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An Action Research
Presented to
2019 Conference of Basic Education Reseachers (CBER)





This study would not have been possible without the support of

many people.

Many thanks to my evaluator, Dr. Don-Don Abante, who read

my numerous revisions and helped, make some sense of the


To my loving parents, Papa Felix and Mama Mavic, for providing

me with the financial means to complete this study.

And to Almighty God who keeps me strong and giving me

knowledge to pursue this action research.

F. P. B.

I dedicate this research to God Almighty my creator, my strong

pillar, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

He has been the source of my strength throughout this study and on

His wings only have I soared. I also dedicate this work to my parents;

Papa Felix and Mama Mavic who have encouraged me all the way and

whose encouragement have made sure that I give it all it takes to finish

that which I have started.

Thank you and God bless you. My love for you all can never be



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................ii
DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................iv
ABSTRACT ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
I. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE ............................................................. 1
II. BRIEF REVIEW OF LITERATURE.................................................... 3
III. RESEARCH QUESTIONS ................................................................ 8
IV. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY.................................... 9
V. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ................................................... 10
VI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................... 11
Research Design .............................................................................. 11
Subjects of the Study ........................................................................ 11
Data Gathering Instrument/ Procedures ........................................... 12
Data Analysis Plan ............................................................................ 14
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................... 15
VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................ 27
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 27
RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 28

a. Purpose
To examine the effectiveness of using PicsArt in teaching Arts;
determine the level of performance of Grade 10 students after the
integration of this mobile art application; and conceptualize learning
activity to supplement the use of PicsArt.
b. Design/Methodology/Approach
The descriptive method of research is applied using
demonstration of the use of mobile applications to determine the
performance and effectivity of the application to students.
c. Findings
The results showed that some students are using mobile art
application to support their learning to an extent and also identified
some potential ways to use this to further support the student’s
learning process.
d. Research Limitations
The school-based study was focused on the use of mobile arts
application among the 35 grade 10 students of Sto. Niňo
National High School during the academic year 2018-2019.
e. Originality and Value
Over 1000 mobile applications can be downloaded in Google
Play Store and Apple Store. Indeed, the selection and integration
of mobile art application – PicsArt, provides the students an
opportunity to learn different Art features and skills compare to
other mobile art applications precisely.
f. Keywords
mobile art application, learning process, teaching strategies
Modern technology can be the knowledge of techniques and

processes embedded in machines, computers and devices which can

be used in teaching. Technology refers to all the ways people use their

interventions and discoveries to satisfy the needs and devices.

Technology has changed the world of teaching. The steady progress in

technology has brought great impact in education and increase the

power to sustain the needs of modern learners. It creates tools,

materials and processing actions that have great influence to

individual’s way of understanding. Technology is also the application of

devices used in communicating and delivering a subject which works

hand and hand to accomplish a specific outcome.

In addition to this, the introduction of new technology in almost in

any domain also significantly affects education. According to Dawson

(2011) the students of 21st century should engage in the innovation of

modern society to develop sufficient potentials and skills that enable

them to take full advantage of the new opportunities brought by the

contemporary era. The technological tools can enhance the quality of

the teaching and learnings in schools and to help learners achieve

better outcomes.

Mobile devices are an essential part of people’s daily life today.

They have become ruggedized for mobile field management. The uses

include digitizing notes, sending and receiving invoices, asset

management, recording signatures, managing parts, and scanning

barcodes. Smart phones can be used for many things including instant

messaging, social media, playing games, sending emails and general

communication. As such they can now be considered essential to both

personal and working lives. (Gaskin et al. 2015, 181.) For the

development of highly mobile specifications of these mobile devices,

there has been a radical explosion which has comprehensively

revolutionized the mobile platform and changed communication. Mobile

app development firms are booming and their services are catering

increasingly larger set of audience by the day.

It is incorrect to state that the first technology was developed

precisely to meet the educational needs. The introduction of these

high profile gadgets has already led to the integration of the books in

the classroom with gadgets in hand. It stimulates the “learning study”

from vocabulary to literary skills. There is an incredible amount of

applications which draw the students’ interest and at the same time, it

facilitates ground breaking work and build on comprehensive


knowledge. There are studies and evidences to show that there is

momentous learning from these well designed applications.

