My New Proposal

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1.1 Background

Humor is important part in everyday life. In society, humor can used to avoid

the frozen conversation. It is a tool for enhance informal communication among

the users. Humor has a quality in something that makes it becomes funny and to

laugh at things. By using humor, the speaker can say the truth elegantly or softly

without disturbing someone feeling.

Humor can be funny for someone, but can be awkward because humor

phenomenon influenced by culture. Every society has their types of humor and

aspects. The aspect of humor that can makes funny or not depends on many

factor, including age, culture, personal experience, level of education and

geographical location. One of the most famous types of humor is American humor

that is well-known all over the world. The America sense of humor is more

slapstick and satire. Furthermore, both of satire and slapstick are part of humor.

According to Martin (2007, p. 25), “humor that occurs in everyday social

interactions can be divided into three broad categories: jokes, spontaneous

conversational humor, and accidental or unintentional humor.” Jokes are

prepackaged humorous anecdotes that means people memorize and pass on to one

another. Spontaneous conversational humor is a humor which is created

intentionally by individuals during the course of a social interaction, and can be

either verbal or nonverbal. Accidental or unintentional humor can be divided into

accidental physical humor and accidental linguistic humor. Accidental physical

humor includes minor mishaps, platfall and slapstick. Accidental linguistic arises

from misspellings, mispronounciations, and errors in logic.

Nowadays, types of humor are presented in America situation comedy entitled

Ocean’s 8. Ocean’s 8 is an American sitcom which tells about eight woman

related to the heist criminal. This movie is produced and written by Olivia Milch

and Garry Rose. This sitcom is brought to the audience in a humorous

overstatement, slapstick and satire way. The ways to make audience laugh are also

different. The characters in this movie usually say what they mean indirectly such

as using satire types in their conversation. By using the satire humor, the audience

will not only enjoy the sitcom but they will get information by understanding the

intended meaning from the characters in this movie.

The intended meaning in humor conversation can be analyzed by using the

theory of implicature. Implicature in humor can be divided into two points. First,

the implicature in humor can makes the audience laugh. Second, comprehending

implicature in movie comedy can help us understand the intended meaning of

utterances which are said by the characters in Ocean’s 8 movie. The goals of this

sitcom movie is not only to make the audience laugh but also to persuade the

audience to have the same thoughts with the characters.

Moreover, the problem in this movie is caused by the audience who do not

understand well the message that the characters want to say. Therefore, the

researcher choose to analyze implicature in Ocean’s 8 movie heist comedy

because the message that the characters want to say by using satire and

overstatement style humor which are funny. Based on Grice (2000, p.43) divided

implicature into two types, there are conventional implicature and conversation

implicature. Conventional implicature is determined the conventional meaning of

the words used. The conventional implicature does not depend on the special

context for the interpretation and does not occur in conversation. According to

Brown and Yule (1989, p. 31) “Conversation implicature is derived from a

general principle of conversational plus a number of maxims which speakers will

normally obey”.

In this study, the researcher will focusses to analyze the implicature or implied

meaning of the humor conversation in the characters in Ocean’s 8 movie. It is

important to be analyzed because in Ocean’s 8 movie, there are so many implicit

meaning which have other purpose. The characters in this movie use so many

types of humor but this research only uses two types of humor which the types are

really interesting. The types of humor are satire and overstatement. Therefore, the

two types are chosen because the types are very dominantly used in conversation.

As the result the researcher conducted a study entitled “The Implied Meaning of

Humor in the Ocean’s 8 Movie”.

1.2 Problem Limitation

This study can be analyzed into several theory such as focused on contextual

theory, focused on flouting maxim and etc. But in this research, the researcher

will analyze the implicature of conversation humor only and focused on the

conversation humor which is satire humor and overstatement humor because in

this movie the characters are dominantly use satire and overstatement utterance on

their communication.. In this case, the research applies:

1. Martin theory of humor to analyze the types of conversation humor.

2. Secondly, theory by Grice about the implicature which is focused on

conversation implied meaning by the conversation humor.

1.3 Research Question

1. What kind of conversation humor utterance in Ocean’s 8?

2. What are the implied meaning of conversation humor showed by

characters in Ocean’s 8?

1.4 Objective Research

1. To identify the conversational humor that are showed by the characters in

Ocean’s 8.

2. To reveal the implied meaning of conversational humor utterance in

Ocean’s 8 movie.

