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This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary data

and information that will be used in the study. This will also show the research design,

population and samples, research instrument, data gathering procedure and data processing


Research Design

This study engaged a phenomenological research design method used to assess the

perceptions of grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on the

usage of security technologies at Kapatagan National High School. The goal is to arrive on what

individuals are experiencing shared phenomena. This was to describe their personal experience

as possible on their own words.

Population and Samples

The researchers came up that they must have the Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) 12 classroom at Kapatagan National High School (KNHS) as population

of the study.

Simple random sampling is used to select randomly from the total population of 37

STEM 12 students. Hence, the students of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

12 will be selected to be the samples for our study.

Research Instrument

The data were collected utilizing interview, sound recording and researcher-made

questionnaire. There were 30 questions given to the respondents. The questionnaire contains

questions regarding circumstances that the participants’ may encounter when Kapatagan

National High School (KNHS) utilizes security technologies and they may feel free to write their

feelings about the certain problem. For the interview and sound recording, we used cellphone,

paper and ballpoint pen to jot down what are the respondents’ thoughts and ideas in establishing

security technologies in school.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data of this study, the researchers sent a permission letter to the class adviser

in grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand to inform about the

researcher's intent to conduct a survey in class. Inscribed in the letter was the purpose for our

study and the list of participants. After given the approval, the researchers are able to send the

consent forms to the selected participants on (date). Once the consent forms are being signed by

the adviser, questionnaires for STEM students are given on their leisure time

Data Processing Procedure

The researchers will apply weighted mean for data analysis. The weighted mean will be

used to determine the answer in this study given by the respondents after the presented


This study is dedicated to our devoted parents,

For lending us strength throughout the making of this masterpiece.

For their everlasting love, care and faith.

As well as compensating for the financial used to provide the materials needed and

relieving them by creating this wonderful piece.

To our friends, relatives and teachers,

For the guidance and bestowed hope that gives us the urge to continue this study.

Lastly, to our Omnipotent God who reigned all lives,

For constantly staying by our side and protecting at all cost. Giving us immeasurable

faith in times of sadness that leads us to accomplish our goal by completing this study.

These we offer to you.


With overflowing gratitude towards the people behind this success, the researchers would

like to lengthen their thanks to the following people bear a hand in generating this study to be


To the research adviser, Ma'am Beverley Gelacio Alviola, mastery, guidance and

constant advices throughout the study. We thankful for providing as with the opportunity to

sincerely write a research paper. Without her support it would have been very difficult for us to

prepare the paper so interesting.

To the respondents of the study, for their undeniable support and participation, the

researchers truly appreciates in terms of providing all information needed in the study.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for

educating and preparing us for our future. Their engagement when the times got tough are much


Last but not the least, we are very grateful to God Almighty for without his graces and

blessings, this study would not have been possible.


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