Applications, catering to all fields, help in augmenting one’s sense of

individualism, intellect and power, all in ones palm.

Learning with mobile apps especially in introducing a particular

topic in subject such as MAPEH, has made more interactive and

spontaneous in terms of retention or mastery of learning. This matter

has engaged today’s generations in enhancing communication, critical

thinking, problem solving, technological and literary skills. Thus, in

harmonizing with all facts, it is very essential to optimize the student’s

time with mobile devices and they must be bounded with high quality



The use of modern technology in classroom teaching seems to

be visible and effective. There is now potential for utilizing mobile

devices for teaching and learning especially as mobile devices are very

popular with young people and the current generation of students and

research showing more students are owning them (Brown et al. 2015,


Therefore, teachers must be expert in classrooms through the

use of these advancements. Effective teaching requires continuing

efforts to learn and improve more. Teachers need to increase

knowledge about teaching Arts, they may use these mobile

applications to be applied in effective learning. The teacher may

encourage students to use mobile applications that can aid their

learning; the applications must be designed to provide an enjoyable

experience for the student (Ali, 2017). They must also do collaborating

with others. Pairing an experienced teacher with a new teacher or

forming community of teachers to observe classes, analyze and

discuss new trends in teaching Arts require critical thinking and form

positive type of professional development.

It is vital to provide proper interventions before learner’s

experiences ongoing failure in Arts education. Some interventions for

example, is stimulation-based learning where the students amplify

learning experiences with proper guidance of instructions. Once the

learner feels defeated, art anxiety, avoidance and teacher dependence

can become as great threat to learning as the learning difference itself.

Students with learning differences respond well to structured, carefully

crafted lessons which address the sources of learners’ difficulties.


In the individual environment, mobile learning can empower

learners with improved study and personal skills. Moreover, in a

collaborative environment (such as a group of learners), mobile

learning can enhance communication, problem solving, critical thinking

skills, and students’ responses to challenges. Learner performance will

be enhanced as long as there is some interaction between learners

and the mobile applications (Hamdan & Ben-Chabane, 2012).

The behaviors of mobile learning applications’ users can be

defined as a set of actions in conjunction with the m-learning

environment. The use of mobile learning applications provides learners

with new opportunities and changes their behaviors. The behavior of

m-learners is positively affected by content, ease of use, and layout

and design of mobile learning applications. (Nayebi et al., 2012).

The National Commission for Culture and Arts were encouraged

to upgrade and prepare their own arts teaching guides, handbooks,

books, and other materials pertinent to classroom instructions. In

relation thereto, utilization of modern technology is a clear example of


Furthermore, teachers can collaborate and share ideas and

resources online and provide students appropriate information about

modern arts topics such as Pop Art and photography through the use

of mobile applications like PicsArt. Over 1000 mobile applications can

be downloaded in Google Play Store and Apple Store. Indeed, with

these applications, teachers have an easy access in finding versatile

tool that will be interesting to all.

Addition to this, the selection and integration of these mobile art

applications in teaching Arts provide the students an opportunity to

learn in natural way; feel more relax and concentrate to the subject

which undoubtedly contributes to a better learning (Maha et. al 2015).

The reason for difficult understanding of Arts topics will be gone no


This study is anchored in 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article 14,

Section 14: Arts and Culture, where arts has been defined as the

branch of learning which involves the application of skills and taste of

production according to aesthetic principles; the conscious use of skill,

taste, and creative imagination in the practical definition or production

of beauty.

Moreover, Arts are created for their own sake, to give pleasure, -

-- to artist, the pleasure of the creation and to those with a sense of

beauty, the pleasure of appreciation. In this statement, the researcher

views that the integration of the mobile art applications in teaching will

create favorable mental set towards Arts which will contribute to a

lifelong appreciation and desire for it. This is where the learners are

given opportunities to express themselves visually, artistically and

technically. The learner can develop independence, confidence, pride

and self-expression through hands on learning with modern technology

that stimulates creativity and appreciation through the Arts.

According to a study by Hashim et al. (2011), learner’s

performance can be defined as the extent to which the learner can

believe that using mobile technology in learning would be of benefit.

As cited by Mc Allester (2009), arts education is highly

illustrative. The study of the principles and techniques of arts must

follow after love of arts has been firmly established by many

pleasurable to the vast world of arts. If the learner understands the

subject, the teachers have no concern about the mastery of it.