1.5 Significance of The Research

The research is expected to serve the theoretical and practical purpose:

1. Theoretically

The result of this analysis is expected to give the understanding of theory

humor and implicature of humor. Furthermore, this study is also expected

to make the students of English Study Program to have knowledge and

information about humor and the implicature.

2. Practically

It can help students of English Study Program to understand deeper in

studying humor theory and to make understand the implied meaning when

the other people use kind of humor in their conversation.



2.1 Review of Related Theories

2.1.1 Humor Theories

Humor is kind of communication that will be provoke to laughter and

amuse people. People laugh about anything but not with everyone. Humor is a

phenomenon which is influenced by culture. Every society or every culture has

their own types of humor. In this study the researcher will focused in the

American Humor in the movie Ocean’s Eight. American humor is difference with

another countries humor. The differences are due to the culture. American humor

is using kind of major of humor, there are ethnic group, accents, satire, wordplay


Humor has so many different forms, means and purposes. According to

Martin (2007, p. 11) say that “humor occurs in everyday social interactions unto

three broad categories: Jokes, spontaneous conversation of humor, and accidental

or unintentional humor.” Spontaneous conversation humor is more context

dependent than context joke telling, and it is rather not funny. A twinkle in the

eye, tone of voice, ambiguous than joke telling are example of conversation

humor. Long and Graesser in Martin (2007, p. 13) identify 11 categories of

spontaneous conversation of humor. There are: Irony, Satire, Sarcasm,

Overstatement and Understatement, Clever Replies to Serious Statement, Double

Entendres, Transformation of Frozen Expression, and Pun. Moreover, in this

study will focussed on the Satire and Overstatement humor since the characters in

the Ocean’s 8 movie more often use the Satire or Overstatement utterance to

create humor and implied meaning. Satire

Satire is kind of aggressive humor that pokes fun at social

institutions or social policy. Example of satire there are race relation,

social commentary, sexual discrimination and non-specific examples of

pop culture. Moreover, satire creates humor by constructing social

commentary. For example: Overstatement

Overstatement is also known as hyperbole. Hyperbole is to say

more than what is necessary.

2.1.2 Implicature

According to Yule (1996, p.35) said that “ implicature is called as an

additional conveyed meaning. Implicatures are primary examples of what is more

being communicated than what is said in order for them to be interpreted.” It

means that an utterance contains the meaning weather it is implied or not. Grice

introduce the concept of implicature. According to Grice (1975, p. 44) “ he

divided implicature into two types: conversation implicature and conventional

implicature.” Conventional implicature is determined the conventional meaning of

the words used. The conventional implicature does not depend on the special

context for the interpretation and does not occur in conversation. According to

Brown and Yule (1989, p. 31) “Conversation implicature is derived from a

general principle of conversational plus a number of maxims which speakers will

normally obey”.

In this study, the researcher will focusses to analyze the implicature or

implied meaning of the humor conversation in the characters in Ocean’s 8 movie.

It is important to be analyzed because in Ocean’s 8 movie, there are so many

implicit meaning which have other purpose. For example:

LOU: "Why do you need to do this?"

DEBBIE: "Because it's what I'm good at." (Satire)

LOU: "Uh, yeah."

DEBBIE: "You know what? I have run this thing 1,000 times. (Overstatement)
Every time I got caught, I fixed it. And in three years, I wasn't getting caught
anymore. By the time I was paroled, it was running like clockwork.
Perfectly.” (Overstatement)

The utterance happen when Debbie have lunch in the restaurant with Lou,

Debbie’s partner in crime. Lou asked Debbie “Why do you (Debbie) need to do

this (rob)?” and Debbie answered by saying satire utterance that “Because it’s

what I’m good at (it means expert in robbing something but she implied by

saying ‘good at’ thought actually not good overall). Furthermore, Debbie adds

overstatement by saying “I have run this thing 1000 times……… By the time I

was paroled, it was running like clockwork. Perfectly.” That utterance has

implied that Debbie has highly competent in crime especially in robbing


2.1.3 Ocean’s 8 Movie

Ocean’s 8 release on 8 June 2018, directed by Gary Rose and Olivia Milch

as co-writer. This is a kind of trilogy of movie “Ocean’s”. In this Ocean’s 8, eight

woman will be the main character, younger sister Danny Ocean, Debbie Ocean

has a partner in crime Lou. They planned to make a team, there are: Rose Weill as

fashion designer, Amita as a jewelry maker, Nine Ball as a computer hacker,

profiteer Tammy, who fences stolen, and pickpocket Constance.

