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Art History PowerPoint Worksheet

Websites: The following are websites that may be used to help you find some of the

Write your answers on a separate piece of paper..

Slide 1: Title Page

Slide 2: The Venus of Willendorf is a very early piece of religious art done in a style
unlike anything we see today. When was she discovered and whom do they think
created her?

Slide 3: We have seen the Great Pyramids in magazines, on television, and in the
movies. In general, we know they are found in Egypt but where are they specifically
located? Who ordered the building of the largest of the pyramids?

Slide 4: What is the leading theory on how Stonehenge was built?

Slide 5: The Parthenon was in pretty good shape until sometime in the 20th Century.
What happened to create most of the destruction we see in pictures?

Slide 6: Where is Nike of Samothrace on display?

Slide 7: What languages are represented on the Rosetta Stone? Where is it displayed?

Slide 8: What was the Pantheon used for after it was built?

Slide 9: Since it was built in 537, what has the Hagia Sophia been used for?

Slide 10: What is the height of the tallest spires found atop Chartres?

Slide 11: Where did Jan van Eyck live most of his life?

Slide 12: Give a detailed description of how Michelangelo created the frescoes on the
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Slide 13: Is the Last Supper a painting like you would hang on your wall? If its not, what
is it?

Slide 14: Approximately how many Pietas’ did Michelangelo create? Where are many of
them on display?
Slide 15: What makes this sculpture come alive for those who see it?

Slide 16: What is the current theory on who the woman in the painting was?

Slide 17: The slide says St. Peter’s was designed by many architects over a period of
125 years. Name at least three different architects responsible for some of the major

Slide 18: Who was Raphael and what type of painting was he most famous for creating?

Slide 19: The slide says the Last Judgment was the largest fresco created in that
century. How big was it?

Slide 20: List at least three other paintings Titian created.

Slide 21: His name is given as Caravaggio. Is that his real name? Where did the name
come from?

Slide 22: What is a triptych?

Slide 23: What school of painting was Bernini associated with?

Slide 24: How big the Night Watch?

Slide 25: Michael Atlee calls this painting the best in the world. Why would he say such
a thing?

Slide 26: Where did Vermeer live and what type of paintings was he most famous for

Slide 27: What art movement was J-L David associated with?

Slide 28: Ingres is a painter who really showed something special in his paintings. What
was it?

Slide 29: What were Goya’s ‘black paintings’?

Slide 30: Delacroix is considered the last of the great ___________________________ artists.

Slide 31: What type of medium did Turner first paint with? (You may need to look up
what is meant by the word ‘medium’ as it relates to art.

Slide 32: What was the subject of many of Millet’s paintings?

Slide 33: Manet painted the Tuileries because he enjoyed the lifestyle he found there.
What were the Tuileries?

Slide 34: Manet painted in a style that is now known as _______________________________.


Slide 35: Renoir worked closely with what painter?

Slide 36: Why was the Eiffel tower built? How tall is it?

Slide 37: Come up with a definition for existential angst.

Slide 38: What is cubism?

Slide 39: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ is considered a study in brutality. What is the
subject of the painting and why did he paint it?

Slide 40: What was Matisse’s last painting?

Slide 41: Boccioni is said to be a master of the art form known futurism. What is
futurism when referring to the art world?

Slide 42: Where was Cassatt from and what type of things did she most like to paint?

Slide 43: Give your impression of his famous painting of “Black on White”.

Slide 44: What is Dadaism?

Slide 45: What type of materials did Brancusi like to work with?

Slide 46: What is Surrealism?

Slide 47: Wright is the premier architect of the 20th century. He practiced something
called ‘organic architecture’. What is organic architecture?

Slide 48: On November 1, 2006, one of Pollack’s paintings was sold for the highest price
ever paid for a painting. Which painting was it and how much was paid for it?

Slide 49: What is Pop Art?

Slide 50: What is the story a behind this sculpture?

Slide 51: Where can you find this painting on display?

Slide 52: Find one weird story about Van Gogh’s life and write a bit about it.

Slide 53: Title page

Slide 54: How were most Moche pottery forms produced?

Slide 55: See if you can find an explanation on how the Incan people created the tightly
fitting stonework that abounds in their buildings. In most places you would be unable to
slip a piece of paper between the stones.
Slide 56: What explanation is given for the huge round heads you find in Olmec

Slide 57: Where and how did the Aztecs build the city of Tenochtitlan?

Slide 58: Maya ceramics are very famous. What kind of themes did they place on their
ceramic pieces?

Slide 59: Title Page

Slide 60: Who were the Anasazi and what happened to them?

Slide 61: What types of designs were incorporated into Navajo weaving?

Slide 62: What types of art can be associated with this culture?

Slide 63: Where are the homelands of the Nez Perce?

Slide 64: What culture are the Assiniboine closely associated with?

Slide 65: Find another depiction of Lakota art and print it off.

Slide 66: Write a description of Ojibwe pictorial writing.

Slide 67: What are main themes in Tlingit designs?

Slide 68: What five tribes made up the original Five Nations, or Iroquois Confederation?

Slide 69: Title Page

Slide 70: What is terracotta?

Slide 71: What was the standard type of ‘paper’ the Chinese painted on?

Slide 72: What are the approximate dates for the Ming, Tang, and Han dynasties?

Slide 73: Japanese art used a special art form called woodblock prints. How are these

Slide 74: In the painting “The Great Wave”, what is kind of wave is being represented?

Slide 75: What is meant by the title “Amida Buddha” shown in this slide?

Slide 76: What is the name of the famous Indian tomb built by a rajah in honor of his

Slide 77: To what god was this temple originally dedicated to worship?

Slide 78: Title Page

Slide 79: When did the Nok culture flourish?

Slide 80: Which museum has the largest collection of the Benin bronzes?

Slide 81: Find two pictures of African masks and attempt to draw them.

Slide 82: Title Page

Slide 83: In Aboriginal culture, what is dreamtime?

Slide 84: How did early Aborigines “spray paint” objects?

Slide 85: What is meant by the term botanical illustrator?

Slides 86-105: These slides are for you to enjoy.

Final Project: Complete the worksheets attached.

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