The goal of the study is to apply the use of mobile arts

applications in teaching modern arts among Grade 10 students of


SNNHS. The utilization of the mobile arts applications enhances the

students’ level of performance that leads to discovery of learning and

mastery of topics. These applications also help in recognizing the

distinct intelligences and of each learner and developing and assessing

the appropriate mode of instructions suitable for learning, performing

and understanding.

From the results of the study, activities can be used as design in

teaching modern arts among grade 10 students is proposed.


This study aimed to assess the performance of grade 10 student

in arts of SNNHS.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How effective is the use of mobile Art applications to teaching

Arts relative to:

1.1 learners’ satisfaction;

1.2 learners’ motivation;

1.3 application’s quality?

2. What is the level of performance of grade 10 students after

the integration of mobile arts application in terms of:


2.1 learners’ academic performance;

2.2 learners’ behavioral performance;

3. Based on the results of the study, what proposed learning

activities may be prepared to supplement the use of mobile

arts application in teaching Arts?


The emphasis of the school-based study was focused on the use

of mobile arts application among the 35 grade 10 students of Sto. Niňo

National High School during the academic year 2018-2019. The output

of the study pertained to the supplementary materials to enrich the

teaching Arts.

The descriptive method of research is applied using

demonstration of the use of mobile applications to determine the

performance and effectivity of the application to students. Frequency,

percentage and ranking are the statistical tools used in the study.


This study led to find out the importance of mobile arts

applications in teaching Arts. The result of the study will benefit the

school head, teachers, learners and future researcher.

To school head, the findings of the study will give them the idea

that teachers are using varied strategies in teaching arts subjects.

To teachers, this study will help them to realize that the utilization

of mobile applications will motivate the learners and uplift the learning


To learners, the study will help them to realize that learning is fun

and enjoyable using modern tech tools. It will also help the students to

master particular content and skill.

To future researchers, this will serve as reference to future

researchers, who will conduct the same or related study about using

mobile applications as tools for teaching. This may also assist future

researchers to utilize and discover other mobile applications for

modern teaching.


Research Design
Descriptive method of research was employed in the study. The

Descriptive type of research according in the study of Manuel and

Medel (1976) as cited by Cynthia Joy (2014), descriptive method of

research involves the description, recording, analysis, and

interpretation of the present nature, composition or processes of

phenomena. The focus is on prevailing conditions, or how a person,

group, or thing behaves or functions in the present. It often involves

some type of comparison or contrast.

The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies,

averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is

highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation.

Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a

better understanding of a topic.

Subjects of the Study

The target respondents for this study are thirty five (35) grade 10

students of Sto. Niňo National High School of the academic year 2018

– 2019. They comprised all the learners of the said students and

sections. No sampling was used in the study.


Data Gathering Instrument/ Procedures

Construction of questionnaire. To construct the questionnaire,

the researcher read books and other reference materials that helped

them find ideas related to their study. After reading some related

resources, the researcher made the first draft of the questionnaire that

was prepared and shown to his evaluator for corrections, comments

and suggestions. The items were revised by incorporating the given

suggestions and comments, improving those weak statements and

changing unnecessary questions. The researcher ensured that all the

given suggestions and comments of the evaluator were observed in

making the second draft of the questionnaire. The newly revised

questionnaire was presented to the evaluator for approval.

Validation of the questionnaire. The researcher constructed

and administered questionnaire to identify the effectiveness of mobile

art application and the performance of the grade 10 students in Arts

and be validated by two subject matter experts.

Administration of the questionnaire. After establishing the

content validity of the questionnaire, the researcher prepared a letter of

request to the School Principal of Sto. Niño National High School to

administer the questionnaire to the respondents. After the approval, the


researcher administered the questionnaire to the Grade 10 students.

The researcher first explained the purpose of the study to motivate

them to give honest answers.

Retrieval of the questionnaire. The researcher retrieved the

questionnaire from the respondents and then the data were analyzed,

interpreted and compared. The researcher made the learning plan and

it was the main instrument by the researcher in obtaining the needed

data in this study.

Scoring of responses. The researcher consolidated the degree

of mastery of the respondents’ level of performance and measured

using the following system of classification through the item analysis so

as to pinpoint the aspects where the learners scored highly effective,

effective, moderately effective and not effective.