This team have a great plan to steal the Toussaint (the necklace), $150

million Cartier necklace, from Met Gala (The most exclusive party in America).

This Met Gala invited the famous actress that known for her long neck, Daphne

who will wear the Toussaint. The team manipulates Daphne Kluger into hiring

Weil and convince Cartier to loan Daphne the Toussaint. Dabbie’s team also scan

and duplicate the necklace that use cubic zirconia duplicate. Tammy gets a job at

Vogue and she gains access to the gala. Debbie knows Claude Becker as art dealer

who ratted her to the police. Then, Debbie manipulates Daphne to invite Becker

as her date to the Gala. Lou as Debbie’s friend knows that Debbie has planning to

againts Becker, gets dissapointed by saying “don’t run a job, in a job” but actually

Debbie try to make sure that Becker cannot makes this team gone be end up in the


In this movie is kind of heist comedy that have 8 woman main characters.

Each characters represented their utterance in their conversation by using

conversation humor. This case, it can be interesting to be analyze them into types

of conversation humor that consist of satire and overstatement humor analysis.

Furthermore, when the character say something that is satire or overstatement

utterances, it can be rather difficult to understand the hide meaning what they

want to said actually. Moreover, in this research the researcher try to analyze the

forms of humor especially conversation humor which is focussed on satire and

overstatement humor and the next the researcher will analyze what the implied

meaning of the humor utterance by characters in the movie Ocean’s 8.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

Several studies have been conducted in the area of pragmatics especially

humor analysis. There are reviews and discussion about the implicature and

humor in the movie. Many researchers have done many studies on humor with

pragmatic approach. However, the writer has managed to find a lot of studies that

discuss about humor and implicature in order literary works – mostly are in a form

of paper, and thesis.

The first researcher is Septi Dyah Anggraini (2014) entitled A Pragmatic

Analysis of Humor In Modern Family Season 4. She analyzed the functions of

humor by applying theory of maxim flouting. The research reveal three findings.

The first is explanation of four types of maxim flouting. The second is about the

types of humor. And the last is about the function of humor that has relation with

maxim flouting.

In this study, the researcher investigates the same field about humor, but

this research will be more specific topic since the researcher only use two types of

humor which is satire and overstatement. This research different from those

previous studies. It observes not only the humor aspect, but this study observes

about the implicature which has purpose to finding the implied meaning of

conversation humor. Moreover, the data of the research were gained from the

utterances of the characters in the heist comedy movie entitled Ocean’s 8.

2.3 Theoretical Framework








3.1 Research Design

This research is using descriptive qualitative research. The descriptive

qualitative approach is used to describe and explain the conversation humor and

the intention of the speaker by using types of humor in the movie entitled Ocean’s

8. Meanwhile, the qualitative research is a kind of method analyzing the data by

describing the data in the writen text. According to Moleong (2002, p.4) said that

“A qualitative approach does a research on naturalistic from an entity, taken a

research as instrument, uses qualitative as the method and data is analyzed


Moreover, the design of this study is using a content analysis. Based on

Beverelson (as cited in Krippendorff, 2003, p.18) that “a research technique for

the objective, systematic and quantitative description of the manifest content of

communication”. The material can be taken from public records, textbooks,

letters, films, tapes etc.

3.2 Data Sources

There are sources data and the data. In this research, the source data is the

movie itself “Ocean’s 8” that is directed by Gary Rose and Olivia Milch as co-

writer. Whereas, data is taken from script in the Ocean’s 8 release on 8 June 2018,

directed by Gary Rose and Olivia Milch as co-writer. The writer got the data from

the script of “Ocean’s 8” that consists of two types of conversation humor. The

data were taken from the dialogues that contained the satire and overstatement

types of humor.

3.3 Data Collection

This research uses the documentation method:

1. Find the movie and the other references to get more data that relates about

humor and Implicature theory by Grice.

2. Use the movie script to be analyzed.

3. Focused with the main source of the data movie script Ocean’s 8 that will

be read repeatly and comprehended deeply.

4. Searching more data to get the understanding of Ocean’s 8 and the theory

by web surfing.

5. The writer compiles, classify, and tabulates the collected data into the

following table according table according to the Martin and Grice theory.

