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Reimbursement of Expenses

Policy & Guidelines

Chief Financial Officer

Document outlining expense reimbursement Policy for AAH


The purpose of this policy is to clarify acceptable expenses incurred by employees in carrying out their duties
and this policy applies to ALL Employees of AAH.

General Principal

AAH is committed to providing employees with the equipment and support that they need to carry out their
duties, and ensuring that employees are not required to pay for items that are essential to their role. However, it
is recognised that there are situations when employees are required to incur legitimate business expenses which
will be reimbursed by AAH in accordance with the terms of this policy.

As a general rule, costs that are incurred by an employee where they will derive more personal benefit than
value for AAH will not be approved.

It is important to obtain your managers approval prior to incurring an expense to avoid the risk of the
expense not being reimbursed.

Expenses that will NOT be reimbursed

• Home internet services and personal IT equipment;

• Travel accessories;
• Drinks / food purchases at the airport whilst waiting for flights or while travelling on Virgin/Jetstar;
• Home office supplies;
• Entertainment of suppliers and/or clients unless approved beforehand by your Manager.
• Any expense that is more than 3 months old.

Process for Reimbursement

Approval for expenditure must be obtained from your Manager before expense is incurred.

Receipts must be obtained for all expenses in the form of a Tax Invoice.

Staff member and/or Client & Company names must be listed on the back of all receipts associated with
approved entertainment for FBT purposes.

An expenditure claim form must be completed and all receipts / invoices attached. A credit card statement is not
sufficient to substantiate an expense claim. If the tax invoice is lost, then it is the responsibility of the employee to
obtain a copy from the merchant. All other expenses require a receipt.

Expenditure claims must be signed by your Manager before forwarding to Accounts Payable no later than the
27th of the month. All expense claims will be reviewed for compliance with this policy and query any non-
compliant items with the appropriate Manager.

All approved reimbursements will be paid directly to the employee on the first business day of the new month.

Chief Financial Officer

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