The scores that obtained by the learner’s learning plans through

utilization of mobile art applications were recorded and compared.

Through data analysis the interrelationship of respondents’ level

of performance determined to point out their weakness that

strengthened by designing supplementary materials with the use of this

application to enhance the teaching approaches among high school


To assess the effectiveness of integration of mobile art

application in teaching Arts of grade 10 learners, the Likert scale below

is used.

Option Verbal Interpretation

4 Highly Effective

3 Effective

2 Moderately Effective

1 Not Effective

Data Analysis Plan

The result of the evaluation by the students were analyzed and

studied. The data were presented in textual and tabulated forms with

the use of statistical tools

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of the

responses in a given variable.

Percentage. This was employed to determine the magnitude of

the count.

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the typicality of

responses chosen from a scale of 5 points.



The use of mobile learning applications like PicsArt provides

learners with new opportunities and interests. Mobile learning can help

students to take control over their learning and optimize it inside and

outside the classroom through the learning environment.

Findings revealed on Table 1.1 on page 15 that the students are

satisfied in using the application which got the highest ranking with the

weighted mean of 3.44 and it is interpreted as effective. It is followed

by item using the application; make both teaching and learning easier

which gained 3.31 with also an interpretation of effective.

Then, it came with the interest of the students about the service

of mobile application in which it got 3.19 weighted mean and followed

by recommendation of application to others in which gained the lowest

ranking with the weighted mean of 3.00. Both interpreted as effective.

Furthermore, the results of learners’ satisfaction in utilizing the

application is really effective.

1. Level of Effectiveness of the Use of Mobile Art Application to

Teaching Arts

1.1 Learners’ Satisfaction of Using Mobile Art Application

Table 1.1

Learners’ Satisfaction of Using the Mobile Art Application

Items Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretation
1. Generally, I am 3.44 Effective 1
satisfied with the
mobile Art application.
2. I became fond of the 3.19 Effective 3
services provided to
me by using the
3. I will recommend this 3.00 Effective 4
application to others.
4. Using such Art 2
application could make
3.31 Effective
both teaching and
learning easier.
Composite Mean 3.23 Effective

The use of modern technology in classroom teaching seems to

be visible and effective. There is now potential for utilizing mobile

devices for teaching and learning especially as mobile devices are very

popular with young people and the current generation of students and

research showing more students are owning them (Brown et al. 2015,


1.2 Learners’ Motivation in Using Mobile Art Application

Table 1.2

Learners’ Motivation in Using Mobile Art Application

Items Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretation
1. I like to use this 3.19 Effective 2
application to learn
as much as possible
especially the other
features of each.
2. I believe that I can 3.17 Effective 3
improve my Arts
skills by using the
3. I believe that using 3. 22 Effective 1
the mobile art
application have
helped me to learn
more things I’m
interested in
Composite Mean 3.19 Effective

As revealed in table, helping the students to be creative in the

use of mobile application obtained the weighted mean of 3.22 and got

the highest rank, followed by learning the features of the application in


which it gained the weighted mean of 3.19 and lastly, the improvement

of learning skills which gained the weighted mean of 3.17 and got the

lowest rank. Three of the items interpreted as effective. In total, the use

of application motivates the students to be productive and creative.

The selection and integration of the mobile art application in

teaching Arts provide the students an opportunity to learn in natural

and interesting way; feel more relax and concentrate to the subject

which undoubtedly contributes to a better learning.(Maha et. al, 2015).


1.3 Mobile Art Application’s Quality to Users

Table 1.3

Mobile Art Application’s Quality to Users

Items Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretation
1. I enjoy the drawing 3.28 Effective 2
tools and effects
used in editing.
2. The application is 3.56 Effective 1
user- friendly.
3. Each feature of 2.92 Moderately 3
responds quickly.

4. Distinguishing the 2.22 Moderately 4

appropriate icon
for the application
for the needed
information is easy.
Composite Mean 3.00 Effective

As reflected in the table on page 17, most of the students found

out that the mobile application is user-friendly in which it got the highest

rank with weighted mean of 3.56 with verbal interpretation of effective,

then it followed by enjoying the editing tools and features which was

second in rank with the weighted mean of 3.28 and interpreted as

effective. On the other hand, application’s features response depends

on the specifications of mobile phones which obtained the third rank

with weighted mean of 2.92 and interpreted as moderately effective.