3.4 Data Analysis Technique

In analyzing data, the researcher makes the list of data, to select the

necessary data that can be analyzed in this research. After that, the next step is

collecting and classifying the data concerning the cases of the research. In this

step, the researcher will apply the theory that is connected with the problem of the

research to be described and to analyze the data with the theory. Then after

describing and analyzing data, the researcher concludes the discussion of the data

into the conclusion that is important to be read.

3.5 Research Instrument

The research instrument of this research contains two instruments, there

are the primary instrument and the secondary instrument. The primary instrument

is researcher and the knowledge related to the theories used. The researcher is the

only one who collects the information and developed the other research.

Meanwhile, the secondary instrument is the table as the data sheets. The form of

data sheets consists of four tables. The first table is for the data which contain the

humor utterances by the characters. The secondly table is for the context of the

utterances. The third is table for the types of conversation humor which is satire

humor and overstatement humor. The fourth table is for the analysis of

implicature to find the implied meaning.

Table 3.1. Example of Data Sheet Table


Str Ovs

1. LOU: The utterance 00:14:32 √ Lou asked Debbie “Why do

"Why do
you need to happen when --> you (for Debbie) need to do
do this?"
Debbie have 00:14:36 this (“do” it means rob)?” and
lunch in the Debbie answered by saying
it's what restaurant with satire utterance that “Because
I'm good

at." Lou, Debbie’s it’s what I’m good at.

partner in


Str : Satire

Ovs : Overstatement

3.6 Trustworthiness

It is important to give a trustiness to get the validity and realibility in a

research, since the validity and realibility in a research is referred to what is is

analyzed. It is needed to address how qualitative researchers establish the research

study’s findings are credible, transferable, confirmable and dependable. There are

all about the trustworthiness.

The credible, it means that the research process and result can be accepted

and believed. Transferable, it means the research results are applicable to other

context such as similar situation, similar population, and similar phenomena.

Confirmable means the findings are based on participant’s responses and not any

potential personal motivations of the researcher. The last, dependable means the

extention of the study could be repeated by other researchers and that the findings

would be consistent.



4.1 Types of Conversation Humor

Humor has so many different forms, means and purposes. According to

Martin (2007, p. 11) say that “humor occurs in everyday social interactions unto

three broad categories: Jokes, spontaneous conversation of humor, and accidental

or unintentional humor.” Based on the definition above that humor has categories,

then the researcher only focused on the conversation humor which is satire and

overstatement humor types since the characters in the movie are dominantly using

this types in conversation.

Long and Graesser in Martin (2007, p. 13) identify 11 categories of

spontaneous conversation of humor. There are: Irony, Satire, Sarcasm,

Overstatement and Understatement, Clever Replies to Serious Statement, Double

Entendres, Transformation of Frozen Expression, and Pun. Moreover, in this

study will focussed on the Satire and Overstatement humor since the characters in

the Ocean’s 8 movie more often use the Satire or Overstatement utterance to

create humor and implied meaning.

4.1.1 Satire Conversation Humor

Satire is kind of aggressive humor that pokes fun at social institutions or

social policy. Example of satire, the highlights race relations, sexual

discrimination and non-specific examples of pop culture.

4.1.2 Overstatement Conversation Humor

Overstatement is also known as hyperbole. Hyperbole is to say more than

what is necessary.

4.2.3 Implicature

According to Grice (1975, p. 44) “ he divided implicature into two types:

conversation implicature and conventional implicature.” Conventional implicature

is determined the conventional meaning of the words used. The conventional

implicature does not depend on the special context for the interpretation and does

not occur in conversation. According to Brown and Yule (1989, p. 31)

“Conversation implicature is derived from a general principle of conversational

plus a number of maxims which speakers will normally obey”.

In this study, the researcher will focusses to analyze the implicature or

implied meaning of the humor conversation in the characters in Ocean’s 8 movie.

It is important to be analyzed because in Ocean’s 8 movie, there are so many

implicit meaning which have other purpose.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 The Implied Meaning by Saying Satirical Conversation Humor

(1.) Conversation between Debbie and Lou in minute 00:09:31 --> 00:09:37

DEBBIE: “Did you get the credit line?”

LOU: “Not yet.”

DEBBIE: “Why not?”

LOU: “Because I don't know what it's for.”

