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Lorenzo’s Oil- Movie Reflection Questions

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper

1. Did “Lorenzo” appear to be normal at birth?
2. When did “Lorenzo” start having abnormal (not-normal) behavior?
3. How did “Lorenzo” get this disease? Was it from his mother or was it from his father?
4. What did this disease do to “Lorenzo’s” nervous system?
5. How did the lives of the family change after “Lorenzo’s” diagnosis?
6. How did diet affect this disease's progression?
7. How did Augusto use modeling (remember the paper clips) to solve a scientific problem?
8. Did this family's courage and determination inspire you? Explain your answer.
9. Why did the parents encounter resistance from the medical community and from the
disease support organization?
10. What did you learn from observing the mother’s behavior when faced with disappointment
from medical science and “support groups”?
11. What was "Lorenzo's Oil"? Why was it so special?
12. We can learn anything we want to. Most of us will and should regard ourselves as "lifelong
learners" even if we don’t spend another day in school. How did Augusto and Michaela
Odone demonstrate this?
13. How do we all use scientific method to solve everyday problems in our lives?
14. As you reflect on this movie, how did the Odone family use the scientific method? Start
with the problem statement and use examples from the movie to illustrate the steps. Be
able to answer this question on a quiz! (like, a Monday quiz).

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