The item, distinguishing the appropriate icon for the application for

needed information is easy, gained the lowest rank with weighted

mean of 2.22 and interpreted as moderately effective.

All in all, the quality of the application got the composite mean of

3.00 with verbal interpretation of effective.

Mobile devices are an essential part of people’s daily life today.

They have become ruggedized for mobile field management. The uses

include digitizing notes, sending and receiving invoices, asset

management, recording signatures, managing parts, and scanning

barcodes. Smart phones can be used for many things including instant

messaging, social media, playing games, sending emails and general

communication. As such they can now be considered essential to both

personal and working lives. (Gaskin et al. 2015, 181.) For the

development of highly mobile specifications of these mobile devices,

there has been a radical explosion which has comprehensively

revolutionized the mobile platform and changed communication. Mobile


app development firms are booming and their services are catering

increasingly larger set of audience by the day.

2. Level of Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students after the

Integration of Mobile Arts Application

2.1 Learners’ Academic Performance in Using Mobile Art


As reflected on the table on page 20, using the mobile art

application helped the students achieve the desired score/ grade in

Arts got the highest rank with the weighted mean of 3.53 with the

verbal interpretation of effective. It is followed by students’ learning

skills are enhanced and it increased the understanding of Digital Arts

which both obtained 3.39 and second in rank, then using the mobile art

application helped them to perform the learning tasks quickly got 3.14

weighted mean with the lowest ranking. All of them got the verbal

interpretation of effective.

All in all, the learners’ performance in using the application

obtained 3.36 composite mean with its verbal interpretation of effective.

Results could be given an interpretation that the mobile art

application like PicsArt increases the performance of students in the

grade level.

Table 2.1

Learners’ Academic Performance in Using the Mobile Art


Items Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretation
1. When I use this mobile 3.39 Effective
art application, my
learning skills are
2. I am sure that using 3.39 Effective 2.5
this mobile application
increased my
understanding Digital
3. Using this mobile 3.14 Effective 3
application would
enable me to perform
learning tasks quickly.
4. Using this mobile art 3.53 Effective 1
application in relation
to the topic helped me
to achieve my desired
score/grade in Arts.
Composite Mean 3.36 Effective

According to a study by Hashim et al. (2011), learner’s

performance can be defined as the extent to which the learner can

believe that using mobile technology in learning would be of benefit.

2. 2 Learners’ Behavior towards the Use Mobile Art Application

Table 2.2

Learners’ Behavior towards the Use Mobile Art Application

Items Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretation
1. When I use the 3.08 Effective 2
application, I plan to use
mobile Arts application
as a part of my studies.
2. I will use the application 2.33 Moderately 4
frequently in all lectures
appropriate to Arts.
3. I am enjoying using this 3.28 Effective 1
4. I will not hesitate to start 2.42 Moderately 3
the applications
anywhere; I will not only
use them during
Composite Mean 2.78 Moderately

As shown in the table, most of the students in the grade level

enjoyed using the mobile application which the item gained highest

rank with the weighted mean of 3. 28 with an interpretation of effective.

Then, students used the application as part of the studies in which the

item obtained the second rank with the weighted mean of 3.08 and had

a verbal interpretation of effective. However, hesitation of using the

mobile application with the weighted mean of 2.42 and frequently used

of the mobile application with weighted mean of 2.33 and got the

lowest rank. Both interpreted as moderately effective.

All in all, the learners’ behavior towards the use of mobile art

application got composite mean of 2.78 and interpreted as moderately


The behaviors of mobile learning applications’ users can be

defined as a set of actions in conjunction with the m-learning

environment. The use of mobile learning applications provides learners

with new opportunities and changes their behaviors. The behavior of

m-learners is positively affected by content, ease of use, and layout

and design of mobile learning applications (Nayebi et al., 2012).