The context of this conversation, Lou pick up her friend’s Debbie that she

has just been in jail for five years. Then, Debbie asked Lou when they stay in the

car that did Lou gets the credit line for her business. But actually Lou doesn’t

makes the credit line. We know that the credit line can help the financial to build

her business well.

Debbie asked seriously to the Lou about the credit line. But Lou gives

answered by making satirical humor that “Because I don’t know what it’s for”

thought actually Lou knows the function of the credit line itself but she won’t

manage the credit line because her works is illegal. She implied the meaning by

saying “don’t know what it’s for”.

(2.) The conversation between Lou and Debbie in minute 00:13:09 --> 00:13:14

DEBBIE: “So at first, I thought banks. Cause you know…”

LOU: “That's where they have money?”

DEBBIE: “Exactly. But that's kind of boring.”

The setting of this dialogue is in the street. Debbie and Lou are looking for

restaurant in the city and they look at the bank from the opposite. They are

actually talking about the place where they want to make a plan for robbing.

Debbie statement that the firstly she want to do is to find the place where they

have money, and of course it is the bank. But actually she just like rethinking

about robbing at the bank. Then, she said that “it’s kind of boring” it has implied

meaning that she actually often robing money at the bank and she try to find the

other object that possible to rob it accept the bank.

(3.) The conversation between Debbie and Lou in minute 00:14:02 -->00:14:06

LOU : “It's still a museum.”

DEBBIE : “So?”

LOU : “So, it's not like robbing a liquor store.”

The setting of this dialogue is in the restaurant. Debbie and Lou are

planning to robbing the necklace in the museum while they are lunch. In this

conversation when Debbie explain about the place where they want to rob the

necklace, Lou said that “it’s still museum…… So, it’s not like robbing a liquor

store” Lou statement is overstatement that has implied meaning. The implied

meaning is Lou actually want to remind Debbie that robbing something in

museum it’s not easy and has so many risk.

(4) The conversation between Debbie and Lou in minute 00:14:06 --> 00:14:10


LOU : “I'm sorry, I don't speak Ukrainian.”

Still in the restaurant with Debbie’s friend, Lou. In this part Debbie say

something while she was eating her lunch and Lou cut her statement by saying

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak Ukranian”. Lou’s statement is really interesting because

she teas or gives satire humor to Debbie by saying “I don’t speak Ukranian”. Iit

has implied meaning that Debbie’s utterance it’s not clear enough and almost likes

Ukranian language. Moreover, it is warning to Debbie when Lou cuts her

statement it’s like Lou gives signal to Debbie that don’t start communication

while you are eating.

(5) the conversation between Debbie and Lou in minute 00:14:51 --> 00:14:58

DEBBIE : “And you were there with me, every step of the way.”

LOU : “Oh, honey, is this a proposal?”

DEBBIE : “Baby, I don't have a

The setting in the restaurant, while Debbie and Lou are having lunch

together. They discussed their plan to robbing the necklace until Debbie explain

about the reason why she believe with Lou as her partner. Debbie believe. When

Debbie gives the reason why she believe to Lou, Lou gives satire humor by saying

“Oh, Honey, is this a proposal?” Lou implied that she is actually agree that

statement and realize that Debbie is her best friend. They are not lesbian actually,

but it expression about how the cutest of friendship between Debbie and Lou.

(6) The conversation between Lou and Debbie in minute 00:14:51 --> 00:14:58

DEBBIE : “And you were there with me, every step of the way.”

LOU : “Oh, honey, is this a proposal?”

DEBBIE : “Baby, I don't have a diamond yet.”

The setting in the restaurant, while Debbie and Lou are having lunch

together. They discussed their plan to robbing the necklace until Debbie explain

about the reason why she believe with Lou as her partner. Debbie believe with

Lou that Lou will always in beside of Debbie in everything. have a diamond yet”.

It is kind of satire humor that Debbie doesn’t has the diamond to held the proposal

however it just a humor but it can be related to the planning about stole the

diamond necklace. The implied is that they have to robbing the necklace

successfully and then they can get the happiness. They interpreted the proposal is

happiness and the diamond is the object that they want to robbing.

(7) The conversation between Lou and Deb in minute 00:14:59--> 00:15:04

DEBBIE : “Come on. Do you really wanna spend the rest of your life watering

down well vodka? Because it's really kind of a waste.”

