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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

@ 30 years
How to make children’s rights sustainable?

Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard | Chile, 14 January 2020

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November 1989

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UN CRC – Game Changer

• Human rights treaty for children

• Child (art. 1 CRC):

- Rights holder
- Human being in development with special needs
- Member of his (extended) family

- Diversity within a comprehensive

and evolving children’s rights framework

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The world anno 2019

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Core values of children’s rights

I. Best interests of the child play pivotal role

II. Respect for human dignity of the child

III. All children matter

IV. Child as actor

© Photo : Gaby Herbstein / Council of Europe 2019

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Meaning of the UN CRC @ 30 Years?

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UN CRC – Almost Universal Ratification

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Impact of the CRC

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Any meaning?

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Key developments since 1989

1. Enrichment of existing concepts and key values

2. New, clearer and evolving norms

3. Visibility of children

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Key challenges

• Fragmentation and lack of leadership & coordination – data

• Recognition, equality & protection of human dignity

• Effective participation – seriously?

Sketches for Children’s Rights 2019

Ill. Lisa Brandenburg.

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How to make children’s rights sustainable?

1. Children’s rights in the 21e Century

2. Including children

3. ‘Leaving no one behind’

4. Access to justice for children

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Justice Albie Sachs, 6 December 2018
(with reference to Justice Sandile Ngcobo)

‘In a constitutional state the hands of justice are never tied.’

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Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard
Vice-Dean for Education
UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights
Leiden Law School

Twitter: @tonliefaard

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Child Law Education Leiden Law School

Title clos
Advanced Master / regular master
Master of Laws (LL.M): Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights
(Dutch) child law - regular master program (in Dutch)
Bachelor level
Introduction to International Children’s Rights (in English)
Introduction to Dutch child law (in Dutch)
Legal Aspects of Child Abuse (in Dutch; part of interdisciplinary minor on child abuse)

Summer School Programme ‘Frontiers of Children’s Rights’

June/July 2020 – Leiden / The Hague – 8th edition
Regional editions in different parts of the world

Post-graduate education & training

Child Law & international children’s rights

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