3. Proposed Learning Activities to Supplement the Use of Mobile Art Application in Teaching Arts

Table 3

Key Results Supplementary Objectives Time Frame Persons

Area Activities Using Mobile Involved
Art Application
Collaborative Peer Tutoring 1. Develop positive After the class Teacher
Learning strategies, and skills session and
needed to access help learners
2. Enhance art skills and
master content or features
of the application to
perform the assigned task
Technology- Photo Diary Making 1. Reinforce art skills by Every session Teacher
Based Arts editing using appropriate and
tools and effects of the learners
2. Create a collection of
images of own scenarios
and experiences through
taking photos with or
without relation to Arts

3. Concept ideas creatively
and share it to the class
Point ‘n Shoot Activity 1. Present his/ her learnings Year - Round Teacher
by taking symbolic and
pictures in a form of learners
2. Apply the basic principles
of Digital Arts
3. Utilize the features of
application such as
collage, frames etc.



Based on the findings presented, the following conclusions are


1. Most of the respondents helped them to achieve their desired

score/grade in Arts through the use of mobile art application


2. Most of the respondents were satisfied in using the mobile

application in terms of learning.

3. Majority of the students enjoyed using the mobile art application

in relation to classroom setting.

4. Majority of the respondents believed that using the mobile art

application have helped them to learn more things they have in

interested in creatively.

5. Most of the respondents experienced that the mobile application

was user-friendly.

6. A proposed list of learning activities was designed to supplement

the use of mobile art application.


The findings and conclusions made from this study gave rise to

the following recommendations:

1. Maintained their interests in their studies through good peer

influences such as group studies and tutorials disregarding the

other mobile applications such as online games, social medias

and the like.

2. Installation of internet connection in the school premises for

better convenience of usage of other features of mobile art


3. A similar mobile art application may also be introduced to the

students to increase their understanding in Digital Arts.

A. Books

Nayebi, F., Desharnais, J.-M., and Abran, A. (2012). The state of the
art of mobile application usability evaluation. (pp. 1–4). UAE:
CCECE Publishing.

Shams, J. A. (2013). M-learning: factors influencing behavior intentions

in distance education. Islamabad, Pakistan: Asian Association of
Open Universities (AIOU), 27th Annual Conference.

Hamdan, K. and Ben-Chabane, Y. (2013). An interactive mobile

learning method to measure students’ performance. Qatar:
QScience Press.

Brown, D., Ferguson, F., Grant, M., Jones, L., Sweeney, J. &
Tamim, S. (2015). Teaching and learning with mobile computing
devices: case study in k-12 classrooms. (vol.54). USA: TechTrends
Publishing House

B. Unpublished Materials
Maha, Alqahtani & Heba, Mohammad. (2015). Mobile applications’
impact on student performance and satisfaction. (volume 14. issue
4) Turkey: TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational

Ali, Jason. (2017). Mobile device use in student learning process:

supporting student learning process with use of mobile devices.
UAE: Lahti University Of Applied Sciences Press.

C. Articles
Gaskin, J., Wang, H., Wang, J. & Wang, L. (2015). The role of stress
and motivation in problematic smartphone use among college
students. (vol.53). Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, 9, 21-
Dawson, H., Edel-Malizia, S., Mockus, L., Shaffer, D., Sung An, J.
& Swaggerty, A. (2011). The impact of mobile access on motivation:
distance education student perceptions. Sloan C International
Conference for Online Learning.

D. Legal Documents

DepED Order No. 40. (2012). Child Protection Policy.

Philippine Constitution. (1987). Article 14: Sec. 14.

E. Electronic Resources
Delos Santos, Cynthia Joy. (2014). Descriptive method. Retrieved from

McAllester-Mills, H. (2009). Use of mobile devices for e-learning in

Mobile Editing Tools. The International Archives of the
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Retrieved from
Questionnaire for the MAPEH 10 Students
Part 1. Personal Information

Name: _______________________ Yr. & Level: ____________

Part 2. Effectiveness of PiscArt (Mobile Art Application)

Directions: There is no right or wrong answer. Please accomplish

the questionnaire below as you can. On scale of 1-4, as show below,
please indicate your preference by putting a check (/) on the column of
the number to the right of each time corresponding to your response.
4 Highly Effective
3 Effective
2 Moderately Effective
1 Not Effective
I. Learners’ Satisfaction
ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. Generally, I am satisfied with the
mobile Art application.
2. I became fond of the services
provided to me by using the
3. I will recommend this application
to others
4. Using such Art application could
make both teaching and learning
II. Learners’ Motivation
ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. I like to use this application to
learn as much as possible
especially the other features of
2. I believe that I can improve my
Arts skills by using the
3. I believe that using the mobile art
application have helped me to
learn more things I’m interested in

III. Application’s Quality

ITEMS 4 3 2 1
5. I enjoy the drawing tools and
effects used in editing.
6. The application is user- friendly.