The conversation still in the restaurant. In here, Debbie tries to convince

Lou that she must believe that it has a good benefits. Actually Lou work at the bar

after Debbie end up in the prison five years ago. Debbie statement “…. Do you

really wanna spend the rest of your life watering down well vodka?” it is satire

humor and she implied that Lou is just working at the bar and watering down the

vodka is illegal, and it doesn’t has a good benefit to her. So, Lou has changes her

job and life.

(8) The conversation between Lou and Deb in minute 00:15:42 --> 00:15:53

REPORTER : “No, I mean who's dressing you?”

DAPHNE: “I don't really know yet.”

REPORTER : “The designer.”

DEBBIE : “I don't know yet. But as soon as I do, you'll be the very first person

that I tell.”

In this part, Debbie and Lou join the fan-meeting of Daphne Klugger as

the artist who will wearing the cartier necklace. It is part of question and answer.

The one of reporter asked to Daphne about the designer of Daphne when she visit

the Met Gala soon. In this conversation is satire humor because when the reporter

asked to the Daphne about who’s the designer of Daaphne. Then, Daphne impled

by saying “… But as soon as I do you’ll be the very first person that I tell” it’s not

real statement but actually she wants to making stop the reporter who keeps asked

to her about the designer.

(10) The conversation between Lou and Deb in minute 00:16:11 --> 00:16:19

DEBBIE: “Rose Weil. Why do I know that name?”

LOU : “She was big, in the '90s.”

DEBBIE : “Oh, my God, all the Edwardian collars and the ruffles.”

LOU: “Travesty. But Anna still likes her.”

Daphne and they know that Daphne doesn’t has the designer yet. Deb and

Lou makes plan to find the designer to Dahpne. Then they found Rose Weil as the

designer. Rose will be the choose to be new team and makes a coordinator with

Deb and Lou. Debbie cannot believe with Rose Weil as the designer than she said

“She was big in the 90’s” has implied that the design by Rose is musty and is not

modern at all. But actually Rose ar target to be their team.

(11) The conversation between Lou and Deb in minute 00:16:11 --> 00:16:19

DEBBIE: “Rose Weil. Why do I know that name?”

LOU : “She was big, in the '90s.”

DEBBIE : “Oh, my God, all the Edwardian collars and the ruffles.”

It continued after Debbie and Lou visit the fan-meeting of Daphne and

they know that Daphne doesn’t has the designer yet. Deb and Lou makes plan to

find the designer to Dahpne. Then they found Rose Weil as the designer. Rose

will be the choose to be new team and makes a coordinator with Deb and Lou.

The second Debbie’s statement has the satire humor “….. all the Edwardian

collars and the ruffles” implied meaning that it is not good designer.

(12) The conversation between Deb an d Lou in minute 00:16:32 --> 00:16:37

LOU: “There's a lien on her assets, they've impounded her passport. The bank

seized her townhouse.”

DEBBIE: “She sounds amazing.”

The setting in this conversation is in Rose’s boutique and they try to

analyze about Rose’s life. Lou told to Debbie that Rose has so many problem with

financial. To answer Lou’s explanation about Rose then, Debbie said satire humor

by saying “She sounds amazing”. It implied meaning that rose are really poor

person. The words “amazing” is satire of bad things. Then, it can be related to the

Debbie’s planning that Rose will join Debbie’s team of robbing.

(14) The conversation between Deb and Rose in minute 00:17:41 -->00:17:58

ROSE: "Did you read this? It's by a blogger.”


ROSE: "Rose Weil. " Her new collection is like taking a tour of your

grandmother's closet. Just as dated, and just as musty………."”

Debbie and Lou found Rose Weill in the corner of her room and they try

to talk with Rose to make sure that she wants to join them in a team. But first,

Rose shows the one of netizen’s comment in her blog. The comment by netizen in

Rose’s blog continued to be satire humor that the designer by Rose is just musty

and dated. The implied is Rose is never change her model design.

(16) The conversation between Deb and Lou in minute 00:20:06 --> 00:20:10

DEBBIE: “These are all Russians. They're hackers.”

LOU: “Are there no hackers who aren't Russian?”

In this section, the setting is in the Lou’s house when Deb and Lou

discussed to find the hacker cctv and communication. This conversation is satire

humor because when Deb gives the statement that “these are all Russians. The’re

hackers”. Then Lou gives question answer in satire humor by saying “Are there

no hackers who aren’t Russian?.” It implied that they need Russian and the

Russians almost can be hacker. So it easy to find the hacker.

