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Biology Review Sheet

Chapter 4 Test

1665: Robert Hooke observes dead cork cells. They are dead plant cells and he
looks as the cell wall.

1673: Anton Von Leeuwenhoek is the first to observe living cells. He calls them

1880s: The Cell Theory

THE CELL THEORY states that…

1. All living things are made of cells
2. Cells come only from other cells
3. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living things

Schleiden: plants are made of cells

Schwann: animals are made of cells
Virchow: cells come from other cells

Cell Diversity
- Cells come in different shapes and sizes
- The function of a cell determines its size and shape
- The human body contains 200 different types of cells
- BLOOD CELLS: carry 02 and food throughout the body
- NERVE CELLS: send and transmit electrical impulses/messages
- SKIN CELLS: are protection and a barrier

Internal Organization

- no nucleus
- no membrane
- bound organelles
- we humans
- nucleus present
- organelles present

Cell Membrane
- phospholipid bilayer
- regulates what enters and exits the cell
- phosphate head and fatty acid tail
- head is hydrophilic meaning water loving
- tail is hydrophobic meaning water fearing
- bilayer is so that the tail can be away from water and the head can be
near the water
- membrane proteins help large molecules to cross the membrane
A. Integral Protein: goes from one side through to the other side
B. Peripheral Protein: on the surface and they don’t go all the way
through the membrane.
- fluid mosaic model means many different components

- contains the genetic information for the cell
- “nuclear envelope” surrounds the nucleus
- “nucleolus” is the site where the ribosomes are made
- “chromatin” is where DNA and proteins will condense and become
- “nuclear pores” allow the ribsomes and RNA to leave the nucleus

- site of chemical reactions and cellular respiration
- located in muscle and nerve cells especially because of their high
energy requirement
- two membranes
A. Outer: lines the mitochondria
B. Inner: cristae increase the surface area so more reactions can
- has its own DNA called MDNA (mitochondrial DNA)

- site of protein synthesis
- most numerous organelle
- no membrane
- two types
A. Free Ribosomes: produce proteins that stay in the cell
B. Attached Ribosomes: (to E.R.) produce proteins that will be
exported from the cell

Endoplasmic Reticulum
- intracellular highway
- system of membranes/tubules
- moves substances within the cell
- two types
A. Rough E.R.
- covered with ribosomes
- makes proteins that leave cell
- digestive enzymes and anitbodies
B. Smooth E.R.
- no ribosomes
- assembles lipid molecules
- produces Calcium ~ muscle contraction
- liver/kidneys and filters toxins

Golgi Apparatus
- flattened, membranous sacs
- receives, packages, and transports the proteins
- cis face = receives
- trans face = sends

- small, spherical organelles that contain proteins
- classified by their content
A. Lysosome: contains digestive enzymes
1. Phagocytosis: digestion of food particles
2. Autophagy: recycling organelles
3. Autolysis: destruction of cell
B. Food Vacuole: stores food
C. Contractile Vacuole: pumps water out of cells

- filaments and tubes found in the cytoplasm
- give shape and support to the cell
- two structures
1. Microtubules
- hollow tubes made of protein (tubulin)
- used in cell division (spindle fibers)
- used to move chromosomes
2. Microfilaments
- thread-like structure made of protein (Actin)
- help cell movement
- help muscle contraction

Cilia and Flagella

- Made of microtubules
- 2 types
- Both have the same cross section
- Nine pairs of microtubules that surround one central pair
1. Cilia
- small, short, numerous hair-like structures
- used for movement (Paramecium)
- Respiratory Tract: filters and moves organisms
2. Flagella
- used for locomotion
- sperm!
- fewer, longer, whiplike motion, propel

Cell Wall
- only located in PLANT CELLS
- gives shape and support, rigid, made of a chain of cellulose
- pores/openings in the cell wall that allow particles to move in and out
of the cell
o A. Primary: develops first, just outside of cell membrane
o B. Secondary: forms when primary reaches maximum size,
can’t grow anymore

Central Vacuole
- fluid-filled organelle
- filled with water
- used for storage, wastes, and toxins

- storage organelles
- double membrane
- own DNA (circular DNA)
1. Chloroplasts:
2. Chromoplasts: store pigments (red, orange, yellow). Carotenes
is orange
3. Leucoplasts: store starch (potato)

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