7. Each feature of application

responds quickly.
8. Distinguishing the appropriate
icon for the application for the
needed information is easy.
IV. Learners’ Academic Performance
ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. When I use this mobile art
application, my learning skills are
2. I am sure that using this mobile
application increased my
understanding Digital Arts.
3. Using this mobile application
would enable me to perform
learning tasks quickly.
4. Using this mobile art application
in relation to the topic helped me
to achieve my desired
score/grade in Arts.

V. Learners’ Behavioral Performance

ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. When I use the application, I plan
to use mobile Arts application as
a part of my studies.
2. I will use the application
frequently in all lectures
appropriate to Arts.
3. I am enjoying using this
4. I will not hesitate to start the
applications anywhere; I will not
only use them during lectures.
October 22, 2018

Coordinator, MAPEH
Sto. Nino National High School


The Undersigned, a Master of Arts in Education, Major in MAPEH

Teaching student, is processing an action research entitled “PICSART:
stipulated in the research protocols of the graduate school i.e., Golden
Gate Colleges, that he is currently taking masters units at, a validation
of the research questionnaire must be undertaken.

With this, the Undersigned, knowing your academic distinction and

expertise in the field/ discipline, has chosen you to assist in the
validation of the research instrument to be used in his study. The
questionnaire will undergo trial and testing to assess the content and
face validity and consistency of the questionnaire items.

Looking forward to your favorable response.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,





Research Adviser Coordinator, MAPEH
Sto. Nino National High School
DAILY LESSON LOG School: Sto. Nino National High Grade Level: 10
School Learning Area: MAPEH (Arts)
Teacher: Fel Mark P. Barcebal Quarter: 2nd
Time Allotment:
10-Amity; 8:10-9:10 AM
10-Integrity; 12:50-1:50 PM

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learner new technologies that allow new expressions in arts using art elements and
B. Performance Standards The learner create a tech-based artwork (video clips and printed media such as posters,
menus, brochures etc.) relating to a selected topic from the different learning areas using
available technologies, e.g., food and fashion
C. Learning The learner The learner use The learner The learner
Competencies/Objectiv determine the artworks to derive compare the create artworks
es role or function the characteristics of that can be
of artworks by traditions/history of artworks in the locally
evaluating their a community (e.g., 21st century. assembled with
utilization and landscapes, local materials,
combination of images of people guided by 21st-
art elements and at work and play, century
principles. portrait studies, techniques.
I. Computer/Digital Arts 1. Cellular Phones (photos and videos) 2. Computer-generated
Images 3. Digital Photography (DLSR and Point-and-Shoot) 4. Video Games 5. Digital
Painting and Imaging Videos – TV & Film
II. Principles of Art 6. Rhythm, Movement 7. Balance 8. Emphasis 9. Harmony, Unity, and
Variety Proportion
III. Process: 10. computer manipulation 11. light setting 12. digital enhancements 13.
printing 14. digital circulation
II. LEARNING Arts Learner’s Guide
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide P133-142
2. Learner’s Materials P247-254
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Samples of Computer-generated Artworks in everyday life (posters, book/magazine
Resources covers, brochures, advertisements)/Gadgets/DSLR camera/Computer/Laptop

A. Reviewing previous The teacher Let the learner Present the Allow learners
lesson or presenting the presents the relate artworks of characteristics of to explore
new lesson. function of modern times to artworks in the alternative
artworks history and 21st century. materials for an
combining art traditions. artwork.
elements and
B. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner site significance of technology-based art.
C. Presenting Present more examples of artworks that expresses history and traditions.
examples/instances of
the new lesson.

D. Discussing new Learners’ activity.

concepts and practicing Exhibit of Technology-based art.
new skills #1.
E. Discussing new Enhancement activities:
concepts and practicing Use an application (PicsArt) to make collage and edit their favorite pictures creatively.
new skills #2.
F. Developing mastery Give the learners’ time to master performance.

G. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of Technology-based art on a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
H. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
I. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
J. Additional activities for Graded Performances/Customized Rubric System
application or

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