(17) The conversation between Deb and Amita in minute 00:21:21 --> 00:21:36

DEBBIE: “How long would it take you to make seven pieces of jewelry if the

stones were already cut?

AMITA: “Probably five or six hours.”

DEBBIE: “How long if I told you you didn't have to live with your mother


AMITA: “Less.”

Debbie and Lou must have to find goldsmith. Then Debbie has old friend who’s

goldsmith. Her name is Amita, from Indian. They meet in the street market and

they discussed about Amita’s skilled to cut the jewelry. Then Debbie question

about how long to make seven pieces of jewelry has been answered by Amita.

Then, Debbie try to makes sense satire humor by saying “How long if I told you,

you didn’t have to live with ypur mother anymore?” then Amita said “less”. The

Deb’s question impled that actually Amita’s background family is not harmony

since her father dead and her mother doesn’t care with her. so by answering “less”

it can be that Amita have to finish to make seven pieces jewelry in a short time.

4.2.2 The Implied Meaning by Saying Overstatement Conversation


(3.) The conversation between Debbie and Lou in minute 00:14:02 -->00:14:06

LOU : “It's still a museum.”

DEBBIE : “So?”

LOU : “So, it's not like robbing a liquor store.”

The setting of this dialogue is in the restaurant. Debbie and Lou are

planning to robbing the necklace in the museum while they are lunch. In this

conversation when Debbie explain about the place where they want to rob the

necklace, Lou said that “it’s still museum…… So, it’s not like robbing a liquor

store” Lou statement is overstatement that has implied meaning. The implied

meaning is Lou actually want to remind Debbie that robbing something in

museum it’s not easy and has so many risk.

(12.) The conversation between Deb and Lou in minute 00:16:50 --> 00:16:59

LOU: “Those guys over there? The only ones who'll still loan her money.”

DEBBIE: “They look a little worried.”

LOU: Yeah, who can blame them? This is a train wreck.

The setting in this conversation is in Rose’s boutique and they try to

analyze about Rose’s life. Lou told to Debbie that Rose has so many problem with

financial. While Lou told about Rose’s problem, Debbie comment that the guys

who’s loan Rose’s money are look worried to the performance design by Rose.

Then, Lou adds statement “….. This is a train wreck” Lou uses kind of

overstatement to comment the design performance by Rose. This is implied that

the performance is bad and it can makes new problem to Rose, because it is

doesn’t has benefits overall.

(13.) The Conversation between Deb and Rose in minute 00:17:41 -->


ROSE: "Did you read this? It's by a blogger.”


ROSE: "Rose Weil. "Her new collection is like taking a tour of your

grandmother's closet. Just as dated, and just as musty………."”

Debbie and Lou found Rose Weill in the corner of her room and they try to talk

with Rose to make sure that she wants to join them in a team. But first, Rose

shows the one of netizen’s comment in her blog. Rose read the comment by

netizens in her blog. It is kind of overstatement that the design performance by

Rose is look like “a tour of your grandmother’s closet”. The implied is that the

design work of Rose is old fashion or not modern.

(15) The conversation between Lou and Debbie in minute 00:18:53 --> 00:19:02

ROSE: "She seems sort of tense."

DEBBIE: "Can be."

ROSE: "Good body. Good boobs. Huge features.Eyes like Bambi."

After Rose join the team of Deb, Rose will makes a plan or design to the Daphne

by looking the character bodies of Daphne. Rose comment the body of Daphne

and she judge that Daphne has good body, good boobs, huge features and eyes

like bambi. “eyes like bambi” is implied that bambi is deer animal in the kartoon

movie which has cute and big eyes. Then Rose compare the eyes of Daphne and

Bambi’s eyes. So, Daphne’s eyes is big, cute, clear and shiny like a bambi’s eyes.



5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Suggestion

From the previous conclusion, for the readers who are interested to

analyze the implied meaning of conversation humor in the movie, they should

analyze the context because identifying the implicature especially the implied

meaning can be done if they know the context of the utterances. Then, for the

readers who are interested in pragmatic study, the readers can use the other movie

but in the same genre as the object of analysis. The readers can apply the other

theories in terms of humor. The readers can also apply the other theories of

implicature such as literal meaning or apply theory of context such as situation

context or cultural context.


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