepatosplenomegaly and pulmonary fibrescope showed a normal bronchial tree until
findings. A left upper lobe pulmonary opacity was subsegmentary branchings of the left upper bronchus.
detected at another hospital on r outine chest Brushing and lavage of the left upper bronchus with
roentgenogram; a fi ne-needle aspiration-biopsy was not 180 ml of saline solution were performed. Gram and
diagnostic. Ziehl-Neelsen stains on the lavage pellet were nega-
Laboratory tests were within nom1al range with the tive. Cultures of recovered bronchoalveolar lavage
exception of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (43 fluid (BALF) on both plated and liquid Sabouraud
mm·h· 1) and of a mild hypochromic microcytic anae- medium, on malt-agar medium, International Union
mia (Hb= 95 g·/' 1; mean corpuscular volume Against Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium) (IUTM) me-
(MCV)=74 J.l.~; blood iron= 230 J.l.g·/·1). Anti-human dium and other common culture media were negative.
immunodeficiency virus- I (HIV-I) specific antibodies Cytological smears obtained from BALF showed
were repeatedly negative by enzyme immune- normal columnar bronchial cells an-anged in the pali-
assays . Circulating CD4+ cells were normal in sade and numerous histiocytes filled with cytoplasmic
number (1, li5·J.l.l· 1) and CD4/CD 8 ratio was 2.18. periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive bodies (fig. 2).

Fig. I. - a) Chest roentgenogram of the patient before treatment. Fig. 2. - Small clusters of PAS-posi tive bodies with in histiocytes
b) Tomograph ic detai l o f ldt uppe r lobe so li tary nodule. (arrow ) and between columnar bro nchia l cells. Inset: highe r
magnifi cation of a histiocyte with cytoplasmic PAS-positive bod -
ies. PAS: periodic-acid-Sc hiff.

Before turning the page: - interpret the roentgenogram and smear; - propose further examinations; •
suggest diagnosis.
Corresponde nce: A. Biglino. lsti tuto di Malauie lnfeu ivc Corso
Svizzera 164, Torino, Italy. TURN PAGE FOR DIAGNOSIS

Interpretation of roentgenogram: solitary upper left A non-invasive diagnostic approach could be

lobe pulmonary mass, consistent with either an difficult in these patients, as serological techniques
inflammatory or a neoplastic process. based on antibody detection are often unsatisfactory in
non-disseminated histoplasmosis because of lack of
Interpretation of smear microscopy: PAS-positive sensitivity f2, 3]. Even the more sensitive methods
bodies within histocytic cytoplasm and among bron- based on circulating antigen detection, although highly
chial cells, consistent with Histoplasma capsu.latum . d iagnostic in disseminated histoplasmosis [4], are
flawed by a false-negative rate as high as 63% in
localized pulmonary disease [5). Finally, invasive di-
Diagnosis: pulmonary histoplasmosis agnostic procedures such as fine-needle aspiration/
biopsy could be unsuccesful in the case of small
Treatment was started with fluconazole, 400 multiple nodular lesions, and are associated with
mg·day·' intravenously, and was continued for 20 days; pneumothorax in about 18% of cases [6].
dosage was then reduced to 200 mg·day·' orally and Although reports evaluating fibreoptic bronchoscopy
continued for 2 months. Complete radiological re- in the diagnosis of this disease are very few , the di-
gression of the left apical opacity was observed after agnostic usefulness of bronchoscopy in pulmonary
the first month of treatment. By that time, the ESR histoplasmosis has already been stressed, although
and haematological parameters were also normalized. some perplexities exist as far as solitary nodules are
One year after ending treatment the patient was in concerned [5]. Our observation suggests that cyto-
good condition and chest roentgenogram was normal logical examination of material recovered from BAL
(fig. 3). may represent a reasonable and safe alternative to
fine-needle aspiration-biopsy and confirms its superi-
ority to serological techniques in the diagnosis of
solitary nodular manifestations of pulmonary histo-
plasmosis. Finally, the absence of positive fungal
cultures from recovered lavage fluid should not cause
the diagnosis of pulmonary histoplasmosis to be dis-
carded, as cultures can either take several weeks or
yield negative results [5, 7]. In our case, prompt im-
provement with fluconazole alone, with disappearance
of chest radiological abnormality strongly supports this


1. Davies SF. - Histoplasmosis: update 1989. Semin

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2. Davies SF. Diagnosis of pulmonary funga l
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5. Prechter GC, Prakash UBS. - Bronchoscopy in the
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Histoplasmosis is a rare disease in Italy, as well as
1033- 1036.
in the rest of Europe, where imported cases from high- 6. Conces DJ, Clark SA, Tarver RD, Schwenk GR. -
risk countries usually predominate [lj. The reported Transthoracic aspiration needle biopsy; value in the diag-
case, clearly acquired in Sicily, suggests that this dis- nosis of pulmonary infections. Am J Roentgenol, 1989;
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