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Internet, Email & Social Media Policy

AAH Internet, Email & Social Media Policy

AAH Internet, Email and Social Media Policy

• Introduction

Communication with customers is crucial to running the Australian Access Hire (AAH) Business model successfully whether
it be on-line or by phone. But when using the internet, email or social networks employees need to be vigilant and aware of
their obligations to AAH and its employees.
The AAH Internet, Email and Social Media Policy encourages the correct use of the internet and email during work hours
and the appropriate use of social media channels outside of work hours. Staff members are not restricted from using any
forms of social media however, when a staff member engages in social media activity there are certain implied
responsibilities that are expected to be followed.
Voicemail, Email, and Internet usage assigned to an employee's computer or telephone extension are solely for the purpose
of conducting Company business. Some job responsibilities at AAH require access to the Internet and the use of software in
addition to the Microsoft Office suite of products. Only people appropriately authorized, for Company purposes, may use the
Internet or access additional software.
The following procedures should be adopted and followed by all AAH employees:

• Software

Software needed, in addition to the Microsoft Office suite of products, must be authorized by your Manager and acquired by
the AAH IT representative.

• Internet

Internet use, on Company time, is authorized to conduct Company business only. Internet use brings the possibility of
breaches to the security of confidential Company information. Internet use also creates the possibility of contamination to
our system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people, outside the Company, potential access to
Company passwords and other confidential information.

Removing such programs from the Company network requires IT staff to invest time and attention that is better devoted to
progress. For this reason, and to assure the use of work time appropriately for work, we ask staff members to limit Internet

Under no circumstances may Company computers or other electronic equipment be used to obtain, view, or reach any
pornographic, or otherwise immoral, unethical, or non-business-related Internet sites. Doing so will be considered a breach
of this policy.

• Emails

Email Usage at Company

Email is also to be used for Company business only. Confidential Company information must not be shared outside of the
Company, without authorization, at any time. You are also not to conduct personal business using the Company computer
or email.

Please keep this in mind, also, as you consider forwarding non-business emails to associates, family or friends. Non-
business related emails waste company time and attention.

Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, is considered sexual harassment and will be
addressed accordingly as a breach of this policy.
Emails That Discriminate

Any emails that discriminate against employees by virtue of any protected classification including race, gender, nationality,
religion, and so forth, will be considered as harassment and a breach of this policy.

Company Owns Employee Email

AAH owns any communication sent via email or that is stored on company equipment. Management and other authorized
staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Please do not consider your
electronic communication, storage or access to be private if it is created or stored at work.

• Social Media
For the purposes of this section AAH defines social media and/or related channels as Facebook, Twitter and any similar
social networks.
Staff members are not restricted from using any forms of social media outside of work hours however, when a staff member
engages in social media activity there are certain implied responsibilities that are expected to be acknowledged. These are
as follows:

1. Staff are not to mention or comment on AAH without the consent of AAH.
Commenting on AAH in a manner detrimental to the business will be considered a breach of this policy.
2. Staff are to consider clients & colleagues when using social media
Commenting on clients or work colleagues in a derogatory fashion will be considered a breach of this policy.
3. Staff are to protect confidential & proprietary information
All Employees have an obligation to protect confidential and proprietary information. AAH will not tolerate the
sharing of confidential information.

• Breach of Policy
AAH employees should know that AAH can and will monitor employee use of social media and social networking web sites,
even if they are engaging in social networking or social media away from the office and out of office hours.

Serious breaches of this policy including inappropriate use of Email, internet or social media networks and breaches of
confidentiality will lead to disciplinary action being taken and potentially termination of employment.

Pat Italiano


I have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the AAH Email, Internet and Social Media Policy.

Name;___________________ Signature;________________

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